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Ch. 5: Development and Socialization

Universal Brains Develop into Culturally Variable Minds

Sensitive Periods for Cultural Socialization Sensitive
period: A period of time in an development that allows
for the relatively easy acquisition of a set of skills
Sensitive Periods for Language Acquisition 150 Phonemes
No language uses more than 70 phonemes Henry
Kissinger and brother Walter moved to the U.S. when
they were 15 (H) and 14 (W). However, Henry has
always kept a thick German accent while has diminished,
showing that there is a sensitive period for language
learning area fMRIs show bilingual individuals who
learned their second language later in life have activation
in different parts of the brain depending on if their native
language is spoken or their second. However, bilingual
individuals that learned their second language early in life
show no difference in brain activity no matter which
language is being spoken. have had exceedingly hard
times learning languages once they are back in human
society Boy of only ever learned to speak and Genie
struggles with putting sentences together despite having
an extensive vocabulary Girl in the silent life until 6
severely cognitively disabled Sensitive Periods for
Acquiring Culture Chinese immigrants to Canada example
Cultural Differences in Psychological Processes Emerge
with Age N. Americans tend to believe in linear E. Asians
tend to believe in nonlinear How Do Early Childhood
Experiences Differ Across Cultures? Personal Space
Difference in cultures regarding if the child should be held
at all times or if the child should have interactions with
their mother Babies having their own room is a largely N.
American practice 7 members sleeping arrangement:
Incest avoidance Protection of the vulnerable Female
chastity anxiety Respect for hierarchy Sacred couple
Autonomy ideal: young children who are needy and
vulnerable should learn to care for themselves Parenting
Styles Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom Authoritarian: High
expectation, low warmth Authoritative: High expectation,
high warmth Permissive: Low expectation, high warmth
Noun Biases Present in N. America Difficult
Developmental Transitions The Terrible Twos Occur when
the toddler begins to develop their personality Adolescent
Rebellion This separate period of life is found in all
observed making it a universal existential This period is
said to be one of violence, although many societies
expect antisocial behaviors rather than violence (only of
countries expected adolescent boys to be violent, girls
Studies show that countries with higher individualism and
modernity have a more difficult time during adolescence
Socialization Through Education Luria did a study in
which he found that participants with no formal education
had a hard time thinking taxonomically (separating items
into categories) Schooling provides a different cultural
experience that those with no formal education are
exposed to Study conducted Stevenson shows that
schooling led to improved contextual memory, spatial
memory, serial memory, and visual and sequential
analysis Case Study: East Asians and Math Education In
Asia, math is taught more through the day, with real
world explanations than in America Parents in Asia
consider school to be extremely important and they teach
this to their children from a young age Asian mothers
point out their flaws and mistakes in hopes of their child
performing better next time Linguistic differences also
contribute to the difference in mathematic abilities

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