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S-11030/51/2010-CGHS (P)
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhavan New Delhi
Dated : November 22 , 2010

OFFICE MEMORANDUM (Circular No. 1/2010)

Subject:- Streamlining of functioning of CGHS dispensaries.
The question of streamlining the functioning of CGHS dispensaries has been engaging the
attention of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare for some time now. After considering the
suggestions received from various quarters and after discussing the matter with officials of
CGHS, it has been decided, as an initial measure, to streamline the functioning of CGHS
dispensaries as below :-
(i) There is a need for officers and staff in CGHS dispensaries to further improve the delivery
of service to CGHS beneficiaries. There should be a constant and conscious effort to redress
most of the grievances and problems of these beneficiaries at the dispensary level so that there is
no inconvenience caused to them forcing them to approach higher authorities for redressal of
their grievances. The entire staff at the dispensary level have to ensure a polite, positive and
responsible attitude to make the service delivery better. The CMO In-charge must make every
effort to ensure this user friendly environment. Complaints of rude/impolite behavior need to be
checked and stern action taken by CMOs (Incharge).
(ii) It is well established that CGHS beneficiaries need to be provided better service. Senior
citizens/pensioners among the CGHS beneficiaries deserve special attention and response. It is
re-iterated that senior citizens/pensioners need to be given out of queue treatment and service at
each activity level. Despite repeated instructions in this regard, this system is generally not being
enforced at the dispensary level. CMOs incharge must ensure compliance of these instructions.
(iii) CMOs In-charge of the dispensaries shall personally make rounds of the dispensary
particularly during peak hours to ensure that there is proper environment and beneficiaries
particularly pensioners/Senior Citizens are being treated promptly;
(iv) The Zonal Additional Directors/Joint Directors shall convene the meetings of Pensioners
Associations once in two months alongwith CMOs (Incharge) without fail.
(v) A complaint/suggestion/feedback Box with details like number of complaints received and
disposed etc. under a seal and lock will be kept at each dispensary and will be opened by the
CMO In-charge in the presence of at least two members of the Advisory Committee when the
Advisory Committee meeting is being held and necessary action taken by the Advisory
Committee with regard to complaints/ suggestions/feedback thus received and, wherever
required, the matter will be referred to higher authorities for necessary action.
(vi) All Zonal Additional Directors and Joint Directors shall conduct at least five surprise
inspections of the dispensaries in Delhi and at least two in other cities in a month and report the
outcome of the inspection indicating the areas such as punctuality, availability and behavior of
officers/staff, special care for pensioners/Senior Citizens, deficit areas/complaints and also the
good work done in each of the dispensaries inspected, by way of a confidential monthly d.o.
letter to reach AS & DG (CGHS) without fail on or before 10th of the succeeding month;
(vii) It is seen that a large number of beneficiaries go to the dispensaries for taking repeat
medicines. Authorization of repeat medicines will hereinafter be done by any of the CMOs, apart
from the CMO In-charge, available in the dispensary;
(viii) The Zonal Additional Directors/Joint Directors will personally monitor and ensure that
the empanelled hospitals etc. do adhere to the terms & conditions of MOAs. They will also
supervise the services, if any, being provided by the private parties in their zones such as
dialysis, dental services etc.
2. Director, CGHS and all Additional Directors/Joint Directors and CMOs In-charge are hereby
directed to fully comply with the instructions contained in this Office Memorandum in both letter
and spirit. Noncompliance shall be viewed seriously.

(L.C. Goyal)
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 6:21 PM 0 comments

No. 11-1/2010-Admn
Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110001
Dated – 18.11.2010
Subject: - Redesignating erstwhile Group ‘D’ employees as Multi Tasking Staff
Group ‘C’ and their revised duties.
In pursuance to Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, Department
of Personnel & Training OM NO. AB-14017/6/2009-Estt (RR) dated 30th April 2010
and O.M. No. 1-20/2008-PCC dated 24th September 2010 of Department of Posts, the
designation of erstwhile Central Secretariat Group ‘D’ employees on the cadre of
Postal Dte. Will henceforth be designated as Multi Tasking Staff Group ‘C’ in the
The following duties have been prescribed for the Multi Tasking Staff Group ‘C’:-
(a) Maintenance of diary/dispatch/Movement Registers including entry in computer
and physical maintenance of records.
(b) Submission of periodical statements of routine nature like absentee
statement, etc.
(c) Preparation and submission of indents with the approval of Supervisor
(d) Photocopying and sending of fax messages.
(e) Delivery of Dak within and outside the building
(f) Watch and ward/caretaker duties, opening and closing of rooms, generate
cleanliness and upkeep of section/unit/office including dusting of furniture
cleaning of building, rooms, fixtures; upkeep of parks, lawns, potted plants,
(g) Other non-clerical work in the section/unit
(h) Driving of vehicles, if in possession of valid driving license
(i) Sale of Postage Stamps/Stationery, Assistance in booking of
Registered/parcel and Speed Post Articles, Receipt and Dispatch of mails
including preparation of Mail/Registered/parcel lists, Preparation of delivery
lists for registered articles/Money Orders.
(j) Scanning of Speed Post Bags/Articles and its uploading on the speed net or
any other software dealing with the processing of Speed Post articles or
similar other activity.
(k) Assistance in sorting of mails, exchange of mail, Letter box clearance, etc.
(l) Handling customer enquiries.
The additional duties assigned to such Multi Tasking Staff Group ‘C’ are only
illustrative and not exhaustive. Any other duty/duties may also be assigned to them by
the Superior authority.
(Bhagwan Dass)
Assistant Director General (Admn.)
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 6:19 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

India Post Presentation on Technological

Presentation on Technological Developments in Department of Posts was held on 23.11.2010
in the presence of Secretary, Department of Posts, Member (Technology), Member (Operations)
and other officers of the India Post. The Staff side was represented by Secretary Generals of
Federations and General Secretaries of All India Unions.
The presentation was elaborately dealt with the vast changes that are going to take place in the
Department of Posts due to large scale induction of Information and communication Technology
(ICT). A budget of Rs. 1800 crores has been earmarked for the project which is to be completed
by the year end of 2013.
The gist of the presentation can be summed up as follows:
In this era of fast developing Information and Communication Technology, large scale
induction and assimilation of modern means of communication has become vital for sustenance
and growth of India Post.
Having created a base of more than 12000 computerised Post offices in the country and a pool
of trained human resource, India Post is in the process of implementing mass scale
computerization and networking of all Departmental Post offices and Branch Post offices on a
single integrated and modular platform connected to a National Data Center.
This National infrastructure, so created will enable India Post to provide state-of-the-art ICT
services including Mobile remittance and Banking on a core banking platform and provide
inclusive banking to rural, remote and hitherto unbanked areas.
The vast network and infrastructure of India Post, have already enabled it to become the
preferred point of inter face between Government and the members of public for delivery of
social and economic welfare schemes of the Government of India and various state governments.
Introduction of modern ICT will help in timely and transparent delivery of social benefit
schemes to the beneficiaries viz. MGNREGS, Indira Gandhi Old Age Pension Scheme
Computerised and connected network of Post office on a single integrated platform will also
help India Post to retail products and services of other service providers viz. Banks, Government
& Non Government financial institutions, Government Agencies and Mutual Fund houses in the
rural and remote areas.
India Post has already taken initiative for re-engineering processes and making it compatible to
suite the new ICT solutions and customer requirements.
One of the pre-requisite for transformation of India Post is upgradation of the skills of the work
force and capacity building. Training of the human resources has been given its due importance
and recognition in the project. The Services of the newly recruited 15000 Postal Assistants will
also be utilized to the maximum extent. The Branch Post offices will not be provided with
computers, instead they will be provided with modern-technology oriented hand devices.
Secretary General, NFPE insisted that the services rendered by the existing System
Administrators in maintaining the computer network of more than 12000 Post offices is to be
acknowledged in its true perspective and they may be absorbed in suitable posts such as System
Assistants while implementing the project. The Secretary Post stated that this aspect will be
given positive consideration. While we pointing out the delay in discussion on cadre review
proposals, it was assured to finalise very shortly. Introduction of accrual based accounting
system is also becomes part of the project. The apprehension about the mass redeployment or
surplus has been focussed by us for which the Secretary, Posts assured that there will be no staff
movements or reduction.
The Leader Staff side requested to arrange a similar presentation to the Circle Secretaries also
for which the Secretary (Posts) responded positively.
The following news were made known to us during the course of discussions and interactions.
(i) For the current financial year, the modernization will be restricted up to B class offices, 628
crores had been allotted for this purpose.
(ii) Single handed offices & BOs will be taken in the next year project.
(iii) For Pilot Project six circles have been identified viz. Karnataka, Tamilnadu,
Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh & Assam. It will come into functioning
before August 2011.
(iv) Instead of cost accounting, accrual basis system will be introduced. This is almost
implemented in all major organizations including Telecom as per the Government of
India decisions.
(v) 1800 ATMs will be established after the introduction of Core banking. Call centers to
collection of logistics, MO etc will be formed. Track & trace facilities will be
implemented for all services.
(vi) On Phase II, the rest of 16 circles will be completed.
(vii) Softwares are being developed as per the recommendations of ‘Accenture’.
(viii) Expression of Interest was segregated to three instruments. One major National
level Data server. Second 2600 departmental Post office net week interrogators,
third Rural ICP hardware solutions. All net work equipments, connectivity,
maintenance will be entrusted to vendor for 24 X 7 (Per week). He is solely
responsible for everything. The penalty clause provision has been included.
(ix) Data centre, hire space and installation area will be ours. The rest software,
maintenance etc will be entrusted to the providers.
(x) While comparing previous year, 13% revenue has been increased in postal
An interaction with the staff side on Mail Network optimization project also took place during
the meeting. It is explained that the scope of the project is to (1) optimize India Post Network
from collection to delivery (2) to standardize processes with focus on significant quality
improvement & reduction in network complexity (3) put in place an effective performance
measurement system through regular reviews (4) improve the ambience of mail offices (5)
upgrade processing facilities and improve working condition for employees and (6) make staff
and customers proud of being associated with India Post. The key operational areas of the
network optimization are (i) Speed Post and (ii) First class mail. First class mail optimization
study is in progress.
The interaction mainly concentrated on the newly introduced Speed Post Network optimization
programme (hubs). The Staff Side pointed out that the introduction of the speed post hubs has
resulted in delay in processing and transmission of speed post articles resulting in delay in
delivery. This issue should be addressed on top priority basis and corrective measures to avoid
delay should be taken. The staff side further pointed out that while more than 80% of the speed
post hubs are functioning under the administrative control of RMS Superintendents, the
remaining hubs are controlled by Postal Superintendents. This has created on apprehension in the
minds of the RMS employees that in the longer run the identity of RMS will be lost and
eventually it will be merged with Post offices. Taking into consideration of this aspect, the Staff
Side requested that all the Speed Post hubs should be under the control of RMS Superintendents.
The Secretary, Posts assured to consider the request positively.
The Secretary General NFPE and General Secretaries of affiliated unions of NFPE met DDG
(Estt) on 23.11.2010. The following is the outcome of the meeting.
(1) The preliminary (first) sitting of the Cadre Restructuring committee will be held on
26.11.2010 at 3 PM.
(2) The first sitting of the Committee on Postmen related issues will also be held on
(3) Regarding the revision of wages of casual labourers it is informed that the file is
being sent to nodel Ministry for approval. It is expected to be cleared by the Nodal
ministries within 2-3 weeks. The wages will be revised with effect from 01.01.2006.
(4) The Department has issued orders clarifying –
(a) No casual labourers shall be engaged in the Administrative offices i.e. CO/RO/DO/PAO
with effect from 1st December 2010.
(b) The work of sweepers and scavengers should be combined or the same may be
outsourced wherever feasible.
(c) Since duties of waterman, watch and ward, gardening, cleaning etc are now part of
duties assigned to Multi Tasking staff, the existing practice of engaging casual laborers
as waterman, Gardner, watch and ward and any other miscellaneous category shall be
dispensed with effect from 1st December 2010.
1. Revision of FSC – orders are expected to be released this month itself.
2. Enhancement of Fixed Monetary compensation revising Rs.24/- as Rs.50/- and
Rs.85/- for holiday duty will be released next week.
3. The Department has appraised the law ministry about the existence of GS and the
promotion on seniority basis to erstwhile Group D now MTS. The law ministry in now
approving the revised Recruitment rules. Orders are expected within a fortnight.
4. UPSC has raised some queries on HSG-I Recruitment Rules which had been
clarified. The Revised Recruitment Rules will be issued shortly.
5. The file relating to enhancement of OSA has been submitted to J.S. F.A. (Finance) for
6. Direct Recruitment of PA/SAs were completed within couple of days to the extent of
around 16000 posts. A Remarkable fast action. We appreciate the decision and
decisive action of the department.
The Department has released the recruitment rules for creation of Postmaster cadre. The whole
order is reproduced below for the consumption of all members/viewers.
Opinion/Suggestion if any on this issue, please forward the same to P3 CHQ and also to
Federation for further discussion with the Department.
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110001
Dated, 22nd November, 2010
All Chief Post Masters General
Sub: - Introduction of Postmaster Cadre in Postal Wing.
I am directed to say that Department of Posts operates mainly through its
about 25500 Departmental Post Offices. The services it offers have grown in
the traditional areas of sale of stamps, booking of Money orders and
Registered letters as also in Savings Bank functions, especially where Post
Offices disburse NREGA wages to beneficiaries. In many post offices these
activities are carried out electronically, new services like e-payment, e-post
etc is also offered. Further the Department has also entered into agreements
with private players like Western Union for money transfers. In the area of
mail, both express, parcel and traditional, the Department of Posts faces
tremendous competition. It has to offer excellent services by way of
continuous upgrades in quality and in the add on value of its mail products,
like IOD, national billing, same day delivery of corporate mail etc.
2. In spite of the long existence of the Post Offices and challenges being
faced by the Department from private players in the field there had never
been an exclusive cadre for Postmasters. The Postal Assistants, LSG/HSG-II,
I etc. are posted to man the posts of Postmasters. This system served the
Department quite well till some time back. But now in order to
improve/upgrade the functioning of the Post Offices, meet the present day
requirement of specialization in Postal office management in the wake of
introduction of technology, challenges from market and to increase
productivity it has absolutely become essential to ensure that key Post
Offices are headed by professional managers. Thus, in order to ensure that
professionally qualified, trained and meritorious officials head they key Post
Offices, it has been decided to introduce a separate cadre of Postmasters
comprising the following grades by carving out the posts from existing
General Line posts as ordered vide this Directorates letter No. 13-2/2010-
PE-I dt. 03.02.2010.
I. Senior Postmaster 116 Posts
(Rs. 9300-34800 + Rs.4800 Grade Pay)
II. Postmaster Gr – III 495 Posts
(Rs.9300-34800 + Rs.4600 Gr. Pay)
III. Postmaster Gr-II 511 Posts
(Rs. 9300-34800 + Rs.4200 Gr. Pay)
IV. Postmaster Gr-I 2097 Posts
(Rs. 5200-20200 + Rs.2800 Gr. Pay)
3. The Recruitment Rules of the above stated grades have since been
framed and notified. A copy of the Recruitment Rules called the Department
of Posts, Senior Postmaster (Group B Gazetted), Postmaster (Grade ‘ III and
II’ – Group B non – Gazetted) and Postmaster (Grade I-Group C non-
Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 2010, dated 9th September, 2010 is forwarded
4. The number of posts in the various grades of the Postmaster carved out
of the existing General Line Posts in various Postal Circles is being issued
5. Thus it may be noted that:
I. A separate cadre of Postmasters has been created at the level of LSG, HSG-II, HSG-I and PS
Group ‘B’ by carving out the cadre from the existing General Line Cadre Posts in Postal
Wing and PS Group ‘B’ and designated as Postmaster Gr –I, Postmaster Gr.II , Postmaster
Gr.III and Senior Postmaster.
II. Initial constitution of the various Grades of Postmasters shall be done by inviting
options/applications from the existing incumbents of LSG, HSG-II, HSG-I in Post offices
and PS Group, ‘B’.
III. In subsequent years all the vacancies in Postmaster Gr.I shall be filled
up through a Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, From
amongst PAs with 5 years regular service in the grade.
IV. All the vacancies in Postmaster Gr. II Posts shall be filled up by
promotion from amongst Postmaster Gr. I with 6 years regular service
in the grade (including regular service in LSG, if any).
V. All the vacancies in Postmaster Gr. III posts shall be filled up by
promotion from amongst Postmaster Gr. II with 5 years regular service
the grade (including regular service in HSG II, If any).
VI. 25% of vacancies in the grade of Sr. Postmaster will be filled up by
promotion of Postmaster Gr. III with 2 years of regular service in the
grade (including regular service in HSG, I if any) and 75% by Inspector
of Posts (IPOs) with 6 years of regular service in the grade on the basis
of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE).
VII. The officials in PS Gr ‘B’ and Senior Postmaster (Gazetted) would be
eligible for induction in IPOs, Gr ‘A’ on the basis of a consolidated
eligibility list.
6. To begin with the Postal Circles, as per the provisions of the Recruitment
Rules, may call for the options/applications with their bio-data from the
willing officials holding the posts in the equivalent grades for appointment as
Postmaster grade I, II and III respectively. While inviting for the applications
it may be categorically stated that:
I. Once and official submits his application he will not be allowed to withdraw the
II. Officials who are still left with at least two years of service to retire may only
apply in order to avoid their dislocation at the fag end of their service.
III. In the event of their appointment as Postmaster their further career progression
will be in the hierarchy in the Postmaster cadre only as per the provisions in
the relevant Recruitment Rules and not in the General Line.
7. The applications so received may be scrutinized to find out the eligibility
of the applicants. Thereafter the applications of the eligible applicants may
be placed before the Screening Committee mentioned under Col. 11 of the
respective grades for assessing their suitability based on their ACRs and
vigilance clearance provided they attain the minimum bench mark of ‘Good’
Those who are found suitable they may be arranged in the order of seniority
for appointment in respective grade of postmaster as they enjoyed in the
General Line.
8. If after filling up the posts as per procedure mentioned in above
paragraph certain number of posts still remain unfilled the same shall be
filled up by promotion as per the provision contained in col. 12 of the
respective Recruitment Rules. It may please be noted that in that event the
unfilled posts in Postmaster Gr. I will have to be filled up on the basis of
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination. The pattern and scheme for
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination to fill up the vacancies in the
grade of Postmaster Gr.I would follow shortly.
9. All the Postal circles are requested to follow the time-line mentioned
below to fill up the posts of Postmaster:
(i) Date of Issue of Circular calling for the options/applications for appointment as Postmaster
Grade I, II and III. - 14.12.2010
(ii) Last date for receipt of options/applications along with bio-data - 15.01.2011
(iii) Completion of scrutiny of applications and obtaining Vigilance Clearance and ACR
dossiers. - 31.01.2011
(iv) Submission to Screening Committee. - 10.02.2011
(vi) Submission of the minutes to the appointing authority for approval - 01.03.2011
(vii) Issue of appointment orders - 16.03.2011
10. Thereafter the Postmasters so appointed may be deputed for training immediately in
consultation with the Training Division of the Directorate.
11. The receipt of the letter may please be acknowledged.

Yours faithfully,
(V. C. Kajla)
Director (SPN)
Tel. No. 23096092
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 5:54 PM 0 comments


Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Pay Commission Cell)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110001
No. 4-4/2009-PCC Dated – 19.11.2010
All Chief Postmasters General,
Subject: - Review of Instructions on Engagement of casual labourers in the light of the
Guidelines on outsourcing.
Attention of all concerned is invited to this Directorate’s OM No. 1-20/2008-PCC dated
24th Sep 2010 containing revised duties of Multi Tasking Staff Group ‘C’ and letter No. 1-
10/2009-PCC dated 07th Sep 2009 on guidelines and terms and conditions on outsourcing.
Secretary (Posts)’s D.O. letter of even number dated 29th October 2010 on engagement of casual
labourer may also be referred to.
2. The Department of Posts while designated the erstwhile Group ‘D’ as Multi Tasking Group
‘C’ Staff has prescribed inter alia that watch and ward/caretaker duties, and general cleanliness
and upkeep of section/unit/office including dusting of furniture, cleaning of building rooms &
fixtures, gardening will also be the duties of Multi Tasking Staff Group ‘C’ in addition to duties
already entrusted to them.
3. In view of the revised duties assigned to the Multi Tasking Staff, there is a need to
streamline the work entrusted to the Casual Labourers engaged in the Departmental of Posts, the
Competent Authority has ordered the following:
(i) No Casual Labourers shall be engaged in the Administrative Offices i.e. CO/RO/DO/PAO
w.e.f. 01st December 2010.
(ii) The work of sweepers and scavengers should be combined or the same may be outsourced
wherever feasible.
(iii) Since duties of waterman, watch and ward, gardening, cleaning, etc. are now part of duties
assigned to Multi Tasking Staff, the existing practice of engaging Casual Labourers as
waterman, gardener, watch and ward or any other miscellaneous category shall be dispensed
with w.e.f. 01st December 2010.
4. The above instructions should be followed in letter and spirit without any deviation. A
compliance report of the above aspects may also be sent to this office for the information of
Secretary (Posts) by 31st December 2010 positively as per the proforma attached with this letter.
Encl: As above
Yours faithfully,
(Surender Kumar)
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 5:49 PM 0 comments

Monday, November 22, 2010

Study Leave for Fellowships offered by reputed Institutes

NO. 13023/2/2008- Estt.(L)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
New Delhi, the 18th November, 2010
Sub: Study Leave for Fellowships offered by reputed Institutes.
Study Leave is normally granted to a Government Servant for a course of study having direct
and close connection with the sphere of his duty. However, it can also be granted for studies
which may not be closely or directly connected with the work of a Government Servant, but
which are capable of widening his mind in a manner likely to improve his abilities as a civil
servant and to equip him better to collaborate with those employed in other branches of the
public service. Keeping in view the above spirit, this Department had allowed Study Leave to
those selected for the award of Jawaharlal Nehru Fellowships in relaxation of the rules.
2. In light of the above, this Department is examining the feasibility of bringing more
Fellowships under the purview of Study Leave, on the same terms and conditions as the
Jawaharlal Nehru Fellowships. All Ministries/Department are requested to provide relevant
/requisite inputs regarding fellowships offered by reputed institutions which may be of benefit to
their area of work. It would be appreciated if the feed back is received by the under signed by
15th December 2010. The same may be mailed to the under signed at [email protected].
(Simmi R. Nakra)
Departmental proceedings against Government Servants – consultation with UPSC
No. 39011/12/2009-Estt (B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
New Delhi, dated the 16th November, 2010
Subject: Departmental proceedings against Government Servants – consultation with the
Union Public Service Commission for advice.
The undersigned is directed to say that the existing instructions issued by this Department
provide that the disciplinary proceedings taken against Government servants should be processed
and completed expeditiously. Occasionally, the charged officers approach the Courts to quash
the disciplinary proceedings and in many such cases the courts give direction to the Government
to complete the proceedings within a time limit prescribed by the court. In certain instances the
Government seeks further time from the court and in certain other instances, the petitioners file
contempt petitions for not having completed the proceedings as per the court orders. In many of
such cases , the UPSC has to be consulted as per the existing regulations, before the final orders
are issued.
The UPSC has brought to the notice of this Department that In the above cases, some
Ministries / Departments have stated in the affidavit flied before the Court that the matter has
been pending with the UPSC and the delay in completing the proceedings was due to the delay
In result of advice from the UPSC although such canes had been returned by the Commission to
the Administrative Ministry to rectify the deficiencies noted by it In this connection, attention of
Mlnlstrles/ Departments Is drawn to this Department’s OM of even number dated 10.5.2010 and
14.9.2010 In which it has been reiterated that the Commission generally takes 3-4 months to
render its advice matter the complete case record8 have been received by the Commission and
that the Ministries / Department should ensure that the prescribed proforma for mending the case
records to the UPSC filled with due care and attention to avoid any back reference by the
Commlaelon to rectify the deficiencies.
A case may not be taken as delayed on the part of UPSC If the Commission has returned the
same to the Administrative ministry to remove deficiencies.
All Ministries / Department. are requested that In cases where the Courts are being apprised the
time taken in finalizing a disciplinary proceeding through affidavit, information In regard to the
pendency of the matter before the Union Public Service Commission may be correctly projected.
CA Subramanyan
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 4:10 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

 The presentation on Technological developments in Department of Posts to
the Staff Side has been proposed to be held on 23.11.2010 at Directorate.
The earlier decision of inviting all P3 Circle Secretaries had been dropped
for the reasons best known to the Administration. Perhaps, we conveyed
our resentment and also seeking another meeting inviting all Circle
Secretaries to appraise the developments since they are the real leaders
who are instrumental and implementing the decisions at workspot.
 Confederation of CG employees has notified it’s National Council on
1.12.2010 at Mumbai to discuss various issues.
 All India Conference of All India SBCO Employees Association & Civil Wing
Association will be held on 11.12.2010 & 12.12.2010 respectively at
Hyderabad. Prior to that on 10.12.2010, the Federal Executive will be held
in the same city.
 CAT Principal bench New Delhi decided in its OA No. 1401/2010 on
09.09.2010 that if the employees who on fixation of ACP scales, are in
receipt of lesser salary than their juniors in the same cadre/post, then their
salary be stepped up accordingly. We are demanding that it should be
applied in the case of promotees in our department also.
 The Department of Posts has sought ‘Expression of Interest’ for Core
System Integrator (CSI) for I. T. Modernisation project on 29.10.2010. The
Primary focus of the India Post 2012 is to improve and automate postal
services through re-engineering and creation of efficient operations and
At Present 12,604 Head Post offices & SOs are computerized. The Plan
is to computerize all the remaining post offices and also 1,30,000 BOs
approximately and connect all Post offices and non various applications
seamlessly across the net work.
Currently there are 56 stand-alone applications. India Post 2012 intends
to build a core set of integrated application covering key functions as Mail
operations Retail, e-commerce operation, Logistics and warehousing,
Postal Banking, Financial Services, Postal Life Insurance, Finance HR and
customer interaction channels etc. ICT solution to computerize the BOs will
be envisaged.
 The Department of Posts calls for Expression of Interest for working as
‘Consultant’ to develop a costing model for the project of’ Modernized
Costing System’ for the products and services offered by the department
and in particular to the following.
(i) Review of the existing methodology of costing followed in the
Department of Posts.
(ii) To develop a system for collecting of data for traffic, revenue and
expenditure in respect of each service/product separately.
(iii) Devising a costing system for segmented report of cost for premium
products, foreign mails, agency services (such as savings bank, cash
certificates, PLI, Pension Payments etc.) and traditional services
offered by the department.
(iv) The costing system so devised should be able to analyze the cost and
profitability of each service segment wise.
(v) The proposed costing method should be developed using opportunity
cost, joint costing principles and should be based amongst other on
Total Costing Method, Activity Based Costing Method, Marginal
Costing Method.
(vi) Suggest standardized classification of cost and devise standard formats
by which the cost of resources used in various services can be
collected and classified for the purpose of costing of various
(vii) The costing method so devised should analysis the behavior of various
costs so as to segregate the cost in to fixed and variable costs.
(viii) The costing method so devised should form a basis for management
of pricing of products.
(ix) In view of above suitable costing software to be adopted by DOP may
be suggested.
(x) Applying/Piloting the new methodology in at least two – three verticals
for at least one – two year and training to the associated staff/officers
may be completed on the basis of suggested methodology.
Offer has been sought from reputed concerns with global experience and having
experts in the field

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Today Department has given a presentation at Dak Bhawan, New Delhi, to the Staff side on the
technology project to be implemented in the Department of Posts. Already some information has
been provided to the members in this blog. The gist of the today's presentation is given here
under. General Secretary could not attend the presentation due to the pre-fixed visit to North
East. Com. S.B. Yadav, Deputy General Secretary has attended the presentation.

India Post Presentation on Technological Developments

Presentation on Technological Developments in Department of Posts was held on 23.11.2010 in the

presence of Secretary, Department of Posts, Member (Technology), Member (Operations) and other
officers of the India Post. The Staff side was represented by Secretary Generals of Federations and
General Secretaries of All India Unions.

The presentation was elaborately dealt with the vast changes that are going to take place in
the Department of Posts due to large scale induction of Information and communication
Technology (ICT). A budget of Rs. 1800 crores has been earmarked for the project which is to
be completed by the year end of 2013.

The gist of the presentation can be summed up as follows:

In this era of fast developing Information and Communication Technology, large scale
induction and assimilation of modern means of communication has become vital for
sustenance and growth of India Post.

Having created a base of more than 12000 computerised Post offices in the country and a pool
of trained human resource, India Post is in the process of implementing mass scale
computerization and networking of all Departmental Post offices and Branch Post offices on a
single integrated and modular platform connected to a National Data Center.

This National infrastructure, so created will enable India Post to provide state-of-the-art ICT
services including Mobile remittance and Banking on a core banking platform and provide
inclusive banking to rural, remote and hitherto unbanked areas.

The vast network and infrastructure of India Post, have already enabled it to become the
preferred point of inter face between Government and the members of public for delivery of
social and economic welfare schemes of the Government of India and various state
governments. Introduction of modern ICT will help in timely and transparent delivery of social
benefit schemes to the beneficiaries viz. MGNREGS, Indira Gandhi Old Age Pension Scheme

Computerised and connected network of Post office on a single integrated platform will also
help India Post to retail products and services of other service providers viz. Banks,
Government & Non Government financial institutions, Government Agencies and Mutual Fund
houses in the rural and remote areas.

India Post has already taken initiative for re-engineering processes and making it compatible
to suite the new ICT solutions and customer requirements.

One of the pre-requisite for transformation of India Post is upgradation of the skills of the
work force and capacity building. Training of the human resources has been given its due
importance and recognition in the project. The Services of the newly recruited 15000 Postal
Assistants will also be utilized to the maximum extent. The Branch Post offices will not be
provided with computers, instead they will be provided with modern-technology oriented
hand devices.

Secretary General, NFPE insisted that the services rendered by the existing System
Administrators in maintaining the computer network of more than 12000 Post offices is to be
acknowledged in its true perspective and they may be absorbed in suitable posts such as
System Assistants while implementing the project. The Secretary Post stated that this aspect
will be given positive consideration. While we pointing out the delay in discussion on cadre
review proposals, it was assured to finalise very shortly. Introduction of accrual based
accounting system is also becomes part of the project. The apprehension about the mass
redeployment or surplus has been focussed by us for which the Secretary, Posts assured
that there will be no staff movements or reduction.

The Leader Staff side requested to arrange a similar presentation to the Circle Secretaries
also for which the Secretary (Posts) responded positively.

The following news were made known to us during the course of discussions and interactions.

(i) For the current financial year, the modernization will be restricted up to B class offices,
628 crores had been allotted for this purpose.

(ii) Single handed offices & BOs will be taken in the next year project.

(iii) For Pilot Project six circles have been identified viz. Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra,
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh & Assam. It will come into functioning before August 2011.

(iv) Instead of cost accounting, accrual basis system will be introduced. This is almost
implemented in all major organizations including Telecom as per the Government of India
(v) 1800 ATMs will be established after the introduction of Core banking. Call centers to collection
of logistics, MO etc will be formed. Track & trace facilities will be implemented for all

(vi) On Phase II, the rest of 16 circles will be completed.

(vii) Softwares are being developed as per the recommendations of ‘Accenture’.

(viii) Expression of Interest was segregated to three instruments. One major National level Data
server. Second 2600 departmental Post office net week interrogators, third Rural ICP
hardware solutions. All net work equipments, connectivity, maintenance will be entrusted to
vendor for 24 X 7 (Per week). He is solely responsible for everything. The penalty clause
provision has been included.

(ix) Data centre, hire space and installation area will be ours. The rest software, maintenance etc
will be entrusted to the providers.

(x) While comparing previous year, 13% revenue has been increased in postal operations.

Posted by All India Postal Accounts Employees Association (AIPAEA) at 11/24/2010 05:39:00 AM 0 comments Links to this post



Friday, November 19, 2010


The campaign week starts from 22-11-10. Take the Charter of Demands to each and every Postal
Accounts employee. Explain the Demands. Explain the rationale. Explain the need for unity. Explain
the need to strengthen the hands of AIPAEA to achieve the demands. Submit the copies of the Charter
of Demands to the Head of the Office in a mass deputation with a request to forward the same to the
Secretary Posts & DDG (PAF). The common forwarding letter is given for you here under. Go Ahead !
Make the call a grand success. Don't forget to send the report on the campaign week, informing the
CHQ on the activities undertaken by each unit during this week.


With Greetings

General Secretary

Date: 26-


The Director of Accounts (Postal),



Sub:- Request to forward the copy of the Charter of Demands to the Secretary

and to the Deputy Director General (PAF) – Reg.


As per the call given by the Central Head Quarter of this Association the copy of the priority charter of
Demands is submitted herewith, with a request to forward the same to the Secretary Posts and the
Deputy Director General (PAF), New Delhi for consideration and immediate settlement.

Thanking you,

Encl : Charter of Demands Yours


( )

Posted by All India Postal Accounts Employees Association (AIPAEA) at 11/19/2010 08:02:00 AM 0 comments Links to this post



Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Revised All India Seniority List (Provisional) is released by the PA wing and sent to PAOs. All the PAOs
must ensure the correctness of the entries under acquittance of all the officials concerned. If any
corrections are there the corrected version should be sent to the PA wing by 07-12-2010 otherwise the
present list will be treated as final.

click here for Order

Click here for Seniority List
General Secretary

Posted by All India Postal Accounts Employees Association (AIPAEA) at 11/16/2010 10:35:00 AM 0 comments Links to this post



Monday, November 15, 2010

Dear Comrades,

19th All India Conference mandated to mobilize, unite and organize the Postal Accounts employees
to achieve the Priority Charter of Demands. Organize the campaign week with all seriousness.
Make all out effort to rally the members around the Charter.

Send the implementation report to CHQ.



1. Expedite Recruitment in all cadres in all PAOs.
2. Implement the cadre restructuring proposals in the PAOs. Constitute cadre re-structuring
committee with due representation of AIPAEA.
3. A) Expedite the notification of All India seniority list of Senior Accountants causing the filling
up of AAO vacancies in PAO & CCA offices. B) Conduct Part II & Part I JAO/AAO exam
4. Restore the post of Member (Finance) in the Postal Services Board and strengthen the Postal
Accounts Wing by bringing all the streams of accounts cadres under him
5. A) Construct Departmental buildings to PAOs like Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Jammu,
Trivandrum, Patna etc. B) Retain the British India Road building at Kolkata or accommodate
entire PAO at Yogayog Bhawan at Kolkata.
6. Ensure full pledged functioning of newly formed PAOs in all the Postal Circles by providing
required staff strength and proper accommodation. B) Repatriate all the officials of
Kapurthala PAO who are posted in Jammu against their willingness.
7. A) Stop victimization of PAO staff in the name of contributory negligence and withdraw the
charge sheets given to the PAO Staff at Hyderabad and Kolkata for C.C frauds that took place
at Post Offices. B) Withdraw the charge sheets given to the PAO staff/AIPAEA Office Bearers
at Lucknow, Cuttack & Patna on flimsy grounds due to the vindictive attitude of authorities.
8. Provide induction and periodical refresher training to Junior/Senior Accountants and AAOs.
9. Ensure specified role to PAO as stipulated by the Ministry of Finance in all Business
Development / Financial activities of the Postal Department.
10. Restore the residency period of 3years in r/o Junior Accountant to Senior Accountant
promotion retrospectively with effect from 13-12-2006.
11. Rectify the anomaly caused due to promotion of junior Gr.D officials to LDC cadre after 2006 in
PAOs whereas a senior GrD official promoted earlier remaining in Sorter cadre/becoming junior
in LDC cadre.
12. Ensure post offices to send the Cash Account Returns to PAO in time in complete form to
enable the PAO to submit the Circle Abstract in time.

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