Negative-Sequence Overcurrent Considerations For Induction Motor Loads

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Negative-Sequence Overcurrent Considerations

for Induction Motor Loads

Miles Dupuis
Cleco Power LLC

Nick Mahoney, Aadityaa Padmanabhan, and Krithika Bhuvaneshwaran

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.

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This paper was presented at the 70th Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers and can
be accessed at:

For the complete history of this paper, refer to the next page.
Published in the
proceedings of the 20th Annual Georgia Tech Fault
and Disturbance Analysis Conference as an alternate
Atlanta, Georgia
May 1–2, 2017

Originally presented at the

70th Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, April 2017

Negative-Sequence Overcurrent
Considerations for Induction Motor Loads
Miles Dupuis, Cleco Power LLC
Nick Mahoney, Aadityaa Padmanabhan, and Krithika Bhuvaneshwaran, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.

Abstract—Negative-sequence overcurrent (51Q) elements can this reverse negative-sequence current, and it provides a real-
add sensitivity to transformer and feeder protection. Because world event that resulted from the sympathetic tripping of 51Q
these elements do not respond to balanced load current, they can elements.
be set below phase overcurrent elements. However, certain loads
may cause higher than expected negative-sequence current to
flow because their negative-sequence impedance is quite low II. NEGATIVE-SEQUENCE OVERCURRENT
when compared to their positive-sequence impedance. This paper 51Q elements are occasionally applied to provide the
describes an event in which a 51Q element operated for a fault on sensitivity necessary to detect phase-to-phase faults. This
an adjacent feeder, discusses the impact of voltage unbalance on
induction motors, and examines induction motor load modeling
application is used in both feeder and transformer protection.
and sequence networks. The analysis is supported by a PSCAD Traditional negative-sequence overcurrent settings are
model developed for this event. The paper also shares specific developed based on the downstream phase overcurrent
lessons learned to assist engineers to securely set 51Q elements in protection elements. The slowest phase overcurrent device is
the presence of induction motor loads. selected for coordination with the upstream negative-sequence
protection. The two settings are compared by deriving an
I. INTRODUCTION equivalent phase overcurrent setting for the 51Q element [1].
Traditional feeder and transformer protection schemes use 51Q elements are also applied on the high side of delta-
a combination of phase and ground overcurrent elements to wye grounded transformers to detect low-side phase-to-ground
detect faults. For protection schemes with only phase and faults [3]. Because the delta winding acts as a zero-sequence
ground elements, phase-to-phase faults can pose a challenge. trap, ground overcurrent relays located on the delta winding
Phase elements can detect phase-to-phase faults; however, side of the transformer are blind to low-side ground faults.
they are responsive to load current and can therefore be Instead, these faults appear as phase-to-phase faults on the
difficult to set securely and sensitively. Ground elements can delta side of the transformer.
be set more sensitively than phase elements because they are Negative-sequence overcurrent or current unbalance relays
not responsive to balanced load. However, ground elements are also common for motor protection. These relays are
cannot detect phase-to-phase faults. Negative-sequence required to provide thermal protection against excessive
overcurrent (51Q) elements can address this issue of phase-to- current induced on the rotor. As such, these elements are
phase fault sensitivity. Because 51Q elements are not typically set with a relatively long delay.
responsive to load currents, they can typically be set both
sensitively and securely to detect unbalanced faults. III. NEGATIVE-SEQUENCE AND INDUCTION MOTORS
Traditional approaches to setting 51Q elements have Consider the equivalent circuit of an induction motor
focused on providing sensitivity for phase-to-phase faults in shown in Fig. 1.
distribution feeders [1]. This paper shows that the negative-
sequence impedance of the load should also be considered to Rs Xs Xr Rr

ensure correct operation of the 51Q element. When

developing settings for a 51Q element in the vicinity of a large 1–s
Vs Xm Rr
concentration of motors, load impedance must be taken into s
consideration for settings calculations; otherwise, sympathetic
tripping may occur.
Reference [2] shows that out of zone unbalanced faults can Fig. 1: Induction motor model [4]
cause increased negative- and zero-sequence currents to flow
through unfaulted feeders because of the stalling of single-
Vs is the terminal voltage.
phase motors.
Rs is the stator resistance.
Reference [2] also discusses how the load on unfaulted
Xs is the stator reactance.
feeders can provide a path for negative- and zero-sequence Xm is the magnetizing reactance.
currents to flow in the reverse direction of the fault. This paper
Xr is the rotor reactance.
aims to expand on these observations by showing how three-
Rr is the rotor resistance.
phase motor loads can significantly affect the magnitude of s is the slip frequency in per unit (pu).

Positive-sequence current circulating in the stator windings are also fed by this transformer; however, the size of these
of a three-phase induction motor generates a rotating magnetic loads is negligible compared to the induction motor loads.
field that crosses the air gap. This magnetic field rotates at a The 34.5 kV potential transformers (PTs) are located on the
synchronous speed that is dictated by the number of poles of bus, whereas the Relay 2 current transformers (CTs) are
the motor and the power system frequency. During normal located on the source side of the auxiliary transformer high-
operation, the rotor of the induction motor rotates at a slightly side breaker. The neutral CT from the auxiliary transformer is
lower speed than the speed of the magnetic flux generated by unavailable to connect to Relay 2.
the stator. The difference in speed, known as slip, causes low-
Oil Circuit
frequency currents to flow in the rotor bars. The interaction Breaker (OCB) 1
Feeder 1
between the flux generated by the stator and the currents
circulating in the rotor bars produces mechanical torque. The
45 MVA
slip is computed as follows [5]: 138–34.5 kV
Relay 1
 Nr  Phase Fault
s= 1 −  
 Ns 
12 MVA
where: 34.5–4.16 kV
s is the positive-sequence motor slip. Transformer Feeder 2
Nr is the rotor speed. IM
Ns is the synchronous speed.
When unbalanced sinusoidal voltages are applied to the Auxiliary
34,500/115 V Transformer IM
stator of a three-phase induction motor, both positive- and Relay 2
negative-sequence currents flow in the stator windings. The
negative-sequence current generates a magnetic field that Fig. 2: Simplified single-line diagram
crosses the air gap and rotates in the opposite direction with
B. Protection Setup
respect to the positive-sequence generated magnetic field and
the rotor. The negative-sequence generated magnetic flux Relay 1 is a microprocessor-based relay that protects
induces high-frequency currents in the rotor. The frequency of Feeder 1 and is programmed with inverse-time overcurrent
these currents is a function of the negative-sequence slip, elements for both phase and ground fault protection. The main
which is computed as follows [5]: protection for the auxiliary transformer consists of a current
differential relay (not shown). Relay 2 is another
 Nr  microprocessor-based relay that provides backup protection
s2 =
1−  =2−s
 – Ns  for transformer and low-side faults. Relay 2 uses an
where: instantaneous phase overcurrent element, a phase inverse-time
s2 is the negative-sequence motor slip. overcurrent (51P) element and a 51Q element. The 51Q
The model in Fig. 1 shows positive-sequence rotor element is set to protect the transformer in the event of a low-
resistance that varies with 1/s. The negative-sequence rotor side single-phase-to-ground fault. The relay settings are
resistance varies with 1/(2–s) [5]. Typically, positive-sequence summarized as follows.
motor impedance can be up to six times the negative-sequence • Relay 1 ground time-overcurrent settings
motor impedance for small values of slip [6]. − 51G pickup = 240 A
− 51G time dial = 0.4
IV. REAL-WORLD EVENT − 51G curve = IEC very inverse (C2)
A. System Background • Relay 1 phase time-overcurrent settings
Fig. 2 shows a simplified single-line diagram of the system − 51P pickup = 640 A
under consideration. The system is part of a steam turbine − 51P time dial = 0.25
generating facility; however, only auxiliary loads are − 51P curve = IEC extremely inverse (C3)
considered for the purpose of this analysis. A 45 MVA • Relay 2 phase overcurrent settings
138/34.5 kV delta-wye grounded main transformer supplies − 51P pickup = 588 A
the 34.5 kV bus. A 12 MVA 34.5/4.16 kV delta-wye − 51P time dial = 4.52
resistance-grounded auxiliary transformer is used to further − 51P curve = U.S. very inverse (U3)
reduce the voltage to supply the induction motor loads. The − 50P pickup = 2952 A
34.5 kV bus supplies the auxiliary transformer and a number • Relay 2 negative-sequence time-overcurrent settings
of overhead 34.5 kV distribution feeders. Radial feeders are − 51Q pickup = 36 A
connected to the 4.16 kV winding of the auxiliary transformer. − 51Q time dial = 1.26
The majority of the loads on these feeders are induction − 51Q curve = U.S. very inverse (U3)
motors ranging from approximately 5 hp to 5000 hp with an Phase-to-ground fault currents at the 4.16 kV level are
aggregate total of approximately 7000 hp. Some lighting loads limited by the neutral impedance. As recommended by IEEE,

a 51Q element was chosen to detect these low-magnitude, TABLE I: RELAY 1 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS
phase-to-ground faults [3]. Time (hr, min, s) Element State
Because the ground fault current is limited by the neutral
20:39:47.532 51P Asserted
resistor on the transformer, the 51Q element was set to pick up
at 50 percent of the available transformer high-side current for 20:39:47.949 Trip Asserted
a ground fault on the low side of the transformer. The time 20:39:47.994 52A Deasserted
dial provided a 1-second clearing time for faults on the low
side of the transformer. This delay was deemed acceptable IA(A) IB(A) IC(A) VAB(V) VBC(V) VCA(V) I1Mag I2Mag

because the differential scheme across the transformer was the 250


primary protection, whereas the 51Q element provided 0

backup. –250


C. Event Analysis 25,000

A phase-to-phase fault involving Phases A and B occurred


on Feeder 1. Heavy winds knocked down the overhead feeder
poles, causing the two phase conductors to short. Because the 200

I1 Mag I2 Mag
feeder is radial, the expected sequence of operation was for 100

Relay 1 to isolate the fault that occurred within its zone of

protection. As indicated by Fig. 3 and the sequence of relay

element operation in Table I, Relay 1 operated as expected by
detecting the increase in currents on Phases A and B and then 47.40 47.45 47.50 47.55 47.60 47.65 47.70 47.75 47.80 47.85

began timing. Once the 51P element picked up, it timed out in Fig. 4: 34.5/4.16 kV Relay 2 oscillography
0.417 seconds (25 cycles) and tripped the feeder breaker. The
For the radial system of transformer and induction motor
event report that showed Relay 1 operating for the fault was
loads, no appreciable current was expected for out-of-zone
not available. The Sequential Events Recorder report from
faults. Fig. 5 shows a phasor representation of the Relay 2
Relay 1 was used to identify the time of operation of the
current measurements prior to the event. Note that prior to the
protection elements and the relay.
event, the ABC phase sequence was such that Phase B lagged
This event was significant because the 51Q element in
Phase A by 120 degrees for counter-clockwise phasor
Relay 2 also picked up. The 51Q element was set sensitively
rotations. During the fault, Phase C lagged Phase A by
to detect transformer low-side faults; however, it tripped the
approximately 100 degrees for counter-clockwise phasor
transformer in 0.13 seconds (8 cycles) for an out-of-zone fault
rotations (Fig. 6).
(Fig. 4).
The auxiliary transformer is radially connected; therefore,
Relay 2 was not expected to operate. Fig. 4 shows that the
occurrence of the fault caused the phase currents through the
auxiliary transformer to drastically increase. The fault on
Feeder 1 increased only the Phase A and Phase B currents;
however, the current through Feeder 2 indicates that Phases B
and C were the highest in magnitude. This in turn caused the
51Q element in Relay 2 to time out and trip.
IA(A) IB(A) IC(A) VA(kV) VB(kV) VC(kV) I1Mag I2Mag


–5000 Fig. 5: Relay 2 phase sequence prior to event

VA(kV) VB(kV) VC(kV)

I1 Mag I2 Mag



47.50 47.55 47.60 47.65 47.70 47.75 47.80 47.85 47.90

Fig. 3: 34.5 kV Relay 1 oscillography


• Positive-sequence source impedance = ZS1

• Negative-sequence source impedance = ZS2
• Positive-sequence Feeder 1 impedance = ZF1
• Negative-sequence Feeder 1 impedance = ZF2
• Positive-sequence transformer impedance = ZT1
• Negative-sequence transformer impedance = ZT2
• Positive-sequence load impedance = ZL1
• Negative-sequence load impedance = ZL2
In this network, the positive- and negative-sequence
voltages for the 34.5 kV bus are equal for zero fault
impedances. The positive- and negative-sequence impedances
of the source are equal, the positive- and negative-sequence
Fig. 6: Relay 2 phase sequence during event
impedances of Feeder 1 are equal, and the positive- and
negative-sequence impedance of the auxiliary transformer are
This change in phase sequence indicates a high ratio of equal.
negative- to positive-sequence currents. As the amount of During the event, Relay 2 observes that the magnitude of
negative-sequence current increased relative to the positive- negative-sequence current is higher than positive-sequence
sequence current, the apparent phase sequence changed from current. The sequence impedances are estimated from the
ABC to ACB. magnitude of positive-sequence voltage and current (V1 and
I1) and negative-sequence voltage and current (V2 and I2)
V. SEQUENCE COMPONENTS shown in the relay event report. The values are in pu and were
The sequence component network for the event is shown in calculated on a 100 MVA, 34.5 kV base. The positive- and
Fig. 7. For the purpose of this analysis, the fault is assumed to negative-sequence transformer impedances were obtained
have occurred on the 34.5 kV bus. For a phase-to-phase fault, from the transformer nameplate. Fig. 8 shows the behavior of
the positive- and negative-sequence networks are modeled as V2, I2, and negative-sequence impedance (Z2) measured by
occurring in parallel at the point of the fault. The source Relay 2 as a function of time.
impedance is combined with the main transformer impedance.
The impedances shown in the figure are as follows:



Relay 1 Relay 1


Relay 2 Relay 2
V1, I1 V2, I2

Fig. 7: Sequence component network during event


The sequence impedance ratio of the load is calculated as

Z L1 16.41 pu
1000 Zratio
= = = 4.97
–1000 Z L2 3.3 pu
200 1:I2_A.Mag

A PSCAD simulation further demonstrates the effect of
–50 voltage unbalance on induction motors (Fig. 9). For the
purpose of the simulation, the 4.16 kV feeders were replaced
by a single squirrel-cage induction machine. The motor was

sized to match the 2.8 MW load measured at the feeder
50 transformer immediately prior to the fault. The additional
47.560833 47.660833 47.760833 47.860833 47.960833
simulation parameters were as follows:
• Source
Fig. 8: Relay 2 impedance during fault
− Magnitude: 34.5 kV
The following calculations were used to determine the − Frequency: 60 Hz
sequence impedances at 47.640 seconds for the Relay 2 event. − Ramp-up time: 0.001 s
34.5 kV 2 − Inductance: 0.5 H
= = 11.9 Ω • Transformer
100 MVA
− Rating: 12.5 MVA 34.5/4.16 kV
V1 11,957.6∠ – 155.18 V
= − Connection: delta-wye grounded
I1 61.57∠ – 130.647 A
− Neutral resistance: 6.0 ohms
194.2∠ – 24.53 Ω
= • Induction machine
In pu: − Rated voltage: 4.16 kV
− Rated current: 400 A
194.2 Ω
=Z1 = 16.31 pu − Control mode: Speed control
11.9 Ω
− Speed: 0.99 pu
12.5 MVA
Z1 equals the sum of ZT1 and ZL1. 4.16 kV / 34.5 kV
Similarly: 0.99 Va
#1 #2
V2 7960.7∠34.33 V IL IT
= T Vb AB ≥ G Timed
I2 197.431∠13.71 A 1.0 –
6.0 Ω

=40.3∠20.62 Ω
In pu:
40.3 Ω
= = 3.38 pu
11.9 Ω
Fig. 9: PSCAD single-line diagram
Z2 equals the sum of ZT2 and ZL2. Fig. 10 through Fig. 13 show the 34.5 kV transformer
The auxiliary transformer positive- and negative-sequence bushing current waveforms during the application of various
impedances are equal. Therefore: 34.5 kV bus faults. Each simulation begins at 0 seconds and
Z= Z= 0.25∠90 pu concludes at 1 second. Faults are applied at 0.5 seconds in
T1 T2
each case.
Subtracting the transformer sequence impedance from the The three-phase fault results in currents temporarily
total impedance, we can calculate the load sequence increasing after the fault occurs before decaying to near zero.
impedances: In contrast, for each of the three remaining unbalanced fault
Z L1 = 16.31∠ – 24.53 pu − 0.25∠90 pu = 16.41∠ – 25.32 pu types, currents increase beyond the prefault values for the
Z L2 =3.38∠20.62 pu − 0.25∠90 pu =3.3∠16.55 pu remainder of the simulation. The negative-sequence network
is involved in each unbalanced fault.
These calculations indicate that the load impedances are This result is counterintuitive given the radial nature of the
different for positive and negative sequences. For this event, transformer and induction motor load. Because the fault is
the only possible difference is the induction motor loads. upstream of the transformer and the only change imparted on
the remaining system during these faults is an unbalanced
voltage, the change in current can be attributed to this change
in voltage. Reference [2] provides a similar example in which

a transmission fault depressed the distribution feeder voltages, the figures, a value of 1.00 indicates a forward fault and a
resulting in higher than expected phase currents on the value of –1.00 indicates a reverse fault. As expected, a fault on
feeders. the 34.5 kV bus results in a reverse directional decision,
As presented earlier, the unbalanced voltage results in an whereas a fault on the 4.16 kV bus results in a forward
increased negative-sequence voltage. That voltage, when directional decision. In the case of the 34.5 kV bus fault, the
impressed on the negative-sequence network consisting of the negative-sequence impedance transitions between the forward
transformer and induction motor, causes increased negative- and reverse thresholds because of the post-fault transient
sequence current to flow. response (Fig. 10 through Fig. 13). The negative-sequence
directional element parameters are based on recommendations
provided in [7]:
0.50 • Z2 forward threshold: –0.1 ohms
Amperes (pu)

• Z2 reverse threshold: 0.1 ohms

0.00 • I1 restraint factor: 0.1
• Forward current threshold: 0.1 pu
• Reverse current threshold: 0.1 pu
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 • Line angle: 45 degrees
Dir Fwd = 1, Rev = 1
Fig. 10: Simulated 34.5 kV bus three-phase fault 1.50
IT 1.00
Amperes (pu)


0.00 –1.00
–0.50 –2.00

–1.00 Fig. 14: Directional decision for 34.5 kV bus fault

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Time Dir Fwd = 1, Rev = 1
Fig. 11: Simulated 34.5 kV bus phase-to-ground fault
1.00 0.50
0.50 –0.50
Amperes (pu)

Fig. 15: Directional decision for 4.16 kV bus fault
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
This conclusion is further solidified using oscillography
data from the actual event to compute a simulated negative-
Fig. 12: Simulated 34.5 kV bus phase-to-phase-to-ground fault sequence impedance directional element decision (Fig. 17).
IT The negative-sequence impedance directional element uses the
ratio of negative-sequence voltage and current to obtain a
0.50 negative-sequence impedance [8]. Z2FTH and Z2RTH are the
Amperes (pu)

forward and reverse negative-sequence impedance thresholds,

0.00 respectively, and Z2 is the measured negative-sequence
impedance [8]. Fig. 16 shows the directional element
characteristic on the negative-sequence impedance plane. The
–1.00 directional element parameters match those used for the
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Time PSCAD simulation. The thresholds have dynamic properties
to ensure the element is secure. The measured negative-
Fig. 13: Simulated 34.5 kV bus phase-to-phase fault
sequence impedance must be less than Z2FTH to declare a
We modified the PSCAD model to determine whether forward fault. The measured negative-sequence impedance
negative-sequence directional supervision could be used to must be greater than Z2RTH to declare a reverse fault. A
differentiate between legitimate downstream faults and out-of- forward fault will appear as a negative value in terms of
zone, upstream voltage unbalance. Fig. 14 and Fig. 15 show negative-sequence impedance. Fig. 17 shows that during the
the difference between downstream and upstream phase-to- event, Z2 is higher than Z2RTH. If a directional 51Q element
phase faults and the resulting directional element decision. In

is set, the relay uses this comparison to declare a reverse fault regardless of the load characteristic. Sequence
and block the 51Q element from operating. components for current are not reliable during
inrush conditions; therefore, the negative-sequence
Reverse Threshold X2 Z2 Plane directional element may require blocking during
transformer energization.
One advantage of 1.a is that it is relatively easy to set
because coordination is only performed with the downstream
ground relays. Approach 1.b provides sensitive ground fault
Forward Threshold protection for wye windings and does not need to coordinate
Directional Element Characteristics with the adjacent zones of protection, resulting in fast
Fig. 16: Directional element characteristic
No voltage signals are needed in the relay for 2.a. This
approach provides some protection for phase-to-phase faults.
300 However, the element cannot be set very sensitively because
200 of the standing load unbalance. Therefore, high-impedance
faults may not be cleared quickly, leading to possible damage

to the transformer.
Because 2.b is immune to out-of-zone faults, no additional
–300 time delay is necessary to coordinate with these faults. The
–400 time delay is selected to coordinate with the downstream
devices only. Sensitivity is still dictated by the standing load
40 unbalance.
Although a feeder or transformer protection zone may be
considered radial, faults on adjacent feeders or zones can
47.510833 47.560833 47.610833 47.660833 47.710833 47.760833
cause out-of-zone tripping. Careful consideration should be
Fig. 17: Simulated directional decision during event given if the downstream load is comprised mainly of induction
motors. In particular, if set sensitively, 51Q elements can be
VII. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TRANSFORMER PROTECTION susceptible to such occurrences. Directional supervision can
The type of load within the zone of protection must be prevent unintended trips without desensitizing the overcurrent
considered while setting 51Q elements. Two approaches can elements.
be followed for transformer protection:
1. When current from a CT located at the neutral of the IX. REFERENCES
wye-grounded transformer winding is available: [1] A.F. Elneweihi, E.O. Schweitzer III, and M.W. Feltis, “Negative-
a. An inverse-time neutral overcurrent should be the Sequence Overcurrent Element Application and Coordination in
Distribution Protection,” proceedings of the IEEE/PES Summer
first means of providing backup protection for Meeting, Seattle, WA, July 1992.
ground faults on the secondary of the transformer [2] J. Roberts, T. L. Stulo, and A. Reyes, “Sympathetic Tripping Problem
that are not cleared by the feeder protection. Analysis and Solutions,” proceedings of the 24th Annual Western
b. A restricted earth fault element could provide Protective Relay Conference, Spokane, WA, October 1997.
sensitive ground fault protection for the wye [3] IEEE C37.91-2008, IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers.
winding of the transformer. [4] D. Reimert, Protective Relaying for Power Generation Systems, CRC
2. When using 51Q elements: Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2006.
a. If nondirectional, the element may detect out-of- [5] S. E. Zocholl, “Induction Motors: Part I – Analysis,” Schweitzer
zone faults. The pickup must be set above any Engineering Laboratories, Inc., Pullman, WA, 1996. Available:
standing load unbalance observed by the relay.
[6] J. L. Blackburn and T. J. Domin, Protective Relaying: Principles and
Three-phase motor loads are relatively balanced;
Applications, 4th ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2014.
therefore, a good level of sensitivity can be
[7] D. Costello, M. Moon, and G. Bow, “Use of Directional Elements at the
obtained. If the transformer carries large single- Utility-Industrial Interface,” proceedings of the 31st Annual Western
phase loads, the sensitivity will be compromised. Protective Relay Conference, Spokane, WA, October 2004.
Time delay selection is affected by the need to [8] B. Fleming, “Negative-Sequence Impedance Directional Element,”
coordinate with downstream devices and with the proceedings of the 10th Annual ProTest User Group Meeting, Pasadena,
maximum clearing time for unbalanced faults on CA, February 1998.
adjacent zones of protection.
b. If directional, the time delay is selected to X. BIOGRAPHIES
coordinate with the downstream devices only. The Miles Dupuis, P.E. received his BS in Electrical Engineering from the
pickup must be set higher than the maximum load University of Southwestern Louisiana in 1972. Upon graduation he worked as
a field engineer for an oil services company doing well logging. He later
unbalance to be carried by the transformer,
worked for eight years as a plant engineer for a salt mining company. In 1982,

he began working for Cleco Power LLC, an electrical utility in Louisiana. His
duties included field testing and installation of protection relays, design and
troubleshooting of all equipment in high-voltage substations, and specialty
switching schemes at all voltages. Today, he is a principal engineer for Cleco
Power LLC.

Nick Mahoney, P.E. received his BS in Electrical Engineering from the

University of Wyoming in 2009 and his MS in the same field from Clemson
University in 2011. Upon graduation, he began working for Schweitzer
Engineering Laboratories, Inc. in Alpharetta, Georgia Nick is a registered
professional engineer in Georgia.

Aadityaa Padmanabhan received his BE in Electrical and Electronics

Engineering from Anna University in 2010 and his MS in Electrical
Engineering from North Carolina State University in 2012. He joined
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. (SEL) in Pullman, Washington in
2012. In 2014, Aadityaa transferred to SEL in Alpharetta, Georgia. He is
certified in Washington as an Engineer in Training (EIT).

Krithika Bhuvaneshwaran received her BS from Sardar Patel College of

Engineering in 2012 and her MS from Georgia Institute of Technology in
2016. She currently works for Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.

Previously presented at the 2017 Texas A&M

Conference for Protective Relay Engineers.
© 2017 IEEE – All rights reserved.
20170209 • TP6779-01

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