Junior Part 1 Abhidhamma 2010
Junior Part 1 Abhidhamma 2010
Junior Part 1 Abhidhamma 2010
Part – 1
Answer All questions – (2 x 10 marks)
(Select the most suitable word or phase to complete the sentence and underline it)
2. During the
a. second b. foruth c. fifth d. seventh
week immediately after the enlightenment, the Buddha reflected on Patthana naya
of Abhidhamma Pitaka.
4. The Abhidhamma Book introduced by arahant Ven. Moggaliputtatissa during the third
council (sangayana) was
a. Dhammasangani b. Vibhanga c. Kathavatthu d. Patthana
7. There are
a. two b. four c. five d. eight paramattha dhamma
absolute truths taught in Abhidhamma.
9. The number of planes where living beings dwell according to Abhidhamma are
a. sixteen b. twenty six c. thirty one d. thirty six
10. What every type of unwholesome kamma one does, all those can be grouped under
a. eight b. twelve c. fifteen d. fifty four
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Part – II
(Answer four questions) (20 marks each)
4. Classify the eighty nine cittas according to their nature (different types).
5. How many Rootless cittas are there? Group them under different types. Explain any one
of the groups.
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