Qualpro-Cm: An Overview of The Development of A Competency Measurement Support Tool

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Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 11 No. 2, December 1998, pp.




Siew Hock Ow and Mashkuri Hj. Yaacob

Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology
University of Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur
Tel.: 603-7696366
Fax: 603-7579249
email: [email protected]
[email protected]

ABSTRACT software system in itself does not necessarily imply the

production of a quality software system. The developed
Software quality is an important issue in the software system risks becoming a shelfware if it is unable to fulfill
development industry. There are three elements that the user’s requirements completely. It becomes logical
determine the quality of a software system: people, that quality be designed into the software development
management and technology. Of these three elements, process. It is imperative that the SQA team performs
people constitute the most crucial element that determines quality assurance (QA) activities such as simulation,
a successful software outcome. The competency of the review, walkthrough and audit, at every phase of software
people involved in software quality assurance is development to enhance the prospect of a successful
important. However, there is a lack of appropriate software outcome [4, 5]. The quality activities have to be
competency measurement models and tools that can be conducted by the right people who are highly conversant
applied for such purpose. This paper highlights the in the various aspects of SQA. One way to evaluate a
establishment of an indigenous model, the Knowledge, person’s ability is to measure his competency level based
Awareness and Practice (KAP) Model, and the on some established methods or a competency model. A
development of an automated competency measurement scan of the literature on competency measurement reveals
support tool, QualPro-CM, focusing on the functions and that various types of approaches and tests have been
modules as well as its design philosophy. This tool is established for this purpose. For example, IBM’s
developed based on the client/server architecture Programming Aptitude Test (PAT) is an eligibility test to
incorporating the use of Web-based Microsoft determine the right candidate for the post of programmer
development tools. [6]. However, there is a general lack of tests or
measurement models that can be used for evaluating the
Keywords: Software Development; Knowledge, competency level of an SQA team.
Awareness and Practice Model; KAP
Model; Competency Measurement Support A research project was initiated in the Faculty of
Tool; QualPro-CM; Client/Server Computer Science and Information Technology,
Architecture; Software Quality Assurance; University of Malaya, to develop a competency model
SQA. and an associated automated tool to support the
measurement process. Resulting from the research, an
indigenous competency model known as Knowledge,
1.0 INTRODUCTION Awareness and Practice (KAP) Model, can now be
adopted to measure the competency level of an SQA team
Software quality assurance (SQA) is an important issue in prior to it being assigned any SQA jobs. In this model,
software development. The focus of quality assurance is only three attributes namely, knowledge, awareness and
to achieve a ‘right first time’ approach, thus reducing the practice, are taken into consideration. Other attributes
rate and associated costs of failure through poor products such as experience, the condition of the working place,
and services [1]. It is determined by the three elements of and sociological factors are not taken into account, as
people, management and technology [2]. Of these, people their inclusion would make the study very complicated.
have been recognised as the most important since they Furthermore, the outcome of the measurement of these
manage and control the software development process [3]. attributes would not be able to reflect a solid and
Today’s software systems are as complicated as ever, and significant interpretation for the intended measurement.
large software development projects become generally a However, the impact of these attributes will be analysed
team-based effort. Under such circumstances, the success using the KAP Model in future studies. Since every
of a software project is highly dependent on the employee needs to possess sufficient knowledge in order
development team. However, the completion of a to perform a job, knowledge is thus selected for

An Overview of the Development of a Competency Measurement Support Tool – QualPro-CM

measurement. Measuring the attributes relating to d. Calculate the competency score, CS

awareness and practice is intended not only to study
employees’ awareness of new developments and CS = (SE / ST) x 100%
technologies that are impacting on the software industry,
but also whether they possess good/positive attitude Where, SE: Total score obtained by employee
towards embracing new changes and technologies in their (using steps a-c above)
jobs. ST: Total score of all sections

Each question is assigned one point for correct answer

2.0 THE KAP MODEL and a weightage of one. This manner of points allocation,
assigns equal importance to each question as well as the
The measurement of employee competency using the three attributes. However, the model allows some degree
KAP Model is conducted using a set of questionnaire. of flexibility to suit various organisational needs. For
The questions are formulated and categorised into three example, to study whether knowledge is more important
main sections: knowledge, awareness and attitude. Since than the other two attributes, the weightage for knowledge
this model aims to measure the competency level of an can be assigned 2 or a higher value to indicate the degree
SQA team, the questions formulated are based on the of importance. Similarly, if an evaluator finds that a
SQA perspectives. The competency score of each team question is more important than any other questions, he
member is calculated based on the answers given in the can assign a higher point for that question.
three sections. The calculation is performed using the
following steps: From the competency score obtained, the grade and
competency level are then determined based on a grading
a. Calculate the score of each question, SQ scheme established by the evaluator. The grading scheme
can be changed or adjusted, as the evaluator deems fit.
SQ = PQ x WQ for Q = 1,2, ….., M Depending on the competency level attained, varying
levels of training are recommended. Table 1 and Fig. 1
Where, Q: Question number show examples of the grading scheme and training needs
M: Total number of questions in a for specific competency levels involving eligibility to
section conduct a software requirements review process. The
PQ: Points for a correct answer for a identification of training needs is to institute appropriate
question training on the job. According to W. Edwards Deming,
WQ: Weightage of a question there must be a commitment to continuing training and
(The default values for point, PQ and education by the software managers and professional
weightage, WQ is 1, specify staff, as knowledge is important for improvement [7, 8].
otherwise) This would enable the employees to be always at the
forefront of technology and hence to attain quality output.
b. Calculate the score of each section, SS
Without an automated tool, the competency scores as well
N=M as the analysis of the results obtained as outlined above,
SS = ( ∑ SQ) x WS for N = 1, 2, .., M would have to be done manually. This would be
N=1 extremely tedious, time consuming and prone to error if it
involves a large number of SQA team members. Hence,
Where, M: Total number of questions in a an automated tool, QualPro-CM, was developed to
section support the measurement and the analysis process.
S: Section number
WS: Weightage of section S
(The default value for weightage, 3.0 THE FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES OF
WS is 1, specify otherwise) QualPro-CM

c. Calculate the total score of all sections, ST QualPro-CM is custom-built to measure competency
level of an SQA team. The measurement process begins
with the design of a questionnaire, and followed by
ST = ∑ SS for N = 1, 2, ….., S
answering of the questionnaire by the SQA team
members, calculation of competency scores and analysis
Where, S: Total number of sections of results as shown in Fig. 2. Its development
(In this case, S = 3) methodology is both method-oriented and process-
oriented. The main functions of QualPro-CM are
defined according to the process flow as explained and
illustrated below.

Ow and Yaacob

a. Input Questions d. Answering the Questionnaire

A set of questions is created and stored in a database to Each SQA team member is notified through the send mail
be selected for use in the design of the questionnaire. function of QualPro-CM of the directory in the network
Basically, there are three types of question. The first type server where the questionnaire is located, and the date
comprises objective questions requiring an either a yes, and time to answer the questionnaire. A time limit of
no or not applicable answer. The second type comprises between 20-30 minutes is given to answer all the
questions with various options as the answers with a questions in a section. If an employee has not answered
check box against each option. Choice of one or more the section on the specific date and time, he will be
answers is allowed. The third type requires text input as denied access to the questions, and a new date and time
answers to elicit opinions or comments. In addition, three will have to be set for him to complete that specific
other types of questions are included. These consist of section. Also, once the employee has submitted his
questions which are combinations of one or more of the answers to the system for calculation, he would be denied
three basic types. Of the three basic types, only the further access to the questions.
objective type is used in the calculation of the
competency score. The other two types provide e. Calculation of Competency Scores
additional information for the final analysis of results.
Indeed, if the input questions are related to software After the employee has answered all the questions in a
development perspectives, the measurement of employee section and submitted it to the system, QualPro-CM will
competency for the software development team can also calculate the scores and store the results in a database.
be conducted using the KAP Model. The scores in the database include the section scores and
the competency score.
b. Design Questionnaire
f. Analysis of Results
In designing a questionnaire, relevant questions are
selected from the pools of questions in the database. The QualPro-CM performs analysis of results by comparing
questionnaire is divided into different sections. The the competency score obtained with the competency level
questions for each section are selected according to their defined by the evaluators. The training needs as
category. When designing the questionnaire, the point suggested by the employee in the feedback section of the
and weightage are also assigned for each question and questionnaire as well as from the evaluators, are also
section. generated. The evaluators can view these results, but not
the employee. If there is a need for an employee to know
c. Define Grading Scheme his section scores or competency score, the evaluators can
inform him using the send mail function of QualPro-
The evaluator or a group of evaluators decide on the CM.
competency levels that determine an employee eligibility
to participate in an SQA activity such as a review process.
These levels are input into the system and can be changed
or reviewed from time to time. The training needs for
each competency level are also entered into the system.
Table 1: Grading Scheme and Training Needs

Competency Competency Training Eligibility to

Level Score (%) Needs conduct review
A High 91-100 1. New/updated standards/guidelines to conduct a
B Average 71-90 requirements review process (RRP)
2. New methodologies and tools used in Yes
an RRP
3. Improved/revised review process

C Fairly Low 51-70 1. Quality factors of SRS

D Low 0-50 2. Criteria of quality factors
3. Role/responsibilities of review team members No
4. Standards/guidelines to conduct an RRP

An Overview of the Development of a Competency Measurement Support Tool – QualPro-CM

(0-50) (51-70) (71-90) (91-100)

Not eligible to conduct requirements review process (RRP) Eligible to conduct RRP

Fig. 1: Grading scheme and eligibility to conduct an RRP

a. Input questions and

save into a database. d. SQA team members
answer the questionnaire.

b. Design questionnaire using

questions stored in the

1 . Section A
2 . Section B
3 . Section C

e. QualPro-CM calculates the

4 . Section D

competency score of each

c. Define grading f. Generate results member.
scheme. of analysis.

Fig. 2: The process flow of Competency Measurement

4.0 THE DEVELOPMENT OF QualPro-CM 4.1 The Modules of QualPro-CM

The tremendous progress in Information Technology (IT) QualPro-CM consists of four main modules namely, User
has made it possible for much of the work in software Administration, Competency Measurement, Change
development to be distributed to desktops, laptops, network Password and Logout. The User Administration module
servers, wide area networks, and global web servers. More provides a set of functions that allow a system administrator
importantly, information driven through the IT systems has to manage new and existing users (i.e. employees). The
gained recognition as a primary corporate asset, that is functions and operations performed by this module are
crucial to building and maintaining a competitive listed in Table 2. The Competency Measurement module
advantage. Although the client/server environment is still enables an evaluator to maintain the competency
relatively new, many IT professionals, especially the measurement for a specific SQA activity, input questions,
software project developers, are getting aware of the design questionnaire, perform competency measurement,
advantages of the transition to the Graphical User Interface define the grading scheme and competency levels, analyse
(GUI), iterative development, relational database and open the results and to generate various types of reports for
system environment. Indeed, it is faster, easier, and more management use as shown in Fig. 3. The functions and
flexible to develop and deliver applications in the operations performed by this module are similar to the SQA
client/server environment [9]. QualPro-CM was thus Team Administration module and these include: to add new
developed based on the client/server architecture. The measurement, edit, delete and view measurement for the
following sections highlight the development process of maintain competency measurement function, to add new
QualPro-CM focusing on the identification of modules, questions, edit, delete, and view questions for the input
use of appropriate development tools and technologies, its questions function, etc. The Change Password module
high level design and concept of implementation. enables the user to change the password. The module
Logout allows the user to exit from QualPro-CM.

Ow and Yaacob

QualPro-CM, is not without its drawback. It restricts

access to it only to the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer
3.02 or higher version of the browser, in order to appreciate
its full functionality. However, this problem can easily be
surmounted by replacing all the VBScript (client scripting),
currently in ASP pages, with JavaScript. This will render it
a more open system to be able to run on different browsers
and platforms.

Table 2: The functions and operations of the SQA Team

Administration Module

Add New • register a new user
• set user accessible modules
• create password for user
Fig. 3: The main functions of the Competency
Edit/Delete/ • edit user’s information and
Measurement Module
View module access rights
• delete a registered user
4.2 The Tools and Technologies Used
• view all registered user
Send Mail • send mail to a user
The development of QualPro-CM involved the use of a set
• send mail to a group of users
of Web-based development tools. These tools comprise a
• configure POP server of the
set of Microsoft products such as Internet Information
Server 3.0 (IIS 3.0), Active Server Pages (ASP), Microsoft system
Transaction Server 1.0 (MTS 1.0), and SQL Server 6.5,
Visual InterDev 1.0, Visual Basic Enterprise 5.0, Visual 4.3 The Design of QualPro-CM
Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript), and ActiveX [10, 11,
12, 13]. QualPro-CM shows a holistic Web development design
comprising applications at both the server and the client
Needless to say, there are various Internet development ends. Web applications tend to extend beyond pure
technologies to choose from to develop QualPro-CM. HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Web client, and
Among the main contenders are IBM’s offering of its Lotus Web server. There are many issues that need to be
Domino, Netscape’s Enterprise Server, and others. considered, such as component design, development
However, there are definite advantages for adopting the languages, database access, personalisation, and security.
Microsoft technologies. Firstly, QualPro-CM was
developed for application in both the Internet and Intranet QualPro-CM was developed based on a three-tiered
environments and appropriately selected Microsoft architecture. Tier 1 is the presentation layer, Tier 2 is the
Windows NT as its operating system. The latter has proven business rules/logic layer, and Tier 3 is the data
stability and provides good security features which are very management layer. The presentation layer furnishes the
essential for the type of network environment in which user interface for the overall system. It permits the end
QualPro-CM is applied. The choice of Windows NT itself users to enter and manipulate data, analyse information, and
brings some benefits in terms of reduced development navigate throughout the system. Validation and verification
costs, as the essential tools used, IIS and MTS, both come (V&V) logic is performed in this layer to edit input values
packaged with the system software itself and need not be and selections. The business rules/logic layer processes
separately purchased. Secondly, the use of a suite of other decisions, policy enforcement and resource management
Microsoft software development products such as ASP, decisions that ascribe to the data, state and event-processor
Visual Basic 5.0, SQL statements, etc., dispenses with the models. The data management layer maintains consistent
need to learn a variety of new programming languages in and secures data through the enforcement of referential
order to integrate all the tiers in the client/server integrity and data security. Transactions (i.e. operations)
and queries against the database such as accessing,
architecture on which QualPro-CM is based. For instance,
updating, inserting, locking, retrieving, security, and
the SQL statements, HTML, Visual Basic 5.0 and VBScript
backup are managed in this layer [14, 15].
used in the programming of QualPro-CM, all use a similar
syntax. This helps in the writing of more efficient and
All data entered into QualPro-CM is stored in a relational
clearly understandable codes, and thus, facilitates easier
database in a collection of tables. Each transaction
code maintenance. As such, all these translate into a
performed on the table is displayed in the browser as a Web
shorter development time and invariably contribute also to
page or a form. For example, if a user selects the add new
cost reduction in development. The use of Microsoft
operation of the input questions function of the Competency
development tools solely in the present implementation of
Measurement module, the client’s browser would first
An Overview of the Development of a Competency Measurement Support Tool – QualPro-CM

request a page from the Internet Information Server (IIS) transaction object by supplying an operation code of the
through the virtual directory (i.e. the directory where the transaction and the input collection. The operation code is
Internet surfer uses to access those files). The IIS gets an a predefined Structured Query Language (SQL) statement
ASP from the local directory (i.e. the directory where files template for a particular transaction.
are stored in the server’s hard disk), processes those server
code (i.e. those necessary server process) at IIS, and then When the transaction object is being invoked, it will be
sends the results to the browser in HTML format to based on the operation code and get the SQL statement or
insert/fill all the input boxes of the form, and then submit to command template from SQL server. It will then pass to
the IIS. Just before submitting the user input form to the the message binding (Msg Binding) object to bind the
server, a validation process (if any) will verify all the valid command template with the input collection. Message
users’ input by using client-site scripting. After that, the binder object will bind the command template with those
form will be sent to the server. The server will invoke inputs in the collection based on their data types. The
server-site scripting (i.e. ASP code) to collect those inputs output of the message binder is an executable SQL
and do some server-site validation as well (if any). command for the transaction. The transmission object is
responsible to the ‘traffic’ between MTS and SQL server.
After the client-site and server-site validations, all the It will send the executable SQL command from the
inputs will be sent to the business object (BO) which is message binder to the database (SQL server) and receive
created using Visual Basic 5.0 (VB5) and compiled as an any data from the database. The protocol between these
ActiveX object. At BO, it will get the context from processes is Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) [16].
Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) in order to invoke the Fig. 4 illustrates the process flow of a client’s request to the
transaction object (all business objects created by VB5 are server in the three-tiered architecture. Fig. 5 and Fig. 6
installed in MTS). All the inputs from ASP will bind (i.e. depict the Active Server Pages (ASP) flow of the Add
the mechanism by which a client associates itself with a New/Edit/Delete and View operations. The explanations of
server) into a collection, followed by some processing (if these operations are given in pseudo-code.
any) before the transaction. Then, the BO will invoke

(Presentation) (Business Rules/Logic) (Data Management)


Client G
Browser H A
Net- N B X
T work S B I
Client M P D
Browser I
G Data
L B E N Service

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3

Fig. 4: The three-tiered architecture of QualPro-CM

Ow and Yaacob

a) Add New/Edit/Delete Pages

If Request Method equal to POST

End If Server Code
(VBScript) Receive
cbfFormProcess Page

procedure HTML and

cbfFormLoad Server Code

Client-site validation Client Code


Fig. 5: Active Server Pages (ASP) flow for the Add New/Edit/Delete Operations

Pseudo-code for the Add New/Edit/Delete Operations:

1. Check request method
1.1 If Request Method equal to POST
1.1.1 Form processing/process business transaction
(invoke procedure cbfFormProcess)
1.2 Else (If Request Method equal to GET)
1.2.1 Format/display a form (invoke procedure cbfFormLoad)

1.1.1 Form processing/process business transaction: cbfFormProcess Perform server-site validation (e.g. date validation or additional server site processing) Input collection and then send to Business Object Perform error checking If success, redirect the page to a receive page Else, display error message and invoke procedure cbfFormLoad

1.2.1 Format/display a form: cbfFormLoad Display all detailed data and/or user’s input into a form Perform client-site validation Send the form to itself (reload its own page) for further processing

An Overview of the Development of a Competency Measurement Support Tool – QualPro-CM

cbfFormProcess Server Code

procedure &
cbfFormLoad Server Code

Fig. 6: Active Server Pages (ASP) flow for the View Operation

Pseudo-code for the View Operation:

1. Send a transaction/request to SQL server through Business Object
2. Receive results from Business Object
3. Form/Display result in a table format

All the functions performed by QualPro-CM are executed functionalities. As a Web-based application, there is
in this format iteratively until the user logout from the unrestricted time and access to the QualPro-CM from
system. This design methodology has contributed to a within and outside an organisation. Hence, the competency
structural, flexible and easy to maintain coding process. of an employee can be evaluated without the constraint of
time and location.

5.0 CONCLUSION The present method-oriented development methodology

commonly applied in the development of CASE tools [18],
Today’s software systems are large and sophisticated and is no longer adequate to meet today’s development
generally require team-based effort. Under this requirements. Rather, a combination of method and
circumstance, it is inevitable that people who remain process oriented techniques would be more suitable to
largely in control of the system design and its outcome, are ensure the production of quality software systems.
the main determinant of quality software products. QualPro-CM, developed based on the KAP Model
Involving people with the right skills and injecting quality (method-oriented), and incorporates the measurement
assurance into every phase of software development process flow (process-oriented), would certainly make it a
become important issues. While various development tools fully automated, flexible and powerful tool for the
are available to aid in the development process, there has measurement of employee competency.
been a lack in the availability of tools to aid in the selection
of the most competent personnel for the same development
purpose. QualPro-CM addresses this problem, and as an REFERENCES
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Ow and Yaacob

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[13] K. Reichard, The Windows NT 4.0 Internet Server. Technology, University of Malaya. He joined the
New York, M&T Books, 1997. University of Malaya in 1976. He has published over 130
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[14] N. Jenkins, et al. Client/Server Unleashed. international conferences. He is a member of the IASTED
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