1 Taller de Ingles 9a
1 Taller de Ingles 9a
1 Taller de Ingles 9a
7) Look at the Williams family tree and choose the correct name. (Mira la familia de
Williams y escoge el nombre correcto).
1. Lucy´s gandmother is: a) Rudy
2. Kevin Uncle´s: b) Peter
3. Lola´s granddauther is: a) Lucy
4. Gloria´s husband is: c) Steve
5. Sarah´s parents are: b) Steve and Gloria
8). Write sentences to answer the questions. (Escribe las oraciones para
responder las preguntas. Sigue el ejemplo)
a. Who are Michael’s parents? George and Lilly are Michael’s parents.
b. Who is Joe’s nephew? Michael is Joe´s nephew
c. Who is Steve’s sister? Lilly is Steve´s sister
d. Who are Sarah’s grandparents? Ronald and Rudy are Sarah´s grandparents
e. Who is Lola’s granddaughter? Lucy is Lola´s granddaughter