Mayora Indah (MYOR) : Potential Continuing Performance
Mayora Indah (MYOR) : Potential Continuing Performance
Mayora Indah (MYOR) : Potential Continuing Performance
Consumer Goods
3200 JCI
Increasing Raw Materials Potentially Bal- 3000 7000
2200 1000
Satisfying 9M10 Sales and In line with our expectations, MYOR as one of the biggest consumer goods players
Bottom Line Achievement with strong products existence in the domestic industry posted a satisfying 9M10
performance. Company's total consolidated sales grew by 43.69% YoY to IDR 5.12tn
compared to the same period last year of IDR 3.56tn. As a result of stronger de-
mand in the 3Q period, the company also noted a significant QoQ growth from IDR
3.31tn or equal to an increased of 54.67%.
In 9M10 period, food processing, as one of MYOR's main revenue engine recorded
a total of IDR 2.51tn, equal to 47.68% out of its total sales. In terms of 9M10
achievements to full year forecast, the consolidated sales was around 85.71%
compared to our estimate of IDR 5.12tn in FY10F, or increased by 11.08% com-
pared to last year 9M09 result of around 74.63% to IDR 4.77tn in FY09.
Supported with its two strong brand equity products namely Beng beng and Kopiko,
MYOR's bottom line also demonstrated a consistent growth. Company's 9M10 net
profit climbed to IDR 322.17bn versus IDR 267.56bn in the same period of last year,
or grew by 20.41% YoY. In terms of QoQ result, the company booked an increased
of 20.41% from IDR 211.46bn (6M10). In the same period, MYOR's bottom line had
reached 76.42% of our projection of IDR 421.60bn (FY10F) or an increased of
4.52% YoY compared to 9M09 period achievement of IDR 267.56bn compared to its
results of IDR 372.16bn in FY09.
Maintaining Strong P&L On the back of continuing business expansion, successful brand building and rapid
and Healthy Balance Sheet promotion to strengthening products existences in the competition, MYOR's top
line notes a CAGR of 29.36% in the past five years. Its continuous efficiency and
consistent COGS that has been managed in the range of 75% - 80% to its total
sales despite fluctuating raw materials had brought its operating income to re-
main growing and recorded CAGR of 60.01% (FY05-FY09).
Its thriving effort to maintain other income (expenses) in the range of 1%-2%
(percentage of sales) had also given significant benefit to company's bottom line
growth. In the same period, company's net profit posted CAGR of 68.90%. With
continuing effort to enrich company's portfolio product, helped by company's strong
brand equity through its famous slogan of "One More From Mayor" (a well known
slogan for the past years of "Satu Lagi Dari Mayora") should help MYOR to con-
tinue recording strong revenue and noting healthy balance sheet results in the
next years.
Declining S&GA Cost In the past years, KLBF has been able to maintain its S&GA expenses in the range
Potentially Benefits MYORs of 15% - 18%. With a strong concern to lowering operational cost and post the
Operating Income implementation of company's efficiency, the ratio successfully decreased by almost
half to 13.78% (FY07) versus 17.04% (FY06) and reached its lowest to amounting
10.45% by the end of 2008.
Last year MYOR maintained its S&GA ratio at the same level or recorded around
10.90%. With its consistent attempt to control the ratio, it should give significant
impact to company's bottom line, especially its operating income. The continuing
declining ratio should also become a potential balancing factor for MYOR's P&L to
maintain its net profit growth especially to control the fluctuation of raw material
Mayora Indah - December 28, 2010
IDR Billion
10% 336.03 300
8% 283.41 250
0% -
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
In terms of market share, Nabisco continue to leading the competition with around
18.9% of market share, while MYOR following Nabisco which MYOR noted around
16.8% in the second position. Khong Guan Indonesia, as another well known
biscuits manufacturers stood at the third position with around 14.8% market
share. The remaining 49.5% market share are enjoyed by Ultra Prima (11.2%),
Arnott's Indonesia (6.6%), Garudafood Group (5.5%), General Food Industries
(4%) and others with a total market share of 22.3% respectively.
Mayora Indah - December 28, 2010
Increasing Raw Materials Despite the fact that MYOR potentially to note significant revenue growth, the
Potentially Balanced With fluctuation of raw materials should become a potential threat for MYOR's margin
Cost Efficiency growth in the future. In the past two years, raw materials composition amounting
around 83%-85% of the total cost of good sold, while the remaining 15% were
direct labor and factory overhead. Hence, any increasing raw materials is poten-
tially to squeeze MYOR's operating revenue growth.
Nevertheless, we believe that the cost efficiency implemented by the company
and MYOR's ability to maintain its COGS to Sales ratio level in the range of 70% -
80% as well as company's continuing volume growth should become a balancing
factor to the potential declining of MYOR's margin. We also view that the continu-
ing increasing demand on the back of stronger brand equity and product portfolio
become another key success factors that should help the company to maintain its
growth above the previous years level.
9,000 Top Line Growth Versus COGS To Sales -71%
FY04 - FY11F
8,000 7,632.07 -72%
-74.29% 5,977.53
-75.15% -75%
IDR Billion
5,000 -76.27%
-77.91% -77.78%
1,971.51 -80%
2,000 1,706.18 -80.21%
2,828.44 -80.71%
1,000 -81%
- -83%
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010F 2011F
Valuation and Recommen- Consumer goods sector is considered as an immune industry to the weakening
dation economic condition. Thus, we still give our positive outlook to the potential growth
of MYOR's biscuits business in the future year. Its strong brand equity and solid
distribution network should also become other positive variables that could help
the overall MYOR's business to continue recording a significant revenue growth.
The consistency to implement cost efficiency and continuing business expansion
as well as diversifying company's product to enrich its portfolio, in our view, should
also become another strong positive sentiment that could push the company to
have a sustainable growth. With such strong profitability growth and healthy
balance sheet as well as a bottom line CAGR of around 68.90% (FY05-FY09), should
also become a strong indicator for the potential future growth.
We forecasted that MYOR's top line could potentially reached to IDR 5.97tn (FY10F)
with an increased bottom line of around 13.29% YoY to IDR 429.80bn by the end
of this year. Using the same valuation method of DCF and terminal value (TV)
growth of 5% or lower compared to the industry (consumer goods) average of
5.12%, our estimation suggest us to quote MYOR's fair value of around IDR 15.750
per share. Yet, we had added a discount factor of around 10% for stocks liquidity
and others indeterminate factors, which is impacted to a lower target price. We
maintain our BUY recommendation and upgrade our target price to IDR 14.350
per share, or a potential increase of 32.25% from its closing price of IDR 10.850, as
of December 27th 2010.
Mayora Indah - December 28, 2010
PT. Mayora Indah
Financial Highlights
Cash and Cash Equivalents 120.00 316.33 321.58 217.88 178.10 257.79
Short Term Investment 12.81 27.77 12.67 27.08 34.57 34.73
Current Assets 1,043.84 1,684.85 1,750.42 2,170.29 2,670.92 3,229.62
Non Current Assets 849.33 1,238.14 1,496.07 1,484.74 1,604.90 1,881.95
Total Assets 1,893.17 2,922.99 3,246.49 3,655.03 4,275.82 5,111.56
Food Processing
Extern Sales 1,692.79 2,250.23 2,596.93 3,074.96 3,702.48 4,328.47
Intern Sales 30.21 44.53 69.36 107.69 166.66 257.09
Total Food Processing 1,723.00 2,294.76 2,666.29 3,182.64 3,869.13 4,585.56
Coffe, Powder, Ins Coffe & Cocoa Beans
Extern Sales 1,135.65 1,657.45 2,181.25 2,892.39 3,893.24 5,201.48
Intern Sales 45.82 77.58 67.07 57.65 49.27 42.35
Total Coffe, Powder, Ins Coffe & Cocoa Be 1,181.47 1,735.03 2,248.32 2,950.05 3,942.51 5,243.83
Others - - - - - -
Elimination (76.03) (122.11) (136.43) (155.16) (179.57) (211.41)
Consolidated Sales 2,828.44 3,907.67 4,778.17 5,977.53 7,632.07 9,617.98
Mayora Indah - December 28, 2010
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