Add MITx Credentials To Resume and LinkedIn PDF

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Add MITx MicroMasters Credential in SCM to Resume and CV

Enter the individual course certificate, or MicroMasters credential in the education,

certifications or accomplishments section of your resume or cv.

Sample Text:

Possible Section Header:

“Professional Credentials” or “Professional Development” or “Certifications”
Or place within education section by saying “Education and Credentials”

• MITx MicroMasters in Supply Chain Management MOOC – Massachusetts Institute of Technology on edX (2017)
• Developed competency in Supply Chain theory and practice through xxx hours of online coursework
• Created models and solved problems in SC analytics, design, dynamics and related technologies

MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics
Add MITx Credential to and LinkedIn
Enter the individual course certificate , or MicroMasters credential under
“Education” or “Accomplishments” on LinkedIn.

These endorsers, logos, and marks are valid MITx MicroMasters in SCM

The logo marks below are NOT valid for the MITx MicroMasters in SCM.
They are reserved for in-person and on-campus programs only.

MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics
1. Navigate to your profile – Add new profile section

MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics
2. Choose either: Education - or - Accomplishments > Certifications

- or -

MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics
3. Choose your certification by course or MicroMasters

Certification Name
Begin to enter MITx on edX and it will appear
Enter your unique license number

Choose your dates

Enter your cert URL. More on URLs here.

MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics

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