Junior Part 1 Abhidhamma 2010

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Name:…………………………………………………..… Index No:………………..

Grade – Junior Part 1 Date: 27th June 2010
Subject – Abhidhamma Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Part – 1
Answer All questions – (2 x 10 marks)
(Select the most suitable word or phase to complete the sentence and underline it)

1. The special teaching of the Buddha which is known as Abhidhamma is contained in

a. five b. seven c. ten d. twenty one Prakarana Books

2. During the
a. second b. foruth c. fifth d. seventh
week immediately after the enlightenment, the Buddha reflected on Patthana naya
of Abhidhamma Pitaka.

3. The first recipient of the Abhidhamma sermon of the Buddha was

a. Anatha Pindika b. Ven. Sariputta c. the mother god including Devas
d. king Bimbisara

4. The Abhidhamma Book introduced by arahant Ven. Moggaliputtatissa during the third
council (sangayana) was
a. Dhammasangani b. Vibhanga c. Kathavatthu d. Patthana

5. The abhidhamma Pitaka does not include

a. Yamaka b. Katha vatthu c. Diga nikaya d. Dhatu Katha

6. The first Arahant to whom Buddha preached Abhidhamma was Ven.

a. Annakondanna b. Sariputta c. Moggallana d. Ananda

7. There are
a. two b. four c. five d. eight paramattha dhamma
absolute truths taught in Abhidhamma.

8. The consciousness (citta) enumerated in Abhidhamma are

a. fifty four b. eighty one c. eighty nine d. one hundred
in number.

9. The number of planes where living beings dwell according to Abhidhamma are
a. sixteen b. twenty six c. thirty one d. thirty six

10. What every type of unwholesome kamma one does, all those can be grouped under
a. eight b. twelve c. fifteen d. fifty four
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Part – II
(Answer four questions) (20 marks each)

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. The ultimate Realities (Absolute truth) according to Abhidhamma are

(1) …………………………………… (2) ………………………………..

(3) …………………………………… And (4) ………………………………

b. The number of consciousness rooted in greed (Lobha) are ……… in number.

c. The three wholesome roots in Kusala kamma are

(1) …………………………………… (2) ………………………………..

(3) ……………………………………

d. The total number of sense-sphere consciousness (Kamavacara citta) is

…………… Out of these ………………………… are beautiful consciousness.

2. What is meant by the term conventional Truth? Explain with an example.

3. Classify the consciousness (citta) according to the spheres of existence.

4. Classify the eighty nine cittas according to their nature (different types).

5. How many Rootless cittas are there? Group them under different types. Explain any one
of the groups.

6. Name the eight cittas rooted in greed.

7. Explain the nature of Jhana cittas.

8. Decline one of the following in all cases.

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