M479 PDF
M479 PDF
M479 PDF
M. Sriram,
Assistant Professor-Finance,
SDM Institute of Management Development,
Mysore, India.
Email: [email protected]
The present study has analysed the long term relationship between Nifty and NASDAQ Composite
for the period 01/01/2000 to 19/08/2014. The study has employed certain econometric tools to
analyse the behaviour of both the series. The study finds that both the series are not normally
distributed. Unit Root Test was applied to test for stationarity of data and was found to be
stationary at first difference and not at level form. Using Johansen’s Co-integration test, it was
found that there exists no co-integration/long term association between the Indices. Vector
Autoregressive Approach (VAR) indicated that the performance of NASDAQ Composite depended
upon the lagged terms of Nifty. To further strengthen the findings, Granger Causality test was
employed and the results found unidirectional relationship. Nifty was Granger causing NASDAQ
Composite. Short term relationship exists between the indices. The key findings of the study
explore the scope of portfolio diversification of Investors and Portfolio managers in the absence
of a long term relationship. The Indian market continues to be an attractive destination for
Foreign Institutional Investors.
Keywords: NASDAQ Composite, Nifty, Vector Autoregressive, Granger Causality, Johansen’s
JEL Classification Code: G15
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and
Social Sciences (GB14Mumbai Conference) Mumbai, India. 19-21 December 2014
ISBN: 978-1-941505-21-2 Paper ID: M479
1. Introduction
The Indian Capital market stands testimony to developments in the use of technology post
liberalisation and globalisation. Trading and settlement, paperless trading and greater
transparency in the mechanics of stock trading are the by-products of enhanced application of
technology. The developments were on the lines of making the Capital Market developed and on
par with the International Markets. The LPG process has vitalised policy makers to liberalise
foreign trade policies and hence the improved flow of foreign funds in the form of FDI and
Foreign Institutional Investments into the markets. The policy changes have encouraged
companies to cross list shares in other overseas exchanges. Indian companies have started to list
shares in the U.S (through issue of ADRs) and other bourses and foreign companies are now
permitted to raise funds from the Indian Investors through issue of depository receipts in the form
of IDR (Indian Depository Receipts). Park (1990) found that a substantial portion of the
variability in ADR returns is accounted for by the variations in the share price of the underlying
security in the home market. It is evident that markets are interlinked and the linkages and
interdependence between capital markets constitute co-integration. Co-integration refers to the
process of identifying the presence of long term dependencies between two stock markets. The
study of the existence of inter-linkages among international capital markets has serious
implications on determining the extent of portfolio diversification as well as macroeconomic
policies of respective countries (Nambi et al., 2010). It is also a reflection of regional economic
linkages between the countries and helps in guiding regional financial policy formulation. If there
is no long term relationship, then there is scope for portfolio diversification for the investors and
portfolio managers. Investors prefer to hold securities from a variety of firms because
diversification reduces portfolio risk. Diversification can be rewarding because stock indices of
different countries are affected by different factors and need not necessarily move in the same
direction. The presence of short term linkages can be explored as some ASEAN markets have
witnessed (Roca et al., 1998). Also in the recent past there has been flow of foreign investments
in the form of Foreign Institutional Investments and through issue of depository receipts; it has
become imperative to determine the degree of association between Indian markets and the U.S
1.1 Objectives
The following are the objectives of the study-
1. To study the dynamics of short term linkages between the U.S (NASDAQ Composite) and
the Indian Stock market (Nifty).
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and
Social Sciences (GB14Mumbai Conference) Mumbai, India. 19-21 December 2014
ISBN: 978-1-941505-21-2 Paper ID: M479
2. To explore the presence of long term linkages between the markets and interpret the results
3. To capture the linear interdependencies among the indices selected for the study.
2. Literature Review
Chan et al., (1997) conducted a study on integration of stock markets by including 18 nations
covering a 32 year period. These markets were analyzed both separately and collectively in
regions to test for the weak form market efficiency. The cross country market efficiency was
tested using Johansen’s co-integration test. The results showed that only small number of stock
markets have shown evidence of co-integration with others. Bala et al.,(2001) in their study
examined the nature and extent of linkage between the US and the Indian stock markets. They
used the theory of co-integration to study the interdependence between the Bombay stock
exchange (BSE), the NYSE and NASDAQ. The data consisted of daily closing prices for the
three indices from January1991 through December 1999. The results supported the notion that the
Indian stock market was not affected by the movements in US markets for the entire sample
period. Wong et al., (2004) have empirically investigated the long-run equilibrium relationship
and short-run dynamic linkage between the Indian stock market and the stock markets in major
developed countries by examining the Granger causality relationship and the pair-wise, multiple
and fraction co-integrations between the Indian stock market and the developed stock markets
such as US, UK and Japan. The findings of the study reveal that the Indian stock market is
statistically, significantly co-integrated with stock markets of United States, United Kingdom and
Japan. There is existence of a unidirectional granger causality running from the US, UK and
Japanese stock markets to the Indian stock markets. Gaural Agarwal et al., (2010) in their study
on the relationship between Nifty returns and dollar-rupee exchange rate used several statistical
tests to study the behavior and dynamics of both the series. It was found that there was
unidirectional relationship between Nifty returns and exchange rates using Granger Causality test
with the direction running from the former towards the latter. Nambi et al., (2010) in their study
tested whether the Indian stock market is interdependent on the American Stock Markets. The
New York Stock Exchange is the largest stock exchange in the world in terms of Market
Capitalization. Many Indian companies have listed their shares in America. The extent of co-
integration between the major Indian stock exchanges with the leading stock markets of America
like NYSE, S&P500 and the NASDAQ was tested using the Engle Grangler test of Co-
integration. The data collected was for the time period Jan 1st 2000 to 31st Dec 2008. The authors
concluded that there was no co-integration between the markets. Sriram et al., (2014) in their
study on analysing the relationship between Sensex returns and exchange returns from 10-06-
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and
Social Sciences (GB14Mumbai Conference) Mumbai, India. 19-21 December 2014
ISBN: 978-1-941505-21-2 Paper ID: M479
2010 to 11-07-2013 found that both the return series were not normally distributed. Unit Root test
was applied to test for the stationarity of data and it was found to be stationary at level form itself.
Correlation between Sensex returns and exchange rate was found to be negative and weak. To test
the causal relationship between the variables, the authors applied Granger causality test was and it
was proved that unidirectional relationship existed between Sensex returns and exchange rate
returns. Sensex returns was Granger causing exchange rate returns.
2.1 Research Questions
The following are the research questions pertaining to the study-
*If NASDAQ is replaced with another index, say NASDAQ Composite (A brief write up is given
in the Methodology), will the results change?
*Are there short term linkages between the Indices?
* In the absence of a long term relationship, can the study explore the possibility of establishing
linear interdependency between the Indices?
3. Methodology
3.1 Data and Period of Study
The study is based on secondary data. The daily data for the Nifty was collected from the
website www.nseindia.com and for the NASDAQ Composite, the details were collected from
www.finance.yahoo.com . The period of study was from 01.01.2000 to19.08.2014.
NASDAQ Composite is a stock market Index of common stocks similar to the ones listed on
NASDAQ stock market. The index is not exclusively an U.S Index as both U.S and non-U.S
Companies are listed. It is highly followed in the U.S as an indicator of the performance of high
growth stocks.
The following statistical tools were employed to test the hypotheses. The tests namely JB test,
Unit root test and Granger Causality test were conducted using E-views software (version 7).
Brief explanations about various statistical tools are given below;
3.2 Normality Test
The Jarque-Bera (JB) test (Gujarati, 2003) is used to test whether stock returns and exchange
rates individually follow the normal probability distribution. The JB test of normality is an
asymptotic, or large-sample, test. This test computes the skewness and kurtosis measures and uses
the following test statistic:
JB = n [S2 /6 + (K-3)2 /24]
Where n = sample size, S = skewness coefficient, and K = kurtosis coefficient.
For a normally distributed variable, S = 0 and K = 3. Therefore, the JB test of normality is a
test of the joint hypothesis that S and K are 0 and 3 respectively. To analyse the pattern of
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and
Social Sciences (GB14Mumbai Conference) Mumbai, India. 19-21 December 2014
ISBN: 978-1-941505-21-2 Paper ID: M479
distribution of data, skewness and kurtosis have been calculated. Zero skewness implies
symmetry in the distribution whereas kurtosis indicates the extent to which probability is
concentrated in the centre and especially at the tail of the distribution. Kurtosis measures the
peakedness of a distribution relative to the normal distribution. A distribution with equal kurtosis
as normal distribution is called ‘mesokurtic;’ a distribution with small tails is called ‘platykurtic’
and a distribution with a large tail is called ‘leptokurtic.’
3.3 Unit Root Test (Stationarity Test)
Empirical work based on time series data assumes that the underlying time series is
stationary. Broadly speaking a data series is said to be stationary if its mean and variance are
constant (non-changing) over time and the value of covariance between two time periods depends
only on the distance or lag between the two time periods and not on the actual time at which the
covariance is computed (Gujarati, 2003). A unit root test has been applied to check whether a
series is stationary or not. Stationarity condition has been tested using Augmented Dickey Fuller
3.4 Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) Test
Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test has been carried out which is the modified version of
Dickey-Fuller (DF) test. ADF makes a parametric correction in the original DF test for higher-
order correlation by assuming that the series follows an AR (p) process. The ADF approach
controls for higher-order correlation by adding lagged difference terms of the dependent variable
to the right-hand side of the regression. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller test specification used
here is as follows:
Yt = b0 + βΔ Yt-1 + μ1 ΔYt-1 + μ2 ΔYt-2 +….. + μp ΔYt-p + et
Yt represents time series to be tested, b0 is the intercept term, β is the coefficient of interest in the
unit root test, μ1 is the parameter of the augmented lagged first difference of Yt to represent the
pth-order autoregressive process, and et is the white noise error term.
3.5 Granger Causality Test
According to the concept of Granger’s causality test (1969, 1988), a time series x t Granger-
causes another time series yt if series yt can be predicted with better accuracy by using past values
of xt rather than by not doing so, other information is being identical. If it can be shown, usually
through a series of F-tests and considering AIC on lagged values of xt (and with lagged values of
yt also known), that those xt values provide statistically significant information about future
values of yt time series then xt is said to Granger-cause yt i.e. xt can be used to forecast yt. The
pre-condition for applying Granger Causality test is to ascertain the stationarity of the variables in
the pair. Engle and Granger (1987) show that if two non-stationary variables are co-integrated, a
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and
Social Sciences (GB14Mumbai Conference) Mumbai, India. 19-21 December 2014
ISBN: 978-1-941505-21-2 Paper ID: M479
vector auto-regression in the first differences is unspecified. If the variables are co-integrated, an
error-correcting model must be constructed.
The Johansen’s Co integration test is used to test the presence of long term equilibrium
relationship between the spot and future market of the currencies. The Vector Error Correction
Model (VECM) is used to analyse the whether error correction mechanism takes place if some
disturbance comes in the equilibrium relationship. If there is no co-integration, the variables have
to be differenced d times and a VAR model is constructed where in each variable has an equation
has explaining its evolution based on its own lags and lags of other variable model.
3.6 Hypotheses
H1 – The indices namely Nifty and NASDAQ Composite are not normally distributed.
H2 - Unit Root exists (i.e. non stationarity) in both the series
H3- There is a long term relationship between Nifty and NASDAQ Composite Index.
H4 - There exist no causality between Nifty and NASDAQ Composite Index.
4. Results and Discussion
Table 1
Particulars Nifty NASDAQ
Mean 3523.51 2457.016
Median 3593.45 2291.28
Maximum 7897.5 5048.63
Minimum 854.2 1114.11
Standard Deviation 1937.89 758.54
Skewness 0.093 0.912
Kurtosis 1.586 3.43
Jarque Bera 309.62 538.23
Probability 0.00 0.00
Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics of daily closing values of Nifty and NASDAQ
Composite for the period selected for the study. It can be seen that the closing price in case of
Nifty varies from 854.2 to 7897.5 thereby stating that there is wide fluctuation in the daily closing
values of Nifty. Similarly, the closing price of NASDAQ Composite varies from 1114.11 to
5048.62 respectively. The mean value for the entire period is 3523.51 for Nifty and 2457.01 for
NASDAQ Composite. Skewness is positive (0.093) for Nifty and NASDAQ Composite (0.912)
indicating a relatively long right tail compared to the left one. Kurtosis with 1.586 for Nifty and
3.43 for NASDAQ Composite indicates short tails and the distribution is platykurtic’. The
findings are similar to the existing literature and with a high Jarque-Bera statistic, it can be
confirmed that the returns series is not normally distributed. Hence, H1 is accepted
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and
Social Sciences (GB14Mumbai Conference) Mumbai, India. 19-21 December 2014
ISBN: 978-1-941505-21-2 Paper ID: M479
It is a fact that many financial time series data are random walk or non-stationary time series
and contain unit root. Test of unit root in the spot and future currency prices of dollar is essential
as the presence of unit root may give invalid inferences in the analysis. ADF (Augmented
Dickey-Fuller Test) is the popular test for unit root testing of time series.
Table 2 shows the results of ADF test and the result indicates that both (Nifty and NASDAQ
Composite) series are non-stationary at level form and hence hypothesis (H2) is accepted. The
data becomes stationary at their first difference and is statistically significant.
Table 2: ADF Unit Root Test for Nifty (Nif) and NASDAQ Composite (Nas)
Particulars ‘t’Value(Nif) Probability(Nif) ‘t’ Value (Nas) Probability(Nas)
At level 0.12491 0.9676 -1.4573 0.5553
At first difference -56.31564 0.0001 -45.123 0.0001
The co- integration test was introduced by Granger (1981, 1983) and Engle and Granger
(1987) to explain stationary equilibrium relationship among the non-stationary variables. The co
integration test is useful in analyzing the presence of a stationary linear combination among the
non-stationary variables of the same order. If such a combination is found, an equilibrium
relationship is said to exist between the variables. The Johansen co integration test is applied in
the research study between the closing values of Nifty and NASDAQ Composite .The result of
the Johansen’s Co-Integration Test are shown in table III. The trace statistics for the calculated
Eigen value is less than the table value and hence the null hypothesis of no co integration is
accepted. The results are similar for NASDAQ Composite and hence the result indicates the
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and
Social Sciences (GB14Mumbai Conference) Mumbai, India. 19-21 December 2014
ISBN: 978-1-941505-21-2 Paper ID: M479
absence of long term relationship between the Indian and U.S markets. There exists no long term
equilibrium relationship between the indices and hence hypothesis (H3) is rejected.
As there is no long term relationship between the markets, a Vector Autoregressive approach
is constructed to study the relationship between the variables. The following table (Table IV)
presents the result- The VAR results indicate that Nifty’s performance depends upon the lagged
terms of Nifty. Similarly, the performance of NASDAQ Composite depends upon the lagged term
(one) of Nifty. NASDAQ Composite is dependent upon one lagged term of its own. Therefore, it
is clearly shown that NASDAQ Composite clearly depends upon the movement in Nifty. To
further strengthen the results to identify whether unidirectional or bidirectional relationship exists,
Granger Causality test is performed.
Table IV: Vector Autoregressive Results Standard errors in ( ) & t-statistics in [ ]
C 1.007852 2.625249
(3.21830) (2.41122)
[ 0.31316] [ 1.08876]
*Significant @ 1%
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and
Social Sciences (GB14Mumbai Conference) Mumbai, India. 19-21 December 2014
ISBN: 978-1-941505-21-2 Paper ID: M479
Granger Causality test is performed to capture the degree and the direction of relationship
between Nifty and NASDAQ Composite. Table V shows pair wise Granger Causality test. It can
be seen that the null hypothesis
‘NASDAQ Composite does not Granger Cause Nifty’ can certainly be accepted as the F
statistic 1.01667 is not statistically significant and falls behind the critical value. However, the
null hypothesis ‘Nifty does not Granger Cause NASDAQ Composite ‘certainly can be rejected.
Therefore, it can be said that Nifty Granger Causes NASDAQ Composite. This can be confirmed
from Table VI. The results show that Nifty Granger Causes NASDAQ Composite as the chi-
square value of 18.57203 is statistically significant (probability value 0.0001). NASDAQ
Composite does not Granger Cause Nifty as the chi-square value of 2.033336 is not statistically
significant (probability value 0.3618) and hence the result is unidirectional causality running from
Nifty to NASDAQ Composite. Hence hypothesis (H4) is rejected.
Table 6: Inference from Granger Causality Test
Composite 2.033336 2 0.3618
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and
Social Sciences (GB14Mumbai Conference) Mumbai, India. 19-21 December 2014
ISBN: 978-1-941505-21-2 Paper ID: M479
became stationary at first difference. Since both the series are stationary at the first difference, the
data is eligible for conducting co-integration test. The co-integration results show that both the
indices are not integrated in the long run. The findings are similar to the study conducted by
Nambi et al., (2010) but contradict the findings of Wong et al., (2004) in which the authors claim
the presence of a long term relationship between the Indian and developed markets such as U.S,
U.K and Japanese markets. The reasons for the absence of co-integration could be the cross
listing of shares. Though the issue of ADR by Indian companies was permitted a decade ago, the
number of companies as a percentage of total companies listed in the bourses is very low. The
same is the case with the issue of IDR by U.S companies to raise equity from the Indian markets.
The VAR results also indicate the presence of linear interdependency among the Indices with
NASDAQ Composite dependent upon lagged values of Nifty. When analysed the short term
relationship between the indices, it is found that Nifty Granger causes NASDAQ Composite
inferring that the returns of NASDAQ depends upon the Nifty performance. The results also
contradict the findings of Wong et al., (2004) which revealed a unidirectional Granger causality
running from the U.S, U.K and the Japanese market to the Indian market.
The study concludes that by replacing NASDAQ with NASDAQ Composite, the results of
the study are similar to the existing literature i.e., there is no long term relationship between the
Indices. Short term linkages seem to be present with NASDAQ composite depending on the
performance of Nifty. In the absence of a long term relationship, there is a possibility of portfolio
diversification either way for Investors and Portfolio Managers. The Indian market continues to
be attractive for Foreign Institutional Investors in the short run.
Future studies can focus on the presence of co-integration between India and U.S in terms of
foreign trade and Investments, co-integration of Indian Indices with other major Indices across
the globe. Such studies may end up with in contrast to the existing literature available. The results
may also differ if the frequency of data is changed and sector specific Indices are compared and
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ISBN: 978-1-941505-21-2 Paper ID: M479
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