Compartmental Modeling in The Analysis of Biological Systems
Compartmental Modeling in The Analysis of Biological Systems
Compartmental Modeling in The Analysis of Biological Systems
6 1,394
4 authors, including:
Gary Raymond
University of Washington Seattle
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by James Bassingthwaighte on 03 May 2016.
Compartmental models are composed of sets of interconnected mixing chambers or stirred tanks. Each
component of the system is considered to be homogeneous, instantly mixed, with uniform concentration.
The state variables are concentrations or molar amounts of chemical species. Chemical reactions, transmem-
brane transport, and binding processes, determined in reality by electrochemical driving forces and con-
strained by thermodynamic laws, are generally treated using first-order rate equations. This fundamental
simplicity makes them easy to compute since ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are readily solved
numerically and often analytically. While compartmental systems have a reputation for being merely descrip-
tive they can be developed to levels providing realistic mechanistic features through refining the kinetics.
Generally, one is considering multi-compartmental systems for realistic modeling. Compartments can be
used as “black” box operators without explicit internal structure, but in pharmacokinetics compartments are
considered as homogeneous pools of particular solutes, with inputs and outputs defined as flows or solute
fluxes, and transformations expressed as rate equations.
Descriptive models providing no explanation of mechanism are nevertheless useful in modeling of many
systems. In pharmacokinetics (PK), compartmental models are in widespread use for describing the
concentration–time curves of a drug concentration following administration. This gives a description of
how long it remains available in the body, and is a guide to defining dosage regimens, method of delivery,
and expectations for its effects. Pharmacodynamics (PD) requires more depth since it focuses on the
physiological response to the drug or toxin, and therefore stimulates a demand to understand how the
drug works on the biological system; having to understand drug response mechanisms then folds back on
the delivery mechanism (the PK part) since PK and PD are going on simultaneously (PKPD).
Many systems have been developed over the years to aid in modeling PKPD systems. Almost all have
solved only ODEs, while allowing considerable conceptual complexity in the descriptions of chemical
transformations, methods of solving the equations, displaying results, and analyzing systems behavior.
Systems for compartmental analysis include Simulation and Applied Mathematics, CoPasi (enzymatic
reactions), Berkeley Madonna (physiological systems), XPPaut (dynamical system behavioral analysis),
and a good many others. JSim, a system allowing the use of both ODEs and partial differential equations
(that describe spatial distributions), is used here. It is an open source system, meaning that it is available for
free and can be modified by users. It offers a set of features unique in breadth of capability that make model
verification surer and easier, and produces models that can be shared on all standard computer platforms.
Brad Reisfeld and Arthur N. Mayeno (eds.), Computational Toxicology: Volume I, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 929,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-62703-050-2_17, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
392 J.B. Bassingthwaighte et al.
1. Introduction
1.1. Overview Compartmental analysis implies the use of linear first-order differential
of the Topic operators as analogs for describing the kinetics of drug distribution
and elimination from the body. Concentrations are measured in
accessible fluids, usually the plasma, and the concentration–time
curve is used to provide a measure of how long the drug concentra-
tion remains at a therapeutic level. This is the basis of pharmacoki-
netics (PK). The influences on efficacy and utility are considered by
the term ADME, administration, distribution, metabolism, and
elimination. Drugs are given in chemically significant amounts;
they bind to enzymes, channels, receptors or transporters, changing
reaction rates and fluxes in concentration-dependent fashion. The
effects on the biological system is termed pharmacodynamics (PD).
Precise mathematical statements about the kinetics and the body’s
responses comprise the combination pharmacokinetics–pharmaco-
dynamics (PKPD).
Compartmental analysis had its historical start with the use of
tracers. Tracer-labeled compounds were used in order to determine
kinetics when the drug concentrations were too low to be measured
chemically. Radioactive tracers were given in such low concentra-
tions relative to those of native non-tracer mother substances that
the kinetics were in fact linear. Consider a reaction rate, k(C), that is
dependent upon the concentration of the mother substance of
concentration C(t):
Flux of mother substance ¼ kðCÞ CðtÞ: (1)
When tracer of concentration C 0 is added to the system, then
Total flux; mother, and tracer ¼ kðC þ C 0 Þ ½CðtÞ þ C 0 ðtÞ: (2)
When C 0 << C, then the rate constant is determined solely by
C, as k(C þ C 0 ) k(C), and the rate constant is independent of
the tracer concentration:
Tracer flux of C 0 ðtÞ ¼ kðCÞ C 0 ðtÞ; (3)
where the flux is first order in C when the background non-tracer
mother substance concentration is constant. When only the tracer is
changing concentration, the k(C) is constant and the system is first
order and linear. In general then, one can look upon tracers in
compartmental systems as being linear, first-order systems, though
nowadays they can go far beyond that. The originators and later
proponents of compartmental analysis (Berman (1); Jacquez (2, 3);
17 Compartmental Modeling in the Analysis of Biological Systems 393
Cobelli et al. (4)) used this simplification, but were always aware of
the greater possibilities of allowing nonlinear coefficients. Berman’s
classic 1963 article (1) provides much more than solutions to ordi-
nary differential equations (ODEs) for he outlines an important
philosophic approach to modeling in general. Jacquez’ books and
many articles, and the book by Cobelli et al. (4), give detailed
mathematical approaches and explicit applications. The desire to
use linear kinetics was not so much to avoid solving nonlinear
equations as it was to use linear algebra to solve the differential
equations. A system of linear differential equations can be solved
by matrix inversion and can provide the much desired analytical
solutions. As we shall see below, analytical solutions are still desired,
for they serve as verification that the numerical solutions produced
by modern simulation systems are correct in specific reduced cases,
and thereby imply that the nonlinear system solutions in that neigh-
borhood of parameter space are also correct. But, because most
biological phenomena are nonlinear, such that the rate coefficients
vary with the concentrations of one or usually more solutes, tem-
perature, and pH, we have to acknowledge right at the start that
using linear compartmental systems analysis is an approximation.
Compartmental analysis was mostly descriptive, not mechanis-
tic. It was “Black Box,” not attempting to define enzymatic reac-
tions mechanistically, but to describe the time course, “White Box”
modeling is where the innards of the operational analysis attempt to
describe mechanism, not just the kinetics of a relationship. Never-
theless, the descriptive level was a success; in FDA reviews quanti-
tative descriptions are valuable, for they distinguish groups of
responses and allow categorization even when they cannot provide
a physiological interpretation. The plasma concentration–time data
are very useful in choosing methods of administration and in defin-
ing dosage regiments.
Modern molecular biology and emerging integrative multi-scale
modeling analysis likewise are changing the game. Personalized
medicine is pointedly mechanistic, with cell and molecular physiol-
ogy dominating in the strategies of Administration, Distribution,
Metabolism, and Elimination (ADME). Fortunately the huge
increase in the rates of acquisition of data, causing a demand for
detailed, informative but complex simulation analysis has been more
than compensated for by the increases in computational speed and in
improved software facilitating modeling analysis. Most importantly,
software sharing is now relatively easy, and of much increased impor-
tance since comprehensive models may take years in development.
Now, highly nonlinear complex systems, spatially distributed or
lumped, are handled with faster computation, and can include kinet-
ics and detailed physiological pharmacodynamics (the PD of
PKPD), which is the systematic analysis of the body’s responses to
the drug or toxin. Given the relevance of physiological transport
processes (diffusion, flow, transmembrane exchange, binding) in
394 J.B. Bassingthwaighte et al.
1.2. Model Types, 1. Closed system: No sinks or sources, literally, all fluxes between
Topologies, and inside and outside are zero, and external driving forces are all
Equation Types zero.
1.2.1. In Terms of Input 2. Open system: There are external sinks and/or sources for some
and Output Characteristics of the constituents in some of the compartments or cells. (Sinks
We May Classify are defined as operations via which a substance vanishes from
Compartmental Systems the system; sources are operations generating a substance.)
as Closed or Open
2. Software
for Systems
Simulation, Pharmacokinetic models have been written in virtually every
and Data Analysis computer language that exists, and it is a field that has stimulated
the development of a large set of relatively specialized simulation
systems. A partial list of simulation software for compartmental
2.1. Common Software
analysis goes back half a century:
and Methods Used
in the Field SAAM, Simulation, and Analysis Modeling, was the first, developed by
Mones Berman at NIH for analyzing tracer kinetics (http://depts. It exists still as SAAMII.
SIMCON, a general simulation control system (7), now evolved
into JSim, was used to solve FORTRAN-based models of all
XPPAUT, from Bard Ermentrout (
~bard/xpp/xpp.html). XPPAUT is particularly good for bifur-
cation analysis of dynamical systems.
Gepasi, now CoPasi, from Pedro Mendez (http://www.softpedia.
com/progDownload/Gepasi-Download-167140.html; CoPasi is espe-
cially good for enzymatic reactions and biochemical systems,
allowing a menu of choices for reaction types.
Modelica,, is excellent for linking
operators and presenting the forms of model networks (http://
Jarnac is designed for symbolic or diagrammatic entry for biochem-
ical and gene regulatory reactions (from Herbert Sauro (8, 9),
JSim: Developed from SIMCON and XSim (for X-windows linux
systems, into
JSim (10) ( JSim was devel-
oped by Erik Butterworth (11); it provides automated unit
balance checking and unit conversion, thus avoiding errors
due to inconsistency in the units used in the code.
Non-MEM, nonlinear mixed effects modeling, is a commercial
software package providing the capability to use a wide variety
of pharmacokinetic models. It is particularly designed for the
analysis of sparse data sets using combinations of single patient
and population data, (
BioSPICE (derived from SPICE, for biology: http://sourceforge.
net/projects/biospice) is designed for molecular biology. See
also for JigCell, based on
17 Compartmental Modeling in the Analysis of Biological Systems 399
2.2. A Preferred JSim is perhaps the most general of these simulation analysis systems,
Simulation designed for the analysis of experimental data. It is built around a
System, JSim “project file, .proj,” that may hold many data sets, several different
models, and results of multiple analyses. JSim handles not only the
ODEs around which traditional compartmental modeling is built,
but also DAEs, implicit functions, PDEs, and stochastic equations.
JSim, uniquely, and from its beginning in 1999, uses unit balance
checking and automated unit conversion. (Unit balance checking
assures that the units of the expressions on the left of the equal sign
are the same as those on the right. Automated unit conversion means
that when time is expressed in minutes a velocity expressed in cm/
s will be converted to cm/min by multiplying cm/s by 60 s/min.)
This pair of features is a great boon in programming since in the first
phase of compilation it automates the first stage of verification of the
model’s mathematical implementation by making sure that every
equation has unitary balance. The second phase of compilation parses
the details of the equations, and sequences them for efficient compu-
tation. The run-time code is compiled into Java, which now runs
almost as fast as FORTRAN and C. (On a cardiovascular–respiratory
system model JSim ran exactly 300 times faster than a Matlab–Simu-
link version of the identical model.) JSim’s advantages over the ODE-
based systems listed above are the following:
1. Runs on Linux, Macintosh, and Windows.
2. Is free and downloadable from On the
Macintosh it takes about 30 s to download and install, and
another 10 s to bring up a model.
400 J.B. Bassingthwaighte et al.
3. Is the only one that solves PDEs and offers an assortment of solvers
for both PDEs (three available now) and ODEs (eight available).
4. Imports and exports both SBML and CellML archival forms.
5. Provides sensitivity analysis of two types, relative and absolute.
6. Graphical output is immediately available during the simulation
run and setup in seconds.
7. Has seven built-in optimizers for excellent power in parameter
adjustment to fit data.
8. Provides the covariance matrix giving the correlation among
free parameters and estimates of parameter confidence limits.
9. Use project files that allow the analysis of many experimental
data sets in one file.
10. Stores parameter sets so that individualized parameter sets for
each data set can be stored.
11. Allows the use of several models within one project file so that
competing hypotheses (models) can be compared and evaluated.
12. Is structured so that the front-end parameter control and
graphical user interface (GUI) can be framed explicitly for any
13. Has linear and log line graphs, 2D contour plots representing
3D, and phase-plane plots.
14. Has “looping” capability, allowing discrete successive jumps of
the values of one or two parameters at a time in order to
explore system sensitivities visually and rapidly.
15. Uses a Mathematical Modeling Language, MML, in which one
writes the equations directly, for simultaneous solution, and in
which the order of the equations is not specified.
There are no special requirements for the JSim software or for
its methods of use for model building and exploring or use in
analysis with respect to hardware, computing platform, or operating
system. It has important limitations, not being a procedural lan-
guage but a declarative mathematical language. This means there is
no equivalent of a FORTRAN DO-loop (or GO TOs or jumps). It
cannot yet do matrix inversions (except through a special mecha-
nism), and is in a continuing state of development. JSim 2.0,
released in February 2011, is based on a new compiler providing
many new features described at
The features listed above, and others not listed, have been
implemented in JSim because the years of experience with a large
variety of models, with teaching graduate and undergraduate clas-
ses, and postdoctoral and faculty workshops have led to a detailed
understanding of how people use modeling in scientific research.
Experiment design, hypothesis testing, and system parameteriza-
tion are given priority in the conveniences provided.
17 Compartmental Modeling in the Analysis of Biological Systems 401
3. Compartmental
3.1. The Modeling The overall process in the experiment/model hypothesis iteration
Process loop of Platt (12) is as follows: (1) express the hypothesis in
quantitative terms, as a mathematical model, with units on every-
thing; (2) use the model to determine the best experiment that
might contradict the predictions of the model, or, better yet,
develop an alternative model that is seemingly as good but makes
different predictions, and then design the experiment that clearly
distinguishes between the models; and (3) do the experiment and
analyze the data. One of the two competing models, maybe both,
must be proven wrong, and so science is advanced.
The normal data analysis using models begins by putting the
data to be analyzed in a “project file,” modelname.proj, and dis-
playing them on the JSim plot-pages. The second stage, coding and
model verification in accord with standards (http://www.imagwiki.¼Working_Group_10),
is building and testing the model, incorporating reference analytical
solutions if appropriate to verify the solutions as being mathemati-
cally accurate, and representing the equations. The “project file”
may contain two or more models so that alternative model forms
can be compared directly by examining the solutions (changing
parameters and rerunning, using “loops” to automatically change
parameters, using behavioral analysis, plotting in various forms
including phase-plane plots, contour plots). The verification stage
is to show that the model solutions are computed correctly, done by
testing different solvers, using different time-step sizes, and com-
paring with analytical solutions in special cases.
The validation stage is to test the fitting of the model solutions
against the experimental data. The word “validation” is truly opti-
mistic, because a good fit of the model solution to the data does not
really validate the model, but merely fails to invalidate it. It is the
failure of the model that leads to the scientific advances by forcing
new ideas to be incorporated. Nevertheless, fitting of the model to
the data provides characterization of the data, augments diagnostic
acuity, assesses progress of disease or evidence of successful therapy,
and is generally useful in reconciling the working hypothesis
(model) with observations.
The final phase is preparing the model so that it can be reproduced
by others. This is not only critical from a tutorial point of view but also
in fact is a requirement for any scientific publication. Anything that
402 J.B. Bassingthwaighte et al.
3.2. A Simple The modeling code. For an introduction to JSim we use a two-
Compartmental Model compartment closed system with passive exchange between the
Implemented in JSim compartments, and a conversion reaction of solute A to solute B
in either or both compartments. This model has analytic solutions
which could be used either to show the solutions or to provide
verification of the accuracy of the numerical solution, but since
these solutions run no faster than the numerical solutions, they
will not be used here. Detailed instruction in JSim use is available at This model is #246.
Many model programs are available at http://www.physiome.
org/Models. One can search to find a model similar to what one
might like to construct, e.g., from a tutorial list of compartmental
Open model #246, Comp2ExchReact, and you will be asked to
allow the display on your computer, wait a moment for it to be
compiled, and then click on “Source” at the bottom of the JSim
page to show the source code, Table 1 for the model shown in
Fig. 1. All the models on the Web site are archived to keep track of
model changes (previous versions can be found under the “Model
History” section on each model Web page). (Models edited over
the Web cannot be saved on the Physiome Web server, so simply
save what you want to your own directory. The JSim system can
likewise be downloaded directly and the model worked on from
your own computer.) The model for the code in Fig. 1 is dia-
grammed at the bottom of the figure; it is a two-compartment
model for two substances, A and B. Both substances can passively
move from one compartment to the other. A is irreversibly con-
verted to B in either or both compartments. After the title a short
description is provided. (Text enclosed by /* . . .*/ is ignored by
the compiler, as is comment text following // on any line.)
An important JSim feature is invoked next, the reading of a
units file, nsrunit, which allows automated unit balance checking
and automated unit conversion to common units during the
compilation phase; MKS, CGS, and English units can all be
used. (The unit conversion can be turned off, a feature useful
Fig. 1. JSim code for a two-compartment model in which a solute A can exchange across
a membrane between volume V1 and V2 and can react irreversibly to form solute B in
either compartment. This is available for download at
webmodel/NSR/Comp2ExchangeReaction/index.html and is model #246.
17 Compartmental Modeling in the Analysis of Biological Systems 403
Table 1
Code for two-compartmental model with passive bidirectional exchange
3.2.1. Unit Balance Checking The acute observer will have noticed that the independent variable, t,
is in seconds: the differential equation therefore looks to have unbal-
anced units. It actually computes correctly since the phrase “unit
conversion on” at the top of the program preceding the model code
enlists the automated unit conversions so that in the compiled code
the multiplier of the left side, “60 s/min,” is inserted. Without unit
conversion on, the best way to handle this is to put the independent
variable t in minutes. In languages like Matlab there is no unit
checking. In huge projects like the Mars Climate Orbiter mission
(¼2937), mixing
units from the European and American programs led to the crash
of the space vehicle and the termination of the billion dollar mission.
There would have been no problem in JSim as long as the units were
stated and unit conversion “on” (11). The nsrunit file may be viewed
17 Compartmental Modeling in the Analysis of Biological Systems 405
3.2.2. Graphical User The JSim GUI for simulation control is shown in Fig. 2. The left
Interface panel has overlays for project contents: one or more models, data
sets, parameters sets, setups for solvers for ODEs and PDEs,
sensitivity analysis, optimization, and confidence limits. To start a
simulation run one clicks “RUN” at the top of the run time
window. On the right page one clicks on a “Message” panel for
error messages, or the plot pages (1_Conc or 2_ReacSite, names
chosen by the user), and at the page bottom choose “Graph” for
displaying the output graphically or “Text” for seeing the numerical
listings of the experimental data and the model solutions at each
time point.
There is an extensive introduction to JSim at www.physiome.
org/jsim giving precise detail to supplement this outline of usage.
The JSim MML code is pretty easy for a beginner to use since
it contains just the parameters with their units, the variables
followed by (t) to indicate their dependence on the independent
variable t for time, the initial conditions, and the equations for the
model. The most common mistakes are to misapply the uses of
commas and semicolons. Each of a sequence of events is usually
comma separated, and a string of them is closed with a semicolon.
The model code itself begins with the left curly bracket, “{” after
the word “math” and ends with the right curly bracket,“},”
after all of the equations have been written. Comments are pre-
ceded by a double slash, “//,” or alternatively can be preceded by
a “/*” followed by an “*/,” without the quote signs. Equations
end with a semicolon, including those in the initial condition
3.2.3. Exploring Parameter In loop mode, the user can choose to enter a sequence of values
Influences Using the “LOOP” (under Other Values) to explore model behavior widely, using
Mode of Operation comma separation, e.g., 2, 3, 5, 8, etc., and in the “auto” mode
will do as many runs as there are values entered. One can also enter
arithmetic changes such as @*2 or @ + 3 or more complicated
expressions to indicate automatic changes in the starting value by
406 J.B. Bassingthwaighte et al.
Fig. 2. Standard JSim Input/Output control and plot pages. Left panel: Runtime control: “Domain” is time, t, with tmin
starting time, tmax ending, and tdelta the time step for plotting. “Model Inputs” gives parameter values and initial conditions.
Model Outputs shows values of variables at the end of the run, at t ¼ 60 s. The mass balance check, TotalC, is exact to
eight decimals. Right panel: The time courses of concentrations and A and B in compartments 1 and 2 are shown for the
parameters and initial conditions shown in the left panel and in the code in Fig. 1. The user chooses the variables to plot,
and the colors and line type or point type. The title and labeling are user written and retained in the JSim project file. The
legend for the graphics output is automated.
Fig. 3. Loop Mode Operation. The control panel for the looping operator is shown on the left. The starting values for G1 and
G2 are those shown in the code (Fig. 1) and their solutions are given by the solid lines, and are the same as in Fig. 2, with
conversion of A ! B only in compartment 1. On the second run (dashed lines of same colors) the values entered by the
user under Other Values (left panel, top right ) are used, in this case setting G1 ¼ 2 and G2 ¼ 0, so that the conversion of
A ! B occurs now only in compartment 1 instead of in compartment 2.
4. Applications
4.1. A Compartmental Aspirin is a very old drug used to reduce fever and inflammation;
Approach to Aspirin only recently has its mechanism of action begun to be understood,
Kinetics the first being its action as a blocker of prostaglandin formation. Its
kinetics have not been thoroughly worked out, so we present here
our analysis of three sets of representative data from three different
studies. Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid, and its reactions are as follows:
Acetylsalicylic acid ! salicylic acid ! salicyluric acid: (7)
Aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, is hydrolyzed quickly via a plasma
esterase to salicylate. Salicylate is pharmacologically active. Salicy-
late kinetics dominate the clearance. The modeling examines only
salicylate’s enzymatic conversion to product, where product is con-
sidered to be equivalent to excretion into the urine, a saturable
process. This may produce salicyluric acid or a glucuronate. The
model captures the kinetics of salicylate clearance over a 100-fold
range of concentrations through consideration of one enzymatic
reaction with parameters optimized to fit three very different data
sets taken from the referenced papers.
The second reaction to form the excretable product is slow and
is enzymatically facilitated. At high doses the enzyme becomes
saturated, i.e., the reaction is limited by the fact that the enzyme
is all in the form of the bound enzyme–substrate complex and
raising the salicylate concentration does not accelerate the reaction.
At low dosage the clearance is rapid; at medium or high therapeutic
dosage the clearances are slower; at near-lethal toxic levels clearance
is very slow and often requires treatment by infusion of alkaline salts
and sometimes dialysis. For this example we have taken the data
from three research studies. (Low dose data are from Fig. 1 Right of
Benedek (14) Dose Period 1 (squares). Medium dose data are from
Fig. 4 of Aarons (15) oral dosage, last nine points. High dose data
are from Fig. 1 of Prescott (16) Control.) These particular data
were chosen because the chemical methods and procedures
appeared to be excellent, the data covered many hours, and, while
we do not have the original data, conversion from the symbols in
the figures to numerical representation was accomplished with
good accuracy.
A reason for choosing aspirin as the subject for compartmental
analysis is that the time course of the clearance, mainly by loss into the
urine, is long compared to circulatory mixing times, so that the bio-
chemical processes appeared to limit the clearance, and they could
therefore be characterized. If the circulation and distribution times
were long compared to the reaction processes, the latter would not be
meaningfully determined from the observations. Another reason was
that a comparison among the different data sets suggested that the
17 Compartmental Modeling in the Analysis of Biological Systems 409
The equations and parameters are identical for the three dosage
levels. Here is the model code for the low dose, where the prefix L
distinguishes this model equations from those for the medium
dose, prefixed M and the high dose, prefixed H, neither of which
are shown in Table 2.
In undertaking an analysis on a single enzymatic reaction we
lack knowledge of the exact mechanism. In addition the compart-
mental approximation is certainly questionable for whole body
studies. The hypothesis that a single enzymatic reaction dominates
the clearance would be strengthened if the model provides good fits
to the three data sets. There is no guidance from the literature on
the dissociation constant, KD, for our presumed enzymatic reac-
tion, so that we are neither constrained nor aided.
We chose to use a simple enzymatic reaction, one that allowed
characterizing the rates of binding and unbinding of substrate and
enzyme, and a rate of the forward reaction to yield the product. We
allow also a backward reaction, on the basis that all reactions are
410 J.B. Bassingthwaighte et al.
Table 2
Model code for salicylate clearance (model downloadable
from search for model 280)
Fig. 4. Data on salicylate clearance from the three laboratories are fitted simultaneously with a single enzyme model to
describe the clearance. Parameters are given in the model code in Table 2. Data are from Benedek (14) in the left panel,
Aaron (15) in the middle panel, and Prescott (16) in the right panel. Note that the concentration ranges are markedly
different. ( model 280).
reverse reaction from the product back to salicylate. So for the first
level of testing all parameters are considered as open and adjustable,
including the initial values of the concentrations in the system. In
this analysis the system is considered to be a single well-stirred tank,
as if the circulation were instantaneously mixed. This gross over-
simplification also makes the assumption that the product either
goes directly into the urine or to some other location in the body
from which it does not return. Enzymatic conversion in the liver
followed by excretion into the bile would be equivalent kinetically
to conversion to a glucuronate followed by the circulation through
the blood and clearance in the kidney. Ideally one would measure
the urinary excretory rates simultaneously and model both the
plasma clearance rates and the urinary clearance. This was not
done here.
The results are shown in Fig. 4 where the curves at the low,
middle, and high concentration ranges are shown to be fitted
reasonably well by the model. The high concentration data (right
panel) are fitted less well but do illustrate that the slope is
412 J.B. Bassingthwaighte et al.
Fig. 5. Semilog plots of the data (symbols) fitted with the model solutions for the salicylic acid (LSA, MSA, and HSA, solids
lines). All the data in both Figure 5 were fitted simultaneously with one parameter set for the enzyme as given in Table 2.
The Product concentrations (dashed line for LP, MP, and HP) are merely predicted product concentrations. Since there are
no data on product concentrations, the assumption that there is no degradation of Product must lead to some overestima-
tion of its influence on the backward reaction.
Fig. 6. Three sets of linear sensitivity functions versus time. Solid lines are sensitivities to the initial zero-time
concentrations resulting from the doses. Long dashed lines are sensitivities to KD1: the sensitivities are all positive.
Dotted lines are sensitivities to KD2, the dissociation constant for the reverse reaction: the sensitivities are all negative.
4.1.1. Sensitivity Analysis In Fig. 6 the linear or absolute sensitivity functions are shown
for initial concentrations and for the two dissociation constants.
The solid lines are sensitivities to the initial zero-time concentra-
tions resulting from the doses; most of the sensitivity is at the
earliest points. With the high dose the fractional clearance is so
low that the high sensitivity extends throughout the 16 h of the
study. For the middle dose, MSAtot, the sensitivity diminishes most
steeply as a function of time at around 10 h when the concentration
is close to KD1, the dissociation constant for substrate binding.
The long dashed lines are the sensitivities to KD1; these are all
positive, meaning that if KD1 were increased (decreasing the affinity
414 J.B. Bassingthwaighte et al.
of the enzyme for the substrate SA) the model solutions for all
three doses would be at higher levels and the rate of disappearance
would be diminished. Note that the time of peak sensitivity to KD1
is at early times for the low dose, at 10 h for the middle dose, and at
late times for the high dose. The dotted lines are sensitivities to KD2:
the sensitivities are all negative, meaning that if KD2 were increased
(decreasing the affinity of the enzyme for the product P) the model
solutions would be at lower levels and the rate of disappearance
would be increased because of reduced rates of reverse flux from
product to salicylate.
Technically the sensitivity calculations are set up by a special
mechanism: at the bottom of the left page is a button labeled
“Sensitivity.” Clicking on it takes one to the “Sensitivity Analysis
Configurator.” There in the leftmost column of the configurator
table one types in, or chooses from the drag down menu, the
parameter for which one wants to find the sensitivity. By clicking
on the down arrowheads you bring up the choices. In the setup
provided on the Web site at, etc. the three start-
ing values for the initial concentrations at t ¼ 0 are listed: LSAtot,
MSAtot, and HSAtot. Next on the list are the dissociation constants
KD1 and KD2.Their current values are automatically displayed under
“value.” The calculations of each S(t) are made on the basis of the
parameter change of 1% set under “delta” at 0.01. The tick marks in
the OK column indicate that the calculation will be made as
described earlier, namely, that the standard solution will be calcu-
lated and then another solution calculated for each of the five para-
meters listed, with this 1% change in parameter value. The S(t) is the
difference in the solution at each time point from the standard
solution divided by the 1% change in the parameter value, Eq. 4.
4.1.2. Optimization This is the process of fitting the model solutions as closely as
possible to the data in order to guide one’s thinking about and
one’s use of the model. When the fit is very close, then one has a
descriptor of the fitted data sets, that is, the model and its parameter
set provide a record of that description. Descriptions of many
different studies, patients studies or experiments, allow compari-
sons and possible classification into categories having specific dis-
tinctions. Descriptive models are useful for diagnosis and possibly
for prognosis or choosing modes of therapy. (If the model
“explains” the data by defining the physical and chemical mechan-
isms, that is even better.)
When the fit is poor, then more exploration is needed. Was
automated optimization used? A typical set of trajectories of param-
eter values during an optimization run using SENSOP is shown in
Fig. 7. The values do not range widely; to assure one that they have
not settled into local minima we also used other optimizers that
search widely, e.g. simulated annealing. Try weighting the data
differently: a simple sum of squares minimization may not be
17 Compartmental Modeling in the Analysis of Biological Systems 415
4.2. Multiple Sequential Test of clinical functions evolves in a variety of ways, usually being
Dose Administration: designed long after the function has been clearly understood. Here
Hepatic Function is a counterexample, a case in which the idea of the clinical evalua-
tion from the administration of a drug was evident right at
the beginning. There was a coalescence of features that brought
this about.
For the estimation of cardiac output using the indicator dilu-
tion technique Mayo Clinic’s Earl Wood needed a dye that
absorbed light at a wavelength of 800 nm, the isosbestic point at
which oxyhemoglobin and reduced hemoglobin absorbed equally.
This would allow optical detection and quantitation of the dye
416 J.B. Bassingthwaighte et al.
Fig. 7. Optimization: Trajectories of values for parameters being optimized, in this case the three initial concentrations and
the two dissociation constants during 100 trials of fitting the model solutions to the salicylate data. The optimizer used was
SENSOP (17); the staircase nature of the plotted values is that SENSOP reports the previous estimate of the parameter
vector as it calculates each new sensitivity function, one for each parameter being optimized, and then reports and plots
the new value of each parameter.
V1, C1, Flow1 = C.O.
Lungs and Heart
V2, C2 Flow2
Kidney and Head
V3, C3 Flow3
Liver and Gut
V4, C4 Flow4
Fig. 8. Indocyanine Green Injection and Clearance. Upper panel: Blood concentrations in a
14 kg dog with 22 successive intravenous injections of 2.5 mg ICG (vertical pips). Dashed
lines represent estimated single exponential decay after each series of injections. Data
are from Edwards et al. (22). Lower panel: Circulatory model for hepatic clearance of ICG,
a mammillary compartmental model. Model code, with all parameters and equations, is in
Table 3. Modeling results are in Fig. 9.
was excreted via the bile: the feces turned green! Within a few years
the Indocyanine Green clearance Test was used as a liver function
test; it was a valued test even before the mechanisms of its hepatic
excretion became known (24).
The data from one dog (Edwards, 1960), shown in Fig. 8
(top panel), invite analysis. After each series of injections a set of
blood samples were obtained as the concentration diminished: the
diminutions appeared as straight lines on the semilog plot shown in
Fig. 8, top. This suggests a first-order clearance, i.e., a constant
fraction of the dye was being removed per unit time. Now let us
develop a simple model, and then test it against the data.
The anatomy and physiology provide the framework for the
model. The dye distributes throughout the whole blood volume.
418 J.B. Bassingthwaighte et al.
Table 3
Compartmental model for hepatic ICG clearance
Table 3
Table 3
The four-compartment model has recirculation. The input function to compartment 1 (Heart and Lung)
is the sum of the recirculated indicator plus the series of injection pulses into V1, Qinjrate, each
injection at x mg/min for a short duration. Each injection, Cin#, is defined at run time using a separate
function generator. Clearance of the injected dye, indocyanine green, is hepatic extraction from the
blood via a saturable transporter on the hepatocyte sinusoidal membrane followed by ATP-dependent
excretion across the hapatocyte apical membrane into the bile, but is represented here by a passive first-
order loss, G3. This is adequate kinetically only at low concentrations of ICG, where the transporter is
mainly uncomplexed. */
KEY WORDS: compartment, flow and exchange, mixing chamber, hepatic clearance. first-order
consumption, washout, organ, multi-organ, recirculation
Edwards AWT, Bassingthwaighte JB, Sutterer WF, and Wood EH. Blood level of indocyanine green in
the dog during multiple dye curves and its effect on instrumental calibration. Proc S M Mayo Clin 35:
747-751, 1960.
Edwards AWT, Isaacson J, Sutterer WF, Bassingthwaighte JB, and Wood EH. Indocyanine green
densitometry in flowing blood compensated for background dye. J Appl Physiol 18: 1294-1304,
Author: BEJ 06jan11
Revised by: JBB 09jan11 to combine the function generators, fgens, to speed computation
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 University of Washington. From the National Simulation Resource,
Director J. B. Bassingthwaighte, Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle WA
Academic use is unrestricted. Software may be copied as long as this copyright notice is included.
This software was developed with support from NIH grant HL073598.
Please cite this grant in any publication for which this software is used and send an e-mail with the
citation and, if possible, a PDF file of the paper to [email protected].
*/ Table 3 is an example of a complete set of MML code in the format used in general for JSim project files, having the
same sequence and format as those used in the repository of models at
5. Summary:
The Processes
Undertaken in
Pharmacokinetics In Subheading 4 we covered a standard approach to the steps in a
modeling analysis of data. The order of the steps depends a little on
the nature of the task. In the first model we performed no
17 Compartmental Modeling in the Analysis of Biological Systems 423
Fig. 9. Model solution to fit the ICG data in a 14 kg dog. The triangles are the data shown in Fig. 8 (upper). The parameters
and initial conditions for the model are those given in the code in Table 3. The parameters are the result of optimization
using NL2SOL from Dennis and Schnabel (19); the total blood volume, Vtot, and the hepatic clearance, G3, were the only
free parameters. The 2.5 mg injection pulses are shown along the abscissa. The dashed lines are mono-exponentials with
time constant Vtot/G3. The model is #103 at
verification steps, and in the second the verification was done after
the fitting of the model to the data. This is clearly in the wrong
order: there is no point fitting a model to the data until it has been
demonstrated to be computed correctly, so in the list that follows,
the verification is done as soon as the draft model is constructed.
One cannot argue that the verification is not needed until the
model fits the data: a mathematically incorrect model might fit
the data, and after all that work the effort would be shown to be a
waste if the code had an error. Our failure to precede the data fitting
by a formal verification in these two cases is based on prior observa-
tions that JSim’s solutions for compartmental models provide four-
digit accuracy compared to analytical solutions.
Taking a listing of the steps to a detailed level:
l Ideally, design the experimental protocol to be the best test of
the model.
l Gathering supporting data, assess experimental accuracy.
l Obtain information on necessary parameters, a priori, and on
possible constraints.
l Complete development of the model. List all the assumptions.
424 J.B. Bassingthwaighte et al.
6. Model
and Modifications:
Interactive When the fit is not precise, outside of the limits of expectation
Hypothesis Revising relative to the noise in the data, despite all the attempts, then
maybe the model is just wrong. Certainly it is not nicely descriptive,
let alone explanatory! Given the philosophical premise that all
models are wrong, in the sense of being incomplete, or incorrect
mechanistically, every failure is a stimulus to find an alternative
model. A most rewarding and successful strategy is that of Platt
(12): he proposes that right from the outset one should
have alternative hypotheses in mind, and that the experiment
should be designed to distinguish between these hypotheses.
“Strong Inference” is the title of his paper. We advocate that each
hypothesis be expressed in terms of a computational model, since
that means that it is described explicitly and is therefore testable.
The strategy pays off because at least one of the hypotheses
is proven wrong when the model fails to fit the data. Sometimes
both are wrong! Regroup, rethink!
17 Compartmental Modeling in the Analysis of Biological Systems 425
7. What to Do When
the Compartmental
Representation Is
not so Good? What follows is a common example that applies in biophysics,
physiology, and pharmacology. It is usual that drugs and substrates
for metabolism and signaling molecules of molecular weight less
than 1,000 Da are partially extracted during single passage through
a capillary. Since capillaries are about a 1,000 mm long, but only
5 mm in diameter (as in Fig. 10), there is no possibility that they are
instantaneously stirred tanks with uniform concentration from end
to end: there must be gradients between capillary entrance and exit
for any solute that is exchanging between blood and tissue. If the
extraction is less than 5%, the gradient might be ignored, but for
solutes of interest to us here the steady-state extractions are
30–90%, and so affect the estimates of the permeabilities and
consumption rates. Consequently we now consider the computa-
tional differences between a stirred tank and an axially distributed
capillary–tissues exchange unit.
426 J.B. Bassingthwaighte et al.
Fig. 10. A venule and capillaries on the epicardium of a dog heart casted with microfil.
Capillary diameters are 5.6 1.3 mm, average intercapillary distances are 17–19 mm,
and lengths are 800–1,000 mm. The distance between the long calibration lines is
100 mm. Modified from Bassingthwaighte et al. (33).
Fig. 11. Compartmental versus axially distributed models for capillary–tissue exchange. Exchange between capillary
plasma and interstitial fluid regions can be regarded as providing two conceptually similar but mathematical distinguish-
able methods of representation. Left panel: Two compartment stirred tank for the exchange of solute C between flowing
blood and surrounding stagnant tissue. Flow F, ml/(g min), carries in solute at concentration Cin, mM, and carries out a
concentration Coutt ¼ Cp, mM. The flux from capillary to ISF (compartment 2) is limited by the conductance PS ml/(g min),
the permeability-surface area product of the membrane separating the two chambers, allowing bidirectional flux. G2 ml/
(g min) is a reaction rate for a transformation flux forming product at a rate G2·C2 mmol/(g min). Right panel: Axially
distributed model equivalent to the two-compartmental model when the solute does not enter the endothelial or
parenchymal cells. PSg, the conductance for permeation through the interendothelial clefts, is equivalent to the PS of
the compartmental model in the left panel. Right panel from Gorman et al. (18) with permission from the American
Physiological Society.
Fig. 12. Schematic overview of experimental procedures underlying the application of the multiple-indicator dilution
technique to the investigation of multiple substrates passing through an isolated organ without recirculation of tracer. The
approach naturally extends also to their metabolites.
7.2. Model Equations The two diagrams in Fig. 11 look quite different, but the second
for Tracer can be reduced to the compartmental model, as we will show
below. The essential difference is that the distributed model
accounts for concentration gradients along the capillary length.
Capillaries are about 1 mm long, and are 5 mm in diameter, an
aspect ratio of 200. Diffusional relaxation times thus differ by a
factor of 200 between radial and axial directions. Consequently,
considering the capillary as a stirred tank is unreasonable.
The stirred tank expressions account for the flow through
compartment 1, the permeation, and consumption terms G2 ml/
(g min) in the second compartment:
dC1 PS F
¼ ðC1 C2 Þ ðCin C1 Þ;
dt V1 V1
dC2 PS G2
¼ þ ðC1 C2 Þ C2 : (10)
dt V2 V2
The use of these ODEs implies and builds into the calculations
a discontinuity between the concentration of solute in the inflow
17 Compartmental Modeling in the Analysis of Biological Systems 429
Fig. 13. Pulse responses in axially distributed models. The input function, Cin, is a pulse of duration 1.4 s. Upper panel:
Outflow concentration–time curves for a partial differential equation solution using a Lagrangian sliding fluid element
method and an intravascular dispersion coefficient, Dp ¼ 2.6 105 cm2/s (gray curve), and for a serial stirred tank
algorithm representing a Poisson process with 109 stirred tanks (black curve almost superimposed on the gray one). Lower
panel: Intracapillary spatial profiles in the distributed model (using the PDEs) at a succession of times, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and
3.0 s. The pulse slides and disperses due to the diffusion while some solute is lost from the vascular space by permeation
of the capillary wall. Parameters were the same for the compartmental 109 tank Poisson model and the PDE: Fp ¼ 1 ml/
(g min), PSC ¼ 2 ml/(g min), and tissue volume Vtiss was set to 10 ml/g so that there was negligible tracer flux from tissue
back into the plasma space. (The model:
URES/Anderson_JC_2007_fig11/index.html) Figure from Anderson (6).
bolus progresses along the capillary. The permeative loss is the same
for both methods, with the result that the peak outflow concentra-
tions are similar. Figure 13 (lower) shows the shape of the bolus as a
function of position as it deforms continuously from its initial
square pulse at the entrance to the capillary. The diminution in
peak height is therefore due not only to the spreading but also to
the loss. This loss is reflected of course in the reduction in the areas.
432 J.B. Bassingthwaighte et al.
Fig. 14. Effect of reduction of Ntanks on the output C(t ). Responses of the Nth order
Poisson operator with Ntanks varied from 109 tanks in series down to 50, 20, 10, 5, 2,
and finally to a single mixing chamber, Ntanks ¼ 1. The gray curve is the Lagrangian
solution to the PDEs as in Fig. 13. All of the Poisson operator outflow curves (black) have
the same mean transit time, and the same parameters: Vp ¼ 0.05 and Vtiss ¼ 0.15 ml/g;
Fp ¼ 1 ml/(g min), PSg ¼ 1 ml/(g min). Figure from Anderson (6). Model is #46, running
loop mode to change Ntanks (
The grey curve touching to the top of each spatial profile is the
theoretical curve from Crone (35) and Renkin (39), as in the model
of Sangren and Sheppard (38):
PSg x
CðxÞ ¼ 1 e Fp L ; (14)
where x/L is the fractional distance along the capillary, the abscissa
in the lower panel.
Now that we know that the multi-compartmental serial tank
representation can give results approximating the normal PDE
representation, and that they differ basically only in the numerical
method used, the question becomes: “Which of the methods pro-
duces the correct assessment of the parameters with the greatest
efficiency?” The serial stirred tank model has the disadvantage that
the waveforms are seriously distorted by reducing the number of
stirred tanks, as is shown in Fig. 14.
While reducing the number of tanks in the stirred tank method
has a dramatic effect on the shapes of the outflow curves, the
problem is much less severe with the PDE representation, as
shown in Fig. 15. Solutions are shown for Ngrid ¼ 109, 51, 21,
11, and 7 for two methods of solving PDEs, one using a robust
solver TOMS731 (43) and the other using a Lagrangian sliding
fluid element algorithm (42).
17 Compartmental Modeling in the Analysis of Biological Systems 433
Fig. 15. Effect of reduction of Ngrid on the output C(t ) with two PDE solvers. The green curve is the serial compartmental
model with 109 tanks. The red rectangle is the input function divided by 4. Black curves are the solutions to the PDE
at varied resolutions. Upper panel: Lagrangian sliding fluid element algorithm, LSFEA, with Ngrid ¼ 121 black solid line,
51 short dashes superimposed on the black solid line, 21 long dashes, and 11 dotted. This algorithm, while computation-
ally fast, describes the outflow dilution curve as a series of square pulses; with a large number of segments the curves
appear smooth. With fewer segments, e.g., Ngrid ¼ 21 (long dashes) or 11 (dotted line), the steps are obvious but the
approximation is reasonably good. Lower panel: TOMS731 solver. This slow, robust solver, like most PDE solvers,
broadens the solution somewhat with reduced Ngrid but with Ngrid ¼ 11 (dotted line) there is obvious spreading and
oscillation in the solutions ( Model # 126).
434 J.B. Bassingthwaighte et al.
Fig. 16. Outflow dilution curves for D-glucose, 2-deoxy-D-glucose, and albumin (dog expt
4048-6) fitted with the model. The deoxyglucose curve has been shifted downward by half
a logarithmic decade (ordinate values divided by 10 in.) to display it separately from D-
glucose curve. Parameter estimates for D- and deoxyglucose were PSc, 0.97 and 1.0;
PSpc ¼ 0.7 and 0.5; Gpc ¼ 0.01 and 0.05 ml/(g min); the volume ratio Visf/Vp ¼ 6.5 and
Vpc/Vp ¼ 13.3 ml/g, the same for both glucoses. Coefficients of variation were 0.19 and
0.09. From Kuikka (36) with permission from the American Physiological Society (Model is
at Search on Kuikka, model 126).
the cellular uptake are given in the legend. The quality of the data is
shown by the smoothness of the curves over time; the goodness of
fit is a testimonial to the quality of the model defined through
the PDEs.
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