The Importance of Play: Play Is As Vital As Love, Food, Care and Hope
The Importance of Play: Play Is As Vital As Love, Food, Care and Hope
The Importance of Play: Play Is As Vital As Love, Food, Care and Hope
by Patricia M. Mikelson
President, Highlights-Jigsaw
Child development experts agree that play is imagination, and develops reading, thinking the foundation for learning including Dr. Edgar Klugman, Professor Emeritus at
very important in the learning and emotional and problem solving skills as well as motor language, reading, thinking and Wheelock College, Boston, one of the
development of all children. play is multi- skills. reasoning skills. In addition, parent-child foremost experts in play, identifies the
faceted: · Through play, children process and play provides important opportunities different categories of play as follows:
a.Play is how children experience fun and joy. manage emotions, and understand and for parent-child bonding. Functional Play: The child enjoys repetitive
·Through play children develop their interpret the world around them. play with objects and gains motor and
personalities and a positive sense of self, · Play helps children learn relationship and The most authentic play experiences are practice skills. Good examples are dumping,
realize their potential and experience social skills, and develop values and ethics. child-initiated, freely chosen, and child filling, stacking, water play, and outdoors
success. Play is a "brain food" to help brains develop in powered. Such play is pleasurable and play. Functional play characterizes infants
· Play unlocks children's creativity and, ways critical to school success. It provides fun, active and mind absorbing. and toddlers and at age 3 constitutes 50%