1 2 2011 Web Calendar
1 2 2011 Web Calendar
1 2 2011 Web Calendar
ALL: Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come THURSDAY, JANUARY 6TH
Leader: Pour out your Holy Spirit on us gathered here,…
Through your Son Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit in your
holy Church, all honor and glory is yours, almighty Father, God’s Tithes and Our Gifts
now and for ever.
Christmas Eve
Attendance 46
ALL: Amen. Regular Budget. 500.00
Designated Giving 0.00
Total Giving 500.00
Special Offering
For those who would like to contribute to the United
Methodist Student Day Fund which provides
scholarships and loans to United Methodist
students, please fill out the brochure and place in
the offering plate in the next two weeks (This
offering usually occurs during advent but was
‘snowed out’).
Covenant Renewal Service no longer be my own. I will give up myself to your will in
all things. I ask this O righteous God, for the sake of your
PROCLAMATION Son Jesus Christ. See me today as I fall down before you.
Leader: Brothers and sisters in Christ, the Christian life is Forgive my unfaithfulness in not having done your will.
redeemed from sin and consecrated to God. Through baptism, Show me mercy as I turn my heart back to you.
we have entered this life and have been admitted into the new
covenant of which Jesus Christ is the Mediator. He sealed it Leader: As we come before you today and as we start this new
with his own blood, that it might last for ever. year in your service, we pledge to remove all idols in our way
On the one side, God promises to give us new life in Christ, and seek the love and light of Jesus Christ alone. Father we
the Source and Perfecter of our faith. On the other side, we know that through Christ, you have once more offered to be
are pledged to live no more for ourselves but only for Jesus our God. We know that faith in Jesus Christ is the only way;
Christ, who loved us and gave himself for us. the only means of coming into your presence once more. We
From time to time we renew our covenant with God, know that we must be willing to suffer as Christ suffered, that
especially when we reaffirm the Baptismal Covenant and we must follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, and share the
gather at the Lord’s table. love which you have already shown us. As we start this year
Today we meet as generations before us have met, to renew together we know that you know our hearts and we pray that
the covenant that binds us to God. you hear the petitions of our hearts as we make this pledge:
Let us make this covenant of God our own.
ALL: O God, you know that I make this covenant with
INVITATION you today without reservation. From this day forward
Leader: Commit yourselves to Christ as his servants. Give shall I look upon you as my God and Father. Glory be to
yourselves to him, that you may belong to him. you, Glory be to your son Jesus Christ, and Glory be to
your Holy Spirit as I become your covenant servant. May
People: Father as we meet at your Table, we come placing I serve you faithfully on earth until I am in your presence
our full faith; all that we are, giving it to you. in heaven. And may this covenant which I have made
today on this earth be ratified in heaven. Amen.
Leader: Christ has many services to be done: some easy,
some difficult. Some are suitable to our interests and others Leader: My sisters and my brothers, as we have made this
are not. Yet today we pledge our service to you in all covenant together as individuals and as the church this
situations, at all times, in all ways. morning, I know share these words with you: words are love
and words of grace:
People: Father we come into your grace pledging to do all
the good that we can, in all ways that we can, and at all The Lord be with you.
times that we can.
People: And also with you.
Leader: Father, we go to Christ and we pray:
Leader: Lift up your hearts.
ALL: Let me be your servant, under your command. I will