The Richness of The Philippines in Terms of Mineral Resources Is Being Attributed To Its Location in The So-Called
The Richness of The Philippines in Terms of Mineral Resources Is Being Attributed To Its Location in The So-Called
The Richness of The Philippines in Terms of Mineral Resources Is Being Attributed To Its Location in The So-Called
Multiple Choice. Select the correct answer in each of the following questions by shading the letter on the provided
answer sheet.
44. The photo on the right side shows what kind of phenomena?
D. Lunar Eclipse
E. Solar Eclipse
45. When the earth is tilted toward the North pole, meaning to say the season in Philippine which is located at the
Northern hemisphere is __________.
A. Summer B. Winter C. Spring
46. During the month of October to March, Philippines experience rainy and cold season, because __________.
A. The north pole is tilted away to sun.
B. The north pole is titled toward the sun
C. The Northeast monsoon season occur.
47. It is an ordinary phenomenon that you experience every day when the light source is blocked by an object.
A. Eclipses B. Shadow C. Season
48. The shadows that can be found in the outer space that is done by the following celestial bodies: the sun, the
earth and the moon.
Eclipses B. Shadow C. Season
49. When the object is closer to the light source then the shadow will cast ____________image.
A. Bigger B. Smaller C. Both A and B
50. When the object is farther to the light source then the shadow will cast ____________image.
A. Bigger B. Smaller C. Both A and B