Heliyon: Govind Soni, Ketaki Kale, Saritha Shetty, M.K. Gupta, Khushwant S. Yadav
Heliyon: Govind Soni, Ketaki Kale, Saritha Shetty, M.K. Gupta, Khushwant S. Yadav
Heliyon: Govind Soni, Ketaki Kale, Saritha Shetty, M.K. Gupta, Khushwant S. Yadav
journal homepage: www.cell.com/heliyon
Review article
Keywords: Polymeric nanoparticles prepared using high pressure homogenizer (HPH) present some unique challenges during
QbD manufacturing which can be better understood by application of quality by design (QbD) approaches. The present
Polymeric nanoparticles review highlights the ways to identify the critical material attributes which includes the anticancer drugs,
Anticancer drugs
polymers, surfactants, solvent system and dispersion system. A comprehensive understanding of the critical
High pressure homogenizer
processing parameters like pressure and number of cycles during the working of HPH used in putting forward the
Nanomaterials critical quality attributes such as size, shape, surface charge or droplet stabilization. Such QbD approach will
Pharmaceutical science involve development of an effective control strategy for would ensure safe encapsulation of anticancer drugs for
Cancer research successful product development. Proper addressing of the issues related to scaling-up would lead to successful
Oncology commercialization of the nano-sized formulations loaded with anticancer drugs.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (K.S. Yadav).
Received 3 January 2020; Received in revised form 11 April 2020; Accepted 21 April 2020
2405-8440/© 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
G. Soni et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03846
achievement of desired target profiles due to minimum changes due to 2. QbD approach
real time release testing complimented with monitoring by the appro-
priate control strategy, overall consistent commercial manufacturing. In a QbD approach setting up the Quality Target Product Profile –
Due to the ability of polymeric nanoparticles to encapsulate, provide (QTPP) would be the first step in product development cycle to get the
stealthing properties, dual loading and targeting by attaching ligands desired quality characteristics. This phase involves assigning well
they are preferred over other novel drug delivery systems [12]. In defined attributes to a given drug product. In QTPP, CQAs becomes a
addition, variety and development of new biodegradable polymers subset that defines few critical parameters that involves in development
makes it more interesting to play with retention time and cellular uptake of product. The critical parameters that likely to be changed are based on
of the drug. Even after having so many advantages, very few products the variation in raw materials and processes is depicted in Figure 1. This
have been able to reach the market because of toxicity caused in clinical has to be observed and evaluated through the phase of product devel-
trials, not choosing an appropriate model in preclinical studies and fail- opment to ensure that drug product remains within safe and effective
ure in reproducing results on industrial scale. For developing a quality levels. The factors that affect the drug product in terms of CQAs [17].
product of commercial acceptance, it is important to choose a right For any quality product, the characteristics properties of the raw
experimental model. Choosing a right experimental model will also materials that are going to be introduced in the process technology plays
reduce wastage of time during scale-up, will provide cost effective a vital role. For example, the input materials need to be identified as
manufacturing, development of less time-consuming methods for and Critical Material Attributes (CMAs). In-process material properties is
time-bound product launch [13]. considered as CQAs of one step process and this becomes CMAs for a
The term homogenization is derived from the greek word homoge- downstream manufacturing process. The identification of Critical Process
nous (homos þ genos); homos meaning same or even and genos meaning Parameters (CPPs) becomes a part of production process parameters and
kind. Thus, Homogenization is a process for the formation of evenly finally the risk assessment of the drug substance attributes to the devel-
distributed particles. This is usually done using an instrument called as opment of the product.
homogenizer. In pharmaceutical industry, these homogenizers are used
widely used for particle size reduction and formation of evenly distrib- 3. Critical material attributes: identification and optimization
uted emulsion, dispersions or suspensions. The high energy generated in
the process is responsible for the size reduction of particles and work by Critical Material Attributes (CMA), its identification and optimization
breakdown of larger particles into smaller particles. Different type of in selection of anticancer drugs along with selection of excipients and
instruments providing such high energy include rotor-stator homoge- emulsifying system for development of product is discussed in this sec-
nizer, high power ultrasonicator, high shear homogenizer, high pressure tion. For any product development, if we consider the critical elements of
homogenizer etc [14]. The HPH instrument is widely used in biotech- drug substance attributes as well as drug product critical quality attri-
nology, pharmaceutics, and food industry [15]. butes, then the solid-state form and particle size will be the main critical
The success of any commercial sized batches lies in the ability to fulfil material attributes that effects the effectiveness of the final product.
all quality parameters especially the quality control tests shown during Identification and Optimization of these critical material attributes is
lab scale. This is facilitated by systematically planned Critical Quality important. In-depth knowledge about the material, its chemistry,
Attributes (CQAs) with appropriate design space [16]. mechanism of action, complexity involved at the molecular level need to
CQAs by definition are the characteristic properties shown by the be addressed during the optimization stage. The technology used for
physical, chemical, biological, or microbiological which needs to be manufacturing of the dosage form along with the right selection of ma-
controlled within a range to ensure expected quality in the end product. terials makes a huge impact on the product quality.
However, the CQAs are just more than the analytical tests as they are the
critical limits which when kept under appropriate limits will bring the
needful results in product. In addition, the CQAs are arguably the most 3.1. Anticancer drugs
difficult step in the implementation of QbD. In this context, the present
review highlights the ways to identify the critical processing steps during Drugs that act on cancerous cells can be classified into four types:
working of HPH to get the desired product quality which can be scaled Cytotoxic drugs, vaccines endocrine (hormonal) therapy and small mol-
up. ecules/antibodies that are used in targeted therapies. During the
G. Soni et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03846
Figure 2. Parameters to be selected for developing an anticancer Nano product for selecting a Drug and delivery systems.
selection of the drug candidate, formulator should consider the following Targets may be in terms of receptors, transporters, enzymes, as play a
[18]. role in pathological response and role in signal transduction. In-silico
models can be designed to study the target and validate the disease
i. The drug candidate should possess potential dose range and the susceptibility. Knowledge of drug metabolizing enzymes, its poly-
mechanism of action at the target site. morphic forms need to be cleared as to understand the drug stability
ii. The compound's polymorphic form should be explained. with their genes. Few examples for metabolic enzymes are cytochrome
iii. The scale-up possibility of the developed formulations needs to be P450 (CYP), aldehyde oxidase, monoamine oxidase (MAO), etc. Pro-
looked into. teins that are adhered to and enable the movement of biomolecules are
iv. It should be a commercially sustainable product for the benefit of the membrane bound transport system that makes the drug candidate
the human life. reach the target site [19]. The material attribute of an active should
v. With novel approaches built -in the product, the developed possess the ability to withstand the pressure involved in the
product should show more effective therapies with safety and high-pressure homogenization technology. During the manufacturing
efficacy. process, the degradation of ingredients may be observed due to the
strong cavitation and shear forces that are generated and the intense
Figure 2 describes the parameters to be selected for developing an energy the materials are subjected during the process. Certain mole-
anticancer nano product for selecting a drug and delivery systems. The cules like insulin and enzymes are able to with stand the process pres-
drug development process is based on two approaches, i.e. Structure and sure but may be sensitive to temperature or heat. Lipid layer may be lost
Target based approach. In case of the structure-based approach, the due to the interference by adsorption of the lipids on the system walls.
concept for drug design and its selection depends on how the drug With reference to the advance complexity of the instrument the working
structure interaction and its respective target receptors indicates the and tearing of the system (erosion) of the homogenizer may lead to the
therapeutic effect. This can be interpreted by NMR and X-ray crystal- contamination of the preparation mixtures.
lography. Target based approach are identified as per their ability to bind The various factors that influence the particle size in formulation of
to the respective target receptor indicated by the particular disease. polymeric nanoparticles and the success of the homogenization process
Computer aided drug design (CADD) is used to study the probable are:
interaction between the drug molecule and target receptors through this
software. Uniformity in the initial product.
One more approach known as ligand-based drug designing using the Design of the Homogenizer.
QSAR i.e quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) mecha- Ionic strength of the medium
nism is also explored by many researchers. In this approach, the Number of cycles in the process and with its pressure
elucidation of pharmacophore on bio-molecules tends to target recep- Process temperature
tor. This bind and modifies the biological progression to induce the Excipient content and composition especially polymers and lipid.
disease state. Interaction of drug molecules with the genes need to be
identified during targeting anticancer moiety. This study is known as Controlling all these above factors will ensure the stability, potency
pharmacogenomics. This will enhance the selection of right drug and product integrity. The Figure 2, gives the parameters to be selected
candidate and its target receptors. The information can be applied for developing an anticancer nano product for selecting a drug and de-
further for knowing the potency of that molecule for the target disease. livery systems.
G. Soni et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03846
3.2. Excipients few. Ren et al. developed cellulose nanoparticles with microcrystalline
cellulose by acid hydrolysis reaction using HPH [23]. In this study, they
In excipients, polymers play the most significant part in formulation observed the quality of nanoparticles with the effect on various types of
development of polymeric nanoparticles. Researchers have now been acid in the reaction, the acid – microcrystalline (MCC) ratio, reaction
able to synthesize polymers as per the need of delivery by polymeriza- time and the cycles used in the HPH process with the effect of various
tion, complexation or by modifying functional group. This concept has pressure. The impact of all these parameters were studied on the
enhanced the target drug delivery and hence this has hallmarked the morphology and thermal stability of nanoparticles. They concluded that
enhanced therapeutic efficacy. The selection of the polymers is primarily the concentrated acid in the reaction produced rod shaped particles of
based on the solubility of the drug in the polymers since the higher the size 10nm diameter and length of 150–200nm. With increase in number
solvent capacity is the higher the drug loading potential. of homogenization cycles, there was a reduction in nanocrystal size that
Polymers as drug carriers in cancer chemotherapy: was formed. Gupta S et al. investigated various surfactant system for solid
Polymers have now become one of the essential parts in formulation lipid nanoparticles (SLN) system using HPH and observed that poloxamer
development of carriers for cancer chemotherapy. Right from polymers 188 (Pluronic F68) gave minimum particle size and polydispersity index
characteristics of them being responsive to their ability to form conju- with maximum entrapment efficiency [24].
gates with drugs. Nevertheless, their ability to provide sustained and
controlled release of the entrapped drug for long periods enhances the 3.3. Surfactants/solubilizers
therapeutic regimen. Moreover, the ability to entrap diverse molecules
form both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs to proteins and peptides The major component for stable nanoemulsions is the selection of
with tunable drug release. surfactant or solubiliser based on their hydrophilic lipophilic balance
Polymeric formulation can improve the delivery of anticancer drugs (HLB) value. It acts as driving force as it has a range that is required to
by following ways [20]: develop a formulation with oil or water as continuous phase or one can
also go with choice of mixed surfactants that gives an ideal blend for
1. Increase the solubility of the hydrophobic drugs stabilizing the formulated system. Higher the HLB value more hydro-
2. Reduce the excretion by lowering the renal filtration rate and hence philic the system. Chong et al., investigated the effect of mixed surfac-
the circulation period is prolonged. tants ranging with HLB value 10–15, and they observed reduction in
3. Premature degradation of gene or any kind of proteins, hence drug droplet size from 96.47-130.90nm to 88.95–112.20nm while using 5 wt
protection. % and 10 wt% of surfactants respectively [25]. The stability studies were
4. Avoiding the drug into macrophage uptake and the reticuloendo- also performed on these formulated emulsions and they observed that
thelial system (RES) by masking, coating or shielding the drug de- HLB values with 13 and 15 showed unstable emulsion over 35days of
livery carrier (example use of PEG to shield nanoparticles). storage as droplet size changed significantly. The difference in the head
5. Coating or surface protection of the drug by shielding or masking the group sizes of surfactants influences the synergistic effects of mixed
surface. surfactants [26]. Studies have shown that the differences in larger group
6. Reduction of drug efflux by multidrug-resistant (MDR) cells. size on the head portion of the surfactant influence to larger synergistic
7. Passive targeting of drug delivery and explore the tumors structure. effects, since small molecule surfactants can enclose better at the inter-
This permits enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) of nano- face of large surfactant between oil and water phase [26]. For example,
particles of specific sizes which would be collected more in the tumor use of span and tweens. Dispersity and solubility in dispersion medium is
tissue compared to normal tissues. enhanced by using mixed surfactants and this can strengthen the inter-
8. Active targeting of drug delivery to overexpress the tumour- facial film in between the two phases. Chong WT et al., investigated the
associated antigens. effect of mixed surfactants over the droplet size and showed whenever
surfactant concentration is more than 7.5 wt% and glycerol concentra-
Polymeric nanoparticles are soft biomaterials that can be used in drug tion as a solvent is more than 20 wt% in aqueous phase, a significant
delivery because of their simplistic synthesis process and easy structural reduction in droplet size of nanoemulsion is achieved.
alterations to form a desired property to target deliver or surface modi-
fication to improve drug loading efficacy etc. Here bio-distribution, 3.4. Solvent system
therapeutic efficacy can be enhanced since they are biocompatible and
often biodegradable systems in colloidal systems with nanoscale di- HPH avoids the selection of organic solvents, hence the regulatory
mensions [21,22]. Polymeric nanoparticles explored in anticancer aspects of residual solvents and safety concern with respect to the
product development are from various sources like natural origin such as product profile is screened off. Glycerol when used as co-solvent in the
chitosan, collagen, gelatin, dextran and water soluble polymers such as formulation system it can increase the viscosity of aqueous phase. Thus,
human serum albumin(HAS), lectins, poly(aminoacids), poly (ethylene an addition of co-solvent can reduce the droplet size due to its solubility
glycols) etc. Synthetic polymers such as biodegradable like poly (lactic in dispersion medium and hence this dispersion medium reduces its
acid) (PLA), poly (glycolic acid) (PGA), poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL), viscosity and gives a smaller droplet sized system [27]. In case if the
co-polymers poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid), N-(2-hydrox- co-solvent has both the hydrophilic and hydrophobic nature, they can
ypropyl)-methacrylamide copolymer (HPMA) and poly (styrene-maleic diffuse into the monolayer of surfactant that will lead to change in op-
anhydride) copolymer, polyamide-amine (PAMAM) dendrimers are also timum curvature, flexibility of surfactant and interfacial tension. Vivek
extensively used in cancer treatments. During the formulation develop- et al. investigated the application of glyceryl monostearate with various
ment, the drugs can either be encapsulated or dispersed in the polymeric concentration and its effect on homogenization pressure of solid lipid
matrix system or drug can be attached to the polymer molecule for nanoparticles prepared [28]. They found that the pressure ranges from
modified delivery the anticancer drugs. The drug release mechanism may 5000psi -10000psi gives a reduced nanosize particle range and could be
follow diffusion through polymer matrix, surface or bulk erosion, observed due to the cavitational forces developed in the homogenization
swelling or stimuli response delivery. With the objective to provide stage resulting in reduction of lipid droplets to the nanosize range.
protection from rapid clearance and enzymatic digestion, control release
delivery of the actives using polymer mediated delivery systems are 3.5. Selection of an emulsification/dispersion system
designed. These have shown huge potentials even in targeting the actives
at site of action. For example: Polymeric nanoparticles, polymer micellar In HPH process, and a good emulsification system the achievable
systems, polymer –drug conjugates and nanoscale hydrogels to name droplet sizes depend on the flow pattern of the disruption unit that
G. Soni et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03846
influences the droplet to break. This disruption units depends on the flow the liquid experience shear, cavitation and turbulence which are respon-
guidance into radial diffusers, counterjet dispergators and axial nozzle sible for breakdown into smaller droplets. Droplets are broken only when a
aggregates [29]. The energy density equals the pressure drop in the sufficient amount of shear to overcome the Laplace's pressure is
disruption unit. The increasing pressure difference or increasing energy experienced.
density will give decreased droplet sized diameter unless unless coales- Increase in pressure creates a higher pressure drop that would easily
cence occur. Juttulapa et al. investigated the various types of pectin type overcome the Laplace's pressure and lead to increased size reduction.
that can be used as an emulsifying agent for HPH process [30]. The study In case of paclitaxel HSA nanoparticles, reduction in size from 337.7
indicated that the droplet size of emulsion was dependent on methoxy 14.8 upto 248.2 6.6 nm at 15,000 psi and 254.7 15.5 nm at 20,000
content of pectin. Lower droplet size with good stability was observed psi was achieved. No noticeable difference in size was attained at 15000
with high methoxy content, this was due to good emulsifying property. psi and 20000 psi [32].
Yadav and Sawant were able to achieve size of approximately 98 nm with
4. Critical processing parameters in working of High-Pressure 10,000 psi [33]. Kushwah et al. reported particle size of approximately 147.2
Homogenizer (HPH) nm for gemcitabine- Bovine Serum Albumin conjugate at 20,000 psi [34].
Thus, increase in the pressure leads to decrease in mean diameter size
4.1. Working principle of HPH up to certain extent which depends on the method of formulation of
emulsion, combination of polymers as well as the quantity of drug used.
For the preparation of nanoparticles using HPH, a premix used could Variation in size will be seen with varying concentration of drug, solvent
be coarse emulsion, dispersion or suspension. They are prepared by used, type of polymers and number of times the premix is recirculated.
dispersing one phase of liquid (dispersed phase) in other phase (disper-
sion medium) either with the help of mechanical shear or by providing 4.3. Number of cycles
physical energy. In case of suspension and dispersions with particles of
larger size, the premix could be pre-processed with high energy systems One cycle is said to be completed after collected premix is again
like ultra-sonification, rotor stator, high shear homogenizer or membrane recirculated through a narrow gap under specified conditions of pressure.
emulsifying system before subjecting to high pressure homogenizer. Pre- as the liquid experiences all the shear, cavitation and turbulence all over
processing of the premix is necessary as large particles may clog the gap. again the size of the droplets is also reduced further. Thus, number of
The working principle of an HPH is depicted in Figure 3. cycles/recirculation's shows variation in direct relation with mean
As described, in HPH this premix is forced from inlet chamber to diameter size at constant pressure [35]. The time required to complete
outlet chamber through a narrow gap under high pressure. The homog- one cycle is dependent on the viscosity of the liquid.
enized product which collected can be recirculated again into the feeder In case of paclitaxel Huan Serum Albumin nanoparticles, after eval-
making the process of homogenization continuous for obtaining further uating the effect of 6, 9, 12 and 15 cycles, 12 cycles were applied for
size reduction. The final product which is obtained is then is lyophilized. further process. 12 cycles were selected as, there was no much difference
The cavitation forces developed during this process are responsible for in mean diameter size with further increasing the number of cycles. At
breaking the polymeric particles into nanoparticles. the same time effect of solvent used and the quantity of drug added
The delivery of anticancer drugs based on nanoparticles has been cannot be ignored which influenced the particle size [32]. Thus,
extensively investigated. However, a very important process for research increasing the number of cycles will reduce the size of droplets to some
and development in any pharmaceutical industry is the scaling of extent depending on the different material attributes of the emulsion
nanoparticles formulation techniques in order to produce large batches under constant pressure. Increasing the number of cycles reduces the size
for preclinical and clinical trials. For preparing batches on large scales it of the droplets further.
is important to optimize certain process parameters and material Number of cycles can also affect the encapsulation efficiency. In case
parameter which has direct effect on final product. Such parameters are of PLGA paclitaxel nanoparticles, as the number of cycles were increased
called as critical parameters. the reduced encapsulation efficiency was reported [36].
Homogenization pressure is pressure that forces the liquid to pass The Critical Quality Attributes (CQA) would be beneficial in optimi-
through a narrow gap and ranges between (10–500 MPa). The droplets of zation of mean droplet diameter, polydispersity index, shape, surface
G. Soni et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03846
charge and the droplet stabilization are some of the attributes that need on the shape of nanoparticles [50]. Along with the shape, shape related
to be understood. parameters like aspect ratio or edge geometry affects the biological in-
teractions with respect to transport characteristics, cell particle in-
5.1. Mean particle size/mean droplet size teractions that in turn influence the release kinetics [51].
But, for polymeric nanoparticles, spherical shape is the ideal
In general, there are two basic methods of defining particle size. The requirement to meet the quality criteria of finished product. Compared
first method is to inspect the particles and make actual measurements of with nanospheres, oblong-shaped nanoparticles are able to form a greater
their dimensions. Microscopic techniques, for example, measure many number of multivalent interactions [52]. Shape of the nanoparticles can
dimensional parameters from particle images. The second method uti- be controlled by lithography based methods, membrane stretching
lizes the relationship between particle behaviour and its size. This often methods [53].
implies an assumption of equivalent spherical size developed using a size- Nanoparticle size suggestively influences the interactions with bio-
dependent property of the particle and relating it to a linear dimension logical targets and the ability to cross various cellular barriers [54].
[37]. Among the different shapes, the spherical particles are the ones showing
Mean particle Size of polymeric nanoparticles is expected to be in maximum therapeutic applications [55].
between 10-100nm. nanoparticles of size less than 20 nm have a deep
penetration into the perivascular region of the tumor cell under hydraulic 5.4. Surface charge
pressure [38].
Other than the size, the geometry and shape also have a significant Cell membrane possesses a slight negative charge and cell uptake is
role in transport of nanoparticles across intestinal cells [39,40]. driven by electrostatic attractions [56]. This electrostatic attraction be-
The Mean particle size can be measured either by using dynamic light tween membranes and nanoparticles that are positively charged favours
dispersion (DLS) or by using the Nanoparticle Tracking System (NTA). adhesion to the surface of the cell leading to absorption [57]. The surface
DLS is advantageous for evaluating a 1nm-3000 nm monodisperse sam- load induces the reconstruction of lipid bilayers for larger nanoparticles
ple solution in about 2–5 min with reproducible results. While NTA is (4–20 nm) [58]. The surface charge can be tailored by appropriate se-
suitable for evaluation of monodisperse as well as polydisperse solutions lection of polymer and surfactant combination so as to suit the delivery
showing accurate size distribution. But, NTA is more time consuming system.
with detecting size range up to 30nm–1000nm and requires skill full The interactions of the nanoparticles with cancer cell membranes is
sample handling [41]. Presence of contaminant i.e. thread or dust par- highly dependent on the surface charge. The cationic nanoparticles can
ticles shows drastic variation in results obtained by DLS which is not the enter the cell membranes. Whereas, the anionic ones are not able to
case with size detection by NTA. Even though sample preparation by DLS penetrate the lipid membrane. However, the anionic nanoparticles give
is not as tricky as NTA, a monodisperse sample (single particle suspen- them different functions such as ability to survive the harsh conditions of
sion) should be prepared so that particles are not agglomerating. pH [59,60].
Particle scattering diffusometry (PSD) is one of the ways of detecting
particle size, diffusion pattern and of nanoparticles. Using this method 5.5. Droplet stabilization
particles of size less than 30 nm can also be measured [42]. The method
makes use of images captured by camera depending on the Brownian For the formation of stable emulsions and preventing the coalescence,
motion of suspended particles. PSD provides data regarding size, het- flocculation and Ostwald ripening of the particles various stabilizing
erogeneity, surface modifications done on nanoparticles with the number agents are used [61,62]. In case of polymeric nanoparticles non-ionic
of layer present on it. PSD is less time consuming and there is no polymers like PVA and Pluronics are the commonly used stabilizing
requirement of skilled labour for sample handling [43,44]. agents. They act by decreasing the interfacial tension and thereby sta-
Particles of size lass than 100nm are able to pass through leaky bilizing the emulsion. HLB value becomes a criterion for selection of
vasculature of tumor because of enhanced permeability and retention stabilizing agent.
(EPR) effect and it becomes easier to passively target the tumour cells
[45]. 5.6. Drug loading and entrapment efficiency
5.2. Polydispersity index (PDI) Anti-cancer drugs should be loaded efficiently so that both the drug
loading and entrapment efficiency is successful in reaching the optimized
The PDI is defined as the standard deviation (σ) of the particle values [63].
diameter distribution divided by the mean particle diameter (d) as shown It is generally understood that the entrapment efficiency (EE%) of
in Eq. (1). drugs in nanoparticle is a measure of the total drug added minus the free
σ 2 or the non-entrapped drug over the total drug added [30,64,65,66].
PDI ¼ (1) In nano-formulations, two critical parameters are drug loading con-
tent and drug loading efficiency. Drug loading content defines the mass
The smaller is the PDI more is the monodispersity of the samples. The ratio of drugs in given nanoformulations whereas drug loading efficiency
PDI is an estimation of the uniformity of the samples [46]. defines the exact amount of drug in the feed during the process of
nanoformulation and are given in Eqs. (2) and (3).
5.3. Shape
Drug loading (% w/w) ¼ (Mass of the drug in nanoformulation)/(initial mass of
Bulk properties of the particles like size and shape affect the perfor- the nanoformulation)*100 (2)
mance of the system [47,48,49]. These surface properties can be varied
Drug loading efficiency (% w/w) ¼ (Mass of the drug in nanoformulation)/
with the choice of method adopted for nanoparticles preparation and (Mass of drug in feed)*100 (3)
their critical parameters involved in the method. It is reported that
nanoparticles are prepared in various shapes like rod, disc, hollow etc., With respect to drug loading it depends on the physicochemical
impacts the in-vitro and in-vivo release of the drug from its system. Major properties and the structure of the carrier material, and efficiency is
factors like cell uptake of nanoparticles, circulation time, tissue pene- depended on the mechanism of loading, molecular weight of the drug/s
tration and distribution, target binding to cells or tissues, intracellular in the feed as well as other process variables. Hence one has to optimise a
trafficking behaviour and ability to overcome biological barriers depends process with high loading efficiency in order to get high drug loading
G. Soni et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03846
Figure 4. Mapping of CMA and CPP to CQA in High-Pressure Homogenizer (HPH) for formulation of Polymeric Nanoparticles using Ishikawa Diagram.
content. This can be achieved by crystallization and covalent/co-ordinate of 80.3 4.2, 198.1 6.7, 88.5 3.8, and 90.5 3.1 nm for HSA NP, c-
bonds rather than physical and electrostatic adsorption wherein the drug HSA NP, m-HSA NP and c/m-HSA NP preparation, respectively [69].
loading capacity is low [67,68]. Doxorubicin -PLGA and PLGA-cyanin 5.5 nanoparticles were pre-
pared by double emulsion technique, first emulsion containing
6. Development of control strategy dichloromethane was processed under ultra turrax and then after addi-
tion of aqueous solution of PVA in phosphate buffer saline secondary
In pharmaceuticals, a control strategy may be defined as the efficient emulsion as processed through HPH at 1000 bar. The final homogenized
materials and process controls set to ensure consistent quality of the product was they were able to achieve approx. 120, 114 and 143 for dox-
finished product right from the scale up to commercial production. PLGA, dox-PLGAcyanin 5.5 and PLGA-dil respectively [70].
Hence, every process or a procedure will have a set parameter which Dox-PLGA nanoparticles were produced by double emulsion and sol-
would be fixed along with appropriate use of materials. The appropriate vent evaporation method. Primary emulsion (dox in 0.001n HCl and PLGA
set of input material controls and process controls is confirmed by getting in DCM) was processed through ultra turrax (23,000–24,000 rpm, 5 min)
the desired critical quality attributes (CQAs). The control strategy can be and double emulsion obtained after addition PVA in PBS solution was again
developed via several iterations as the level of process understanding homogenized in Ultra Turrax T-25 (23,000–24,000 rpm, 20 min) then
increases during the product life cycle. passed through HPH 10000 psi and 3 cycles. They were able to achieve
Designing a control strategy involves ensuring various material at- particles with mean hydrodynamic diameter of approximately 94 nm [71].
tributes and critical quality attributes are within the set limits as dis- Thus, from the work performed in above three cases it can be un-
cussed in above sections. derstood that with the change of polymer type change in particles was
Correct implementation of the control strategy would be after observed. And the pre-processing of premix with ultraturrax has further
appropriate setting up of the design space and completion of all risk led to size reduction.
assessment parameters. The risk assessment can be effectively done by
using the Ishikawa Fishbone diagram. The Ishikawa diagram is drawn to 7.2. Paclitaxel
understand cause-and-effect of a process that would be useful in tracing
down the reasons for failures or variations. Figure 4 illustrates the Ishi- Paclitaxel, a plant alkaloid and sold under the brand name taxol has
kawa diagram for mapping of CMA and CPP to CQA in formulation of shown the effectiveness in various types of cancer. Researchers have
polymeric nanoparticles using HPH. These controls are suited for both worked a lot on the formulation development of polymeric nanoparticles. In
during and at the end of production using the HPH. The possibility of case of paclitaxel HSA nanoparticles, reduction in size from ~337.7 upto
having a well-defined control strategy can be best evaluated using an ~248.2 nm at 15,000 psi and 254.7 15.5 nm at 20,000 psi was achieved.
online monitoring system which can continuously check the product No noticeable difference in size was attained at 15000 psi and 20000 psi.
quality parameters. An effective control strategy would reduce the need Thus, the limiting effect of pressure on the size reduction of particles can be
for end-product testing and very well implement the desired real-time observed. At the same time effect of solvent used and the quantity of drug
testing methods. added cannot be ignored which influenced the particle size. Paclitaxel
(PTX-NE) and PTX hyaluronan coated (PTX-HNE) nanoemulsion prepared
7. Some examples of anticancer drugs loaded in nanoparticles by using suitable oil phase and aqueous phase was processed through HPH
using HPH at 15000 psi seven times. They were able to achieve approximately 52nm
and 72 nm for PTX-NE and PTX-HNE respectively [72].
7.1. Doxorubicin
7.3. Etoposide
Doxorubicin is very old anticancer drug which acts by inhibiting
topoisomerase 2 necessary for growth of cancerous cells. It is used in Etoposide is an antineoplastic agent used as first line chemotherapy
treating many cancers either alone or in combination with other drug for lung cancer, especially for small cell lung cancer may be alone or
chemotherapeutic agents. with other antineoplastic agents. Yadav and Sawant have shown the
In case of doxorubicin-HSA (cationic and mannose modified) nano- effectiveness of homogenization pressure and cycles on reduction of
particles, a homogenized (at 10,000 rpm for 2 min using a WiseTis particle size. Their study reports that homogenization pressure is more
HG15D homogenizer) primary emulsion was fed to high pressure ho- influential or effective than the number of cycles for reducing the particle
mogenizer (Avestin B15) at 20000 psi and 9 cycles. The solvents used as size [73]. Here, they showed the size of polymeric nanoparticles of eto-
organic phase were chloroform and ethanol. After filtering this nano- poside with PLGA-mPEG and Pluronic was 94.027 3.4 nm and 148.07
particle through 200nm pore size they were able to achieve particle size 2.1 nm respectively using different process variables.
G. Soni et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03846
Drug loaded polymeric Aqueous phase Organic phase Homogenization pressure and Instrument Size obtained Reference
nanoparticles recirculation's
TRAIL- PTX [(TNF related HSAþ PTXþ 20000 psi and 9 cycles EmulsiFlex-B15 0.2%, 1.0%, and 2.0% [74]
apoptosis-inducing ligand) TRAILþ Chloroformþ TRAIL/PTX HSA-NPs was 160
Paclitaxel] Deionized water and PBS 7.4 Ethanol [PTX - 12.2nm, 172 6.1nm, 180
[Tumor necrosis factor- Paclitaxel ] 7.7nm, and 236 5.8 nm,
related apoptosis-inducing respectively
ligand (TRAIL/PTX HSA-NP)]
Ceramide – chitosan PTX CS-CE in acetic acid solution PTX þ 3 bar and 10 cycles EmulsiFlex-B15 305.83 [75]
nanoparticles [PTX- [Ceramide-Chitosan (CS-CE)] DCM [Paclitaxel þ 16.27 nm
Paclitaxel] Dichloromethane]
Doxorubicin and paclitaxel BSA and Lac-BSA in de- DOX and PTX in 20000 psi and 9 cycles EmulsiFlex-B15 DOX-PTX BSA ¼ 109.2nm np [76]
co-bound lactosylated ionized water. chloroform ethanol DOX-PTX Lac-BSA ¼ 130–148
albumin (Lac-BSA) (Bovine serum albumin and (9:1) nm
nanoparticles lactosylated albumin)
Paclitaxel and curcumin co- BSA in deionized water PTX and curcumin in 20,000psi and 9 cycles EmulsiFlex-B15 234.4nm [77]
bound nanoparticls (PTX- (Bovine serum albumin) Chloroform: ethanol
CCM) ratio of 9:1
Etoposide –BSA (Bovine BSA þ distilled water EPEG in TCM After homogenizing in (high- DIAX900 Before lyophilization [78]
serum albumin) (Etoposide in speed cutting of 12,000 rpm homogenizer 190.2 7.3nm
Trichloromethane) for 3 min) then processed After lyophilization
through 182.3 8.9nm
1500 bar and 15 cycles
Gemcitabine-HSA-NP HSA þ Gemcitabin þ 20,000 psi 9 cycles Nano DeBEE; BEE Approximately 150–175 nm [79]
[Gemcitabine-loaded human Pure water Chloroform International
serum albumin nanoparticle] Saturated with pure
Concurrent delivery of Primary and secondary α-Tocopherol þ After using ultraturrax for EmulsiFlex®-C3, Approx. 224nm [80]
tocotrienols and simvastatin emulsifiers in deionized water medium chain 2min Avestin Inc.
for adenocarcinoma þ glycerol triglyceride (70/30 Passed through HPH for
ratio by weight) and 25000 psi and 25 cycles
10-hydroxycamptothecin GA-BSA in deionized water 10- 800 bar and 7cycles AH-100D ultra- ~157.5nm [81]
loaded glycyrrhizic acid- [Glycyrrhizic acid-conjugated hydroxycamptothecin high-pressure nano
conjugated BSA (10-HCPT) bovine serum albumin (GL- in chloroform homogenizer
Docetaxel þ gemcitabine self- Anacardic acid-gemcitabine- Docetaxel in 20,000 psi and 10 cycles High pressure ~163 8 nm [82]
assembled albumin albumin conjugate in water hanol:chloroform(1:1) homogenizer
nanoparticles [AA- anacardic acid] ratio
The Table 1 explains effect of variation in polymers, homogenization and suitability of characterization that confirms the reproducibility of the
pressure on the particle size of nanoparticles. After obtaining emulsion product. Formulations with anticancer drugs needs special attention with
with evenly distributed nanosized droplets it can be easily converted into respect to many areas, among which processing parameters during
powder form by lyophilization technique. Use of different HPH param- formulation development would play an important role. In conclusion,
eters can help getting the desired particle size. It is also seen that type of the application of QbD approach would lead to successful commerciali-
solvent system along with aqueous: non-aqueous ratio plays significant zation of nano-formulations with proper scale-up of nanoparticles
role in deciding the particle size of the formed nanoparticles. ensuring proper control over all critical parameters.
Use of QbD approach in product design and manufacturing will Author contribution statement
enhance the patient compliance as it meets the quality of the product as
well as the ease of manufacturing will help the pharmaceutical industry All authors listed have significantly contributed to the development
to abide with the various regulatory guidance. This also help pharma- and the writing of this article.
ceutical industries to widen their innovations in novel technology. For
example, QbD approach used in formulation development and scale-up Funding statement
for polymeric nanoparticles using HPH. Advances in HPH technology
and its applications have no doubt widen the scope and hence applying This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies
QbD approach will definitely benefit the pharma companies. For in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
example, the orifices and valves of the HPH can be geometrically modi-
fied in order to enhance the energy efficiency of the technology process
to yield a good quality product. These innovations in the technology will Competing interest statement
help to enhance its process variables that can be well planned during the
formulation development stage that would not only provide better clarity The authors declare no conflict of interest.
over the quality target product profile (QTPP) but also be exploited for
various pharmaceutical applications. QbD approach can be used for both Additional information
manufacturing and scale up of polymeric nanoparticles using high pres-
sure homogenization (HPH) by identifying the critical processing steps No additional information is available for this paper.
G. Soni et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03846
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