I-R-A-C Format For Legal Analysis
I-R-A-C Format For Legal Analysis
I-R-A-C Format For Legal Analysis
Recommended Citation
Burton, Kelley, Teaching and Assessing Problem Solving: An Example of an Incremental Approach
to Using IRAC in Legal Education, Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 13(5), 2016.
Available at:http://ro.uow.edu.au/jutlp/vol13/iss5/20
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Teaching and Assessing Problem Solving: An Example of an Incremental
Approach to Using IRAC in Legal Education
Legal reasoning is a type of problem solving, and is situated within thinking skills, one of the six threshold
learning outcomes established under the auspices of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council’s Bachelor
of Laws Learning and Teaching Academic Standards Statement. The threshold learning outcomes define what
law graduates are ‘expected to know, understand and be able to do as a result of learning’ (Kift et al., 2010, p.
9). The assessment of legal reasoning, and thus problem solving, should receive greater attention in legal
education discourse (James, 2011, p. 15, James, 2012, p. 88). The dominant approach for problem-based
questions in the discipline of law over the last 40 years is IRAC (issue, rule, application and conclusion). The
acronym IRAC is not offensive and potentially instils a positive professional legal identity and is a student-
centred approach to problem solving. This journal article documents an incremental approach to IRAC in law
where first year students answer a problem-based law question using a grid format before preparing a
barrister’s advice.
Problem solving, legal reasoning, thinking skills, IRAC, assessment
This journal article is available in Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice: http://ro.uow.edu.au/jutlp/vol13/iss5/20
Burton: Teaching and Assessing Problem Solving: An Example of an Incremental Approach to Using IRAC in Legal Education
At the beginning of the 21st century, “problem solving and reasoning” was recognised as a key
cognitive skill and one of six necessary law-graduate attributes (Christensen & Kift 2000). The other
five were “discipline knowledge”, “ethical attitude”, “communication”, “information literacy” and
“interpersonal focus” (Christensen & Kift 2000). “Problem solving and reasoning” was defined as
“critical thinking and problem solving skills, to enable effective analysis, evaluation and creative
solution of legal problems” (Christensen & Kift 2000). The three central themes in this definition
include “critical thinking”, “creative solution” and “legal problems”.
The demand for law graduates to be able to engage in problem-solving has been well documented in
numerous Australian and international standards on legal education. These include the Australian
Qualifications Framework Levels 7 and 8; the Council of Australian Law Deans (CALD) Standards;
the United Kingdom Quality Assurance Agency Subject Benchmark Statement for Law; the United
Kingdom Joint Statement of the Law Society and the General Council of the Bar’s requirement; the
United States MacCrate Report; the Task Force on the Canadian Common Law Degree; and the
Scottish Accreditation Guidelines (Kift et al. 2010, p.17). These documents underscore the importance
of problem-solving in legal education.
In 2010, the Australian Learning and Teaching Council’s Bachelor of Laws Learning and Teaching
Academic Standards Statement identified six threshold learning outcomes (TLOs) for a Bachelor of
Laws Program (Kift et al. 2010, p. 10): “knowledge”, “ethics and professional responsibility”,
“thinking skills”, “research skills”, “communication and collaboration” and “self-management” (Kift et
al. 2010, p.10). The six TLOs largely mirror the six law-graduate attributes identified 10 years earlier.
In particular, “thinking skills” requires law graduates to:
(a) identify and articulate legal issues,
(b) apply legal reasoning and research to generate appropriate responses to legal issues,
(c) engage in critical analysis and make a reasoned choice amongst alternatives, and
(d) think creatively in approaching legal issues and generating appropriate responses (Kift et
al. 2010, p.17).
In the context of Australian legal education, thinking skills are underpinned by three fundamental
concepts: legal reasoning, critical analysis and creative thinking (Kift, Israel & Field 2010, p.17).
These concepts resonate with the three central themes of the law-graduate attribute “problem solving
and reasoning”, endorsed in 2000 and referred to above. Law students engage in problem-solving in
the form of legal reasoning in their first year of law study and develop these skills as they progress
through their degree. Problem-solving continues to be a cornerstone of legal education today.
Problem-solving primarily requires a student to engage in thinking skills as well as, to a minor extent,
research, communication and collaboration skills. It is postulated that problem-solving is not a TLO in
its own right because of its overlapping nature and the fact that it has a narrower focus than thinking
skills. Thus teaching and assessing problem-solving skills requires a focus on legal reasoning.
Legal reasoning is the quintessential type of problem-solving in the discipline of law. It has been
defined as “the practice of identifying the legal rules and processes of relevance to a particular legal
issue and applying those rules and processes in order to reach a reasonable conclusion about, or to
generate an appropriate response to, the issue” (Kift et al. 2010, p.18). Law students need to be able to
discern factual issues, policy issues, relevant issues, irrelevant issues, legal issues and non-legal issues
(Kift et al. 2010, p.18).
James (2011, p.15; 2012, p.88), a leading scholar on thinking skills in the discipline of law, noted that
some efforts had been aimed squarely at teaching these skills to law students and that future research in
legal education could focus on how to assess them. Accordingly, this journal article focuses on
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, Vol. 13 [2016], Iss. 5, Art. 20
assessing thinking skills in the form of problem-solving skills, and more specifically legal reasoning,
which is integral to future lawyers’ professional success. This article collates numerous approaches to
problem-solving in the discipline of law; considers how the approaches meet the needs of the
profession, clients and students; and makes recommendations for supporting first-year law students as
they incrementally develop problem-solving skills using one approach in a grid format before
attempting a more complex format, such as a barrister’s advice.
There are a myriad of problem-solving approaches in the discipline of law to break down problem-
based questions. A survey of the pertinent legal-education literature identified over 40 acronyms used
in law schools to teach legal reasoning as a type of problem-solving (Bentley 1994, p.132; Field et al.
2014, p.205; Hart et al. 2011, p.114; James 2012, pp.75-76; Kift et al. 2010, p.18; Turner 2012, p.358;
Wade 1990; Ward 2000; Martin 2003, p.78). Table 1 details many of these acronyms and the linear
steps involved in each problem-solving approach. Law schools could select one of these approaches to
promote a “whole-of-curriculum approach (Huggins 2015, p.283) to problem-solving across a degree
or program for problem-based assignments and examinations.
The problem-solving approach a law school selects must meet the needs of three key stakeholders, each
with its own approach: the profession, clients and students. Notably, teachers have not been identified
as a key stakeholder, as their needs in terms of a problem-solving approach commonly echo the needs
of students; as a result, teachers’ needs have been assimilated into the student-centred approach.
Profession-centred approach
A problem-solving approach that inculcates a positive professional identity in the minds of first year
students and a positive perspective on the popular expression “thinking like a lawyer” should be
adopted. Cultivating a positive professional legal identity is a current theme in the context of
Australian legal education, and is gaining momentum (Field et al. 2014; Galloway & Jones 2014).
Some examples of problem solving approaches include CRAC, CRAAP, CRAAAP, AFGAN
(application, facts, grounds, answer, negotiation) and KUWAIT (“konclusion”, utility, wording,
answer, initiation, thoughts) (Turner 2012). These approaches offer the benefits of linear problem-
solving, which helps law students to view thinking like a lawyer and look at their professional identity
in a positive light. Some of these acronyms commence with the conclusion, which (as will be noted
below) is useful to some audiences such as clients, who are vital to the legal profession. At the outset,
the problem-solving approaches identified in the literature with offensive acronyms have been
eliminated from Table 1. Adopting a problem-solving approach that requires structured legal reasoning
and does not have an offensive acronym instils a positive professional legal identity in law students and
preserves the formality of the legal profession as a whole.
Client-centred approach
A client wants to know the conclusion upfront (Field et al. 2014, p.205); thus a client-centred approach
to problem-solving equates to beginning with a conclusion. In practice, a barrister’s advice is an
authentic legal document prepared by a barrister that provides advice to a solicitor on the prospects of
success for a client, and outlines the conclusion at the inception. Some examples of problem-solving
approaches beginning with a conclusion and detailed in Table 1 include CI/REXAC, CRARC,
CREAC, CREXAC and CRuPAC. However, these approaches have the shortcoming of being
repetitive, inefficient and therefore expensive for clients, because the conclusion is reiterated at the end
of the problem-solving approach. The repetitive nature of the conclusions in these approaches is not
student-centred, particularly where an assessment task has a maximum word limit or needs to be
completed under a tight timeframe, such as an examination. Ideally, law schools would choose a
problem-solving approach that contains the conclusion only once for the benefit of both clients and
Student-centred approach
Student feedback suggests that a template helps them to complete problem-based assessment tasks
(Hart et al. 2011, p.114); thus a student-centred, template-based approach to problem-solving is
proposed as a simple and structured educational support mechanism. All of the acronyms in Table 1
facilitate structured problem-solving. Plausibly, those approaches composed of fewer linear steps are
simpler for students to apply, and equally, cheaper for clients. The shortest problem-solving
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Burton: Teaching and Assessing Problem Solving: An Example of an Incremental Approach to Using IRAC in Legal Education
approaches in Table 1 are CLEO, IDAR, ILAC and IRAC. The substance of all four approaches is the
same; moreover, ILAC and IRAC are identical except for a slight labelling difference of the second
step in the linear process. IRAC has received greater attention in scholarly legal education discourse
than CLEO, IDAR and ILAC.
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, Vol. 13 [2016], Iss. 5, Art. 20
ISAACS Identify a legal issue from the facts, state the relevant law and authority for
it, apply the law to the facts, come to a conclusion and repeat the steps
above to the next issue, synthesise the conclusion
From a historical perspective, IRAC has been traced back to 1976, when Brand and White (1976) used
it in legal writing in the United States (Maclean 2010). While IRAC has been characterised as a
traditional approach to legal reasoning, and thus problem-solving, it continues to thrive in law schools
almost 40 years later and is commonly discussed and debated in current legal research and writing
discourse (Turner 2012). The use of IRAC is promoted in leading contemporary Australian legal texts
for first-year law students and law-school survival guides; for example, Field et al. (2014) and Sanson
and Anthony (2014).
IRAC is a rational approach to thinking and problem-solving; it has been described as a “logical linear
pattern” and “an orderly and structured method of legal reasoning”; Field et al. (2014, pp.203-206)
have asserted that it “conceptually it makes sense”. Further, “IRAC is much more than an
organizational structure[,]…it is an important mental exercise that forces an author to a deeper
understanding of the legal issues at stake” (Metzler, 2002-2003, p. 501). IRAC is a student-centred
approach to problem-solving because it supports students as they engage in deep learning (Taylor
2013, p.1). While these remarks may be applicable to other approaches in Table 1, law students should
be encouraged to adopt a deeper approach to learning rather than a surface-learning approach (Heath
Even though IRAC encourages law students to engage in deep learning, it is vital to be aware of its
limitations. It has been described as “formalistic” and an “unnatural way…of interrogating a legal
problem”, and as “oversimplifying legal reasoning and distorting the complex nature of legal
problems” (Field et al. 2014, p.204). Taylor (2006) expresses similar concerns. Additional drawbacks
include inaccurate or unrealistic answers (Bentley 1994); inability to determine how multiple issues
should be prioritised (Wolff 2003, p.24); and an inability to cope with diverse student learning styles.
One of the themes implicit in these drawbacks is the need to contextualise the four steps in IRAC to
support student learning.
To overcome the inadequacies associated with IRAC, some law teachers have simply opted for another
problem-solving approach, primarily “to supplement the simplicity of IRAC, and aim to offer a method
that is more congruent with authentic legal problem solving” (Field et al. 2014, p.205). Whether such
an alternative approach is in fact superior remains debatable. Rather than discarding IRAC for another
approach that possibly has the same defects, it is preferable, as noted above, to contextualise the four
steps in IRAC to support student learning. The contextualisation process may reveal occasions when
IRAC should change its shape to reflect the necessary thinking and communication skills. The first
step in identifying issues is challenging without initially appreciating the rules; thus the RIAC approach
may better reflect the order of the thinking skills. Further, IRAC may not truly be client-centred,
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Burton: Teaching and Assessing Problem Solving: An Example of an Incremental Approach to Using IRAC in Legal Education
because the conclusion is not the initial thinking step and not communicated upfront. Accordingly,
CIRA would better suit the needs of clients. Students could achieve CIRA in a typewritten format, but
but they would likely experience difficulty using it under examination conditions, because the
conclusion represents the confluence of IRA. It is conceded that the order of IRAC may need to be
determined flexibly depending on whether a student-centred or client-centred approach is preferred;
and that the overarching, non-negotiable criterion is resonance with a positive professional legal
identity in the sense of simple, structured reasoning, and the use of an inoffensive acronym.
Over time, the major competitor to IRAC has been MIRAT, which was particularly popular in 1990s
(Bentley 1994; Martin 2003; Wade 1990; Ward 2000; Wolff 2003). A quarter of a century ago, the
primary benefits of MIRAT were elucidated: it is “easy to remember; able to be used at different levels
of sophistication; capable of use in every area of law; useful to define a personal or group educational
goal; a reasonably precise method for a student to measure higher performance in any written/spoken
exercise; a helpful method for teachers to model in chunks; a satisfying method for marking written or
spoken analytical exercises as strengths and weaknesses of each stage can be so precisely identified”
(Wade 1990, p.283). These benefits apply equally to many, if not all, the problem-solving approaches
presented in Table 1. IRAC may be marginally easier to apply than MIRAT because it contains four
instead of five steps in its linear process; this could contribute to making IRAC a more student-centred
approach than MIRAT. The fundamental difference between IRAC and MIRAT is that the latter
requires the material facts to be specified upfront. The usefulness of repeating the facts of a problem-
based question is dubious. Today, IRAC is commonly used in Australian law schools to tackle
problem-based questions and is more often singled out in the literature than MIRAT (Field et al. 2014;
James 2011; Sanson & Anthony 2014).
Best practice documented in legal education suggests that law schools should make greater efforts to
facilitate formative assessment, which provides feedback on learning, before law students embark on
summative assessment, which is graded (Stuckey et al. 2007, p.190). Further, assessment and design
are two of the six First Year Curriculum Principles, which, amongst other things, endorse the use of
formative assessment to assist “students to make a successful transition to assessment in higher
education”, and support the sequential development of skills (Kift 2009, p.41). Designing formative
assessments is one way to support first-year law students.
In 2015, a first-year law course, LAW103 Criminal Law and Procedure B tutorial program, was
renewed to scaffold the four steps in IRAC. The renewal process included the development of
formative assessment, and aimed at assisting law students to make the transition into the discipline of
law; the new approach could be applied to problem-based questions across the law program. The first
tutorial on IRAC was devoted to developing the rule and issue, the second focused on application and
the third concentrated on conclusions. The incremental tutorial tasks were formative assessments,
thereby providing the first-year law students with formative feedback on their work. After these initial
tutorials, the students were expected to apply all four steps in IRAC to problem-based questions.
IRAC grid
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, Vol. 13 [2016], Iss. 5, Art. 20
In the context of Australian legal education, using a grid format to answer problem-based questions
before preparing formal written legal advice has recently been advocated (Steel & Fitzsimmons 2013).
A grid enables law students to develop problem-solving skills without getting embroiled in challenges
associated with written communication skills, helps them see what the final output will resemble and
guides them through the process necessary to achieve that output (Steel & Fitzsimmons 2013, p.80). In
addition to being student-centred, an IRAC grid benefits law teachers because it results in efficient
marking practices (Steel & Fitzsimmons 2013, p.84).
Contemporary Australian legal-education literature offers two sample legal-reasoning grids, which
largely follow MIRAT, the main competitor to IRAC (Steel & Fitzsimmons 2013, p.82). The first grid
pertains to tort law and contains the following columns: legal issues; relevant sub-section;
material/relevant facts; rule (relevant case law); analogy with previous case law; and apply law to
material facts (reasons for decision) (Steel & Fitzsimmons 2013, p.87). The second grid pertains to
criminal law and contains the following columns: elements of offence; relevant facts; legal facts;
relevant case law/section on element scope; do the facts prove the element (yes/no/unclear)?; and
reasons for decision (Steel & Fitzsimmons 2013, p.89). While both grids are based on MIRAT, they
have been tailored to deal with specific fields of law.
This journal article builds onto the current literature in Australian legal education by contributing an
IRAC problem-solving grid, which is an alternative to the MIRAT grids offered by Steel and
Fitzsimmons (2013, pp. 87, 89). The IRAC problem-solving grid is exhibited in Table 2. Each of the
four linear steps in IRAC – issue, rule, application and conclusion – are supplemented with an
introductory checklist, which is grounded in more than 10 years’ experience of designing problem-
based questions and answers and applying IRAC (Burton & Cuffe 2005).
As the law students progress through the LAW103 Criminal Law and Procedure B, the scaffolding in
the form of introductory checklists is gradually removed, and the students complete a 30% IRAC grid,
with the benefit of the headings only (issue, rule, application, conclusion), to answer a problem-based
question in a 45-minute open book examination. An example of a problem-based question and a
completed answer grid are provided in Appendices 1 and 2, respectively. It should be noted that the
problem-based questions used for a barrister’s advice are usually more complex and contain a number
of criminal offences. Student engagement is enhanced by summative assessment (Johnstone et al.
1998) and problem-based assessment (Le Brun & Johnstone 1994; Steel & Fitzsimmons 2013, p.79).
“[E]mpty outlines”, “categorising grids” and a “defining features matrix” are effective techniques for
assessing students in a classroom environment (Stuckey et al. 2007, pp.257-258).
The IRAC grid has a generic nature, enabling it to be applied to other fields of law. Its additional
benefits include giving direction to the conversations between the tutor and students; guiding students
through self-assessment and peer-assessment processes undertaken in their tutorials; and providing a
framework on which to base marking instructions, personal feedback and generic feedback.
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Burton: Teaching and Assessing Problem Solving: An Example of an Incremental Approach to Using IRAC in Legal Education
IRAC is functional for first-year students, and is sufficiently generic to be applied in a legal research
and writing course, a thinking-skills course, a substantive law course or a course in another discipline.
A student-centred approach to IRAC in a first-year experience requires innovative resources and
contextualising, which should diminish in later courses “in favour of a greater emphasis upon ‘flow’ in
the student’s reasoning and consequent improvements in subtlety and persuasiveness” (James 2011,
For almost 40 years, IRAC has proven to be a useful framework for developing and assessing law
students’ problem-solving skills. IRAC inculcates a positive professional legal identity by promoting
structured reasoning and by having an inoffensive acronym. IRAC is a student-centred approach to
problem-solving because it is simple and structured, and facilitates deep learning. Even though IRAC
includes the conclusion as the last step, while a client-centred approach prefers the conclusion as the
first step, the pertinent thinking skills remain the same, and the difference is the order of the
An IRAC grid, as shown in Table 2, is an introductory learning tool containing checklists for students
to progress through the four steps in IRAC, thereby supporting first-year law students as they apply
IRAC to complex, problem-based questions. Offering first-year law students an opportunity to learn
IRAC through a grid is a worthwhile stepping-stone before they tackle problem-based questions in a
more complex format, such as a barrister’s advice.
Burton, K & Cuffe, N 2005. The design and implementation of criterion-referenced assessment in a
first year undergraduate core law unit. Legal Education Review, 15, pp. 159-175.
Bentley, D 1994. Using structures to teach legal reasoning. Legal Education Review, 5, pp. 129-152.
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Christensen, S & Kift, S 2000. Graduate attributes and legal skills: Integration or disintegration? Legal
Education Review, 11, pp. 207-238.
Field, R M, Duffy, J & Huggins, A 2014. Lawyering and positive professional identities. LexisNexis,
Galloway, K & Jones, P 2014. Guarding our identities: The dilemma of transformation in the legal
academy. QUT Law Review, 14, pp. 15-26.
Hart, C, Hammer, S, Collins, P & Chardon, T 2011. The real deal: Using authentic assessment to
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Johnstone, R, Patterson, J & Rubenstein, K 1998. Improving criteria & feedback in student assessment
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Kift, S 2009. Articulating a transition pedagogy to scaffold and to enhance the first year student
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Kift, S, Israel, M & Field, R 2010. Learning and Teaching Academic Standards Project: Bachelor of
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Le Brun, M & Johnstone, R 1994. The quiet (r) evolution: Improving student learning in law. Law
Book Co., Sydney.
Maclean, R 2010. First-year law students’ construction of professional identity through writing.
Discourse Studies, 12, pp. 177-194.
Martin, F 2003. Teaching legal problem solving: A problem-based learning approach combined with a
computerised generic problem. Legal Education Review, 14, pp. 77-92.
Metzler, J 2002-2003. The importance of IRAC and legal writing. University of Detroit Mercy Law
Review, 80, pp. 501-504.
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Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, Vol. 13 [2016], Iss. 5, Art. 20
Assume you are a solicitor working for a law firm and you jotted down the following points during an
initial consultation with a client, Ms Fox.
Ms Fox is in her late 20s and has operated a flying fox tourist business in the Sunshine Coast
hinterland for two years.
Ms Fox picks up tourists from their hotel accommodation in a bus and takes them to her
property, where the tourists ride a flying fox over a rainforest canopy.
The flying-fox ride has two platforms that are built around two large tree trunks with two steel
cables running in between the two large trees.
Ms Fox’s job includes supplying a safety harness to each rider before they climb up to the
flying fox platform, as well as securing each safety harness to two steel cables before the rider
leaves the flying-fox platform.
Ms Fox admitted that she had a threatening quarrel with Ryder on the flying-fox platform
about the environmental impact of the flying-fox ride and Ryder, who had not been supplied
with a safety harness, jumped from the flying-fox platform.
Ryder sustained brain damage, internal injuries, broken ribs and a broken pelvis.
Soon after, a forecast seasonal storm hit the Sunshine Coast hinterland, producing severe wind
gusts and a nearby foxtail palm tree to fall on Ryder, exacerbating the injuries
Flash flooding from the storm hampered rescue efforts for 24 hours, and when Ryder finally
arrived at the local hospital, he was put on a life-support system.
Dr Theresa Green made the decision not to operate on Ryder.
A couple of days later, Ryder’s family made the decision to turn off the life-support system.
Ms Fox has been charged with manslaughter and confessed that she is guilty, but wants to
argue that Ryder was supplied with a safety harness but he took it off while he was on the
flying-fox platform, and that there was no threatening quarrel between Ms Fox and Ryder on
the flying-fox platform.
Ms Fox wants to plead not guilty and insists that you continue to act for her.
Use the IRAC grid to determine whether Ms Fox has committed manslaughter. You may assume that
murder cannot be established on the facts. DO NOT discuss any defences or excuses.
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Is Ms Fox guilty of Manslaughter is a type of homicide and a crime: Need to apply each element of manslaughter to Too early to
the manslaughter of Criminal Code (Qld) (Code) s 300. the facts below. conclude.
Manslaughter is defined in Code s 303.
Ryder died.
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, Vol. 13 [2016], Iss. 5, Art. 20
1. Operating and substantial cause test Ryder jumped off the flying-fox platform, and so
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Did the forecast Code s 297 – When injury or death might be It is immaterial whether Ryder’s death could have The storm did not
seasonal storm break prevented by proper precaution. been prevented if he had received proper care or break the chain of
the chain of treatment 24 hours earlier. causation and did
causation by When a person causes a bodily injury to another from not cause Ryder’s
hampering rescue which death results, it is immaterial that the injury death.
efforts for 24 hours? might have been avoided by proper precaution on the
part of the person injured, or that the injured person’s
death from that injury might have been prevented by
proper care or treatment.
Did Theresa Green Code s 298 Injuries causing death in consequence of This provision does not apply to the facts because Dr Theresa
break the chain of subsequent treatment. the immediate cause of Ryder’s death is not Green’s decision
causation by making surgery or medical treatment. Dr Theresa Green not to operate did
the decision not to made the decision not to operate on Ryder. not break the
operate on Ryder? chain of causation
and did not cause
Ryder’s death.
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, Vol. 13 [2016], Iss. 5, Art. 20
Did Ryder’s family R v Kinash The facts are similar to Kinash because a couple Ryder’s family’s
break the chain of Turning off the life-support system did not break the of days after the incident, Ryder’s family turned decision to turn
causation by turning chain of causation, but merely delayed the death. off the life-support system. off the life-support
off the life-support did not break the
system? chain of causation
and did not cause
Ryder’s death.
Was Ms Fox Element = Not Murder Murder cannot be established (specified in the Ms Fox is
criminally negligent factual problem). criminally
for not supplying Murder is defined in Code s 302. negligent for not
Ryder with a safety supplying Ryder
harness and having a Ms Fox’s situation is similar to R v Clark where a with a safety
threatening quarrel Criminal Negligence: R v Patel tour guide failed to take reasonable precautions to harness and
on the flying-fox Criminal responsibility attaches to a higher degree of avoid a tourist from sustaining brain damage, having a
platform? negligence than in civil law. The standard of internal injuries, fractured ribs and fractured threatening quarrel
negligence must be “criminal” or “gross”. The pelvis. However, that case is slightly different on the flying-fox
standard of conduct must “show such disregard for the because the tourist in that case did not die. platform.
life and safety of others as to amount to a crime and be
conduct deserving punishment”.
s 289 Duty of persons in charge of dangerous Ms Fox failed to supply a safety harness to Ryder
things: R v Clark. A duty is not an offence in its before he climbed to the flying-fox platform. Ms
own right. If any of the duties are breached, the Fox failed to ensure that Ryder had a safety
accused is deemed or held to have caused any harness secured to two steel cables on the flying-
consequences to the life or health of any person. A fox ride. Ms Fox had a threatening quarrel with
breach of a duty can amount to causation for the Ryder on the flying-fox platform. Ms Fox’s
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Burton: Teaching and Assessing Problem Solving: An Example of an Incremental Approach to Using IRAC in Legal Education
purposes of unlawful killing. conduct shows a disregard for the life and safety
of Ryder and deserves to be punished.
Causation will be indirect where it is deemed to have
occurred pursuant to the criminal negligence
provisions. Ms Fox breached her duty of being in charge of a
dangerous thing (flying-fox ride) pursuant to
Code s 289. Ms Fox is deemed to have caused the
consequences to Ryder and her conduct amounts
to causation for the purposes of unlawful killing.
What is the Code s 310 Ms Fox has unlawfully killed Ryder, which was Ms Fox’s
maximum penalty not murder. The forecast seasonal storm; Dr maximum penalty
Ms Fox may face for Manslaughter = crime. Theresa Green’s decision not to operate; and for the
the manslaughter of Ryder’s family’s decision to turn off the life- manslaughter of
Ryder? support system did not break the chain of Ryder = life
causation. Ryder is a person capable of being imprisonment.
killed. Ms Fox was criminally negligent for not
supplying Ryder with a safety harness and having
a threatening quarrel with him on the flying-fox
platform. She is criminally responsible for
What is an Australian Solicitors Conduct Rules 2012 r 20.2 Ms Fox has confessed guilt for the manslaughter I must act
appropriate of Ryder but wants to plead not guilty. Ms Fox ethically and not
professional 20.2 A solicitor whose client in criminal proceedings insists that I, as her solicitor, still continue to set up an
confesses guilt to the solicitor but maintains a plea of
response where Ms appear for her. I must act in accordance with affirmative case
not guilty:
Fox wants me, as the Australian Solicitors Conduct Rules 2012 r inconsistent with
solicitor, to set up an 20.2.1 may cease to act, if there is enough time for 20.2.2(ii). Ms Fox’s
affirmative case another solicitor to take over the case properly confession.
inconsistent with the before the hearing, and the client does not insist on
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, Vol. 13 [2016], Iss. 5, Art. 20
confession? the solicitor continuing to appear for the client; As her solicitor, I cannot argue that Ryder was
supplied with a safety harness but took it off while
he was on the flying-fox platform and that there
20.2.2 in cases where the solicitor continues to act for was no threatening quarrel between Ms Fox and
the client: Ryder on the flying-fox platform.
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