THE Uttar Pradesh State Industrial Development Area Land Development Regulations, 2004
THE Uttar Pradesh State Industrial Development Area Land Development Regulations, 2004
THE Uttar Pradesh State Industrial Development Area Land Development Regulations, 2004
In exercise of the powers under section 19 read with section 6 of the Uttar
Pradesh Industrial Area Developm ent Act, 1976 (U.P. Act 6 of 1976), the
U.P. State Industrial Developm ent Authority hereby m akes the following
Regulations under clause 6(2)d,e. and h for the purpose of proper planning
and developm ent of land within the Uttar Pradesh State Industrial
Developm ent Areas:
1.1.0 Short Title: These regulations may be called the Uttar Pradesh State Industrial
Development Area, Land Development Regulations, 2004.
1.2.0 Commencement: They shall come into force with effect from the date of
publication in the Gazette.
1.3.0 Application: These regulations shall extend to the industrial development areas
as defined under section 2d of the Act however All Land development works
carried out prior to the enforcement of these regulations shall maintain their
status quo. Nothing in the regulation shall require the removal, alteration or
abandonment, nor prevent continuance of the previous land development ,
unless in the opinion of the Authority, such developments constitutes a hazard to
safety , environ or to the occupants of the Uttar Pradesh State Industrial
Development Areas.
1.4.1 ‘Amalgamation’ means putting together two or more premises and treating the
conjugate plot as one for the purpose of building construction.
1.4.2 'Applicant' means the person who has legal title to a land and includes, An agent or trustee who
receives the rent on behalf of the owner; An agent or trustee who receives the rent of or is
entrusted with or is concerned with any building devoted to religious or charitable purposes; A
receiver, executor or administrator or a manager appointed by any Court of competent jurisdiction
to have the charge of, or to exercise the rights of the owner; and A mortgage in possession.
1.4.3 'Approved' means approved by the Uttar Pradesh State Industrial Development Authority.
1.4.4 'Authorized Officer' means an officer of the authorized by the Chief Executive Officer.
1.4.5 ‘Bulk Area Sale / lease’ means large scale land-areas sold / leased to an applicant, for
subsequent development of infrastructure and servicing it, for the use for which it has been
1.4.6 'Drain' means a conduit or channel for the carriage of storm water or other used water.
1.4.7 'Drainage' means the removal of any liquid by a system constructed for this purpose.
1.4.8 'Dwelling Unit' means an independent housing unit with separate facilities for living, cooking
and sanitary requirements.
1.4.9 'Existing use’ means building structure or its use as sanctioned / approved by the competent
authority, existing before the commencement of these regulations.
1.4.10 'Farm House' means a plot of land including construction thereon in the area designated for
agricultural use by the Authority.
1.4.11 'Floor Area' means the covered area of the building at any floor level.
1.4.12 'Floor Area Ratio (FAR)' means the quotient obtained by dividing the total covered area on
all floors by the area of plot.
1.4.13 'Land Development' means carrying out engineering or other operations in / on or over /
under land or the making of any material change in / on land and includes redevelopment by
way of providing amenities such as roads water supply electricity etc.
1.4.14 'Layout Plan' - A plan of the entire site showing location of plots / building blocks, roads,
open spaces, entry / exits, parking, landscaping etc. indicating the activity for all land parcels.
1.4.15 Licensed Technical Person' means a architect / engineer / town planner recognized or
licensed by the Authority for the specified categories of constructions.
1.4.16 'Parking space' means a space enclosed or unenclosed to park vehicles together with a
driveway connecting the parking space with a street permitting ingress and egress of the
1.4.17 'Permit' means a permission or authorization in writing by the Authority to carry out the work
regulated by these regulations.
1.4.18 'Planning and Development Directions' means Directions issued by the Authority under
Section 8 of the Act for defining architectural features, facades of the buildings, maintenance of
amenities etc. from time to time,
1.4.20 ‘Redevelopment’ means causing alterations in the project and scheme plans after they
have once been executed by way of amalgamation and subdivision, or other change in
the layout plan.
1.4.21 'Road/Street' means any highway, street, lane, pathway, alley, stairway, passage way, carriage
way, footway square, bridge, whether a thorough-fare or not, place on which the public have a
right of passage, access or have passed and had access uninterruptedly for a specified period
or whether existing or proposed in any scheme, and includes all bunds, channels, ditches,
storm water drains, culverts, side walks, traffic islands, roadside trees and hedges, retaining
walls, fences barriers and railings within the street lines.
1.4.22 Dead end street: A street / road which culminates at the farther end from where the the
traffic has no other option than to turn around.
1.4.23 Loop Street : A loop street can be in the form of a ‘P’, ‘U’, or ‘O’. This is a street emanating
from a main / trunk street and returning back to it at the same point.
1.4.24 Cul- de –sac: A cul- de –sac is a street geometry to facilitate the turning around of
vehicles at the end of a dead end street.
1.4.25 Service Road: A road which is laid parallel to a major Arterial, Highway, Hi-speed-
thoroughfare, or Master plan Roads above 30 m. width, which acts as a feeder to the
plots by the side of such major roads, so as to restrict entry and exit directly on to the
major road. The service road shall be exclusively provided, however in case roads 30 m.
and above are provided in the development area, they shall form part of the road / street
design within the R.O.W of the major road.
1.4.26 'Road/Street line' means the line defining the side limits of a street.
1.4.27 ‘Road/Street width/R.O.W’ means distance between boundaries of the road measured
at right angles to the course of the road.
1.4.28 'Setback' means a line usually parallel to the plot boundaries and laid down in each
case by the Authority beyond which nothing can be constructed towards the plot
boundaries unless specifically allowed by the Authority.
1.4.29 ‘Sub-Division' / Subdivision means making smaller parcels of a plot, each forming an
independent premise, with its own means of access, requisite set of setbacks and other
1.4.31 'Use Premises’ means one of the many subdivisions of a Use Zone designated for a
specific main use or activity. Particular uses may be proposed/ permitted within the
specified use zone of the development plan. This shall be defined at the time of
preparation of either the development plan, (in case of important installations) or later in
the layout plans for projects and schemes as the specific/main use for a demarcated
1.4.32 ‘Use Zone’ means an area set aside for any one of the specific dominant uses of the urban
functions. There shall be four use-zone categories namely: Residential, Industrial,
Community Facilities/Public Utilities, Open Spaces/Green areas. These use-zones are
further divided into sub use-zones wherever necessary. The area other than the
urbanisable area shall be named Agriculture use zone.
The words and expressions used but not defined in these Regulations and defined in
the Act shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Act and other Regulations of
Authority, National Building Code, Indian Standard Institute Code as amended from
time to time. In case of any contradiction, the provisions of the Act shall prevail.
Prior to the enforcement of this code, all the plans implemented so far, in the notified area that
are deemed, as Layout Plans that shall be incorporated in the ensuing Development Plans of
the corresponding areas with or without modifications; and shall be considered for assimilation
as per qualifications mentioned below in 2.1.2.
Residential zone shall be for the purpose of human habitation and dwellings only. -Gross
residential density shall be as per the proposals of the corresponding Development Plan on the
total residential area in the Plan. However, the density of different sectors may vary. There shall
be the following Sub-zones:
Industrial zone shall be for the purpose of establishment of Industries of various types and of
various scales of operations. The different industrial categories / sub-zone are mentioned
below. The particular sub zone in which, a proposed industry that shall fall is listed in the
classification of industries Appended at Appendix A
F2- Facilities institutional in nature and related to public offices/infrastructure, and also
those that serve the social, recreational, health, transportation and educational
requirements on a larger scale of the entire development area.
F3- Facilities that are sub serviettes to the town level or of regional context.
i) The Residential Use Zone R1 may be classified into sub zones on the basis of
residential density i.e. R1 (High), R1 (Medium), R1 (Low) Similarly Industrial Use Zone
i.e M1 may be classified into sub zone on the basis of size of Industrial units i.e. M1
(Large& Medium), M1 (Small). To effect such classification stipulations have to be
made in Development Plan.
(ii) The sub zones F1 and P1 shall be normally decided at the layout plan stage, the
rest shall be normally designated at the time of preparation of the Development Plan.
iii) The location and boundaries of various pockets of use zones are to be defined in
Development Plan by features like roads, railway tracks, the area of each pocket of
different use zones shall be indicated in the Development Plan.
iv) The Use Zone may have one or more layout plan depending on extensiveness of
area under specific Use Zone and vice-versa.
v) The Use Zone other than residential and industrial shall have integrated plans
governed by respective building control regulations. The Integrated plans shall differ from
customary layout plans, as in former the total plots and subdivision is done for
development purpose.
a) Existing residential plotted area: All plots shall fall in the use sub zone R1
c) Existing Institutional areas/ sectors / facilities: All plots shall qualify in use sub zone F3
e) Existing Industrial development: All plots shall qualify in sub use zone M0.
In cases, where layout plans have been prepared for specific industries, in the past,
which conform to the categorization, made in these byelaws; Those shall be deemed to
fall in the same zones of the development plan at the time of preparation of development
plan for that industrial area.
i) In old / developed Industrial areas where facilities do not exist or area
inadequate as per the Land Development / Redevelopment Regulations, (clause
3.3, 3.5 & 3.6) for facilities listed under F1, F2 & F3; they may be provided or
allowed to the extent of the standards that are set out in the planning standards
for the same. This shall be made by way of procedure as defined in clause 3.8(ii)
of the Regulation of Plan Preparation and Finalization.
ii) Facilities which have been explicitly declared and given the status of Industries
(such as Multiplex, Hotels etc.) by the State Government but which do not
appear as permissible uses in the Table 1.1; may also be allowed in the
Industrial zone M0, by way of as amendment in the plan as per clause 3.8(ii) of
the Regulation of Plan Preparation and Finalization.
In these regulations about SEVENTY-THREE (73) such Use Premises have been identified.
Further addition to this list may be done subsequently, on occurrence of fresh use definitions in
time. Each of these use premises shall be permitted to have, besides the main use or activity,
other specific supportive uses / use activities to a limited extent, as defined in these
regulations,( with or without conditions). Such activities are designated by the identification
code of use premises / use activity.
I ) The identification of each use premises, its location and boundaries shall be taken to be
as given in the layout plan and corresponding sale plans shall be issued.
2) Any Change in the location boundaries and predominant use of use premises due to any
reason whatsoever shall be duly approved and incorporated in all plans.
2.3.1 TABLE -1
Main use category where such premises use is proposed.
√ Other use categories where the premises use may be incident subject to‘ Pre-
R1 Residential
1 R1 Residential
2 R1 Crèche & √ √ √ √ √
Day care
3 R1 Boarding √ √ √ √ √ √
Hostels Up
to 20
4 R1 Vending/pay √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
R2 Residential
5 R2 Residential √ √
up Housing
Use No Premises Residen Facilities Open
Use Zone Use tial
Industrial M Spaces
R1 R2 F1 F2 F3 M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 P1 P2 P3
F1 Facilities
6 F1 Convenient √ √ √ √ √ √
7 F1 Hawkers’/ √ √ √ √ √
8 F1 Commercial √ √ √ √
9 F1 Booking √ √
10 F1 Bank/Post √ √ √ √ √
11 F1 Restaurant √ √ √ √ √
12 F1 Club √ √ √ √ √
13 F1 Primary √ √
14 F1 Police Post √ √ √ √ √ √ √
15 F1 Pump House √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
16 F1 Elect. Sub √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Use No Premises Residen Facilities Open
Use Zone Use tial
Industrial M Spaces
R1 R2 F1 F2 F3 M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 P1 P2 P3
17 F2 Hostels, √ √ √
18 F2 Guest House √ √ √
19 F2 Barat √
et Hall`
20 F2 Dharmshala √ √ √
21 F2 Night √ √ √
22 F2 Orphanage √
23 F2 Sector √ √ √
24 F2 Offices √ √ √
25 F2 Community √ √
26 F2 Cultural √ √
Use No Premises Residen Facilities Open
Use Zone Use tial
Industrial M Spaces
R1 R2 F1 F2 F3 M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 P1 P2 P3
27 F2 Religious √ √ √
28 F2 Rural Centre √ √ √
29 F2 Clinical Lab √
30 F2 Nursing √ √
31 F2 Hospital √ √
32 F2 Primary √ √
33 F2 Secondary √
34 F2 Degree √
35 F2 Petrol Pump √ √ √
36 F2 Dharamkata √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
37 F2 Garage/Work √ √ √ √
F3 Facilities
38 F3 Educational √ √ √ √
al Centre
Use Premises Reside Facilities Open
No Use Zone Use ntial
Industrial M Spaces
R1 R2 F1 F2 F3 M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 P1 P2 P3
39 F3 Research & √ √ √
Dev Centre
40 F3 I.T. Park √ √ √
41 F3 Museum/Plan √
42 F3 Cinema/Multi √ √
43 F3 Wholesale √ √ √
44 F3 GodownWare √ √ √ √
45 F3 Transport √
46 F3 Cargo/Bookin √ √ √ √
g Office
47 F3 Bus
M Refer `
Industrial APPENDIX A
48 M0 Industrial
Plots of
49 M1 Industries √
Us Premises Use Reside Facilities Open
e Use ntial
Industrial M
No Zone
R1 R2 F1 F2 F3 M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 P1 P2 P3
50 M2 Non Polluting √ √
51 M3 Service industry √ √
52 M4 Flatted Industry √
53 M5 Household √ √ √ √ √
54 Gas Godown / Oil √ √
P1 Open /
Recre -
55 P1 Parks/Green Belt √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
56 P1 Play Grounds √ √ √ √
P2 Institution
al Greens
57 P2 Sports Center / √ √
58 P2 Swimming Pool √ √ √ √
59 P2 Open Air Theatre √ √
60 P3 Amusement Park √ √
61 P3 Drive in Cinema √ √
Us Premises Use Reside Facilities Open
e Use ntial
No Zone
R1 R2 F1 F2 F3 M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 P1 P2 P3
P3 Green
62 P3 Spl./Theme √ √ √ √ √
63 P3 Plant Nursery √
64 P3 Orchard √
65 P3 Golf Course √ √
66 P3 Zoo √
67 P3 Mela √
68 P3 Burial ground
A Agriculture
69 F2 Dairy/Poultry
70 F2 Farm house √
71 F3 Motel/Hotel √ √ √ √
72 F2 Public utilities √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
and facilities/
73 F2 Parking √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
74 F3 Multiplex-cum- √ √ √
Note i. Use premises which have not being envisaged in the above table shall be
considered for approval by the Authority with regards to the permissible use zone, Plot-size,
Ground coverage, FAR, Set backs and other building requirements.
ii. At the instance of repeated applications received on behalf of such premises uses,
the norms framed by the Board shall be incorporated as an amendment/ addition
in these byelaws.
iii Uses permissible in special area plans, or in mixed use zones as may be the case in
existing developed areas, shall be as per the detailed project/scheme plan, or
correspondingly as approved by the board.
iv. Use premises not covered in the above table shall be permissible in
appropriate use zones after approval of the Authority's Board.
v. Finer classifications of premises uses which are not covered in the chart
above shall be read in accordance with Appendix A, and B as per N.I.C. code and
planning standards set out for facilities.
Only residential dwellings shall be permitted.
Use activities such as Doctors Chamber, Professional Office upto 5% of FAR. Subject to the
condition that these shall be permitted at a minimum distance of 100 mtrs. from each other.
Children’s habitable rooms play/games rooms, kitchen & dining hall, matron’s / warden’s
accommodation, laundry, informal education and prayer room etc.
Support facilities up to 5% of FAR.
Retail and daily needs convenient shops
Market place, Open air or under sheds-Bazaar area. Adequate area for garbage disposal and
public convenience shall be strictly earmarked / provided for @ 1.0 % of market area. No
permanent structure / shelter shall be allowed.
Restaurant and eating places.
Support facilities upto 15% of FAR.
Recreational club, Swimming pool, indoor and outdoor games facilities, Guest rooms,
Dining hall
Support facilities upto 25% of FAR.
Nursery and Kinder Garden School, integrated with primary education upto class vth.
Classrooms, play rooms, matron’s/midwife’s accommodation.
Preferably located by the side of a park.
Support facilities upto 5% of FAR
Overhead Tank, Underground Tank, Pumping Stations.
Support facilities up to 25% of F.A.R. for running room including resident staff / operator’s
accommodation, and watch & ward staff.
Electric Sub-station, Billing & Bill Deposit Office.
Support facilities up to 25% of FAR for running room including resident staff / operator’s
accommodation, and watch & ward staff.
Cottages / rooms for visitors providing boarding, lodging, party hall, conferencing etc. on
commercial tariff.
Support facilities Upto 15% of FAR
Same as above but belonging to a trust or religious institution / organization.
Support facilities upto 5% of FAR.
Shelter / home for juvenile deliquescent / orphans, including vocational training workshops and
other facilities, matrons’ accommodation and watch and ward staff housing.
Support facilities upto 15% of FAR.
Show room, Retail and Service shops, Restaurant, Clinic, Office, Bank, Post Office.
Support facilities for public conveniences, security, etc. upto 5% of FAR.
Central govt., Local govt. and Public undertaking offices, Private offices
Support facilities like canteen, restaurant, stationary shops, and watch and ward staff etc. upto
25% of FAR.
Cultural Center, Restaurant, Guest rooms, Auditorium, Library, Music, Dance and Drama
Training Center, Museum, Exhibition Center and Art Gallery, Information Center, Yoga and
Naturopathy Center, Meditation, Spiritual and Religious Discourse Center.
Support facilities for ancillary uses upto 25% of FAR.
Religious Buildings, Ashram, Bathing Ghat, Gaushala, Charitable Dispensary, Library, Flower
Shops, Sweet Shops and other Shops.
Support facilities for stay / boarding lodging related to religious activities upto 15% of FAR.
Rural Center, Retail Shop, Repair Service shop, Bank, Commercial Office, Cinema, Restaurant,
Offices, Dispensary, Clinic, Hospital, Senior Secondary School Library, Community Hall, Police
Post, Fire Post, Post Office, Educational institutions and such other activities.
Nursing Home, in patient diagnostic and treatment center / small or medium sized hospital with
an intake capacity of max. 50 beds.
Support facilities of Pharmacy & Canteen including informal shops @ 2 units/convenient shops
per 50 beds upto max. 10 %of FAR.
General or specialized Hospital.
Support facilities upto 15% of FAR.
Secondary School (class 1-12): strength 1500 students with play field.
Secondary school with hostel facility and play field.
Support facilities like Book and Stationery, Canteen, Bank Extension Counter, Auditorium,
Indoor Games Hall, Swimming Pool, Watch & ward staff upto 5% of FAR.
Petrol Pump, Automobile Repair Shop, Service Work-shop.
Museum, Exhibition center and Art gallery and library, auditorium
Support facilities upto 15% of FAR.
Cinema / Multiplex as allowed in the cinematographic act / entertainment rules.
Commercial & Support facilities upto 30% of permissible FAR.
Support facilities upto 15% of FAR.
Truck parking, Retail shop, Spare parts shop, Repair shop, offices, Service Station, Show room
Restaurant,Hotel, and Motel.
Support facilities upto 15% of FAR.
Use Premise 49 - 53 defined and incorporated in these regulations as per the classification of
Park, Kiosks, Parking (upto 10% area)
Play Ground, Parking (upto 10% area), indoor games hall
Support facilities upto 15% of FAR.
Indoor/outdoor stadium or halls, heliport, aerosport, health club/spa, restaurant, kiosk,
swimming pool, all types of sports facilities, support facilities upto 15% of FAR.
Swimming Pool
Support facilities upto 15% of FAR.
Amusement and Entertainment Park, 10% ground coverage and 20% FAR Commercial 5%
ground coverage.
Drive in Cinema, Office, Restaurant,
Support facilities upto 15% of FAR.
Specialized Parks/Theme Parks and Gardens, kiosks, restaurant, indoor-outdoor games
facilities and rides,
Ground coverage15% maximum, FAR : equal to the ground coverage.
Support facilities upto 20% of permissible FAR
All structures shall be temporary in nature.
All structures shall be temporary in nature.
Golf Course, Integrated Sports Center, Restaurant, Hotel, villas, club, swimming pool, shopping
Support facilities upto 20% of FAR.
66 ZOO
Support facilities upto 10% of FAR.
Burial Ground, Cremation Ground, Cemetery and Electric Crematorium,
Retail Shops of Wood, Flowers and related materials
Support facilities upto 15% of FAR.
Dairy Farm, Poultry Farm.
Farm House, cattle shed / pet kennel, barn etc.
Boarding, Lodging, Transit accommodation facilities.
Retail and personal service shops, commercial offices utpo 5% FAR
Restaurant, Convention Hall and other support facilities upto 25% FAR
Parking, taxi stand, bus bays, kiosks, public convenience.
74 Multiplex-Cum-Hotel
Main use-Multiplex, Hotel and other supportive uses- 60% of permissible FAR
Supportive use- Showroom, Retail & Service shop, Private/Commercial/Professional Offices,
Bank, Restaurant etc.- 40% of permissible FAR.
Notwithstanding the standards and norms for planning, design and construction, that have
been set out in these regulations, for the entire development area, there shall be a
precedence of the regulations that are defined in the Development Plans, over these
general norms and standards.
The design population for the Residential Use zones shall be worked on the basis of resident
population; for Industrial Uses it shall be based on the Industrial Work Force assignments; and
for the Facilities Uses it shall be based on the Resident Population together with the Floating
In the Residential plotted use zone (R-1) the Gross residential density shall be generally 400 persons
per Hectare, incase the development plan stipulates different i.e. (high density, high medium density,
low medium density or low gross residential densities for the concerned use zone, the population
density provision of development plan are to be followed for preparation of layout plans for such
Projects and Schemes.
For preparation layout plans of Use zone R1, for working out design/layout of residential areas in
accordance with prescribed population Standards, the norm of one dwelling unit of 5 persons is be
followed and for plot up to 50 sqm.- one dwelling unit, 50 to 150 sqm. two dwelling units, 150 to 300
sqm. three dwelling units, for more than 300 sqm. of plot area four dwelling units shall be followed .
3.2.2 Planning Standards for premises use other than dwelling units permitted
in residential plots:
Distance (Crow fly) from other- 500 Mts.
Such boarding house in use zone.
d) Planning Standards for Kiosks and Vending Booths for convenience shopping:
Shops (informal)
3.2.3 Planning Standards for Roads in Use Zone R1 / R2
Planning of roads and drains in the development of residential land use shall be done in the following
a) Road widths:
i. The width of the road shall be 9.0 meter for 200 meters long road, 12.0 meters for 200-400
meters long road, 18.0 meters for 400-600 meters long road and 24.0 meter width for more than
600 meters long road.
ii. Minimum width of loop-street shall be 9.0 meters and maximum length shall be 200 meters.
iii. 9.0-meter wide road abutting park/open space may be kept 7.5 meter wide. Straight road which
is 9.0 meter wide and closed at one side (Dead end street) shall be provided minimum of 7.5
meters radius as proper turning space and such road shall have maximum length of 100 meters
but no cul-de-sac shall be required if length of road is up to 25 meters.
iv. Width of other roads shall be as per the Development plan / Zonal plan
b) Inter-Section of Roads:
i. As far as possible roads shall intersect at right angles and centerline of all roads at the cross-
junctions, shall be aligned straight.
ii. Permission for proposed roads at less than 30 degree angle shall only be given when
appropriate arrangement for movement of traffic is ensured and required weaving length is
iv. Rounding of corners at the intersection point of 18 meters wide roads (metal portion) shall have
minimum radius of 4.5 meter and for roads having more width, shall be with a minimum radius
of 6.0 meter.
v. The minimum distance between two “T” junctions of roads having less than 18-meter width
shall be 2.5 times greater than the wider road.
vi. Minimum distance from one junction to the other at the roads having width of 18 meter or more
shall be as follows:
For 18 meter to 24 meter wide-- 150 meters
c) Measurement Length of Road: The length of the road shall be measured from the intersection
point of the wider road.
d) Block Length: The maximum length of building block shall be 200 meters.
e) Drainage System: For drainage system, drains shall be an integral part of the road and there
should be sufficient slope so as to allow automatic drainage of water.
In the layout plan residential schemes for economically weaker section, low-income group
of public agencies road width and other above referred provisions shall be as per the
provisions of development Plan. Incase the development plan stipulates different Road
width and road design criteria, the provisions of development plan would prevail for
preparation of layout plans for such Projects and Schemes.
a) In area of 0.3 hectare as per open space 1000 persons shall be provided in the residential layout
plan and it shall be proposed in the form of tot-lot, park and playgrounds.
b) 3 to 4 local parks and playgrounds are to be provided for each housing cluster while planning
the layout plan of residential use zone.
i) The proposed open spaces mentioned above shall be designated as sub use zone P1 (Sub
zone of Use zone open spaces and green areas-P) as these recreational greens are
immediately incidental to, and support residential use zone R1. Such open shall be decided
and provided at layout plan stage.
ii) The proposed open space mentioned above shall be in addition the proposed open space in
the Development Plan.
a) The following standards for landscaping / plantation shall be followed for preparation of layout plans of
Project / Schemes of Use Zone
i) Roads having width between 9.0 and 12.0 meter, plantation on one side of the road,
ii) Roads having width of more then 12.0-meter plantation on both sides of the road at the maximum
interval of 10.0 meter shall be done.
On wider roads plantation shall be done on divider, footpath and on all areas proposed as open area
except black top of the road.
i. Minimum of 20% area shall be under greenery and minimum plantation at the rate of 125
trees per hectare shall be provided in case playgrounds, open space and parks.
S.No. Plot size in sq.m I.W.F per 1000 Sqm of Plotted Area
Note :
i. For working out facility standards additional provision for floating population @ 20%
of Industrial Workforce density for layout planning of project and schemes of
development area.
ii. Incase the development plan of concerned notified area stipulates different ( i.e. M0,
M1,M2, M3,M4 and M5 Industrial Use Zones )Industrial Workforce densities for the
concerned use zone, the density provision of development plan are to be followed for
preparation of layout plans for such Projects and Schemes.
3.3.2 Planning Standards for facilities incidental to Use Zones M0- M5 (F1)
ii) Shops ( informal )
Design population / standard 1 for 400 (i.w.f.) population
Built area per shop 10 sq.m
iii) Commercial Offices / Service Providers
Design population / standard 1 for 200 (i.w.f.) population
Office area per 1000 persons 100 sq.m (floor area)
Offstreet Parking
-2 E.C.U per shop 25 sq.m per shop
- 2 E.C.U per office 25 sq.m per office
i) To accommodate above commercial requirement provision for 1 cluster shopping center
per 2500(i.w.f) population with 500 sq.m plot area and equivalent off street Parking area
is to be made in layout plan. The cluster shopping center to be planned as integrated plan.
ii) Informal shops shall be in cluster 2-3 shops and be part of integrated plan of community
parking, Taxi stand/Rickshaw stand or landscape plan of industrial parks in layout plans.
iii) The Vendor booths with built up area of 6.0 sq.m may be provided as part of Street
Furniture on 24mt. and wider roads and shall be provided at distance (radius) not less
than 1km
b) Socio- Cultural facilities
i) Child Crèches
c) Infrastructure-Services:
Water Supply:
Sewage Disposal: Discharge calculated @ 80 % of water supply
Solid Waste/Garbage:
d) Distribution-Services
i) Petrol Pumps
One petrol pump for 40 ha. Gross industrial area
Two petrol pumps in each freight complex.
e) Transportation-Services
These should be located at least 500 mts away from road intersections.
The maximum distance of such facilities should not exceed 1000 m from
farthest point in the industrial area.
In the layout plan provision for 600 sq.m area per 2500 (i.w.f.) population for
intregated complex of Integrated Bus Post with taxi stand, Rickshaw stand, 2-3
informal shops and public conviences be made.
i) The proposed facilities mentioned in regulation shall be designated as sub use zone F1(
Sub zone of Use zone Facilities-F) as these facilities are immediately incidental to, and
support industrial use zones M0-M5. The facilities shall be provided at layout plan stage.
ii) All facilities of the level of industrial cluster i.e. sub use zone F1 shall be provided in
in the layout plan.
iii) The provisions of off street parking shall be in addition to road widths provisions.
Where existing or proposed roads by other agencies are to be used for access; such as Master
Plan roads, Highways; or land under High Tension lines is proposed to be utilized, clearance
from the concerned agency is to be sought.
Planning of roads and drains in the development of industrial use zone shall be done in the
following manner:
a) Road widths:
i) Road having a maximum length of 200 meters in Use Zone MO shall not have less than 12.0 meter
of width. Road having length between 200 meter and 400 meter shall have a width of 18.0 meter, road
having length between 400 meter and 1000 meter shall have a width of 24.0 meter and road having more
than 1000 meter of length shall have a width of 30 meter. For service roads the minimum width shall be
12 m. length upto 400 m.( distance between intersections) ; and 18 m. above 400m. length.
ii ) Loop-street: Minimum width shall be 18 meters and maximum length shall be 500 meters.
The length of the loop road shall be calculated entirely from end to end. The minimum land area
enclosed by such a loop street shall be 2000 Sq. M. No other road shall emanate from a loop
iii ) Dead-end street: 18 meter wide dead-end street shall be provided minimum of 12 meters
radius cul de sac for proper turning and such road shall be of maximum length of 200 meters If
width of such a road is 12 mts. it shall be provided with 9 meters radius proper turning space
and the maximum length permitted shall be 60 meters.
iv ) Width of other roads shall be as per the Development plan .
b) Inter-Section of Roads:
i) As far as possible roads shall intersect at right angles and center line of all roads at the cross-
junctions, shall be aligned straight.
ii) Permission for proposed roads at less than 30 degree angle shall only be given when
appropriate arrangement for movement of traffic is ensured and required weaving length is
iii ) Sufficient weaving angle shall be provided at the intersections of roads.
iv ) Rounding of corners at the intersection point of 18 meters wide roads (metal portion)
shall have minimum radius of 4.5 meter and for roads having more width, shall be with a
minimum radius of 6.0 meter.
v) No road of a higher order or larger width can originate from a road of lower order or
smaller width.
Minimum distance from one cross / T junctions to the other at the roads with different width
shall be as follows:
The length of the road shall be measured from the intersection point of the wider road.
e) Drainage System:
For drainage system, drains shall be an integral part of the road and there should be sufficient slope so
as to allow automatic drainage of water.
In area of 0.3 hectare as per open space 1000 persons shall be provided in the Industrial layout
plan and it shall be proposed in the form of parks.
3 to 4 local parks are to be provided for each Industrial cluster, while planning the layout plan of
Industrial use zone (M0-M5).
i) The proposed open spaces mentioned above shall be designated as sub use zone P1 (Sub zone of
Use zone open spaces and green areas-P) as these recreational greens are immediately incidental to,
and support industrial use zone M. Such open shall be decided and provided at layout plan stage.
ii) The proposed open space mentioned herein shall be in addition the proposed open space in the
Development Plan.
The following standards for landscaping /plantation shall be followed for preparing layout plans of Project
/ Schemes of Industrial Use Zone M
i) Roads having width of more than 12.0-meter plantation on both sides of the road at the
maximum interval of 10.0 meter shall be done. On wider roads plantation shall be done on
divider, footpath and on all areas proposed as open area except black top of the road.
ii) Minimum of 20% area shall be under greenery and minimum plantation at the rate of 125
trees per hectare shall be provided in case playgrounds, open space and parks.
iii) Integrated landscaping plan for parks and open spaces, with maximum ground built up area
coverage of 5%, non-permeable hard surface coverage of 30% of total open space area for
allowing incidental use.
i) Pre-primary / Nursery school
iv) Commercial Offices / Professional Offices / Booking Offices
Design population / standard 1 for 200 population
Office area per 1000 persons 100 sq.m (floor area)
Off-street Parking for shops and offices: 2.5 E.C.U per 100 sq.m. floor area.
ii) Dispensary
Design population / standard 1 for 10000 population; 2 clusters
Area 0.08-0.12 ha.
3.4.4 Distribution-Services
Milk Booth
Design Population/Standard 1 for 5000 population
Built up Area 15 sq.m
Note: The milk booth shall be located/sited as part of integrated plan of cluster
community center.
Police Picket-Post
Design Population/Standard 1 for 5000 population
Built up Area 15 sq.m
3.4.5 Infrastructure-Services:
i) Water Supply: 135 lpcd (liters per capita per day)
ii) Sewage Disposal: Discharge calculated @ 80 % of water supply
iii) Solid Waste/Garbage: ½ kg per capita, bins located 150 m. from the
farthest household.
iv) Electricity: Demand load @ 4kw. Per household. 11 kV substation
for 10000 population.
3.4.6 Transportation-Services:
- Equivalent Car Space (ECS) Standards for different vehicles for Community Parking
ii) Taxi stands/Bus stops / Rickshaw stands
These should be located at least 100 mt. distances away from road intersections.
The maximum distance of such facilities should not exceed 300 m from
farthest point in the residential area.
In the layout plan provision for 600 sq.m area per 2500 population for integrated
complex of Integrated Bus Post with taxi stand, Rickshaw stand, 2-3 informal
shops and public conveniences be made.
i) The proposed facilities mentioned in regulation shall be designated as sub use zone F1(Sub zone
of Use zone Facilities-F) as these facilities are immediately incidental to, and support residential
use zone R1. The facilities shall be provided at layout plan stage.
ii) All facilities of the level of housing cluster i.e. sub use zone F1 shall be provided in
iii) The provisions of off street parking shall be in addition to road widths provisions.
ii) Senior secondary school (upto class 12th):
ii) Informal shops shall be in cluster 2-3 shops and be part of integrated plan of community
parking, Taxi stand/Rickshaw stand or landscape plan of neighborhood parks.
iii) The Vendor booths with built up area of 6.0 sq.m may be provided as part of Street
Furniture on 18mt. and wider Roads and shall be provided at distance (radius) not less
than 200 mts.
3.5.4 Distribution-Services
i) Petrol Pumps
Design Population/Standard -Residential 1 for 150 ha. Of gross res. Area.
Design Population/Standard- Industrial 1 for 40.0 ha. Of gross ind. Area
3.5.5 Infrastructure-Services:
i) Water Supply
ii) Sewage Disposal
iii) Solid Waste/Garbage
iv) Electricity: Demand load
3.5.6 Transportation-Services
- Equivalent Car Space (ECS) Standards for different vehicles for Community Parking
These should be located at least 100 mts away from road intersections.
The maximum distance of such facilities should not exceed 300 m from
farthest point in the residential area.
In the layout plan provision for 600 sq.m area per 2500 population for intregated
complex of Integrated Bus Post with taxi stand, Rickshaw stand , 2-3 informal
shops and public conviences be made.
i) The proposed facilities mentioned in regulation shall be designated as sub use zone F1( Sub
zone of Use zone Facilities-F) as these facilities are immediately incidental to, and support
residential use zone R1. The facilities shall be provided at layout plan stage.
ii) All facilities of the level of housing cluster i.e. sub use zone F1 shall be provided in
iii) The provisions of off street parking shall be in addition to road widths provisions.
Location On 12 m or 18m wide road.
III) Professional Education – (as per AICTE / MEDICAL council norms) OR:
Area for hospital (300 beds) 2.0 ha.
Area for residential accommodation (additional) 2.0 ha.
i Areas in which the greater part has been developed as commercial, industrial or
residential and has been provided with essential facilities or has been shown as
‘developed area’ in development plan of Industrial Development Area or has been
delineated as such, the subdivision of leased industrial plots shall be carried out as per
the conditions stipulated in this Regulations. This shall not include proposals for new
developments, leased bulk land and land abutting/adjoining them. Subdivision of such
premise/property shall be permitted as per the terms and conditions stipulated in this
regulation for the purpose of creation of new plots allowing Ground Coverage and FAR as
per the provisions of Building Regulations, 2004 for the subdivided premise/property.
ii CEO can effectuate proposals for subdivision of premises/property within the provisions
of this Regulation and take necessary steps for Amendment of Plan resulting from such
subdivision of plots as per the provisions of Clause 3.3.8 of Preparation And Finalisation
of Plan regulation,2004
iii Provision of subdivision of plots is an Enabling Provision and shall not be available to
applicant as a matter of right. Authority or CEO at its discretion may permit the
subdivision of plots based on consideration of factors such as transportation density,
approach road, availability of infrastructure facilities, regularity of shape, parking
requirement etc. of subdivided plots.
i No Proposal for SubDivision of Premises shall be entertained for premises leased/ sold
for any other use than Industrial Land Use. (M0-M5) and Facility Use Zone(F1-F3).
ii For Plots/ land areas above 1.0 Hectare or population more than 1000 persons, the rules
as made out in the Technical Requirement of the development permit towards preparation
of Lay Out Plans as provided in Clause 3.3.8 of Preparation And Finalisation of Plan
Regulation,2004 shall be followed. However, if the Subdivision entails creation of large
Plots where no internal development works are needed to be carried out, Subdivision
Proposal may be granted sanction without being processed as preparation of Lay out
iii Proposal for Subdivision of the original plot (Plot constituted in the un amended Lay Out
Plan/ Development Plan of Industrial Development Area) can be entertained only once.
However, Sub-Divided plots once leased cannot be considered subsequently for
subdivision. In such cases, where no infrastructure provision is entailed in the Sub-
Division Proposal, the case may still be considered
iv Sub Division Charge @5% of the current lease premium applicable on the sector in which
original plot is located shall be payable on approval of sub division proposal by Authority.
(ii) Proposal for Subdivision of the original plot (Plot constituted in the un amended
Development Plan of Industrial Development Area) can be entertained only once. However,
Sub-divided plot once leased cannot be considered subsequently for subdivision. In such
cases, if no internal development provision is entailed in the Sub-division Proposal, the
case may still be considered
(iii) Sub-Division of plots / premises shall not qualify the sub-divided plot to be put to any
other main use category specified in this Regulation than the main use category of original
(i) Where the area to be subdivided does not require any internal development works to be
carried out there shall be no additional requirement of open areas.
(ii) For proposals of subdivisions that shall require internal development in the Plot,
proposal of sub- division shall include an additional requirement of 5% open area in the
form of plots under P1 Category or requirement as per provisions of clause 3.2.4 & 3.3.4 of
Land Development Regulations, 2004 of Authority as the case may be. This shall be
provided over and above the provisions of the development plan of the Area.
(iii) The open spaces provided should have at least access on one complete side-length by
means of a road.
(i) Road and access streets in the proposal shall be the same as per the provisions of the
clause 3.3.3 of land development Regulation for roads in Use Zone M0-M5
(ii) If the subdivision derives advantage for means of access from a road belonging to some
other agency/public body/national or state highway, then permission from that agency shall
be required.
(i) The minimum side set back of a corner plots shall be equal to the front set-back of
respective adjoining plots of roads. If no plot frontage is on the side road, then the side set-
back shall be equal to the front set-back of the corner plot.
(ii) In case the number of plots are odd, in a block, then for plots more than 300 sq. mt., the
width of the corner plot shall be more accordingly. Taking in to consideration the
requirement of side set-back on both sides.
(iii) In case sub-division of any plots is proposed within an area earlier being developed in a
planned manner, then status quo of existing set-back along the main road shall be
(iv) The set-back provisions of Building Regulation- 2004 shall apply to the new sub-divided
(v) In sub-division layout plans the plots falling in a particular block shall be similar in
area/size, and length-breadth ratio. Where irregular plot configuration are inevitable in a part
of the block, the C.E.O. may relax the condition of homogeneity.
(vi) For a particular block of plots, conformity in the front set back and alignment of the
building line shall be maintained.
(vii) The maximum length of a block comprising of plots less than 1000 sq. m. shall be 200
(ii) Proposal for Subdivision of the original plot (Plot constituted in the Development Plan of
Industrial Development Area) can be entertained only once. However, Sub-divided plot once
leased cannot be considered subsequently for subdivision. In such cases, if no internal
development provision is required in the Sub-division Proposal, the case of subdivision of
Sub-Divided Plot may still be considered by Authority.
(iii) Sub-Division of plots / premises shall not qualify the sub-divided plot to be put to any
other use than the sub zone of original plot as specified in Clause 2.1.1 (iii) of Land
Development Regulation, 2004 of the Authority.
(iv) Additional Sub division charges equal to the 0.5 times of the current lease premium
applicable for the sector in which original plot is located for sub-division of plots with
premises use falling under Facility Zone shall be charged on approval of sub division
proposal by Authority. This shall be charged in addition to the Sub Division Charges as
prescribed in Clause 3.7.2 (iv) of this Regulation.
(v) Technical Requirement for Building permit for sub-divided plots shall be governed by
provision of chapter-3 of Building Regulation-2004 subject to condition that in any case
permissible maximum F.A.R., maximum ground coverage and other parameters do not
exceed such parameters permitted for the original plots.
(vi) In case the premises use sub-category of the sub-divided plot as per the provision of
Land Development Regulation, 2004 is changed from that of original plot and impact fee is
chargeable, the same shall be payable by allottee in accordance to the impact fee
determined by the Authority and provisions of change of land use of premises by way of
Amendment of Plan shall apply.
(i) Where the area to be subdivided does not require any internal development works to be
carried out there shall be no additional requirement of open areas.
(ii) For proposals of subdivisions that shall require internal development for approach etc.
proposal of sub- division shall include an additional requirement of 10% open area in the
form of plots under P1 Category or requirement as per provisions of clause 3.2.4 & 3.3.4 of
Land Development regulations of Authority as the case may be. This shall be provided over
and above the provisions of the development plan of the Area.
. (iii) The open spaces provided should have at least access on one complete side-length by
means of a road.
i. When two or more independently leased premises are proposed to be developed in such a
way that put together they become operational as a single premise/ property on which the
proposal of building construction shall not have the territorial barriers/limits of the erstwhile
individual premises. Amalgamation of such premise/property shall be permitted as per the
terms and conditions provided in this regulation for the purpose of allowing Ground Coverage
and FAR as per the provisions of Building Regulations, 2004 for the resultant premise/property.
ii CEO can effectuate proposals for amalgamation of premises/property within the provisions of
this Regulation and take necessary steps for Amendment of Plan resulting from such
amalgamation as per the provisions of Clause 3.3.8 of Preparation And Finalisation of Plan
iii Provision of amalgamation of plots is an Enabling Provision and shall not be available to
applicant as a matter of right. Authority or CEO at its discretion may permit the amalgamation of
plots based on consideration of factors such as transportation density, approach road,
availability of infrastructure facilities, regularity of shape, parking requirement etc. of resultant
i. Only industrial plots for which Lease Deed has been executed and registered shall be
considered for amalgamation.
Ii. All industrial plots that are proposed for amalgamation have to be contiguous with each
other (laterally in a row or back to back in column) without any property which is not owned by
/leased to the applicants, network service line or space for public use falling in-between. Such
Plots that are created as a result of subdivision can be amalgamated only in the framework of
the boundaries of the original premises.
iii. On approval of the proposal for amalgamation of plots, amalgamated plot may be
considered as a Single Plot for the purpose of Ground Coverage, FAR and Set Back as per
Building Regulations 2004 However, other terms and conditions of Lease Deed will remain same
as that of the original terms and conditions of the Lease Deed.
iv. A rectification deed for amalgamated plot has to be executed and registered in favor of
applicants and the revision of set backs, ground coverage and permissible FAR shall be clearly
marked in the Layout Plan. A revised Sale Plan/ Site Plan of the conjugate plots shall be issued
to applicant.
v. Amalgamation of Plots can only be considered for plots that are less than 5000 sq.mtrs in
vi. Amalgamation of premises shall not qualify the resultant premises to be put to any other use
than specified for the erstwhile un-amalgamated plots. Proposal for change of land use by way
of amendment of plan of amalgamated plots shall be considered on the basis of erstwhile un-
amalgamated plots and process of amalgamation of plots shall not be taken into consideration.
vii. The revision of setbacks shall be considered for the reconstituted plots as per the provisions
of the Building Regulation-2004 for the amalgamated plots. Setbacks and alignment for
amalgamated plots shall not be lower than required to maintain Building Line of adjoining Plots
even if the provisions of the Building Regulation-2004 permit the same.
viii. Amalgamation Charges calculated as below shall be payable by Allottee:
(a) Lease Premium of the Enhanced Area at the prevailing rates calculated by deducting sum
of total permissible covered area of erstwhile plots from total permissible covered area
made available as a result of process of amalgamation shall be payable. No amount shall
be payable in case of negative values resulting from this calculation.
(b) Impact charges @ of 5% of Lease premium of amalgamated plot at the prevailing rates shall
be payable.
(c) Total amalgamation charges as sum of (a) & (b) above shall be payable by allottee on
issuance of approved building plan for amalgamated plots.
i. Completely new setbacks may be proposed in the front, sides and rear part of the
amalgamated plot as per the provisions of Building Regulations-2004 for various
categories of plots.
Population/ Workers and Employee density
ii. The Gross standard for IWF shall be upset as a result of amalgamation of premises as
compared to abutting/adjoining areas in the same zone/sector. Accordingly additional
provisions of facilities and open spaces shall have to be provided.
Provision of facilities such as SPORTS COMPLEX, AMUSEMENT PARKS, ZOO, DRIVE IN
CINEMA, THEME PARKS, etc. shall be made as per the policies resolved during the
preparation of the Development Plans as per the merits and potentials of that area and
the norms adopted therein shall be followed.
4.1.0 Application format, Conditions of sanction, Documents required for availing permission for Development
of Land/Sectors for Industrial or supportive use, Redevelopment of land, Premises Sub divisions and / or
amalgamations shall be undertaken as per the procedure laid out in this chapter.
4.2.0 Procedural Requirements for Development permit for:
a) Two copies of Application Form on prescribed Performa (Annexure-1) and four sets of plans
along with the receipt of prescribed fee paid shall be submitted for securing permission for
Proposed plan shall include key plan, location as per development plan, site plan, layout plan and
services plan.
One set of the plans shall be kept in the Authority for record after the permission is granted.
All plans shall be prepared and duly signed by licensed / empanneled persons and shall indicate the
name, address, qualification and license / registration number. Further the land/building owner shall also sign
the plans.
Application shall be submitted along with the following information and documents:
a) Copy of the site plan issued along with lease/license deed, allotment letter and possession
b) Supporting document showing applicants' clear title / ownership of land. Key Plan—The plan indication shall show the location of land proposed to be developed / redeveloped
and subdivided along with the North point and scale used. The Key Plan has to indicate/show existing
peripheral network services available or nearest distance where such services are available.
I) Sazara No. or other local provisions along with details of neighboring land shall be given.
II) In case the contiguous land owned by the applicant, whose subdivision had been approved
earlier, the details of public amenities provided in it and all streets within it opening out in the
site for which the permission is being sought, shall include
a) The means of access from existing street, distance from it, mentioning name and width
of the street to the site proposed for development.
b) The position of all existing structures and features like high-tension lines, telegraph and
electrical poles, under ground pipe lines, trees, buildings and railway lines etc. within a
distance of 30 meters from the boundary of the site.
c) All major physical characteristics of the land proposed to be developed which include
the approximate location and size of any water body, flood affected areas, and contours
at an interval of 0.3 meters in case of a site having a slope of more than 1:20. Layout Plan. —This shall be drawn on a scale of not less than 1:500 for an area of 10 hectares and not
less than 1:1000 for areas more than 10 hectares, and it shall contain the following information: -
The location of all proposed and existing roads with their width,
Building plan-showing dimension within plots/premises along with setback. In case of Group
Housing/Clustered development distance between blocks and corresponding height of blocks.
The location of drains, sewers, public facilities and electrical lines etc.
Analysis indicating size, area and use of all the plots and different premises uses proposed in
the layout plan.
A statement indicating the total area of the site, area utilized under roads, open spaces, schools,
shopping and other public uses, proposed in the lay-out plan along with their percentage with references to the
total area of the site.
Details of means of access to the proposed sub-division from existing street along with map.
59 Specifications: The following specifications and details shall be enclosed for the permission
of sub-division of land:
a) Details of general specification for development works in the proposed area viz., general
specification of roads drains (side drains) and streets along with their slope, and paving
provision for water supply, management and disposal of sewerage and garbage, street lighting,
playground park and community facilities.
Existing external infrastructures facilities near the site such as sewerage disposal site, drainage (Nallah
etc.) main road, electric supply system, source of water supply etc.
4.2.3 Development Permit Fee---Details (Calculation memo) regarding the development permit fees and
other prescribed fees shall be made available to the applicant indicating clearly the basis for charging
the fee (Government Orders/ Authority Orders).
4.2.4 Agreement for Development Permit—Before granting the development permit, an agreement with
the applicant shall be executed in accordance with the prescribed conditions.
a) Development permit once granted shall be valid for a period of two years during which
development works shall be completed and completion certificate shall be obtained from the
authority on prescribed Performa in accordance with the procedure laid out.
a) The authority may revalidate after charging the prescribed fee the permit for one year at a time
subject to a maximum of three times, on request made by the applicant.
60 Deviation During Development work.—During the course of development work, if any deviation
from the sanctioned plan is intended to be made, the permission of the Authority shall be obtained
before the proposed deviation is executed.
Subdivision entails carving out smaller parcels of an erstwhile premise for reasons of salability,
efficiency of use, or suitability of the existing demand etc. without changing the land use, and making
each smaller lot independently serviceable. Site plan: The site plan based on actual field surveys and reconciled with the revenue map / existing
Layout Plan of adjoining areas if any, showing the premise that is proposed to be sub-divided shall be
drawn to a scale as follows: Sub Division Plan: The proposals may be submitted in drawings to the scale mentioned above.
However if the Proposals for sub division of land which entails any of the following;
i. Provision of internal roads.
Annexure -1
I hereby give application (in two copies) that I intend to develop / redevelop the land on
Plot No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . in Sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U.P. State
Industrial Development Area in accordance with the U.P. State Industrial Development Area Land
Development Regulation-2004 forward herewith the following plans and specifications (Items I to 6) in
quadruplicate duly signed by me and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(name in block letters) the Licensed Architect / Engineer / Town Planer/ Group-License N0. . . . . .
. . . . . . who will supervise the development work and a copy each of Statements / Documents
(Items 7 and 9)is enclosed the herewith:-
1. Key Plan
2. Site Plan
3. Location in Master Plan,
4. Layout Plan
5. Services Plan
6. Specifications
7. Ownership Title
8. Attested copy of Receipt of Payment of Application Fee.
9. Other Essential information / Documents.
I request that the scheme may be approved and permission accorded to me to develop the
Signature of Owner . . . . . . . . . . .
Name of Owner . . . . . . . . . . . .
Address of Owner . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Dated . . . . . .
Annexure -2
The Authorised Officer,
---------------- Development Area Office,
………………… District………………..
Uttar Pradesh State Industrial Development Authority,
Uttar Pradesh.
I hereby give application (in two copies) that I intend to develop / redevelop the land on
Plot No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . in Sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U.P.
State Industrial Development Area will be commenced on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . as per your permission and plans sanctioned, vide no. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . dated . . . . . . . . . . . . under the supervision of . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Licensed Architect / Engineer / Town Planer/ Group-License
no. . .
Signature of Owner . . . . . . . . . . .
Name of Owner . . . . . . . . . . . .
Address of Owner . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Dated . . . . . .
Annexure -3
directions, no requisition made, conditions, prescribed or order issued there under have been
transferred in the course of work.
10. Layout Plan
11. Services Plan
12. Specifications
13. Attested copy of Receipt of Payment of Completion Plan Fee.
14. Other Essential information / Documents.
Signature of Owner . . . . . . . . . . .
Name of Owner . . . . . . . . . . . .
Address of Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Dated . . . . . .