Motivation Through Employee Participation

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Motivation through Employee Participation

Table of Contents
1. QWL.........................................................................................2
a. QC.........................................................................................3
b. Employee share ownership..................................................4
c. Flexible Work Schedule........................................................5
2. Self-managed work teams......................................................6

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Motivation through Employee Participation

1. QWL
QWL stands for Quality of Work Life. It indicates the quality of
relationship between employees and the total work environment.
It believes that people perform better when they are allowed to
participate in managing their work and make decisions. This
approach motivates people by satisfying not only their economic
needs but also their social and psychological ones. To satisfy the
new generation workforce, organizations need to concentrate on
job designs and organization of work. Further, today’s workforce is
realizing the importance of relationships and is trying to strike a
balance between career and personal lives. There are some
mechanisms through which elements of QWL can be achieved.
They are:
a QC
b Employee share ownership
c Flexible work schedule

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Motivation through Employee Participation

a. QC
QC stands for Quality Circle. The concept of QC is essentially
Japanese. A quality circle or quality control circle is a group of
workers who do the same or similar work, who meet regularly to
identify, analyze and solve work-related problems. It consists of
minimum three and maximum twelve members in number.

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Motivation through Employee Participation

b. Employee share ownership

Employee stock ownership, or employee share ownership, is where a
company's employees own shares in that company. Employees
typically acquire shares through a share or share option plan. Such
plans may be selective or all-employee plans. Selective plans are
typically only made available to senior executives. This scheme has
major two advantages:

i. The ownership feeling is developed among the employees

and increases their commitment to the organization.
ii. The employees would have an opportunity to participate in
decision making and share their ideas, opinion and creativity
with the management of their organization.

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Motivation through Employee Participation

c. Flexible Work Schedule

These are also called flextime.

Flexible schedules allow employees to vary their arrival and

departure times from work, or choose the days that they work. For
example, an employee might be allowed to come in any time
between 9 am and 11 am, and leave any time between 5 am and 7

The advantage of this system is that the employee can tailor their
workday to fit their personal needs. It gives them more personal
control over the hours they work each day. A number of studies have
shown that flexible work hours do often results in higher levels of

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Motivation through Employee Participation

2. Self-managed work teams

Self-management teams work toward goals that are defined by a
staff person outside the team. A self-directed team defines its own
goals. While the self-management team is independent, the team
members are interdependent. The team is self-regulating, operating
with few external controls. Team members determine schedules,
procedures and the need to make adjustments. Self-management
teams are used in different work environments, including
manufacturing, service industries, professional services and virtual
environments. Effective self-management team models are
appropriate for the type of work performed, the workplace
environment and the structure of the business.

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