NAN Spring2019 1 PDF
NAN Spring2019 1 PDF
NAN Spring2019 1 PDF
What’s inside
28 Navy Declares F-35C Mission Ready
30 ‘Argonauts’ Complete Transition to F-35C Lightning II
The F-35C Lightning II graces our cover again this issue after achieving initial operating
Navy Declares F-35C
MISSION READY capability Feb. 18. Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 147 shares how they transitioned from the F/A-
18 Super Hornet to the F-35C.
Most of this issue focuses on readiness reforms implemented as part of the Naval
Sustainment System initiative. We follow the progress made at Fleet Readiness Centers and the
operational-level reforms at Naval Air Station Lemoore, California.
On the back cover: Aviation Structural Mechanic Airman Javier Perez performs a daily
What’s inside turnaround inspection on an MH-60S Seahawk helicopter, assigned to the “Chargers” of
Physiological Episodes Update
Fleet Readiness Centers
Increase Readiness Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 14, aboard aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74).
O-Level Reforms at NAS Lemoore
spring 2019 3
Director, Air Warfare
Rear Adm. Scott D. Conn, USN
Editor in Chief
Andrea Watters, Naval Air Systems Command
Naval Sustainment
Editorial Board
Stan Coerr, Headquarters, Marine Corps
Cmdr. Ronald Flanders, USN, Naval Air Forces
Greg Kuntz, Naval Aviation Enterprise
Capt. Craig Lee, USN, Naval Air Systems Command
System: Fleet Readiness
Richard Holcomb, Air Warfare N98
FORCM Huben Phillips, USN, Naval Air Force, Atlantic
Centers Improving
Naval Aviation News Staff
Fred Flerlage, Art Director, Naval Air Systems Command
Jeff Newman, Staff Writer, Naval Air Systems Command By Rear Adm. Mike Zarkowski,
Contributing Editors Commander, Fleet Readiness Centers
Emily Funderburk, Naval Air Systems Command
As we move into the third quarter of the fiscal year, we
Melissa A. Johnson, Naval Air Systems Command
continue to keep our sights set on increasing the mission-
Columnists capable rate of F/A-18E/F Super Hornets.
Cmdr. Peter Mersky, USNR (Ret.), Book Review Editor
Cmdr. Bryan Dickerson, USN (Ret.), Contributing Editor Part of the Naval Sustainment System (NSS) model, Fleet Readiness Center
(FRC) reform is driving our efforts on the Super Hornets, and those reforms
Submission Guidelines and process improvements will be applied across other type/model/series
Commands may send news and announcements such as awards, rescues, milestones
and other achievements to [email protected]. Photos of Naval Aviation-oriented
(TMS) aircraft as we continue the push to increase readiness.
activities are always welcome. For longer feature articles, contact the editor in advance. Commander, Fleet Readiness Centers (COMFRC) has a three-pronged
Military contributors should forward articles about their commands only after internal approach:
security review and with command approval. For more information, contact us at n Kitting—having materials sorted in the receiving area and ready
[email protected] or 301-342-6024.
for use
Personal Subscriptions and Address Changes n Demand Management—treating the artisan as a surgeon with all his
A one-year subscription (four issues) is $23.00 domestic, $32.00 overseas. For online tools, equipment and parts available around the aircraft prior to begin-
orders go to For mail orders, cite Naval Aviation News and send
check, money order, or credit card information to U.S. Government Printing Office ning the work
Orders, P.O. Box 979050, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000. For fax orders, call 202-512-2104. n Built-in Quality—communicating more openly and frequently with
For phone orders, call 202-512-1800, Mon-Fri, 0700-1830. For email orders, send to fleet squadrons
[email protected]. For changes of address, also send to [email protected];
include full name and both old and new addresses.
It is all about velocity and getting aircraft, engines, components and sup-
port equipment through repair lines and back on the flight line as quickly
Official Subscriptions and Address Changes as possible.
Subscriptions to military and government agencies are provided free of charge At FRC Southwest (FRCSW), the first depot to undertake NSS, they
through the Naval Aviation News office. Email [email protected], send mail to
Naval Aviation News, NAvAir Public Affairs Office, 47123 Buse road, Building
saw an initial 30-percent reduction in the number of issue-priority-group-
2272, Suite 346, Patuxent river, MD 20670 or call 301-342-6024. one backorders or unfilled high-priority requisitions, and it continues to
Naval Aviation News (USPS 323-310; iSSN 0028-1417) is published quarterly for the improve.
Chief of Naval Operations by the Naval Air Systems Command. Periodicals postage is Depot-level transformation at FRCSW is focused around three activities:
paid at Washington, D.C., and additional mailing offices. n Shop transformation—prioritized by shops that most affect Super
The Secretary of the Navy has determined that this publication is necessary Hornet readiness, including the hydraulics, landing gear, canopy and
in the transaction of business required by law. The use of a name of any specific
manufacturer, commercial product, commodity or service in this publication does
generator convertor unit shops
not imply endorsement by the Navy. Any opinions herein are those of the authors, n Piece-part availability—addressing issues inhibiting repairs and resolv-
and do not necessarily represent the views of Naval Aviation News, the Department ing material delays
of the Navy or the Department of Defense. n Sustainability enablers—creating necessary changes to people, pro-
Approved for public release: SPr No. 2019-482 cesses and systems to ensure gains are sustainable
Postmaster: Send address changes to Naval Aviation News, NAvAir Public Affairs At Naval Air Station (NAS) Lemoore, California, FRC West (FRCW)
Office, 47123 Buse road, Building 2272, Suite 346, Patuxent river, MD 20670.
has applied the same best practices, resulting in significant changes to their
Naval aviatioN News is online at Planned Maintenance Interval (PMI) line. Planned maintenance is a proac-
SEND yOur fEEDBACk tO: [email protected] tive approach in which specific maintenance is scheduled on a regular basis.
4 Naval aviatioN News
Improvements at FRCW include the
n Maintaining standards designed to
ensure the safety of the workforce
n Creating spaces and processes that
maximize an artisan’s time spent on
an aircraft
n Starting work on an aircraft only
when the full work package is under- U.S. Navy photo by Scott Janes
n Ensuring supplies are in stock or eas-
ily ordered and tracked
n Staffing PMI lines with appropriate
numbers and capabilities to meet the
demand Fleet Readiness Center Southwest artisans work on an F/A-18 Super Hornet.
n Providing engineering and analysis
resources for faster turnaround times direction and will be able to achieve our n Resolution of 115 issues
n Inducting only mission-capable air- readiness standard for the Super Hornet. n Improved production rates
craft While the reforms started officially n Reduction in back orders
In addition, each aircraft is assigned a at FRCSW and FRCW, we sent our folks FRCE will continue to refine the three
dedicated work crew—along with a crew from the other FRCs to North Island and Super Hornet shops—valves and regulators,
lead—and all the tools and equipment Lemoore to observe and learn the new pro- starters and turbines, and auxiliary power
required to do the job. The creation of a cesses. This has enabled the other sites to hit units and fuel accessories—based on lessons
PMI Planning Cell and Production Control the ground running and they are making learned from their benchmarking trip to
Center (PCC) have also contributed to over- significant improvements already. FRCSW and implement tier-two-elevation
all improvements. The stakeholders meet On April 30, Naval Aviation kicked-off process improvements.
once or twice a day as a PMI Planning Cell the local NSS initiative at FRC Mid-Atlantic FRCE is also implementing NSS on
to discuss the progress and barriers as well (FRCMA) located at NAS Oceana, Virginia. the F-35 modification line with PCCs and
as plan for maintenance prior to aircraft FRCMA implemented the lean manufac- aircraft status and issue boards, plus aggres-
induction. The PCC houses a status board turing 5S process—shine, sort, standardize, sively focusing on 5S.
that tracks all outstanding work orders and straighten and sustain—at all sites and has At NAS Jacksonville, Florida, FRC
days to completion. increased their workload to include opera- Southeast (FRCSE) is implementing a
Results include a reduction in the PMI tional level (O-level) maintenance in order visual management system in four phases:
work in process from 10 to six aircraft, to return the aircraft to the fleet “ready to components and industrial processes,
a significant reduction in engineering fly.” engines, Super Hornet line, and trainer and
turnaround times and an increased focus At Marine Corps Air Station Cherry vertical-lift aircraft. In addition, FRCSE
on expediting delivery of needed parts. The Point, North Carolina, FRC East (FRCE) developed value-stream maps of Super Hor-
frequency and depth of communication started its NSS reforms May 20, setting net processes showing the flow of products
with squadrons and the air wing has also up PCCs and installing issue boards with through value added and non-value added
improved. metrics, analysis and data visualization in activities, including aircraft, engines and
their Super Hornet shops. They launched components, current state maps, standard-
NSS changes are working rapid problem-solving shop support teams ized visual equipment status boards and
The average turnaround time for the and instituted daily meetings to discuss standardized signage. FRCSE is scheduled
last four aircraft processed at Lemoore, equipment status and issues and update to begin its NSS initiative in late July.
which were all returned to squadrons as workflow boards. FRCSE also established a PCC for F414
mission capable, was 58 days, a marked The pre-planning benefits seen at FRCE engines, with plans to do the same for TF34
improvement over the previous rate of include: and F404 engines.
120 to 150 days. The early returns give us n Improvement in team synergy and The FRCs are making tremendous
confidence that we are moving in the right support personnel integration progress, and I am confident that the
spring 2019 5
number of mission-capable Super Hornets
will continue on an upward climb because
of these efforts.
The integration of each NSS pillar to
address all elements of aviation mainte-
nance—people, parts and processes—to
make permanent changes is essential. Each
piece of the model has made significant
improvements, and to have all of us pillar
leads—the FRCs, supply, engineering, O-
level, surge cell—talking to each other and
working together to support the long-term
sustainment of mission-capable Super
Rear Adm. Mike Zarkowski is a native of Bucks County, Virginia; assistant chief of staff for logistics, Commander, Strike Force
Pennsylvania, and a 1987 graduate of Millersville University of Training Atlantic and Aviation Readiness; support equipment director,
Pennsylvania. He was designated an aerospace maintenance and Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic Fleet, Norfolk; Commander,
duty officer in 1988. Fleet Readiness Center (COMFRC) Mid-Atlantic, Oceana, Virginia.
He attended the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Zarkowski’s acquisition tours include deputy program man-
California, and received his Master of Science in material ager, Consolidated Automated Support System Electro-
logistics support management in June 1998. In 1999, he Optics Plus in Aviation Support Equipment; aide to the
was designated an Acquisition Corps member. Commander, Naval Air Systems Command; Autonomic
Zarkowski’s operational assignments include tours as a Logistic Systems Engineering Integrated Product
maintenance material control officer (MMCO) in Airborne Team lead, the Joint Strike Fighter Program Office; and
Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 123, MMCO/ COMFRC Mid-Atlantic.
assistant maintenance officer in Fighter Squadron (VF) 32, He assumed command of COMFRC at Naval Air
carrier air group maintenance officer in Carrier Station Patuxent River, Maryland, in June 2016. He previ-
Air Wing (CVW) 17 and aircraft intermediate ously served as vice commander, COMFRC, from 2014
maintenance department officer aboard to 2016.
USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75). During Zarkowski earned his Professional Aviation
these tours, he participated in Operations Maintenance Officer Wings and has been
Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom and awarded the Legion of Merit (two awards),
Iraqi Freedom aboard USS America (CV Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritori-
66), USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) ous Service Medal (four awards), Navy/Marine
and USS George Washington (CVN 73). Corps Commendation Medal (three awards),
His shore tours include airframes/ Navy/Marine Corps Achievement Medal,
avionics division officer, Aircraft Interme- Battle Efficiency Award (two awards) and the
diate Maintenance Department, Norfolk, Thomas Hudner Leadership Award.
Illustration by
Hairy Harrier
Following a roll-and-go in the landing pattern, the pilot
of an AV-8B Harrier II began a climbing right-hand
turn downwind. He looked over his right shoulder to
check his position relative to the runway. He reduced
power and leveled the Harrier at the pattern altitude of
1,000 feet. He then went into a 60-degree angle-of-bank
turn with the nozzles at 24 degrees.
The tower transmitted, “keep it kinda tight on
downwind, visibility ain’t that great.” Weather
conditions were 3,000 feet scattered with three miles
“Not a problem,” responded the pilot, looking to the
right. He increased his angle of bank to 80 degrees, set
the nozzles to 60 degrees and applied back stick pressure.
Within three seconds, the Harrier’s angle of attack
increased from 11 to 23 units and the aircraft stalled,
causing the nose to yaw down and to the right. The pilot
went to full power and moved the stick full forward and
to the left. The angle of bank returned to 60 degrees, right
wing down, but suddenly the aircraft rolled rapidly to
the right and went inverted. With 15 degrees nose down
and descending through 800 feet, the pilot ejected. He
landed safely suffering only first-aid injuries. The aircraft
crashed and was destroyed.
says …
spring 2019 7
Compiled by Jeff Newman
pared for while allowing us to utilize all build-up locations. This ultimately offers the hangar bay makes our ship that much
the experience gained since AWE Upper a 75-percent reduction in the distance safer.”
Stage No. 1 was turned over to the ship.” ordnance must travel from magazine to Acceptance of the second elevator was
Upper Stage No. 3 is located in the aircraft. accelerated due to a merging of the test
ship’s aft weapons handling area, giving With more than two decades of weap- programs between NNS and the Naval
the ship two upper stage elevators in each ons handling experience, Thompson ex- Surface Warfare Center, which removed
of its handling areas—Upper Stage No. 1 plained that while the dedicated weapons redundant steps and moved certification
is in the forward handling area. handling areas offer advantages in speed up by 10 days. The team has identified
“This is a huge step for us,” Thompson and lethality, they also offer gains in the other areas where redundancy can be re-
said. “With one forward, and now one safe handling of ordnance. moved to make the acceptance timelines
aft—this brings us one step closer to be- “From a weapons safety perspective, more efficient.
ing a truly lethal weapons department.” this is a huge advantage,” he said. “We For Ford Commanding Officer Capt.
The dedicated weapons handling areas have two dedicated locations that are J.J. Cummings, the process improvement
between the hangar bay and the flight not on the flight deck or in the hangar again showcases the talent of the col-
deck are unique to the Ford-class and bay that have 24-7 overhead sprinkler lective team of professionals working to
eliminate the need for a “bomb farm” coverage and the ability to jettison in the bring these elevators online and bring
like those of Nimitz-class carriers while case of an emergency. To have these loca- Ford closer to operational employment.
reducing horizontal and vertical weap- tions that allows us to operate without From USS Gerald R. Ford Public
ons movements to various staging and interfering with flight operations or in Affairs.
the shipbuilder flexibility to best employ its skilled workforce to This Fixed Price Incentive (Firm Target) contract limits
design once and build twice for unprecedented labor reductions the Navy’s liability and incentivizes the shipyard’s best perfor-
while providing stability and opportunities for further efficiencies mance. The contract guarantees a single technical baseline for
within the nuclear industrial base.” both ships, which allows the shipyard to re-use engineering
In addition to these savings, the contract includes ship inte- rollover products, minimize changes between the two ships and
gration costs of several modifications required to meet emerging leverage economic order quantities for equipment and material
threats, including the F-35C Lightning II, MK 38 gun system and procurement.
MQ-25 Stingray unmanned aircraft system. These modifications Enterprise (CVN 80) is the third ship of the Ford class and
increase the lethality of the Ford class, and represent an addi- the numerical replacement for USS Eisenhower (CVN 69). CVN
tional $100 million in savings above the $4 billion, since these new 81, not yet named, will be the fourth ship of the class and will
capabilities were not included in the original single-CVN Navy be the numerical replacement for USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70).
estimate. Plus, these new savings associated with new capabilities CVN 80 began advanced planning and initial long lead time
increases to $200 million if installed in the ship before delivery, in material procurement in May 2016.
comparison to installing after ship delivery. From the Office of the Navy Chief of Information.
spring 2019 9
VFA-101 Deactivates, NAS Lemoore New Home for F-35C
SHALIMAR, Fla.—The last F-35C Lightning II assigned to “Home-basing the F-35C at NAS Lemoore also gives Sail-
the “Grim Reapers” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 101 ors the flexibility to move from sea to shore billets without
left Eglin Air Force Base (AFB) for Naval Air Station (NAS) leaving NAS Lemoore,” he said. “The F-35C is part of the
Lemoore, California, May 23 as the squadron deactivated Navy’s strike fighter community. Co-locating fourth- and
after more than seven years of training F-35C pilots, Sailors fifth-generation aircraft accelerates carrier-air-wing inte-
and Marines. gration, making our carrier strike groups more lethal and
NAS Lemoore is the Navy’s West Coast Master Jet survivable. NAS Lemoore is a catalyst for how we will train,
Base and home to Commander, Joint Strike Fighter Wing maintain and sustain future carrier air wing capability.”
(CJSFW), the Navy’s F-35C fleet squadrons and F-35C fleet “The contributions that VFA-101 has made to the F-35C
replacement squadron (FRS), VFA-125. community will not diminish as this program grows,” said
The majority of F-35C pilots from VFA-101 will remain in Cmdr. Adan Covarrubias, VFA-101 Commanding Officer.
the F-35C community, transferring to VFA-125, VFA-147, Air “The original cadre of maintainers and pilots have left a
Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 9 or Commander, Joint legacy that is evidenced in all aspects of this community.
Strike Fighter Wing (CJSFW). Approximately 50 percent of Their influence will continue long after the squadron’s doors
Sailor maintainers from the Grim Reapers will remain in the are closed.”
F-35C community either at NAS Lemoore with VFA-125 or The Grim Reapers’ origins trace back to 1942. Originally,
VFA-147, or at VX-9 at Edwards AFB, California. under the call sign of VF-10, the Grim Reapers flew the F4F
To accommodate the F-35C program at NAS Lemoore, Wildcat off USS Enterprise (CV 6) in the Pacific during
the Navy built or remodeled several facilities to meet F-35C World War II. At the end of the war, VF-10 deactivated at
requirements, including a pilot fit facility, centralized engine NAS Alameda, California, and in 1952, VF-101 was commis-
repair facility, pilot training center and a newly remodeled sioned at NAS Cecil Field, Florida, assuming the nickname
hangar. Future projects are planned as additional Navy and traditions of the previous Grim Reapers. VF-101 was
squadrons transition to the F-35C. Marine Corps F-35C deactivated in September 2005 after serving as the FRS for
squadrons will be based at Marine Corps Air Station Mira- the F-14 Tomcat.
mar, California. VFA-101 reactivated in May 2012, the 60th anniversary
“When we assessed the requirements to establish and of the re-establishment of the Grim Reapers, as the first FRS
mature the F-35C community, NAS Lemoore was the right for the F-35C. Since then, the squadron has trained more
place to home-base our Sailors and aircraft,” said Capt. Max than 75 Navy and Marine Corps F-35C pilots, accepted more
McCoy, CJSFW. “Consolidating resources enables leader- than 30 aircraft, trained more than 1,200 F-35C maintainers
ship to better support fleet replacement squadron training and flown more than 11,000 flight hours.
and operational squadron transitions, both for the Navy and From Commander, Joint Strike Fighter Wing Public
Marine Corps.” Affairs.
Integrating F-35C assets with existing F/A-18E/F Super
Hornet aircraft currently stationed at NAS
Lemoore is a win for the Navy,
McCoy said.
U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Wyatt L. Anthony
An F-35C Lightning II carrier variant, assigned to the “Grim Reapers” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 101,
performs a touch-and-go on the flight deck of aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) in August 2016
during initial aircraft and pilot qualifications.
arrestment of an F/A-18E Super Hornet, which weighed about and the Runway Arrested Landing Site (RALS)—and aboard
44,000 pounds and hit the barricade traveling at more than USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78). No at-sea barricade tests
112 knots. using the AAG installed aboard Ford are planned, although
With the barricade net attached to the AAG system via ship personnel as part of their standard training routinely
extension pendants and held up by stanchions, these tests practice rigging barricades for emergency situations.
replicated the approach of an aircraft for an arrestment aboard “We are pleased that AAG performed well in these first
the carrier’s flight deck. The tests allowed the Naval Air Systems barricade test events and the team should be proud of this
Command (NAVAIR) team to ensure effectiveness of the and all the milestones we’ve reached as we deliver this
emergency system and establish settings specific to each type/ revolutionary new technology to the fleet,” said Aircraft
model/series in the carrier air wing. Launch and Recovery Equipment Program Office Program
“There was a great deal of preparation and coordination Manager Capt. Ken Sterbenz.
involved to conduct the barricade testing and our busy To date, the AAG system installed at JCTS has conducted
team was able to pull it all together,” said Don Fonner, AAG more than 2,400 successful dead-load arrestments, with
test and evaluation lead. “While the barricade is only for engagement speeds exceeding 155 knots—or more than 178
emergency use when a normal arrestment cannot be made, miles per hour—and at weights of more than 78,000 pounds.
it’s still critical that AAG in the barricade configuration be At the RALS, the AAG system has successfully completed
qualified.” more than 1,400 manned aircraft traps, including all fleet
The AAG team will conduct a half dozen more such tests TMS aircraft. Meanwhile, the AAG installed aboard Ford has
in the coming months as they continue to work through a completed 747 manned aircraft arrestments.
comprehensive test plan to support the revolutionary new Written by Carrie Griffin Munn, Aircraft Launch and Recov-
system at the two land-based test sites in New Jersey—JCTS ery Equipment Program Office.
spring 2019 13
Navy Breaks Ground on MQ-25 Test Hangar
PATUXENT RIVER, Md.—The Navy with extended wings and one with folded August after we were authorized to proceed
broke ground April 16 on the hangar wings—as well as maintenance shops, a to the development phase was ask us to
that will house the integrated test team laboratory area and spaces for crew and deliver this capability as soon as possible,”
for the MQ-25A Stingray, slated to be the administration. It will come equipped with Dodge said. “So we need this hangar up
world’s first carrier-based unmanned an Unmanned Carrier Aviation Mission and we need the aircraft delivered so that
aircraft, at Naval Air Station Patuxent Control System control station to operate we can get these systems out onto aircraft
River, Maryland. the MQ-25A as it undergoes testing. carriers absolutely as soon as possible to
The MQ-25A will serve as an aerial Construction is set to be complete by meet our nation’s needs.”
tanker, extending the range of the carrier air the end of fiscal 2020. Written by Jeff Newman, staff writer for
wing while also freeing up F/A-18 Super Hor- “One of the things that the CNO did last Naval Aviation News.
nets—which currently conduct carrier-based
aerial refueling missions—to be dedicated to
their primary role as strike fighters.
Designated a Maritime Accelerated Ac-
quisition program, the Stingray is a priority
for the Navy “not only because of what
it provides, but what it allows our other
systems to do,” Unmanned Carrier Avia-
tion Deputy Program Manager Jeff Dodge
said during the groundbreaking ceremony.
“Getting this system out there with its
massively increased range, endurance and
payload, we will be able to use our strike
aircraft, our F/A-18s, to focus on that mis-
sion as opposed to the tanking mission.”
The hangar will include multiple bays
to accommodate up to four aircraft—three Artist rendering of the new facility.
Pilots from Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 34 prepare to fly the F/A-18 Hornet for the final time.
spring 2019 15
Contract Award Signals End
of H-1 Production
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Gunnery Sgt. Ricardo A. Gomez
spring 2019 17
Naval Air Systems Command program executive officers and program managers briefed
industry and media attendees May 6-8 at the 54th-annual Sea-Air-Space (SAS) Exposition,
the largest maritime expo in the U.S. Featured programs included unmanned aviation, rotary
systems, additive manufacturing and weapons.
Panel Discusses Naval Aviation’s Future at Sea-Air-Space Expo
By Jeff Newman
nmanned aircraft systems, or UAS,
were a common theme during a
May 6 “Future of Aviation” panel
discussion featuring three Navy, Marine
Corps and Coast Guard leaders at the 2019
Sea-Air-Space Expo.
The Navy’s unmanned portfolio is
rapidly expanding, and will soon include
the world’s first carrier-based UAS, the
MQ-25A Stingray. But unlocking the full
Photo courtesy of Grumman Corporation
P-8A Poseidon Stingray
Photo courtesy of
“The future air wing is going to be lethal, survivable, networked, sustainable and
increasingly we have to benefit from manned-and-unmanned teaming.”
—Angie Knappenberger, Deputy Director of Air Warfare, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations.
SPRING 2019 19
Naval Aviation Leaders Brief Rotary, Unmanned Platforms at Sea-Air-Space Expo
The program executive officers heading up the Navy’s why I say that is I know where the aircraft took off from and
air anti-submarine, assault and special mission plat- where they landed every day, and it was where they were
forms as well as its unmanned and strike weapons supposed to,” Masiello said. “The feedback, if you look at the
programs briefed industry and media members on gripes or things that you would write up when you’re flying
on the aircraft, it’s relatively positive, so I see no reason to
their recent accomplishments and future milestones
question where we’re going on that program.”
May 6 at the 2019 Sea-Air-Space Expo.
In response to questions after his briefing, Masiello said the
decision on whether the next presidential helicopter, the Heavy Lift Helicopters Program is addressing technical issues
VH-92A, can move into production is slated for the end discovered on the CH-53K King Stallion last summer dur-
of this month, said Maj. Gen. Gregory L. Masiello, Pro- ing flight testing at Patuxent River. In addition, the program
gram Executive Officer for Air Anti-Submarine Warfare, Assault has sent one King Stallion to Marine Corps Air Station New
& Special Mission Programs. River, North Carolina, so that the Marines there can learn as
Masiello said the program is scheduled for its Milestone much about the aircraft as possible prior to its first deploy-
C decision on May 30, and that it expects favorable results ment.
from a recently completed early operational assessment “We’ve handed it over to the Marines, not to fly it, but to
in which test pilots flew two VH-92As every other day for basically take it apart and verify all the maintenance manuals
about a month out of Naval Air Station Patuxent River, and procedures,” Masiello said.
Maryland. The Marines largely disassembled the aircraft, put it back
“I believe that things went reasonably well, and the reason together and provided feedback on everything from tools and
Marine Helicopter Squadron (HMX) 1 conducts test flights of the new VH-92A helicopter over the South Lawn of the White House.
SPRING 2019 21
U.S. Navy photo
The Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division team achieved initial operating capability of the BATWING antenna in just four months.
ith $1.7 billion in new orders in terms of being able to respond rapidly in hours and days instead of weeks and
in fiscal 2018 and a third of to needs because of that thinking.” months,” she said.
its 6,000-member civilian Johnson briefed several recent speed- Johnson also credited empowerment
workforce hired in the previous five to-fleet projects undertaken by NAWC- from leadership and, after overcoming
years, the division has experienced WD, including the BATWING antenna, some initial angst, a willingness by the
tremendous growth, NAWCWD which increases the range of the ALQ-99 BATWING team to assume risk.
Executive Director Joan Johnson said Tactical Jamming System installed on “It’s the risk to the warfighter [that
May 8 at the 2019 Sea-Air-Space Expo. EA-18G Growlers, Johnson said. matters]. If the warfighter doesn’t have
In addition, more than half of that Given a two-year project schedule in this, we have put them in a disadvanta-
workforce has 10 years or less of experi- 2017, the team was able to achieve initial geous point,” she said. “When the mind-
ence, so they “are basically digital natives operating capability in just four months. set shifts from think about risk to the
who think different, solve problems The use of 3-D printers “was impor- warfighter and not risk to my schedule,
differently and move with the speed of tant in speeding up our lead-up time to you get very different outcomes from a
technology,” Johnson said. “And we’re initial flight test, because it enabled us team.”
seeing really positive changes, especially to turn variations of the design around NAWCWD is also developing a
multi-agent trajectory planner (MTP) that arrival with winds of up to 25 knots, no want to apply it, because we see many,
combines two numerical techniques into communication between vehicles during many applications and that’s the feedback
a “one-of-a-kind algorithm,” Johnson said. flight, and very limited velocity control, we’re getting from our sponsors,” she
“We’ve seen a lot of trajectory plan- Johnson said. added.
ners that can do obstacle avoidance and Utilizing four TigerShark unmanned Johnson said NAWCWD has also
other types of things, but they haven’t aerial systems (UAS), the demonstration shaved two years off the original plan to
taken into account the actual aerocharac- exceeded all objectives, with all agents develop a 21-inch rocket motor by build-
teristics of the agents that have to fly it,” arriving within 250 milliseconds of each ing and demonstrating the first three
Johnson said. “Because it’s a very flexible, other, “so we consider that a success,” prototypes in-house.
rigorous framework, we can optimize she said. “In order to outpace our adversar-
trajectories for coordinated time of ar- The MTP has myriad applications ies, we need longer legs,” Johnson said.
rival.” in addition to weapons and UAS, and “We’re able to accelerate capability
What began as a research project NAWCWD is exploring how to leverage delivery in this case by doing the low-
resulted in a demonstration at a Yuma, the algorithm for future autonomous rate production and the prototyping
Arizona, range with an objective—set by systems, Johnson said. in-house.”
the Defense Advanced Research Projects “What we’re trying to do is build Jeff Newman is a staff writer for Naval
Agency—to achieve coordinated time-of- something that’s agnostic to how you Aviation News.
SPRING 2019 23
By Jeff Newman
spring 2019 25
By Katherine Mapp
spring 2019 27
Navy Declares F-35C
By Lt. Cmdr. Lydia E. Bock
“While IOC declaration is a big milestone for the F-35C, it is, more impor-
tantly, one step closer for the Navy as we drive toward our ultimate goal
of fully integrating the F-35C in the fleet. Our sights are set on the first
operational deployment for this tremendous asset.”
VFA-147, along with CJSFW and VFA-125—the F-35C fleet replacement squad-
ron—are based at Naval Air Station (NAS) Lemoore, California. All fleet operations
will be single-sited at NAS Lemoore making it the focal point for Navy F-35Cs and
the only air station where both fourth- and fifth-generation squadrons are co-located.
deployment for this tremendous asset. However, that is not an overnight accom-
plishment. Bringing the F-35C to our carrier team is the result of coordination and
integration on all levels. The addition of this asset brings an entirely new suite of
An F-35C Lightning II attached to
capabilities to the fight, one in which the Navy team will be well-situated to fly, fight
the “Argonauts” of Strike Fighter
and win.”
Squadron (VFA) 147 completes a
Lt. Cmdr. Lydia E. Bock is the public affairs officer for Commander, Joint Strike
flight over Eglin Air Force Base in
Fighter Wing.
Fort Walton Beach, Fla.
spring 2019 29
F-35C aircraft assigned to the “Argonauts” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 147 sit on the flight line at Naval Air Station (NAS) Lemoore, Calif.
By Commander, Joint Strike uring their seven-month deploy- of their time aboard Nimitz, with some
Fighter Wing Public Affairs. ment, the Argonauts flew almost Sailors leaving the ship early to begin
3,300 hours as part of Carrier maintenance training at the Academic
When Strike Fighter Squad- Air Wing (CVW) 11, with nearly Training Center (ATC) at Eglin Air
ron (VFA) 147 wrapped up 2,200 of those hours in support of Op- Force Base (AFB), Florida.
eration Inherent Resolve. Upon the squadron’s return to Naval
its 2017 combat deployment An average week for the squadron Air Station (NAS) Lemoore, California
aboard USS Nimitz (CVN 68), meant roughly six aircraft launches on in December 2017, the Argonauts
six-hour-minimum missions, six days began a full-speed transition to the
the “Argonauts” knew they a week for more than three consecutive Lightning II. Within a week, they had
were rolling right into the months. Thoroughly engaged in com- begun the roughly 10-month process of
pleting their F/A-18E combat operations, distributing their 12 single-seat Super
task of transitioning from
the Argonauts could not shift their focus Hornets to the fleet, with students
their battle-tested F/A-18E to the F-35C until they had departed 5th arriving in classrooms beginning in the
Super Hornets to the Navy’s Fleet. first week of January.
The Navy chose VFA-147 as the first “Since we returned from deploy-
new strike fighter, the F-35C operational F-35C squadron because of ment in December 2017, our team has
Lightning II. its projected operations with regard to been driving toward fully bringing this
deployments, maintenance and existing platform online for the Navy,” VFA-147
Super Hornet assets. Their transition to Commanding Officer Cmdr. Patrick
the F-35C actually began toward the end Corrigan said. “During the first few
spring 2019 31
One of the F-35C aircraft
assigned to the Argonauts
completes a flight over
Eglin Air Force Base, Calif.
as the F-35C fleet replacement squadron. squadron, the Argonauts could focus on maintenance and safety programs
Sailors will continue receiving F-35C the final step in their transition to the in support of fleet operations. All
maintenance training and instruction F-35C—achieving its Safe-For-Flight transitioning squadrons are required to
at the ATC at Eglin AFB, as there is no Operations Certification (SFFOC), complete a SFFOC prior to independently
plan to build one at NAS Lemoore. which ensures the squadron has enough conducting flight operations.
Once the last Super Hornet left the qualified personnel to implement Encompassing areas such as equip-
ment, personnel and programs, the
SFFOC requires a squadron to be in
physical custody of at least 30 percent of
its assigned aircraft. With regard to the
F-35C, other requirements include the
installation and operation of manage-
ment information systems such as
the Autonomic Logistics Information
System (ALIS) and its accompany-
ing support networks. There is also
a requirement for operational F-35C
squadrons to maintain robust, on-track
maintenance programs, as well as com-
plete various inspections ranging from
weapons to safety. Aircrew complete a
transition flight syllabus and maintain
U.S. Navy photo by MC Gilbert Bolibol
spring 2019 33
By Jeff Newman
Naval Aviation News staff writer Jeff Newman and Two Navy Super Hornet squadrons at Naval
I had the opportunity to visit Naval Air Station Lemoore the first week of April along- Air Station (NAS) Lemoore, California, have
side our visual information counterparts to cover operational-level maintenance
reduced maintenance turnaround times
reforms for the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet at Strike Fighter Wing Pacific.
O-level reform is one of five aspects of the Naval Sustainment System, which and are boosting aircraft readiness as part
focuses resources and attention on improving readiness across the fleet. of Naval Aviation’s maintenance reform
What stood out to us was the openness and willingness of squadron leaders and
initiatives under the Naval Sustainment
maintainers to embrace the opportunity to incorporate change, despite some initial
resistance. Whether those improvements were recommendations from an industry System (NSS).
partner—the Boston Consulting Group—or initiated by the squadrons themselves, he NSS initiative leverages best practices
leadership took control of the reforms. “We created our own destiny. We saw the op- from commercial industry to help reform
portunity to incorporate changes we had wanted to make,” said Maintenance Officer aspects of Naval Aviation’s fleet readiness
Cmdr. Kelly Borden, Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 122. centers, organizational-level (O-level)
We witnessed two recurring themes: the use of visual displays throughout the maintenance, supply chain, engineering and
hangars used to track status and personnel, and the benefits of crew leads—empow- maintenance organizations and governance pro-
ered petty officers assigned to oversee aircraft throughout the inspection process. We cesses. Initially, the NSS is concentrating on get-
met several of those petty officers, who were inspired by the responsibility to improve ting the Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet fleet healthy
communication and efficiency. All were proud of the job they were doing and eager before rolling out the approach to every Navy and
to share their experiences. Marine Corps aircraft.
What follows is a series of articles on reform initiatives at Master Jet Base, NAS Strike Fighter Squadrons (VFA) 22 and 122
Lemoore, and the efforts of VFA-22 and 122, the first two squadrons to take on the were the first to implement O-level maintenance
challenge. Of course, no overview of Lemoore would be complete without introduc- reforms following visits from commercial avia-
ing the Naval Aviation Maintenance Center for Excellence and the role it plays in fleet tion consultants in December and January.
readiness. Reforms include assigning crew leads to
To follow the latest news articles, videos and podcasts on NSS reforms, visit manage the maintenance on each aircraft and —Andrea Watters reorganizing hangar spaces, parts cages and
Squadrons Empower “The crew leads are not making the officer for VFA-122’s avionics shop and one
Petty Officers maintenance decisions; that’s still done by of the squadron’s selected crew leads.
The most significant change has been the the maintenance controllers, but what it al- “At first the changes didn’t feel produc-
delegation of ownership over each aircraft lows for is it sheds those maintenance con- tive because we didn’t really understand it,
in for repairs from the squadrons’ mainte- trol chiefs of having to know every status but now that we’ve had some time with it,
nance material control officers, or MMCOs, of every jet, of every person, all day long,” it’s definitely helped improve our processes
to individual crew leads comprised mostly said Lt. Cmdr. Brandon Michaelis, O-level and communication,” Perez said.
of first-class petty officers. Reform Champion for Commander, Naval Used to focusing exclusively on avionics,
Traditionally, MMCOs must keep track Air Forces (CNAF). “So, they can focus on Perez said serving as a crew lead has forced
of the status of each aircraft in for main- releasing safe aircraft by empowering those him to approach the maintenance of his
tenance as well as the Sailors working on first-class petty officers, who can now own assigned aircraft more holistically. The in-
them, and that’s in addition to deciding that process and know where the people creased responsibility of bringing an entire
what maintenance actions are required are, know the status of the parts, and brief jet back online ultimately leads to a greater
for each jet and which aircraft are safe to that up the line.” sense of accomplishment, he said.
release for flight. Assigning junior-level For the petty officers accustomed to “You get kind of personal with an
crew leads to each jet removes some of that doing their job a certain way, reform did aircraft,” he added. “Some aircraft are easy,
burden from the MMCOs and has led to not come easy. But the benefits have been and some are a struggle to get through.
improved communication and increased evident, said Aviation Electronics Techni- Rather than working on a jet for a couple
accountability. cian 1st class Victor Perez, the leading petty hours to complete the one thing assigned
spring 2019 35
to your shop and then moving on to the
U.S. Navy photo by Chief MC Shannon E. Renfroe
spring 2019 37
By Jeff Newman we do things this way? What would you do differently? Why
don’t you do it that way?”
The Sailors of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 22 initially
were skeptical when commercial aviation consultants Special Changes
When considering where to first apply its reforms, the squad-
arrived last fall to help improve maintenance proce-
ron zeroed in on maintenance inspections known as “specials,”
dures as part of the Naval Sustainment System’s (NSS) which occur at various intervals and have different focuses. The
overall reform efforts. most frequent occurs every 84-days and is largely a corrosion
inspection, while the 728-day special includes inspection of
nsure whether such consultation would take the form of complex systems such as ejection seats, VFA-22 Maintenance
strict directives or fluid suggestions, the “Fighting Red- Officer Lt. Cmdr. Billy Mohr said.
cocks” soon realized the outsiders were merely there to “It’s like taking your car in for an oil change,” he said. “They
unlock their own intuition. are scheduled, regular inspections on the preventative side versus
“What they really did is facilitate change,” VFA-22 Com- the reactive side, where we can plan for it ahead of time, and
manding Officer Cmdr. Bill Frank said. “They were a catalyst bring jets into the hangar and hopefully get them out within the
for us. They ingrained themselves in our daily practices, asked a week and back in the flight schedule.”
lot of questions and we garnered a lot of great information from Mohr said the squadron initially emphasized the 84-day
them.” inspection simply because it occurs most often.
Before long, the squadron had begun instituting changes “If we have a full complement of 12 jets, ideally we would be
as the first Navy squadron to undergo operational-level, or O- doing one of those every week,” he added.
level, maintenance reform. An 84-day special is essentially a “look” inspection, where
“A lot of these changes, these ideas, were already inherent in Sailors are searching the aircraft for corrosion, and is supposed
the people that have been in the business for years and years, to take three days. Prior to the reform effort, the inspections were
and even some of our most junior Sailors,” Frank said. “A lot of taking as many as 10 days to complete.
good conversations happened just from asking, why? Why do “We want to get that look phase done, because then it gives
us more time to turn it back over to the corrosion specialists
and give them more time to work on the corrosion,” Frank said.
The squadron made changes and proved that the three-day
timeline was realistic, leadership said. Frank noted that the
decreased inspection times all stem from efficiency—the actual
process for conducting the inspection remains unchanged.
“We’re not skipping anything. We didn’t cut out anything.
We didn’t develop some new train of thought,” he said. “We just
found ways to get back to the basics and be efficient—having the
right people at the right time, having the right part there at the
right time, having your tools and materials available and close to
you to execute, so you don’t have to go back and forth.”
Frank likened the reform to organizing your tools and planning
a materials list before beginning work on a home improvement
project. Without such preparation, you could end up wasting time
Electrician’s Mate 2nd searching for tools or making multiple trips to the hardware store,
Class Michaela Zadra, ultimately adding days to your project timeline, he said.
U.S. Navy photos by Andrea Watters
a member of VFA-22’s
quality assurance The Reform ‘Jewel’
division and a crew Of the changes made, squadron leadership identified the most
lead, discusses the significant as the assignment of crew leads to each F/A-18E-F Super
84-day inspection Hornet that is down for maintenance. Previously, the maintenance
process. desk chief oversaw all 10-to-12 aircraft in the squadron’s hangar.
spring 2019 39
U.S. Navy photos by Andrea Watters
AMAN Alexander Walters performs a maintenance From left, AMAN Daniel Thomas and AM3 Christopher Giglio, both assigned to VFA-122, select
inspection. tools for the job at hand.
By Andrea Watters are driving our expected fly dates. We’re Master Chief Joseph Coleman, mainte-
working diligently to clear obstacles and nance control supervisor at VFA-122, has
Process improvements coupled barriers to production,” Borden said. seen a positive change and noticed a sense
with hangar reorganization are the In addition, communication through- of pride in how his Sailors approach their
out the squadron and with the supply work.
focus of operational-level (O-level)
chain has improved and VFA-122 is mak- “They are taking ownership and have
reform at Strike Fighter Squadron ing more accurate predictions of expected gotten to the point where they’re start-
(VFA) 122, assigned to Commander, flight dates, he said. ing to identify and realize where they
Like VFA-22 (see story on page 36), could do better or which processes they
Strike Fighter Wing Pacific.
VFA-122 has adopted the one crew-team can improve,” Coleman said. His Sailors
ased at Naval Air Station (NAS) concept to return aircraft to the flight are also more proactive when it comes to
Lemoore, California, the “Flying line. Historically, the squadron assigned requesting parts or equipment to meet
Eagles” are the wing’s F/A-18E/F maintenance priorities and worked them their deadlines.
Super Hornet fleet replacement by rate. “They know they can affect change and
squadron (FRS) and the second squadron Today, whether it’s a scheduled main- they’re getting cross trained at the same
to undergo O-level reform. tenance event, special inspection, phase time,” he added.
During an April 2 tour of VFA-122, inspection or unscheduled maintenance, Another tool is the use of white boards
Maintenance Officer Cmdr. Kelly Bor- such as an engine change, the crew lead that provide squadron leaders with a
den described both the improvements sets the priorities and sees the mainte- visual status and help the crew lead focus
initiated by industry partner, the Boston nance through from start to finish one jet on what it takes to make their aircraft
Consulting Group, and the squadron’s at a time, Borden said. mission capable.
own initiatives. “While the crew leads still answer to a “We established those early in this
“Here in the hanger we’ve changed senior chief, crew leads tell us when they process to help standardize each hanger-
our processes regarding how we go about expect to complete the aircraft, which spot. Some of that same information is on
fixing an airplane. We’re in tune with sup- parts are holding them up or any other display in our Production Control Center.
ply, expected completion dates, and those barriers to their production,” Borden said. So that any given time, you know whether
the aircraft is on track to meet its expected When funding is available, he wants to win when they go to sea and deploy,”
flight date or not,” Borden said. to purchase electronic visual status Borden said.
displays and set up centrally located NAMCE was also able to help VFA-122
Hangar Reorganization Portable Electronic Maintenance Aid reconcile the thousands of parts associ-
Borden took advantage of the Navy’s (PEMA) stations where Sailors can ac- ated with the long-term down aircraft.
focus on O-level reform to incorporate cess manuals and update their paper- “We turned excess parts into supply
changes of his own such as reorganiz- work on site and avoid returning to the and eliminated the bulk of distractions
ing the layout of his 14-space hangar by shop. that were cluttering up our hangar and
consolidating all the contractor work at flight line. It also freed up those Sailors
the south end of the hangar and creating Long-term Down Aircraft reconciling parts to return to their shops
dedicated lines of production. One of the benefits of NSS reform for and work in their rate,” Borden said.
Unlike the fleet squadrons, VFA- VFA-122 was the reassignment of about Borden is proud of his relatively empty
122 has contractor maintenance people half, approximately 60, of their long-term parts cage. “There are 28 parts in the cage,
responsible for flight line support and down aircraft and associated parts to the all accounted for and all belonging to one
scheduled maintenance requirements. Naval Aviation Maintenance Center for jet currently undergoing a planned main-
He reduced the clutter, and instead of Excellence (NAMCE). NAMCE’s mission tenance interval.”
labeling hangar spots by rate, each spot is is to rebuild the long-term down aircraft Like many squadron maintenance offi-
now numbered and assigned a crew. Bor- onboard NAS Lemoore and make them cers, Borden said he was open to discuss-
den is also designing a model hangar to mission capable. (See NAMCE story on ing changes to his hangar for two reasons.
eliminate wasted time spent walking back page 40.) “One, it makes sense to follow com-
and forth to check out tools or update While the squadron’s planned autho- mercial industry best practices since they
paperwork. rized aircraft (PAA) was at 60, and is now are successful, proven methods. As the
“If we’re not on the aircraft taking care at 48, the number crept up over the years, Navy integrates those concepts into our
of business, we’re wasting time,” he said. Borden said. “As an FRS, it’s our job to practices, it only increases our readiness,”
Ideally, each hangar spot will have a serve as a shock absorber for fleet squad- Borden said. “Two, in order for us to con-
roll-around tool cart outfitted with com- rons. We give them trained air crew and tinue to evolve, we have to change.”
mon tools, a worktable and cages to store maintainers as well as mission-capable “We eliminated and reduced all that
parts and panels without spreading them aircraft.” clutter and distractions which allows us to
on the deck, he said. Each spot would In return, fleet squadrons were giving focus on the effort at hand.”
also have fall protection in the form of a VFA-122 the aircraft that needed major Andrea Watters is editor of Naval
platform that surrounds the aircraft. work. “Obviously, the fleet needs aircraft Aviation News.
spring 2019 41
By Andrea Watters assets,” said Capt. Jim Bates, commodore, Strike Fighter Wing
The team at Naval Aviation Maintenance Center for Excel- Designed to reduce squadrons’ excess planned authorized
aircraft (PAA) inventory, NAMCE removes the administrative
lence (NAMCE) Lemoore assesses, preserves and builds
burden of long-term down aircraft and serves as a clearinghouse,
long-term down aircraft—playing a major role in giving Bates explained.
fleet squadrons the mission-capable aircraft they need. Fighter squadrons are assigned a PAA of 10-12. Before NAMCE
stood up, some squadrons had 15 aircraft, said Chief Warrant Offi-
Naval Aviation Enterprise initiative, NAMCE was cer 4 Beko Rivera, maintenance material control officer for NAMCE.
established in July 2018 as a formal detachment under “Transferring the long-term down aircraft to NAMCE makes
Strike Fighter Wing Pacific to improve F/A-18E/F Super a lot of sense and allows the squadron to manage their 10-12 air-
Hornet material readiness and the knowledge, skills craft,” Rivera said.
and experience of junior enlisted Sailors conducting mainte- A depot-level event required every four years, a planned main-
nance on the flight line. tenance interval (PMI) includes a full inspection of the aircraft,
While the initial focus was on training, maintenance be- particularly the airframe, and modifications to keep it current. Of-
came the No. 1 priority last fall in response to initiatives under ten, artisans find more corrosion than expected, and an engineer
the Naval Sustainment System. must assess the aircraft before work can proceed.
“NAMCE’s mission is to take all the long-term down aircraft As squadron maintainers and depot artisans have discovered,
on board NAS Lemoore and reconstitute them into flyable each aircraft is unique based on its environment. Factors affecting
U.S. Navy photos by AE1 Richard Blank
Naval Aviation Maintenance Center for Excellence (NAMCE) Lemoore occupies a 73,800-square foot air-conditioned tension fabric structure that
accommodates 12 maintenance stations. Each station is equipped with all the tools required to perform aircraft maintenance and full-wrap fall
protection for the maintainers.
From left are NAMCE’s first recovered aircraft LOT 33 and LOT 24 F/A-18E Super Hornets. An F/A-18 Super Hornet is covered in protective barrier paper
They are parked under maintenance awnings that provide sun and rain coverage to prevent corrosion and environmental damage until it
during flight line maintenance. undergoes level-two preservation treatment at NAMCE.
spring 2019 43
NAvAl SuStAiNmENt SyStEm
Naval Aviation’s New Aircraft-on-Ground
By Commander, Fleet Readiness Center Public Affairs
spring 2019 45
Photo courtesy of Taylor Rogers, WBOC-TV
college buddies were enjoying a Thanksgiving weekend hunt
n October 2018, while on assignment shooting
on Wroten Island, the low, marshy piece of land they owned in footage for an aerial special, a helicopter news
southern Dorchester County, Maryland. crew from the Eastern Shore spotted an old
Ducks were plentiful on the Chesapeake Bay island, and the crashed aircraft on Wroten Island.
hopeful hunters settled into their blinds, waiting for an oppor- “We were flying over, going out to another is-
tunity—but the “bird” they encountered that day was a far cry land, when I saw the airplane,” said Taylor Rogers,
from the species they were expecting. a producer with WBOC-TV out of Salisbury, Mary-
land. “We went on to do what we had to do, and
Located only a few miles from Naval Air Station (NAS) Patux-
then I asked the pilot to go back so I could record
ent River, the presence of an aircraft, even at an uncommonly it. We circled the island, and I got as many shots as
low altitude, was not unusual. It wasn’t until the small silver jet I could with the HD [high-definition] helicopter
started chopping the tops off a stand of pine trees in the center camera.”
of the island that the men realized they were witnessing a crash Rogers described the plane as sitting in shallow
in progress. water in the middle of the island, surrounded by
trees, and not visible to passing boats.
“For an instant, large hunks of trees were tossed through the
“I zoomed in on the tail to try to get any iden-
air like matchwood,” wrote Keyser, describing the incident in tifying markings so we could find out where the
an article for the Baltimore County Union News, a newspaper plane had come from,” he said. “We found three
he owned at the time. “Then there was a loud thud, and finally, different pieces of it in the vicinity.”
silence.” Back at the station, the crew began reviewing
the footage and were told by an older helicopter pilot it looked Number, the ultimate piece of evidence. However, with other
like a military airplane. WBOC reporter Brooke Reese called higher priorities, that likely wouldn’t happen any time soon.
area military installations and learned from Dover Air Force Reese went on to question longtime business owners and
Base’s military museum it was a training/testing type of watermen in the Wroten Island area, but found no one who
aircraft. knew anything about the plane. Channel 16 aired the story as
Eventually, Reese spoke with the public affairs officer at it was—what they called their “mysterious discovery”—and
NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, who advised her to contact shortly after it was televised, Reese received an email from
George Schwarz, an underwater archaeologist with Naval His- Philip Iglehart telling her he and his friend, Michael Keyser,
tory and Heritage Command, whose team has been compiling both later owners of the island, knew exactly what the aircraft
a list of the potential locations of aircraft that crashed out of was and the story behind how it got there.
Pax River in the 1940s and 1950s.
Schwarz’s research indicated a TV-2 Shooting Star had The Aircraft and Pilot Revealed
crashed off the installation in the early ‘50s, and based on Michael Keyser is Fenwick Keyser’s son, and he and Iglehart
information garnered from archival records, pinpointed have been friends for years, ever since Philip moved from New
Wroten Island as one of its possible crash sites. Reese met with York to Baltimore.
Schwarz in Washington, D.C., armed with Rogers’ overhead “One day Michael asked me if I’d like to learn to shoot, and
video footage. the rest is history,” Iglehart noted.
The video showed the letters NATC—Naval Air Test Michael Keyser—who was only six at the time the incident
Center—painted clearly on the aircraft’s tail, indicating it was occurred—shared his memories of the event.
a Navy wreck. But, before Schwarz could comment defini- “[My father and others] went running through the marsh
tively on which aircraft it was, he explained he would need to with their hip boots on, and when they got there, the pilot was
physically visit the site, take measurements, look for features sitting there, making sure he was still alive,” he recalled.
that are diagnostic of the TV-2 and attempt to find the Bureau In his newspaper article, Fenwick described the scene.
SPRING 2019 47
Parts of the jet were strewn over a wide area along the glide
path through the trees, and both the nose and tail had been
“the pilot explained his $50,000 jet
twisted and partially torn away from the fuselage.
motor had cut out seven minutes after “But the cockpit was intact and there, crawling out of
it, was a coverall-clad figure in a brilliant Mae West life
he took off from the Patuxent base and jacket,” he wrote.
That pilot was Lt. Cmdr. Kenneth S. Smith with Service
that gravity had done the rest of the Test Division, Patuxent River. As reported in the Dec.
4, 1953, issue of Tester, Pax River’s base newspaper, the
job, despite his frantic efforts to get accident occurred at noon when Smith’s TV-2 jet trainer
suffered a flame-out.
the engine started again as he hurtled Keyser wrote the pilot explained his “$50,000 jet mo-
tor had cut out seven minutes after he took off from the
toward the earth.” Patuxent base and that gravity had done the rest of the
job, despite his frantic efforts to get the engine started
again as he hurtled toward the earth.”
Not long after the crash, a Navy helicopter circled
the trees a few times, hovered 40 feet above them, and
lowered a long steel cable dangling a yellow sling,
which hauled Smith quickly up into its belly before
returning to Pax River.
“The pilot had told us his plane was a special con-
version job designed for the testing of new instru-
ments, and two large panels bristling with gauges,
switches and dials bore out his words,” Keyser
wrote. “The commander, just before leaving, also
intimated that the Navy would be extremely grate-
ful if nobody pinched a large gadget, which was an
experimental gyro-driven artificial horizon and the
only one of its kind in existence.”
Approximately an hour later, two more helicop-
Local waterman, Nancy
ters deposited members of a salvage team on the ground.
Brewster and Fenwick Keyser with remains of the
“Equipped with the proper tools, skilled mechanics
Lockheed TV-2. Keyser was one of the first on the scene.
made short work of removing vital equipment,” Keyser
wrote. “Both instrument panels and a variety of other mys-
terious gadgets were hauled up and stowed in
the waiting helicopters, and by dark, the cockpit
of the plane had been reduced to a few knobs,
switches, and lengths of wire and tubing.”
Iglehart and Keyser no longer own Wroten
Island but remember the crash site well, located
near an area that has come to be known as Air-
plane Pond.
“We used to take a boat through the cove or go
The crash site on
around on the south shore and walk in, but there
Wroten Island
was clearly nowhere near as much water on that
of the Lockheed
end of the island as there is now,” Iglehart noted.
“Adventurous members and guests [of the hunt-
Shooting Star.
Photos courtesy of ing lodge] would often go over there because it was
the Keyser family
excellent shooting, but in the most recent years, it
SPRING 2019 49
MV-22B Test Aircraft No. 8
Leaves Legacy
By Peter Fitzpatrick
fter serving 20 years in test data recording and real-time data telemetry She demonstrated a maximum airspeed
and evaluation, Eight is to the ground station. of 354 knots, along with other envelope
retired to the Patuxent River Eight’s first chance to spread her wings expansion and flying qualities testing,
Naval Air Museum in Lexing- came Aug. 23, 1997, in Arlington. After a including the high angle of attack, buffet,
ton Park, Maryland, in June. series of shakedowns and envelope expan- aerial refueling, external loads and struc-
Her humble beginnings started at the sion flights, the aircraft was transferred to tural landings. Eight was also instrumental
Boeing hangars in Philadelphia and Arling- Patuxent River. in defining the height-velocity diagram for
ton, Texas. Eight was one of four engineer- There, Eight was directly responsible the aircraft. While in formation flight with
ing manufacturing development (EMD) for helping the MV-22 transcend from an another MV-22, Eight examined the change
aircraft built and heavily instrumented for ordinary vertical takeoff and landing to in flight characteristics caused by the wake
the EMD flight test program at Naval Air an exceptional aircraft. During the EMD interaction with the rotor’s super vortex.
Station Patuxent River, Maryland. and follow-on test and evaluation flight She still has fans: Mark Hollady, the
The MV-22 instrumentation package test programs, expanding the envelope or MV-22B flight test engineer lead, remem-
included 1,300 analog sensors, such as taking an aircraft to, or even beyond, its bers his first time flying in the Eight-ball
strain gauges, accelerometers, pressures altitude and speed limits was Eight’s objec- fondly.
and temperatures that helped engineers tive. Whether it was a hover to the never- “It was like half an hour, but what I
analyze and understand aircraft and pro- exceed-speed, light-to-heavy gross weight remember the most was the short takeoff—
pulsion system loads, stresses and strains, or from forward-to-extreme aft center of we call it a STO. The blades come over, and
and how the aircraft performs in all types gravity, Eight stood her ground and gave then they give it the power. I was amazed
of conditions. It is also capable of onboard engineers vital information on the MV-22. at the acceleration—I almost got thrown
out of the seat,” he recalled. “You’re talking There were times when she showed off
12,000 horsepower and two 38-foot rotors. her skills in the skies, performing such
I didn’t think it would move that fast. You
know, looking at it, she looks a little big and
risky maneuvers as a 360-degree aileron
roll as part of her many defensive combat
“Over the last 20
slow, but she’s very maneuverable. She’s maneuvers. When she encountered an years of test and
fast.” unexpected bird-strike in 1998, she gave
After the loss of two MV-22s in engineers the opportunity to assess the evaluation, the
2000, Eight was the lead aircraft for the structural integrity of the Osprey’s nose
high-rate-of-decent testing as part of cone and forward fuselage bulkhead. Eight-Ball has been
the Osprey’s return to flight. Eight later Eight also helped pave the way for the
became part of a comprehensive study development and evaluation of many ver- pushed, yanked,
on rotorcraft descent into its rotor wake. sions of flight controls, avionics software,
Ground tests also showed Eight could engine control and inertial navigation stretched and bent
hold her own when faced with extreme software.
crosswinds, takeoffs and landings on She participated in so many offsite in every direction
slopes, as well as taxiing and braking. tours, both in and outside the U.S., she was
Over the years, many operational test almost like a rock star. She demonstrated imaginable and has
pilots had their first training flight on
board the Eight-ball. She has also flown
her prowess in the cold temperatures of
Nova Scotia, Canada, in 2000, and did a
persevered. ”
many influential VIPs. couple of stints in Gunnison, Colorado,
spring 2019 51
V-22 Osprey
30 Years
of Military
Air Test and Evaluation Squadron
(HX) 21 Commanding Officer Lt. Aviation
Col. John M. Ennis recalls a time ver the last 30 years, the V-22 Osprey
in the sweltering desert heat of has fundamentally changed how
Yuma, Arizona, when Eight-ball the Marine Corps and the Air Force
had a rough field short takeoff and operate in combat and support humanitarian
landing experience. operations.
So far, more than 375 V-22 aircraft have
accumulated more than 450,000 flight hours
across a spectrum of missions, ranging from
humanitarian assistance to special op-
From first glance, Eight-
erations support. Soon, the Navy will begin
ball looked big and slow,
using a new variant, the CMV-22B, to deliver
according to MV-22B
personnel and cargo to its aircraft carriers,
flight test engineer lead
becoming the latest operator leveraging the
Martin Hollady (left),
aircraft’s unique capabilities.
and former Aircraft
“Since that first flight in Arlington, Texas,
No. 8 test director Michael
30 years ago, the V-22 has reshaped power
Remaly. After their
projection, assault support and special op-
first flight, both were
erations airlift,” said Col. Matthew Kelly, V-22
fascinated by how much
joint program manager. “Still unmatched
power and mobility the
in speed and battlespace reach, the V-22
MV-22B had.
U.S. Navy photos by Peter Fitzpatrick continues to enable global power projection
and worldwide crisis response at a scale and
and Amarillo, Texas, for heavy gross with the test point, when all of a sud- speed never before possible.”
weight and crosswind STO/run-on-landing den, the gear hits a really soft spot in the The V-22 is one of the most in-demand
testing. Eight’s last offsite test was con- desert, then a pop, and the nose is sitting aircraft in military service, using its unique
ducted in 2016 in Logan, Utah, where she on the ground.” maneuverability alongside the fuel efficiency,
evaluated bonded blade tab rotor hover Yuma Test Command built a tent range and speed of a fixed-winged airplane.
performance at medium altitude. around the aircraft and repaired the land- The V-22 played a critical role during
Former project officer, Lt. Col. John ing gear. After a month in the sweltering combat operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and
Ennis, now Commanding Officer, Air Test sun, Eight was fully functional. Syria. Its unique capabilities have also been
and Evaluation Squadron (HX) 21, experi- Over the last 20 years of test and invaluable during humanitarian operations,
enced firsthand the importance of check- evaluation, the Eight Ball has been pushed, including earthquake relief in Haiti and Japan
ing your gear while in Yuma, Arizona, with yanked, stretched and bent in every direc- and hurricane responses along the Gulf Coast
Eight. The aircraft underwent a field repair tion imaginable, persevering and providing and in Puerto Rico.
in the Yuma desert in 2009 after rough- key test data supporting the development With its unique tiltrotor design, the V-22
field STO testing. of the aircraft. The other 350 MV-22B takes off and lands like a helicopter and flies
“It was Maj. Craig Merriman and me at aircraft operated by the Marine Corps and as a propeller-driven aircraft. These charac-
the time, operating aircraft Eight from the Air Force have the Eight-ball to thank for teristics offer the tactical flexibility to deploy
desert floor in Yuma, and the test point their capability. with a smaller logistical footprint and without
was taxiing 10 knots over an unprepared Peter Fitzpatrick is a writer and a runway to access areas that are unreachable
desert floor,” Ennis said. “We’re taxiing photographer with Naval Air Systems with any other aircraft.
probably 8 knots, and we’re almost done Command Public Affairs. From the V-22 Joint Program Office.
diversionary sortie by two—and eventually four—Japanese very difficult to read, almost too esoteric as the author
carriers to the Aleutians to move attention away from the tries applying an engineer’s analysis to the subject and
major Midway operation in June 1942, perhaps because that supposed lesson for today’s carrier community. Perhaps
campaign played little part in affecting what happened he should have stopped while he was ahead. Still, “How
at Midway, apart from presenting the U.S. with a com- Carriers Fought” deserves attention in today’s highly
plete, flyable example of the Japanese Zero fighter. overpopulated market.
USS Enterprise (CV 6) steaming at high speed June 4, 1942, during the Battle of Midway.
sPRing 2019 53
Famous Russian Aircraft: Mikoyan MiG-19
By Yefim Gordon and Dmitriy Komissarov
Hikoki Publications Ltd, Crecy Publications (UK), Specialty Press (U.S.), 2018.
The April 29, 1957, some 60 years from those troubling times, this huge volume
edition of Newsweek follows a similar book on the MiG-17 in the Famous Russian
magazine carried an Aircraft series, and is probably the ultimate biography of the
artist’s rendering of a Farmer in all its myriad prototype and production forms.
simplified MiG-19 in a Coupled with an amazing collection of color and black-
full afterburner climb and-white photos, authoritative text, line drawings, well-done
across the page while profiles, as well as various tables, this book should be the last
bold red type below word on the MiG-19. The text discusses all the aircraft that led
declared, “Closing the up to the Farmer’s service variants and includes an end section
Gap in the Air.” Then in that describes the aircraft that served with many of the USSR’s
black type underneath, client states and any combat they may have seen during the
“Reds Are Coming Up Fast—What They’ve Got.” In those latter period of the Vietnam War or in the Middle East against
early, intense days of the Cold War, any new Soviet equipment, Israel. The Farmer also saw lengthy service with the Pakistani
and especially aircraft, was cause for great concern in the Air Force and the Chinese beginning in the late 1950s, flying
West. against the aircraft of the U.S.-supported Chiang Kai-Shek
The solid, not-too-graceful MiG-19, with its NATO code- government in Taiwan.
name Farmer, was the latest design to come from the MiG The MiG-19 was never a real player, but certainly put in its
design bureau. Memories of the Korean War’s MiG-15 and the appearance from time to time and could hold its own against
later MiG-17 were still very much on everyone’s mind. Now, other adversaries with its heavy cannon armament.
In “Green Ink,” retired Rear Adm. and it makes for an excellent one-person
Denny Wisely takes you on a journey account.
in his own words, through his time in He tackles the stress and anxiety of
the cockpit as a Navy pilot during the being away from home at a young age
Vietnam War up until he commanded while being deployed into combat for
aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy the first time halfway around the world.
(CV 67). His accounts of the wins and losses,
Wisely is perhaps best known for as well as the birth of his first child,
having shot down a Mikoyan-Gurevich resonate with each log of his ledger.
(MiG-17) on April 24, 1967, as well as Wisely’s post-Vietnam career
an Antonov Colt (AN-2) biplane utility included a tour as the CO of the U.S.
aircraft that previous December. For a Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron
time, he was the Navy’s leading air-to-air (Blue Angels), flying A-4 Skyhawks, as
scorer. Many other facets of his wartime well as CO of Strike Fighter Squadron
Green Ink, Memoirs of career are laid out in this firsthand (VFA) 151, seeing combat in the early
a Fighter Pilot account. 1970s aboard USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63)
By Rear Adm. H. Denny Wisely, Most Navy and Marine Corps and commanding USS John F. Kennedy
USN (Ret.), 2018. members know that green is the color ink (CV 67). His story takes you from one
used in a logbook to indicate a combat mission to the next without losing the
flight. Throughout his memoir, Wisely excitement of being on the front lines.
describes his missions and what it took There are many experiences in his
to fly the powerful McDonnell Douglas book that speak well of what a naval
F-4 Phantom II in a way I’ve rarely seen, career means for a life well lived.
Aviation Structural Mechanic Airman Javier Perez, CVN-74
Navair Public affairs Office n 47123 Buse road, Building 2272, Suite 346 n Patuxent river, MD 20670 n