Name: - Date: - Section: - Score
Name: - Date: - Section: - Score
Name: - Date: - Section: - Score
City of Tagaytay
School of Education
Name:____________________ Date:_____________
Section:___________________ Score: ____________
General Directions:
1. Read the problems carefully.
2. Always BOX your final answer in the computation part of the test.
3. Complete the steps needed in hypothesis testing.
I. PROBLEM SOLVING. Compute for the correct hypothesis testing of each of the following items.
1. Suppose the average annual rainfall for the local area was previously known to be 8 inches. A
local meteorologist believes there was above average rainfall from 1997 thru 2001 and argues that
the average annual rainfall during this period was significantly different from the overall average
annual rainfall of 8 inches. The average annual rainfall recorded from 1997 thru 2001 are given
below: (20 points)
2. Let’s suppose that a student is interesting in estimating how many memes their professors know
and love. So they go to class, and every time a professor uses a new meme, they write it down.
And they find out that professors know memes with the average of 3. After a year of classes, the
student has recorded the following meme counts, where each count corresponds to a single class
they took:
3, 7, 11, 0, 7, 0, 4, 5, 6, 2, 12, 6, 4, 5, 7, 5, 12, 14, 14, 4, 0, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 15, 13, 1, 6
The student talks to some other students who’ve done similar studies and determines that σ=2 is a
reasonable value for the standard deviation of this distribution. (25 points)
3. Scientists in China wanted to know if there was a relationship between the age of a person to their
glucose level. The goal of the research was they want to find out if the Glucose level of a person
will increase as the age also increases. The results they’ve collected is shown below. (25 points)
2 21 65
3 25 79
4 42 75
5 57 87
6 59 81
7 42 73