Dehouwer 2016
Dehouwer 2016
Dehouwer 2016
We aim to provide a new perspective on the old debate about whether evidence for higher order cognition
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in nonhuman animals can be reinterpreted in terms of associative learning. Our starting point is the idea
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that associative learning is best thought of as an effect (i.e., the impact of paired events on behavior)
rather than a specific mental process (e.g., the formation of associations). This idea allows us to consider
(a) propositional theories according to which associative learning is mediated by higher order mental
processes akin to problem solving and (b) relational frame theory that allows one to think of seemingly
simple associative learning effects as instances of a complex phenomenon known as arbitrarily applicable
relational responding. Based on these 2 theories, we argue that (a) higher order cognition and associative
learning are not necessarily mutually exclusive and (b) a more sophisticated conceptualization of higher
order cognition is warranted.
Almost since the conception of (comparative) psychology as a reasoning. We therefore conclude that higher order cognition and
scientific discipline, a debate has been raging about whether non- associative learning are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Based
human animals possess higher order cognitive abilities such as on ideas put forward in RFT and propositional models, we also
language and reasoning. Virtually each time that a new piece of highlight the need for more fine-grained ideas about higher order
evidence for higher order cognition in nonhuman animals was put cognition.
forward, attempts were made to account for it in terms of associa-
tive learning (e.g., Haselgrove, 2016; Heyes, 2012). In this article,
we aim to provide a new perspective on this old debate. As a first Associative Learning as an Effect
step in the development of our argument, we point out that asso-
In line with previous proposals (e.g., Eelen, 1980; Rescorla,
ciative learning is best conceived of as an effect rather than as a
1988), we define “associative learning” as an effect, more specif-
mental learning mechanism. This highlights the fact that associa-
ically, as the impact of paired events on behavior (see De Houwer,
tive learning might be mediated by higher order mental processes
Barnes-Holmes, & Moors, 2013). Whereas all types of learning
and might be similar to higher order phenomena such as problem
solving and verbal behavior. We then review two ways in which involve an impact of regularities in the environment on behavior,
associative learning has actually been thought of in terms of higher associative learning refers to that subclass of learning effects in
order cognition. First, propositional models postulate that associa- which the change in behavior is due to a regularity in the presence
tive learning is mediated by propositional processes that have of multiple events (rather than regularities in the presence of one
much in common with those involved in problem solving. Second, stimulus as is the case in nonassociative forms of learning). As-
relational frame theory (RFT) implies that associative learning sociative learning itself encompasses different subclasses, most
might have a lot in common with phenomena such as language and importantly classical conditioning (i.e., changes in behavior that
are due to the pairing of stimuli) and operant conditioning (i.e.,
changes in behavior that are due to the pairing of stimuli and
Jan De Houwer and Sean Hughes, Department of Experimental Clinical Importantly, as an effect, associative learning could be mediated
and Health Psychology, Ghent University; Dermot Barnes-Holmes, De- by a variety of mental processes. It is often assumed that associa-
partment of Psychology, Maynooth University. tive learning is due to the formation of associations in memory, be
Dermot Barnes-Holmes is now at the Department of Experimental it the formation of associations between stimulus and response
Clinical and Health Psychology, Ghent University. representations (i.e., so-called S-R theories; e.g., Byrne & Bates,
The preparation of this paper was made possible by Methusalem Grant
2006) or associations between two stimulus representations (i.e.,
BOF09/01M00209 of Ghent University to Jan De Houwer.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jan De
so-called S-S theories; see Bouton, 2007, for a review). When
Houwer, Department of Experimental Clinical and Health Psychology, conceived of as an effect, however, associative learning could be
Ghent University, Henri Dunantlaan 2, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium. E-mail: mediated by other, more complex mental processes. Later on in the
[email protected] article, we described propositional models as one set of models
that actually postulates the involvement of complex mental pro- convey different information because they diverge in the way
cesses in associative learning. that those elements are said to be related. This difference is far
Separating effect from mental mechanism also highlights that from trivial. For instance, a medic would undertake entirely
much can be learned about associative learning as an effect inde- different actions depending on whether Substance X is the
pendent of what we know about the mechanism that drives asso- cause or an effect of cancer (e.g., only in the former case would
ciative learning. In fact, within the functional tradition in psychol- it make sense to filter the substance from the blood in order to
ogy, researchers focus on environment-behavior relations rather cure the cancer). Whereas propositions can encode relational
than on the mental processes that mediate these relations. From information, associations do not specify the way in which
this empirical knowledge about the relation between environment elements are related. Hence, one could argue that propositions
and behavior, they try to distill general behavioral principles that can be informationally richer than associations. Moreover,
have precision (it should be clear when the principle applies), whereas propositions are statements about a state of affairs in
scope (the principle should apply to a wide range of individual the world, associations are not statements but (hypothetical)
behaviors), and depth (it should not contradict known principles at structures in the (mental) world. Propositions therefore have a
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
other levels of explanation; see Chiesa, 1992, 1994; Hayes, truth value (i.e., correspond to a certain extent to states in the
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
Barnes-Holmes, & Wilson, 2012). As we will see later on, com- world) whereas associations do not (Lagnado et al., 2007).
plex phenomena such as language and reasoning have also been Propositional models of associative learning have in common
conceptualized as instances of specific behavioral principles. More the assumption that the impact of paired events on behavior is
importantly for the present purposes, it has been argued that mediated by the formation of propositions in memory (e.g., De
associative learning, language, and reasoning might be instances of Houwer, 2009; Mitchell, De Houwer, & Lovibond, 2009). For
the same principle. This claim implies that associative learning instance, if someone experiences the systematic pairing of a
might depend on the same environmental factors as language and tone and a shock, these paired events will result in fear for the
reasoning. tone only after a proposition about the relation between the tone
In sum, when conceptualized as an effect, it is not only possible and shock has been formed (e.g., “the tone predicts the shock”).
to think of associative learning in terms of higher order cognition; Typically, it is assumed that propositions are formed in a
it has actually been thought of in this manner, namely in two
nonautomatic manner, that is, only when organisms have the
specific ways. First, within cognitive psychology, it has been
time, motivation, and resources to do so. Moreover, the prop-
proposed that associative learning as an effect is mediated by
osition has to be entertained consciously at some point in time.
higher order mental processes that are similar to the processes that
Hence, from a propositional point of view, associative learning
mediate higher order phenomena such as problem solving. Second,
typically depends on an active, purposeful, effortful, and con-
within functional psychology, it has been argued that associative
scious process of discovering relations in the world, much akin
learning effects might be functionally similar to higher order
to the process of problem solving. Just like problem solving,
phenomena such as language and reasoning. Please note that we
sometimes the solution (e.g., the discovery of a relation) can
use the term “higher order phenomena” at the functional level to
arise seemingly without effort, but most often it does require
refer to a particular set of behavioral phenomena whereas the term
intention and time (De Houwer, 2009). In sum, propositional
“higher order mental processes” is used at the cognitive level to
refer to a set of mental processes that are assumed to mediate those models postulate that associative learning as an effect depends
higher order phenomena. The term “higher order cognition” will on a mental process that could well qualify as a higher order
be used whenever a statement could apply to both levels. We mental process.
realize that the qualifier “higher order” lacks precision and has Although the assumption that proposition formation is nonau-
little meaning at the functional level of analysis but we continue to tomatic has been emphasized in the literature (e.g., Mitchell et al.,
use it because it is central within the debate that we address in this 2009), we believe that the core of propositional models lies in the
article. informational content of propositions as compared to associations.
In the following sections, we review these cognitive and func- The fact that propositions specify how events are related is in two
tional accounts with the aim of sketching how associative learning ways crucial for determining the properties of associative learning.
can be thought in terms of higher order cognition. This sketch also First, it necessitates that associative learning is mediated by a
allows us to highlight the need for a more sophisticated under- constructive mental process. As discussed by Lagnado et al.
standing of higher order cognition. (2007), the mere co-occurrence of events most often provides too
little information to determine how events are related. For in-
Propositional Theories of Associative Learning stance, the fact that Substance X is found more often in cancer
patients than in healthy controls does not allow one to determine
whether X is a cause of cancer or an effect of cancer. More
Core Assumptions of Propositional Theories
generally, covariation in the environment does not fully constrain
Propositions can be defined as informational units that spec- inferences about the structure of the environment (Lagnado et al.,
ify not only elements but also the type of relation between those 2007). In order to determine how events are related, the organism
elements (see Lagnado, Waldmann, Hagmayer, & Sloman, must draw upon additional information such as elements in the
2007, for an excellent discussion). For instance, the proposi- current context or events in the history of the organism. Hence,
tions “Substance X in the blood causes cancer” and “Substance propositional models imply that associative learning is highly
X in the blood is the effect of cancer” are both propositions context dependent and constructive. Just like perception and mem-
about the elements “Substance X” and “cancer.” However, both ory, learning depends not only on the events in the environment
but on how these events are constructed (De Houwer, 2014; also afterward judge the strength of the relation between a cue and
see Dwyer & Waldmann, 2016). outcome. In a highly influential article, Dickinson, Shanks, and
Second, because relational statements about the world have a Evenden (1984) put forward the idea that human contingency
truth value, propositions allow for inferences. That is, new prop- learning might depend on the same association formation pro-
ositions can be derived from existing propositions in such a way cesses as those that operate in animal conditioning. If this is the
that the new propositions inherit a truth value based on the truth case, then phenomena discovered in animal conditioning studies
value of the existing propositions. The fact that propositions allow should also arise in human contingency learning. Dickinson et al.
for inferences again highlights the constructive nature of associa- looked to the phenomenon of blocking because it had been crucial
tive learning. The current context and past history of an organism in the development of association formation theories of classical
determine not only propositions about the way in which currently conditioning in nonhuman animals (e.g., Rescorla & Wagner,
paired events are related but also provide a wealth of prior prop- 1972). Blocking refers to the finding that AX⫹ trials (Stimuli A
ositional knowledge that can be combined with newly acquired and X are followed by the unconditioned stimulus or US) do not
propositions in order to generate new propositions. lead to changes in responding to X if the AX⫹ are preceded by
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
It is important to realize, however, that although propositional A⫹ trials (Stimulus A alone is followed by the US). Most asso-
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theories allow for the possibility that behavior is in line with ciation formation models explain this effect by postulating that the
inferences, they do not imply that behavior is necessarily based on prior formation of the A-US association in memory blocks the
logical inferences (see De Houwer, 2014, for a more detailed formation of the (redundant) X-US association. Dickinson et al.
discussion). Most importantly, after they have been formed and (1984) demonstrated that blocking can be found also in human
stored in memory, propositions can be retrieved automatically. For contingency learning, which they saw as support for the idea that
instance, retrieval could occur even when there is little time, human contingency learning depends on the same association
resources, or motivation to retrieve those propositions. Hence, it is formation processes as classical conditioning in nonhuman ani-
certainly not the case that propositional models allow only for mals.
instances of learning in which the change in behavior can be From a propositional point of view, however, blocking effects
inferred in a logical, rational manner from the propositions that could be due to causal reasoning. If organisms conceive of A and
have been formed (see Shanks, 1990). Instead, learned behavior X as potential causes of the US and if they assume (based on their
can be irrational, for instance, because it reflects automatically prior experience with causal stimuli) that the effect of different
retrieved propositions that are no longer endorsed (De Houwer, causes is additive, then they can infer on the basis of A⫹ and AX⫹
2014; Mitchell et al., 2009). Hence, although rational learning trials that X is not a cause of the US. If X was a cause of the US,
effects (i.e., changes in behavior that can be logically inferred from then the US should be different (e.g., more likely to occur or more
the paired events) support propositional models (because proposi- intense) on AX⫹ trials than on A⫹. Hence, counterfactually, the
tions allow for inferences), irrational learning effects do not inval- fact that the US is identical on A⫹ and AX⫹ trials indicates that
idate propositional models. One could, however, argue that prop-
X is not a cause of the US. Waldmann and Holyoak (1992) pointed
ositional models that allow for an automatic, noninferential
out that this explanation implies that blocking should depend on
activation of propositions, are in a sense associative in that they
information about the relation between the cues and the US. More
incorporate an associative (i.e., similarity-based) retrieval mecha-
specifically, if participants are told that the Cues A and X are
nism, albeit an associative mechanism that operates on proposi-
potential effects of the US (e.g., A and X are substances in the
tional rather than associative representations. More generally, it is
blood that might be effects of cancer) rather than potential causes
important to realize that distinctions in terms of representational
of the US (e.g., A and X are potential causes of cancer), then
content (e.g., propositions or associations) do not necessarily map
blocking should not occur. When A and X are potential effects,
directly onto distinctions in terms of processes that operate on
there is no reason to expect that the US should be different on A⫹
representations (e.g., associative activation or rational inferences;
than on AX⫹ trials. Hence, the fact that the US is identical on A⫹
see Moors, 2014). Propositional models (which focus on the con-
and AX⫹ trials cannot be used to dismiss X as a potential effect
tent of the representation) cannot therefore be equated with infer-
of the US. Waldmann and Holyoak (1992; Waldmann, 2000)
ential models (which focus on the nature of the operating pro-
showed that blocking in human contingency learning is indeed
reduced when cues are said to be potential effects of the US (but
see López, Cobos, and Caño, 2005). In a similar vein, Beckers, De
Evidence for Propositional Models in Human and
Nonhuman Animals 1
One could also argue that current propositional models and association
Given that the core of propositional models concerns the rela- formation models are situated at different levels of analysis. Although they
tional content of the representations that mediate associative learn- both refer to the mental processes and representations that mediate asso-
ing, it is unsurprising that the strongest evidence for propositional ciative learning effects, propositional models focus on the informational
content of representations without specifying the representational format of
models comes from studies that examined the impact of relational those representations whereas association formation models focus on the
information on associative learning. Most of these studies were representational format of representations (i.e., the way in which informa-
conducted in the context of research on blocking in human con- tion can be represented and processed). From this perspective, it might be
tingency learning (see De Houwer & Beckers, 2002, and Shanks, possible to develop an association formation model that represents and
processes propositional information. Such a model would qualify as a
2010, for reviews). In human contingency learning studies, partic- propositional model if it successfully encodes the informational content
ipants receive information about a series of events in which cues that is central to propositional models (i.e., relational information; see De
and outcomes can be present. Based on this information, they Houwer, 2014).
Houwer, Pineño, and Miller (2005) reasoned that blocking should have different scientific goals and values, this does not mean that
not occur when organisms have reasons to doubt the assumption they cannot fruitfully interact. For instance, cognitive theories
that the impact of causes should be additive. In line with this might be useful to help generate new predictions about
prediction, blocking was greatly reduced when they exposed hu- environment-behavior relations. Vice versa, functional knowledge
man participants to a pretraining phase in which cues other than A (i.e., knowledge of environment-behavior relations) constrains
and X were shown not to have additive effects (e.g., by showing cognitive theories because those theories should specify a mech-
C⫹, D⫹, CD⫹ trials). anism via which elements in the environment have specific effects
This and other evidence (see De Houwer, Beckers, & Vandorpe, on behavior under specific conditions. As such, contrary to what is
2005; Mitchell et al., 2009, and Shanks, 2010, for reviews) led to often assumed, functional and cognitive psychology are not mu-
a general consensus among scholars of human contingency learn- tually exclusive but could even be mutually reinforcing (De Hou-
ing that at least some instances of associative learning in humans wer, 2011).
are mediated by propositional knowledge (e.g., McLaren et al., Although cognitive researchers necessarily also deal with
2014; Mitchell et al., 2009). The main debate now centers on environment-behavior relations in their research (if only by ma-
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whether all instances of associative learning are propositionally nipulating independent variables and registering dependent vari-
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mediated or whether some instances are due to the formation of ables), functional researchers are committed to a specific func-
associations in memory (see De Houwer, 2014, and McLaren et tional approach that can be described as analytic-abstractive. More
al., 2014, for opposing positions in this debate). More relevant for specifically, the aim of functional researchers is to formulate
the present purposes, the development of propositional theories of general principles about the relation between environment and
associative learning also led to the proposal that at least some behavior that subsume many specific instances of environment-
instances of associative learning in nonhuman animals might be behavior relations. One such principle is reinforcement. It refers to
mediated by propositional knowledge. In line with this idea, Beck- an increase in the frequency of behavior that results from the
ers, Miller, De Houwer, and Urushihara (2006; also see Wheeler, relation between the behavior and its outcome. This principle can
Beckers, & Miller, 2008) observed that nonadditivity pretraining be verified in a precise manner by examining the impact of
(C⫹, D⫹, CD⫹) reduces blocking after A⫹ and AX⫹ trials in variations in outcomes on behavior. It has a broad scope in that it
rats. Attempts have been made to explain the findings of Beckers can be used to explain a wide variety of behaviors, ranging from
et al. (2006) in terms of association formation models (e.g., Hasel- lever pressing by rats in a Skinner box to temper tantrums in
grove, 2010; Schmajuk & Larrauri, 2008), although these have children. It has depth in that it is in line with known principles in
taken the form of “existence proofs” of associative accounts of the other sciences such as the selection of behavior during the evolu-
observed data rather than direct refutations of propositional ac- tion of a species.
counts. In addition, questions have been raised about the adequacy Skinner (1957) famously attempted to explain higher order
of the associative alternatives (see Guez & Stevenson, 2011; phenomena such as verbal behavior in terms of learning principles
Mitchell et al., 2009, pp. 194 –195). Hence, the data of Beckers et such as reinforcement. This account has been criticized heavily
al. cannot simply be dismissed as evidence for the claim that (e.g., Chomsky, 1959; Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001),
nonhuman animals can reason causally on the basis of proposi- although it should be acknowledged that a number of relatively
tional knowledge (see Blaisdell, Sawa, Leising, & Waldmann, successful language remediation programs have emerged from
2006, and Laurent & Balleine, 2015, for additional evidence). Skinner’s work. What is less well known, at least outside of
functional psychology, is that the functional analysis of language
Summary did not stop with Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior. For ex-
ample, during the 1980s and 1990s, RFT was developed as a novel
From the perspective of propositional models, associative learn- functional account of language and thinking (Hayes et al., 2001;
ing itself might (sometimes) be mediated by higher order mental see Dymond & Roche, 2013, for recent reviews, and Törneke,
processes. Even in nonhuman animals, it might well be “that 2010, for an accessible introduction to RFT). The core of RFT is
lower-order associative learning should be reduced to higher order the idea that human language and thinking are instances of a
causal induction, rather than vice versa” (Waldmann & Holyoak, complex behavioral principle known as arbitrarily applicable re-
1992, p. 235). As we discuss in more detail later on, this argument lational responding (AARR).
forces us to rethink the question of whether evidence for higher AARR is one type of relational responding, a phenomenon that
order cognition in nonhuman animals can be explained in terms of is often studied in the context of operant behavior, more specifi-
associative learning. cally operant behavior that is controlled not by an individual
stimulus (e.g., the presence of a light in a Skinner box) but by the
Relational Frame Theory relation between stimuli. Consider the task depicted in Figure 1.
On each trial, a sample stimulus is presented in the middle of the
Core Assumptions of RFT screen together with two comparison stimuli that appear at the
bottom of the screen. Imagine that food is given when the organ-
Whereas propositional models evolved within the cognitive ism selects the key that is situated below the comparison stimulus
tradition in psychology, RFT is situated within the functional that is identical to the sample stimulus (as represented by the
tradition. Functional researchers are interested primarily in arrows in Figure 1). Following a number of training trials with
environment-behavior relations because their aim is to predict- different types of stimuli (i.e., multiexemplar training), test trials
and-influence behavior (Chiesa, 1992; Hayes & Brownstein, are presented with stimuli that had not been presented during the
1986). Although cognitive and functional researchers typically training phase. Many studies with many species have shown that
on the test trials, organisms select at above chance levels the (i.e., without any reinforcers, prompts, or instructions), partici-
comparison stimulus that is identical to the sample even though pants may well select “ⴱ” in the presence of “ù” and “%” in the
they have never before been reinforced for selecting this stimulus. presence of “ⴱ.” That is, participants respond as if “ⴱ” is the same
Such a result demonstrates that organisms can respond relationally, as “ù,” “ù” is the same as “%,” and “ⴱ” is the same as “%.” This
in this case based on whether the sample and comparison stimulus pattern of choices qualifies as one instance of AARR, namely
are physically identical (Stewart & McElwee, 2009). Research has acting as if stimuli are equivalent to one another.
shown that human and nonhuman organisms can respond to a Research has shown that humans can act not only as if stimuli
variety of relations between the physical properties of stimuli, are equivalent but also as if they are opposite, as if one is smaller
including identity and size (see Lazareva, 2012, for a review). than the other (i.e., a comparative relation), as if one encompasses
Relational responding that is based on nonarbitrary properties the other (i.e., a hierarchical relation) and so on (see Hughes &
such as the physical form of stimuli, and/or the temporal sequences Barnes-Holmes, in press, and Dymond & Roche, 2013, for recent
in which the stimuli are presented, qualifies as nonarbitrarily reviews). It has also been demonstrated that the type of relational
applicable relational responding (NAARR; see Honey & Watt, response depends on contextual cues in the environment. Assume,
1998, for another demonstration). Verbally able humans, however, for instance, that participants are first trained to select physically
can respond relationally even if stimuli do not share any consistent identical stimuli in the presence of Contextual Cue A but to select
physical properties or are unrelated in terms of specific sequential a physically different stimuli in the presence of cue B. When they
or temporal parameters. Consider the task depicted in Figure 2. On are afterward given the training described above (i.e., reinforced
each trial, a sample and two comparison stimuli are presented that for selecting “ù” in the presence of “ⴱ” and selecting “%” in the
do not share a physical property or training history in any system- presence of “ù”) in the context of Cue A, they will respond as if
atic manner. The experimenter randomly picks for each sample those three stimuli are equivalent (e.g., increased probability of
stimulus one of the two comparison stimuli and always reinforces selecting “ⴱ” in the presence of “ù” and “%” in the presence of
participants if they select the comparison stimulus that was ran- “ⴱ”). However, when that same training is given in the presence
domly assigned to a sample stimulus. During subsequent test trials, of cue B, a completely different pattern of choices emerges. In this
participants are confronted with novel choice situations. Neverthe- case, people will respond as if “ⴱ” is opposite to “ù,” “ù” is
less, their choices in those situations typically reflect a systematic opposite to “%,” and “ⴱ” is the same as “%” (Steele & Hayes,
pattern. More specifically, during the test trials, participants be- 1991). Hence, contextual cues can dramatically alter the type of
have as if the stimuli are equivalent (Sidman, 1994, for a review). relational responding (e.g., acting as if stimuli are equivalent or as
For instance, after being reinforced for selecting “ù” in the pres- if they are opposite). Importantly, it has been demonstrated that
ence of “ⴱ” and selecting “%” in the presence of “ù,” during a test these contextual cues cannot only be discrete stimuli but even the
mere fact that stimuli are paired in some manner can function as a pairings signal a relation of opposition rather than equivalence
cue for acting as if those stimuli are related in a certain way (i.e., (e.g., in competitive situations where adversaries are singled out to
as if they are equivalent, see Smyth, Barnes-Holmes, & Forsyth, settle their differences), pairing a neutral person with a liked
2006). Finally, RFT also postulates that AARR depends on the person might result in a disliking of the neutral person (see Fiedler
presence of an extensive learning history that most humans go & Unkelbach, 2011, for evidence in line with this prediction). Such
through as a child and that changes them into verbal beings (see a result would support the idea that stimulus pairings are not a
Hayes et al., 2001). Some support for these ideas comes, for mere cause of changes in liking but a cue for the nature of the
example, from studies showing that anomalies in AARR that arise relation between the paired stimuli (De Houwer & Hughes, 2015).
in certain (e.g., developmentally delayed) individuals can be re- In sum, from the perspective of RFT, “simple” associative learning
mediated by providing additional training that is thought to be is not necessarily as simple as it may seem (see Leader, Barnes, &
essential for AARR to emerge. Smeets, 1996, for relevant empirical and conceptual analyses of
RFT entails that language and thinking are instances of this this basic argument).2
general principle known as AARR. It is well beyond to scope of Second, the learning history that is assumed to be crucial for
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
this article to explain how exactly language and thinking can be AARR is so extensive and complex that it is probably experienced
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
conceptualized in this manner. We limit ourselves to pointing out only by humans. This could explain why, despite extensive efforts,
that this functional analysis involves more than simply redescrib- evidence for AARR in nonhuman animals is extremely limited
ing language and thinking. Similar to an analysis of unwanted (see Lionello-DeNolf, 2009, for a review). Some have argued that
tantrums in a young child in terms of reinforcement contingencies, aspects of AARR have been found in nonhuman animals and that
which attempts to identify the environmental variables that control failures to find AARR in nonhuman animals might be related to
the behavior in question, the RFT analysis attempts to specify the procedural factors (e.g., Zentall, Wasserman, & Urcuioli, 2014).
relevant environmental variables that produce and moderate lan- Others, however, pointed out that the flexibility and complexity of
guage and thinking. Both types of analyses aim to explain a AARR as observed in humans by far exceeds that seen in nonhu-
particular behavioral event (i.e., the effect of a verbal instruction man animals (Hughes & Barnes-Holmes, 2014). Interestingly, the
on salivation, or tantrums in a young child) in terms of a general postulate that language and thinking are instances of AARR fits
principle (i.e., AARR, reinforcement). In so doing, such principles well with evidence suggesting that the evolutionary divide be-
serve to highlight potential ways to predict-and-influence the phe- tween human and nonhuman animals entails all kind of instances
nomenon (e.g., by changing the outcomes of tantrums or by of AARR, including language and abstract thinking (Hayes et al.,
providing specific types of training to remediate language prob- 2001). Note, however, that RFT allows for the possibility that this
lems; see Rehfledt & Barnes-Holmes, 2009, for a detailed treat- divide may be bridged by providing nonhuman animals with a
ment of how RFT may be applied to language deficits). learning history that is modeled on the behavioral history that is
assumed to be necessary for AARR to arise in humans (Hughes &
Barnes-Holmes, 2014). Whether this potential can be realized is an
RFT and Associative Learning
empirical question.
In the context of the present article, it is important to highlight
two potential implications of RFT. First, given that the mere Summary
pairing of stimuli can function as a relational cue signaling that
stimuli are related in a certain way, it is possible that even After Skinner’s (1957) failure to account for higher order cog-
seemingly simple instances of associative learning are actually nition in terms of functional principles such as reinforcement,
instances of AARR. Imagine that you repeatedly see an unknown some functional psychologists moved on to propose novel ac-
Person A in the company of your friend whereas you see another counts of language and thinking, such as RFT. At the core of RFT
unknown Person B together with your enemy. As a result of these is the idea that language and thinking are in essence instances of
pairings, you like Person A more than Person B. Before RFT, most AARR, that is, context-specific ways of acting as if events are
functional researchers would probably have argued that these
changes in liking are instances of classical or Pavlovian (evalua- 2
Complexity at a functional level refers to the number and nature of the
tive) conditioning (i.e., changes in liking due to the mere pairing of moderators of behavioral effects, as well as the way in which these
stimuli; see Hofmann, De Houwer, Perugini, Baeyens, & Crom- moderators interact. From the perspective of AARR, associative learning is
bez, 2010, for a review). However, from the perspective of RFT, more complex than is often assumed in that it can be moderated by factors
that are typically not considered to be moderators of associative learning
the change in liking could also be an instance of AARR in which (e.g., the learning history that leads to AARR, specific contextual cues).
the pairing of stimuli is a contextual cue for the equivalence of Complexity at the level of cognitive mechanisms depends on the number
Person A and your friend, on the one hand, and Person B and your and nature of the processing steps involved in the mechanism, as well as
enemy, on the other hand. In the latter case, the change in liking the interactions between different steps in the mechanism (e.g., feedback
would not simply be a function of the pairings but would also loops). Propositional models are more complex than association formation
models in that they postulate representations that can contain more infor-
depend in very specific ways on contextual cues and the learning mation than typical associations (i.e., relational information). There is not
history that gives rise to AARR. As such, it would be much more necessarily a one-to-one relation between complexity at the functional and
akin to complex phenomena such as language and thinking than to mechanistic level. In principle, complex functional relations can be due to
“simple” associative learning. simple mechanisms. Nevertheless, complexity at the functional level often
requires complexity at the mechanistic level simply because the mecha-
This novel perspective has important implications for research nism needs to produce a larger set of more complex functional relations.
on (evaluative) conditioning (see Hughes, De Houwer, & Barnes- Hence, we believe that complexity at the two levels does tend to be
Holmes, in press, for a review). For instance, in contexts where correlated.
related in a certain manner. From the perspective of RFT, even responding is relational and thus seems to necessitate some kind of
seemingly simple instances of associative learning could qualify as mental representation that contains information about the type of
instance of AARR. However, (complex) instances of AARR seem relation between stimuli (e.g., “identical to,” “larger than” . . .).
to occur only in humans. According to RFT, on the other hand, NAARR and AARR are
fundamentally different phenomena that are determined by differ-
On the Relation Between Propositional Theories ent aspects in the environment (i.e., NAARR is controlled largely
by the physical properties of the related stimuli, and/or other
and RFT
physical parameters, whereas AARR depends on contextual cues
In order to understand the relation between propositional theo- and a highly elaborated learning history). Moreover, whereas
ries and RFT, it is vital to realize that both are formulated at NAARR can be observed in nonhuman animals, complex instances
different levels of analysis. Whereas RFT is a functional theory of AARR seem to occur only in humans. In the next section, we
that aims to explain behavior in terms of environmental events, point out that both the commonalities and the differences between
propositional theories are cognitive theories that explain the im- propositional theories and RFT, as well as the theories as such,
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
pact of the environment on behavior in terms of mental processes have important implications for the debate on higher order cogni-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
(De Houwer, 2011). Again, consider the example of classical tion in nonhuman animals.
(evaluative) conditioning in which Person A is liked more than
Person B because A co-occurs with a friend and B co-occurs with
an enemy. Functional accounts explain the change in liking in Implications
terms of the environmental events. For instance, a functional
account in terms of “simple” conditioning might argue that the A New Perspective on the Question of Whether
changes in liking are due to the contingent and contiguous pairing Evidence for Higher Order Cognition Can Be
of the stimuli. A functional account in terms of RFT might also Explained in Terms of Associative Learning
explain the changes in liking in terms of the stimulus pairings but
in a way that is moderated by specific contextual cues and the Until now, the debate between higher order cognitive accounts
learning history that gives rise to AARR (Hughes et al., in press; and associative learning accounts was conceptualized most often
Leader et al., 1996; Smyth et al., 2006). Both functional accounts, in terms of competing mental mechanisms. Whenever a piece of
however, are neutral with regard to the mental mechanism by evidence for higher order mental mechanisms in animals was put
which events in the environment lead to the changes in liking. forward, the question was raised about whether this evidence could
Propositional theories of classical (evaluative) conditioning, on the also be accounted for in terms of some type of association forma-
other hand, do specify such a mechanism. More specifically, they tion mechanism. This conceptualization is problematic in that it
postulate that stimulus pairings exert an impact on liking because does not distinguish between associative learning as an effect and
of the formation of propositions in memory (e.g., De Houwer, association formation as a mechanism. As result of this conceptual
2009; Mitchell et al., 2009). confound, arguments against higher order mental process accounts
Because propositional theories and RFT are situated at different were framed most often in terms of a possible impact of stimulus
levels of analysis, they are not necessarily in conflict with one pairings on behavior. That is, whenever an observed change in
another (De Houwer, 2011; Hughes et al., in press). For instance, behavior could somehow be attributed to the pairing of events, this
propositional theories seem to fit very well with the central idea of was taken as an argument against an account in terms of higher
RFT that seemingly simple instances of associative learning de- order mental processes. The logic underpinning this conclusion
pend on much more than the mere pairing of stimuli. As we seems flawed because effects of paired events (i.e., associative
pointed out earlier, mere pairings often provide insufficient infor- learning effects) are not necessarily due to association formation
mation to determine how the paired stimuli are related (e.g., but could themselves be mediated by higher order mental pro-
whether substances in the blood are causes or effects of cancer). cesses such as the nonautomatic formation of propositions. Before
The contextual stimuli and learning history that RFT highlights as evidence for the impact of stimulus pairings on a specific behavior
moderators of AARR might well be the environmental events that (i.e., evidence for associative learning) can be used to argue
are crucial for the formation of propositions about how stimuli are against an explanation of this behavior in terms of higher order
related. Vice versa, instances of AARR could well be mediated by mental processes, one has to demonstrate that the impact of stim-
the formation of propositions. In contrast, the association forma- ulus pairings on the to-be-explained behavior is not mediated by
tion models that are currently available in the literature cannot higher order mental processes. We believe that this important
account for the properties of AARR. Although we do not exclude additional requirement has never before been acknowledged in the
the possibility that, at some point in the future, AARR may be longstanding debate about higher order cognition in nonhuman
explained in terms of a mechanistically simple association forma- animals.
tion model, it seems more likely to us that a successful mental Consider the example that Heyes (2012) uses to illustrate the
account of AARR will need to postulate the formation of repre- debate on higher order cognition in nonhuman animals, in which
sentations that encode information about how events are related. she refers to the study by Horner, Carter, Suchak, and de Waal
There are, however, also points at which propositional theories (2011), who tested chimpanzees on the Prosocial Choice Test. The
and RFT seem to diverge. One limitation of propositional theories crucial result of this study was that chimpanzees selected more
of associative learning as they are currently formulated (e.g., De often a token that resulted in food for themselves and for another
Houwer, 2009; Mitchell et al., 2009) is that they have little to say chimpanzee than a token that resulted only in food for themselves.
about the difference between NAARR and AARR. In both cases, Based on these findings, Horner et al. concluded that chimpanzees
are sensitive to the needs of others, that is, they spontaneously act between a specific token and the sound of multiple wrappers.
in a prosocial manner. Heyes (2012), however, put forward an Based on the argument that we have developed in this article, this
alternative account of the findings in terms of associative learning. possibility should be taken seriously. One cannot simply dismiss a
She pointed out that each piece of food was packaged in a wrap- phenomenon as evidence for higher order mental processes in
ping. Hence, the sound of unwrapping systematically preceded the nonhuman animals because it is an instance of associative learning.
pleasant taste of food. This sound-food pairing could thus have Knowledge about the contribution of associative learning effects
resulted in a liking of the unwrapping sound. Chimpanzees might can, however, help constrain theories about the environmental
thus have selected the “prosocial” token because a choice for this determinants of the observed change in behavior and the mental
token was followed by two unwrapping sounds (one produced by processes that underlie the observed behavior. In our opinion, this
the chimpanzee that made the choice and one produced by the type of contribution from associative learning research is more
other chimpanzee) whereas a choice for the “selfish” token was constructive and productive than the narrow debate about whether
followed by only one unwrapping sound (produced by the chim- all higher order cognition can be reduced to association formation
panzee that made the choice). processes.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
The first thing that we want to note about this clever alternative
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
explanation is that it is formulated in terms of associative learning The Need to Develop More Fine-Grained Ideas About
as an effect, that is, it refers only to the impact of paired events on Different Types of Higher Order Cognition
behavior. Nevertheless, Heyes (2012) seems to conceive of “asso-
ciative learning” as a mechanism rather than an effect, more So far, many contributions to the debate on higher order cog-
specifically as some kind of association formation mechanism. nition in nonhuman animals were built on the premise that there
This is, for instance, indicated by the fact that she contrasts are two types of mental processes that can drive behavior: higher
associative learning with inferential, propositional processes: order mental processes and low-level associative processes. As
Heyes (2012) correctly pointed out, this premise ignores the fact
the majority of even the most enthusiastic contemporary supporters of that there are at least two types of associative processes; the
associative learning would not deny that inferential processes play formation of S-R associations and the formation of S-S associa-
crucial roles in human cognition. They are subscribers to some kind of tions. Whereas the former could indeed qualify as “low-level,” it is
“dual-process” theory . . . assuming that humans use both associative typically assumed that the formation of S-S associations qualifies
learning and inference processes to find out about the world. Further-
as cognitive in that it depends on mental faculties such as attention
more, the majority would readily agree that, at least in humans under
some circumstances, conditioning phenomena can be produced by
and memory. Heyes therefore put forward the idea that one should
inferential rather than associative processes. However, along with the consider three types of processes that could underlie (human and
brain imaging data discussed earlier, carefully designed experiments nonhuman) behavior: low-level processes (i.e., formation of S-R
on human causality judgements have shown that, in many cases, associations), cognitive processes (including the formation of S-S
complex human decision-making is controlled by associative learn- associations), and supercognitive processes (e.g., rational infer-
ing. (see Heyes, 2012, p. 2698) ences). In Heyes’ terms, the question then becomes whether evi-
dence for supercognitive processes in nonhuman animals can be
A second point to note is that the alternative explanation put explained on the basis of low-level processes or cognitive pro-
forward by Heyes (2012) does shed important new light on cesses.
Horner et al. (2011) findings. First, it raises the possibility that Although we agree with Heyes (2012) that association for-
the observed phenomenon can be explained in terms of a simple mation processes are not necessarily noncognitive, we also
association formation mechanism. If the so-called pro-social believe that the debate on higher order cognition in nonhuman
behavior of the chimpanzees is an instance of associative learn- animals could benefit also from a more fine-grained analysis of
ing and if some instances of associative learning are due to a what higher order cognition actually entails. Consider the ob-
simple association formation mechanism, then it is possible that servation that nonhuman animals show evidence for NAARR
the phenomenon is one of those instances that depends on but not (or only in a very limited way) for AARR. As we
association formation. Second, Heyes’ arguments point to the pointed out above, from a propositional point of view, both
potential role of general purpose mechanisms (i.e., whatever types of responding are relational and would thus fit with the
mechanism that underlies associative learning, be it associative idea of propositional representations that encode relational in-
or propositional) rather than specific cognitive abilities (e.g., formation. On the other hand, at least some association forma-
empathy). tion theories have difficulties accounting for the properties of
It is crucial to realize, however, that Heyes’ (2012) alternative relational responding (see Lazareva, 2012). However, proposi-
explanation does not rule out a contribution of higher order pro- tional theories say little about when and why human and non-
cesses. As we pointed out earlier, arguments in terms of associa- human animals differ in their capacity to NAARR or AARR,
tive learning as an effect do not exclude the possibility that simply because they do not refer to those terms. In hindsight,
behavior is driven by any possible type of higher order mental one could argue that these theories do allow for AARR. For
process. For instance, even if the choice for the so-called prosocial instance, proponents of propositional theories (e.g., Mitchell et
token was a function of the contingencies between the unwrapping al., 2009) embraced findings suggesting that nonhuman animals
sound and food and between the token and the number of unwrap- can reason in counterfactual ways (e.g., Beckers et al., 2006;
ping sounds, it could still be the case that these contingencies Blaisdell et al., 2006). Assuming that counterfactual reasoning
influenced choice only because the chimpanzee formed certain is an instance of AARR, one could thus argue that propositional
propositional representations in memory about the relationship theories do allow for AARR in nonhuman animals.
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