Anti-Inflammatory: Activity of The Steroid Alkaloid Glycoside, Tomatine
Anti-Inflammatory: Activity of The Steroid Alkaloid Glycoside, Tomatine
Anti-Inflammatory: Activity of The Steroid Alkaloid Glycoside, Tomatine
Marine Colloids Inc., Springfield, New Jersey, U.S.A.), dried in air overnight on
glass plates, paired+2 mg and autoclaved for 1 hr at 30 lb/in2. Pellets were
implanted subcutaneously one into each axillary fold of groups of male rats under
light ether anaesthesia. Each animal received 100,000 i.u. penicillin G potassium
intramuscularly both on the day of implantation and 1 day later. The compound
or the vehicle was then administered subcutaneously once daily for 7 days, the
first dose being given immediately after implantation. Twenty-four hours after
the final dose, the animals were killed and the pellets, together with the surround-
ing granulomatous tissue, were dissected out, dried at 600 C for 48 hours and
weighed. If either granulomatous pellet was found to contain serum or blood,
both were discarded. The extent of granulomatous tissue formation was calculated
by subtracting the original pellet dry weight.
Peritoneal capillary permeability test (Northover, 1963)
Groups of mice received the compound or vehicle subcutaneously. Three hours
later each mouse received 4 ml. of 0.05 N acetic acid in 0.9% saline intraperitoneally.
followed as quickly as possible by 0.1 ml. of 4%/0 pontamine sky blue intravenously.
One hour after the administration of the dye the animals were killed and the
peritoneal cavity was opened and drained. The exudate was centrifuged for 10 min
at 2,000 rev/min and 0.5 ml. of the supernatant was diluted with 4 5 ml. of 0.9%
saline. Dye concentrations were measured in a Perkin-Elmer spectrophotometer
at 625 m,u, saline being used as a blank. The mean percentage of light absorption
was then calculated for both the treated and control groups.
Student's t test was used to evaluate the results in all experiments.
Rat paw oedema
Groups of twenty intact rats were given tomatine in doses of 0-1, 1, 5 or 10 mg/kg;
tomatidine in a dose of 20 mg/kg, hydrocortisone in a dose of 5 mg/kg, or dexa-
methasone in a dose of 0-1 mg/kg intramuscularly, 1 hr before the administration
of carrageenan into the left hind paw. Identical numbers of animals received the
corresponding vehicles. The results obtained in these experiments are summarized
in Table 1. Tomatidine given in doses of 1 mg/kg or more induced a significant dose
dependent inhibition of paw swelling. In this test, the anti-oedema effects of
TABLE 3. Effect ofpretreatment time on the inhibitory action of intramuscularly administered tomatine
on carrageenan induced paw oedema in intact rats
Pre- Number Mean paw volume %
treatment of animals Increase in ml. + S.D. Inhibition
time Dose , D-- of paw P
Drug (hr) (mg/kg) Test Control Test Control swelling value
Tomatine 8 10 20 20 0.26±0-13 0-46±0-16 43.5 <0001
Tomatine 24 10 20 20 0.24±0.13 0.36±0-14 33-3 < 0 01
Tomatine 48 10 30 28 0.37+0.20 0-39±0.20 5-1 N.S.
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Anti-inflammatory activity of tomatine 753
The results obtained are summarized in Table 4. As can be seen, orally adminis-
tered tomatine in the dose range used exerted a significant dose dependent inhibitory
activity upon oedema formation.
Cotton pellet induced granuloma formation
Groups of ten rats were treated daily for 7 days with tomatine in a dose of 5 or 10
mg/kg, tomatidine in a dose of 10 mg/kg, dexamethasone in a dose of 01 mg/kg,
or the corresponding vehicle subcutaneously. Table 5 summarizes the results
obtained. At both dose levels tomatidine induced a significant inhibition of
granulation tissue formation. The effect was dose dependent, but as the data show,
in this test tomatine was much less potent than dexamethasone. The daily
injections were well tolerated by the animals and at the time of pellet removal no
signs of local purulence were found at the site of the tomatine injection. Tomatidine
in the dose administered did not inhibit granulation tissue formation. Animals
treated with dexamethasone lost about 15% of their original body weights, whereas
all of the other animals which were treated with tomatine, tomatidine or the various
vehicles showed an average weight gain of about 12%.
Peritoneal capillary permeability test
Groups of 11 mice were injected subcutaneously with 1, 5 or 10 mg/kg of
tomatine, 10 or 20 mg/kg of tomatidine or the corresponding vehicle in a total
volume of 015 ml. Table 6 summarizes the absorption at 625 mg for the diluted
peritoneal fluids. Only at a dose of 10 mg/kg, did tomatidine significantly inhibit
the leakage of dye into the peritoneal cavity while tomatidine in the dose range
administered did not exert any significant inhibitory activity.
The results obtained in these experiments indicate that tomatidine not only
exhibits a fairly potent anti-inflammatory activity in the tests used but also mani-
fests several rather unusual properties not previously described for any other anti-
inflammatory compound in general use. The anti-inflammatory activity of tomatine
was most extensively studied in the carrageenan-induced rat paw oedema test
because it permits a valid quantitative assay and because most of the known anti-
inflammatory drugs seem to possess anti-carrageenan activity (Winter, Risley &
Nuss, 1962; 1963 ; Niemegeers, Verbruggen & Janssen, 1964; Winter, 1964).
In its oedema inhibiting activity, tomatine showed a good dose-response relation
in the dose range used. In adrenalectomized animals at each dose level tested, the
TABLE 6. Influence of tomatine and tomatidine on capillary permeability in the mouse peritoneum
Number %
Drug of animals Absorbance at 625 mni±S.D. Inhibition
administered Dose o __-_-- ___ of dye P
subcutaneously (mg/kg) Test Control Test Control leakage value
Tomatine 10 20 19 0.21640-095 03199±0*139 34-4 < 0 01
Tomatine 5 21 21 0.444+0.157 0470+0e158 5-5 N.S.
Tomatine 1 19 19 0.406±0t142 0377±0*182 -7.7 N.S.
Tomatidine 10 20 20 0408+0.178 0*457±0*231 10-7 N.S.
Tomatidine 20 21 21 0371+0.144 O-409+0147 8.8 N.S.
754 R. B. Filderman and B. A. Kovacs
relative percentage inhibition brought about by tomatine was higher than in intact
animals. These results are very unusual and at present cannot be explained.
Another unusual result was the long duration of action of a single dose of tomatine
in inhibiting carrageenan-induced rat paw oedema. This effect was, however,
anticipated since Wakkary et al. (1967) have previously demonstrated a very long-
lasting but reversible effect of tomatine in the inhibition of histamine or bradykinin
induced smooth muscle contractions.
In order to evaluate the possible anti-inflammatory activity of tomatine and
tomatidine on the later stages of inflammation, the widely used carrageenan impreg-
nated cotton pellet granuloma test was selected. Granulation tissue formation has
been shown to be depressed by nearly all anti-inflammatory drugs, but the steroids
are most active while phenylbutazone and salicylates show poor activity and chloro-
quine is almost inactive (Whitehouse, 1965; Adams & Cobb, 1967). The effect of
tomatine in suppressing granulation tissue formation seems to be similar to that of
steroids, since the inhibition of the granuloma formation was directly proportional
to the dose of tomatine used. Unlike the dexamethasone treated animals, which lost
about 15% of their original body weights by the end of the experiment, the animals
treated with tomatine and tomatidine showed no change in body weight as compared
with controls. Tomatine therefore appears to be effective in suppressing granulation
tissue growth without overt toxic effects.
Tomatine has a steroid nucleus, and yet the entire molecule may be functioning
in a manner which differs from that of the steroid compounds. Consequently, as a
further test, the mouse peritoneal capillary permeability test of Northover (1963) was
chosen, since it has been shown (Northover, 1963, 1964) that steroids are ineffective
in this situation while non-steroid substances are generally active.
Tomatine was found to exert a significant inhibition of dye leakage when given in
a dose of 10 mg/kg subcutaneously. Therefore, according to the criteria of the
method in this test, tomatine seems to act like a non-steroid drug.
Interestingly, tomatidine, the aglycone of tomatine, showed no significant inhibi-
tory activity in any of the three tests. Previously, Calan and Callow (1964) also
observed that tomatidine, unlike tomatine, did not protect animals against the lethal
effects of a histamine aerosol.
The present studies did not include systemic toxicological investigations, but
Wilson, Poley & De Eds (1961) showed that tomatine is a relatively non-toxic agent.
It has also been shown by several groups of workers that tomatine exhibits anti-
fungal and antibacterial activity (Irving, Fontaine & Doolittle, 1945; Schuster &
Tarrade, 1969). Should tomatine prove to be effective as an anti-inflammatory
agent in humans without exerting the serious side effects observed with both the
steroid and non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, it may be of use in the treatment
of chronic inflammatory diseases.
This work was supported by a grant from the John A. Hartford Foundation (New York).
We are greatly indebted to Dr. B. Rose, Director of the Division of Immunochemistry and
Allergy, for his constant interest in the progress of this study. The authors also wish to thank
Miss S. McPhail, Mr. G. Szentirmay and Mr. I. De Thokoly, Jr., for valuable technical
assistance. Data from a thesis presented to McGill University, Montreal, by Dr. R. B.
Filderman in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, June
1969. Work done during support of Dr. R. B. Filderman by Medical Research Council
Anti-inflammatory activity of tomatine 755
(Canada) Fellowship Grant. We wish to thank Marine Colloids Inc., Springfield, N.J., U.S.A.,
and Merck, Sharp and Dohme, Montreal, Canada, for the generous supply of carrageenan
(Viscarin) and Decadron and Decadron Vehicle.
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(Received July 10, 1969)