State of Michigan: (Insert System or Project Name Here) (Inset Phase or Product Increment)
State of Michigan: (Insert System or Project Name Here) (Inset Phase or Product Increment)
State of Michigan: (Insert System or Project Name Here) (Inset Phase or Product Increment)
1. General Information
System or Project
Creation Date:
Client Agency: Modification Date:
Author(s): DTMB Authorized by:
2. Privacy Information
This document may contain information of a sensitive nature. This information should not be given to
persons other than those who are involved with this system/project or who will become involved during
its lifecycle.
3. Revision History
The Project Manager will maintain this information and provide updates as required. All updates to the
Project Management Plan and component plans should be documented in this section.
Revision Date Author Section(s) Summary
Success criteria for this phase of testing is a pass rate of <XX>. This test phase had a pass rate of <XX>
which <meets/does not meet> the exit criteria for this phase of testing.
Describe any exception or factors to the numbers supplied above:
6. Defect Analysis
Complete the table below listing the defect metric counts from this phase of testing. List any issues still
outstanding at the end of this test phase.
Change Requests
Attach a report of any change requests generated during the test phase or list them here.
9. Approvals
Approvers Signatures (must be authorized approvers/members of the project Change Control Board).
Role Name/Title Signature Date
Business Owner