Modal Analysis For Small Satellite System With Finite Element Method

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Modal Analysis for Small Satellite System with Finite

Element Method
Zhengfeng Bai, Yang Zhao, Wenlai Ma, Hao Tian
Department of Astronautics Engineering
Harbin Institute of Technology
Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China

Abstract-Modal analysis of satellite system is the basic analysis as well as knowledge of the natural frequencies and
requirement for the satellite structural design. The theory of mode shapes for particular structure is important for all types
normal modes is analysed rounded in this paper. And the finite of dynamic analysis.
element model of a small satellite, of which the monolithic Modal analysis by using finite element method has become
structure is honeycomb sandwich plate, is established by using
a widely useful tool for the solution of vibration problems. It
the finite element analysis software PATRAN/NASTRAN.
Furthermore, the equivalent model for honeycomb sandwich allows investigation of complex structure, which is one ofthe
plate is calculated. Based on the finite element model, the modal main methods to resolve the problem of structure vibration.
analysis of the satellite with finite element method is made. The The modal analysis is studied as in reference [2-5]; the
results indicate that the finite element method is a convenient authors studied the modal analysis for structure members of
and useful tool for modal analysis, which can calculate normal the satellite, such as solar panels, load-carrying structure and
frequency and predict modal shapes. Besides, the satellite so on. However, less study has been focused on the
structural vibratory weakness parts can be determined from the monolithic structure of satellites. In this paper, the theory of
mode shapes. The analysis results can accommodate bases for normal modes is presented and analysed. For a small satellite,
structural design and optimum design of the small satellite
it is a plate type structure and the monolithic structure is
structure. In addition, the numerical simulation results supply
for modal analysis at experiment testing. honeycomb sandwich plate. The equivalent model for
honeycomb sandwich plate is calculated. And then the finite
I. INTRODUCTION element model of the small satellite system is established by
using the finite element analysis software
Modal analysis [1] has become a major technology in the PATRANINASTRAN [6,7]. Finally the modal analysis ofthe
quest for determining, improving and optimizing dynamic satellite with finite element method is presented and the
characteristics of engineering structures. Not only has it been results of the modal analysis are discussed.
recognized in mechanical and aeronautical engineering but
modal analysis has also discovered profound applications for II. THE THEORY OF NORMAL MODES ANALYSIS
civil and building structures, biomechanical problems, space The solution ofthe motion equation for natural frequencies
structures, acoustical instruments transportation and nuclear and normal modes requires a special reduced form. Ifthere is
plants. no damping and no applied loading, the equation in matrix
The structural mode requirement is regarded as the stiffness form reduces to
demand ofstructure; due to the modes ofa satellite depend on [M]{ii}+[K]{u} = 0 (1)
the stiffness of the satellite structure. While a satellite is to be
launched, it is necessary to determine if the operating where [M] is the mass matrix and [K] is the stiffness
frequency of the satellite is close to one of the natural matrix.
frequencies of the rocket. If the frequencies are close, it may This is the motion equation for undamped free vibration.
lead to structural damage or failure. So it is necessary to To solve Eq.1, assume a harmonic solution of the form
compute natural frequencies and mode shapes of a satellite {u} = {cD} sin ax (2)
structure, when assessing the dynamic interaction between
components and their supporting structure.
where {cD} is the eigenvector or mode shape and OJ is the
Normal modes analysis is useful for the selection of the circular natural frequency.
satellite structure, the stiffness and natural frequency Aside from this harmonic form being the key to the
distributing for the equipments on the satellite. Besides, the numerical solution of the problem, this form also has a
decisions regarding subsequent dynamic analyses, Le. physical importance. The harmonic form of the solution
transient response, frequency response, etc. can be based on means that all the degrees of freedom of the vibrating
the results of a natural frequency analysis. A normal modes structure move in a synchronous manner. The structural
analysis can be used to guide the experiment. In the pretest configuration does not change its basic shape during motion
planning stage, a normal modes analysis can be used to and only its amplitude changes.
indicate the best location for the accelerometers. After the If differentiation of the assumed harmonic solution is
test, a normal modes analysis can be used as a means to performed and substituted into the motion equation, the
correlate the test results to the analysis results. following is obtained:
Therefore, an overall understanding of normal modes -OJ2[M] {<I>} sin fit + [K] {<I>} sin fit = 0 (3)

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which after being simplified becomes make them useful in various dynamic analyses. First, when a
([ K ] − ω [ M ]){Φ} = 0
(4) linear elastic structure is vibrating in free or forced vibration,
its deflected shape at any given time is a linear combination of
This equation is called the eigenequation, which is a set of all of its normal modes
homogeneous algebraic equations for the components of the
eigenvector and forms the basis for the eigenvalue problem. {u} = ∑ {Φ i }ξi (12)
An eigenvalue problem is a specific equation form that has i

many applications in linear matrix algebra. The basic form of where {u} is the vector of physical displacement, {Φ i } is
an eigenvalue problem is
the i-th mode shape and ξi is the i-th modal displacement.
[ A − λ I ]x = 0 (5)
Second, if [ K ] and [ M ] are symmetric and real (as is
where A is the square matrix ; λ is the eigenvalues; I is
the case for all the common structural finite elements), the
the identity matrix and x is the eigenvector.
following mathematical properties hold:
In structural analysis, the representations of stiffness and
mass in the eigenequation result in the physical {Φ i }T [ M ]{Φ j } = 0 i≠ j (13)
representations of natural frequencies and mode shapes.
Therefore, the eigenequation is written in terms of k , ω and
{Φ j }T [ M ]{Φ j } = m j (14)
M as shown in Eq.4 with ω 2 = λ .
There are two possible solution forms for Eq.4: {Φ j }T [ K ]{Φ j } = 0 i≠ j (15)
(I) If det([k ] − ω [ M ]) ≠ 0 , the only possible
{Φ j }T [ K {Φ j } = k j (16)
solution is
{Φ} = 0 (6)
Where m j is the j-th generalized mass and k j = ω 2 m j is
This is the trivial solution, which does not provide any the j-th generalized stiffness.
valuable information from a physical point of view, since it Also, from Eq.14 and Eq.16 Rayleigh’s equation is
represents the case of no motion. (“det” denotes the obtained
determinant of a matrix.) {Φ j }T [ K ]{Φ j }
det([k ] − ω 2 [ M ]) = 0 , then a non-trivial solution
(II) If
ω =
j (17)
{Φ j }T [ M ]{Φ j }
( {Φ} ≠ 0 ) is obtained for Eq.13 and Eq.15 are known as the orthogonality property of
([ K ] − ω [ M ]){Φ} = 0
(7) normal modes, which ensures that each normal mode is
distinct from all others. Physically, orthogonality of modes
From a structural engineering point of view, the general
means that each mode shape is unique and one mode shape
mathematical eigenvalue problem reduces to one of solving
cannot be obtained through a linear combination of any other
the equation of the form
mode shapes.
det([k ] − ω 2 [ M ]) = 0 (8) In addition, a natural mode of the structure can be
or represented by using its generalized mass and generalized
det([k ] − λ[ M ]) = 0 (9) stiffness. This is very useful in formulating equivalent
dynamic models and in component mode synthesis.
where λ = ω .
If a structure is not totally constrained in space, it is
The determinant is zero only at a set of discrete eigenvalues possible for the structure to displace (move) as a rigid body or
λi or ωi2 . There is an eigenvector {Φ i } which satisfies as a partial or complete mechanism. For each possible
component of rigid-body motion or mechanism, there exists
Eq.7 and corresponds to each eigenvalue. Therefore, Eq.7 can
one natural frequency that is equal to zero. The
be rewritten as
zero-frequency modes are called rigid-body modes.
[ K − ωi2 M ]{Φ i } = 0 i = 1, 2, 3... (10) Rigid-body motion of all or part of a structure represents the
Each eigenvalue and eigenvector defines a free vibration motion of the structure in a stress-free condition. Stress-free,
rigid-body modes are useful in conducting dynamic analyses
mode of the structure. The i-th eigenvalue λi is related to the
of unconstrained structures, such as aircraft and satellites.
i-th natural frequency as follows: Also, rigid-body modes can be indicative of modelling errors
ωi or an inadequate constraint set.
fi = (11) There are nonzero results, for zero-damp structure with n

numbers of DOFs, n numbers of eigenvalues of the matrix are
where f i is the i-th natural frequency. the square values of systemic natural frequencies. Each
The number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors is equal to the ponderance of corresponding eigenvectors has a proportion
number of degrees of freedom that have mass or the number relationship among n numbers of the swing values. It is
of dynamic degrees of freedom. There are a number of obvious that the nature frequencies of a structural and the
characteristics of natural frequencies and mode shapes that modal shapes are decided by oneself inherent physic property

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(inertia and elasticity) system, but are irrelative with outer The equivalent Young’s modulus of core in honeycomb
loads. sandwich plate are calculated as follow and the hexagon
honeycomb is shown in Fig.2.
In dynamic calculated, the detail can be ignored, because

the nature frequencies of a structural and the modal shapes are θ
mainly decided by the structural mass and stiffness
distributing. Therefore, in the process of finite element h t2
analysis, the models are created with removed small pores,
protruding and so on from the FEM.
The monolithic structure of the small satellite system is
honeycomb sandwich plate, which is modelled using
Laminate Element. The payloads and structure mass are
Fig.2 The sketch of hexagon honeycomb
evenly distribution. The apparatuses are modelled as lumped
mass. Thereby according to the rules, the finite element model t13 cos θ
of the small satellite system is established using the finite
E x = Es (18)
l (h / l + sin θ ) sin 2 θ
element analysis software PATRAN/NASTRAN as shown in
Fig.1. There are 3119 nodes and 3246 elements in the finite t13 (h / l + sin θ )
element model of the small satellite system.
E y = Es (19)
l3 cos3 θ
2 (2t1 + t2 )
E z = Es (20)
3 3 r
3 16( + sin θ )
t l
Gxy = Es 13
l h ⎡ h2 h ⎤
cos θ ⎢ 2 + 6 (4 − sin θ ) − 16sin θ ⎥
l ⎣l l ⎦
1 t1
Gyz = G (22)
⎧ 1 (t1 + 2t2 )
(a) the monolithic structure
⎪3 3 G
⎪ r
Gzx = ⎨ (23)
⎪ 3 t1t2 G
⎪⎩ 2t1 + t2 r
cos 2 θ
γ xx = (24)
(h / l + sin θ ) sin θ
(h / l + sin θ )sin θ
ν yy = (25)
cos 2 θ
where Ex , E y , Ez are the Young’s modulus in longitudinal
direction, cross direction and vertical direction separately.
Gxy , G yz , Gzx are shear modulus. γ xx , γ yy are Poisson’s
(b) the inner structure
Fig.1 The finite element model of small satellite system ratio.
The shape size of the small satellite is 780mm×780mm×
810mm. The monolithic structure of the small satellite system IV. MODAL ANALYSIS RESULTS
is honeycomb sandwich plate, in which the material of skin
While launching, the boundary condition of the small
plate is LY12CZ (duralumin alloy) and the material of core is
satellite is that the joint plane of satellite and rocket is fixed.
LF2Y. There isn’t separate element for honeycomb sandwich
By way of Lanczos in NASTRAN, the modal analysis of the
structure, so honeycomb sandwich structure is modeled by an
small satellite is made. The previous 10 steps of the natural
equivalent model, which are as follows[8,9].
frequencies are presented in TABLE I and the previous 5

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steps mode shapes are shown in Fig.3.
Modal steps Normal frequency(Hz) Modal shapes
1 28.347 bend in Y direction
2 31.579 bend in Z direction
3 71.714 twisting
4 79.896 axial vibration
5 80.495 partial mode
6 81.663 partial mode
7 82.806 partial mode
8 85.940 partial mode
9 86.897 partial mode
(d) the fourth vibration mode (axial vibration)
10 87.546 partial mode

(e) the fifth vibration mode (partial vibration)

(a) the first vibration mode (bend in Y direction)
Fig.3 The previous five steps mode shapes of small satellite system
The natural frequency is determined by the structure
inherent physics itself. The structural mass and stiffness are
confirmed and the natural frequency is a constant. The modes
depend on the satellite structure stiffness and the demand of
mode is regarded as the stiffness demand of structure. For the
small satellite system, the stiffness demand is as follows:
(I) the first vibration frequency of bend mode in cross
direction is 20Hz;
(II) the first vibration frequency of twisting mode is 25Hz;
(III) the first vibration frequency in axial direction is 35Hz.
Therefore, the natural frequency of the satellite (see in
TABLE1) satisfies the stiffness demand.
(b) the second vibration mode (bend in Z direction) The previous some steps of the normal frequencies mostly
affect the structure, which happens syntony easily. TABLE1
shows that the first natural frequency begins with 28.347Hz.
It requests keeping away from the frequencies points of
electron components, in order to avoid from forming big
swing, high stress and syntony phenomenon.
The vibrated type of mode is one system inherent vibrated
behave. It is a ratio relation of relatively vibration among
structural finite elemental nodes. Fig.3 shows that the
previous four modal shapes are monolithic vibration shapes.
However, the next six modal shapes are partial modes. In
additional, each modal shape is obvious and it shows the
weak parts of the satellite structure. Fig.3 provides directly
(c) the third vibration mode (twisting) reference for improving structural performance.
Modal analysis is the basic requirement for the satellite
structural design. In this paper, the theory of normal modes is

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analysed, and the finite element model of the small satellite
system is established by using the finite element analysis
software PATRAN/NASTRAN. Furthermore, the equivalent
model for honeycomb sandwich plate is calculated for the
small satellite. Based on the finite element model, the modal
analysis of the small satellite with finite element method is
Through the modal simulation analysis, it indicates that
finite element method is a convenient and useful way, which
can calculate normal frequency and predict modal shape. For
the small satellite, the structural natural frequencies and
modal shapes are obtained, which is useful for the selection of
the satellite structure, the stiffness and natural frequency
distributing for the equipments on the satellite. The structural
vibratory weakness parts of the satellite can be determined
from the mode shapes. The results are provided for further
optimizing of the small satellite structure, and avoiding from
happing synchronous vibration. Additionally, the simulation
results can supply for modal analysis at experiment testing.
This research is supported by the Program for Changjiang
Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University
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