A A An The The A A: Sedmica 8
A A An The The A A: Sedmica 8
A A An The The A A: Sedmica 8
Prevod rečenica
1. Uvijek jedem voće za doručak. - I always eat fruits for breakfast.
2. On je konobar, a ona frizerka. - He is a waiter, and she is a hairdresser.
3. Kupila sam predivnu suknju. Suknja je crvena. - I bought a beautiful skirt. The skirt is red.
4. Da li voliš sladoled? Da, ali ne sladoled koji si nam ti kupio. - Do you like ice cream? Yes, but
not the ice cream you bought us.
5. Gledali smo vijesti na TV-u, ali nismo čuli tu emisiju na radiju. - We watched the news on the
TV, but we didn’t hear that show on the radio.
Phrasal verbs
1. I have to figure out how this machine works. - Moram da shvatim kako ova mašina
2. I knew it, you always have to mess up something. - Znao sam, uvijek moraš nešto poremetiti.
3. Take off your jacket, it’s not cold at all. – Skini jaknu, uopšte nije hladno.
4. You know that everything is happening for the reason, but you have to carry on with your
life. – Znaš da se sve događa s razlogom, ali moraš nastaviti sa svojim životom.
5. Don’t worry, he will come back I know him. – Ne brini, vratit će se poznajem ga.