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Figure Style and Scale: Darkgrid Whitegrid Dark White Ticks Darkgrid

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Figure Style and Scale

When creating a data visualization, your goal is to communicate the insights found in the
data. While visualizing communicates important information, styling will influence how
your audience understands what you’re trying to convey.

After you have formatted and visualized your data, the third and last step of data
visualization is styling. Styling is the process of customizing the overall look of your
visualization, or figure. Making intentional decisions about the details of the visualization
will increase their impact and set your work apart.

In this article, we’ll look at how to do the following techniques in Seaborn:

● customize the overall look of your figure, using background colors, grids, spines,
and ticks
● scale plots for different contexts, such as presentations and reports

Customizing the Overall Look of Your Figure

Seaborn enables you to change the presentation of your figures by changing the style of
elements like the background color, grids, and spines. When deciding how to style your
figures, you should take into consideration your audience and the context. Is your
visualization part of a report and needs to convey specific information? Or is it part of a
presentation? Or is your visualization meant as its own stand-alone, with no narrator in
front of it, and no other visualizations to compare it to?

In this section, we’ll explore three main aspects of customizing figures in Seaborn -
background color, grids, and spines - and how these elements can change the look and
meaning of your visualizations.

Built-in Themes
Seaborn has five built-in themes to style its plots: darkgrid, whitegrid, dark, white, and
ticks. Seaborn defaults to using the darkgrid theme for its plots, but you can change
this styling to better suit your presentation needs.

To use any of the preset themes pass the name of it to sns.set_style().


sns.stripplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips)

We’ll explore the rest of the themes in the examples below.

Background Color
When thinking about the look of your visualization, one thing to consider is the background
color of your plot. The higher the contrast between the color palette of your plot and your
figure background, the more legible your data visualization will be. Fun fact: dark blue on
white is actually more legible than black on white!

The dark background themes provide a nice change from the Matplotlib styling norms, but
doesn’t have as much contrast:


sns.stripplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips)

The white and tick themes will allow the colors of your dataset to show more visibly and
provides higher contrast so your plots are more legible:


sns.stripplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips)

In addition to being able to define the background color of your figure, you can also choose
whether or not to include a grid. Remember that the default theme includes a grid.

It’s a good choice to use a grid when you want your audience to be able to draw their own
conclusions about data. A grid allows the audience to read your chart and get specific
information about certain values. Research papers and reports are a good example of
when you would want to include a grid.


sns.stripplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips)

There are also instances where it would make more sense to not use a grid. If you’re
delivering a presentation, simplifying your charts in order to draw attention to the
important visual details may mean taking out the grid. If you’re interested in making more
specific design choices, then leaving out the grids might be part of that aesthetic decision.


sns.stripplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips)

In this case, a blank background would allow your plot to shine.

In addition to changing the color background, you can also define the usage of spines.
Spines are the borders of the figure that contain the visualization. By default, an image has
four spines.

You may want to remove some or all of the spines for various reasons. A figure with the
left and bottom spines resembles traditional graphs. You can automatically take away the
top and right spines using the sns.despine()function. Note: this function must be called
after you have called your plot.

sns.stripplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips)

Not including any spines at all may be an aesthetic decision. You can also specify how
many spines you want to include by calling despine() and passing in the spines you want
to get rid of, such as: left, bottom, top, right.

sns.stripplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips)

sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True)

Scaling Figure Styles for Different Mediums

Matplotlib allows you to generate powerful plots, but styling those plots for different
presentation purposes is difficult. Seaborn makes it easy to produce the same plots in a
variety of different visual formats so you can customize the presentation of your data for
the appropriate context, whether it be a research paper or a conference poster.

You can set the visual format, or context, using sns.set_context()

Within the usage of sns.set_context(), there are three levels of complexity:

1. Pass in one parameter that adjusts the scale of the plot

2. Pass in two parameters - one for the scale and the other for the font size
3. Pass in three parameters - including the previous two, as well as the rc with the
style parameter that you want to override

Scaling Plots
Seaborn has four presets which set the size of the plot and allow you to customize your
figure depending on how it will be presented.

In order of relative size they are: paper, notebook, talk, and poster. The notebook style
is the default.


# Smallest context:
sns.stripplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips)
# Largest Context:
sns.stripplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips)

Scaling Fonts and Line Widths

You are also able to change the size of the text using the font_scale parameter for

You may want to also change the line width so it matches. We do this with the rc
parameter, which we’ll explain in detail below.

# Set font scale and reduce grid line width to match

sns.set_context("poster", font_scale = .5, rc={"grid.linewidth": 0.6})
sns.stripplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips)
While you’re able to change these parameters, you should keep in mind that it’s not always
useful to make certain changes. Notice in this example that we’ve changed the line width,
but because of it’s relative size to the plot, it distracts from the actual plotted data.

# Set font scale and increase grid line width to match

sns.set_context("poster", font_scale = 1, rc={"grid.linewidth": 5})
sns.stripplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips)

The RC Parameter
As we mentioned above, if you want to override any of these standards, you can use
sns.set_context and pass in the parameter rc to target and reset the value of an
individual parameter in a dictionary. rc stands for the phrase ‘run command’ - essentially,
configurations which will execute when you run your code.

sns.stripplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips)

{'axes.labelsize': 17.6,
'axes.titlesize': 19.200000000000003,
'font.size': 19.200000000000003,
'grid.linewidth': 1.6,
'legend.fontsize': 16.0,
'lines.linewidth': 2.8000000000000003,
'lines.markeredgewidth': 0.0,
'lines.markersize': 11.200000000000001,
'patch.linewidth': 0.48,
'xtick.labelsize': 16.0,
'xtick.major.pad': 11.200000000000001,
'xtick.major.width': 1.6,
'xtick.minor.width': 0.8,
'ytick.labelsize': 16.0,
'ytick.major.pad': 11.200000000000001,
'ytick.major.width': 1.6,
'ytick.minor.width': 0.8}

As you can see, Seaborn offers a lot of opportunities to customize your plots and have
them show a distinct style. The color of your background, background style such as lines
and ticks, and the size of your font all play a role in improving legibility and aesthetics.

When creating a data visualization, your goal is to communicate the insights found in the
data. While visualizing communicates important information, styling will influence how
your audience understands what you’re trying to convey.

After you have formatted and visualized your data, the third and last step of data
visualization is styling. Styling is the process of customizing the overall look of your
visualization, or figure. Making intentional decisions about the details of the visualization
will increase their impact and set your work apart.

In this article, we’ll look at how we can effectively use color to convey meaning. We’ll

● How to set a palette

● Seaborn default and built-in color palettes
● Color Brewer Palettes
● Selecting palettes for your dataset

Commands for Working with Palettes

You can build color palettes using the function sns.color_palette(). This function can
take any of the Seaborn built-in palettes (see below). You can also build your own palettes
by passing in a list of colors in any valid Matplotlib format, including RGB tuples, hex color
codes, or HTML color names.

If you want to quickly see what a palette looks like, use the function sns.palplot() to
plot a palette as an array of colors:

# Save a palette to a variable:

palette = sns.color_palette("bright")
# Use palplot and pass in the variable:

To select and set a palette in Seaborn, use the command sns.set_palette() and pass in
the name of the palette that you would like to use:

# Set the palette using the name of a palette:

# Plot a chart:
sns.stripplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips)

Seaborn Default Color Palette

If you do not pass in a color palette to sns.color_palette() or sns.set_palette(),
Seaborn will use a default set of colors. These defaults improve upon the Matplotlib
default color palettes and are one significant reason why people choose to use Seaborn
for their data visualizations. Here’s a comparison of the two default palettes:
Seaborn also allows you to style Matplotlib plots. So even if you’re using a plot that only
exists in Matplotlib, such as a histogram, you can do so using Seaborn defaults.

To do so, call the sns.set() function before your plot:

# Call the sns.set() function

for col in 'xy':
plt.hist(data[col], normed=True, alpha=0.5)
Not only does this function allow you the ability to use Seaborn default colors, but also any
of Seaborn’s other styling techniques.

Seaborn has six variations of its default color palette: deep, muted, pastel, bright, dark,
and colorblind.

To use one of these palettes, pass the name into sns.set_palette():

# Set the palette to the "pastel" default palette:

# plot using the "pastel" palette
sns.stripplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips)
Using Color Brewer Palettes
In addition to the default palette and its variations, Seaborn also allows the use of Color
Brewer palettes. Color Brewer is the name of a set of color palettes inspired by the
research of cartographer Cindy Brewer. The color palettes are specifically chosen to be
easy to interpret when used to represent ordered categories. They are also colorblind
accessible, as each color differs from its neighbors in lightness or tint.

To use, pass the name of any Color Brewer palette directly to any of the color functions:

custom_palette = sns.color_palette("Paired", 9)

Here is a list of the the Color Brewer palettes, with their names for easy reference:
Check out http://colorbrewer2.org for more information about color palette configuration

Selecting Color Palettes for Your Dataset

Qualitative Palettes for Categorical Datasets

When using a dataset that uses distinct but non-ordered categories, it’s good to use
qualitative palettes. Qualitative palettes are sets of distinct colors which make it easy to
distinguish the categories when plotted but don’t imply any particular ordering or meaning.

An example of categorical data is breed of dog. Each of these values, such as Border
Collie or Poodle, are distinct from each other but there isn’t any inherent order to these

Here’s an example of a qualitative Color Brewer palette:

qualitative_colors = sns.color_palette("Set3", 10)


Sequential Palettes
Just as the name implies, sequential palettes are a set of colors that move sequentially
from a lighter to a darker color. Sequential color palettes are appropriate when a variable
exists as ordered categories, such as grade in school, or as continuous values that can be
put into groups, such as yearly income. Because the darkest colors will attract the most
visual attention, sequential palettes are most useful when only high values need to be

Here’s an example of a sequential Color Brewer palette:

sequential_colors = sns.color_palette("RdPu", 10)


Diverging Palettes
Diverging palettes are best suited for datasets where both the low and high values might
be of equal interest, such as hot and cold temperatures.

In the example below, both ends of the spectrum — fire red and deep blue — are likely to
attract attention.

diverging_colors = sns.color_palette("RdBu", 10)


Here is a quick diagram that depicts each of the palette types:

Credit: Michael Waskom

The ability to use easily choose different color palettes is one of the important affordances
of styling your plots with Seaborn. Seaborn gives you a range of built-in plots to choose
from: whether it’s variations on the defaults or access to all of the Color Brewer palettes.
It’s easy to choose a palette that is well suited to your dataset, thanks to Color Brewer, as it
supports palettes for qualitative, sequential, and diverging datasets.

For more on using color in Seaborn, check out their documentation.

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