Principles of Eyl-Question No 1&2

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LILIH SOPIA (1172040058)



1) There are four language skillls need to be taught in ELT. What to teach first to the
The appropriate arragement in teaching the four language skill start from listening,
speaking, reading, writing. The four language skills illustrate the essence of language,
which a mean of communication. According to Harmer (2007), the language skills
need to be taught start from:
 Listening
Listening is the first language skill that need to be taught. Listening can be taught
to young learners early. From listening they can know then will familiar about
english vocabularies, sentences, and so on. Discussed the reasons of teaching
listening, this includes the effect on students’ acquisition of good pronunciation
and other speaking habits. Through listening, teacher can accustom young
learners to listen about English until they will familiar with that language, beside
young learners are auditory, learners develop an ability to discriminate sounds,
realize the value of listening, and learn to listen for a variety purposes, they will
learn fast from what they heard. After that, the learners will helped to produce
language automatically.
 Speaking
The second skill that have to be taught is speaking. Because of language is a tool
for communication. Communication take place, where there is speech. without
speech we cannot comminicate with one another. For that reason, that is why we
should teach speaking skill to the learners early. speaking activities provide
opportunities for rehearsal. The way to teach this skill can start from learners’
background knowledge about English they have and usually heard before, words
and sentences they can automatically produce after they listen to.
 Reading
Reading is the next skill that the teacher should teach to young learners. students
knowledge about English cannot be obtained only from listening. They must
expand their knowledge in order to be fluent and comprehend. Provided that that
students more or less understand what they read, the more they read, the better
they got. Through reading, it brings a positive effect on students’ vocabulary
knowledge-they will have a larger vocabulary-,on they spelling and writing.
 Writing
The last skill that should be taugh is writing. the reason is writing give a chance
for students to process language in more considered way than they may
sometimes do when speaking. Wrriting is a helpful way to express feelings that
cannot be expressed so easily by speaking. Writing can be called as the
complicated skill. Reading and writing may be looked at as fundamental skills
within the classroom, but their use remains essential long after one’s formal
education comes to an end. it also can be an important element of students’
education and and an important form of communication.

2) How should vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar each be taught to young

There are many different ways to teach vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar to
young learners. In order to decide the appropriate and suitable technique and method,
the teacher should concern to the young learners learning style.
a. Vocabulary
According to Sarah (1993;7), there are some points to make there are some points
to make the process of teaching English to young learners more enjoyable; the
activity should be simple enough for the children to understand what is expected
for them, the task should be within their abilities, and the activity should be
largerly orally based indeed-with their young learners listening activities will take
up a large proportion os a class time. We can use several ways to teach
Using illustration, this is useful for more concrete words and for visual learners;
Mime, it can be fun and memorable;
Synonyms/Antonyms/, it can be effective by using words that students already
Context, can give the students example sentence to clarify the meaning further.
b. Pronunciation
Pronunciation can be taugth to young learners by giving an accurate role model.
Simply show them how is the good pronunciation matter is. There are things that
teachers must to know; pronunciation should be integrated into normal lesson,
students need to be accurate not to be perfect. In teaching pronunciation, we can
do with working with sounds, working with stress, working with intonation, and
sound and spelling. All that method can be applied through games, songs, stories,
or narrative play.
c. Grammar
According to characteristics of young learners, they are not good at understanding
abstaract concepts and grammar rules. Teacher cannot teach grammar in
structured way –give the students’ the structure- but it should be in contextual.
The teacher can intruduced grammar in standarixed and applicated in the real
situation by fun. In teaching Grammar; It Needs to be clear, children aren't good
at understanding abstract concepts and grammar rules; It Needs to Be Motivating
and Interesting, while learning in general, students need to feel as if they are
progressing but there also needs to be some challenge; It Needs to Be Simple,
children have a limited amount of language at their disposal and this makes
analyzing language difficult for them; Review and Revise, children need many
opportunities to review and revise the language.
The teacher can follow use this technique for teaching grammar
 games and songs with action
 total physical response
 simple repetitive stiries
 simple repetitive speaking activities

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