Safet Design For Reaction
Safet Design For Reaction
Safet Design For Reaction
☐ Can the supply of pressure of raw materials be limited to less than the
working pressure of the vessels they are delivered to?
☐ Is all equipment designed to totally contain the materials which might be
present inside at temperature or the maximum attainable process temperature
(i.e. don’t rely on the proper functioning of external systems such as
refrigeration systems to control temperature such that vapor pressure is less
than equipment design pressure)?
o Off-site impacts?
o Impacts to employees on-site?
o Impacts on other process or plant facilities?
☐ Can a multi-step process, where the steps are done at separate sites, be
divided up differently o eliminate the need to transport hazardous materials?
How does inherently safer design fit into an overall process risk management
program? To answer this question, it is first necessary to understand the
definition of risk. Risk is defined as a measure of economic loss, human injury,
or environmental damage in terms of both the incident likelihood and the
magnitude of the loss, injury, or damage. Any effort to reduce the risk arising
from the operation of a chemical processing facility can be directed toward
reducing the likelihood of incidents (incident frequency); reducing the
magnitude of the loss, injury or damage should an incident occur (incident
consequences), or some combination of both. In general, the strategy for
reducing risk, whether directed toward reducing frequency or consequence of
potential accidents, can be classified into four categories. These categories, in
decreasing order of reliability, are:
Risk control strategies in the first two categories, inherent and passive, are
more reliable because they depend on the physical and chemical properties of
the system rather than the successful operation of instruments, devices,
procedures, and people. Inherent and passive strategies differ, but are often
confused. A truly inherently safer process will reduce or completely eliminate
the hazard, rather than simply reducing its impact. Table below gives examples
of the four risk management strategy categories. These categories are not
rigidly defined, and some strategies may include aspects of more than one