Jeri-Mei D. Cadiz Bsed Iii - Mapeh
Jeri-Mei D. Cadiz Bsed Iii - Mapeh
Jeri-Mei D. Cadiz Bsed Iii - Mapeh
We owe a debt of gratitude to those who were so generous with their time and expertise:
To our Almighty God for the knowledge, strength and wisdom. His guidance leads us to select the
most desirable way to success.
To our parents who provided us their financial support, love, moral values and advices.
To Mrs. Zenaida Bruce as our mentor for our Field Study 4. We really appreciate your utmost effort in
facilitating and checking our errors. Thank you for molding us to be competent and knowledgeable
about our learning environment. We are so grateful to have you as our mentor and we feel so blessed.
To Mr. Reymark Alvarez for your cooperation and to your students who also gave their cooperation.
We wish we could express our appreciation to them for their warm hospitality.
“ Failures are just learning experiences, the only failure is the one from which you have learned
This course is intended to introduce the pre-service students to effective curriculum design and
assessment. The course topics include curriculum models, principles and approaches in designing,
delivering and addressing the curriculum.
It emphasizes familiarity with contemporary curriculum policies and framework and their relevance
or planning, pedadogy and assessment at the classroom level.
The course in curriculum development shall develop teachers who can adjust and be flexible in
designing and implementing curricula in learning environments for different students in different
context. It can also apply a wide range at teaching process skills.
First, I thought of the subject as a requirements to this course, but that is not until I was in field
already. I myself witnessed what happens in four corner classroom that made me excited on my
profession. And that made me realize that this subject is beneficial, essential and important not only as a
requirement but also because it gives us an idea of what work we are into so that we will become an
effective teacher.
Our most meaningful experience in Field Study 4 was when we observe a class. Its significance helps
us to understand the principles and theories of curriculum development that lead us to become more
eager to be in the field.
The experience opened our eyes to the hardships a teacher undergoes just to teach students
effectively. We realized that to be effective teacher, we should have an outstanding personal qualities
such as “passion” that refers to our dedication and love to our work and to our students, “humor” in
such a way that has relation to the topic so that none of the students lose interest in listening, “values
and attitude” that can eliminate discriminations thus we must be unbiased and objective in judging our
students work and performance, “sincerity and honesty” which is exhibited in words and actions,
“patience” refers to our self-control and persistence, “enthusiasm and full of energy”, and lastly flexible
with our schedule whenever the situation demands it so.
I personally gained a lot from this Field Study. I learned from the teachers the real things that
happen in a school. I saw the theories I learned being applied in actual school, I saw the connections of
theories, of child growth and etc because of this. And it makes me feel that I am one step closer to being
an effective teacher.
Having learned the curriculum and other curriculum that happens in a school, I wondered what type
of teacher I will become. I hope to be a teacher in a child-friendly and child-centered school. I am
excited in executing all the things I've learned and more excited on being the pilot of my students.
Theories and principles of curriculum development serve as the basis of learning and how it should
be taught. It gives the teachers the ideas on how to implement their curricular plans in order to achieve
their desired outcomes which is learning. It is not necessary that all the time teachers would always rely
on a specific theories and principles of curriculum development because some theories and principles
may not be applicable for the enhancement of student's learning due to the changing needs and interest
of the students.
If the teacher and curriculum planners ignore the importance of these theories and principles, they
could make a mistake of missing some important aspects in learning. With this reason, students must be
given the chance to construct their own knowledge or ideas and as much as possible, mistakes must not
be an option.
Aside from the teachers, there are still many individuals that should be involved in the curriculum
planning, that is, the parents, the people in the community surrounding the school institution, the
school administrators and most of all, the learners. These different stakeholders must be involved in the
curriculum planning in order that the curriculum will be relevant and will be a functioning and useful
tool in attaining the success of the society through educating individual student.
The learners should take part in the planning of the curriculum so that their needs and concerns will
be addressed, and they will be provided the appropriate experiences and activities useful for their
subject areas. In the same manner, the parents should also be involved in curriculum planning so that
they would have the knowledge or ideas on what means they will adopt in supporting their children who
will undergo such curriculum; they will have the knowledge on how to adjust and how to seek means in
supporting their child financially.
Foremost, I would also like to thank the reality, the teacher, classmates and the institution that I had
hold this observation. I found meaningful experience being observed that is worth a great wonderful
experience since through wandering the sacrifices and hindrances in this subject I stood as holding
myself as a teacher in response to the observation and comments of the faculty and it helped me a lot
ascertaining that this profession that it takes is the right choice. And as the end of Field Study and
episodes and as well as those experiences will reflect in time and there will come that the episodes that I
took will reiterate on my in-service time.
The episodes are seeds that I sowed in my premier career, so I really expect that to know, to gain, to
train and to understand what ponders most during and after this profession. And exploring the
curriculum is not new to everyone the case is that not all are aware of it so it is a challenge… to be one
of the curriculum planners.
Jeri-Mei D. Cadiz
Narrative Report in
Field Study 4
“Exploring the
Mrs. Zenaida Bruce