Practical Aspects of Fail-Safe Design - Calculation of Fatigue Life of Cracked Thin-Walled Structures
Practical Aspects of Fail-Safe Design - Calculation of Fatigue Life of Cracked Thin-Walled Structures
Practical Aspects of Fail-Safe Design - Calculation of Fatigue Life of Cracked Thin-Walled Structures
Praktični aspekti konstruiranja sa stajališta sigurnosti – Izračun zamornog vijeka tankostjenih konstrukcija s pukotinom
ISSN 1330-3651
UDC/UDK [620.191.33:624.073]:519.6
Keywords: number of cycles, fatigue crack growth, fracture, life, stress intensity factor - SIF
Figure 1 Selection of appropriate module For indirect calculation (III type), input data are iden-
tical with the data from previous calculation. Solution is
The most popular module is NASFLA, software for maximum value for load that construction can withstand for
fatigue crack growth calculations and life calculation of the given number of load cycles. This value is given by scale
structure. It enables the calculation of simple construction, factor multiplier of load that is defined at the beginning of
without stiffeners. Following calculations are possible in calculations.
this module:
I type – (Direct Life Prediction Analysis) – direct 2.1
calculation of crack growth-life versus number of cycles to Examples of direct calculation (I type)
failure (Fig. 3 - Calculation Type/1 option);
II type – (Indirect Life PredictionAnalysis) – indirect The subject of this article are thin-walled structures.
calculation of initial flaw size, for given life and load Through crack types TC01 and TC07 have been chosen as
spectrum (Fig. 3 - Calculation Type/2 option); the most often used examples of calculation in practice.
III type – (Indirect Life Prediction Analysis) – Critical stress intensity factor, namely fracture tough-
indirect calculations of scale factor multiplier (safety factor) ness, KIc, is important material property, which defines ma-
and intensity of applied load, for preliminary defined terial resistance to crack unstable growth.
construction that can withstand without fracture, for a given Practically, KIc is the minimum value on a diagramme,
life (Fig. 3 - Calculation Type/3 option). as shown in Fig. 4, illustrating dependence of the apparent
fracture toughness on thickness t, for the mentioned alloys.
One can notice that fracture toughness values are decreasing
da/dN / in/cycle
Curve Parameters
Smax/So = 0,3
1e-006 alpha = 1,9
Kc = 51,.995
C = 2,09e-08
n = 2,947
p = 0,5
1e-007 q =1
Yield = 75
K1c = 27
Ak =1
Bk =1
1e-008 DKo = 2
Cth+ = 2
Cth- = 0,1
Rcl = 0,7
1e-009 1 10 100 ΔK / ksi×sqrt(in)
Figure 5 Dependence da/dN on ΔK for aluminum alloy: 7075-T6 Al
BASIC FIT FOR P3EDB2AB1A: Ti-6Al-4V STA, GTA Weld, STA-SR(1000F/4h)-GTA-SR(1000F/4h) >A WELD (SR)
Envir: LA; Spec: PS(T); Orien: PAR; Freq: 0,2, UNK & 5
P3EDB2AB01B1 R = 0,1 thk = 0,09 ref = 1
P3EDB2AB01C4 R = 0,01 thk = 0,135 ref: 1
P3EDB2AB01C3 R = 0,05 thk = 0,135 ref: 1
P3EDB2AB01A1 R = 0,01 thk = 0,09 ref: 40
0,001 Fit for R = 0,1
Fit for R = 0,01
Fit for R = 0,05
da/dN / in/cycle
Curve Parameters
Smax/So = 0,3
1e-006 alpha = 2,5
Kc = 81,0537
C = 8e-09
n = 2,58
p = 0,25
1e-007 q = 0,25
Yield = 125
K1c = 55
Ak = 1
1e-008 Bk = 0,5
Dko = 3,5
Cth+ = 1,5
Cth- = 0,1
Rcl = 0,7
1e-009 1 10 100 ΔK / ksi×sqrt(in)
Figure 6 Dependence da/dN on ΔK for titanium alloy: Ti-6Al-4V
ΔK – stress intensity factor range
C, n, p and q – empirical material constants
f – crack opening function
ΔKth – threshold stress intensity factor.
Figure 7 Through crack TC01
Figs. 5 and 6 show crack growth data (da/dN – ΔK) for
the aluminum alloy 7075-T6 Al and titanium alloy Ti-6Al-
with the increase of plate thickness until specific value, the
4V plotted together with curve fit to previous equation.
critical fracture toughness, is reached. For two alloys
analysed, the first one aluminium alloy 7075-T6Al,
K Ic = 54 ksi in = 59,34 MPa m , Example of through crack – TC01
and for the second one, titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V:
Specimen type Tc01 – through crack in the middle of
K Ic = 90 ksi in = 99 MPa m . plate, is used for the calculation (Fig. 7). Specimen is loaded
The following relationship has been adopted for under tension for the following stress ratios:
through crack, surface crack and standard specimen crack R = 0 – unilateral stress variation
cases, in order to describe fracture toughness – versus R = –1 – alternate (symmetrical) stress variation
thickness behavior for various materials: R = –2 – alternate stress variation
R = 0,2 – unilateral stress variation with prestress.
æ æ t ö
2 ö The loading is given as the remote tension:
ç - çç AK ÷
÷ ÷
K I = K Ic ç1 + BK e è 0ø ÷ (1)
ç ÷ s max = 10 ksi = 68,95 MPa.
ç ÷
è ø Specimen dimensions are:
where: – plate width: W = 11 in = 279,4 mm
AK and BK – material constants – plate thickness: t = 0,1 in = 2,54 mm
– initial half-crack length: c0 = 0,1 in = 2,54 mm.
æK ö
t0 = 2,5ç Ic ÷ (2) Fig. 8 illustrates the dependency of the half-crack
çsY ÷ length c, on the number of load cycles N, for the aluminum
è ø
alloy 7075-T6 Al, whereas Fig. 9 shows the same
σY – yield strength. dependency for the titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V.
critical length
Number of
specimen under the same combination of stress ratios Ri and In the case of indirect calculation (III type), the model
the same cycle number of load Ni in the case of bending, can identical with the model tested in the section 2.1.1 is selected.
undergo higher cycle number and has longer working life in Solution for this type of calculation (III type) is scale
relevance to specimen under tension load (Fig. 13). factor multiplier: j = 1,1136, that represents the intensity of
Main reason for this phenomenon is stress distribution maximum applied load that specimen withstands for
in specimen cross-section, Fig. 14. In the case of tension preliminary defined working life and under preliminary
load stress distribution is uniform (Fig. 14a), in contrast to defined load spectrum. The real maximum load value
bending load, where linear stress distribution occurs over represents scaled value of load used in calculation: σmax = S0
cross-section of specimen (Fig. 14b). = 10 ksi = 68,95 MPa with scale factor multiplier j = 1,1136
to obtain:
max = j ×s max = 11,136 ksi = 76,78 MPa.
Software FRANC 3D
Example of thin-walled plate Figure 16 Plate model in FRANC 3D software (Finite Element Mesh)
Figure 19 Comparison of dependences on half-crack length and cycles numbers obtained by NASGRO and FRANC 3D
Comparison of results from two different software [6] Harris Jr, J. A. Engine component retirement for cause, Vol. 1,
packages, NASGRO and FRANC 3D, is illustrated in Fig. Executive Summary. AFWAL-TR-87-4609, Wright-
19, which shows the dependency of half-crack length, c on PattersonAir Force Base, Ohio, 1987.
the number of load cycles, N. [7] Fatigue Crack Growth Computer program "NASGRO",
Reference Manual, National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, London B. Johnson Space Center, Houston,
4 Texas 77058-3696,August 2002.
Conclusions [8] FRANC 3D, Menu & Dialog Manual, July 1998.
[9] FRANC 3D, Tutorial, July 1998.
Comparison of results from two different software
packages NASGRO and FRANC 3D gave satisfactory
accuracy by achieving matching of two different Authors' addresses:
computational results (construction life represented in the
MSc Danijela Živojinović, PhD student
form of the number of applied fatigue cycles, N). Technical College
Disadvantage of software NASGRO is its inability of Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 152-a
complex geometry modeling, in contrast to FRANC 3D Belgrade, Serbia
Dr Miodrag Arsić
Advantages of software usage for structural integrity IMS
assessment are: Bulevar Vojvode Mišića 43
! saves time Belgrade, Serbia
! economic aspect – expensive laboratory investigation
Professor Aleksandar Sedmak
is replaced by calculation and simulation University of Belgrade
! satisfactory modeling of real constructions and cracks Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
in structures and satisfactory accuracy of derived data Kraljice Marije 16
that can be applicable in practice. Belgrade, Serbia
e-mail: [email protected]
5 Dr Snežana Kirin
References Innovation Center of Mechanical Engineering Faculty
Kraljice Marije 16
Belgrade, Serbia
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