An Overview of Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt: International Journal of Physical Sciences September 2011
An Overview of Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt: International Journal of Physical Sciences September 2011
An Overview of Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt: International Journal of Physical Sciences September 2011
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4 authors, including:
Mahrez Abdelaziz
University of Malaya
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Roadways are considered one of the most important elements of infrastructure and they play an
essential role in our daily lives. In road pavement construction, the use of crumb rubber in the
modification of bitumen binder is considered as a smart solution for sustainable development by
reusing waste materials. It is believed that crumb rubber modifier (CRM) could be one of the alternative
polymer materials in improving bitumen binder performance properties of hot mix asphalt. This study
aims to present and discuss the findings from some of the studies, on the use of crumb rubber in
asphalt pavement.
Key words: Rubberised bitumen, crumb rubber modifier, rheology, rutting, fatigue cracking.
Over the years, road structures have deteriorated more service, these tyres are not discarded. Although, the
rapidly due to increases in service traffic density, axle rubber as a polymer is a thermosetting material cross
loading and low maintenance services. To minimise the linked to processing and moulding, however, it cannot be
damage of pavement surface and increase durability of softened or remoulded by re-heating unlike other types of
flexible pavement, the conventional bitumen needs to be thermoplastics polymer which can be softened and
improved with regards to performance related properties, reshaped when heated. The major approach to solve this
such as resistance to permanent deformation (rutting) issue is the recycle and reuse of waste tyre rubber and
and fatigue cracking. The modification of bituminous the reclaim of rubber raw materials (Adhilkarri et al.,
binder has been explored over the past years in order to 2000). In recent years, researches on applications of
improve road pavement performance properties. rubberised bitumen binders have reported many advent-
There are many modification processes and additives ages. These advantages include improved bitumen
that are currently used in bitumen modifications, such as resistance to rutting due to high viscosity, high softening
styrene butadiene styrene (SBS), styrene-butadiene point and better resilience, improved bitumen resistance
rubber (SBR), ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) and crumb to surface initiated cracks, the reduction of fatigue/
rubber modifier (CRM). The use of commercial polymers, reflection cracking, the reduction of temperature suscepti-
such as SBS and SBR in road and pavement con- bility, improved durability as well as the reduction in road
struction will increase the construction cost as they are pavement maintenance costs (Liu et al., 2009).
highly expensive materials. However, with the use of
alternative materials, such as CRM, will definitely be
environmentally beneficial, and not only it can improve HISTORY OF USING CRUMB RUBBER AS A
the bitumen binder properties and durability, but it also MODIFIER IN BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT
has a potential to be cost effective (Hamed, 2010).
In recent times, a serious problem that leads to The earliest experiments date back to the 1840s, which
environment pollution is the abundance and the increase involved incorporating natural rubber into bitumen to
of waste tyre disposal. Large amounts of rubbers are increase its engineering performance properties. The
used as tyres for cars and trucks. Despite the long run in process of bitumen modification involving natural and
synthetic rubber was introduced as early as 1843
(Thompson, 1979). Then, in 1923, natural and synthetic
rubber modifications in bitumen were further improved
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: (Isacsson and Lu 1999; Yildrim, 2007). According to the
+603-79675339. Fax: +603-79552182. study of Yildrim (2007), the development of rubber-bitumen
Mashaan et al. 167
materials being used as joint sealers, patches and grinding process method (Huang et al., 2007; Airey et al.,
membranes began in the late 1930s. In 1950, the use of 2003; Jeong et al., 2010). It observed that during the
scrap tyre in asphalt pavement was reported (Hanson et bitumen-rubber blending, due to higher stiffness and
al., 1994). tensile strength at elevated temperatures, the mixture
In 1960, Charlie Mac Donald working as head material had decreased rutting capability (Palit et al., 2004). The
engineer in Phoenix, Arizona, used ground tyre rubber as design method for conventional bitumen mixture can be
an additive in bitumen binder modification. He found that used for bitumen-rubber mixture as the mix stability being
after completing the mixing of crumb rubber with the the primary factor. Also, standard paving machinery can
conventional bitumen and allowing it to blend for mix be used for placement of bitumen-rubber mixture.
duration of 45 to 60 min, there were new material However, a pneumatic tyre roller is not suitable as
properties produced, which resulted in swelling in the size asphalt rubber will stick onto the roller tyres (Huang et al.,
of the rubber particles at higher temperatures allowing for 2007). Rubber pavement association found that using
higher concentrations of liquid bitumen contents in tyre rubber in open-graded mixture binder could decrease
pavement mixes (Huffman, 1980). In the mid-1980s, the tyre noise by approximately 50%. In addition, in spray
Europeans began the development of newer polymers applications, rubber particles of multiple sizes had a
and additives for use in bitumen binder modification better sound absorbing. Moreover, another advantage of
(Brule, 1996). In recent years, the use of crumb rubber using asphalt rubber is to increase the life-span of the
has gained interest in pavement modification and has pavement. However, recommendations were made to
shown that crumb tyre rubber can improve the bitumen assess the cost effectiveness of asphalt rubber (Huang et
performance properties (Brown et al., 1997). al., 2007).
(1981) concluded from his study, that the elastic recovery BITUMEN - RUBBER BLENDS INTERACTION AND
of rubberised bitumen binders leads to an increase as the ABSORPTION
rubber particle size decreases. Modified bitumen binders
showed a significant enhancement on the elastic Modified bitumen using crumb rubber showed an
recovery, and, in contrast, the ductility decreased with improvement in the performance of pavements over the
respect to unmodified binders (Mashaan et al., 2011a, b). base binders as a result of the interaction of crumb
rubber with base binders. Due to this interaction, there
are noticeable changes in the viscosity, physical and
Ductility properties rheological properties of the rubberised bitumen binder
(Airey et al., 2003; Bahia and Davies, 1995), leading to
The ductility is a distinct strength of bitumen, allowing it to high resistance of rutting of pavements (Huang et al., 2007).
undergo notable deformation or elongation. The ductility From the aforementioned review of literature, the
is defined as the distance in centimetre, to which a primary mechanism of the interaction is swelling of the
standard sample or briquette of the material will be rubber particles caused by the absorption of light
elongated without breaking. fractions into these particles and stiffening of the residual
The studies of Mashaan et al. (2011a, b) concluded binder phase (Abedlrahman and Carpenter, 1999; Airey
that finer rubber particles resulted in higher ductility et al., 2003). The rubber particles are constricted in their
elongation and also, that toughness would increase as movement into the binder matrix to move about due to
rubber content increases. A combined effect of both time the swelling process which limits the free space between
and temperature was noted with minimum elastic the rubber particles. Compared to the coarser particles,
recovery value improved at maximum time and maximum the finer particles swell easily thus, developing higher
temperature of two hours and 240°C, respectively binder modification (Abedlrahman and Carpenter, 1999).
(Jensen and Abdelrahman, 2006). The bitumen-rubber The swelling capacity of rubber particle is linked to the
modification resulted in a better rutting resistance and penetration grade of the binder, crude source and the
higher ductility. However, the modified binder was nature of the crumb rubber modifier (Airey et al., 2003).
susceptible to decomposition and oxygen absorption. According to the study of Shen et al. (2009), the factors
There were problems of low compatibility, because of the which affect the digestion process of the bitumen and
high molecular weight. Furthermore, the recycled tyre rubbers blends are rubber content, rubber size, binder
rubber decreases reflective cracking, which in turn viscosity and blending conditions.
increases durability. In using waste tyre rubber, there are
however, several practical and experimental issues, such
Rubber content
as it requires an elevated composite of temperatures and
extended digestion time during the mixing process for it According to a study conducted by Lee et al. (2008), the
to be diffused in the bitumen (Yildrim, 2007). higher crumb rubber content produced increased
viscosity at 135°C and improved the rutting properties. It
was also observed that the increased crumb rubber
Viscosity and softening point properties
amount (fine crumb rubber) produced rubberised bitumen
with higher viscosity and lower resilience. However,
The viscosity refers to the fluid property of the bitumen,
optimum crumb rubber content still needs to be deter-
and it is a gauge of flow-resistance. At the application
mined for each crumb rubber size and asphalt binder. It is
temperature, viscosity greatly influences the potential of
believed that a physicochemical interaction that occurs
the resulting paving mixes. During compaction or mixing,
between the asphalt and the crumb rubber alters the
the low or high viscosity has been observed to result in
effective size and physical properties of the rubber
lower stability values. The softening point refers to the
particle, thus influencing pavement performance (Huang
temperature at which the bitumen attains a particular
et al., 2007).
degree of softening. The use of crumb rubber in bitumen
Becker et al. (2001) claimed that blend properties will
modification leads to an increase in the softening point
be influenced by the amount of crumb rubber added to
and viscosity as rubber crumb content increases
the bitumen. Higher amounts indicated significant
(Mahrez, 1999; Mashaan et al., 2011a). Mahrez and
changes in the blend properties. As rubber content gene-
Rehan (2003) claimed that there is a consistent relation-
rally increases, it leads to increased viscosity, increased
ship between viscosity and softening point at different
resilience, increased softening point and decreases
aging phases of rubberised bitumen binder.
penetration at 25°C.
Also, it is reported that the higher crumb rubber content
leads to higher viscosity and softening point. The
viscosity is a continuously increasing non linear function Rubber particle size
of rubber content and the relative increase is a factor
related to the application of temperature (Bahia and The study of Souza and Weissman (1994) using a binder
Davies, 1995). with 15% rubber content (size of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 mm) in
Mashaan et al. 169
Rutting defined as longitudinal depression in wheel paths This review study presented the application of crumb
170 Int. J. Phys. Sci.
rubber modifier in the asphalt modification of flexible Liu S, Cao W, Fang J, Shang S (2009). Variance analysis and
performance evaluation of different crumb rubber modified (CRM)
pavement. From the results of previous studies, it aspires
asphalt. Construct. Build. Mater., 23: 2701-2708.
to consider crumb rubber modifier in hot mix asphalt to McGennis RB (1995). Evaluation of physical properties of fine crumb
improve resistance to rutting and produce pavements rubber – modified asphalt binder. Transportation Research Record: J.
with better durability by minimising the distresses caused Transport. Res. Board, 1488: 62-71.
in hot mix asphalt pavement. Hence, road users would be Mahrez A (1999). Properties of rubberised bitumen binder and its effect
on the bituminous mix. M.Sc. Dissertation, Faculty of Engineering,
ensured of safer and smoother roads. Furthermore, the University of Malaya, Malaysia.
use of crumb rubber modifier as an additive in bitumen Mahrez A, Rehan M (2003). Rheological evaluation of aging properties
modified binder would reduce pollution problems and of crumb rubber-modified bitumen. Journal of the Eastern Asia
Society for Transportation Studied, 5: 820-833.
protect our environment as well.
Mashaan NS, Ali AH, Karim MR, Mahrez A (2011a). Effect of crumb
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