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A card game for 3 to 5 players in 30 minutes

by Charlie Cleveland & Bruno Faidutti

Chicago. The Camarilla’s North American crown jewel. Prince Kevin Jackson skillfully rose to power
after a gruesome war with the werewolves, and has been ruling the city with a firm grasp ever since.
The Camarilla Kindred of Chicago don a peaceful veneer, happy to fake support for their Prince, but
in secret, some are conducting a proxy war to overthrow him…

Vampire: The Masquerade - Vendetta is a competitive card game of
strategy, bluff, and deduction. You take control of a scheming vampire
and fight to win the support of influential allies and ultimately challenge
the throne of Chicago.
You choose a clan at the beginning of the game and you will
progressively build your hand of cards over three rounds, to craft
your strategy... and to react to those of your opponents. During
each round, you will play cards and blood at one of the locations
available, to increase your strength during the upcoming fights.
Cards can be player either face up or face down, with plenty of
possibilities for bluffing and deception.
Conflicts at each locations will be resolved, one at a time, at
the end of each round by revealing all cards and applying their
effects. The player with the highest power wins control of the
Ally at that location, earning a new source of blood income,
new skills to exploit, and precious influence points. But
beware: even if you win a conflict, the losers may still damage
you, and if you run out of blood, you will go into a frenzy and
be forced to drain of your hard-earned allies!
At the end of the third round, the player with the most
influence will be the winner... and the new Prince of
.2 SETUP .3

Place the Location tiles for this
3 PLAYERS LOCATIONS 1, 2, AND Prince’s Haven
game in the middle of the table.
The number of Locations in play
depends on the number of players: 4 PLAYERS LOCATIONS 1, 2, AND Prince’s Haven

Locations must be placed next to each
other in a straight line, in increasing
-1 Card

5 PLAYERS LOCATIONS 1, 2, 3 AND Prince’s Haven

for each
at this that you
Location have play
. ed


order (#1 first, then #2, etc.), with the

7 Player cards, 63 Clan cards, 9 for each Clan Prince’s Haven always being the last
1 for each Clan (2 Starting cards and 7 Clan cards) Location.


Fiorenza Savona
New Money Entrepreneur

A victim
from among the kine


0 1
3 1
You win all ties.
“Her Machiavellian mind is perfectly suited for the Camarilla.” - Prince Jackson
Flavor text place holder.

20 Ally cards 15 Victim cards


2. Each player chooses or randomly draws

28 Position tiles 1 Player card. This will determine your
(4 for each Clan)
Clan for this game. Place your Player
card in front of you.
4 Location tiles
3. Each player takes 1 Fight and 1 Withdraw
card. Place these cards in front of you,
face down.

5 Stay cards and

4. Place 1 Position tile of your Clan next
1 Ambition token 5 Withdraw cards to each Location. This is where you will
play your cards at each Location during
the game. Put any unused Position
tiles back into the box, they won’t be

50 Influence Tokens 40 Blood tokens

(xx value 3 Influence, xx (xx value 3 Blood, xx value 5 Diablerie Tokens
value 1 Influence) 1 Blood)


5. Place the Victim cards in a face up stack 9. Take 6 Blood tokens and 3 Influence
in the middle of the table, next to the tokens and place them next to your
Locations, in reach of all players. Clan deck. This will be your starting
6. Shuffle the Ally cards and place them
in a face down stack next to the Victim 10. Draw 1 Victim card and place it face up The game is played over 3 rounds, with each round divided into 5 phases:
cards. next to your Player card. This will be
your Alliance; any further Victim or Ally • Feed - Collect Blood from your Alliance
Take the Clan cards corresponding
card that you will acquire during the • Location Setup - Add new Allies to all Locations
to your Clan, then search for the two
game will be added to your Alliance.
Starting cards (Hunt and Ready to Fight) • Hand Building - Choose a Clan card to add to your hand
and set them aside. These cards will be 11. The player who donated blood most
in your hand at the beginning of the recently is the first player at the start • Deployment - Play cards/blood in turns; optionally, Drain cards from your Alliance
first round. Shuffle the rest of your Clan of the game. This player takes the • Resolution - Resolve conflicts at each Location, one by one
cards and place them, face down, next Ambition token.
to your Player card. This will be your
Clan deck.
Place the Blood tokens and the AMBITION TOKEN, TURN ORDER, 1. Feed 4

A victim
from among the kine
Influence tokens in the middle of the Players collect Blood from their Alliance.

table, in reach of all players. This will be The turn order is determined by the position
the Bank. of the Ambition token: during a round, players If you have any Allies or Victims that will
make you Gain Blood in this phase (see 2

take turns starting with the player with the

Ambition token and going clockwise. page XX), take the amount of Blood 1
This is also important when breaking any ties
shown on the cards you have and add it to 3 1
occuring during the game: the player who
comes first in turn order wins the tie. your Pool. Flavor text place holder.

Victim card

1- Ally Name + Description.

Betty Fuller
Young Manager
2- Amount of Blood you gain from the card during

PLAYER’S AREA the Feed phase.
3- Amount of Influence you gain from the card at the
end of the game.

Clan Deck 4- Amount of Blood you gain from the card when you 1
Drain it (see page XX). 1
3 3
Starting Victim 5- Effect of the card (if any).
“Embrace change, and learn to market your new ideas.” - Betty Fuller

Note: all Victim cards have the same values and no

A victim
from among the kine

Human Ally card


special effect; Humans may have different values, but

they have no special effects either; Many Vampires grant
you special abilities to use as long as they are in your 4

Fiorenza Savona
New Money Entrepreneur
Alliance, but if you are forced to Drain them, you commit
Diablerie, the most heinous crime a vampire can commit

Flavor text place holder. in the society of the Camarilla (see page XX).


Pool 1
3 3
You win all ties.

“Her Machiavellian mind is perfectly suited for the Camarilla.” - Prince Jackson

Vampire Ally card


New Allies are added to all Locations.
The effect of many Clan cards will cause you or LOSE - discard the indicated amount of Blood
Place 1 Ally card randomly drawn from the your opponents to “move” Blood to/from your from your Pool to the Bank, as a result of an effect
Pools in different ways. These different kinds applied on you. Note: If you Lose all of your Blood
deck, face up, on each Location.
of “Blood movement” have specific names, as , you enter Frenzy (see page XX).
Note: The Allies are one described below:
of the main reasons STEAL - take the indicated amount of Blood
when choosing at which GAIN - take the indicated amount of Blood from the target player’s Pool and move it to your
Locations you want to from the Bank and add it to your Pool. Pool. Note: It is possible to Steal the last Blood
play your cards during the token from a player Pool. If this happens, that
SPEND - discard the indicated amount of Blood
round: you may want one player enters Frenzy (see page XX).
from your Pool to the Bank, as a cost to use an
because it grants more
effect. Note: You may never Spend the very last PLAY - when you play a Clan card at a Location,
Influence than the others,


y Fulle

g Man

a Savo
or you may prefer an Ally Blood in your pool. you may take up to 3 Blood from your Pool and




move it to your Position at the current Location
with a special ability over
Fiore and turn it into Blood Power [BP] (see page XX).
one who doesn’t. Make
AL14 AL08

You win
all ties
3 3
“Emb “Her Mach
race chan iavellian
ge, and mind

sure to check all the

learn is perfe
to mark ctly suite
et your
new ideas d for
the Cam
.” - Betty arilla.”
Fuller - Princ
e Jacks

Allies you’ll be competing

for this round before
proceeding to the next 4. DEPLOYMENT
phase, as it may help you
choose which card you’ll Players take turns playing cards (and
be adding to your hand optionally Blood ) at one of the
this round!
Locations. Additionally, at any point
during this phase, you may also Drain one
3. HAND BUILDING Special Rules For 3-Player or more cards from your Alliance.
Players choose a Clan card to add to their Games: Example: In a 4-player game, during the first
The Deployment phase, contrarily to the round you will play 2 cards out of 3, during the
hand. Special rule for 3-player games (see ONLY THE FIRST ROUND:, draw the 3 previous ones, is played in turns. Starting second round you will play 3 cards out of 4, and
below). top cards from your Clan deck instead during the third round you will play 4 cards out
with the player with the Ambition token, of 5.
Draw the 2 top cards from your Clan deck of 2, then add 2 of them to your hand players take turns in clockwise order.
and secretly look at them. Choose 1 of instead of just 1. During each turn:

these cards and add it to your hand, then • you MUST play a card at one of the

put the other card at the bottom of your

Location (see page XX)

Kind i
ing Diplo
Clan deck.
• you MAY play up to 3 Blood at the

In the first round, the hand of each player

same Location (see page XX)

will contain the same 2 starting Clan cards 0

(Hunt and Ready to Fight), plus 1 other card • at any point during your turn, you MAY
from their deck (which will be different Drain one or more cards from your 3
for each player). For a more detailed look Alliance (see page XX) ur Clan
1 card from yo
Ally, draw
at the different kinds of Clan cards you You keep playing in turns until you only When yo
u get this
the Ashir
ra. ” - Kh
adija Al-K

terests of
may find in your deck, see page XX. have 1 card left in your hand (you don’t play “I’m here
to repres
ent the ins

Note: You will be adding 1 new card from your all the cards you have in your hand each
deck to your hand at the beginning of each round, Even if the effect of a card allows you to increase
round). Note: Some cards may increase your hand to 6 cards in the final round, you can
progressively expanding your options and building
your game strategy. After the first round, you will be
the amount of cards in your hand during still only play exactly 4 cards in that round (even
replaying your starting cards over and over, giving a Turn; this won’t increase the number of if you will have 2 cards left in your hand at the
your opponents a chance to learn your possible cards you can play: all players should play end of the Deployment phase, instead of 1).
strategies, but you will also gain a new “surprise” card
the same amount of cards each round.
every round and still be unpredictable and take your
opponents off guard.

During your turn, you must play 1 Clan Cards with a black layout. Whenever you play a Clan card, you may
card from your hand at your position at also Play up to 3 Blood from your Pool
one of the Locations. You can play your to your Position at the current Location.
cards either face up or face down. Playing You can do this for each card you play (so,

a card face up carries no extra cost; to up to 3 Blood each time you play a card).

New a Savo


play a card face down, you must Spend 1 Blood played at a Location becomes


Blood from your Pool. Blood Power, which will add to your Total
You win
all ties
“Her Mach
is perfe
ctly suite
d for
the Cam

Power at that Location during the Conflict

- Princ
e Jacks

Note that even if it comes with a cost,

step of the Resolution phase (see page
playing your Clan cards face down may 3
be extremely useful: you can keep your Show of Force
moves secret, or it may allow you to bluff Steal 1 from the Pool of each opponent at
this Location.

and play with your opponents’ minds. But BR07 DrainING

you also need to keep in mind that face
down cards don’t have any effect until At any point during your turn in the
These cards only take effect during the
they are revealed (see below). Resolution phase, regardless if they were Deployment phase, you are also allowed
played face up or face down during the to Drain one or more cards from your After playing a card, you may play up to 3 Blood
There are two main types of Clan cards: Deployment phase. They are usually stronger Alliance, to gain some extra Blood , but
when played face down, as you can surprise at the same Location. Take the amount of Blood
Active cards and Passive cards. doing so usually causes you to also lose you want to play from your Pool and move it to your
your opponents, but you may also want to
play them face up to act as a deterrent, or you some Influence . Position at that Location.
may want or need to save Blood .
To Drain a card from your Alliance, rotate
it and place it under your Player card,
so that its top left corner is still visible
PASSIVE CLAN CARDS (see picture). You immediately gain the
Cards with a white layout. amount of Blood indicated in the corner
of the card. At the end of the game, you
will also gain the amount of Influence

A victim
from among the kine
indicated there (instead of the original

value granted by the card before Draining 1

it). Draining a card also makes you lose


l any long-term effect it may have granted.

Flavor text place holder.

the p rd at Finally, if you Drain a Vampire card, you
On ent pla
ys a C
oppon from the Ba
lan ca play
nk and
also commit Diablerie, the most heinous
eve r a n
, take is Location.
this Lo
it at th GA06
Challenge crime a vampire can commit in the
When an opponent plays a Clan card at another society of the Camarilla (see page XX).
Location, they Lose 1 .


Claudia decides to play her card for the turn face
The effect of the Gangrel card “On the Prowl”
+3 0

down, which costs her 1 . She would also like to Play
is applied whenever an opponent plays a card These cards have effects that are triggered by
at the same Location during the Deployment specific conditions, but only if they are face up
3 Blood at the Location to increase her Blood Power, 3
phase. If you play it face down, this effect won’t when that condition occurs. If you play them but she only has 2 left in her Pool (1). She decides
be applied. When On the Prowl will be revealed face down, they will only be revealed in the to Drain a Victim card from her Alliance, immediately
gaining 3 (2) that she can now play at the location

Flavor text place holder.

during the Revelation step of the Resolution Revelation step of the Resolution phase, and if
phase (see page XX), its Card Power will still their triggering condition is past they have no to complete her turn, a move she hopes will allow her from among the kine
A victim

add to your Total Power at the Location, but the effect–but you can still use them to bluff or to win a much more valuable Ally (3). On the other
effect will be ignored at that point of the round. confuse your opponents. hand, this card was worth 1 before Draining it, but
it’s now worth 0 .
.10 Game round .11

DIABLERIE Resolve the conflicts over Allies at every Location, one at a time.
Diablerie is a term used by vampires to describe
the act of drinking another vampire’s blood and
Each Diablerie token counts as -1 at the end of The Resolution phase is divided into 5 steps:
the game, and if you get a third Diablerie token,
drawing their soul into one’s own, to absorb their you are instantly out of the game. • Withdraw
strength. The process causes the “final death”,
i.e., the permanent destruction, of the victim of Despite this, Diablerie tokens can also be used to • Revelation
this foul deed. As such, most vampires consider it your advantage. During the Deployment phase, • Preparation
one if not the most heinous crime a vampire can when you play a Clan card at a Location, you may • Conflict
commit, akin to cannibalism. Still, the practice flip 1 or more of your Diablerie tokens face down.
holds a great deal of allure for some, because For each Diablerie token that you flip this way, you • Aftermath
absorbing another vampire’s soul can grant can play 1 from the Bank and play it at the same
greater power to the “diablerist”.
All steps must be resolved separately, in order, for each Location—so, you will play
Location, in addition to any other you already
played this turn. Withdraw, Revelation, Preparation, Conflict and Aftermath for Location #1, then again for
In this game, you commit Diablerie whenever you
Location #2, and so on. The Prince’s Haven is always resolved last. After all Locations are
Drain (either willingly or during Frenzy, see page Face down Diablerie tokens will be flipped back
XX) a Vampire from your Alliance. You will get 1 face up at the end of the round (see page XX).
resolved, the round is over.
Diablerie token for each vampire that you Drain. Note: Whenever an effect asks you to halve something (Card Power, Blood, etc.) during the Resolution phase, the
end result must always be rounded down, if needed.

Example: Louis is playing a Clan

card. He decides to also play 3
5.1 Withdraw
from his Pool to the Location.
Additionally, he also flips his
Players may choose to leave a Location. (the final Location to be resolved each
2 Diablerie tokens to take 2 round), you simply take back all of your
All players who have played Clan cards
additional from the Bank and cards together with your Blood.
add them to the Location, for a (and possibly Blood ) at the Location
whopping total of 5 in a single you are resolving now have a chance to
turn! Withdraw from the Location. Normally,
this is done to fake out the other players,
or if you think the Location has become
ep n rene
avo Entr

too dangerous.
S ney

y Entre ona
n New


za Sav



All players who played Clan cards at the
“Her all
chiav s.

0 0
mind 8 You win
is pe all ties.

rfe “Her Machi

Location secretly choose either their

n mind
is perfec
for tly suited
the for the
Cama illa.” -
rill Jackso
a.” n
- Pri

Fight or their Withdraw card and place the

chosen card, face down, at their Position.
When all players are ready, reveal your
cards: if you reveal your Fight card, you
declare your intention to join the Conflict;
if you reveal your Withdraw card, you
declare your intention to Withdraw.
If you choose to Withdraw, immediately
take the Blood that you played at the
Location, if any, and put it back in your

matio eka
n Broke
Pool. Then, reveal the Clan cards you have


played at the current Location and move 0

you get
this Ally,
of what draw
you think 1 card
you know from
is bullsh the Victi
it.” - Waune ms Deck

them all, face up, to your Position at the

ka .

Prince’s Haven. You will not take any part at

all in the conflict at the current Location.
If you Withdraw from the Prince’s Haven
.12 GAME ROUND .13

5.2 Revelation 5.3 Preparation

Reveal the Clan cards that are still present Trigger the effect of Preparation cards.
at the Location.
Starting with the player with the Ambition
After all the withdrawing players have token and proceeding clockwise, apply
moved their Clan cards away, reveal the the effects of each Preparation card. If you
face down cards of all fighting players. have more than one card at this Location
Note: The effects of some Passive Clan cards may
be triggered before or during this step (if explicitly
stated on the card itself).
that triggers during this step, you may
decide in which order you activate the
different cards. Each card must be entirely Show of
3 3
The Active Clan cards revealed in this resolved before activating the next. Show of
Steal 1 from the Poo

l of each
this Location. opponent at

step, instead, will only take effect in the

following steps, depending on their kind. 5.4 Conflict BR07

There are 3 kinds of Active Clan cards: Steal 1 from Preparation

Trigger the effect of Conflict cards, then the PoolClanof eCard
Preparation cards, Conflict cards, and ach oppone
determine the winner at the current this Locatio nt
Aftermath cards. They all have a Card
Location. n.
Power value that will add to your Total
Power during the Conflict step, but they This step is divided into two “sub-steps”:
often also have an effect, which is only
• Triggering the effect of Conflict cards
applied during a specific step of the B
Resolution phase: • Determining the winner of the Conflict
Preparation Conflict Aftermath CARDS

Starting with the player with the Ambition
token and proceeding clockwise, apply
the effects of each Conflict card. If you 2
Wolf Com
Wolf Com
have more than one card at this Location panion
that triggers during this step, you may
The Card Pow
location is red of your opponents at
uced by hal thi
f (rounded dow s
decide in which order you activate the n).

different cards. Each card must

e Centirely
ard Power
resolved before activating the next. of your opp

location is re onents at thClan

d u ce d by half (ro is Card
unded down
3 6 4 CONFLICT ).
Show of Force Bloody Fury Fist of Caine After the effects of the cards of all players
Steal 1 from the Pool of each opponent at -1 Card Power for each that you have played
All opponents at this Location Lose:
have been applied, it’s time to determine
1 in the 1st Round; 2 in the 2nd Round; GA02
this Location. at this Location. 3 in the 3rd Round. the winner of the Conflict at the current






Location. Calculate your Total Power,





BR07 BR01 BR04 0 0
AL08 AL08

You win You win

all ties. all ties.

3 3
“Her Machiavel “Her Machiavel

which is the sum of:

lian mind lian mind

is perfectly is perfectly
suited suited
for the for the
Camarilla Camarilla
.” - Prince .” - Prince
Jackson Jackson

effect applied during effect applied during effect applied during

the Preparation step the Conflict step the Aftermath step • the Card Power of all your cards after
Note: If only one player has Clan cards at a location
applying all effects, and after the Withdraw phase, they automatically win
Preparation and Conflict cards can often change who’s going to be the winner at the current Location; Aftermath the Conflict (A). If no players have Clan cards at the
your Blood Power, i.e., the amount of
cards are only applied after the winner has been determined at the end of the Conflict step, but they affect the current Location after the Conflict, no rewards will be
outcome of the conflict, often making victory painful for the winning player.
Blood that you played at the current awarded at that Location (and the unassigned Ally is
Location during the round. removed from the game) (B).
.14 END OF the ROUNd .15

Conflict Rewards FRENZY

The winner of the conflict (the player with the highest Total Power) obtains the Ally card placed on the When a vampire is “Embraced” (which is the name than the amount you currently have in your
current Location; the player with the second highest Total Power obtains a Victim card from the deck; vampires give to the act of turning a human into Pool, you simply lose all of your Blood before
the player with the third highest Total Power doesn’t obtain any card. a vampire) an innate demonic predator awakens entering Frenzy.
within them. Vampires call this inner demon
When you obtain a new Ally/Victim card at the end of a Conflict, you can choose to either add it to your When you enter Frenzy, you are forced to Drain
the “Beast”. The Beast is responsible for many
Alliance, or to immediately Drain it (see page XX). one of the cards from your Alliance chosen at
of the debased urges vampires feel on a nightly
basis. In times of extreme distress, the Beast can random to quench the thirst for blood of the
These players also receive a different amount of Influence , depending on their position in the ranking,
overwhelm a vampire, forcing them into a state of Beast within you. Take all of the cards from your
the round you are playing, and which Location is being resolved (see the table to the right).
pure animalistic fight or flight, which is referred Alliance (Victims, Humans, and Vampires, ignoring
to as “Frenzy”. those your already fed upon), shuffle them, then
REWARDS FOR THE Prince's Haven randomly pick 1 and Drain it (see page XX). If you
In this game, you immediately enter Frenzy don’t have cards available in your Alliance when
The player that wins the Conflict at the Prince’s Haven Location gets 1 additional and also receives
the Ambition token. After winning the Ally card at the Prince’s Haven Location, the player immediately whenever you find yourself with no Blood left you enter Frenzy, you must lose 1 from your
receives the Ambition token from the player who had it until that moment. From then on, that player in your Pool (this may usually happen because of Pool, and only gain 1 from the Bank.
immediately becomes the new First Player. the effect of Clan cards played by your opponents,
which may force you to lose Blood in various Entering Frenzy may have you randomly Drain
ways). The player that caused you to enter Frenzy, upon a Vampire; if this happens, you commit
instead, will immediately obtain 1 . Note: If you Diablerie (see page XX).
1st (WINNER) 2nd 3rd
are required to lose an amount of Blood greater



When the Conflict step has been resolved
ROUND 3 ALLY + * VICTIM + for all Locations, if it is not the end of the
third round, follow the procedure below
to prepare for a new round:
* The winner of the Conflict at the Prince’s Haven always obtains +1; additionally, they also receive the
Ambition token (see below). • discard any Blood that was played at
each Location to the Bank
• take all of the Clan cards that you played
5.5 Aftermath at each Location back into your hand
Trigger the effect of Aftermath cards. • flip any face down Diablerie token face
Starting with the player with the Ambition up
token and proceeding clockwise, apply If you just completed the third round,
the effects of each Aftermath card. If you instead, follow the End of Game
have more than one card at this Location procedure (see page XX).

that triggers during this step, you may
decide in which order you activate the
different cards. Each card must be entirely
resolved before activating the next. Cauldron
After the Conflict step has been resolved of Blood You may Spe
of Blood
(rounded up) half of the from you
to make you r Pool
for a Y
ou may leave any Cards and Blood Location Los r opponents
at this
e 4 from
their Pool.

that were played

(rounded up halfLocation.
of the They
will be taken back) only
to mat fro
of them your Pool

e yoend
u r o pponents at
Location Lo
whole round. this Aftermath Clan Card
s e4 from their P


At the end of the 3rd round, the game ends immediately.
Add up the Influence indicated on the cards from your Alliance, the amount of
Influence tokens in your Pool, then subtract 1 for each Diablerie token that you
The player with the most Influence is the winner! In case of a tie, the tied player with
the most Blood wins. If this is also tied, all the tied players share the victory.

This is a game about rule-breaking. As
such, there will be times where cards
seem to contradict each other, or this
rulebook! Here’s how to resolve these
inevitable disputes:
• The text on the cards always prevails over
the rulebook.
• In case of timing issues between cards
(i.e., two cards have the same symbol),
they are resolved in turn order, starting
with the player holding the Ambition
token and proceeding clockwise (i.e.,
card(s) played by the player holding the
Ambition token take effect first, then
cards by the next player in turn order
take effect, etc.)
If you have multiple cards that trigger
at the same time, you may choose the
• If an effect cannot be fully applied to
its target, apply it as much as possible.
For example, if a card says you to steal
3 Blood from a player that has only 2
Blood left, you will steal 2 .
• If an effect can’t be applied, ignore that

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