Second Exam: Water Flow (MGD) Alkalinity (MG/L As Caco3) PH
Second Exam: Water Flow (MGD) Alkalinity (MG/L As Caco3) PH
Second Exam: Water Flow (MGD) Alkalinity (MG/L As Caco3) PH
Closed book, two pages of notes allowed.
Answer any two of the three questions. Please state any additional assumptions you made, and show all work.
PCO2 = 10‐3.5 atm
Some useful constants:
KH = 10‐1.5 M/atm
1. Carbonate System.
(50% for all three parts) Two raw drinking waters are mixed as they enter the headworks of a water treatment
plant. The two are characterized as follows:
Water Flow (MGD) Alkalinity pH
(mg/L as CaCO3)
#1 20 10 6.30
#2 10 350 9.50
A. What will the pH of the blended water be immediately after mixing?
B. What will the pH of the blended water be after it has reached equilibrium with the bulk atmosphere?
C. How many mg/L of caustic soda (NaOH) must be added to the unequilibrated blended water in part
“A” to raise the pH to 9.80 ?
Steps in solving the problem:
1. Calcuate the alpha‐1 and alpha‐2 values for both waters using the known pH
2. Use the known alkalinity equation and alpha values to determine CT for water #1 and water #2
3. Calculate the blended water Alk and CT.
Water #1 Alk = 10 mg/L = 0.00020 equ/L
pH = 6.3 Flow = 20
Blended Water
CT = 0.002342504 M
Alk = 0.002466667 eq/L = 123.3333 mg/L
4. From these two calculate the blended water pH, as shown below:
There are many ways of solving this using some good simplifying assumptions, and thereby avoiding
complicated numerical soutions. Here is one that I like. First, start with the full alkalinity equation:
In most cases you can ignore the OH and H, so:
Now working with the alpha values you have
Now substituting in for the aphas:
So multiplying both sides by the denominator:
And factoring it out:
∗ ∗ 2
And combining the like terms:
∗ ∗ 2 0
∗ ∗ 2 0
Now we can use the quadratic equation with:
∗ 2 2
And the quadratic becomes:
B = (Alk-Ct)*K1= 5.54615E‐11
4AC = 4Alk((Alk-2Ct)K1K2 = ‐4.57297E‐22
H = 8.06728E‐10
pH= 9.093
Note that the exact solution without the assumptions that H+ and OH‐ are insignificant would have gotten you
a pH of 9.0527, which is reasonably close to the value above.
B. What will the pH of the blended water be after it has reached equilibrium with the bulk atmosphere?
The easiest way to do this in my opinion is to start with the alkalinity equation
And recognize that at the pH of interest alkalinity will be amost entirely bicarbonate, thus:
Then substitute in for the CT using the Henry’s law constant and the partial pressure of CO2 as we normally do
for open systems
And now recognize that the ratio of the two alphas is obtained from the quotient for K1.
And combining:
And in this particular case, we have:
10 10 . 10 .
1.81088 10
pH = 8.742
which is very close to what one would get without ignoring H+ and OH‐ :
Exact Solution, ignoring carbonate
B =- K1*Kh*Pco2/Alk = ‐1.81088E‐09
C = 2K2*B = ‐1.69402E‐19
H = 1.90004E‐09
pH = 8.721
C. How many mg/L of caustic soda (NaOH) must be added to the unequilibrated blended water in part
“A” to raise the pH to 9.80 ?
Here you are back to a closed system. Therefore you must assume CT to be conservative again. You
need to calculate the new alpha values for pH 9.8. Then use that information to calculate the new
alkalinity. From here you get the increase in alkalinity required (delta Alk). This allows you to calculate
how much NaOH is needed, which is the source of that new alkalinity.
H+ alpha-0 alpha-1 alpha-2 alpha-3 OH-
Target pH 9.8 1.58E‐10 0.000273887 0.77192 0.227809 1.44E‐41 6.31E‐05
Alk = 0.002939 N
del Alk = 0.000472 N
A. (25%) Below is an “accurate” alpha graph for the Al+3 – F- system. Using this graph determine the
complete speciation in an acidified alum solition where the total aluminum concentration is 2 mM and the
total fluoride concentration is 10 mM. Assume the pH of the is low enough to render any hydroxide
complexes insignificant.
Draw the two n-bar lines (equilibrium line and mass balance line). Find the intersection of the two lines
and draw a vertical at that point. Then read off the alpha values and determine concentrations. Below is an
expanded view of the graph to aide in finding the best values. For the purposes of your exam, you only
needed to draw the line over the full sized graph and locate the points as best you can by eye. The correct
values are presented in the table below.
5 500
α3 0.38 AlF3 7.6x10-4
α4 0.55 AlF4- 1.1x10-3
α5 0.05 AlF5-2 1x10-4
α6 ~0 AlF6-3 ~0
1.2 6.0
1.1 5.5
n-bar (mb) n-bar (equ)
1.0 5.0
0.8 4.0
0.7 3.5
0.6 3.0
0.5 2.5
0.4 2.0
0.3 1.5
0.2 1.0
0.1 0.5
0.0 0.0
-8 -6 -4 -2 0
Log [L]
1.2 6.0
1.1 5.5
1.0 5.0
0.7 3.5
0.6 3.0
0.5 2.5
0.4 2.0
0.2 1.0
0.1 0.5
0.0 0.0
-3.0 -2.9 -2.8 -2.7 -2.6 -2.5 -2.4 -2.3 -2.2 -2.1 -2.0 -1.9
Log [L]
B. (10%) Now explain in qualitative terms how the speciation would change if the alum solution pH was
substantially elevated so that hydroxide complexes became important and justify your answer using
your knowledge of water chemistry
The higher level of hydroxide would create more Al-OH complexes and thereby reduce the amount of
Al available to complex with fluoride. This would change the effective n-barmb curve by raising the
left asymptote. For example, let’s assume an equilibrium ratio of Al(OH)x/Al+3 for all x (i.e., all
possible OH complexes of aluminum), and we will call that ratio “ROH”. Since the free aluminum (Al+3)
is α0CM, then the amount of Al tied up by hydroxyl complexes is: α0CMROH . Then the amount of metal
available for complexing fluoride is (CM- α0CMROH) or CM*(1-α0ROH). This complicates the n-barmb
equation and makes it a function of α0:
1 0.002 1
While the x-intercept wouldn’t change, the y-intercept would go up and the overall effect would be to
shift the fluoride species to higher average numbers of fluoride bound per aluminum atom. However
the total amount of aluminum bound to fluoride would go down as OH would be tieing up some of the
aluminum in the system. If there is an Al(OH)3 precipitate under these conditions, the n-bar would be
further increased. Although not discussed in class, fluoride may be removed with an aluminum
hydroxide precipitate though processes such as surface adsorption. Note that fluoride is a very weak
base (HF has a pKa of about 3.2) so there would never be any appreciable formation of HF.
C. (10%) Explain in qualitative terms how the speciation would change if the pH was high, and if 2 mM of
EDTA was added. Note that EDTA does not form precipitates. Again, justify your answer using your
knowledge of water chemistry.
Here we would have a competing ligand for the metal and a very strong ligand at that. This would
effectively lower the available metal (CM) for complexation with fluoride much like the hydroxide did.
The degree to which it would be lowered would depend on the ligand (i.e., EDTA) to aluminum ratio.
This would cause a decrease in the n-bar for Al-F complexes. As pH goes down, the EDTA becomes
more protonated and the protonated forms are less effective as ligands and would be less able to
compete with high levels of fluoride.
If the pH were high enough for Al(OH)3 to precipitate, then EDTA might just result in higher levels of
solubilized Al in the form of Al-EDTA complexes and less hydroxide precipitate. If there isn’t enough
EDTA to cause all of the Al(OH)3 precipitate to dissolve, the residual Al+3 concentration will be
determined only by the hydroxide solubility product relationship and in that case EDTA would not
affect Al-F complexes.
D. (5%) Finally explain in qualitative terms how the speciation would change if you took into account the
impacts of high ionic strength. Note that the alpha graph as shown is based on the ideal infinite dilution
case (i.e., no ionic strength). Again, justify your answer using your knowledge of water chemistry.
Higher ionic strength would mask the charge attraction beween Al+3 and F‐ and thereby decrease the
K1 value. This would have the effect of shifting the α1 curve to higher free ligand concentrations. For
analogous reasons the K2 and K3 would be changed in the same way, but not as much. The K4 would
not appreciably change. In contrast, the K5 and K6 would increase, and therefore, the α4, α5, and α6
curves would shift to the left. The exact change could be calculated using an ionic strength correction
on the K values, assuming some model like Debye‐Huckel. All of this would change the n‐barequ curve
and the intersection between the two n‐bar curves.
3. multiple choice
(50%) Answer all 20 of the following questions. The first 10 are multiple choice. Please indicate which of the
options is the best choice.
1. Pearson is:
a. the first name of your textbook’s author
b. the founder of modern environmental chemistry
c. the originator of a discredited theory
d. the one who developed the hard and soft acid concept
e. none of the above
2. When a solution spontaneously absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere it:
a. results in higher total carbonate
b. drops in pH
c. approaches equilibrium
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
3. Phosphate
a. is a tetradentate ligand
b. is a deadly poison
c. is insoluble
d. is the drug of choice for malaria
e. has been used as a “builder” in detergents
4. H2CO3*:
a. is composed mostly of aqueous CO2
b. is always conservative, even in open systems
c. is a toxic substance
d. all of the above
e. complexes very strongly with sodium
5. Ion pairs:
a. are always charged
b. are larger than Bartlett pears
c. are illegal in Alabama
d. are outer‐sphere complexes
6. The value of n‐bar:
a. is usually 6 or less
b. depends on the free ligand concentration
c. can be used to solve complexation problems graphically
d. all of the above
e. none of the obove
7. The buffer intensity of the open carbonate system:
a. is independent of the alkalinity
b. is independent of the CT
c. is always higher than the pCO2
d. is at a minimum where the pH < pK1
e. is at a minimum where the pH = pK2
8. Detergent “builders” are used to:
a. help solubilize grease
b. complex trace metals
c. take hardness cations from the surfactants
d. elevate the acidity
e. reduce the caloric content
a. stands for ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid
b. is most commonly used as a pH buffer
c. forms precipitates with most metals
d. is commonly used to enhance the impacts of copper on algae
e. is a tetra‐dentate ligand
10. The Irving Williams Series
a. is a means of estimating alkalinity
b. describes the inverse proportionality of acidity to alkalinity
c. includes a number of books, such as The Chapman Report, and The Prize
d. provides a comprehensive description of ligand structure
e. follows the increase in ligand affinity from Mn(II) to Cu(II)
The 10 below are true/false. Mark each one of the following statements with either a “T” or an “F”
15. _____ F Environmental systems are far more likely to be at equilibrium with respect to
precipitation reactions than with respect to acid/base (e.g., proton) equilibrium.
Additional Information:
For a diprotic acid:
Some additional equilibria
Equilibrium Constant
FeOH+2 = Fe+3 + OH‐ K1 = 10‐11.8
Fe(OH)2+ = FeOH+2 + OH‐ K2 = 10‐10.5
Fe(OH)4‐ = Fe(OH)2+ + 2OH‐ K3 = 10‐12.1
Fe2(OH)2+4 = 2Fe+3 + 2OH‐ K22 = 10‐25.05
Selected Acidity Constants (Aqueous Solution, 25°C, I = 0)
Trichloroacetic acid 0.70
CCl3COOH = H+ + CCl3COO‐
Iodic acid HIO3 = H+ + IO3‐ 0.8
+ ‐
Thiocyanic Acid HSCN = H + SCN 1.1
Bisulfate ion 2
HSO4‐ = H+ + SO4‐2
Phosphoric acid H3PO4 = H+ + H2PO4‐ 2.15 (&7.2,12.3)
Citric acid 3.14 (&4.77,6.4)
Hydrofluoric acid 3.2
HF = H+ + F‐
Nitrous acid HNO2 = H+ + NO2‐ 4.5
Acetic acid 4.75
Propionic acid 4.87
C2H5COOH = H+ + C2H5COO‐
Carbonic acid H2CO3 = H+ + HCO3‐ 6.35 (&10.33)
Hydrogen sulfide H2S = H+ + HS‐ 7.02 (&13.9)
Dihydrogen phosphate H2PO4‐ = H+ + HPO4‐2 7.2
Hypochlorous acid 7.5
HOCl = H+ + OCl‐
Boric acid B(OH)3 + H2O = H+ + B(OH)4‐ 9.2 (&12.7,13.8)
Ammonium ion NH4+ = H+ + NH3 9.24
Hydrocyanic acid 9.3
HCN = H+ + CN‐
Phenol 9.9
C6H5OH = H+ + C6H5O‐
m‐Hydroxybenzoic 9.92
C6H4(OH)COO‐ = H+ + C6H4(O)COO‐2
Bicarbonate ion HCO3‐ = H+ + CO3‐2 10.33
Monohydrogen HPO4‐2 = H+ + PO4‐3 12.3
Bisulfide ion HS‐ = H+ + S‐2 13.9
Water H2O = H+ + OH‐ 14.00
-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Log [L]
-1 H+ OH-
Log C
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14