Department of Mechanical Engineering: WWW - Mach.kit - Edu
Department of Mechanical Engineering: WWW - Mach.kit - Edu
Department of Mechanical Engineering: WWW - Mach.kit - Edu
Photo: PKM
A Tradition of Mechanical Engineering in Karlsruhe
Mechanical Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
(KIT) has a long and compelling history. The foundations of the
department were laid by outstanding scientists and teachers. A re-
putation was gained early on for independent teaching and original
research in a number of distinct areas. The response to these ini
tiatives in research and education was remarkable.
Ferdinand Redtenbacher (1809-1863) raised mechanical enginee-
ring to a technological science. He showed an extraordinary talent
for solving engineering problems by applying theoretical insights
alongside his extensive knowledge of mechanical engineering.
Franz Grashof (1826-1893), Redtenbacher’s popular successor,
was a similarly outstanding teacher and scientist whose influence
was felt far beyond Karlsruhe. He is to be credited especially with
the incorporation of the ´Polytechnikum´ (its designation since its
foundation in 1825) as a Technical University. He was a co-founder
of the VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure/Association of German
Engineers). Carl Benz (1844-1929), who had studied under both
Redtenbacher and Grashof, was an honorary doctor at the former
Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH) before becoming one of the founders
of automotive engineering.
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Table of Contents
The Career Profile of a Mechanical Engineer
Pages 4-5
The Department of Mechanical
Engineering and its Institutes
Pages 6-7
Curriculum and
Bachelor and Master Degree Programs
Pages 8-9
Pages 8-15
Lastest Developments
Pages 16-17
The City of Karlsruhe and the Campus
Page 19
Photo: PKM
The Career Profile of a Mechanical Engineer
Engineers are in demand. According to a survey by the VDMA,
55 % of businesses are expecting demand for employmentto con-
tinue to rise until 2015. Mechanical engineering is the branch with
the most engineers and the demand for them is rising all the time.
There are currently 970,000 people working in the mechanical
engineering sector in Germany, of whom 167,500 are engineers,
which means a proportion of over 16.1 %. This is a long-term
development, brought on by demand, rather than a cyclical
phenomenon. The baby-boomers are aging. Vacant positions
must be occupied. New positions need to be created. Given the
increasing degree of mechanization in just about every area of
life, additional demand is arising for specialists – not just in the
development sector but in the service sector as well.
The Department of
Mechanical Engineering
With currently around 4,300 students the Department of Mechanical
Engineering is the largest of the eleven departments that make up
It comprises more than 20 institutes which manage student courses
and research in the various branches of engineering. Outstanding
rankings and evaluations vouch for the standard of research and
education at KIT. The Department of Mechanical Engineering is
consistently awarded top marks for all its activities.
More than 700 personnel are engaged in our department to
promote and develop this status further, including 33 Professors,
460 research assistants and 200 technical and administrative
co-workers. In addition the department employs several hundred
undergraduate research assistants and tutors.
About 21 Mio EUR third-party funds are evidence of intensive re-
search activity and high innovative capacity in our department.
Our Department of Mechanical Engineering and its counterparts
in other major universities cooperate to generate an evaluation
process which is designed to maintain standards in education and
research. The outcomes of this process contribute to strategic
The SCM (Student Center Mechanical engineering) actively supports
students, helping them to pursue their studies as efficiently and
successfully as possible. It is a central contact point for mechanical
engineering students seeking help, advice or counselling. Problems
are addressed in as timely and straightforward a way as possible.
The mechanical engineering practised at Karlsruhe contributed
significantly to the development and realization of KIT. Several
institutes of our department are conducted conjointly since many
years. Within KIT, the Department of Mechanical Engineering
is mainly involved in the centers and focuses of Energy, Mobility
Systems, NanoMicro as well as Climate and Environment.
Photo: PKM
Page 7 | Department of Mechanical Engineering
Our Institutes –
Motors for Research and Teaching
Fundamental research, especially in the technical field, helps
education stay oriented towards the future, which is a further
instance of the application of science. Our institutes exemplify the
close relationship between the theory and practice of science and
academiccourse development.
Institute Overview
AIA Institute of Applied Computer Science/Automation
Photo: PKM
Teaching at our Department
Mechanical engineering is a very attractive course of study for young
people interested in science and technology. Top rankings in academic
league tables and repeatedly high applicant numbers bear witness to
the high reputation of mechanical engineering here at Karlsruhe. An
effective admissions procedure ensures that new students are well
equipped to complete their chosen courses successfully. Particular
attention is paid to striking a balance between core knowledge,
familiaritywith methodology and practical skills. The students are given
ample scope to decide for themselves what and how they will study.
Many students take advantage of opportunities to enrich their studies
with international experience. Besides courses conducted in German,
our students can attend many lectures in English too. The Carl Benz
School of Engineering offers mechanical engineering courses in
English to students from all over the world. In addition, the German-
French course (KIT-DeFI) leads to the double degree in collaboration
with leading French engineering universities. A number of exchange
programs with universities with international reputations also provide
opportunities for international experience. Research and teaching are
closely allied in mechanical engineering studies. With their final thesis,
students get an opportunity to participate actively in current research
activities. With modern teaching models students study current know-
ledge. Teaching quality for all courses is continuously reviewed and
evaluated in an open and transparent process.
Demonstration of aerodynamic forces strong enough to allow a ball to
hover. Department of Fluid Machinery
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Photo: PKM
Research in our Department
Nationwide, KIT is one of the universities most strongly enga-
ged in research. In all the research and teaching activities of our
department the importance of practical relevance is stressed.
Main aspects are energy and environment-friendly technologies,
automotive research and technology, materials science and tech-
nology, product design and development, production technology
and mechatronics, and microsystems technology. A particular
specialty is theoretical mechanical engineering. This fundamental
and methodological research in mechanical engineering at KIT is
counterbalanced and complemented by application-oriented re-
search. Our department benefits greatly from its international con-
nections, its many research collaborations with industry, and close
cooperation between KIT Campus North, KIT Campus South and
Fraunhofer institutes.
Raman spectroscopy in a natural gas flame with droplet injection. The mea-
surement provides information about temperature and chemical species in
the focal point of the laser beams. Fundamental research of this kind helps
to improve internal combustion engines and air jet engines in the future.
Institute of Technical Thermodynamics
Page 11 | Department of Mechanical Engineering
20 μm
engineering (for engines and power trains), power engineering
(gas turbines), aeronautical engineering (fuselage and engines),
microelectronics, and sensor technology. μm
Refractive X-ray lenses made from X-ray-resistant epoxy SU-8, used for
high resolution X-ray microscopes. Institute of Microstructure Technology
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Production Science –
taking the holistic view
Production science teaching and research at Karlsruhe are
centred on the holistic analysis of products and their creation in
the context of international interdependencies. Besides the manu
facturing process itself, operation, maintenance and repair, and
recycling are also taken into consideration. As national economic
areas open up to the world, the need to shorten development times
and make more intensive use of technical models and computer
simulation is becoming ever more urgent. At the same time, there
is growing pressure to increase the degree of automation. The
teaching and research of our department institutes involved in
production science and of the institutes from the field of product
engineering cover almost the entire product creation process all
the way through to recycling.
Among the main fields are product planning, design, production
planning, production, assembly, quality management, materials
handling and logistics, business organization, and industrial
science. Progress in dry machining, for example, has been both
ecologically and economically beneficial. In micro technology there
has been major progress regarding the cutting of hardened steel
Mechatronics –
the symbiosis of three engineering disciplines
The interaction of components taken from the different worlds of
mechanics, electronics, and information technology enriches our
daily lives. Mechatronic systems are making ever deeper inroads
into manufacturing, transportation, and our private lives. Automa-
tion in production, cars, and propulsion technology, for instance,
promises a vast potential for the application of mechatronic
systems. And the very idea of mechatronics suggests a blurring
of the classical border lines between academic disciplines.
Mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and information
science are all coming together to form a single integrated unit.
Cooperation in research in mechatronics and micro systems
technology (AMKA), involving our department, the Department of
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, and the former Design of a multifunctional prosthetic hand.
Institute of Applied Computer Science/Automation
Forschungszentrum (KIT Campus North), offers a platform for
interdisciplinary research projects.
Theoretical Basics –
fundations of engineering skills
Mechanics, thermodynamics, automated control engineering,
and fluid dynamics constitute the indispensable and timeless
fundamentalsof engineering skills. Only by mastering these basic
subjects in conjunction with the corresponding practical know-
ledge of methods and processes can an engineer look forward to
a successful professional career. Research in mechanics, machine
dynamics, control engineering, fluid dynamics, and thermal process
technology is closely coupled with areas of study concerned with
Vehicle brakes: research activities range from modelling and analysis of
vibrations induced by friction to the development of mechatronic systems.
Institute of Engineering Mechanics
Variation of the top Liapounoff exponent. This is a measure for the stability
of a vibration absorber. Institute of Engineering Mechanics
Page 15 | Department of Mechanical Engineering
The AnnieWay team took part in the DARPA Grand Challenge in the
USA. Institute of Measurement and Control Engineering
The AirBUS A380 is equipped with the Rolls Royce Trent 900 turbine engine. KIT Center Mobility Systems
Institute of Thermal Turbomachinery
The KIT Center Mobility Systems co-ordinates activities all around
automotive engineering. To date, more than thirty institutes of
different departments have joined. All of them emphasize the
importance of finding holistic solutions to problems of mobility.
Its ambitious aims include ecology-friendly, safe, and attractive
vehicles for all purposes. Professor Dr. Frank Gauterin of the
Instituteof Vehicle System Technology is speaker of the KIT Center
Mobility Systems.
Lightweight Technology
With the development of innovative lightweight systems with
integratedfunctions, the use of fiber composites has considerable
potential. They complement traditional materials in many areas.
The increasing application of fiber composites and lightweight
materials requires a scientific and technological investigation
of their specific properties. In collaboration with the Fraunhofer
Institute for Chemical Technology in Pfinztal, a professorship of
lightweight technology has been created.
Photo: PKM
The City of Karlsruhe and the Campus
With its 280,000 residents Karlsruhe is the third largest city in
Baden-Wuerttemberg. It is located at the edge of the Black Forest,
close to France and Switzerland. ´Faecher´ is the German word for
´fan´. Owing to certain peculiarities of its layout, Karlsruhe is known
as ´Faecherstadt´ (City of the Fan). The streets fan out from the
center at the baroque palace, an appropriate home for exhibitions
of the State Museum of Baden.
The more than 35,000 students resident in Karlsruhe lend
a particular flavour to life in the city. The many and varied
opportunities for taking part in sport, music, and theater offered
by the many student organizations leave little to be desired when
it comes to recreation. The city boasts a distinctive night life and
there are events and parties going on all the time on campus.
The ´Schauburg´ offers a special kind of movie theater experience
and receives awards for excellence on a near-yearly basis. Then
there’s the Center for Art and Media Technology (ZKM) with its
distinctive collection of modern media art. The State Theater of
Baden and the Multiplex movie center are other examples of the
cultural offerings of Karlsruhe.
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Photo: PKM
student accommodation in Karlsruhe is good. The Studenten-
werk (student union) and private associations act as agents for
inexpensive rooms and apartments close to the campus. There’s
´Faecherstadt´ Karlsruhe from the air. KIT Campus South is highlighted.
a comprehensive public transport system with a reasonably-priced
´Studiticket´ available so that it is easy to get to the University from
the suburbs. The eleven Departments of the KIT Campus South
are housed in a mixture of historical and modern buildings and
they are all within walking distance of each other. There is a free
bus shuttle service for students and staff members between KIT
Campus South and KIT Campus North. The bus stops are located
directly on the campus itself.
The Steinbuch Center for Computing, a corporately supported
institute, was founded in February 2008. This facility has its origins
in the Rechenzentrum of the former University (URZ, KIT Cam-
pus South) and the Institut fuer wissenschaftliches Rechnen (IWR)
of the former Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (KIT Campus North),
which have now merged to form the new Information Technology
Center of KIT. The institutions combined by the SSC are two of the
most capable computing centers in Germany and are successful-
Bildstelle Stadt Karlsruhe
Street cafes are found in nearly every part of the city. The Ludwigs-
platz in the city center is shown here.
Department of Mechanical Engineering | Page 20
PO Box 6980
D-76049 Karlsruhe
Kaiserstrasse 12, Building 10.91
01/2014 – 255
D-76131 Karlsruhe
Phone ++ 49 721/608-42320
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