Dune Rules Starbase v20
Dune Rules Starbase v20
Dune Rules Starbase v20
V 2.0
4. Each player’s tokens are positioned on the board as B. In the first turn during the storm round, the Fremen player
indicated on his shield randomly selects one weather movement marker from the six
a. Fremen tokens may include Fedaykin (starred) placed in a coffee cup. He looks at it and places it face down on
tokens. the margin of the game board.
b. The Bene Gesserit player may place a single token C. In the next storm round the number is revealed; the storm is
in any territory (instead of just the Polar Sink). This is moved counterclockwise that number of sectors; and the number
done after the Fremen placement. Bene Gesserit marker is returned to the cup. The Fremen player then selects a
tokens are not required to co-exist in the first game number marker for the next turn’s storm movement. This is
turn. repeated each turn.
All tokens in reserve are placed behind the shield. D. Any tokens in a sector of a sand territory (except the Imperial
5. One card from the treachery deck is dealt to each player. Basin) over which the storm passes or stops must go to the
a. The Harkonnen player receives two cards. ‘Tleilaxu Tanks’ on the game board.
1. Fremen lose only half of their tokens to the ‘Tanks (rounded
IV. OBJECT OF PLAY up) in a territory affected by the storm.
Each character has a set of unique economic, military, strategic or Any spice in a sector over which a storm passes or stops is
treacherous advantages. The object of the game is to use these removed to the Spice Bank.
advantages to gain control of Dune. The winner is the first player to
occupy at least three strongholds (red territories) with at least one of VII. SPICE BLOW
his tokens at the end of any turn in the game. A. The top card of the spice deck is turned over.
A. If a player wins (alone or as an ally, even with the Bene 1. If it is a territory card, the amount of spice indicated on the
Gesserit) when the Bene Gesserit has predicted, the card is placed from the Spice Bank onto the territory in the
prediction is revealed and the Bene Gesserit player alone has sector containing the asterisk. If the asterisk sector is
won. The Bene Gesserit player can win normally, of course. currently in storm, no spice is placed that turn.
B. If no player has won by the end of the last turn and if the 2. If it is a worm card, a Nexus occurs immediately during
Fremen player (or no one) occupies Sietch Tabr and which alliances can be formed and broken. (see XII.
Habbanya Ridge Sietch, the Fremen have prevented Alliances). Upon conclusion of the Nexus, the following
interference with their plans to alter Dune and automatically takes place:
win the game. a. All spice and tokens in the territory last turned up in
C. If no player has been able to win the game by the end of play the spice deck are removed to the Spice Bank and
(including the Fremen special win), the Guild has prevented ‘Tanks, respectively.
control of Dune and automatically wins the game. b. If a worm appeared in a territory where the Fremen
1. If no player has been able to win the game by the end of player has tokens, they are not devoured, but may
play and the Guild is not in play, the Fremen player wins. immediately move to any one territory on the board
If the Fremen are also not in play, the player occupying (subject to storm and occupancy rules). Fremen allies
the most strongholds wins. In the event of a tie, all are likewise protected, but may not ride worms. Note
qualifying players win. that tokens/spice in the ‘destination’ territory are
unaffected by the worm and that Fremen may not ride
V. SEQUENCE OF PLAY worms into storm sectors.
DUNE is played in turns to a maximum limit of 15 turns. Each turn c. Another card is turned over, and so on, until a territory
is composed of six specific rounds that must be completed in the card appears and spice is placed
exact sequence presented below: d. Additional worm cards drawn do not signal another
Nexus, but each additional worm which appears after
A. Storm Round the first may be placed by the Fremen player in any
The storm marker is moved around the map. territory he wishes. These additional worms may also
B. Spice Blow be ridden by the Fremen (as in 2 above), but will only
The top card of the spice deck is turned over and spice tokens devour tokens/spice located in a sand territory. Worms
are placed in the territory indicated. never devour tokens in the destination territory.
C. Bidding Round 3. During the first turns spice blow only, all worm cards turned
Players bid spice to acquire treachery cards. over are ignored and shuffled back into the spice deck.
D. Revival and Movement Round
First, players reclaim tokens from the ‘Bene Tleilaxu Tanks’. VIII. BIDDING ROUND
Then each player, in turn, lands and moves his tokens on the A. One of the players deals from the treachery deck a number of
map. cards equal to the number of players who can bid for treachery
E. Battle Round cards this round. If the treachery deck is empty, reshuffle the
Players resolve battles in every territory which is occupied by discard pile to form a new deck. A player cannot bid for
two or more characters’ tokens. treachery cards if he already holds 4 treachery cards, except for
F. Collection Round the Harkonnen player, who may hold up to 8 cards.
Tokens in territories which contain spice may collect the spice. B. The dealt cards are placed face down in a row along one board
edge. The first card in the row is now auctioned for spice.
VI. STORM 1. The Atreides player may look at the card currently up for
A. In the first storm round only, the storm marker is placed at a purchase before any player bids on it.
random location along the map edge using the following 2. The player whose player dot the storm next approaches
procedure. The players whose player dots are nearest on begins the bid for the first card.
either side of the storm ‘at start’ sector will independently dial a 3. The first player may bid one or more spice or pass. Bidding
number from ‘zero’ to ‘twenty’ on the wheels. The two then proceeds to the player to his immediate right who may
numbers are simultaneously revealed, totaled and the storm raise the bid (even if he previously passed) or pass and so
marker moved from the ‘at start’ sector counterclockwise that on around the table until a top bid is made and all other
number of sectors around the map. The storm is not players pass. The top-bidding player then pays the number
considered to have moved in the first turn, but will destroy any of spice he bid to the Emperor player (or the Spice Bank if
tokens in a sand territory over which it is placed (per item D there is no Emperor) and takes the card.
below). After initial storm placement, the battle wheels are no a. Any spice paid by the Emperor must be paid to the
longer used to move the storm. Spice Bank.
4. If the winner of a card is the Harkonnen player, he then gets
an extra card from the top of the treachery card deck for
free in addition to the card he won. The Atreides player may
not look at this card.
C. No player may bid more spice than he has [unless by Karama]. c. No player may ship into a sector in storm.
D. In subsequent bidding that round, the first player who can bid i. The Fremen player may violate this rule so long
to the right of the player who opened the bid for the previous as they are not using a Guild alliance advantage.
card begins the bidding for the next card. In this way every Fremen tokens shipping into storm sectors suffer
player gets a chance to open the bidding for a treachery card. half losses (rounded up).
E. Bidding for treachery cards continues until all cards available ii. The Guild player may not ship out of sectors
for bid have been auctioned off or a card is not bid on by under storm.
anyone. If a card is passed by everyone, all remaining cards d. No player may ship into a stronghold already occupied
are returned to the top of the treachery deck and the bidding by two other players, except for Bene Gesserit tokens
round is over. that are peacefully coexisting in the stronghold (see
F. The number (not the type) of treachery cards each player XIV. Bene Gesserit Coexistence).
holds must always be open to everyone during the bidding e. Whenever another player ships tokens onto Dune, the
round. Nobody is allowed to hide the number of cards that he Bene Gesserit player may ship, for free, one token
holds during bidding. from his reserves into either the same territory that the
G. A player can never have more than four cards in his hand at other player has shipped to this turn or into the Polar
any one time, except for the Harkonnen player, who can have Sink.
eight. If a player has a full hand, he must pass on all cards up f. No player, except the Guild, may ship tokens from the
for bid. board back to his reserves.
H. Each player must bid within five seconds of the previous player g. The Guild player is capable of making one of three
or he is assumed to have passed. types of shipment each turn:
I. CHOAM Charity: i. He may ship normally from off-planet reserves to
At the start of the bidding round, any player who has no spice Dune at half the normal cost (rounded up).
may collect two spice from the Spice Bank by calling out ii. He may ship any number of tokens from any one
“CHOAM Charity”. territory to any other territory on the board at half
1. Beginning with the second turn, the Bene Gesserit player the normal cost for off-planet shipping (rounded
automatically receives CHOAM Charity each bidding up).
round whether he has spice or not. iii. He may ship any number of tokens from any one
J. A description of the function of each treachery card is given in territory back to his reserves at the cost of ½
the Player Aid Pad. spice per tokens (rounded up).
h. The Fremen player may bring any or all reserves onto
IX. MOVEMENT any territory within two territories of, and including, the
A. The player whose player dot the storm next approaches is Great Flat (subject to Fremen storm and occupancy
termed the ‘first player’. He always opens the bidding for the rules). Tokens may be brought onto the board
first treachery card and makes the first move in a turn. If a regardless of the storm location, but suffer losses if
storm is on the player dot, it is considered to have passed that placed in a sector under storm. The Fremen player
player. may not move tokens onto Dune in any other way.
1. The Atreides player may look at the top card of the spice i. A Fremen player allied with the Guild may ship
deck at the beginning of the movement round. tokens planet-to-planet only. The Fremen may
B. Token Revival: not use the Guild alliance to ship tokens from
Before any movement is made, all players may revive up to reserves to the planet, nor to ship tokens from the
three tokens from the ‘Tleilaxu Tanks’. planet back to reserves.
1. A certain number of tokens are revived for free as stated 2. Token movement:
on the player shield. Any additional tokens that may be a. Each player may move, as a group, any number of his
revived must be done at a cost of two spice per token. All tokens from one territory into one other territory.
spice expended for revival is placed in the Spice Bank. Tokens placed during shipment may be moved during
2. A player can never revive more than three tokens per turn token movement.
except by treachery card. i. A player who starts the Movement Phase with
3. Revived tokens must be placed in the player’s reserve. one or more tokens in either Arrakeen, Carthag
4. The Fremen player may only revive one Fedaykin token or both has access to ornithopters and may move
per turn. his token group through up to three adjacent
5. The Emperor player may only revive one Sardaukar token territories. The token group does not have to be
per turn at normal cost. in Arrakeen or Carthag to make the three territory
C. The ‘first player’ takes his move first. Play then proceeds to move. Thus, for example, a player with one or
the right until all players have taken their moves. more tokens in Arrakeen would be able to move
a. The Guild player is not required to take his move tokens starting in Tuek’s Sietch through Pasty
when it occurs in the turn sequence but may take it Mesa and Shield Wall to the Imperial Basin
at any turn in the sequence that he wishes. The rest where they must stop.
of the players must take their turns in the proper a) If the Fremen player rides a worm into
sequence. The Guild player does not have to reveal Arrakeen or Carthag before the Movement
when he intends to take his turn until the moment Phase, he has access to ornithopters.
that he wishes to execute his move. b) If the Bene Gesserit player declares non-
Each player’s move is composed of two segments. coexistence in Arrakeen or Charhag at the
1. Shipment: beginning of the Movement Phase and the
a. A player may make one shipment of any number of stronghold is empty, he has access to
tokens from his reserves to any one territory on the ornithopters.
map. ii. Any player without a token in either Arrakeen or
b. A player must pay spice to the Guild player (or Spice Carthag at the start of his token movement does
Bank if there is no Guild player) for his shipment. not have access to ornithopters and can only
The cost of shipping off-planet reserves is one spice move his token group by foot to one adjacent
per token shipped into any stronghold and two spice territory.
per token shipped into any other territory. iii. If the Fremen player does not have access to
i. The Fremen player does not have to pay as his ornithopters, he can move his token group
reserves are on the far side of Dune. through up to two adjacent territories.
ii. The Guild player only pays half the fee
(rounded up) when shipping his tokens,
payable to the Spice Bank.
b. Each player may make only one move per turn. a. The Fremen player’s three starred tokens (the
c. Sectors have no effect on movement, i.e., tokens Fedaykin) are worth two normal tokens in battle and
can move into or through a territory ignoring all for taking loses.
sectors. A sector’s only function is to regulate the b. The Emperor player’s five starred tokens (the
movement and coverage of the storm and spice Sardaukar) are worth two normal tokens in battle and
collection. No token may move into, out of, or in taking losses against all opponents but the Fremen.
through a sector in storm. Many territories occupy 2. One leader disc is placed face up in the slot on the wheel.
several sectors, so that a player may move into and a. If a player has at least one leader or ‘cheap hero(ine)’
out of a territory which is partly in the storm so long treachery card available, he must use one in the battle
as the group does not pass through the part covered plan. A player cannot choose not to play a leader. If a
by the storm. player neglects to play a leader but has one available,
d. When ending a move in a territory lying in several the lowest value leader available is added to his battle
sectors, a player must make clear in which sector of plan.
the territory he chooses to leave his tokens. i. Any turn after losing a total of at least 7 tokens in
e. The Polar Sink is never in storm. battle(s), the Atreides player may begin using the
f. Tokens do not block movement with one exception. Kwisatz Haderach counter. It cannot be used
Like shipment, tokens cannot be moved into or alone in battle but may add its +2 strength to any
through a stronghold if tokens of two other players one Atreides leader or cheap hero(ine) per turn.
are already there, with the exception of Bene If the leader or cheap hero(ine) is killed, the
Gesserit tokens that are peacefully coexisting in the Kwisatz Haderach has no effect in the battle.
stronghold (see XIV. Bene Gesserit Coexistence). Kwisatz Haderach can only be killed if blown up
Otherwise, tokens are free to move into, out of, or by a lasgun/shield explosion. An Atreides leader
through any territory occupied by any number of accompanied by Kwisatz Haderach cannot turn
tokens. traitor. If killed, Kwisatz Haderach must be
D. Leader Revival revived like any other leader, for a cost of 2 spice.
1. If all 5 of a player’s leaders are in the ‘Tanks’ and/or If not killed, it has no effect on Atreides leader
captured by Harkonnen, a player may revive one leader revival.
per turn until all of his leaders have been revived. ii. Every time the Harkonnen player wins a battle he
2. To revive a leader, a player must pay that leader’s may select randomly one leader from the losing
fighting value in spice to the Spice Bank. player (including the leader used in battle, if not
a. The Kwisatz Haderach may be revived at a cost of 2 killed, but excluding all leaders already used
spice and has no effect on leader revival. elsewhere that turn). He can immediately turn
3. A revived leader can be played normally and is still the leader into the ‘Tanks to collect 2 spice, or
subject to being a traitor, but may not be played in the save the leader to use the leader once in a battle
same turn in which it was sent to the ‘Tanks’. after which the leader must be returned to the
4. A player may revive a leader only at the end of his move. original owner. If all of the Harkonnen leaders
5. If a revived leader is again killed and sent to the ‘Tanks, it have been killed, he must return all captured
cannot be revived again until all of the player’s other leaders immediately to their original owners (if
revivable leaders have been revived, killed and sent to still alive). Captured leaders that have been
the ‘Tanks again. Leaders killed a second time should be killed are put in the ‘Tanks, from which the
placed face-down until all other leaders of that faction original owners can revive them. Captured
have been revived. leaders automatically act as traitors for their
original owners and also retain their traitor status
X. BATTLES when played against other players.
A. Battle Determination b. If a player cannot play a leader in battle, i.e., they are
1. Battles must occur between players whose tokens occupy all in the ‘Tanks or have fought in another territory that
the same territory. round, he must still battle but he must declare that he
2. Battles continue until just one player’s tokens or no is without a leader and he cannot play any treachery
tokens remain in all territories on the map with two cards as part of his battle plan. His total is simply the
exceptions: number of tokens he dials.
a. Players cannot battle one another in a territory if
their tokens are separated by a sector in storm.
Their tokens can remain in the same territory at the
end of the round. Tokens are considered separated
by storm if the storm is located between them or
over one group but not the other. Tokens from two
or more players in the same sector and under the
storm must still battle (they are not separated by
b. Players cannot battle in the Polar Sink. It is a free
haven for everyone.
3. When resolving battles, the ‘first player’ is named the
aggressor until all of his battles, if any, have been fought.
Battles are fought in player order regardless of when the
Guild actually moved. The aggressor chooses the order in
which he wishes to fight his battles. Then the player to
his immediate right becomes the aggressor and so on,
until all battles are resolved. 3. He may play either a weapon or defense treachery card or
4. If three or more players are in the same territory, the both by holding them against the wheel as shown. A
aggressor picks who he will battle first, second, etc., for worthless treachery card may be played in place of a
as long as he survives. weapon, defense or both.
B. Battle Plan: a. Cards may be held face-down against the wheel.
1. To resolve a battle, each player must secretly formulate a Cards used in this manner are not considered played
battle plan. Each combatant picks up a ‘battle wheel’ and and may be returned to the player’s screen without
secretly dials a number from zero to the number of tokens revealing them. Players may wish to do this in order to
he has in the disputed territory. hide the number of cards that they are playing.
4. The Bene Gesserit player may use the ‘Voice’ to force his 2. The player loses nothing, regardless of what was played in
opponent to do as he wishes with respect to one of the the battle plans. He also receives the traitorous leader’s
cards he plays in his battle plan, i.e., to play or not to play fighting strength in spice.
a projectile weapon, shield, poison weapon, poison 3. If both leaders are traitors, each in the pay of his opponent,
snooper, lasgun or worthless card. both player’s tokens in the territory, their cards played and
5. The Atreides player may force his opponent to show him their leaders are lost. Neither player gets any spice.
his choice of one of the four elements he will use in his
battle plan against the Atreides: the leader, weapon, XI. SPICE COLLECTION
defense or number dialed. If the opponent shows that he A. Any player with tokens in a sector of a territory in which there is
is not playing a weapon or defense, then the Atreides spice may now collect that spice. The collection rate is three
may not ask to see another element of the plan. spice per token if the player occupies Carthag or Arrakeen. It is
6. When both players are ready, the battle plans are two spice per token if the player does not occupy Carthag or
revealed simultaneously. Arrakeen.
a. The Bene Gesserit ‘Voice’ must always be used B. Uncollected spice remains where it is for future turns.
before the Atreides ‘Prescience’. Truthtrance can be C. During every collection round, each occupant of Carthag and
played at any time in this interaction, but may not be Arrakeen collects 2 spice and the occupant of Tuek’s Sietch
used to interrupt the Prescience question. Please collects one spice. To qualify for collection, a player needs to
note that a player has the ability to alter his battle occupy the stronghold only at the time of collection. If a player
plan after ‘Voiced’, ‘Prescienced’ (sic) or occupies two or all three of these strongholds, he collects spice
‘Truthtranced’, so long as the changes do not violate for each that he occupies.
the Voice command or answers to Prescience or
Truthtrance. XII. ALLIANCES
C. Battle Resolution: A. Once a worm (Shai-Hulud) spice card is turned over on the
1. The winner is the player with the higher total of number second or subsequent rounds, a Nexus occurs and play stops
dialed plus leader’s fighting strength. immediately.
2. In the case of a tie, the aggressor has won. B. All players have a chance to make, join or break alliances. Once
3. If the opponent played a weapon treachery card and the players have had a chance to do so, play continues with the
player did not play the proper defense treachery card, the worm devouring spice and tokens and/or giving a free move to
player’s leader is killed and cannot count toward his total. the Fremen.
Both leaders can be killed and neither count in the battle. C. Forming an Alliance:
4. Any leaders killed are immediately placed in the ‘Tanks. 1. Players may discuss among themselves the advantages
The winner immediately receives their value (including his and disadvantages of allying, and with whom.
own leader, if killed) in spice from the Spice Bank. 2. An alliance may contain any number of players (see
Surviving leaders are retained by their owners. XV.B.).
5. The losing player loses all the tokens he had in the 3. The members of an alliance must be revealed to all.
territory to the ‘Tanks and must discard every treachery Alliances cannot be secret.
card he used in his battle plan. 4. Several alliances can be formed during a Nexus, but no
6. The winning player loses only the number of tokens he player can be a member of more than one.
dialed from the territory to the ‘Tanks. He may keep or 5. Once all players have had a chance to ally, no further
discard any of the cards he played. He may take his alliances can be made until the next Nexus.
losses in any manner as long as it agrees with the D. Breaking an Alliance:
strength dialed. 1. Any player may break an alliance during a Nexus. He just
a. The same weapon or defense card may be played in announces that he is breaking from the alliance.
more than one battle if victorious, even in the same 2. Players who break from an alliance have an opportunity to
round. immediately join or form a new alliance.
b. Token losses may be taken in any manner as long E. How an Alliance functions:
as it agrees with the strength dialed. 1. Allied players’ tokens are considered the same for
7. Note that the loser does not lose his leader as a result of purposes of victory (see IV. Object of Play). If together
battle. Leaders are killed only by weapon treachery they hold three strongholds at the end of the turn, they
cards. have jointly won the game (see XV.A).
8. No player may use a surviving leader in battle in another a. The Bene Gesserit prediction is considered true if
territory during the same round. The leader may be any member of a winning alliance was predicted to
played in another battle in the same territory, however. win on that turn.
D. Traitors: b. A player may not claim a solo victory while part of an
1. If, during a battle, the player’s opponent displays a leader alliance.
as part of his battle plan which the player selected as a 2. Allies may discuss strategy secretly at any time.
traitor in his pay at the start of play, he may immediately 3. During the bidding round, allies may help each other by
call out, ‘treachery’ and reveals the circled name on his paying some or all of the cost of each other’s treachery
Player Aid Pad. The player immediately wins the battle cards so that one can bid more spice than he actually has.
and the opponent must lose all of his tokens in the The amount of spice bid cannot exceed the amount of
territory and the traitorous leader to the ‘Tanks and spice possessed by the allied players.
discard all cards he played. 4. During the movement round, allies may pay for each
a. Calling a traitor is always optional. A player may other’s shipments.
always choose to win/lose a battle normally rather 5. Allies may not enter any territory (except the Polar Sink) in
than reveal a traitor that they have selected. which one of their allies already has a token(s) and, thus,
b. A leader accompanied by Kwisatz Haderach cannot may never battle one another.
be called as traitor. a. Co-existing Bene Gesserit tokens are the only
c. Leaders captured by the Harkonnen player exception to this rule.
automatically act as traitors for their original owners, 6. Allies may assist one another as specified on their shields:
even if listed as a traitor for the Harkonnen player.
Captured leaders retain their traitor status when
played against other players.
A. Players are never required to keep secret the strength of their Although I am generally adverse to house rules, there are a few times
reserves, cards or spice held, or traitor selected although they when they are beneficial, or even necessary. Following are the house
are never obligated to reveal this information. rules that I endorse and that my group plays with.
B. All reserves and spice should be kept in the pocket of the
shield. The number of treachery cards held must be kept open A. Extra Strongholds for Alliance Victories (modifies IV.)
during the bidding round but can be kept secret at all other 1. The game tends to come to a hasty ending when allies are
times. allowed to win with only 3 strongholds. Because of this, I
C. Players can make any kind of verbal deals or bribes between recommend the following rule:
one another. Once made, these deals and bribes must be a. When playing with alliances limited to only two players,
stated aloud and must be honored. A player cannot renege on an alliance must hold 4 strongholds at the end of the
a deal or bribe. Spice can be part of the bribe or deal. turn instead of 3.
D. A deal or bribe cannot involve the transfer or gift of treachery b. When playing with alliances of any number, an alliance
cards, leaders, tokens or character powers. A player cannot must hold 2 more strongholds than the number of
make a deal or bribe that would contravene the rules or his players in the alliance. For example, a 3-player
character’s powers. These are the only limitations. alliance would have to hold all five strongholds to win.
A. TREACHERYCARDS 7. Can a player voluntarily refuse to reveal a traitor if played against
1. Does the ‘Family Atomics’ have an immediate effect if blown him in battle?
when the storm marker is overArrakeen, Imperial Basin or Carthag?
Answer— Yes. If your traitor appears in battle against you, you need
Answer— When the ‘Family Atomics’ is blown, the sector which the not reveal him as your traitor. Also, by common concent, players may
storm currently occupies is never affected. All appropriate sectors choose not to play a leader even if available. If done, it must be
into which it moves will be affected. announced before the battle plans are completed, and only the token
strength can be used in the battle plans as explained in X.C.10.
2. Can the “Family Atomics” be exploded if the ShieldWall or if the
adjacent territory from which the explosion is being initiated is in C. MOVEMENT
storm? 1. Does a worm move count as the one group move allowed to the
Fremen each turn?
Answer— Yes, in both cases.
Answer— No. In fact, the worm move is made in the spice blow and
3. Does the lasgun / shield explosion destroy the spice in the not in the movement round.
territory as well as the tokens?
2. Do sectors affect movement?
Answer— Yes. Please note also that all tokens in the territory are
lost, including those of players who were not involved in the battle. Answer— Only in the case explained in battle question one. Sectors
function to regulate the movement and effect of storms and the
4. If a Karama card is played to prevent the Atreides player from placement
looking at treachery cards, does it affect just one card or all cards and collection of spice. They do not affect
up for bid? movement.
Answer— All cards up for bid.
3. If a storm is over Arrakeen or Carthag does it affect the three
territory (ornithopter) move?
5. Can a ‘Bene Ghola’ card allow a leader to fight in the same round
in which he was killed? Answer— No, except of course, into, out of, or through the storm.
Answer— No, a leader revived during a battle round cannot be
used until the next battle round at the earliest.
1. Are revived leaders still subject to turning traitor?
6. Is the Ghola 5 token revival free? Answer— Yes. Once a leader is in a player’s pay, he (she) is in his
pay for the entire game even if revived.
Answer— Yes.
2. Can players revive leaders if others have been captured by
7. If the Bene Gesserit is stopped from playing a worthless card as
a Karama card by another player’s Karama card, can she retrieve
her card? Answer— Yes. A player can begin to revive his leaders if he doesn’t
have any of his own leaders available to play in battle (this includes
Answer— No. Both cards played must be discarded.
Harkonnen, too).
8. Does the Karama worm called by the Fremen signal a Nexus?
Answer— No. A Nexus is signalled only by a Shai-Hulud worm 1. Do allies pay the Guild for all of their
card. shipments?
Answer— Yes.
1. Can a player’s tokens which have moved into different sectors of
2. What is the exact rate for the Guild shipment back to his reserves—
the same territory at different times battle as a group? Can they
1 spice per two tokens, or half of that?
move or ship as a single group?
Answer— One spice per two tokens.
Answer— They must move and ship independently of one another.
They must fight as a single group (if storm permits).
3. What happens if at the end of the play, no one has won and the
Guild are not in play?
2. Can a player substitute a cheap hero(ine) for a weapon or
defense card in order to get rid of it or must he only play it in the Answer— The Fremen wins. If he is not in play, the player occupying
place of a leader? the most strongholds. If several qualify, all who qualify to win.
Answer— No, he cannot substitute a cheap hero(ine) for a weapon
6. How does the Guild pay for an odd token shipment?
or defense card. It may only be played as a substitute for a leader.
Answer— All fractional costs are rounded up. So a five token
3. May the same weapon or defense card be played in more than shipment costs the Guild three spice; a one token shipment costs him
one battle, if victorious? More than one battle in the same round, if one spice; etc.
7. When the Fremen brings reinforcements, must he include the Great
Answer— Yes to both questions.
Flat when counting the two territory range from the Great Flat?
6. What happens if truthtrance, Bene Gesserit ‘voice’ and Atreides Answer— No. Never include the Great Flat when counting the two
‘prescience’ or some combination thereof, are being used in the territory range
same battle?
Answer— The Bene Gesserit ‘voice’must always be used before
the Atreides ‘brescience’. Truthtrance can be played at any time in
this interaction. Please note that a player has the ability to alter his
battle plan after ‘voiced’, ‘prescienced’(sic) or ‘truthtranced’.
AT START – 10 tokens in Arrakeen and 10 in reserve (off-planet). AT START – 10 tokens distributed as you like on Sietch Tabr, False
Start with 10 spice. Wall South, and False Wall West; and 10 tokens in reserves
FREE REVIVAL – 2 tokens. (on the far side of Dune). Start with 3 spice.
ADVANTAGES – You have limited prescience. FREE REVIVAL – 3 tokens (you cannot buy additional revivals).
1. During the bidding round, you may look at each treachery ADVANTAGES – You are native to Dune and know it’s ways.
card as it comes up for purchase before any player bids 1. You may move your token group two territories instead of
on it. one.
2. At the start of the movement round, you may look at the 2. You may bring any or all of your reserves onto any territory
top card of the spice deck. within two territories of and including the Great Flat (subject
3. During the battle round, you may force your opponent to to storm and occupancy rules).You may not move onto
show you your choice of one of the four elements he will Dune in any way other than this.
use in his battle plan against you; the leader, the weapon, 3. If a worm appears in a territory where you have tokens,
the defense or the number dialed. If your opponent shows they are not devoured but, immediately upon conclusion of
you that he is not playing a weapon or defense, you may the nexus, may move to any one territory on the board
not ask to see another element of his plan. (subject to storm and occupancy rules).
4. Any turn after losing a total of at least 7 tokens in 4. If no player has won by the end of the last turn and if you
battle(s), you may use the Kwisatz Haderach counter. It (or no one) occupies Sietch Tabr and Habbanya Ridge
cannot be used alone in battle but may add its +2 Sietch and neither Harkonnen, Atreides nor Emperor
strength to any one leader or cheap hero(ine) per turn. If occupies Tuek’s Sietch, you have prevented interference
the leader or cheap hero(ine) is killed, the Kwisatz with your plans to alter Dune and you automatically win the
Haderach has no effect in the battle. Kwisatz Haderach game.
can only be killed if blown up by lase gun-shield 5. You select and my look at next turn’s storm marker.
explosion. A leader accompanied by Kwisatz Haderach (optional)
cannot turn traitor. If killed Kwisatz Haderach must be 6. During a spice blow, all additional worms which appear
revived like any other leader. If not killed, it has no effect after the first worm can be placed by you in any territory you
on Atreides leader revival. (optional) wish. They cannot devour tokens if not in a desert territory.
ALLIANCE – You may assist your allies by forcing their opponents (optional)
to show them one element of their battle plan. 7. If caught in a storm, only half of your tokens are killed (any
fractions are rounded up). You may bring your reserves into
B. BENE GESSERIT a storm at half loss. (optional)
AT START – 1 token in Polar Sink and 19 tokens in reserves 8. Your three starred tokens (Fedaykin) have a special fighting
(off-planet). Start with 5 spice. capability. They are worth two normal tokens in battle and
in taking losses. They are treated as one token in revival.
FREE REVIVAL – 1 token. Only one Fedaykin token can be revived per turn. (optional)
ADVANTAGES – You are adept in the ways of mind control. ALLIANCE – Your allies are not devoured by worms. They win with
1. At the start of the game (before traitors are picked) you you if you win at the end of the last turn.
write down the name of one other player and the turn in
which you think he will win (you can’t predict the E. GUILD
automatic Guild or Fremen victory at the end of play). If AT START – 5 tokens in Tuek’s Sietch and 15 tokens in reserve
that player wins (alone or as an ally, even your own) (off-planet). Start with 5 spice.
when you have predicted, you reveal the prediction and
you alone have won. You can win normally, of course. FREE REVIVAL – 1 token.
2. Whenever any other player ships tokens onto Dune from ADVANTAGE – You control all shipment onto and off Dune.
off-planet, you may ship free 1 token from your reserves 1. You are capable of making one of three possible types of
(spiritual advisors) into the Polar Sink. You may also ship shipments each turn. You may ship normally from off-planet
normally, of course. reserves to Dune; or you may ship any number of tokens
3. You may ‘voice’ your opponent to do as you wish with from any one territory to any other territory on the board; or
respect to one of the card he plays in his battle plan, i.e., you may ship any number of tokens from any one territory
to play or not to play a projectile, shield, poison, snooper, back to your reserves.
lasegun or worthless card. You cannot voice a cheap 2. You need to pay only half the fee when shipping your
hero(ine) card. If he can’t comply with your command, he tokens. The cost of shipping to your reserves is one spice
may do as he wishes. for every two tokens shipped or fraction thereof.
ALLIANCE – In an alliance you may ‘voice’ an ally’s opponent. 3. When any other player ships tokens onto Dune from off-
planet reserves, he pays the spice to you instead of to the
C. EMPEROR spice bank.
AT START – 20 tokens in reserves (off-planet). Start with 10 spice. 4. If no player has been able to win the game by the end of
play, you have prevented control of Dune and automatically
FREE REVIVAL – 1 token. win the game.
ADVANTAGE – You have access to great wealth. 5. You are not required to take your move when it occurs in
1. Whenever any other player pays spice for a treachery the turn sequence during the movement round but may take
card, he pays it to you instead of to the spice bank. it at any turn in the sequence you wish. The rest of the
2. Your five starred tokens (elite Sardaurkar) have a special players must take their turns in the proper sequence. You
fighting capability. They are worth two normal tokens in do not have to reveal when you intend to take your turn until
battle and in taking losses against all opponents except the moment you wish to take it. (optional)
Fremen. Your starred tokens are worth just one token ALLIANCE – Allies may use the same types of shipments and at the
against Fremen. They are treated as one token in revival. same costs as you. They win with you if no one else wins.
Only one starred token can be revived per turn. (optional)
ALLIANCE – You may give spice to your allies to purchase
treachery cards, to revive tokens and to make shipments.
Their payment for any treachery card even with your own spice
comes right back to you.
AT START – 10 tokens in Carthag and 10 tokens in reserve
(off-planet). Start with 10 spice.
FREE REVIVAL – 2 tokens.
ADVANTAGES – You excel in treachery.
1. At the start of the game you write down the name of all
leaders belonging to other players which you draw. All are
in you pay.
2. You may hold up to 8 treachery cards. At first, you are
dealt 2 cards instead of 1, and every time you buy a card
you get an extra card free from the deck (if you have less
than 8 total).
3. Every time you win a battle you can select randomly one
leader from the loser (including the leader used in the
battle, if not killed, but excluding all leaders already used
elsewhere that turn). You can immediately turn the leader
into the ‘tanks’ for 2 spice; or use the leader once in a
battle after which you must return him (her) to the original
owner. If all of your own leaders have been killed
ALLIANCE – Leaders in your pay may betray you allies opponents,