Using This Machine in A Network Environment Compliant With IEEE Std.2600.1 - 2009
Using This Machine in A Network Environment Compliant With IEEE Std.2600.1 - 2009
Using This Machine in A Network Environment Compliant With IEEE Std.2600.1 - 2009
For safe and correct use, be sure to read the Safety Information in "Read This First" before using the machine.
This product is a multifunction printer (MFP) certified in an operating environment complying with the
requirements of the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CC certification).
Be sure to read the booklet carefully and understand its contents thoroughly.
The official name of IEEE Std. 2600.1TM-2009 is 2600.1, Protection Profile for Hardcopy Devices,
Operational Environment A (Version: 1.0, dated June 2009).
The person responsible for acquiring this machine must appoint competent personnel as the
administrators (including the machine supervisor) and instruct them to read the administrator manuals
listed below.
• Security Guide
• Getting Started
• Notes for Administrators: Using this Machine in a Network Environment Compliant with IEEE Std.
To securely operate the machine, administrators must keep these manuals handy.
All other manuals are for general users.
Before applying any security functions, administrators must read and fully understand "Before Using the
Security Functions" in Security Guide.
External Authentication
FTP Server SMB Server SMTP Server Firewall
Web Browser Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, and 9.0 for
• You can connect necessary IT products to the MFP over the network or telephone line in your
operating environment.
• If this machine's LAN (local area network) is connected to an external network, be sure to use a
firewall or some other means to block any unused ports. Check which ports are required and block
any that are not.
• Use only CC-conformant or later (post-CC-conformant) versions of the PCL6 and LAN-Fax drivers.
If you use a post-CC-conformant driver version, check the revision history to make sure there has
been no security-related revision to the CC-conformant version. You can download the drivers from
the manufacturer's web site.
• To install the LAN-Fax driver, enter the machine's IP address or host name in the [Printer URL] box
as follows (also described in "Using the SmartDeviceMonitor for Client port" in "Specifying the Port
When Installing the LAN-FAX Driver" in "Installing the LAN-Fax Driver", Driver Installation Guide):
• https://(machine's IP address or host name)/printer
• To install the printer driver, enter the machine's IP address or host name in the [URL:] box as follows
(also described in "Using the IPP Port" in "Installing the Printer Driver for the Selected Port", Driver
Installation Guide):
• https://(machine's IP address or host name)/printer
The version of CC-certified target of evaluation (TOE) is E-1.00. The versions of the firmware and
hardware corresponding to version E-1.00 TOE are shown below. When using an MFP, you can
display the firmware and hardware versions.
Fax 01.01.00
RemoteFax 01.01.00
NetworkDocBox 1.00
animation 6.00
Scanner 01.01
Printer 1.01
PCL 1.10
GWFCU3.8-2(WW) 02.00.00
Engine 1.11:08
OpePanel 1.01
Ic Hdd 3330
You can check the firmware and hardware versions from the control panel as follows:
The reference numbers of the CC-certified manuals and the model numbers of the machines covered by
the manuals are as follows:
Identifying the model
• Mainly Europe
• Mainly North America
"-17" or "-18"
• Mainly Asia
In the following example, the machine's model number ends with "-27".
1. Check the label on the rear of the machine to identify the model.
2. Check whether the model number on the label ends with "-27".
1. Manual reference numbers for "-27" models
(Paper Manuals)
Manual Name Reference Number
(Manual CD-ROMs)
Manual Name Reference Number
Manuals D146-7883
MP C3003/C3503/C4503/C5503/C6003 series
(Online Manuals)
Manual Name Reference Number
(Paper Manuals)
Manual Name Reference Number
(Manual CD-ROMs)
Manual Name Reference Number
Manuals D146-7880
MP C3003/C3503/C4503/C5503/C6003 series
(Online Manuals)
Manual Name Reference Number
(Paper Manuals)
Manual Name Reference Number
(Manual CD-ROMs)
Manual Name Reference Number
Manuals D146-7880
MP C3003/C3503/C4503/C5503/C6003 series
(Online Manuals)
Manual Name Reference Number
CC certification has been obtained for the machine with the following option attached.
• Fax Option Type M3
The following options are not CC-certified, but can still be used with the machine.
• Finisher SR3140
• Booklet Finisher SR3150
• Punch Unit PU3050 NA
• Punch Unit PU3050 EU
• Punch Unit PU3050 SC
• Booklet Finisher SR3170
• Finisher SR3160
• Punch Unit PU3060 NA
• Punch Unit PU3060 EU
• Punch Unit PU3060 SC
• Internal Finisher SR3130
• Punch Unit PU3040 NA
• Punch Unit PU3040 EU
• Punch Unit PU3040 SC
• Paper Feed Unit PB3160
• Paper Feed Unit PB3150
• Caster Table Type M3
• LCIT PB3170
• LCIT RT3030
• Internal Shift Tray SH3070
• Bridge Unit BU3070
• 1 Bin Tray BN3110
This section explains how to specify the MFP settings to establish a CC-certified operating environment.
The administrator must specify the MFP settings using the control panel and Web Image Monitor
according to the following procedures.
Before specifying the machine settings, log in as the administrator. For details about logging in, see
"Administrator Login Method" in "Getting Started", Security Guide.
Using the control panel, specify [System Settings], [Copier / Document Server Features], [Printer
Features], [Scanner Features], [Facsimile Features], and [User Authentication Management] in the User
Tools menu so that they are in the CC-certified ranges.
For details about configuring settings in the User Tools menu, see "Accessing User Tools" in "Read This
First", Connecting the Machine/ System Settings.
The administrator must specify the settings in [System Settings] within the ranges shown in the table on
the following page.
For details about how to specify the settings, see "System Settings", Connecting the Machine/ System
• If you set "User Authentication Management" to [Windows Auth.], as described on page 15 "2.
Specifying [User Authentication Management]", do not use the server name registered in the
Windows server for any of "Administrator 1-4" or "Supervisor" in "Program / Change
• To change the supervisor's "Login User Name" and "Login Password", log in as the supervisor.
Timer Settings Auto Logout Timer Select [On], and then set the range for
the timer between 60-999 seconds.
Interface Settings Network Specify this only if you are using a static
DNS Configuration DNS server.
• Specifying a static DNS server
Enter the IPv4 address in "DNS
Server 1", "DNS Server 2", and
"DNS Server 3". (Specify DNS
Server 2 and 3 if required.)
• Obtaining the DHCP server address
Select [Auto-Obtain (DHCP)].
The administrator must specify the settings in [User Authentication Management] in [System Settings]
within the ranges shown in the following table.
For details about how to specify the settings, see "System Settings", Connecting the Machine/ System
Available Functions
The administrator must specify the settings in [System Settings] within the ranges shown in the table on
the following page.
For details about how to specify the settings, see "System Settings", Connecting the Machine/ System
Administrator Tools Extended Security Select [Proh. Some Services] if you use
@Remote Service @Remote Service.
Otherwise, select [Prohibit].
Do not set this to [Do not Prohibit].
Administrator Tools Auto Erase Memory Setting Select [On], and then select [NSA],
[DoD], or [Random Numbers].
If you set this to [Random Numbers], set
[Number of Erase] to three or more.
Administrator Tools Machine Data Encryption Ensure that the current data has been
Settings encrypted.
If the data has been encrypted, the
following message will appear: "The
current data in the machine has been
Administrator Tools Stop Key to Suspend Print [Only Job Being Operated]
The administrator must specify the settings in [Copier / Document Server Features] within the ranges
shown in the following table.
For details about how to specify the settings, see "Copier / Document Server Features", Copy/
Document Server.
The administrator must specify the settings in [Printer Features] within the ranges shown in the following
For details about how to specify the settings, see "Printer Features", Print.
The administrator must specify the settings in [Scanner Features] within the ranges shown in the following
For details about how to specify the settings, see "Scanner Features", Scan.
Print & Delete Scanner [Do not Print: Delete Oldest] or [Do not
General Settings
Journal Print: Disable Send]
The administrator must specify the settings in [Facsimile Features] within the ranges shown in the
following table.
For details about how to specify the settings, see "Facsimile Features", Fax.
It is necessary to specify the values in [Device Settings], [Printer], [Fax], [Interface], [Network], [Security]
and [Webpage] in [Configuration] in [Device Management] of Web Image Monitor within the CC-
certified range.
Before specifying system settings, the administrator should refer to the Web Image Monitor help. The
CC-certified Web Image Monitor help can be downloaded from the following URL:
The help that appears when the "?" icon (Help button) in Web Image Monitor's header area is clicked
may have changed after receiving CC evaluation.
Before specifying the settings, install the Web browser specified in "CC-Certified Operating
Environment" in this manual on the client computer, and then connect the client computer and MFP to the
network that can be accessed only by the administrator.
For details about how to launch Web Image Monitor, see "Using Web Image Monitor" in "Monitoring
and Configuring the Machine", Connecting the Machine/ System Settings.
The administrator must specify the settings in [Device Settings] within the ranges shown in the following
• Set "Kerberos Authentication" "Encryption Algorithm" to the values specified when setting "User
Authentication Management" to [Windows Auth.], as described on page 15 "2. Specifying [User
Authentication Management]"".
2. Specifying [Printer]
The administrator must specify the settings in [Printer] within the ranges shown in the following table.
3. Specifying [Fax]
The administrator must specify the settings in [Fax] within the ranges shown in the following table.
4. Specifying [Interface]
The administrator must specify the settings in [Interface] within the ranges shown in the following table.
5. Specifying [Network]
The administrator must specify the settings in [Network] within the ranges shown in the following table.
6. Specifying [Security]
The administrator must specify the settings in [Security] within the ranges shown in the following table.
• If "Network Security" "Security Level" is set to [FIPS 140], some functions become unavailable.
For details about the functions that become unavailable, see "Status of Functions under Each
Network Security Level" and "Enabling and Disabling Protocols" in the Security Guide.
• If the FTP or SNMP function is set to [Inactive], some functions become unavailable. For details
about the functions that become unavailable, see "Enabling and Disabling Protocols" in the Security
• For details about how to specify Device Certificate, see "Protecting the Communication Path via a
Device Certificate", Security Guide.
• For details about specifying IPsec, see "Configuring IPsec", Security Guide.
Encryption Algorithm
7. Specifying [Webpage]
The administrator must specify the settings in [Webpage] within the ranges shown in the following table.
Using the control panel, specify [System Settings] in the User Tools menu so that they are in the CC-
certified ranges.
The administrator must specify the settings in [System Settings] within the ranges shown in the table on
the following page.
For details about how to specify the settings, see "System Settings", Connecting the Machine/ System
The administrator must specify the settings in [Facsimile Features] within the ranges shown in the
following table.
For details about how to specify the settings, see "Facsimile Features", Fax.
• Prior to this, the administrator must register in the address book the users or groups whose access to
received faxes stored in the machine's memory is authorized. For details about registering data in
the address book, see "Registering Addresses and Users for Facsimile/Scanner Functions",
Connecting the Machine/ System Settings.
After completing the procedure described on page 12 "Specifying the MFP Settings", check the log data
and ROM version according to the following procedure.
You can check that the fax unit in use is a genuine product by checking that the entries in the log files
and the ROM version match the following:
Module Name: G3
For details about logs, see "Managing Log Files", Security Guide.
4. Log on as the administrator ("admin").
5. Use the following procedure to check the fax parameter settings from the machine's
control panel.
1. Press the [User Tools/Counter] key.
2. Press [Facsimile Features].
3. Press [Initial Settings].
4. Press [Parameter Setting: Print List].
5. Press the [Start] key.
6. Check that the following ROM version matches the one shown in the printed list:
[ROM Version]
G3: 02.00.00(Validation Data: B8DA)
6. Log off.
Timer Settings Auto Logout Timer Select [On], and then set the range for
the timer between 60-999 seconds.
Administrator Tools Extended Security Select [Proh. Some Services] if you use
@Remote Service @Remote Service.
Otherwise, select [Prohibit].
Do not set this to [Do not Prohibit].
Administrator Tools Auto Erase Memory Select [On], and then select [NSA],
Setting [DoD], or [Random Numbers].
If you set this to [Random Numbers],
set [Number of Erase] to three or more.
General Settings Print & Delete Scanner [Do not Print: Delete Oldest] or [Do not
Journal Print: Disable Send]
• Before receiving faxes, specify "Stored Reception File User Setting" in the Fax setting.
• When you configure "Program Special Sender" in the fax mode, do not specify "Forwarding per
Sender" or "Memory Lock RX per Sender" before registering or changing special senders.
• The file creator (owner) has the authority to grant [Full Control] privileges to other users for stored
documents in the Document Server. However, administrators should tell users that [Full Control]
privileges are meant only for the file creator (owner).
• When using Windows authentication, the user login is case sensitive. You will not be able to use the
machine if you make a mistake.
• A third party may steal or read paper documents printed by this machine. Instruct users to collect
printed copies immediately.
• Do not access other Web sites when using Web Image Monitor. Also, be sure to logout after you
have finished using Web Image Monitor. Instruct users not to access other Web sites when they are
using Web Image Monitor, and to be sure to logout when they have finished.
• Obtain log files by downloading them via Web Image Monitor. The administrator is required to
properly manage the log information downloaded on the computer, so that unauthorized users
may not view, delete, or modify the downloaded log information.
• To prevent incorrect timestamps from being recorded in the audit log, ensure that the External
Authentication Server or File Server that connects to the MFP is synchronized with the MFP.
• Do not use exported or imported device setting information since it is not CC-conformant.
• Do not restore the address book from an SD card, back up to the computer, or restore from the
computer since these actions are not CC-conformant.
• Modification of stored file has not been rated for CC conformance.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, Windows Vista, and Internet Explorer are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
The proper names of the Windows operating systems are as follows:
• The product names of Windows XP are as follows:
Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional
Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition
Microsoft® Windows® XP Media Center Edition
Microsoft® Windows® XP Tablet PC Edition
• The product names of Windows Vista are as follows:
Microsoft® Windows Vista® Ultimate
Microsoft® Windows Vista® Business
Microsoft® Windows Vista® Home Premium
Microsoft® Windows Vista® Home Basic
Microsoft® Windows Vista® Enterprise
• The product names of Windows 7 are as follows:
Microsoft® Windows® 7 Home Premium
Microsoft® Windows® 7 Professional
Microsoft® Windows® 7 Ultimate
Microsoft® Windows® 7 Enterprise
• The product names of Windows Server 2003 are as follows:
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 Standard Edition
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 Enterprise Edition
• The product names of Windows Server 2003 R2 are as follows:
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 R2 Standard Edition
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition
• The product names of Windows Server 2008 are as follows:
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Enterprise
• The product names of Windows Server 2008 R2 are as follows:
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 Standard
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 Enterprise
44 EN GB EN US EN AU D146-7577