Classroom Attendance Using Face Detection and Raspberry-Pi: Sayali Mhaske
Classroom Attendance Using Face Detection and Raspberry-Pi: Sayali Mhaske
Classroom Attendance Using Face Detection and Raspberry-Pi: Sayali Mhaske
Sayali Mhaske
Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
The attendance system will remain primitive. Where the teacher calls the name of students to mark their
attendance. This system can be easily manipulated .in order to overcome the issues biometrics of the students
can involve. this method of camera is fixed in the class room and its capture the images then the faces are
detected. To store the dataset and capture the images. Otherwise the faces is recognize and marking the attendance.
A camera is an instrument which is used for capturing
video or image which may be stored locally , transmitted
to another location or both.
Structured Query Language is a domain-specific
language used in programming and designed for
managing data held in a relational database management C. FACE DETECTION:
system (RDBMS), or for stream processing in a relational Face Detection is the process where the image, given as
data stream management system (RDSMS). It is an input (picture) is searched to find any face, after
particularly useful in handling structured data. finding the face the image processing cleans up the
facial image for easier recognition of the face.
The integral
image allows integrals for the Haar extractors to be
calculated by adding only four
[3] Viola, P., & Jones, M. (2001). Rapid object detection using a
boosted cascade of simple features. In Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition, 2001. CVPR 2001. Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE
Computer Society Conference.