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J. Of College Of Education for Women vol.

19 (1) 2008


Asst. Prof. Dr. Lubna Riyadh Abdul Jabbar*
Date of Acceptance 27/5/2008

The present study is an endeavor to apply the speech act theory to the
American English proverbs and analyze them in away similar to that used in
conversational speech acts in spoken language. The study concentrates on the speech
act of advice to show whether it is subjected to certain rules and distinctive semantic
meanings that prevent it from becoming misfire.
This research is of a two fold function: The first one is devoted to the
definition of proverb and its linguistic and the nonlinguistic characterization. It
focuses on different aspects such as the etymological background, and the different
definitions of proverb proposed by different scholars and linguists. The second one is
devoted to the investigation and analysis of the proposed speech act, namely: advice
in American English proverbs. The analysis will cover three levels: pragmatic,
Semantic, and structural level to get a full account of this type of meaning.

thoughts, habits, beliefs, experiences, 1.1 Proverbs in General`

traditions and patterns of life. 1.1.1 What is a proverb?
The term proverb has been In the Encyclopedia of Religion
defined by so many linguists and and Ethics (1914:412), the English
scholars corresponding to their word "proverb" is one of the
interests and purposes, yet no etymological terms that descend from
comprehensive and accurate definition Latin and Greek. It comes from the
has been labeled to convey all the Latin term proverbium with the
essential features of this term (Taylor: meaning of an "old saying" "adage" or
1931 quoted in Moon, 1997:2). The "proverb". The term proverbium has
reason for that is "the field of research been taken over, after being modified,
of proverb is bounded, on the one into the English language to mean a
hand, by the vocabulary and "short pithy saying in common and
phraseology of language and, on the recognized use"(20ED .,s.v.)
other, by the many forms of folklore" Proverbs constitute a significant part of
(Kuusi's :1998:1). However, there is a verbal language. Like other types of
general agreement as to the main folk-saying such as fables, riddles and
characteristics of proverbial sayings parables; proverbs are considered
such as didacticity popularity, genres of verbal communication which
currency, traditionalty, wisdom, and can be found in all languages
the rigid form regardless of their cultural background,
Nashashibi (1960:11) defines rural or civilized, advanced or
proverbs as "short sentences drawn primitive. In other words, no language
from long experience". Mieder in the world is without proverbs for the
(1999:7) shares the view with him and reason is that : they convey a great deal
defines a proverb as "wisdom of meaning, associated with people's
expressed in a sentence". Those
preverbal sentences are complete with College of Education for Women – English

J. Of College Of Education for Women vol. 19 (1) 2008!

Didacticity is expressed either fixed forms often concise. They are

explicitly or implicitly (Norrick, 1985: metaphoric and alliterative which can
41ft). Explicit didactic proverbs are be made memorizable and easily
often expressed in the form of passed by word of mouth from
imperative or warning, like Look generation to generation until they
before you leap As for implicit didactic became familiar. e.g., "It Never Rains
proverbs, they are those that are shown But it Pours" or " Bad News Travels
in the form of observation or Fast "Nevertheless; proverbs 'come and
experience, such as No pain , No go" their first use is hard to ascertain
Gain. and their existence can not be traced
Taylor argues that "a proverb is back to a certain period of time (ibid.)
wise, it belongs to many people; it is Norrick (1985:31) describes proverbs
ingenious in form and idea" (l996b: 1- as "self –contained, pithy, traditional
2). Wisdom in proverbs may offer expressions with didactic content and
different types of advice: moral, fixed, poetic form ".By self –contained
practical and general advices. Moral is meant that their grammatical units
advice based on personal experience cant be replaced by other units e.g., the
can be seen in the following examples sentence " curiosity killed the cat " can
Charity begins at home Practical not be replaced by another phrase .The
advice gained from social observations word pithy means that though They
of everyday life is in the following have fixed poetic forms, they are full
examples: don't put all the eggs in one of meaning or as Norrick (ibid.36) puts
basket It seems that the role of it "pregnant in meaning". They are also
proverbs of wisdom in our daily life traditional because they are part of
cannot be ignored; otherwise, people folklore and contain wisdom, truth,
would get lost Fair (2003:1)A proverb morals and traditional perspectives
is a polysemantic unit in the sense that related to our everyday thoughts,
it may have two different types of feelings and needs. Finally , by
meaning: Literal and Figurative. The didactic, Norrick meant that proverbs
literal meaning is the one that can be are designed to teach people
interpreted easily. The proverb "Like something, moral lessons ,perspective
father, like son" for example, is said to rules , advice ,warning ,
have a literal reading since "father and encouragement and some truth about
son are alike". Whereas, the proverb" experience e.g., "you 're Never too Old
Blood is thicker than water" has a to Learn " or ' Money does not Grow
figurative meaning which can be on Trees'. In other words, they cover a
interpreted differently from its literal wide range of human life and
meanings depending on the social experience. In addition, language
context. The figurative meaning of this would be more effective and colourful
proverb is that members of the same with the use of proverbs, since they
family share stronger ties with each embellish our speech, and they are
other than they do with others. The usually manipulated to give advice and
meaning of the whole proverb is warning, to give moral and
completely different from the meaning instructional lessons, and to express
of its constitutive parts (ie, idiomatic certain social attitudes. A good
warning is "Building castles in the air",
whereas "A lie has short legs" gives us
a moral lesson. A good piece of advice
is offered by" Sweep before your own
door" (Taylor, 1975a: 70; 1975b: 75t)

J. Of College Of Education for Women vol. 19 (1) 2008!

whether active or passive and 1.2 A linguistic Analysis of Proverbs

finally the type of complexity of Advice
whether it is simple , coordinate or 1.2.1 The procedure of Analysis
subordinate The analysis of the American
6- The result of the analysis will be English proverbs of advice is carried
collected and converted into out according to the following steps:
statistical analysis at the end of the
chapter 1- The study is limited to the study of
Harry Collies' book (1992)
1.2.2 Proverb NO.(1) : 101American English Proverbs.
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor The proverbs are grouped in nine
Away thematic sections. This research
1-The real life context will be devoted to section two of
this book which concentrates on
S1: Boy, do I ever fell lousy! I don’t the theme of advice. This Section
have any energy lately. consists of ten proverbs that are
S2: Have you been eating a lot of junk listed alphabetically and used in
food? real life contexts.
S1: Now that you mention it, I have, 2- Following wierzbeck's model, who
but I don’t think that alone could classifies speech act verbs into
account for my fatigue. It's got to be different groups. The analysis will
something else. I'm going to see my include the advice group only
doctor tomorrow and have her check which happened to have eight sub
me out. classified verbs namely advise1,
S2: Fine – but in the future that might advise2, counsel, consult, suggest,
not be necessary if you watch what you recommend, propose, and finally
eat. Don’t you know that an apple a advocate. More than one proverb
day keeps the doctor away? may have the same type of speech
S1: Sure. I've heard that proverb act.
before, but I've never taken it 3- Each proverb is given a number.
seriously. I can't believe that just by The real life context is given out
eating one apple a day Ill stay healthy and the speakers in each context
and strong and won't ever need to see a are labeled S1and S2. If they exist,
doctor. names of the participants are
S1: Try it! You might like it. What do referred to in the semantic analysis
you have to lose? of the proverb to make it clear who
is talking.
2-Interpretation: 4- The literal meaning of each
Eating an apple every day helps a proverb is given ;and if the speech
person to stay healthy. act is implicit an expansion of the
original proverb will be made by
3-Extention: rewriting it in a new form
I hereby advise you to take one apple containing the performative
a day. construction of an "I' as a subject
and the adverb hereby
4-Structure: 5- A syntactic realization of each
· Type of sentence : declarative proverb has been done to show up
sentence with the structural pattern the type of sentence and its pattern
number (9): ,the type of speech act whether
implicit or explicit ,the type of verb

J. Of College Of Education for Women vol. 19 (1) 2008

S2: Ok. You win. I 'll try .but why · An apple a day keeps the doctor away
don’t we both try to stop ? May be we N1 (explicit) + Trv + N2 (explicit) + Av
can help each other out.
S1: You're on. I'll give it a whirl. · Type of speech act : indirect
2-Interpretation: · Type of verb: active
Follow my advice, but don't follow my · complexity :simple
5- the semantic meaning of the verb
3-Extention: advise1 in proverb NO. (1) :
I hereby advise you to do as I say and · S2 assumes that S1 would want to
not as I do. know what S2 thinks that S1
should do about lousiness and the
4-Structure: loss of energy.
· Type of sentence : imperative · S2 thinks that S1 should take an
sentence with the structural pattern apple everyday which will keep S1
number(7) away from visiting the doctor.
· (You) do as I say , (you ) do not do as I do · S2 assumes that S1 understands
N1 + TrV + N2 , N1 + TrV + N2
that S2 has good reasons for saying
· Type of the verb :Active this proverb.
· Type of speech act: implicit , indirect · S2 says this because S2 wants to
· complexity : compound, coordination cause S1 do something about S1
by the comma health.
· S2 imagines that this advice will
5-The semantic meaning of the verb cause S1to take an action and
Advise2: change the style of eating.
· S2 thinks that if S1 follows the
· S1 (the mother ) assumes that S2(the advice and leave all the junk food
daughter ) wants to know what and starts eating an apple a day
S1thinks that S2 should do about ;this will be for S1 benefit
· S1 says that S2 should follow her 1.2.3 Proverb NO.(2):
advice and not her examples as when Do As I say, not as I Do
she says " Never mind me .Do as I 1-The real life context
say ,not as I do .
· S1 assumes that S2 have good S1: For heaven's sake, Dave, you smell
reasons to say this and she lists all of like a chimney .How many times do I
those reasons as follows: have to tell you that smoking is going
1. Her daughter smells bad "you to eat out your lungs and take years off
smell like a chimney " your life?
2. Smoking is a bad habit that is S2: you can talk all you want _but look
going to hurt her health "-------- at you!
smoking is going to eat out your S1: never mind me .Do as I say, not as
lungs and take years off your life I do.
" S2: But you've been smoking ever
3. Her daughter doesn’t have to since you were a teenager.
follow her example " Just S1; Just because I made a mistake
because I made amistake does not doesn't mean you have to repeat it. I 'm
mean you have to repeat it . telling you to follow my advice, not
· S1 thinks it will be a good thing if S2 my example.

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clauses – statement follows her advice and quit smoking

5-The semantic meaning of the verb 1.2.4 Proverb(3):

Propose : If You Can't Beat Them , Join
· S1 thinks it would be good if she 1-The real life context
attends with her children and
husband the football game. Mr. Kowaiski had never been much of
asport s fan-unlike her husband and
· S1 knows very well that she can't two children .On weekends the others
keeps her children and husband home would take either a baseball or a
· S1 says that if her husband and football game ,while she stayed home
children want to go to a sport game, alone. After awhile the situation
she also wants that too. became a source of great annoyance to
her. One weekend, to the utter
1.2.5 Proverb(4): amazement of her husband and
If You Can't Stand the Heat ,Get out children, she announced that she
of the Kitchen. wanted to attend the the football game
1-The real life context with them. She thought, if you can't
beat them, join them. Mrs.Kowaiski
When Chris got a position as realized that since she could not take
algal secretary with one of the most her family out of attending games, she
prestigious law firms in the city, he might as well join them in one of their
was elated. However, it was not long favorite pastimes. By joining her
before he became snowed under with family on the weekends she would
work .As the pressures of the job alleviate her loneliness, and in time she
increased, he began to complain about might even come to like sports as
the long hours and the excessive much as her husband and children
amount of work . one day after a
fellow employee heard him complain 2-Interpretation:
once again about the stack of If you can not defeat your opponents,
paperwork on his desk, she quite join forces with them
bluntly told him : If you can't stand the
heat , get out of the kitchen .Actually 3-Extention :
,Chris had been thinking about quitting I here by propose that if you can't beat
after only three months on the job , it them join them
became apparent to him that since he
could not handle pressures of the job , 4-Structure:
he should leave the firm and seek · Type of sentence : a reversed
employment elsewhere. The only imperative structure having the
reason he had been hanging on was pattern NO. (9) and the imbedded
because good jobs were so hard to pattern (7)
come by.
(You ) join them if you can't beat them.
2-Interpretation: N1 + TrV + N2 + Av ( N1 + TrV + N2)
if you can't tolerate the pressures of a
particular situation ,remove yourself · Type of the verb :Active
from that situation . · Type of speech act: implicit
3- Extention · complexity :subordination with if

J. Of College Of Education for Women vol. 19 (1) 2008!

S1: Absolutely .there's no reason for I hereby suggest that if you can't stand
you to change something that is the heat, get out of the kitchen
already satisfactory.
S2: Maybe you're right .I'll sleep on it 4- Structure
and see how I feel about the whole · Type of sentence : a reversed
thing tomorrow. imperative structure having the
pattern NO. (6) and the imbedded
2-Interpretation: pattern (7)
Don't try to improve something that is (You) get out of the kitchen if you can't stand the heat.
N1 + InV + Av+ Av ( N1 + TrV + N2)
already satisfactory.
· Type of the verb :Active
3- Extension
· Type of speech act: implicit ,indirect
I hereby counsel that you leave well
enough alone · complexity :subordination with if
clause – statement
· Type of sentence : imperative with
5- The semantic meaning of the verb
structural pattern NO.(9):
(You) leave well enough alone
suggest in proverb NO. (4)
N1(Implicit) +TrV +N2 +Av
·Type of the verb :active · S1 thinks it would be a good thing if
·Type of speech act: implicit , indirect S2 remove himself from the situation
since he can not tolerate the situation.
·complexity :simple
· S2 starts to complain which leads S1
5-The semantic meaning of the verb to suggest that S2 leave the job.
counsel in proverb NO (5): · S1 does not know if S2 will take the
suggestion or not that why she says it
· S1 assumes that S2 is thinking bluntly.
about changing the symmetry · S1 doesn’t want to say that S1 wants
between the head and the torso. S2 to consider all the aspects of
· S1 assumes that S2 doesn't know leaving the job .It is only a
what she should do because she is suggestion
not satisfied with her work .
1.2.6 Proverb NO. (5):
· S1 assumes that S2 wants to know
what S1 thinks that S2 should do Leave well Enough Alone
about the sculpture because S1 1- Real life Context :
knows much about such things and
S1: Greetings, Vicki.What have you
she has experience about it
been up to lately?
· S1 says that she thinks that S2
S2: oh, I 've been busy working on my
should not try to improve the
sculpture for the spring art exhibition
.I ' m just not satisfied with the
1.2.7 Proverb NO. (6):
symmetry between the head and the
Look before you leap .
1-The Real life Context
S1: I 'm not connoisseur, but when I
saw your sculpture last week I was
S1: You sure are concentrating! What's
very impressed .really, Vicki. Don't
so interesting?
change a thing! Leave well enough
S2: Oh. Hi, Ed. I didn’t hear you come
alone! If you keep trying to improve
in. I 'm thinking of investigating in that
your sculpture, you might end up
shopping center going up near Tiburon
ruining it.
Beach, so I was just reading about the
S2; Do you really think so
proposed shops for the center.

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1.2.8 Proverb NO.(7) : S1; If you want my opinion, I think

Make Hay While the Sun Shines you should look before you leap .That
The Real Life Context center is being built on a landfill
.Aren't you wary of problems with
S1: Come on, Jed. Don't be such a wet settling, let alone an earthquake?
blanket! Come with us to the state fair. S2: Have no fear! I 'm considering all
S2: I'd like to, but I'm swamped with aspects of the situation before I take
work .May be next time. any action .But from what I've read so
S1: That's what you are always saying, far, it sounds like a great investment.
and next time never comes .You're
young. Make hay while the sun shines 2-Interpretation:
.Trips like this one doesn't come Consider all aspects of a situation
around every day. before you take any action .
S2; I am really tempted, but I've got to
finish, but this paperwork. 3- Extension
S1: Meanwhile, life is passing you I hereby suggest that you look before
right by. You should take advantage of you leap
an opportunity to do something when
it's available. Doesn't the fact that 4-Structure
Mary Ann will be coming along tempt · Type of sentence : imperative with
you? structural pattern NO.(6):
S2: Mary Ann is going?
S1: Absolutely (You) look before you leap .
S2: Well, maybe just this once I could N1(Implicit) + InV +Av (N1+Inv)
take a break from working .OK. Count ·Type of the verb :active
me in! ·Type of speech act: implicit , indirect
2-Interpretation: ·complexity : subordinate clause.
Take advantage of an opportunity to do
something 5- The semantic meaning of the veb
suggest in proverb NO (6):
3- Extension · S1 thinks it would be a good thing
I hereby advocate that you make hay if S2 considers all the aspects
while the sun shines . before investing in that shop center.
· S1 shows all the bad aspects of that
4-Structure center because S1 wants to cause
· Type of sentence : imperative with S2 to think about it and to be
structural pattern NO.(9) and the careful before taking any step.
imbedded pattern NO.(6): · S1 does not know if S2 will take
· the suggestion or not
(You) make hay while the sun shines
· S1 doesn’t want to say that S1
N1(Implicit) +TrV + N2 + Av(N1+InTrV)
wants S2 to consider all the aspects
· Type of the verb :active
of the shopping center before going
· Type of speech act: implicit , on in the investment. It is only a
indirect suggestion
· complexity : subordination

5- The semantic meaning of the verb

counsel in proverb NO (7):
· S1 thinks that it will be good if
S2 comes to the state fair.

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· Type of the verb :Active · S1 wants S2 to think the same as

· Type of speech act: explicit ,direct S1 does and take advantage of an
· complexity :subordination by the opportunity when it comes at hand
conjunction while . .
· S1 knows that S2 will say that she
5-The semantic meaning of the has some work to do
speech act of recommend: · S1 will say things which S1 thinks
should cause S2 to change her
· S1 assumes that S2 would want to mind such as :
know if it is good for him to make 1- S2 is young .
the offer for buying the house . 2- Next time never come .
· S1 assumes that S2 would want to 3- Trips like this one don't come
know whether it is the time to around everyday .
make the offer for buying the house 4- Life is passing right by .
because S1 knows much about 5- Finally, Mary Ann will be
buying houses. coming along .
· S1 says that he thinks that it would
be good for S2 if he makes the 1.2.9 Proverb NO.(8 ): Strike while
offer now. the iron is hot
· S1 says this because he wants to 1-Real life context
cause S2 to know that buying the
house at this time would be a good S1: If you intend to make an offer on
thing for S2 and this what S1 that house you were thinking
thinks it would be the right thing . of buying, now is the time to do
· S1 doesn’t know whether S2 will it.
buy the house or not. he only S2: But I can only offer considerably
recommends what he thinks is the less than what the owner is asking. I
right thing don’t know if she will accept it.
S1: I recommend that you strike while
1.2.10 Proverb NO. (9): the iron is hot .It's a buyer's market
The Way to a Man's Heart is right now. It’s a good time to make an
through His Stomach offer, even if t is low.
1- The Real Life Context S2: Hmm. I do like the house. I guess
I'll give it arty .As you said, my chance
S1: Wow , Ludmilla ! You look for success are greater if I act at the
beautiful ! What's the big occasion ? best possible time.
S2: I' ve got adate with Yurl . I hope S1: That's right. If you make an offer
that tonight he 'll come out and tell me now , there 's an excellent chance that
how much he cares for me . it will be accepted .
S1:You 've been going with Yurl for
aquite sometime .if he still hasn't 2- Interpretation of the proverb:
expressed his feelings , I think you Act at the best possible time
ought to try another approach . have 3- extention
you ever stopped to think that the way No need . Explicit
to a mann's heart is through his 4-Structure of the proverb :
stomach ?You are a fantastic cook . · Type of sentence: imperative with
why not invite him to a nice structural pattern NO.(6) and the
home0cooked meal? imbedded pattern No.(1):
(You) strike while the iron is hot.
N1(Implicit) + InV +Av (N1+be +Aj)

J. Of College Of Education for Women vol. 19 (1) 2008!

the countries they visited. To make S2: Why didn't I think of that before ?
them feel more comfortable during Tonight I 'll invite him to have dinner
their travels, some members of the at my place next weekend.
tour group recommended that when S1: There you go! Prepare a meal that
in Rome do as the Romans do. They he enjoys, and he'll love you for sure
suggested that Jane and Ray should
make an effort to follow the customs of 2- Interpretation of the proverb:
the local inhabitants and not expect to The way to gain a man's love is by
behave in a foreign country as they preparing food that he enjoys.
would at home. Once they began to
follow this advice, Jane and Ray 3- extention
enjoyed their trip much more. I hereby suggest that the way to a
man's heart is through his stomach .
When traveling, follow the customs of 4-Structure of the proverb:
the local people . Type of sentence: declarative with
2-Extension: structural pattern NO.(3):
I hereby recommend that when you are The way to a man's heart is through his stomach
N1 + be + N1
in Rome, you do as the Romans do .
· Type of the verb : stative
3-Structure of the proverb : · Type of speech act: implicit ,
Type of sentence: imperative with · complexity :simple .
structural pattern NO.(9) and the
imbedded pattern No.(2): 5-The semantic meaning of the
speech act of suggest in proverb
(You) do as the Romans when you are in Rome NO.(9) :
N1(Implicit) + Trv+ N2 +Av (N1+be +Av) · S1(no name ) thinks it would be a
good thing if S2 (Ludmilla)try
Type of the verb :Active another approach since her last
Type of speech act: explicit ,direct approaches didn’t succeed.
complexity :subordination by the · S1 says that S2 is a fantastic cook
conjunction when. because she wants her to think about
inviting Yurl.
5-The semantic meaning of the
· S1 does not know if S2 will take the
speech act of recommend in proverb
suggestion or not. In other words , S1
does not know whether Ludmilla will
invite Yurl to a home –cooked meal .
· S1(members of the tour group)
assumes that S2 (Jane and Ray) 1.211 Proverb NO.(10):
would want to know if it is good When in Rome Do as the Romans Do
for them to accept the customs of 1-The Real life context
the people in the countries they
visit. Jane and Ray had been homebodies
· S1 assumes that S2 would want to most of their lives, but after their kids
know whether it is good to follow were grown and out of the nest, they
the customs of the local decided to take a trip around the world.
inhabitants. Of course, they were inexperienced
· S1 says that he thinks that it would travelers and they had trouble
be good for S2 if they begin to accepting the customs of the people in

J. Of College Of Education for Women vol. 19 (1) 2008!

Conclusions follow this advice and don't behave

Proverbs are common and in a foreign country as they would
familiar sayings that play an important do at home. This will let them
role in our everyday conversation. enjoy their trip much more .
People do not know their origins or · S1 doesn’t know whether S2 will
authors because what they care about is follow the advice or not. he only
their contents and applications. recommends what he thinks is the
Proverbs are didactic in function and right thin
carry the wisdom of previous Results and Conclusions of the
generations. They are memorizable and Analysis
pass from one generation to the other
orally. Results of the analysis can be realized
Proverbs are speech acts since in the following points:
they can be used in everyday · The analysis shows that the highest
communication to confirm ideas, warn scores recorded is the suggest
people, give advice, etc. Nevertheless; speech act. Next in the scores
the attribution of a proverb to a certain recorded is the recommend speech
speech act is not clear –cut; the act. No score is given to the consult
meaning of a proverb is not fixed and it Speech act. all other speech acts :
can be modified and even reversed to advise1 , advise2 advocate ,
fit a certain situation. So different propose, and counsel are equally
context of situations can lead to scored .(See table 1)
different speech acts.The study has · Most of the types of speech acts are
proved the applicability of speech act used implicitly and indirectly. 8 out
theory to the American English advice of 10 are implicit and indirect and
proverbs,and verifies the hypothesis only two of them are direct and
:'The speech act theory can be applied explicit
to the English American proverbs, · Type of the verb is active in all of
since they consist of conversational the usages. No passive construction
patterns in which various act of advice is recorded.
are used in different context of · The imperative sentence type is the
situations" most frequently used . 8 out of ten
are imperatives whereas two only
Structurally, they are realized are declarative and no interrogative
in different syntactic structures: The forms are recorded.
manipulation of imperative sentences · All types of complexity are used.
is more highlighted than declarative The frequent type is the complex(6
ones in the realization of speech act of out of 10) then the simple (3out of
advice and there is no usage of any 10 )and finally the compound(1 out
interrogative sentences . of 1)
The speech act of advice is mostly
used with indirect implicit speech acts
for the reason is that those speech acts
reflect politeness .And usually people
try to advise others implicitly and not
explicitly in order not to make them
feel belittled and controlled.
The active voice is
overwhelmingly used. And the use of
passive constructions is nil for the

J. Of College Of Education for Women vol. 19 (1) 2008!

passive construction hides the agent of

Cruse, A. (2000). Meaning in the action and since giving an advice
Language: An Introduction to does not need any specific agent
Semantics and Pragmatics. Oxford: consequently, no passive construction
Oxford University Press. is needed.

Crystal ,D (1991) A Dictionary of References

Linguistics and Phonetics 2nd ed. Akmajian, A., Demers, R., Farmer, A.,
Oxford :Blackwell publisher Ltd. and Harnish, R. (2001). Linguistics:
An Introduction to Language and
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‫ﺗﺤﻠﯿﻞ ﻟﻐﻮي ﻟﻸﻓﻌﺎل اﻟﻜﻼﻣﯿﺔ ﻓﻲ اﻷﻣﺜﺎل اﻟﻤﺴﺘﺨﺪﻣﺔ‬

‫ﻓﻲ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻹﻧﻜﻠﯿﺰﯾﺔ اﻷﻣﺮﯾﻜﯿﺔ‬

‫اﻷﺳﺘﺎذ اﻟﻤﺴﺎﻋﺪ اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮرة ﻟﺒﻨﻰ رﯾﺎض ﻋﺒﺪ اﻟﺠﺒﺎر‬

‫ﻛﻠﯿﺔ اﻟﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ ﻟﻠﺒﻨﺎت – ﻗﺴﻢ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻹﻧﻜﻠﯿﺰﯾﺔ‬

‫أن ھﺬه اﻟﺪراﺳﺔ ھﻲ ﻣﺤﺎوﻟﺔ ﻟﺘﻄﺒﯿﻖ ﻧﻈﺮﯾﺔ اﻷﻓﻌﺎل اﻟﻜﻼﻣﯿﺔ ﻓﻲ اﻷﻣﺜﺎل اﻟﻤﺴﺘﺨﺪﻣﺔ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻠﻐ‪r‬ﺔ اﻷﻧﻜﻠﯿﺰﯾ‪r‬ﺔ‬
‫أﻷﻣﺮﯾﻜﯿﺔ وﺗﺤﻠﯿﻠﮭﺎ ﺑﻄﺮﯾﻘﺔ ﻣﺸﺎﺑﮭﺔ ﻟﻠﻄﺮﯾﻘﺔ اﻟﻤﺴﺘﻌﻤﻠﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻟﻐﺔ اﻟﺘﺨﺎﻃﺐ واﻟﺘﺤ‪r‬ﺎور اﻟﺸ‪r‬ﻔﮭﯿﺔ‪ .‬وﺗﺮﻛ‪r‬ﺰ ھ‪r‬ﺬه اﻟﺪراﺳ‪r‬ﺔ‬
‫ﻋﻠﻰ اﻷﻓﻌﺎل اﻟﻜﻼﻣﯿﺔ اﻟﻄﻠﺒﯿﺔ ﻟﻠﻨﺼﺢ ﻟﺘﺒﯿﻦ ﻓﯿﻤﺎ اذا ﻛﺎﻧﺖ ھﺬه اﻷﻓﻌﺎل ﺧﺎﺿﻌﺔ اﻟﻰ ﻗﻮاﻧﯿﻦ ﻣﻌﯿﻨ‪r‬ﺔ او ﻣﻌ‪r‬ﺎن ﺿ‪r‬ﻤﻨﯿﺔ‬
‫ﻣﻤﯿﺰة ﺗﻤﻨﻌﮭﺎ ﻣﻦ ان ﺗﻜﻮن ﻣﻨﻘﻄﻌﺔ ﺗﮭﺪف ھﺬه اﻟﺪراﺳﺔ ﻟﻌﺮض اﻟﺼﻔﺎت اﻟﻠﻐﻮﯾﺔ واﻟﻐﯿﺮ ﻟﻐﻮﯾﺔ اﻟﺘﻲ ﯾﺤ‪r‬ﺪد ﺑﻤﻮﺟﺒﮭ‪r‬ﺎ‬
‫اذا ﻛﺎن اﻟﻘﻮل اﻟﻤﻌﯿﻦ ﻣ‪r‬ﺜﻼ ام ﻻ‪ .‬ﺗﺤﺪﯾ‪r‬ﺪ ﻃﺮﯾﻘ‪r‬ﺔ ﻣﻌﯿﻨ‪r‬ﺔ ﻟﺘﻤﯿ‪r‬ﺰ اﻓﻌ‪r‬ﺎل اﻟﻨﺼ‪r‬ﺢ وﻛ‪r‬ﺬﻟﻚ اﺟ‪r‬ﺮاء ﺗﺤﻠﯿ‪r‬ﻞ ﻟﻐ‪r‬ﻮي وﺗ‪r‬ﺪاوﻟﻲ‬
‫ﻟﻠﺼﻔﺎت اﻟﻤﻮﺟﻮدة ﻓﻲ ﻣﺠﻤﻮﻋﺔ اﻻﻓﻌﺎل اﻟﻜﻼﻣﯿﺔ ﻟﻠﻨﺼﺢ‪.‬‬


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