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Clinical Psychology Review 73 (2019) 101779

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Clinical Psychology Review

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An examination of the relationship between shame, guilt and self-harm: A T

systematic review and meta-analysis
Kate Sheehya, Amna Noureenb, Ayesha Khaliqb, Katie Dhingrac, Nusrat Husaind,

Eleanor E. Pontina, Rosanne Cawleya, Peter J. Taylord,
Institute of Psychology, Health and Society, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Pakistan Institute of Living & Learning, Karachi, Pakistan
School of Social Sciences, Leeds Beckett University, LS1 3HE England, United Kingdom
Division of Psychology & Mental Health, School of Health Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre, Manchester, United Kingdom


• Shame has a positive association with self-harm.

• Guilt proneness does not appear to be related to self-harm.
• However, exposure to state guilt is greater in those with a history of self-harm.
• Shame should be considered in psychological assessments with those who self-harm.
• Longitudinal studies in this area are lacking.


Keywords: Self-harm is a major public health concern associated with suicide risk and significant psychological distress.
Shame Theories suggest that aversive emotional states are an important process that drives self-harm. Shame and guilt
Guilt may, in particular, be important emotions in self-harm. This review therefore sought to provide a systematic
Self-harm review and meta-analysis of the relationship between shame, guilt, and self-harm. A systematic search of
Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI)
electronic databases (PsycINFO; Medline; CINAHL Plus; Web of Science and ProQuest) was undertaken to
Systematic review
identify studies measuring shame, guilt and self-harm (including suicidal and non-suicidal behaviour). Meta-
analysis was undertaken where papers focused on the same subtype of shame or guilt and shared a common
outcome. Thirty studies were identified for inclusion. Most forms of shame were associated with non-suicidal
self-injury (NSSI), but research was sparse concerning suicidal behaviour. Fewer studies examined guilt and
findings were more varied. Methodological issues included a paucity of longitudinal designs and lack of justi-
fication for sample sizes. Results of this review support the link between shame and self-harm, particularly NSSI.
The direction of this relationship is yet to be established. Clinically, consideration should be given to the role of
shame amongst individuals who present with NSSI. This review was pre-registered on PROSPERO

1. Introduction 2016). It is also often indicative of psychological distress and additional

need (Goldman-Mellor et al., 2014), and reduced life expectancy from
Self-harm poses a significant public health concern worldwide, be- any cause (approximately 26 years of life lost; Bergen et al., 2012). Self-
cause of its high prevalence (Muehlenkamp, Claes, Havertape, & Plener, harm refers to the deliberate destruction or damage to one's own body
2012; Swannell, Martin, Page, Hasking, & St John, 2014), and asso- tissue, irrespective of suicidal intent, and can be applied to a range of
ciation with subsequent suicide risk (Hawton et al., 2015; Ribeiro et al., behaviours including overdose, cutting, burning, and self-battery

Corresponding author at: 2nd floor, Zochonis building, Brunswick Park, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, England, United Kingdom.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (K. Sheehy), [email protected] (A. Noureen), [email protected] (A. Khaliq),
[email protected] (N. Husain), [email protected] (E.E. Pontin), [email protected] (R. Cawley),
[email protected] (P.J. Taylor).
Received 22 February 2019; Received in revised form 12 July 2019; Accepted 14 September 2019
Available online 30 October 2019
0272-7358/ © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
K. Sheehy, et al. Clinical Psychology Review 73 (2019) 101779

(National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, 2004; Royal College Gilbert, & Iron, 2004), submission (Gilbert, Pehl, & Allan, 1994),
of Psychiatrists, 2010). Self-harm therefore encompasses suicidal be- avoidance (Schoenleber & Berenbaum, 2012), and attempts to conceal
haviour (i.e. suicide attempts) and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI; oneself or one's perceived faults (Tangney et al., 1996). In light of the
Klonsky, 2011), as well as behaviours where the level of suicidal intent available literature, it is hypothesised that shame will show a stronger
is unclear or ambiguous. Recent reviews suggest that one of the most relationship with self-harm than guilt.
commonly reported reasons for self-harm is around coping with or Theoretical models have typically focused either on suicidal beha-
regulating difficult emotional states (Edmondson, Brennan, & House, viour or NSSI, rather than the broader construct of self-harm.
2016; Taylor et al., 2018). For example, this function is endorsed by Theoretical models of NSSI explicitly suggest that NSSI is maintained by
71% (95% CI: 63–78%) of those who engage in NSSI (Taylor, Jomar, negative reinforcement, characterised by escape from unpleasant in-
et al., 2018). Thus, mechanisms involving exposure to and regulation of ternal states, including emotions like shame and guilt (Chapman, Gratz,
emotional states appear key to understanding self-harm (Nock, 2009). A & Brown, 2006; Hasking, Whitlock, Voon, & Rose, 2017; Nock, 2009).
better understanding of these mechanisms can help inform the devel- Some theorists have developed these ideas further by implying a spe-
opment and adaptation of interventions for those who struggle with cific role of shame or guilt in the aetiology and maintenance of NSSI.
self-harm (Muehlenkamp, 2006). Certain emotions appear especially For example, some NSSI may arise out of beliefs about the self as de-
important in understanding self-harm (Klonsky, 2009). The current serving of punishment (Glassman, Weierich, Hooley, Deliberto, & Nock,
review focuses on two such emotions, shame and guilt. 2007; Nock, 2009), which could be a consequence of strong feelings of
Shame and guilt have been described as self-conscious, ‘moral’ shame. Schoenleber and Berenbaum (2012), for example, propose that
emotions, which arise in response to an evaluation of the self (Tangney individuals may engage in NSSI as a means of managing feelings of
& Dearing, 2002; Tangney, Stuewig, & Mashek, 2007). Although rou- shame. Theories of suicidal behaviour have also posited that strong
tinely considered in tandem, shame and guilt are thought to represent negative emotions may drive suicidal behaviour (Baumeister, 1990;
distinct, yet overlapping, emotional experiences (Tangney et al., 2007). Williams, 1997). The Interpersonal Theory of suicide (Joiner, 2005;
Current thinking regarding this distinction points to a differential focus Van Orden et al., 2010) suggests feelings of burdensomeness are key to
on the self, versus one's behaviour. At its core, shame can be seen as a the desire for suicide, and that feelings of self-hate are a facet of this
cognitive affective construct, comprising negative judgements of the construct (Van Orden et al., 2010; Van Orden, Cukrowicz, Witte, &
self (Chou et al., 2018). These judgements are global, undesirable, and Joiner, 2012). Since shame is the emotion perhaps most synonymous
characterised by an evaluation of the self as inherently flawed, in- with self-hate it may therefore be relevant in driving suicidal urges.
adequate or bad (Blythin et al., 2018; Carden, Saini, Seddon, Watkins, & Shame may be part of the mechanism explaining the increased risk of
James Taylor, 2018; Gilbert & Procter, 2006). By contrast, guilt is self-harm in some marginalized groups, such as those who are lesbian,
concerned with one's behaviour, and the negative evaluation of this gay or bisexual (Taylor, Dhingra, Dickson, & McDermott, 2018), or
(Tangney et al., 2007; Tangney & Dearing, 2002). Hence, the object of those belonging to alternative subcultures (Hughes, Knowles, Dhingra,
focus is something done by the individual that is perceived as bad or Nicholson, & Taylor, 2018). For example, experiences of rejection as-
wrong, rather than the individual themselves. As a result, the phe- sociated with belonging to a marginalized group (e.g. being lesbian,
nomenological experiences of guilt and shame are said to diverge sig- gay, bisexual or transgender) are associated with self-harm risk
nificantly (Lewis, 1971). (Cawley, Pontin, Touhey, Sheehy, & Taylor, 2019).
Traditionally, the conceptualisation of shame has centred upon the The current research aims to provide a systematic review and meta-
individual's perception of themselves. However, some researchers have analysis of the available literature pertaining to self-harm and its re-
distinguished between this and an individual's representation of how lationships with shame and guilt. We will appraise the weight of evi-
they are perceived by others (specifically the individual's perception of dence concerning the relationship between these constructs, and via the
being negatively judged by others), referred to as ‘external’ shame meta-analysis quantify the size of these associations. It has been noted
(Gilbert, 1997, 1998). In addition, shame may be thought to arise in that shame and guilt overlap with one another, and also with depressive
relation to different aspects of the self, such as one's character, beha- symptoms. In addition to focussing on bivariate associations, we also
viour, or body (Andrews, Qian, & Valentine, 2002). As a result, a range review associations whilst adjusting for guilt (when the effect involves
of psychometric measures have been developed and used to assess these shame) or shame (when the effect involves guilt) and depression.
various components of shame. No such distinctions have been made in
relation to guilt as far as we are aware. Furthermore, whilst it is ac- 2. Method
knowledged that shame and guilt may occur in relation to specific in-
cidents or events, it is now also recognised that some individuals have a 2.1. Protocol registration
greater tendency, or proneness, to experience feelings of shame or guilt
across a range of situations (Tangney, 1990). A systematic review protocol was developed and pre-registered
Both shame and guilt may be experienced as unwanted or aversive online with PROSPERO (CRD42017056165). This review followed the
emotional states. However, literature suggests that shame may be PRISMA reporting guidelines (Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, Altman, & The,
particularly pernicious due to its close ties with an individual's sense of 2009). Departures from protocol include the addition of meta-analyses,
self (Lewis, 1971). Indeed, shame is closely linked with various psy- which were included to provide a further summary of associations, the
chological difficulties including depression, psychosis, Post-Traumatic exclusion of ETHOS as a database (as it is limited to UK dissertations),
Stress Disorder (PTSD), and eating disorders (Blythin et al., 2018; the expansion of the review team, and the secondary outcome con-
Carden et al., 2018; Kim, Thibodeau, & Jorgensen, 2011; Pugh, Taylor, cerning help-seeking being dropped in light of recent existing reviews
& Berry, 2015). Across the available research, there is evidence that in this area (Rowe et al., 2014).
shame is more robustly associated with psychological difficulties and
that when adjusting for overlapping shame, guilt at times is no longer 2.2. Search strategy
associated with mental health difficulties (Blythin et al., 2018; Kim
et al., 2011; Pugh et al., 2015). Nonetheless, guilt too may be experi- First, scoping searches were undertaken to aid the identification of
enced as painful, and may give rise to feelings of regret or remorse relevant search terms. Following this, four databases were searched
(Pugh et al., 2015; Tangney, Miller, Flicker, & Barlow, 1996). Whilst (PsycINFO; Medline; CINAHL Plus; Web of Science) to identify relevant
guilt may lead an individual to engage in reparative action to address published studies (from earliest records until March 2017). These
perceived problematic behaviour (Tangney & Dearing, 2002), responses searches were later updated to December 2018. The following search
to shame are typically less adaptive and include rumination (Cheung, terms were used related to: (a) self-harm: NSSI OR suicid* OR self-harm

K. Sheehy, et al. Clinical Psychology Review 73 (2019) 101779

OR self-injur* OR self-mutilation OR overdose OR DSH OR parasuicid*; more effects were grouped together these were aggregated via meta-
and (b) shame or guilt: ashamed OR shame* OR guilt* OR self-blame OR analysis. This approach allowed the effects for different subtypes of
self-disgust. Search terms for the two groups were combined using the shame or guilt to be compared, but it also meant that meta-analyses
Boolean operator “AND”. The thesis and dissertation database ProQuest often had few included studies. We therefore also grouped studies by
was also searched to identify relevant studies in the grey literature. emotion type (shame or guilt), irrespective of subtype, and outcome.
First, titles and abstracts were screened independently by a single re- This allowed for effects from a larger set of studies to be combined by
searcher. Following this, the full texts of the remaining articles were including studies investigating different subtypes of shame or guilt to-
read to determine eligibility for inclusion. This was carried out in- gether in the same meta-analysis.
dependently by two researchers, with discrepancies addressed through A random-effects model was adopted for all meta-analyses to ac-
discussion with a third author. Following the identification of included commodate the expected heterogeneity between studies in terms of
studies, reference lists of these papers were hand searched and corre- sample, design, and measurement. The DerSimonian and Laird (1986)
sponding authors were also emailed to identify any further potentially inverse variance estimator, within STATA 14 (StataCorp, 2015) was
eligible studies. initially used. Whilst the DL estimator is commonly used, it has been
noted that Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) estimator may
2.3. Inclusion and exclusion criteria better estimate between-study variance within random effects meta-
analysis of continuous outcomes (Veroniki et al., 2014). We therefore
Studies included in the review were required to meet the following repeated all meta-analyses using the REML estimator as well using the
inclusion criteria: i) quantitative research studies, ii) comprising ori- METAAN package (Kontopantelis & Reeves, 2010).
ginal research, iii) written in English, iv) measuring shame and/or guilt, Within samples associations were captured with the correlation
v) measuring self-harm history or frequency (including NSSI and sui- coefficient, r, whilst group differences were captured using cohen's d.
cidal behaviour), vi) providing adequate information to estimate asso- Where necessary, effects were converted between effect size metrics
ciations between variables. Studies using measures that conflated the following the steps outlined by Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, and
constructs of shame and guilt were excluded. For example, the Positive Rothstein (2009). For the meta-analyses undertaken on higher-order
and Negative Affect scale has a guilt subscale that has items referring to groupings of studies, a single effect size was taken from each study.
feeling “ashamed” (Watson & Clark, 1994). Similarly, we excluded Where studies included multiple different scales of the same emotion
measures of shame focused on specific behaviours due to the overlap (e.g. shame) these effects were first combined (following Borenstein
with guilt. Studies that assessed shame or guilt using a single item et al., 2009). For one study this was not possible due to lack of in-
measure were also not included in the review, including studies in formation about the scales (Rusch et al., 2007) and so the effect size
which guilt was assessed solely as part of a depression or mania mea- associated with the most commonly used scale (the TOSCA-3) was used.
sure, such as the Beck Depression Inventory (Beck, Steer, & Brown, The I2 statistic was used to determine the impact of heterogeneity be-
1996), as such measures may not provide a valid and accurate measure tween studies (Higgins & Thompson, 2002).
of the key constructs. Measures of shame or guilt related to experiences
of trauma or grief or consisting of psychotic symptoms (i.e. delusional 3. Results
guilt) were also excluded, since these arguably have a distinct phe-
nomenology relative to shame and guilt more generally. 3.1. Study characteristics

2.4. Risk of bias assessment Thirty eligible papers were identified for inclusion in the review. A
flow diagram of the screening process from identification through to
Studies included in the review were evaluated for risk of bias using inclusion is presented in Fig. 1. Study characteristics are summarised in
an adapted version of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Table 1. All but two studies provided cross-sectional data on the re-
(AHRQ; Williams, Plassman, Burke, Holsinger, & Benjamin, 2010) risk lationship between shame, guilt and self-harm. All studies came from
of bias tool. The AHRQ has previously been adapted for use in sys- Western countries, most commonly the US (k = 18) and UK (k = 6). A
tematic reviews of self-injurious behaviour and associated constructs large number of studies came from MSc or doctoral dissertations
(Hughes et al., 2018; Taylor, Hutton, & Wood, 2015). The tool assesses (k = 14), though the majority derived from peer-reviewed journals
risk of bias over eleven domains, including the validity of measures (k = 16). A single study was unpublished, with data made available by
used, unbiased selection of participants, and appropriateness of analytic the author. (See Table 2)
methods. Ratings were made independently by two research team A broad variety of measures capturing distinct subtypes of shame
members for each study, and then compared, with discrepancies re- and guilt were assessed across the included studies. The most common
solved through discussion. These ratings were then used to identify was shame or guilt proneness, typically assessed using the TOSCA
common risks of bias across the literature as well as areas of strength. (Tangney, Wagner, & Gramzow, 1989) or later versions of this measure
(k = 11). Body-related shame was the second most commonly assessed
2.5. Data extraction subtype of shame, usually measured using the Experiences of Shame
Scale (k = 4; ESS; Andrews et al., 2002). A number of studies also as-
Data extraction was undertaken independently by two research sessed exposure to general feelings of shame or guilt (not linked to a
team members for each study, and then compared, with discrepancies particular aspect of the self) using the Personal Feelings Questionnaire
resolved through discussion. Extracted data included study details (k = 6; PFQ2; Harder & Zalma, 1990). Within this review we refer to
(author, date, study location), study design information (type of design, this as ‘state shame’ and ‘state guilt’, to distinguish it from other forms.
number of groups, recruitment method), participant characteristics This broad range of emotion subtypes meant that few studies were
(target sample, age, gender), measures used, and results of analyses. identified focusing on any one subtype, and thus limited the number of
studies contributing to any one meta-analysis.
2.6. Meta-analytic calculations
3.2. Risk of bias
Bivariate associations between shame, guilt and self-harm were
grouped according to the emotion type (shame, guilt) and subtype (e.g. The assessment of risk of bias is presented in Table 2. Overall, risk of
bodily shame, external shame, shame proneness) and outcome (NSSI, bias was relatively low with regards to the data that were the focus of
suicide attempt or self-harm not otherwise specified). Where two or this review. Notably, for unpublished data sets the information was not

K. Sheehy, et al. Clinical Psychology Review 73 (2019) 101779

Fig. 1. Flow diagram of included studies.

always available to ascertain the risk of bias associated with these data. were appropriate in the large majority of studies.
The most common methodological problems related to justification of
sample size, the use of heavily self-selecting samples (e.g. participants 3.3. Association between shame, guilt and NSSI
responding to flyers or online advertisements), blinding of researchers,
and measurement of self-harm. Only four studies justified their sample Table 3 reports the bivariate association between shame, guilt, and
size in terms of power calculations. This may mean that analyses were self-harm, grouped in terms of emotion subtype and outcome. Where
underpowered in some cases, leading to inflated Type II error rates. data on two or more comparable associations were identified, a
Attempts at blinding researchers or interviewers to participants' status random-effects meta-analysis was undertaken to produce aggregate
were rarely undertaken, which may have introduced rater bias and effect sizes. Bivariate effects for individual studies are reported in
expectancy effects. Although most studies still employed widely used Supplementary Table 1. When meta-analyses were repeated using
and validated tools to assess self-harm status, around a third used REML rather than DL estimation results were very similar (see Sup-
single-item (sometimes unvalidated) self-report measures, which may plementary Table 2).
have led to misclassification. Individuals with a history of NSSI reported greater levels of shame
In terms of methodological strengths, three of the four studies in- proneness, characterological shame, and external shame, with mod-
volving group comparisons attempted to match groups on key socio- erate to large effect sizes. No significant difference was apparent for
demographic variables (e.g. age, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic body-related shame (k = 5 studies). This lack of difference was largely
status). Hence confounding variables are unlikely to have biased group informed by the study by Duggan and colleagues in school students
comparisons. Furthermore, all but one study used a valid method for (2015), whose data suggests little overall difference in body shame at
ascertaining the clinical status or participant group, and most studies time 2 between those with and without a history of NSSI. However,
used valid and reliable measures to rate shame and/or guilt. Missing Duggan, Heath, and Hu (2015) did report significant longitudinal ef-
data also appeared minimal (i.e. < 20%) for a large proportion of stu- fects, discussed below. There was also an unusually large effect size for
dies, and in cases where missing data was apparent, appropriate details a single study looking at body shame, linked to unusually small stan-
were provided in terms of how this was managed (e.g. use of imputation dard deviations (Nelson & Muehlenkamp, 2012). One study focused on
strategies to minimize bias). Finally, the analytic techniques adopted external shame in a high secure inpatient sample noted that self-

Table 1
Summary of study characteristics.
Authors, years & country Design Participant characteristics Comparison group characteristics (if Self-harm measures Shame/guilt measures
K. Sheehy, et al.

Brown et al. (2009), US Longitudinal N = 77 women seeking psychotherapy for BPD and – Suicide Attempt Self-Injury Shame items adapted from the Harder Personal
self-harm; Mean age = 30.0 years, SD = 7.3 Interview (SASII) Feelings Questionnaire (PFQ2)
Bryan, Morrow, Etienne, and Cross-sectional N = 151 outpatients at military mental health – Self-Injurious Thoughts and The Harder Personal Feelings Questionnaire
Ray-Sannerud (2013), US clinics; Mean age = 34.12 years, SD = 8.41; Behavior Interview (SITBI) (PFQ2)
Female = 36%
Donhauser (2007), US Cross-sectional N = 51 adult childhood sexual abuse survivors; – Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory Internalised Shame Scale (ISS)
18–65 years; Female = 84% (DSHI)
Duggan et al. (2015), Canada Longitudinal N = 120 high school students; Mean – How I Deal with Stress Objectified Body Consciousness Scale – Youth
age = 12.34 years, SD = 0.48; Female = 56% Questionnaire (HIDS) (OBCS-Y)
Erchull, Liss, and Lichiello Cross-sectional N = 160 Adult females; Mean age = 23.12, – Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory Objectified Body Consciousness Scale (OBCS)
(2013); US SD = 3.69 (DSHI)
Etzel (2004), US Cross-sectional N = 65 female victims of intimate partner violence; – Habit Questionnaire for self- Experience of Shame Scale (ESS)
Mean age = 34.2 years, SD = 8.4 injurious behavior
Fieldman (1989), US Cross-sectional N = 30 acute adolescent psychiatric inpatients; – The Reynolds Suicide Ideation Guilt Scale
Mean age = 15.8 years; Female = 66.7% Questionnaire (RSIQ)
Gandy (2013), US Cross-sectional N = 103 adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse; – modified Suicidal Behavior Test of Self-Conscious Affect - 3 (TOSCA-3)
Mean age = 39.88 years, SD = 13.82; Questionnaire, (SBQ)
Female = 71.8%
Izadi (2014), US Cross -sectional N = 50 individuals with a history of NSSI; Mean – Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory Test of Self-Conscious Affect - 3 (TOSCA-3);
age = 27.0 years, SD = 7.1; Female = 74% (DSHI); modified Suicidal Shame Variability Questionnaire (SVQ;
Behavior Questionnaire, (SBQ) unpublished)
Kealy, Spidel, and Ogrodniczuk Cross -sectional N = 68 female psychiatric outpatients; Mean – Suicidal Behavior Questionnaire - The Harder Personal Feelings Questionnaire
(2017), Canada age = 36.6 years, SD = 12.0 Revised (SBQ-R) (PFQ2)
Kealy (2019), Canada Cross -sectional N = 137 psychiatric outpatients; Mean age = 33.39, – Item taken from the McLean The Harder Personal Feelings Questionnaire

SD = 11.98; Female = 69% screening instrument for (PFQ2)
Borderline Personality Disorders
Lamb (2004), UK Cross-sectional N = 30 psychiatric inpatients and outpatients; Mean – Self-harm Inventory (SHI) Internalised Shame Scale (ISS)
age = 37.67 years, SD = 12.4; Female = 86.7%
Lester (1998), US Cross-sectional N = 116 university students; Mean age = 21.9 years, – Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) Shame and Guilt scale
SD = 4.6; Female = 67.2%
Mallindine (2002), UK Cross-sectional N = 21 male inpatients in high secure settings with a N = 15 male inpatients in high secure Information from clinical records Other As Shamer scale (OAS)
NSSI history; Mean age = 31.1 years; SD = 6.99 settings without a history of NSSI; Mean
N = 13 female inpatients in a high secure setting age = 39.8 years; SD = 8.58
with a NSSI history; Mean age = 28.1; SD = 5.33
McLeod (2002), Canada Cross-sectional N = 236 psychology university students; Mean – Suicidal Ideation and Behavior Test of Self-Conscious Affect (TOSCA); Harder
age = 19.2 years, SD = 1.0; Female = 72.4% Questionnaire (SIBQ) The Harder Personal Feelings Questionnaire
(PFQ2); The Domains of Shame Questionnaire
(developed within this research)
Milligan and Andrews (2005), Cross-sectional N = 89 female prisoners; Mean age = 31.8 years, – Impulsive Behavior scale (IBS) Experience of Shame Scale (ESS)
UK SD = 9.37
Nelson and Muehlenkamp Cross-sectional N = 341 university students; Mean age = 20.2 years, – The Deliberate Self-Harm Objectified Body Consciousness Scale (OBCS)
(2012), US SD = 2.0; Female = 82.4% Inventory (DSHI)
Paulsen (2013), US Cross-sectional N = 56 adults survivors of childhood sexual abuse; – Non Suicidal Self Injury Interview Test of Self-Conscious Affect - 3 (TOSCA-3)
Mean age = 41.7 years; SD = 15.0; Female = 34% (NSSII)
Pritchard (2009), Online Cross-sectional N = 54 adults reporting self-harm; Mean – Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory Objectified Body Consciousness Scale (OBCS)
(Canada, UK, US, Australia, age = 21.85 years, SD = 3.58; Female = 66.7% (DSHI)
New Zealand) N = 18 adults reporting eating disorders; Mean
age = 24.28 years, SD = 5.46; Female = 94.4%
N = 106 adults reporting eating disorder and self-
harm; Mean age = 23.0 years, SD = 6.65;
Female = 90.56%
(continued on next page)
Clinical Psychology Review 73 (2019) 101779
Table 1 (continued)

Authors, years & country Design Participant characteristics Comparison group characteristics (if Self-harm measures Shame/guilt measures
K. Sheehy, et al.

Rusch et al. (2007), Germany Cross-sectional N = 60 female inpatients diagnosed with BPD; Mean N = 60 female healthy comparison group; Psychiatric interview Test of Self-Conscious Affect - 3 (TOSCA-3);
age = 27.8 years, SD = 6.9 N = 30 female inpatients Mean age = 26.6, SD = 7.4 The Harder Personal Feelings Questionnaire
with Social Phobia; Mean age = 35.1, SD = 11.9 (PFQ2)
Rutherford (2015), US Cross-sectional N = 126 women from mental health clinics and – Study specific measure of suicidal Experience of Shame Scale (ESS)
hospitals; Mean age = 34 years, SD = 8.4 behaviour
Schaefer (2014), US Cross-sectional N = 511 prison inmates; Mean age = 32.19 years, – Study specific measure of suicidal Test of Self-Conscious Affect for Socially
SD = 10.05; Female = 32% behaviour Deviant populations (TOSCA-SD)
Schoenleber (2013), US Cross-sectional N = 61 female university students; Mean – Inventory of Statements About Test of Self-Conscious Affect - 3 (TOSCA-3)
age = 18.9 years, SD = 0.8 N = 54 women living in Self-Injury (ISAS)
the community; Mean age = 24.8 years, SD = 6.6
Seidlitz, Conwell, Duberstein, Cross-sectional N = 47 inpatients aged over 50 years with N = 38 inpatients aged over 50 years with Study specific measure of suicidal Emotional traits assessed via NEO Personality
Cox, and Denning (2001), depression and a history of suicide attempts; Mean depression and no history of suicide behaviour Inventory - Revised (NEO-PI-R)
US age = 59.5 years, SD = 8.3; Female = 60% attempts; Mean age = 62.9 years,
SD = 10.3; Female = 55%
Taylor, Jomar, et al. (2018), UK Cross-sectional N = 51 adults who report having engaged in NSSI in N = 110 university students with no history Self-Injurious Thoughts and Experience of Shame Scale (ESS)
the past year; 96% aged under 30 years; of NSSI; 100% aged under 30 years; Behavior Interview (SITBI)
Female = 80% N = 44 adults with a history of NSSI, Female = 86%
but no NSSI in the past year; 94% aged under
30 years; Female = 98%
Todd (2002), UK Cross-sectional N = 73, male prisoners; Mean age; 30.88 years, – Study specific measure of NSSI Test of Self-Conscious Affect for Socially
SD = 7.08 Deviant populations (TOSCA-SD); Other As
Shamer scale (OAS)
VanDerhei et al. (2014), US Cross-sectional N = 378 university students; Mean – Inventory of Statements About Test of Self-Conscious Affect - 3 (TOSCA-3)
age = 20.84 years, SD = 4.7; Female = 71% Self-Injury (ISAS)
Weingarden, Renshaw, Cross-sectional N = 114 adults with Body Dysmorphic Disorder; N = 133 health adult controls; Mean Suicide Behaviours Questionnaire Test of Self-Conscious Affect - 4 (TOSCA-4)

Wilhelm, Tangney, and Mean age = 30.22 years, SD = 10.86; age = 36.44 years, SD = 13.28; - Revised (SBQ-R)
DiMauro (2016), US Female = 92% N = 114 adults with Obsessive Female = 76%
Compulsive Disorder; Mean age = 30.60 years,
SD = 10.66; Female = 86%
Wiklander et al. (2012), Sweden Cross-sectional N = 337 psychiatric outpatients N = 108 patients N = 161 healthy controls; Mean Montgomery Åsberg Depression Test of Self-Conscious Affect (TOSCA)
with a BPD diagnosis and history of attempted age = 44.6 years, SD = 7.7; Female = 63% Rating Scale (MADRS-S)
suicide; Mean age = 29.9 years, SD = 8.0;
Female = 97% N = 67 patients without a BPD
diagnosis and history of attempted suicide; Mean
age = 34.8 years, SD = 12.4; Female = 67%
N = 162 patients without a history of attempted
suicide; Mean age = 45.3 years, SD = 8.9;
Female = 72%
Xavier, Pinto Gouveia, and Cross-sectional N = 782 Middle and secondary school children; – Risk Taking and Self Harm Other As Shamer scale – 2, Portuguese version
Cunha (2016), Portugal Mean age = 14.9 years; SD = 1.8 Female = 52.8% Inventory for Adolescents - (OAS-2)
Portuguese Version (RTSHIA)

BDI (Beck, Ward, Mendelson, Mock, & Erbaugh, 1961) = Beck Depression Inventory; DSHI (Gratz, 2001) = Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory; HIDS (Ross & Heath, 2002) = How I Deal with Stress Questionnaire; HQ
(Resnick & Weaver, 1994) = Habit Questionnaire for self-injurious behaviour; IBS (Rossotto, Yager, & Rorty, 1994) = Impulsive Behavior Scale; ISAS (Klonsky & Glenn, 2009) = Inventory of Statements About Self-
injury; MADRS-S (Svanborg & Asberg, 2001) = Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale; MSI-BPD (Zanarini et al., 2003) = Mclean Screening Instrument for BPD; PAI (Morey, 1991) = Personality Assessment
Inventory; RTSHIA (Portuguese version: Xavier, Cunha, Pinto-Gouveia, & Paiva, 2013) = The Risk-Taking and Self-Harm Inventory for Adolescents Portuguese Version; SASII (Linehan, Comtois, Brown, Heard, & Wagner,
2006) = Suicide Attempt Self-Injury Interview; SBQ-R (Osman et al., 2001) = Suicidal Behavior Questionnaire Revised; SHI (Sansone & Sansone, 2010) = Self-harm Inventory; SIBQ (Johns & Holden, 1997) = Self-
Injurious Behaviour Questionnaire; SIQ (Reynolds, 1987) = Suicide Ideation Questionnaire; SITB (Nock, Holmberg, Photos, & Michel, 2007) = Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behavior Interview. ESS (Andrews et al.,
2002) = Experiences of Shame Scale; ISS (Cook, 1994) = Internalised Shame Scale; NEO-PI-R (Costa & McCrae, 1985) = the Revised NEO Personality Inventory; OAS (Goss, Gilbert, & Allan, 1994) = The Other as
Shamer Scale; OAS-2 (Matos, Pinto-Gouveia, Gilbert, Duarte, & Figueiredo, 2015) = The Other as Shamer Scale-2 Portugese Version; OBCS (McKinley & Hyde, 1996) = Objectified Body Consciousness Scale; OBCS-Y
(Lindberg, Hyde, & McKinley, 2006) = Objectified Body Consciousness Scale – Youth; PFQ-2 (Harder & Zalma, 1990) = the Harder Personal Feelings Questionnaire; SVQ (Brown et al., unpublished) = Shame Variability
Questionnaire; TOSCA (Tangney et al., 1989) = Test of Self-Conscious Affect; TOSCA-3 (Tangney, Dearing, Wagner, & Gramzow, 2000) = Test of Self-Conscious Affect 3; TOSCA-SD (Hanson & Tangney, 1996) = Test of
Self-Conscious Affect Socially Deviant; TOSCA-4 (Tangney et al., 2008) = Test of Self-Conscious Affect 4.
Clinical Psychology Review 73 (2019) 101779
K. Sheehy, et al.

Table 2
Risk of bias assessment.
Authors Unbiased Selection minimizes Sample size Validated method for Validated methods Validated Blind outcome Adequate Adequate Appropriate
cohort baseline differences in calculated ascertaining clinical status for assessing methods for assessment follow-up handling of analytic methods
selection demographic factors or participant group shame/guilt assessing self- period missing data

Brown et al. (2009) Unclear N/A No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
Bryan, Morrow, et al. Yes N/A No Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes
Donhauser (2007) Partial N/A Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes Yes
Duggan et al. (2015) Yes Yes No Yes Yes Partial No Yes Yes Yes
Erchull et al. (2013) No N/A No N/A Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes No
Fieldman (1989) Yes N/A No Yes Partial Yes No N/A Unclear Yes
Gandy (2013) Partial N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes
Etzel (2004) Partial N/A No No Yes Yes No N/A Unclear Yes
Izadi (2014) Partial N/A No Yes Yes Yes No N/A Yes Yes
Kealy et al. (unpub.) Yes N/A No Yes Yes No No N/A Yes Yes
Kealy et al. (2017) No N/A No Yes Yes Yes No N/A Yes Yes
Lamb (2004) No N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/A Yes Yes
Lester (1998) No N/A No N/A Yes Unclear No N/A Unclear Unclear

Mallindine (2002) Unclear Yes No Yes Yes No No N/A Yes Yes
McLeod (2002) No N/A No N/A Yes Yes Partial N/A Yes Yes
Milligan and Andrews No N/A No Yes Yes Partial No N/A Yes Yes
Nelson & Muehlenkamp No N/A No N/A Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes
et al. (2012)
Paulsen (2013) Partial N/A No Yes Yes Partial Yes N/A Yes Yes
Pritchard (2009) No N/A No Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes
Rusch et al. (2007) Unclear N/A No Yes Yes No No N/A Yes Yes
Rutherford (2015) Partial N/A Yes N/A Yes No Yes N/A Yes Yes
Schaefer (2014) Yes N/A No Yes Yes Partial Partial N/A Unclear Yes
Schoenleber (2013) Partial N/A No Yes Yes Yes No N/A Yes Yes
Seidlitz et al. (2001) Yes N/A No Yes Yes No No N/A Unclear Yes
Taylor, Jomar, et al. No N/A No Yes Yes Yes No N/A Yes Yes
Todd (2002) Partial Yes No Yes Yes No No N/A Yes Yes
VanDerhei et al. (2014) No N/A No N/A Yes Yes No N/A Yes Yes
Weingarden et al. (2016) No N/A No Yes Yes No Yes N/A Yes Yes
Wiklander et al. (2012) Unclear No No Yes Yes No No NA Yes Yes
Xavier et al. (2016) Unclear N/A No N/A Yes Partial Yes N/A Yes Partial

N/A = Not Applicable.

Clinical Psychology Review 73 (2019) 101779
K. Sheehy, et al. Clinical Psychology Review 73 (2019) 101779

Table 3
Summary of bivariate associations between Shame or Guilt variables and self-harm.
Shame or guilt variable Outcome N/K Association I2

Shame proneness NSSI frequency 488/4 r = 0.25 (95% CI: 0.08, 0.40) 48%
NSSI history (binary) 493/3 d = 0.42 (95% CI: 0.24, 0.60) 0%
Suicide attempt history (binary) 1306/4 d = 0.36 (95% CI: 0.05, 0.66) 80%
Body shame NSSI frequency 239/2 r = 0.07 (95% CI:. -30, 0.42) 85%
NSSI history (binary)⁎ 826/5 d = 1.61 (95% CI: −0.32, 3.55) 99%
Suicide attempt frequency 119/1 r = 0.27 (95% CI: 0.10, 0.43) NA
Self-harm history (binary) 89/1 d = 1.24 (95% CI: 0.78, 1.70) NA
External shame NSSI frequency 782/1 r = 0.39 (95% CI: 0.33, 0.45) NA
NSSI history (binary) 105/2 d = 0.51 (95% CI: 0.12, 0.90) 0%
Characterological or internal shame NSSI frequency 62/1 r = 0.33 (95% CI: 0.09, 0.54) NA
NSSI history (binary) 205/1 d = 1.71 (95% CI: 1.39, 2.03) NA
Suicide attempt frequency 119/1 r = 0.27 (95% CI: 0.10, 0.43) NA
Self-harm history (binary) 119/2 d = 0.39 (95% CI: 0.02, 0.77) 0%
Self-harm frequency 20/1 r = −0.38 (95% CI: −0.70, 0.08) NA
State shame Suicide attempt history (binary) 278/3 d = 0.58 (95% CI: −0.12, 1.27) 74%
Self-harm history (binary) 137/1 d = 0.37 (95% CI: 0.03, 0.70) NA
Performance, appearance and relationship related shame Suicide attempt frequency 236/1 r = 0.20–0.26 (95% CI: 0.07, 0.38) NA
Guilt proneness NSSI frequency 386/2 r = −0.01 (95% CI: −0.11, 0.09) 0%
NSSI history (binary) 360/1 r = −0.07 (95% CI: −0.17, 0.03) NA
Suicide attempt history (binary) 1335/5 d = 0.12 (95% CI: −0.08, 0.32) 51%
State guilt Suicide attempt history (binary) 363/4 d = 0.59 (95% CI: 0.25, 0.93) 33%
Self-harm history (binary) 137/1 d = 0.47 (95% CI: 0.13, 0.81) NA

Note: NSSI = non-suicidal self-injury; K refers to independent samples rather than studies; Meta-analysis undertaken where two or more studies available. Effects in
bold are significant at p < .05; * Included one study with unusually large effect size. Exclusion of this study result in d = 0.35 (−0.10, 0.79), I2 = 81%.

reported external shame was lower than is typically seen in the general it is notable that smaller effects were apparent for one study focused on
population, though it is unclear whether this reflects a response bias or women with a borderline personality disorder (BPD) diagnosis (Rusch
a characteristic of the population (Mallindine, 2002). When all studies et al., 2007). It is possible that because experiences of shame are al-
investigating the relationship between shame (irrespective of subtype) ready elevated in those diagnosed with BPD (Rizvi, Brown, Bohus, &
and NSSI history were included together in a meta-analysis (k = 10), a Linehan, 2011) the subsequent association with suicidal behaviour is
large association was identified, d = 1.09 (0.17, 2.01), I2 = 98%, but attenuated. Two studies also found associations between shame and
this reduced to a more moderate effect when the one study with unu- suicide attempt frequency, reporting small but significant positive
sually small standard deviations (Nelson & Muehlenkamp, 2012) was correlations with shame related to character, body, performance, ap-
excluded, d = 0.47 (0.17, 0.78), I2 = 82%, and with REML estimation, pearance and relationships (McLeod, 2002; Rutherford, 2015). When
d = 0.48 (0.20, 0.76). all studies investigating the relationship between shame (irrespective of
There were also small to moderate positive associations between subtype) and suicidal behaviour were included together in a meta-
NSSI frequency and shame proneness, external shame and character- analysis (k = 8), a moderate association was identified, d = 0.49 (0.27,
ological shame. However, again, there was no significant relationship 0.70), I2 = 70%, and with REML estimation, d = 0.48 (0.28, 0.69).
with body shame based on a meta-analysis of two studies (Etzel, 2004; Overall, there is evidence of a small relationship between some forms of
Pritchard, 2009). When all studies investigating the relationship be- shame and suicidal behaviour, but this evidence is limited, and further
tween shame (irrespective of subtype) and NSSI frequency were in- confirmation is required.
cluded together in a meta-analysis (k = 7), a moderate association was State guilt, but not guilt proneness, was also elevated in those with a
identified, r = 0.24 (0.06, 0.40), I2 = 88%, and with REML estimation, history of suicide attempts compared to those without (See Table 3).
r = 0.24 (0.07, 0.39). In summary, there is evidence that shame (with When all studies investigating the relationship between guilt (irre-
the possible exception of body shame) is elevated in those with a history spective of subtype) and suicidal behaviour were included together in a
of NSSI, and to a lesser extent, associated with the frequency of NSSI. meta-analysis (k = 8), a small association was identified, d = 0.29
This was apparent across a range of populations including university (0.06, 0.51), I2 = 67%, and with REML estimation, d = 0.32 (0.06,
and high school students, survivors of sexual abuse and domestic vio- 0.60).
lence, inpatients, adults with experiences of NSSI, and people in prison.
However, most studies relied on small samples (k = 7 with n 〈100) and
many shame subtypes were investigated by only one or two studies, 3.5. Association between shame, guilt and self-harm
making these findings preliminary.
In contrast to shame, only two studies of undergraduate students A subset of three studies measured self-harm, rather than NSSI or
examined the relationship between guilt and NSSI. Guilt proneness was suicidal behaviour more specifically (Kealy, 2019; Lamb, 2004;
not related to either NSSI history or frequency (Schoenleber, 2013; Milligan & Andrews, 2005). Two out of three studies reported sig-
VanDerhei, Rojahn, Stuewig, & McKnight, 2014). nificantly greater levels of shame in those with a history of self-harm
than those without (see Table 3). Shame was not significantly corre-
3.4. Association between shame, guilt and suicidal behaviour lated with self-harm frequency in one study of psychiatric outpatients
(Lamb, 2004), and the direction of the trend was actually negative
Shame proneness was elevated in participants with a history of (greater guilt related to less frequent self-harm), though the sample was
suicide attempts compared to those without, but not state shame (see very small (n = 20) increasing the risk of unusual and unrepresentative
Table 3). These two meta-analyses demonstrated high inconsistency, results. Unpublished data also indicated elevated state guilt in psy-
suggesting that effect sizes are moderated by other factors. The number chiatric outpatients with a history of self-harm (Kealy, 2019).
of studies contributing to these meta-analyses were too low to warrant
statistical testing of moderating variables (Higgins & Green, 2009), but

K. Sheehy, et al. Clinical Psychology Review 73 (2019) 101779

3.6. Adjusted associations There was also evidence that shame had a positive association with
both suicidal behaviour and self-harm (where measured as a general
The association between shame and NSSI (frequency or history) construct), but studies were fewer and results more varied. In contrast,
remained significant even after adjusting for guilt in most analyses (5 results were mixed regarding the association between guilt and self-
out of 6). In a sample of undergraduate students, appearance-related harm (including NSSI and suicidal behaviour). Guilt proneness did not
shame emerged as the only significant correlate of suicide attempt appear to be associated with NSSI or suicidal behaviour, but state guilt
history (OR = 1.04) when adjusting for shame and guilt proneness, was associated with suicide attempt history across four studies. Whilst
relationships, and performance related shame (McLeod, 2002). How- shame appears linked to self-harm, the lack of longitudinal studies
ever, another study of individuals with a history of suicidal thoughts limits conclusions about the direction or temporal characteristics of
found no significant relationship between shame proneness and suicidal these associations. The two longitudinal studies identified suggested
behaviour when adjusting for guilt proneness (r = 0.20; Izadi, 2014). It that feelings of shame may contribute to the risk of NSSI over time.
is unclear if the form of correlation used in this study is suitable for a The results are largely consistent with wider research, where shame
binary outcome like suicide attempt history (i.e. point-biserial or tet- has been found to be positively associated with a wide range of mental
rachoric). Across two studies, shame remained significantly positively health difficulties, whilst results regarding guilt have been more am-
associated with NSSI whilst adjusting for negative affect (alongside biguous (Blythin et al., 2018; Carden et al., 2018; Kim et al., 2011; Pugh
guilt-proness; OR = 2.12; Schoenleber, 2013) or internalizing symp- et al., 2015). This review did exclude some more specific forms of guilt,
toms (alongside guilt proneness and demographic information; however, including trauma-related guilt, which may have more of a
OR = 1.37, 95% CI: 1.05–1.78; VanDerhei et al., 2014). A single study pronounced relationship with mental health difficulties (Pugh et al.,
found that both guilt and shame were not correlated with suicidal be- 2015). The decision to exclude these experiences was taken in light of
haviour whilst adjusting for depressive symptoms (Lester, 1998). As their distinct phenomenology, and the potential confounding effects of
before, it was not clear if appropriate correlation coefficients were used event-specific factors. For example, there is evidence the type of trauma
given the binary outcome. can moderate the relationship between guilt and suicidal thinking
Guilt proneness did not have a significant bivariate association with (Bryan, Ray-Sannerud, Morrow, & Etienne, 2013). It was therefore
NSSI history. This association remained non-significant when adjusting anticipated that the inclusion of such studies would blur the relation-
for shame proneness in one study (Schoenleber, 2013), and a negative ships between key variables and impact upon the generalisability of
association with NSSI history emerged in another study (OR = 0.76, findings. Overall, guilt has received less research attention than shame,
95% CI: 0.62–0.94), whereby greater guilt proneness was related to a and so we would recommend researchers study shame and guilt in
lower risk of NSSI when adjusting for shame proneness (VanDerhei tandem where possible to further establish any differential associations
et al., 2014). Guilt proneness was also not associated with NSSI when with mental health difficulties.
adjusting for negative affect (alongside shame proneness; OR = 0.69, The results indicate that elevated experiences of shame are asso-
p = .17; Schoenleber, 2013). ciated with self-harm behaviour. As the data are observational and
correlational it is not possible to conclude that feelings of shame ac-
3.7. Longitudinal associations tively drive or maintain self-harm. These data are consistent with
emotion-regulation orientated models of self-harm, which view self-
Only two studies adopted longitudinal methodologies. Duggan et al. harm as a potential response to aversive affective states like shame
(2015) investigated body shame over one year in high school students. (Chapman et al., 2006; Hasking et al., 2017; Nock, 2009), and with
They found that shame did not distinguish between those with an NSSI people's self-reported reasons for self-harm, that most commonly con-
history who had not maintained this behaviour compared to controls cern managing negative internal states including shame (Breen, Lewis,
with no history of NSSI. In contrast, shame remained elevated in those & Sutherland, 2013; Curtis, 2016; Taylor, Jomar, et al., 2018). None-
who continued to engage in NSSI relative to the control participants. theless, experiences of shame could also be a consequence of self-harm
Brown and colleagues (Brown, Linehan, Comtois, Murray, & Chapman, (e.g. self-injury scar-related shame; Bachtelle & Pepper, 2015), or an
2009) followed up a small sample of women diagnosed with BPD. epiphenomenon related to other processes that drive self-harm. Quali-
Higher state shame, assessed using items from the PFQ-2, was asso- tative research highlights how shame may both be an antecedent and
ciated with almost twice the risk of subsequent NSSI (relative risk consequence of self-harm (Curtis, 2016). It is also important to re-
ratio = 1.88, 95% CI: 1.04–3.38) within a survival analysis. This as- cognise that the functions of self-harm vary widely (Taylor, Jomar,
sociation did not remain significant when adjusting for feelings of fear. et al., 2018) and that different emotions may play a greater or lesser
Non-verbal indicators of shame (rated based on video recorded inter- role for different people. Theory suggests that shame may be particu-
views) were associated with NSSI occurrence in non-adjusted analyses larly relevant because it is inherently aversive and closely tied to how
(relative risk ratio = 1.99, 95% CI: 1.07–3.69), and remained sig- individuals perceive and relate to themselves. Self-harm may emerge as
nificant when fear and sadness were also adjusted for (relative risk a means of regulating these self-directed feelings. There is evidence that
ratio = 1.86, p < .05). greater endorsement of shame-regulation reasons for NSSI (i.e. reducing
shame) is associated with greater NSSI frequency (Schoenleber, 2013;
4. Discussion Schoenleber & Berenbaum, 2012). These results are also consistent with
evidence that a more hostile or critical style of relating to oneself is a
The aim of the current study was to provide a systematic review and risk factor for some forms of self-harm (Forrester, Slater, Jomar,
meta-analysis of the available literature regarding self-harm and its Mitzman, & Taylor, 2017).
relationships with shame and guilt. Thirty papers were identified for In summary, this review highlights that shame and self-harm are
inclusion. Individuals with a history of NSSI typically reported greater linked, but caution should be taken in making further conclusions at
shame across a range of different populations and shame sub-types, this stage. Future research may benefit from moving beyond cross-
compared to those without a history of NSSI. Body shame was an ex- sectional designs to better understand this relationship. Whilst causality
ception, where evidence of an association was less clear and varied cannot be ascertained within observational data, further evidence of
more dramatically between studies. Shame was also positively corre- temporality (i.e. that shifts in shame or guilt preceded subsequent
lated with frequency of NSSI engagement. Effect sizes were typically changes in self-harm behaviour over time) would support a stronger
small to moderate according to Cohen's rules of thumb (Cohen, 1988). case for a potentially causative relationship. Research methodologies
These associations between shame and NSSI typically held whilst ad- that enable a more fine-grained investigation of how individuals re-
justing for co-occurring feelings of guilt and mood-related symptoms. spond to experiences of shame in the moment, such as experience

K. Sheehy, et al. Clinical Psychology Review 73 (2019) 101779

sampling methodologies, could also be beneficial (Pratt & Taylor, Therapy (Rizvi et al., 2011), or focus on self-directed feelings and re-
2019). lating, such as Cognitive Analytic Therapy (Sheard et al., 2000), may
The review identified a number of methodological issues that were also be helpful. Given the heterogeneity in the triggers, functions and
apparent in the extant literature. These include the variety of measures forms of self-harm (Klonsky & Muehlenkamp, 2007; Taylor, McDonald,
used to assess key constructs, namely shame. It is unclear the extent to Smith, Nicholson, & Forrester, 2019), a personalised approach,
which many of these measures tap meaningfully distinct constructs. adopting shame-focused interventions where this appears to be part of
Due to this uncertainty we did not plan to combine different types of the mechanism underlying that individual's self-harm, is likely to be
guilt or shame into common meta-analyses. This heterogeneity of better than a one-size-fits-all approach. At a societal level, recognition
measures limits the extent to which comparisons between studies can of and support for groups where experiences of shame and self-harm are
be made and is problematic for summarising effects. It is suggested that elevated, such as those in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender
researchers within this field would benefit from adopting a common set (LGBT) community may be beneficial (McDermott, Roen, & Scourfield,
of measures across studies. This would facilitate comparisons regarding 2008; Taylor, Dhingra, Dickson, & McDermott, 2018a). Campaigns and
the severity and impact of guilt and shame across studies and popula- programmes designed to reduce the stigma and shame may help in
tion groups. these instances.
A further issue relates to the cultural sensitivity of the shame This review summarises the extant literature concerning shame,
measures utilised within the reviewed studies. Cultural differences in guilt and self-harm. We provide a preliminary indication of the direc-
both the precipitants to and manifestations of shame have been high- tion and magnitude of the association between these emotions (and
lighted, underscoring the potential role of cultural expectations in the their subtypes) and self-harm. We also highlight key gaps in the lit-
experience of shame (Abu-Kaf & Priel, 2008; Brown, 2006). However, erature and future directions, including the need for longitudinal de-
most measures used within reviewed literature were both developed for signs and larger-scale replications of earlier studies adopting the same
and tested within predominantly western, individualist cultures. As a measures and populations.
result, the extent to which these measures can be considered both
sensitive and generalizable to a range of cultures is limited. Role of funding source
The use of meta-analysis provided a means of summarising the size
and strength of the association between shame or guilt and self-harm. Funding supporting this study was provided by Medical Research
Whilst this approach has advantages over simple “vote-counting” of Council (MR/N006062/1). The MRC had no role in the study design,
significant effects (taking into account the size of studies and the degree collection, analysis or interpretation of the data, writing the manu-
of heterogeneity), limitations should also be noted. The meta-analyses, script, or the decision to submit the paper for publication.
especially those focused on emotion subtypes (i.e. body-related shame,
external shame, etc.) included small numbers of studies, and as such Contributors
lack precision. Moreover, in many cases high inconsistency was present,
but there were not enough studies available to examine possible mod- Dr. Sheehy was involved in conceptualisation, design and planning
erators that may explain this. We also conducted larger meta-analyses of the review (including protocol development), literature searches and
by grouping emotion subtypes together, but it should be noted that screening, data extraction, synthesis and evaluation, and write-up. Dr.
these may also obscure important differences between subtypes (e.g. Dhingra, Ms. Noureen and Ms. Khaliq were involved in screening, data
body-related shame had a weaker association with NSSI). Overall, these extraction, quality checking, evaluation and write-up. Dr. Pontin and
results should therefore be interpreted with caution. Whilst they ar- Prof. Husain were involved in supervision, planning, and write-up. Dr.
guably provide a starting estimate of the size of the bivariate associa- Cawley was involved in conceptualisation, planning and evaluation. Dr.
tion between these constructs, additional studies would help further Taylor was involved in project management, supervision, con-
confirm these associations. Larger-scale replications of earlier studies ceptualisation, design and planning of the review, literature searches
adopting the same measures and populations would be particularly and screening, data extraction, synthesis and evaluation, and write-up.
beneficial given the current diversity in both populations and measures
used. Declaration of Competing Interest
This review is also limited by the exclusion of non-English language
research. The current review also focussed solely on quantitative re- None.
search. A review of the qualitative research concerning shame and self-
harm may shed further light on the potential mechanisms underlying Acknowledgments
this relationship. Many studies used correlation coefficients to capture
the relationship with self-harm frequency. For this reason, the corre- We would like to acknowledge those authors who supported this
lation coefficient was typically used as the metric within our meta- review by providing additional information and data. These include
analyses. However, in many cases self-harm frequency may be better Craig Bryan, David Kealy, Hilary Weingarden, Nicolas Rüesch, and
represented as a count variable, with a Poisson or negative binominal Maria Wiklander.
distribution. In such cases correlation coefficients may not capture as-
sociations as well, introducing more error. Whilst it was beyond the Appendix A. Supplementary data
scope of this review to focus on suicidal ideation as well as behaviour,
there may be benefits to also reviewing this literature, particularly Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
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Manchester. His research focuses on understanding the psychosocial mechanisms that
underpin self-harm, and developing new interventions to better support those who
Kate Sheehy is a clinical psychologist working within the NHS within the UK. Her PhD
struggle with self-harm. He also undertakes research into psychosis.
and subsequent research has focused on suicide and self-harm.


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