Absent: Lesson Plan
Absent: Lesson Plan
Absent: Lesson Plan
Resources NPST
Smart Board White Board Text Book 1. Structure innovative & flexible learning experiences for individuals
& groups of students.
Activity Sheet Worksheet Presentations 2. Use teaching strategies & resources to engage students in effective
Games / Video Manipulative Software
3. Foster language, literacy & numeracy development.
Microscope Geometric Set Slides 4. Create safe, supportive & challenging learning environments.
Computer Lab Posters & Flashcards Data Show 5. Construct learning experiences that connect with the world beyond
Terminology & Vocabulary 6. Apply ICT in managing student learning.
7. Assess & report on student learning.
8. Apply knowledge of students & students & how they learn to
support student learning & development.
New 9. Apply teaching/subject area knowledge to support student learning.
10. Work as a member of professional teams.
إبراهيم حمد المهندى. أ: صاحب الترخيص خلف الفقراء. أ: النائب االكاديمي عادل مسعود. أ: منسق اللغة االنجليزية
11. Build partnerships with families & the community.
12. Reflect on, evaluate & improve professional practice.
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Teacher's Role
Student's Role
إبراهيم حمد المهندى. أ: صاحب الترخيص خلف الفقراء. أ: النائب االكاديمي عادل مسعود. أ: منسق اللغة االنجليزية