Practical Aspects of Fail-Safe Design - Calculation of Fatigue Life of Cracked Thin-Walled Structures

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D. Živojinović et al.

Praktični aspekti konstruiranja sa stajališta sigurnosti – Izračun zamornog vijeka tankostjenih konstrukcija s pukotinom

ISSN 1330-3651
UDC/UDK [620.191.33:624.073]:519.6


Danijela Živojinović, Miodrag Arsić, Aleksandar Sedmak, Snežana Kirin, Radoljub Tomić
Preliminary notes
This paper represents fatigue crack growth life prediction in thin-walled structures (plates or shells). There are two analysis results from two different packages
of software: NASGRO and FRANC 3D. They are based on Finite Element Method and Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics principles (LEMF). Moreover, load
interaction to crack growth is analyzed. FRANC 3D software is used to compute and display stress-displacement state of structure and simulation of crack
fronts progression. Entire work comprises structural integrity assessment.

Keywords: number of cycles, fatigue crack growth, fracture, life, stress intensity factor - SIF

Praktični aspekti konstruiranja sa stajališta sigurnosti – Izračun zamornog vijeka

tankostjenih konstrukcija s pukotinom
Prethodno priopćenje
Ovaj članak se bavi predviđanjem životnog vijeka konstrukcija (ploča ili ljuski) obzirom na zamorni rast pukotine. Dobiveni su rezultati dvjema analizama s
dva različita softvera: NASGRO i FRANC 3D. Oni se temelje na metodi konačnih elemenata i principima linearno elastične mehanike loma. Dodatno je
analizirana interakcija sile i propagacije pukotine. U softveru FRANC 3D su računana i prikazana polja pomaka i naprezanja u konstrukciji, kao i simulacija
napredovanja fronte pukotine. Ovaj rad dio je procjene cjelovitosti konstrukcije.
Ključne riječi: broj ciklusa, zamorni rast pukotine, lom, životni vijek, koeficijent intenzivnosti naprezanja

1 critical crack length (by applying linear elastic fracture me-

Introduction chanics parameters), and of the crack growth rate, [2-5].
Application of 'fail-safe' principle can be illustrated by
New trends in maintenance of critical aircraft compo- the well-known example of jet engine disks [6], where circa
nents include decision making process based on risk analy- 10 $ have been saved in the period of 20 years just by avoid-
sis and 'fail-safe' principle. There are many applied concepts ing previously applied replacement procedure.
based on risk such as Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA), Recognizing the possibility that cracked components
Risk-Based Inspection (RBI), Risk-Based Inspection and can operate safely under fatigue loading enabled more
Maintenance (RBIM), Reliability-Centered Maintenance extensive application of fracture mechanics principles in
(RCM) and Risk-Based Life Management (RBLM), [1]. order to assess their structural integrity. Toward this end,
These methods are in an advanced stage of application es- essential data are:
pecially in operation, inspection, maintenance and asset ma- ! geometry (shape and dimension, including crack);
nagement. National authorities begin to extend inspection ! load spectrum;
intervals for the case that safety is guaranteed in an adequate ! fracture toughness, KIc, for selected material;
manner. Risk-based inspection is offering this kind of ! initial and final crack length.
method; by assessing the risk that includes determination of
the probability and consequences of a failure it is possible to In this paper the fail-safe principle has been applied to
define the risk level and consequently to adjust inspection thin-walled structures, as typically used in the aircraft indu-
intervals without influencing safety issues. stry. The essential part of this procedure is stress-strain
The RBI methodology enables the assessment of the analysis of cracked component, which should be as precise
likelihood and potential consequences of critical aircraft as possible. Having this in mind, the Finite Element Method
failures; therefore it provides companies with the (FEM) has been applied here, as the most convenient
opportunity to prioritize their equipment for inspection. numerical method for problems with complex geometry,
According to the contribution of the components to the such as cracked thin-walled components. As the most
overall risk of the unit, it is possible to determine what appropriate for cracked thin-walled structures, the software
components should be inspected for an accepted risk level, packages NASGRO, [7] and FRANC 3D, [8, 9], have been
[1]. Based on this methodology appropriate inspection used. Both of them are based on the fracture mechanics
program can be established, including optimization of principles and are capable of calculating the critical crack
inspection methods, frequencies and resources. length and number of cycles until fracture for a component
One of the most significant advances in engineering under known load spectrum. The basic aim of using two
design practice was the change from classical 'safe-life' software packages was to make comparative analysis of
principle for the components operating in fatigue regime results.
(based on Wöhler's curve) to the 'fail-safe' principle based
on crack growth period between the initial and the critical 2
crack length. Software NASGRO
This principle enables even the most critical com-
ponents to be used for prolonged operating time, making Software NASGRO is used for the calculation of com-
significant savings, but not on the expense of safety. Crucial ponents life under fatigue load. This software is developed
steps in applying the 'fail-safe' principle are precise and by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
conservative evaluation of the initial crack length, of the with the purpose to obtain valid data and resolve problems

Tehnički vjesnik 18, 4(2011), 609-617 609

Practical aspects of fail-safe design – Calculation of fatigue life of cracked thin-walled structures D. Živojinović et al.

related to critical component failure. Therefore, special

attention is devoted to calculations of crack initiation and
crack propagation under dynamic load.
NASGRO comprises three modules (Fig. 1):
? NASFLA – (1 option) based on fracture mechanics
principles, can be used to calculate:
! fatigue crack growth and life of construction elements
(Fig. 2 – 1 option); Figure 2 Module options for fracture mechanics calculations
critical crack sizes –acr and/or ccr (2 option);
stress intensity factor – K (3 option);
change of crack length in the function of time da/dt (4
? NASBEM – (2 option) based on the boundary
element method for solving complex geometries with
or without cracks to obtain:
! stress intensity factor solution – K
! stress solution in structure.
? NASMAT – (3 option) library of material constants
used in calculation (crack growth data):
! material type and specific constants of material; Figure 3 Units and Calculation Type in NASFLA module
! state of material (material condition), applied heat
treatment, etc.; For direct calculation of structure (I type) the following
! crack plane orientation, namely relative position of load input parameters are required:
direction and crack orientation regard to material fiber; - geometry of construction element and initial flaw size
! working environment; in structure;
! specimen type with crack type – consists of many - material from preset material library-NASMAT, with
different specimen types and crack types (include their all necessary material constants;
position in respect to load direction); - loads or load spectrum (load history);
! initial crack length in materials. - working life of construction given as number of applied
load cycles;
This program assumes that all materials are linearly - display of the parameters results.
elastic and homogeneous. All values given in this library are
dual, in US Units (in, ksi) and SI Units (mm, MPa) (Fig. Solution of calculation is crack length as a function of
3/Units). A major enhancement to NASFLA is the modeling number of applied load cycles.
of crack growth under load interaction. Parameters used in the case of indirect calculation (II
type) are:
- geometry of construction element and preliminary
determined initial flaw size in structure;
- material from preset material library-NASMAT, with
all necessary material constants;
- loads or load spectrum (load history);
- working life of construction given as number of applied
load cycles;
- display of the parameters results.

Figure 1 Selection of appropriate module For indirect calculation (III type), input data are iden-
tical with the data from previous calculation. Solution is
The most popular module is NASFLA, software for maximum value for load that construction can withstand for
fatigue crack growth calculations and life calculation of the given number of load cycles. This value is given by scale
structure. It enables the calculation of simple construction, factor multiplier of load that is defined at the beginning of
without stiffeners. Following calculations are possible in calculations.
this module:
I type – (Direct Life Prediction Analysis) – direct 2.1
calculation of crack growth-life versus number of cycles to Examples of direct calculation (I type)
failure (Fig. 3 - Calculation Type/1 option);
II type – (Indirect Life PredictionAnalysis) – indirect The subject of this article are thin-walled structures.
calculation of initial flaw size, for given life and load Through crack types TC01 and TC07 have been chosen as
spectrum (Fig. 3 - Calculation Type/2 option); the most often used examples of calculation in practice.
III type – (Indirect Life Prediction Analysis) – Critical stress intensity factor, namely fracture tough-
indirect calculations of scale factor multiplier (safety factor) ness, KIc, is important material property, which defines ma-
and intensity of applied load, for preliminary defined terial resistance to crack unstable growth.
construction that can withstand without fracture, for a given Practically, KIc is the minimum value on a diagramme,
life (Fig. 3 - Calculation Type/3 option). as shown in Fig. 4, illustrating dependence of the apparent
fracture toughness on thickness t, for the mentioned alloys.
One can notice that fracture toughness values are decreasing

610 Technical Gazette 18, 4(2011), 609-617

D. Živojinović et al. Praktični aspekti konstruiranja sa stajališta sigurnosti – Izračun zamornog vijeka tankostjenih konstrukcija s pukotinom

Figure 4 Dependence of fracture toughness Kc on plate thickness t

BASIC FIT FOR M7HA13AB1: 7075-T6, T6

Envir: LA; Spec: M(T); Orien: L-T; Freq: 0,5
M7HA11AB01A1 R = -1 thk = 0,09 ref = A 73
M7HA11AB01A4 R = 0 thk = 0,09 ref: A 73
M7HA11AB01A6 R = 0,33 thk = 0,09 ref: A 73
M7HA11AB01A8 R = 0,7 thk = 0,09 ref: A 73
0,001 Fit for R = -1
Fit for R = 0
Fit for R = 0,33
Fit for R = 0,7

da/dN / in/cycle


Curve Parameters
Smax/So = 0,3
1e-006 alpha = 1,9
Kc = 51,.995
C = 2,09e-08
n = 2,947
p = 0,5
1e-007 q =1
Yield = 75
K1c = 27
Ak =1
Bk =1
1e-008 DKo = 2
Cth+ = 2
Cth- = 0,1
Rcl = 0,7
1e-009 1 10 100 ΔK / ksi×sqrt(in)
Figure 5 Dependence da/dN on ΔK for aluminum alloy: 7075-T6 Al

BASIC FIT FOR P3EDB2AB1A: Ti-6Al-4V STA, GTA Weld, STA-SR(1000F/4h)-GTA-SR(1000F/4h) &GTA WELD (SR)
Envir: LA; Spec: PS(T); Orien: PAR; Freq: 0,2, UNK & 5
P3EDB2AB01B1 R = 0,1 thk = 0,09 ref = 1
P3EDB2AB01C4 R = 0,01 thk = 0,135 ref: 1
P3EDB2AB01C3 R = 0,05 thk = 0,135 ref: 1
P3EDB2AB01A1 R = 0,01 thk = 0,09 ref: 40
0,001 Fit for R = 0,1
Fit for R = 0,01
Fit for R = 0,05

da/dN / in/cycle


Curve Parameters
Smax/So = 0,3
1e-006 alpha = 2,5
Kc = 81,0537
C = 8e-09
n = 2,58
p = 0,25
1e-007 q = 0,25
Yield = 125
K1c = 55
Ak = 1
1e-008 Bk = 0,5
Dko = 3,5
Cth+ = 1,5
Cth- = 0,1
Rcl = 0,7
1e-009 1 10 100 ΔK / ksi×sqrt(in)
Figure 6 Dependence da/dN on ΔK for titanium alloy: Ti-6Al-4V

Tehnički vjesnik 18, 4(2011), 609-617 611

Practical aspects of fail-safe design – Calculation of fatigue life of cracked thin-walled structures D. Živojinović et al.

Crack growth ratio da/dN calculation in NASGRO uses

a relationship called the NASGRO equation:
æ DK th ö
ç1 - n ÷
da é æ 1- f ö ù è DK ø
= C êç - ÷ DK ú q
, (3)
dN ëè 1 - R ø û æ K max ö
çç1 - ÷
è K c ÷ø

ΔK – stress intensity factor range
C, n, p and q – empirical material constants
f – crack opening function
ΔKth – threshold stress intensity factor.
Figure 7 Through crack TC01
Figs. 5 and 6 show crack growth data (da/dN – ΔK) for
the aluminum alloy 7075-T6 Al and titanium alloy Ti-6Al-
with the increase of plate thickness until specific value, the
4V plotted together with curve fit to previous equation.
critical fracture toughness, is reached. For two alloys
analysed, the first one aluminium alloy 7075-T6Al,
K Ic = 54 ksi in = 59,34 MPa m , Example of through crack – TC01
and for the second one, titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V:
Specimen type Tc01 – through crack in the middle of
K Ic = 90 ksi in = 99 MPa m . plate, is used for the calculation (Fig. 7). Specimen is loaded
The following relationship has been adopted for under tension for the following stress ratios:
through crack, surface crack and standard specimen crack R = 0 – unilateral stress variation
cases, in order to describe fracture toughness – versus R = –1 – alternate (symmetrical) stress variation
thickness behavior for various materials: R = –2 – alternate stress variation
R = 0,2 – unilateral stress variation with prestress.
æ æ t ö
2 ö The loading is given as the remote tension:
ç - çç AK ÷
÷ ÷
K I = K Ic ç1 + BK e è 0ø ÷ (1)
ç ÷ s max = 10 ksi = 68,95 MPa.
ç ÷
è ø Specimen dimensions are:
where: – plate width: W = 11 in = 279,4 mm
AK and BK – material constants – plate thickness: t = 0,1 in = 2,54 mm
– initial half-crack length: c0 = 0,1 in = 2,54 mm.
æK ö
t0 = 2,5ç Ic ÷ (2) Fig. 8 illustrates the dependency of the half-crack
çsY ÷ length c, on the number of load cycles N, for the aluminum
è ø
alloy 7075-T6 Al, whereas Fig. 9 shows the same
σY – yield strength. dependency for the titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V.

Figure 8 Through crack TC01 – material 7075-T6 Al

612 Technical Gazette 18, 4(2011), 609-617

D. Živojinović et al. Praktični aspekti konstruiranja sa stajališta sigurnosti – Izračun zamornog vijeka tankostjenih konstrukcija s pukotinom

Figure 9 Through crack TC01 – material Ti-6Al-4V

Following conclusions can be derived from previous Specimen dimensions are:

results: – vessel diameter: D = 144 in = 3.657,6 mm
! Specimen type TC01 can withstand the largest number – thickness of vessel wall: t = var
of load cycles under unilateral stress change with – half-crack initial length: c0 = 1 in = 25,4 mm.
overload (R = 0,2). Rapid increase of number of load
cycles that a structure can withstand occurs with the Represented model is the same as the skin of passenger
decrease of stress amplitude σa, i.e. the increase of stress airplane fuselage, where cabin is under cyclic change of
ratio R. With the increase of stress ratio to value R = 1 pressure (consequence of altitude change and cabin
conditions of static load in structure are achieved. pressurisation). Results are shown in Fig. 11, as a plot of
! Titanium alloy specimen can withstand larger number half-crack critical length and number of load cycles.
of load cycles in comparison with aluminum alloy Half-crack critical length ccr is determined by specimen
specimen with the identical geometry and applied load. material and specimen thickness (Tab. 1). For the same
material, predicted life of structure is significantly longer
2.1.2 for the thicker vessel wall.
Example of through crack – TC07 While comparing two different alloys, the following
was noticed: with the same specimen wall thickness, alloy
Specimen in the shape of cylindrical vessel under effect 2024-T3 Al can undergo a larger number of load cycles in
of inner pressure (TC07) is given as an example of through reference to specimen made from alloy 7075-T6 Al. This is
crack calculation (Fig. 10): p = (0; 9) psi = (0; 62,05) kPa. the consequence of the fact that the fracture toughness value
Effect of inner pressure can be aproximated with for material 2024-T3Al,
adequite tension load, shown with the equation:
K C = 65,9 ksi in = 72,41 MPa m
p × R p × (D - t) p × D
s = S0 = = » . (4)
t t ×2 t×2 is larger than for the material 7075-T6 Al,
Two alloys were analysed: 2024-T3 Al and 7075-T6 Al. Table 1. Critical crack length ccr and number of cycles to fracture N
Maximal tension

final crack size

applied fatigue
cycles to reach
Wall thickness

critical length

Number of


t /in s max = S0 /ksi ccr /in N /–

2024-T3 Al 0,040 16,200 1,822 420
2024-T3 Al 0,051 12,706 2,454 1 942
2024-T3 Al 0,064 10,125 3,201 6 473
7075-T6 Al 0,064 10,125 2,592 3 911
7075-T6 Al 0,081 8,000 3,384 12 062
Figure 10 Through crack TC07

Tehnički vjesnik 18, 4(2011), 609-617 613

Practical aspects of fail-safe design – Calculation of fatigue life of cracked thin-walled structures D. Živojinović et al.

Figure 11 Through crack TC07-pressurized vessel

Figure 12 Load interaction at through crack TC01 – material 7075-T6 Al (tension)

2.1.3 combination of different stress ratios R.

Load interaction From Fig. 12 one can notice the decrease of crack
growth rate with the change of stress ratio, R. This effect
In this section, interaction of loads sequence is appears if in the first steps unilateral positive load (tension)
analyzed. Therefore, there are tests of specimen type TC01 is applied, followed by the decrease of stress amplitude, σa,
(Figs. 12 and 13) – made from aluminium alloy 7075-T6 Al. and the increase of stress ratio, R for σmax = const. Therefore,
Adopted values for both analyses are: the decrease of curve gradient c = f(N) for defined material
– plate width: W = 11 in = 279,4 mm occurs due to the increase of stress ratio (only for certain
– plate thickness: t = 0,1 in = 2,54 mm number of load cycles). The curve afterwards obtains steady
– half-crack initial length: c0 = 0,1 in = 2,54 mm slope character.
– maximum stress: σmax = 10 ksi = 68,95 MPa. In addition, the same load interaction at identical
specimen is analysed, but under bending load, Fig. 13.
In the first test, the specimen is loaded with combined In the case of bending, with the same combination of
tension loads: stress ratios, Ri, and with the same number of load cycles, Ni,
1) R1 = 0, unilateral stress variation, with a number of for identical specimens, the decrease of crack growth is
applied fatigue cycles N1 = 100.000 obvious.
However, the effect of crack growth decrease is more
2) R2 = 0,4, unilateral stress variation, with a number of intensive in the case of tension load. In that case, with the
applied fatigue cycles N2 = 90.000 same intensity of applied maximum stress, σmax, crack
3) R3 = 0,8, unilateral stress variation, with a number of growth is dominant. After the third step of loads R3 = 0,8
applied fatigue cycles until fracture of structure. fracture of structure occurs, because critical fracture
toughness KC at the crack tip is achieved. Critical stress
Fig. 12 illustrates variation of crack growth length c in intensity factor KC in bending, is not reached for the same
the function of cycle number of applied load N, with the cycle number of load N = N1 + N2 + N3. Hence, identical

614 Technical Gazette 18, 4(2011), 609-617

D. Živojinović et al. Praktični aspekti konstruiranja sa stajališta sigurnosti – Izračun zamornog vijeka tankostjenih konstrukcija s pukotinom

Figure 13 Load interaction at through crack TC01 – material 7075-T6 Al (bending)

specimen under the same combination of stress ratios Ri and In the case of indirect calculation (III type), the model
the same cycle number of load Ni in the case of bending, can identical with the model tested in the section 2.1.1 is selected.
undergo higher cycle number and has longer working life in Solution for this type of calculation (III type) is scale
relevance to specimen under tension load (Fig. 13). factor multiplier: j = 1,1136, that represents the intensity of
Main reason for this phenomenon is stress distribution maximum applied load that specimen withstands for
in specimen cross-section, Fig. 14. In the case of tension preliminary defined working life and under preliminary
load stress distribution is uniform (Fig. 14a), in contrast to defined load spectrum. The real maximum load value
bending load, where linear stress distribution occurs over represents scaled value of load used in calculation: σmax = S0
cross-section of specimen (Fig. 14b). = 10 ksi = 68,95 MPa with scale factor multiplier j = 1,1136
to obtain:

max = j ×s max = 11,136 ksi = 76,78 MPa.

Software FRANC 3D

Software FRANC 3D is based on fracture mechanics

principles and is used for:
! stress-displacement calculation of structure under
static load;
! life prediction (calculation) of structure under
dynamically unsteady load (fatigue).

Input parameters are:

! geometry of structure - modeled in appropriate
software that is designed for modeling: OSM or others
Figure 14 Stress distributions over cross-section: a) tension, b) bending (IDEAS,ANSYS, NASTRAN and PATRAN).
! material properties:
2.2 a) for static analysis: E – modulus of elasticity, ν – Poisson
Examples of indirect calculations (II type) - through crack – ratio, KC – fracture toughness, ρ – mass density, α –
TC01 coefficient of thermal expansion;
b) for dynamic analysis the available library NASMAT is
Following model is chosen as example for indirect cal- used with all necessary parameters for crack growth
culation (II type): calculation.
– specimen type - TC01 (sl.5.5): infinity long plate with ! type and dimensions of initial crack – crack types are
width W = 11 in = 279,4 mm and thickness t = 0,1 in = given in program.
2,54 mm, with through crack; ! boundary conditions: constrains and loads (spectrum).
– preliminary defined half-crack initial length: c0 = 0,1 in
= 2,54 mm Based on defined geometry for construction element
– specimen is loaded in tension, with remote stress: σmax = and crack, there is generated mesh of finite elements
S0 = 10 ksi = 68,95 MPa and stress ratio R = 0. (automatically or manually). The user selects the finite
– material: aluminium alloy 7075-T6Al; element type: triangular or quadrilateral and element size.
– given life by number of applied fatigue cycle: N = Advantage of FRANC 3D software in relevance to
5 NASGRO software is the possibility to modeling entirely
100×1000 cycles = 10 .
new geometries. NASGRO computations are limited only

Tehnički vjesnik 18, 4(2011), 609-617 615

Practical aspects of fail-safe design – Calculation of fatigue life of cracked thin-walled structures D. Živojinović et al.

for known specimen types (from offered library). FRANC

3D is able to display simulation of crack propagation (fronts
of crack) in the model.
Disadvantage of this software is modeling in OSM
modulus, what is not user friendly. However, one can use
other programs for this purpose. Results significantly
depend on element type of generated mesh and mesh
density, because the program is based on FEM.
Nevertheless, experience in modeling and manual mesh
designing, especially near the crack tip and in the area where
geometry changes, leads to convergent solution with satis-
factory accuracy. The most frequently used types of thin-
walled structure elements are:
! plate or shell element (wing and fuselage skin of
! hollow cylinder (airplane fuselage, tank).

Example of thin-walled plate Figure 16 Plate model in FRANC 3D software (Finite Element Mesh)

As an example of the calculation of thin-walled struc-

tures, the adopted plate model from the section 2.1.1. (Fig.
7) has been used. Plate and crack dimensions, material and
load are identical with the aforementioned example.
Plate modeling is done in OSM software.
Following parameters are defined in software FRANC
! material: aluminium alloy 7075-T6Al;
! boundary conditions: plate is fixed on the one side and
tension load acts on the other side.

Figure 17 Stress-displacement analysis in plate model

Figure 15 Thin-walled plate

Automatic mesh generation is done just before defi-

nition of initial crack in plate model (Fig. 16). Quadrilateral
elements are used. Stress-displacement analysis in plate
model (Fig. 17) under static load is performed.
Previously displayed analysis shows that stress distribution
over the plate model is not uniform due to stress
redistribution. Maximum stress value in structure is: σmax =
10 ksi = 68,95 MPa. These values are changed in limits of
σmax Î [9, 11] ksi (σmax Î [62,08, 75,84] MPa). NASGRO
software assumes that stress is uniform across entire plate
and that is equal to the stress in infinity. However, in real
structural element, all geometry measures are finite and that
is the reason for stress distribution (Fig. 17).
Next step is the determination of type and dimension of
initial crack. From given library, crack type-through crack is Figure 18 Plate model in FRANC 3D with initial crack and generated
chosen and for half-crack initial length value the following cracks fronts (Finite Element Mesh)
values are taken: c0 = 0,1 in = 2,54 mm. Then, new finite-
element mesh is generated. Determination and generation occurs under dynamic load in structure. Minimum stress
of new crack fronts are done for defined crack growth step value is obtained by stress ratio R and value of maximum
and final number of steps (Fig. 18). Crack propagation applied stress σmax : σmin = R×σmax.

616 Technical Gazette 18, 4(2011), 609-617

D. Živojinović et al. Praktični aspekti konstruiranja sa stajališta sigurnosti – Izračun zamornog vijeka tankostjenih konstrukcija s pukotinom

Figure 19 Comparison of dependences on half-crack length and cycles numbers obtained by NASGRO and FRANC 3D

Comparison of results from two different software [6] Harris Jr, J. A. Engine component retirement for cause, Vol. 1,
packages, NASGRO and FRANC 3D, is illustrated in Fig. Executive Summary. AFWAL-TR-87-4609, Wright-
19, which shows the dependency of half-crack length, c on PattersonAir Force Base, Ohio, 1987.
the number of load cycles, N. [7] Fatigue Crack Growth Computer program "NASGRO",
Reference Manual, National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, London B. Johnson Space Center, Houston,
4 Texas 77058-3696,August 2002.
Conclusions [8] FRANC 3D, Menu & Dialog Manual, July 1998.
[9] FRANC 3D, Tutorial, July 1998.
Comparison of results from two different software
packages NASGRO and FRANC 3D gave satisfactory
accuracy by achieving matching of two different Authors' addresses:
computational results (construction life represented in the
MSc Danijela Živojinović, PhD student
form of the number of applied fatigue cycles, N). Technical College
Disadvantage of software NASGRO is its inability of Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 152-a
complex geometry modeling, in contrast to FRANC 3D Belgrade, Serbia
Dr Miodrag Arsić
Advantages of software usage for structural integrity IMS
assessment are: Bulevar Vojvode Mišića 43
! saves time Belgrade, Serbia
! economic aspect – expensive laboratory investigation
Professor Aleksandar Sedmak
is replaced by calculation and simulation University of Belgrade
! satisfactory modeling of real constructions and cracks Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
in structures and satisfactory accuracy of derived data Kraljice Marije 16
that can be applicable in practice. Belgrade, Serbia
e-mail: [email protected]

5 Dr Snežana Kirin
References Innovation Center of Mechanical Engineering Faculty
Kraljice Marije 16
Belgrade, Serbia
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