Coldwell Banker LLC 25120 Lois Lane
Coldwell Banker LLC 25120 Lois Lane
Coldwell Banker LLC 25120 Lois Lane
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prince noble james bey
14700 harding oak park michigan
empjamesbcy@gmail .com
for the " supreme Jaws of the lan1r and additional supporting lawful commands and directives visit website and download the following:
affidavit of sovereign american gold standard lawful command [credit instrument number
201908020729 08.02.2019 J
gold-5tandard-la wful-command-credi t-i nstrument-number-201908020729-08-02-2019
2018-01-04 termination of corporate trusteeship
2018-06-09 notice of existence of the moorish american consulate at northwest amexem
https://www.scribd.eom/document/409861218/macn-rOOOOOO I 18-notice-of-existence-of-the-moorish-
treaty of peace and friendship between morocco and the united states of america 1787 and 1836 still in
[ J787/1836 morocco emrirc treaty of peace and commerce between the moorish empire and the united
states government service corporation] 129-trcaty-of-pcace-and-friendship-1787-
and-1836-with-certi fied-cover
av trust
••• macn-r333333333 trust declaration of the moorish divine and national mo,cment of the world,january
2 1, 2018
https ://
••• macn-r999999999 declaration of trust of the moorish national republic federal government
macn-rO00000 199 the declaration of indercndence and the constitution for the united states of america
~ttps:// 74087/macn-rO00000 199-thc-declaration-of-i ndcpendencc-
and-1hc-const1tut1on-for-the-umted-statcs-of-amcrica- I 776
macn-r000000200 the original constitution for the united states of amcrica 1789 and 1791
hll~s ://www.scrilxl.c~m/document/4 I23 7381 J/macn-r000000200-the-original-constitution-for-l hc-
umt(.-d:statcs-of-amcnco- 1789-and-J 79 I
a_borit in.11 and IOdig°:°"' pu,plc( dounncnL• •~hiA~ •mc:,an .orth •'~ -,nh amcnca 'lhe -oroccan empire'
ton1111cn1ol umtcJ ,taJo : temple of the moon and ,un ~ ' : : ; : ~ re-.1dcnL non~ uhJett ht-mg 1hc rightful hci~ and
r•g< t of2 co-,r Jelfcdor affidavit of urcl linancing Jlaltmenl 1111cn-riJOOOOO~18
.:. anida, ~l or ffl\.~ . , &'"'J&.~ , & I ~ !'Z'!att.Kd ~11m\l! lcrodis. ~bcr
' 0l'J08010TI9 08.02.201 9]
,IJJS_ l\ l\ " -'ICm\JI.Wffl Ul'll."WDCll!ll -,1~~,lji mu.:n--rtJOOOl(JIIJ~fft(b\ ll-<!,-'50'.:n.-ign-mnencan-
• S-01-o; 1o:nn11uoon ol oorponlk' IIUSl«>fflP
t ,..//wv..v. -,critd.rom'lk,cwucnl 409886-J:.!Q 'macn;OOOOOO I 02-:iffida\ i1-of-1ermination--0f-
lt\J, -cshlJ!
. .. ,~ t•1r1~.mnoric--~-~--=um I &/macn-rOOOOOO 118-noticc-of-cxistcnce-o f-the-moorish-
tn:an o f peace and liicndsbiri bel\•~-en Dl{lR)("cr> and lhc uoilL'd SlalCS of :imerica 1787 and 1836 ~Li II in
(l ~ll7 ll;l,1:""'m,,~ a_ • f raa:111:lJOlr.m:IX!t"MllilOCIIIWJ:t•~ ~ = • u nitcd
states gowmmenl sen ice corporation!
httJJ?, 1\\" \\ .l>Cl"lbd.rom document -W916Z!TI ma:nOOOOOOl !9-ln:al}-0f-~ -fiiendsh ip- J787-
and- 1lU(H\ i lh-<erti fied-c,n er
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mllCIH3 u,.-;3-3--;?, llro:;G di."'ICbmm c f ~ ~ dnime .anJ m:n.." 'IODI0:2 of L'iit; -a11rid..january
2 1. 2018
hltp:>. """'" .:.amloom .h--urncm ~ 3 nwn-r3.H3.H:fi3-1rm1--&\.,..l/ararion-moorish-di\ me-
and-na1ional-mo"crnent-of-th~world-jan-2 l -"019
••• macn-~ declaration o f trust of the moorfah national republic federal go, emment
hllJb-: ••" ..:,,alhl.amn. ~?923, ~ - u u s t - o f - d l e - r n o orish-
macn-r000000 19"J lhc dttbmJon <'Jf and lhcOOltitlhJUOII for- the states of america mmoo
MIJh- """ -"'--nlid.oom .Jocmnm1,-t 1237ffl7,macn-r0000001 99-thc--d,edaration-of-independence-
and-the-ronst.itution-for-the-Wlited-,;m1es-of-america- l ?76
macn-rll00000200 the original constitution for the united states of america 1789 and 1791
hup,. ·,nnucribaiADD doctwncd '.41:!37311.i "tulioo-for-thc-
united-statcs-of-america- 1789-and- l 791
11U1CD-tfJUOOOUl93 the lDifuL ,cm
hllJ'S' W \\"' 1docwnenll41 23631 l •l'macn-.OOOOOO 193-zodiac-<onstitution-hv-<m-bey
macn-rll0000021 I articles of confederation of 1777
hnp, .. "" I J.45-i615 ~ l I ~ a i c n l i o n - o f - 1 77 7
ffllllkmg m tlm bwf.d tlu.:ewe1 . s - 19 :n, jmtilllicliu- elm".._ 1k i••tilllicliu- uf 111Y anastnl
moons~ etale.
upon ffl) inhented 1 am pnnre nobVe be). bemg a ofth.': anc1crt1 moabue:, in other
respect known as american - al moroccan - moor_ saanding ,;quan:lv affumed upon mv oath to the · fi ve
po ints oflight" - ~ . '1wlli, prau, f,,«,J.m.. and ju.,fia; being competenr (in my 0\\11 proper person) to at1est
to thb · .:;,-;,a T .d:: i ¢'.icr _· J l l I . ~ 111i:!o;--=- i '!UlC. .mJ lolkming to be o~
true, corrccL not mis leading. and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented. 'colored' or improper
u,,c or puffKJ,,c.
i am:
·on1'."fl Ill ,u t - '"H •~LI~ ' ' II -u!:1 .ttHJJU.u.:Jlffil,Jlu; t1 . ~ O"ru~ OWffl ,r lJLB <t 1."Xlo..
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f ixture filing, land and commercial lien
national safe harbor program ucc § 9-521 where by nat ionals w ho fi le w ritten uccl claims ca n fi le uccs in any state .
[ '2-C?2-o
To: COLDWELL BANKER LLC and all derivatives thereof
M. RYAN GORMAN/M. Ryan Gorman dba PRESIDENT all assigns, agents and heirs
LIZ GEHRINGER/Liz Gehringer dba COO and all assigns, agents and heirs
KATE ROSSI/Kate Rossi dba vice president and all assigns, agents and heirs
GREG MARCUS/Greg Marcus dba vice president all assigns, agents and heirs
SUE Y ANNACCONE/Sue Tannaccone dba vice president and all assigns, agents and heirs
TIM FOLEY/Tim Foley dba vice president operations and all assigns, agents and heirs
MICHAEL FISCHER/MichaelFischer dba SENIOR VP OF THE STUDIOS and all assigns, agents
and heirs
ROBERT WAY/Robert Way SENIOR VP STRATEGIC OPERATIONS and all assigns, agents and
KEN HOFERT/Ken Hoffert dba SENIOR VP GENERAL COUNSEL and all assigns, agents and
and all assigns, agents and heirs
ROGER FAV ANO/Roger Favano dba SENIOR VP and CFO and all assigns, agents and heirs
assigns, agents and heirs
THOMAS N. RISPOLI/Thomas N. Rispoli jr dba SENIOR VP CFO and all assigns, agents and
JAN LOOMIS/Jan Loomis dba NATIONAL VP and all assigns, agents and heirs
CHRIS CLARK/Chris Clark dba NATIONAL VP and all assigns, agents and heirs
KACIE RICKER/Kacie Ricker dba NATIONAL VP and all assigns, agents and heirs
KRISTIN AERTS/Kristin Aerts dba NATIONAL DIRECTOR and all assigns, agents and heirs
RONI BOYLES/Ronnie Boyles dba NATIONAL DIRECTOR and all assigns, agents and heirs
DAVID C. MARINE/David C. Marine dba NATIONAL DIRECTOR and all assigns, agents and
mailing location:
177 North Main street #100
Plymouth Michigan 48170
42.374270 -83.466140
provided in subsection (b). communication ofa record to a filing ollice and tender of the filing fee or
acceptance of th e record by the filing office constitutes fil ing.
§ 28:9-501 filin g office.
except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), if the local law of the di strict governs perfection of a
security int erest or agricultural lien, the office in which to fil e a fi na11cing statement to perfect the security
interest or agricultural li en is:
(1) the recorder of deeds, if(b) the fi nancing statement is filed as a fixture filing and tJ1e collateral is goods
that are or are to become fixtures; or
(2) the mayor in all other cases, including a case in which the coll ateral is goods that are or are to become
fixtures and the fi nancing statement is not filed as a fixture filing.
(b) the office in \,hich to file a financing statement to perfect a security interest in collateral, including
fixtures, ofa transmitting utility is tlle office of the mayor. tJ1e financing statement also constitutes a
fixture filing as to the collateral indicated in the financing statement which is or is to become fixtures.
§ 28:9-515 duration and effectiveness of financing statement; effect of lapsed financing statement. (f) if
a debtor is a transmining utility and a filed initial financing statement so indicates, the financing statement
is effective until a term ination statement is filed.
§ 28:9-521 : universal form ofwrittcn financing statement and amendment.
uccl financing statement
following instructions
additional nam e(s)/initial(s) that arc part of the name of this debtor suffix
2 mncn-nnu.n n affi d:,nil of uninrsal rommcrict l rodt I li nanri ng sia tt mt nt !COLDWELL BANKER 1..LC/lSl 20
aboriginal and 111d1genous peo ples' documcnlS: nonhwcsl amc.xcm / nonhwcst africn / north amcricu I 'lhc north gale· - the moroccnn empire -
continemal united states; 'temple of the moon and sun· / 'turtle island': non - domC!llic, non - resident. non - subject:
- moor,;; I m1111rc. -hcim1 the rieluful heir. nnd nrimo[!'enilnrc hin.hnQhl mhcriln~ of the lnnd
2. debtor's name: provide only one debtor name (l:1 or l b) (use exact, full name; do not omit, .
modi~v, or a bbrev iate any part of the debtor's name; if any part of the individual debtor's name will
not fit
in line lb, leave all of item I blank, check here I I and provide th e individual debtor info rm ation in
item 10 of th e fi nance statement addendum form form ucclad
additional name(s)/i nitial(s) that are part of the name of th is debtor suffix
M. RYAN GORMAN dba PRESIDENT CEO COLDWELL BANKER LLC and all assigns, agents and
3. secured first party creditor (or name of assignee of assignor secured party): provid e only one
secured party name (3a or 3b)
moorish national republic federal government
3b. appellation
prince noble james bey
additional name(s)/initial(s) suffix
the moorish american consulate record number for this lawful document is macn-rxxxxx7150 and
downloadable from the follow ing website link:
the terms of your contract with the moorish national republic federal government, the moorish american
consulate and the moorish american nationals is tllat the moorish an1erican nationals are to be respected as
the secured first party creditors at all times and now the new heirs to [COLDWELL BANKER LLC) and
all of its intellectual property and holdings. contract particulars are to be discussed as soon as this notification
the only flag that will f1y at north america, morocco is the moorish american flag [red with five pointed green
star] and all " us banners of amity and commerce" are outlawed and are ' commanded to be 'removed
immediately. all indigenous people who are not of the moorish nation (melanin dominant) birthright and
bloodline are subjects of the moorish american nationals. all immigrants who do not pledge sincere
allegiance to the moorish flag will be arrested and detained and/or deported. all who pledge allegiance to the
moorish national republic federal government and the moorish american flag will be made subjects and are
mandated to protect and serve the moorish an1erican nationals upon our land .
the property witll all acreage is now the property of the moorish national republic federal government, the
moorish american consulate and the moorish american nationals. the property is to be turned over to prince
noble james bey with the keys and codes to all of the buildings no later than JULY 2,2020. the moorish
american government will begin using the property at that time. anyone who obstructs, hinders, encumbers,
speaks against, or resists the mandates of this amdavit will be seized by Lhe grand army of the republic,
formerly known as the united states military, and detained in a jail cell indefinitely. prince noble j ames bey,
the moorish national republic federal government, and the moorish american nationals are the creditors and
4~ [
• tIt
[COLDWELL BANKER LLCI . are the debtors lo the moors. as with all properly at northwest america, if at
any time a moorish american national should send by mail, deliver, hand, send, or slate a notification to the
residence of any foreigner, european, or immigrant staling that you lo vacate the premises of any property
at north a.merica., along with providing a copy of the treaty of peace and friendsh ip 1786/ 1836 and a copy of
the moorish american consulate notice of existence, you to vacate the premises at once without question
or hesitation. the moorish national republic federal government will provide remedy to you at our discussion.
we remain in honor and governing accordingly.
the property has been conveyed into the moorish national republic federal government trust under record
number macn-r999999999, a.long with the private trnst of prince noble ja.mes bey under record number
macn-rxxxxx1466 which can be downloaded along with a copy of the declaration of trust of the moorish
national republic federal at notice.
a.JI utilities and living services at morocco at no charge or feudal fee to the moorish a.merican nationals.
the moorish national republic federal government is the only government with superior jurisdiction at north
america. only gold and silver to be used as currency in payment of debts. fiat currency, federal reserve
debt notes are outlawed forever.
you will not charge the moorish a.merican nationals any currency, money, or otherwise as you the debtors
and the moorish american nationals the creditors.
5. check only if applicable and check only one box:
collateral is held in a trust (see instructions)
being administered by a decedent's personal representative.
upon my inherited status, i prince noble jam es bey, being a descendant of the ancient moabites in other
respect known as american - al moroccan - moor, standing sq uarely affim1ed upon my oath to the ' five
points of light' - t-. Outd. ~ - 1-tf-, and j,uti«, ; being competent (in my own proper person) to attest
to this affidavi t upon which i place my signature; whereas, i state, proclaim, and declare the fo llowing to
be true, correct, not misleadi ng, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, ' colored ' or
improper use or purpose.
i am:
r.,~.-ufMell4Mct~ - u,u~r.,fAMt
~,.,.e.,.•. ~
l ~ / ) 2-o2-o
294 east brown street birmingham micbigan 48009
this affidavit of allodial land property repossession written statement is for notification purposes of our
ecclesiastical repossession of said property. the moorish national republic federal government has
repossessed said land and property as the moors at north, central , south, america, the adjoining and americana
islands, claim trusteeship, heirship, executorship,administration of, and beneficiary status of all land in the
western hemisphere and all land as mandated by our-ancient aboriginal pharaonic ancestors pursuant to the
treaty of peace and friendship 1786 and 1836 and the constitution for the united states 1791 . we have a
religious right to our ancient ancestral lands as part and parcel of our worship.
email contact
[email protected]
l. current status of property repossessed by moorish national republic federal government
Prince noble james bey
the aforementioned property with all land is now repossessed by the moorish na tional republic federal
mncn-a014_affidav it of allod ial secured land property repossession written statem ent
government, and the said moorish american national. the property has been re-conveyed, re-venued and
lawfully returned to the possession of the righ tful heirs lo the vast estate and beneficiaries who are the
moorish national republic federal government. al l previous claims of ownership, occupancy or otherwise
have been superseded by the above mentioned delegation of authority. all prior titles, claims, counter deeds,
land patents, deeds of trust, quiet claims, quit claims, and all corporate and feudal contacts [mortgages and
rentals] are cancelled and abolished. it is mandatory that al l access and infonnation to the said property be
given to the above named moorish american national at the contact information stated herein no later than
th ree (3 1 days after receipt of this document. after which, the said moorish american national will arrive on
the preemies to gain lawful entry with the national law enforcement escorts and consuls of the moorish
american consulate.
anyone who obstructs. hinders, encumbers, speaks against, or resists the mandates of this affidavit will be
seized by the moorish imperial guard, formerly known as the united states military, and detained in a jail cell
pending due process. all who occupy the said lands are required to vacate the premises immediately pending
repatriation and new contracts at the discretion of the said moorish american national government official.
all tributes, taxes and other payments in gold and silver backed lawful tender are now due to the moorish
national republic federal government. jurisdiction of all aforementioned properties is that of the moorish
national republic federal government and no other. international do not trespass on file. approval of any
foreign occupiers to remain on the said premises is at the complete discretion of the moorish american
national government official pending full payment of all taxes, tributes and other payments in lawful gold
and silver at 21 pieces of gold for repatriation and 30 pieces of silver per month thereafter. all must vacate
on command when ordered by the moorish american national.
upon my inherited status i prince noble james bey being a descendant of the ancient moabites in other
respect known as american - al moroccan - moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my oath to the ' five
points of light' - f.o.oo, tJudli, peare, f,,t,ud.oni, and jwtia; being competent (in my own proper person) to
attest to this affidavit upon which i place my autograph; whereas, i state, proclaim, and declare the
following to be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented,
' colored ' or improper use or purpose.
iam :
iam :
ma cn -a0 14_affidav it or a llodia l sec ured la nd pro perty repossess ion written sta tem ent
courtesy copies to:
l#OMid ,uiti,o,ud
,wlWriM ,li,,,,i,,,e -
- e4 at~ -
ffl#e.e«t de -,1,i
[ / ,);, 'UJ2-,d
this affidavit of allodial land property repossession written statement is for notification purposes of our
ecclesiastical repossession of said property . the moorish national republic federal government has
repossessed said land and property as the moors at north, central, south, america, the adjoining and americana
islands, claim trusteeship, heirship, executorship,administration of, and beneficiary status of all land in the
western hemisphere and all land as mandated by our ancient abo riginal pharaonic ancestors pursuant to the
treaty of peace and friendship 1786 and 1836 and the constitution for the united states 1791 . we have a
religio us right to ou r ancient ancestral lands as part and parcel of our worship.
email contac t
nob lejamesbey@gmai
l. current statu s of property repossessed by moorish national republic federal government
Prince noble james bey
3. mailing location of the property repossessed by the moorish american natio nal
25120 lois lane so uthfie ld michigan
42.473510 -83 .257150
postal or zip code exempt
non residentia l non commercial non domestic non subject
4 19+746+0085
the aforementi oned property with all land is now repossessed by the moorish natio nal republic fed era l
macn-a014_a ffida vit of a llodial secured lan d p ro pert y re possession written sta tement
govenunent, and the said moorish american national. the property has been re-conveyed, re-venued and
lawfully returned to the possession of the rightful heirs to the vast estate and beneficiaries who are the
moorish national republic federal government. all previous claims of ownership, occupancy or otherwise
have been superseded by the above mentioned delegation of authority . all prior titles, claims, counter deeds,
land patents, deeds of trust, quiet claims, quit claims, and all corporate and feudal contacts [mortgages and
rentals] are cancelled and abolished. it is mandatory that al l access and information to the said property be
given to the above nan1ed moorish american national at the contact information stated herein no later than
three (3) days after receipt of this document. after which, the said moorish american national will arrive on
the preemies to gain lawful entry with the national law enforcement escorts and consuls of the moorish
american consulate.
anyone who obstructs, hinders, encumbers, speaks against, or resists the mandates of this affidavit will be
seized by the moorish imperial guard, formerly known as the united states military, and detained in a jail cell
pending due process. all who occupy the said lands are required to vacate the premises immediately pending
repatriation and new contracts at the discretion of the said moorish american national government official.
all tributes. taxes and other payments in gold and silver backed lawful tender are now due to the moorish
national republic federal government. jurisdiction of all aforementioned properties is that of the moorish
national republic federal government and no other. internatio nal do not trespass on tile. approval of any
foreign occupiers to remain on the said premises is at the complete discretion of the moorish american
national government official pending full payment of all taxes, tributes and other payments in lawful gold
and silver at 21 pieces of gold for repatriation and 30 pieces of silver per month thereafter. all must vacate
on command when ordered by the moorish american national.
upon my inherited status i prince noble james bey being a descendant of the ancient moabites in other
respect known as american - al moroccan - moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my oath to the ·five
points of light' - love, twtli,, peaa, ~ , and jwti.u; being competent (in my own proper person) to
attest to this affidavit upon which i place my autograph; whereas, i state, proclaim, and declare the
following to be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented.
·colored' or improper use or purpose.
iam :
i am:
rnacn-a0 14_affidav it or allodial secured land property re possessio n wr illcn sta tement
mac n-a0 14_a ffid avil or allodial secured la nd pro perl y repossess ion writt en sla lemen l
1. DEBTOR 5 NAME: Provide only QM. Debtor name (1a or 1b) (use exact. full name; do not omlt, modify, or abbreviate any part of the Debto r's name); if any part of the Individual Debtor's
name will not fit in line 1b, leave all of item 1 blank, check here O
and provide the Individual Debtor information in item 10 of the Financi ng Statement Addendum (Fenn UCC1Ad)
2. DEBTORS NAME: Provide only g_nJl Debtor name (2a or 2b) (use exact, full name; do not omit, modify, or abbreviate any part of the Debtor's name); If any part of the lnd1v1dual Debtor's
name will not fit In line 2b, leave all or item 2 blank, check here O and provide the Individual Debtor Information In Item 10 of lhe Financing Statement Addendum (Form UCC1Ad)
3 SECURED PARTY'S NAME (or NAME or ASSIGNEE of ASSIGNOR SECURED PARTY) Provide only 2.rnt Secured Party name (3a or 3b)
5 . Chock anJ.x if applicable and check 12Gb: ono box: Collateral ls held In a Trust (He UCC 1Ad, Item H and lnsltuctlons) bolng admlnlslerod by a Oecodonl"s Personal RepresenloUvo
6a . Cheek QD.b!: if applicable and check l2Dh: one box · 6b . Chec:k l2Ilh'. If eppllcable and checl( 12.0lx one box :
0 Publlc-Flnance Transac11on O Manufactured•Home Transaction A Debtor Is a Trensmlltlng Utihly Agrlcultu ral Lion O Non-UCC Filing
7 . ALTERNATIVE DESIGNATION (if applicable): Lessee/Lessor Consfgnee/Consfgnor D Ba llae/Ba llor O Ucensee/Ucensor
ti n PTl n"-161 C:H co OCCCOC"-1,..C n ATA•