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2) General ELL A geticawili hy & Requirement for Wrving, rencwal and t-itme of aviation penonal licenses, CofAgE, Auwrization and Cert Heated be tne conditions © PAMleger ond Hmbtatons fe hades 2S Abbreviations 1D AF Bieplone 2) Aps-b> Rube mote Sy kes he, 5) AMER Avoton ynesical Sependend Lue fionter “Broadcast out ea lnfecmation fucti cation Exominer 5) AMs> Aviotion Usinitnance Specialist ©) AMT Miofen Maintenance Teehsicon J) ROAD Angle of Atoor BASS Aang ®) AKCO> ie Wate Conte ler 19) ATES Re Wrote Gate) Stevice, Waser a he Trathe Solely Bleiesic teosanel BATE Bilin Tronteerh Riley eense 8) © > Boller IR) CATALIN 9 Cate goy WA ie) CAS FAAP Co onmnt Cations Now gations Soricilonce Air Teath, Management 1) PLP Commercio’ leh Meense, CAM? Crm Retwrte — Morogemen? W OFEED Designated Flight Engincer Exomtner (9) OFUEF Cesigaed Fig Movigat>r txowiner 2s) DOMED Chhonce meateing Boyle ment DY FEA Hight Ensiater 2a) FL Flight Inctractoe 23) FLEP Pign —Inciacton Fatieg 2w) FLA Fight towgaror 2s) FOF Hight operons Olieer a) A Oder F) OBKED Ground Based Augmentarion fy DA) Gus? Givool wigan GoldR yslem as) PSF Aldoa\ —ofiwaning — Syhem Bey IN Mnigedion pales 2 ton 3D IFRS Witmer FGA Bales, SMES Anthermem Lending — fyslem S129 latte mend Boing MY We Muncorter 23) Wa Momen = MAUNIOR Wntertmee 28 CKO > Intemational Civil Maen Orgoniz ation 7) wats 3D Meme MAI tngine Faring rat fils meglone 8) HARA IK Bled Meaieag ter AS MMS MMA Cat Rilo Neen SD) NOG Won Bieuutiored — Beaven 8D) Moyea Noes A alienes SS EC9 AO Ane carnmoed ML Powentd lid 48) PRLA Rrvate Plex Lene NO Gr > Roarorwerer wong 4D som > Sawn gased Pay mentation fyslem AB NES Strands ie Commond 8D IMF Wem wentAng ond conte! TY _SNF Sage - Fiboy mirpione BI) SEHD Singe- PIN Neiearier a0) 1A> Type-Losng 5) VRP AEA Crrention Od Re covery Tratning 55) vee Vinal Flight Rates BB Ned Meng Bye Frequeray Onin iewtiare) — Rodis 2.2 Geneeor Litencing Requirement 21) General @)& Ticente, cating , Aurnorizaben or ceri tcate will be iecued | renewed oF rerisued when Ye affticont Compl wih the Rasiements of fork Be a-2et Licentes, Ratings, Auto 2a Hoey ong CURA why peated Beene 0) Pilot ieemtes b) Fligas Engincer Weense ©) Higny os 8) Maken maintenant Renni Gan ane CAMTD ee ce) Wioten maintenant vpecattey Weenie, CAND, PD) ke emttic connate Neeme CATE a) FIG egerotons otter (flight Clzgat med Weare bh) Reronoutieal Stotion of trator 1) Re Tati Solty Eleuiesie Ravenel CAEN) 11-22 forngs 2) okies on a gilt Nltense GY coger Forage, 0) Kieglene (i) Hedicaglee (i) lider Cay FEO Gallows © cow KoHags ® Gosie = engine 10nd -aiegane LY Siogies engine $0 dieplone WY Huu = engine Land = oleg lone Ge) pa ergign £40 aitglone, WA) Instrvment — Rakians GY Intinrneat = pieelone G Instroment = He caplet ©) Instucor Romog! 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CY A Pern ahah nck A at Flignt Gre ember Yale o voli Wane oF 0 olidoon cetihiok held in re Herta of the Prilipelney. DDL Getalfigg of Fgh) Thre CO) A whudent giles Grail DU enktted Ae BE Called fo fall witty oll soto, anal jasiwuhen ond Gilet nine tammond High Ket fomeds fay tel Hight me fravind fr Ynw Wnitiol ue Of gitth Nan, () Te maate of iiOh Viena, when ating as co: piles of On Oreo H cern coted, for opwohon wy o Sing\e pile OF mautd PY a Contoehag SOR to be operons wih & cogil, thot be ensied to bE edited with 09 met thon, 52 pecans of My Grgih ight Mey Twos the tual fC Niger hme equine for a Wignes grade of ilo Kanu, peaycg ienttomen of Reivileges of ileh who hore attaintad their Go" Branding, tes WO etoon mall keewe ab giloh -\ne cAmmond ta 2 sing eiteh opeoHon 16 Ynat genon reseed Go yeon oid (©) Wo gene qa gent at piloy-in= cartmond 17 0 Mul -ertnd OREO on oles Une dene gitel WL Woinger Pron Go gem of FF aida) cotaiiment of PRMAIRg ES Of Flo Who Wore oftained gneie GF Hh ond wey Biardony GA Wo Peam hol geree BS Pilot-in- vemmond or coreildh on vil otrratt tagaged °° international Lommenial air temsgart if he gen las Ferme ost yton ot OBt: @]) We gem aFENL sees on gilek-Vn —taremond oF eargilel en Gel aleerath ereagtd in domete ommeniol air Hensgo 3G Prat tom Hat round om. ©) We gener undte HAL gore holl BL gtonttd ony fle Whe ntdicol quali comin, Hf Yhat peam hal woud OS 2) hog ptmen beyond GTy may be allowed fe Fly prided fre Elignt ty fst ln puriuone of commenrol ale Anu gor og erotion, wegly oF cAlleutetly. aoSid.a Private, OK Lietnee = Dleglove GS Tae applicant for PAELAY aah ma oe eu Sean 17 YEO at eu GC) Ex pemence, G) Apeticom for PRECA) hail at completed not ey Mron fo ha of Flight me of eiick of alrglony , o AB tal of s Yann may nave ben eemoleed ino Aight simul@kor or Filght POUCH, trainee GG) Aoeiicont Shall hore Come ied 08 Key Hhon 10 HH Ok le ge tne ceder Yne aug eraiion ok on onttadatd eight Trshwcror , Inddlng She Ak the CAL ~ Camiay Mighh ew Ww! A Mad one OA County Hight ‘Stelty pe When te em Liem) Yn VRE eoUKL oF whith full Gtoe FOndtings ok tee dif fetna gemdrores uMo De ned: B) PELE) anal Weld © comm olan 2 Medical GesKeak, @) PLLA WHat be te och, BUF A for cemuntton , AL gitel Te SmMond on @ -gilok IN pon rete —4lIghn GA We wiidity pened of Me lian uv 5 Yao: — — - =| © eTeeeoseoaoaseb0 bb tba Commercial! Pilok License - AIL Plan @ (4) Age. The apPhtant for 4 cpl CA) SAall be not 1es& thon IP Yees ot o9€ CO) Experience C1) 7hO aPPlicont tor CPL(A) Shall hav @ ComPle ted! net I(SS than toe hours Of Floht 1me, OF KO hoUlS If COMPIE SEM ditting an Authgr(f Y - APProved trailing couVvse , W hears mey been COMPIEHeE in 1 ¢n9ht sinulafor OC thaht Procedures prefner C2) APPlican} Shalt) have ComPietedl In oarpianes ndt less than. (1) 100 hours as 4 pilot -in-commary gf, iN the ase of Me course Of APPIOVE Arainine , FO hours as POF 1 CommemMd | C!') 20 hows oF cross Countty 4 Dh4¢ Me aS @ PilOK -/P~comneng INCHUdline A FOSS COUNTY Fgh 404q1iN4 hot Jes than soo Kn (300 wm ) in the COUrS@ OL Which uy - $40P IGAAMND S at twer AMEE erg drome § Shall bE med C Ci) 10 hous oF INStrUmMeny INArathary: ‘Me QF wnich NP} more than ¢ AVUIS Maybe NSdrament Dround dime - CV) if the PVElAgES Of the VCPSC ae ty POhy 2C OX EIISEY oF S h0urs of n : Dh? FUOHY tino (NCU rey THEO - Of ane) ONIN ey S 9S PYO it cCommeme (3 > The holder of a pilot -jeense 10 anotn rr COL Coor ” Yee Crédiléd 1Oward ¢ The 200 hows oF #9 he Aine aS favs, iN a Cateae’y other Thanh LOUCOEY ors or (i) 30 hours og POF IP commane Avie hencoPs7ers > er C1) WW hourly as pice 9d A Pee CAD en Ci) (00 hours OS Plot in command -héjd| OD AI CPLO4) &| her copy ees CY) The appicant for 4 Cp CA) Sheay httd of PPLOA_) )SSued UW Wer Vis fear : hd 7) curlent CF) medical FANne55 - Fat a CPLOA), the applicant Must Id C1455) Medical cerphicatZ Ca) priveleses ii maton C2) 40 ack ab Pildt -in-commandl in any all Plane engusrcd (N of 5 Other than ComMmecal arf transpert Ch) VA hyY - Validity Ppeoed OF the wWeense is fFVCGS) ¥ars -$-3.5f Airpian@ TronsPor¢ pilose t/'CeNS Ee - Pil Plan @ C12 49€ - APPlicein? $0/ AN ATPL-OA) ai/ be ru¢ "ss than 21 Yls Old of age Cod ExPenence CI) ATPL APFUTANL nny have CONPIEVED AGE ESS Pran ISO? hVUTS OF Fry time AS A PilOt OF arPpenes GE winch maximum OF de hodtS May pale been sfomple/ec/ in 9 9h} Simulator, Ci) 05° hours, ertner as Pilot 1 command! , or made up by n0F fess tren 10a hows 78 PINOT IT cemmang Cu) 200 blurs of cross country Flight time 7 OF Whion NOt WSS thap ive hours Shai] bE aS prep - command or as, Pitot = Vv CO ~ cv) Ivo h0urs ot ING bf Ky, Dht as Pile h~iN-commay of of aS CO-PCT CU) The applicant ef aN ATPLOA) Srall be the holder Of a CPLA width insteameny ane multe - Engine YAINAY iSsded under this Patt ppncant Shay have Fece vod fhe ; i AI a4 ; Cd) Fliand jnsticqiON§ - We ATPL C WycHiors required for 1%E€ Fue cua} Light ins O¢ the cPtca) and the IR al CCNA CAA CA) Medical Funess —. ATPLCA) applicant Spal) hdd a Classd ME - * c ex ceet 4005 Check airmen wnd Ceathed hel TA brtipdy ‘ i “f) PCO) Ed (9b) rVeleeS - SuBsect to cempiane wing the (ele VENTS Ss Under tig Part CI) Te exercse ay) fhe Priveleges, Of the NOlder OF a FFLCA) CIN CPLOA)D afd of an IRCA) Ch) Vedid FY fS = Years $N$tAM end Rating-~ Air Plan @ C4) DeCheral ~— ThE Holler Cf a fF, Wt Nneenge shay not ACF Crfh el aS A P10t-iN “ommend of as A COPMA* CHAN 1tCIITA Under (OStrument Fy ighf “UPS CFR). proper aydhnonta fon ThG)] COMPr: $C an instryamend "ating apPrepriat? 4¢ the MN CIAF fF CrCgary. Ch) vaidyy ~ ZRCA) iS + Years 2-3.3.)) Jn SIU CIOS RANG § ~ PU Pene aNd beticaps er; Ch) Fu Dh4 on stracdars C} > A9€. the FPN Cand For & #£iighd insdrycyor feding CA) Shall be nay less than |e yews py age, PSF. 1% Glider Pitot kcanse 9) AQ - ' CID ADC - appicagp WF a4 Dholer Pil@t ticense shall ndy be 1°65 ~parn le Years of age (C) medion Finess ~ Apaicant mus hell 2 Curren? cass @ médl car. C9) validly = Vly perictcl (53 years 80 He UCSC. ee oe etre teen ORR Pee BRE te Te E3519 Free palloen ilo cense Zh CA) AQE - Free baler Pled NCerse shay nol be 1€5s than It Calg gt ADE . het! holed (CD medical Fitness ~ appicent fer ¢ree belle plot worse 6 A current 145 q Nldicag) COLA HK (TT CO 2¢.2.32 Rating 5, CA’) The Followine Radinas are ISSU@N Under jhis Subp 7 1) Al fram € 2:-) Power pan y 3.) AY tay e avid POW FET Pica fy 4 2-6-2. q Duration OF NCeNg @ oF. iy t ) We uve iar the pyr NECNSP 5 S Years b) The helder of eo “COSE with an ex Piter per) aa4e@ may nor, ae 4er he ces ¢@ 4 CXOCNE ne Piivel’als Or the IW CVS @ CD TC license SAY foma;ry Velho oe 1019 48 the holder JACICOK PORTA S Seis Be up Comper ency 2G.3.3 pm Reine CA) The FOWOMNgG Rerfing & arg CY tm, TC of Ailtram e : CO) Fivey wing Cu) KO feary, wing CH) Aitcragy VA PMS, Hyd tra it § Civ) ts 1S Stacy Uber Ah, s Subparg . FLU emen H “Shey bya | 7 MPAA S 4 “Odd wear Zt Fept yc PTT eee: ae (2) Lim'téd — Powerpign 4 Ci> Piston Ci) POPE Er Cus) Tovone Civ) Fue) syszem g G) Avion OS C) Flectnce| CH) IAStrum end 5 Cin) p ES Fred bing lv) AFcs Riery wing CY) wa MOM igh (v,) Rar 7 C4) Peinzed pyices Ci) weigin 9 Cy» MVen- MEI ru y/ve Testing # he Ams Wenge S CF) YOAV 5 AMOS Ee walsh pty CPYINEN Male mf net , tr the one, the PVE ICIES oy the .CeENS EC COD Litenses Shar} remain Voc AS Mheil competency . PAeroCrs@ lOn 2 as the hOia s Ah Pree ye tna i 4077 hy e Ame ATTN UNTO Ree aes

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