33CN-5SI Installation Manual-1

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FieldLoader Version 3.0 Software

Installation and Operating Instructions

Part Number 33CN-FLOAD
GENERAL Supported Controllers — The FieldLoader software
allows the user to select the controller type for download from
The FieldLoader V3.0 software allows easy upgrades of a pulldown list. FieldLoader is packaged with the following
the operating software for VAV and Fan Powered Air upgraded controller software:
Terminal controllers (Part numbers 33ZCVAVTRM and
33ZCFANTRM), Fan Coil controllers (Part number • ComfortID VAV and Fan Powered Air Terminals V2.0
33ZCFANCOL), and PremierLink™ Rooftop controllers (Part software (controller part numbers 33ZCVAVTRM and
• Fan Coil V2.1 software (controller part number
The FieldLoader software is installed onto a portable laptop 33ZCFANCOL)
computer which can be taken to job sites where the air condi- • PremierLink Rooftop V1.2 software (controller part
tioning equipment is located. The FieldLoader software is Win- number 33CSPREMLK)
dows compatible.
The FieldLoader software also has the capability to down- Loading Upgrade Software — When additional soft-
load future upgrades of the operating software. ware upgrades are released, the FileLoader utility is used to
import the new software versions from the CCN website into
the FieldLoader software. The new versions of the controller
INSTALLATION software are then used during subsequent upgrade procedures.
The FieldLoader V3.0 software is compatible with Network The FileLoader program is executed directly from the
Service Tool IV V1.2, Building Supervisor IV V1.2, Comfort- import disk of the new software version or from the files down-
VIEW™ 1.0 or 2.0, and ComfortWORKS® 5.0. All of these loaded from the website. The new software version import
applications can be installed on the same computer. disk or the files downloaded from the website will contain a
FILELOADER.EXE file. The file will launch the FileLoader
IMPORTANT: The FieldLoader software must be installed Upgrade Tool. See Fig. 1. Once the FileLoader upgrade tool
AFTER Service Tool or Building Supervisor. If Service has been launched, click on the UPGRADE button to import
Tool or Building Supervisor is installed after the the new software version files into the FieldLoader software.
FieldLoader software, then the FieldLoader software must
be reinstalled. Software for each controller type must be downloaded and
installed individually.
The FieldLoader software is installed by executing the
SETUP.EXE file on floppy disk 1. Once the SETUP.EXE file
is executed, an automatic installation process will run. The user
will need to specify their user name, company name, and a
directory for the FieldLoader installation.
After the FieldLoader software is installed, the appropriate
controller upgrade software must be installed. The upgrade
software is downloaded from the CCN (Carrier Comfort Net-
work) website. Software for each controller type must be
downloaded individually. Refer to the Loading Upgrade Soft-
ware section on this page.
System Requirements — The FieldLoader software
requires the following hardware and operating system:
• 486 processor or better
• Minimum 640 x 480 screen resolution
• Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME™ or Windows 2000
• RS-485 interface (A B&B 485CARLP9A external
converter is recommended for field use. A B&B
485CARLP9 converter will NOT work.) Fig. 1 — FileLoader Upgrade Tool

Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Book 1 4 PC 111 Catalog No. 533-387 Printed in U.S.A. Form 33CN-5SI Pg 1 1-02 Replaces: New
Tab 11a 13a
OPERATION be connected directly to the unit. Disconnect the CCN bus
from the unit while downloading. Additionally, DIP switch
The FieldLoader software allows easy upgrades across ma- no. 1 on the PremierLink board must be in the CCN position
jor version numbers for controllers that support this capability. (set to 1).
Major version number changes are required when CCN tables
within a controller are modified. Communication Setup — When running the Field-
For example, a ComfortID™ controller can be upgraded Loader software, the serial port is used for communication with
from V1.6 to V2.0 without the need to reconfigure the control- the CCN. If any other system hardware device is using the seri-
ler database manually. The software inside the ComfortID con- al port, an error will occur. Make sure no other devices are
troller senses the initial upgrade event and automatically recon- using the port. It is recommended that a B&B 485CARLP9A
figures the ComfortID V1.x’s serial EEPROM memory (where RS232 to RS485 converter be used.
the database is stored) to accommodate the new version. The Click on the SETUP button to access the FieldLoader Com-
software enables a major version upgrade and does not require munications Setup screen. See Fig. 2. Select the proper com-
the user to reconfigure each individual ComfortID controller’s munications port for CCN communications. Select the proper
CCN tables. Any configuration decisions that were not present CCN baud rate. Specify the element number and bus number
in the earlier version will be set to their default values. of the computer with the FieldLoader software.
NOTE: The computer with the FieldLoader software must
IMPORTANT: The FieldLoader software ONLY updates reside on the same bus as the devices to be downloaded. The
the controller. The associated front end software which is FieldLoader PC bus number must be set to the proper bus
installed at specific job sites (e.g.) Building Supervisor IV, address prior to upgrading any controller.
Service Tool IV, ComfortWORKS® or ComfortVIEW™)
will not be updated automatically to reflect the changes. In Upgrading Controllers — To perform controller up-
order to view the newly upgraded controllers, each control- grades, the user must first select the desired device type and
ler will need to be removed and then reinstalled. version of the controller. The Device Type and Version pull-
down menus can be used to select all controller types and ver-
The upgrade procedure is forward only. If, for example, sions that are currently imported into FieldLoader. You must
a user decides to revert back to ComfortID V1.6 from a first select the desired Device Type and then select the desired
ComfortID V2.0, the user-programmed configuration settings Version. See Fig. 3.
will be lost. It will be necessary to download a saved image of Select the desired address range to upgrade. The FieldLoad-
the V1.6 database from a front end application or reconfigure it er software has the capability to upgrade an individual control-
manually. ler or a range of controllers on a single bus. A range of address-
The FieldLoader software MUST complete the download es can be upgraded by configuring the Start Element and End
process prior to exiting the FieldLoader software. If a Field- Element dialog boxes, See Fig. 3. Make sure that the proper
Loader session is aborted (unexpected power failure, system bus number is displayed above the Start and End Elements. If
crash), the controller may be left in an unrecoverable state. The the proper bus number is not shown, then use the SETUP but-
FieldLoader software has been designed to recover controllers ton to configure the proper bus number.
in these instances, but it may require a higher level of user in- Once the proper Start and End Element numbers have been
teraction to determine the proper course of action. If a control- entered, press the REFRESH button in order to scan the ele-
ler fails to communicate after an attempted upgrade, refer to the ment range entered. The scan will display all controllers found
Troubleshooting section on page 3. in the specified element range. Verify that the controllers found
Upgrade Set Up Procedure — Prior to running the are the correct types and versions. Press the CONTINUE but-
FieldLoader software, it is important that the following steps be ton to begin the upgrade process. A progress update will be dis-
taken. played on the screen as the update occurs. Success and error
messages will be displayed in the download log, which can be
The computer running the FieldLoader software should be viewed by using the MORE button on the download progress
connected directly to the same bus as the controllers that are to screen. See Fig. 4.
be upgraded. Controllers cannot be upgraded through bridges.
Connect the computer to the RS485 CCN bus using a B&B If a blank device (a device in BootLoader mode) is found
485CARLP9A connector cable. within the Start/End address range, it will be skipped. The user
must upgrade a BootLoader device individually. To upgrade a
If on a secondary bus, the COMM2 connector should be re- single device, enter the address of the device into both the Start
moved from the CCN Bridge to isolate communications from Element and End Element dialog boxes.
the primary bus.
NOTE: A BootLoader device is a controller which has had its
If B&B 485OP RS485 repeaters are installed on the bus, application software removed and is no longer functioning as a
they must be powered down. Each bus segment must be up- CCN controller.
graded individually. Attempting to download a controller
through a 485OP repeater will cause a communications verifi-
cation error message in the download status log. Due to the er-
ror, the controller will not be upgraded.
In order to maximize download speed when upgrading a
ComfortID zoning system, it is recommended that the Linkage
in each master ComfortID controller on the bus be disabled.
Due to conflicts with the serial port, Network Service
Tool IV and Building Supervisor IV must be manually
shutdown prior to running the FieldLoader software. The
FieldLoader software will automatically stop and restart
ComfortVIEW and ComfortWORKS Services.
NOTE: If a rooftop unit with PremierLink controls is being
upgraded, a computer running the FieldLoader software must Fig. 2 — FieldLoader Communications Setup

The download log contains useful information that can be
utilized in the event of a download failure. Unsuccessful down-
loads will display the reason the download failed. Failure mes-
sages include: “unable to verify software version,” “unable to
communicate to controller,” and “checksum failure.” More
information regarding error messages is given in the Trouble-
shooting section on this page.

FieldLoader Software Setup Error Messages —
The following error messages will occur when the FieldLoader
software is not set up correctly.
These errors usually mean that the Communication port select-
ed in the FieldLoader Setup window is invalid, or is conflicting
with another device or application. If the port is not available,
the error would occur when the FieldLoader software starts or
after selecting an invalid port in the Setup window. If a hard-
ware or software conflict exists, the error usually occurs just
before a download begins.
Possible Solutions:
Verify that the correct Communication port is selected in the
FieldLoader Setup panel.
Verify that the serial port is enabled in the System Control
Panel, and does not conflict with any other installed hardware
device (modem, laptop infrared port, etc.).
Fig. 3 — FieldLoader Upgrade Screen Shut down any other program that may be using the same
(Fan Coil Controller Shown) Communication port, such as Building Supervisor IV or Net-
work Service Tool IV.
Verify that the port is accessible using Windows
PLEASE INSTALL” — This error means that the FieldLoader
software could not find the download command file script
(.CMD file) to be used for downloading to the devices. This
file is installed by the FileLoader utility found on the applica-
tion software import disk.
Possible Solutions:
Run FileLoader to copy the .CMD file and application soft-
ware to the PC. Verify that a file with the correct part number
and .CMD extension exists in the FieldLoader directory.

Fig. 4 — FieldLoader Download Screen

Once the download is complete, the MORE button on the

screen can by utilized to view the current download log. See
Fig. 5. Also, after upgrading the controllers, the download log
can be saved as a text file (this is optional).
NOTE: When the download log is being displayed, the LESS
button can be used to deactivate the viewing of the log.
The download log should always be checked after each
download to ensure that the download completed successfully.
A “Download Completed Successfully” message should be
displayed for each controller that has been properly upgraded. Fig. 5 — Sample Download Log

Download Error Messages — The following errors “CHECKSUM VERIFICATION FAILED” — After down-
may occur during upgrade download operations. loading, the FieldLoader software verifies the integrity of the
“END ELEMENT MUST BE GREATER THAN START upgrade within the newly upgraded controller. In the event of a
ELEMENT” — The address range defined on the main Field- checksum failure, the controller should be immediately re-
Loader screen is invalid. Verify that the start element address is downloaded with the upgrade software. A “CHECKSUM
less than or equal to the end element address. MATCH — SUCCESS” message should be displayed in the
download log. If a checksum failure error message persists,
download command file script contains an error or illegal com-
mand. Reinstall the upgrade files using the FileLoader soft- Download Failure When Upgrading — If a con-
ware. troller upgrade is attempted and a download failure occurs,
“CANNOT VERIFY DEVICE TYPE: CONTINUE then the following steps must be taken.
DOWNLOAD?” — The software reference number did not 1. Disconnect the CCN bus from the controller.
match, but the BootLoader part number did match, indicating 2. Connect the computer running the FieldLoader software
that the device is in BootLoader mode. This is probably caused directly to the controller. The controller will be at its orig-
by a failure on a previous download attempt. The user must inal address and baud rate.
verify that the download to this device should continue.
3. Use FieldLoader to upgrade the individual controller.
ELEMENT?” — This message appears when the user termi- 4. Reconnect the CCN bus to the controller.
nates the download by using the Cancel button. The download Erratic Mouse Operation — If the computer is expe-
will continue with the next element if the user answers Yes to riencing non-smooth operation of the mouse during 38.4 kb
this message. CCN communications with FieldLoader, ComfortVIEW or
Download Log Error Messages — The following er- Network Service Tool, the following procedure can be done to
ror messages may occur in the download log file. fix the problem.
“READ SOFTWARE PART NUMBER FAILED” — The 1. The behavior of the CCN communication driver can be
FieldLoader software could not read the part number of the tar- changed by editing the Autoexec.bat file of the com-
get device. It is likely that the FieldLoader software could not puter.
communicate with the CCN address it was attempting to up- 2. Use an editor (such as Notepad) to open the file C:\Au-
grade. The user must verify the controller at the specified ad- toexec.bat.
dress is connected to the CCN bus properly. 3. Insert the following line at the top of the file:
SION NOT VERIFIED” — The software reference number 4. Save the file and exit.
did not match the selected Device Type. Two possible solutions
exist. First, the user may be attempting to download the wrong 5. Re-boot the computer.
device type into the controller selected (for example, the NOTE: For some computers, this alteration may cause the
ComfortID™ Air Terminal Device Type may have been select- FieldLoader software to be unable to download. In that case,
ed and the software is downloading into a Fan Coil Controller). change the line in the Autoexec.bat file back to:
Second, the controller may be in BootLoader mode. The user SET CCNWAIT=1.
must download to the controller directly by specifying a single
address in the Start and End Element numbers.
When downloading fails because of an incorrect part num-
ber, messages such as “CESR131211-08 — MISMATCH” will
be displayed in the download log. These mismatches indicate
that the Fieldloader software attempted to check each part
number listed against the actual target device and the part num-
bers did not match.

Copyright 2002 Carrier Corporation

Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
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Tab 11a 13a

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