Determination Fluoride in Coal With The Fluoride Ion-Selective Electrode
Determination Fluoride in Coal With The Fluoride Ion-Selective Electrode
Determination Fluoride in Coal With The Fluoride Ion-Selective Electrode
produce 111. Using these smaller amounts, the yield of the the desired product. Further proof of identity came from
reaction averaged 85%. studying the fragmentation patterns, which in general were
To determine if the derivatization reactions might be similar to other substituted ureas (15).
adapted to other urea herbicides, diuron, fenuron, and The studies reported here suggest that derivatization
monuron were studied. All three were successfully reacted reactions can be performed on trisubstituted ureas to form
with methyl iodide to produce the trimethylated com- products with enhanced thermal stability and increased
pounds. However, only fenuron and monuron reacted with sensitivity of detection. Such derivatives should be useful
trifluoroacetic anhydride. The reaction conditions were not for developing sensitive analytical procedures for these
optimized and as a result, yields were poor. Only the pres- compounds.
ence or absence of a product was noted on the chromato-
gram. In the five successful reactions on diuron, fenuron, ACKNOWLEDGMENT
and monuron, the expected product was obtained and was The authors thank E. W. Day and J. W. Mosier for their
found to be stable under the conditions used during GC. assistance and suggestions.
The identity of these products was confirmed by GC-MS.
Combined GC-MS was used as the primary identifica- Received for review October 1, 1973. Accepted April 24,
tion tool for all derivatives prepared in these various exper- 1974.
iments. This instrument proved to be ideal for such work;
only a small amount of compound was required, extensive
sample preparation was unnecessary, and spectra took only (15) M. A . Baldwin, A. M. Kirkien-Konasiewicz, A. G. Loudon, A . Maccoll. and
a few seconds each to record. In all cases, the molecular ion D. Smith, J. Chem. SOC.B, 1968, 34.
Fluorine is one of several trace elements in coal current- a t the time were unsuitable for the determination of fluo-
ly receiving much attention owing to their possible harmful rine in coal, Crossley selected and modified a method that
ecological effects upon being released from the large ton- depends on the fading action fluorides have on zirconium-
nages of coal being burned annually. As those engaged in alizarin lake. In his method, the coal is decomposed. ei-
coal analysis recognize, the determination of trace ele- ther in a combustion bomb or by alkali ignition, and the
ments with satisfactory accuracy and precision is difficult, fluoride is separated by distillation as fluosilicic acid. The
not only because of the heterogeneity of the material but fluoride content of British coals. sampled from widespread
also because of the lack of coal standards. locations, was found to range from 5 t o 200 ppm.
Until the invention of the fluoride ion-selective elec- The method we describe here requires no separations.
trode by Frant and Ross ( I ) a few years ago, fluorine anal- Coal samples are decomposed in a combustion bomb, the
ysis, particularly at the parts-per-million level, was a pH of the bomb contents is adjusted, and the solution is
challenge for the analyst. Among the problems associated buffered prior to the determination of the fluoride concen-
with fluorine analysis, mention may be made of the action tration with the fluoride ion-selective electrode. Analysis
of fluorides on glassware. the high solubility of nearly all is by the known addition method (6) in which the change
fluorides thereby eliminating gravimetric methods, and of potential (1.E) resulting from the addition of a known
the complexing of fluorides by iron, aluminum. and cer- volume of standard fluoride solution to the initial test so-
tain other cations in solution. Today, however, the use of lution is used to determine the fluoride concentration of
the fluoride ion-selective electrode is commonplace for the the initial solution. This technique is superior to direct
reliable determination of fluoride at quite low (10-5 LO potentiometry as problems resulting from interferences.
10--6M) concentration (activity) levels. In many cases, complexation, and ionic strength variations are virtually
separations are unnecessary and only simple solution eliminated. Reproducibility is good.
chemistry is required for p H adjustment and/or freeing To corroborate the quantitative recovery of fluoride b j
the fluoride ion from possible complexes. the bomb combustion method. an alkali fusion method (-7)
The occurrence of fluorine in British coals was the was used to decompose some of the coal samples. This
subject of an extensive investigation several years ago by method involves the ignition of coal mixed with an excess
Crossley (2-5) who developed a satisfactory method for of sodium carbonate at approximately 473 "C, followed by
fluoride determination. Finding that the existing methods fusion of the mixture at 1000 "C. In our study. the fused
contents were then extracted with hot water and the re-
(1) M S Frant and J W Ross, Jr , S o e n c e . 1 5 4 , 1 5 5 3 ( 1 9 6 6 ) .
(2) H. E. Crossley, J SOC. Chem Ind.. London. 63,280 (1944)
sultant solution was treated like that from the bomb ('om-
(3) H. E Crossley J SOC.Chem. I n d . . London. 63, 284 (1944) bustion method.
(4) H. E Crossley. J . SOC. Chem. l n d . London. 63, 289 (1944)
(5) H. E Crossley. J . SOC.Chem. I n d . . London. 63, 342 (1944) ( 6 ) Orion Research Inc Cambridge Mass Newsleffer 2. 2 (1970)
Fluoride, ppm
The decay of naturally-occurring I7'jLu t o stable 176Hfis Previous work has shown that the uncommon rare-earth
of great interest to geologists because of its potential use in minerals gadolinite (FeYpBep(Si0s)z) and priorite (Y, Er,
determining the ages of Lu-bearing rocks and minerals. Ca, Fe, T h ) (Ti, NbI2O6) can be dated by the Lu-Hf meth-