Structure Magazine - May 2020 PDF
Structure Magazine - May 2020 PDF
Structure Magazine - May 2020 PDF
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4 STRUCTURE magazine
Cover Feature
M AY 2020
The use of brick challenges the norm with the design of the 24 Structural Systems Reinforced Masonry Shear Wall Systems
University of Technology Sydney’s Dr. Chau Chak Wing By P. Benson Shing, Ph.D., Jianyu Cheng, and Andreas Koutras, Ph.D.
M AY 2 0 2 0 5
A Powerful Software Suite for Detailed
Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
STRUCTURE magazine M AY 2 02 0 7
structural INNOVATION
Advancement in Masonry Today
By Peter Roberts
W hat is the future of masonry? Innovation in masonry is critical to meet the growing challenges facing our world. These
advancements will create new markets, foster economic growth, and create new green technology. Over the next
decade, masonry will evolve into several exciting new hybrid technologies and become a critical part of additive manufactur-
ing. Traditional masonry will be expanded into new design and assembly models, using new materials and green technologies.
8 STRUCTURE magazine
carbon-intensive process of Portland cement manufacturing
needed to produce standard concrete and concrete block.
• Solidia Technologies is a company developing a lower carbon
footprint than Portland cement for concrete through its
methods of cementing concrete together by using innovative
chemical cements and curing approaches.
• CarbonCure seeks to reduce the carbon footprint by pumping
liquid CO2 into concrete and CMU through the mixing process.
New Applications
The versatility of masonry creates new design possibilities, includ-
ing water storage, septic tanks, ships, boats, vessels, barges, bridges,
seawalls, levees, flood protection infrastructure (culverts, etc.), and
more. The use of CMU’s to build roofs, including arches, domes,
and flying buttresses, is another new application for manufactured
concrete block (this includes work by the author). The use of fiber Masonry dome made with manufactured concrete block by Spherical Block LLC.
reinforced plastic (FRP) rebar creates rust proof reinforced masonry
and concrete, which will become increasingly significant as sea levels impact, fire, and seismic loads, and can be used to mitigate risk
are expected to rise. These new applications for masonry are expected against accidents, natural disasters, and direct attacks. This material
to grow the industry significantly by creating entirely new markets. design prevents bullet penetration, reduces spalling, and can absorb
large amounts of energy without diminishing structural integrity. It
has 20 times the strain capacity of traditional concrete before failure.
New Materials Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) is another newer material that holds
Ductile and elastomeric composite material create masonry appropri- promise due to its light weight and ease of cutting. Aercon provides AAC
ate for blast and ballistic applications, defense applications, hardened material in both blocks and panels. This material is lightweight, can
structures, seismic applications, and severe weather events. ProtectiFlex be for both load-bearing and non-load bearing applications, has good
provides a proprietary technology combining recycled non-biode- acoustic performance, offers better thermal insulation than standard
gradable material, composite fibers, and/or rebar in a cement matrix. concrete, and includes many of the benefits of standard concrete such
This material offers protection against blast, ballistic, forced entry, as fire safety, insect and pest resistance, and durability.
continued on next page
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M AY 2 0 2 0 9
A concrete panel made with Litracon material. Masonry arches and flying buttresses made with interlocking block by Spherical Block LLC.
Insulated concrete blocks are also relatively new to the marketplace 8) Academicians who dream up new names for old ideas and
and help to maximize the thermal mass benefits of concrete and make a career out of it.
masonry, creating more thermally efficient buildings. NRG Block 9) Designers who do not care about mason productivity.
makes thermally insulated CMU’s which have a serpentine inter- 10) Lack of financial incentive.
locking expanded foam thermal insert within the block. This design This question persists over 30 years later. The author has encountered
creates an insulated block with no direct thermal bridging from the the following responses from industry, trade groups, and end-users
inside of the building to the outside, resulting in a better thermally over the years: “it is a mature technology” and “there is no room for
insulated building envelope. From both inside and outside, the wall improvement after thousands of years of masonry practice.” Much
looks like a conventional block wall. contemporary research looks back in time to understand some of
Light-transmitting or translucent concrete and mortar are yet another humanity’s achievements with masonry (for example, the work done
new addition to the palette of masonry materials. Fiber optic cables are by Jacques Heyman). Old ideas are often presented as “new,” includ-
cast into concrete, allowing light to pass through dense opaque concrete ing, for example, Catalan arches, which originated in the 14th century
and/or mortar, creating visually compelling architectural lighting effects. around Valencia, Spain. Guastavino tile arches from the 19th century
Litracon produces light-conducting concrete material for construction (Catalan arches) are also reexamined and often presented as new. This
applications. The company uses both glass fiber optic elements, with a illustrates novelty versus innovation, as described by Loreto et al. in
more randomized distribution of light-conducting elements cast in con- the ‘adjacent possible’ scheme.
crete, and a plastic light-conducting grid which creates regularly spaced
light-conducting elements, appearing like LED pixels in a concrete grid.
Light Transmitting Mortar is a start-up using technology similar to that
What is the Vision for the Future Today?
found in light-conducting concrete, except that the light-conducting Expect an increase in the automated assembly of buildings, gradu-
fibers are made of plastic. This creates a unique visual effect by allowing ally moving from worker’s exoskeletons to semi-automated systems
mortar joints to transmit light from outside to inside (or vice versa). to fully automated robotic assembly of masonry. Expect the use of
greener materials, new technologies, and methods to reduce carbon
emissions. Expect new designs and forms from the CMU as designers
What was the Vision of the Future 30 Years Ago? continue to utilize its strength and value. Expect stronger, safer, more
This question was posed by a Workshop on Masonry sponsored by energy-efficient, affordable, beautiful masonry buildings.
the National Science Foundation (NSF) to a steering committee led
by Clayford T. Grimm in 1988. Committee members included the
National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA), the Masonry
Institute of America (MIA), and Clemson University. Here are the Green masonry will become central to additive manufacturing. It
findings of the Grimm’s steering Committee from 1988, “Why Are is environmentally appropriate, economical, attractive, and builds
There So Few Innovations in Masonry?” on what is known. This prediction calls for a productive future for
1) Tort Law the masonry industry in which successful innovation will occur as
2) Bureaucratic Building Code Process creative ideas exist in a balance between the familiar and the new.■
3) Unfunded Process of Writing Consensus Standards
4) Industry Fragmentation: “Economic pressures for fast The online version of this article contains addition
construction time leave little time for the learning curve information about innovation and sources of innovation.
required by new ideas. The construction industry mindset Please visit
supports the status quo.”
5) Research Fragmentation Peter Roberts, President, Spherical Block LLC, has been developing
6) Educators teach what they know (few know masonry) topological manufactured concrete blocks for roofing and complete
7) Designers are reluctant to use masonry structurally because building envelopes for over 30 years. ([email protected])
of poor jobsite quality control
10 STRUCTURE magazine
Build with the best
to prepare for
nature’s worst.
T hose familiar with masonry design understand its benefits for building construction: no other material provides the
beauty, strength, durability, design versatility, and sustainable attributes as materials like brick, block, and stone.
Unfortunately, however, younger designers or those new to masonry may be reluctant to consider it due to its perceived
complexity, the overwhelming options of materials and subassemblies, and the lack of a recognized standard for organizing
masonry systems, assemblies, and components. The International Masonry Institute (IMI) is addressing these obstacles by
developing a systematic process for designing masonry walls: complimentary access, digital Wall Builder Tool to facilitate the
process, and a crowdsourced Masonry Wall Systems Library ( that applies a logical taxonomy. This design
approach quickly and systematically goes through a series of micro-decisions on a small number (eight or fewer) of subas-
semblies of the wall, resulting in a well-informed system design.
12 STRUCTURE magazine
imparts in-plane rigidity and provides a surface for an air/moisture Once the wall structure and cladding are selected, the Wall Builder
barrier if desired. For adhered veneers, the sheathing also provides a Tool is intelligent when it comes to subsequent options. For example,
surface to affix the adhered veneer cladding. Walls with a solid structure if no cladding is selected, the program knows it to be a single wythe
like CMU, structural clay masonry, precast, or cast-in-place concrete wall and will only offer the choice of “none” for the fields of sheath-
would likely not make use of the Sheathing assembly. ing, attachment, and drainage. If the structure is concrete masonry
or any assembly other than wood studs, then corrugated wall ties will
Air/Moisture Barrier
not be offered as an option. TMS 402, Building Code Requirements
Although its form and location in the wall may vary, the typical for Masonry Structures, does not allow those types of ties with those
location of an air/moisture barrier is directly over the structure or types of backings. If a thin material is selected as cladding, the only
the sheathing. This assembly may take the form of a sheet or fluid- methods of attachment offered are the direct bond materials rather
applied treatment. If the sheathing or the structure already meets than mechanical anchors.
requirements for resistance to air leakage outlined in the energy code
or other applicable codes, a separate air/moisture barrier may not be
required; therefore, this is an optional assembly.
Once the user has completed the systematic process of selecting each
of the subassemblies based on project requirements, he or she can
With the trend toward sustainable practices and lower energy costs, the download a PDF graphic of the wall system. This graphic shows each
thermal performance of walls is more important than ever. Therefore, of the eight or fewer assemblies in a three-dimensional exploded view
many walls are designed with insulation that supplements masonry’s presented as in the field of the wall. A descriptive sheet title is auto-
natural thermal mass in the wall’s ability to manage thermal changes. matically generated as well as a unique wall number, both appearing
Insulation comes in varying types, thicknesses, and locations, and is on the drawing sheet. Each time a wall is built online, the program
an important assembly of most masonry walls. pushes that same PDF file to IMI, who curates the user-generated
Wall Systems Library.
The PDF graphic depicts only the field of the wall and not any
Drainage walls, cavity walls, or moisture managed walls are walls with special conditions like penetrations, terminations, or accommoda-
some drainage mechanism to collect and divert moisture that infil- tions for movement or moisture. The Wall Builder Tool is intended
trates the exterior cladding and works its way into the wall. Examples to be a design aid in the conceptual or schematic stages of design.
of drainage mechanisms can be as simple as an air space behind the It does not generate complex construction details or a specification
cladding, to more substantial accessories like drainage mats. (IMI has other resources for those), but it does inform the details and
the specifications since the generated walls provide a perfect starting
point for the design development phase.
Walls with a cladding assembly over the wall structure, whether the The PDF graphic can also serve as a communication tool among the
cladding is anchored or adhered, require a method to attach or affix the design disciplines and even the client. It is also a useful teaching tool
cladding to the backing. In the case of anchored veneer, the methods of for engineering or architecture students or practicing professionals
attachment generally take the form of veneer anchors or wall ties; rain- who are just becoming conversant with masonry design.
screen systems typically have a more elaborate framing system that ties the
cladding to the structural backing. Adhered veneers may utilize various
forms of bonding mortar, either reinforced with lath or unreinforced.
BIM Ready
Currently, the output is limited to the PDF graphic. However, BIM
users can extrapolate the information into a file compatible with
Unless the wall is a single wythe masonry wall, it will have a cladding their BIM platform of choice. The next phase of the Wall Builder
assembly. The cladding, whether full-depth anchored masonry veneer Tool may introduce Dynamo scripts able to generate Revit files of the
or a thin adhered material, is the exterior skin of the wall. The vari- wall designed, so it can immediately be brought into the BIM model.
ety of masonry cladding material, e.g., brick, stone, tile, terra cotta,
architectural block, etc., provides the exterior element of beauty in
a masonry wall.
The Wall Builder Tool and the Wall Systems Library are the masonry
Interior Finish
industry’s first step at developing a universally recognized taxonomy
Interior finish is included in the eight subassemblies because it can be an for masonry walls. The large number of combinations of materials
important part of the wall’s design even if not addressed by the engineer. in a masonry wall results in hundreds of thousands of unique walls,
making it difficult to attempt any method of standardization until
now. Because computer logic assigns a wall number based on the
Design Decisions Sequence materials selected in each assembly and is adept at capturing and
Knowing each of the eight assemblies, the analogy of the build-your- cataloging every wall designed using the Wall Builder Tool,
own burrito experience provides a similar hierarchy and progression the masonry industry is one step closer to achieving a stan-
to the decision-making process. The first two decisions in the burrito dard classification system for masonry walls.■
line are the most important, and they are the ones that will inform
the subsequent decisions: the type of protein and the type of wrap. In Scott Conwell, with International Masonry Institute, educates design
designing a wall system, the first decisions are how the wall supports professionals, advances good masonry design, and advocates superior
itself and what it will look like. Subsequent options follow, like the workmanship. Scott is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (AIA)
insulation (or not), the drainage device (or lack thereof ), and the and the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI). ([email protected])
interior finish.
M AY 2 0 2 0 13
structural PERFORMANCE
The Wilkes-Barre Tornado
Masonry Damage and Modeling
By Heather A. Sustersic, P.E., Michael Kinzel, Ph.D.,
and David Malyszek
14 STRUCTURE magazine
debris impact failures observed in masonry elements, and no base
connectivity failures observed in structural masonry.
Figure 2 shows an undamaged CMU wall of Building D in the middle
ground with the collapsed wood-framed addition (Building A) in the
foreground, and significant roof, framing, and sidewall damage to the
structural steel portion of Building D in the background. At Building
C, the CMU apron beneath the cold-formed steel stud exterior walls
remained unscathed while the cold-formed framing above was destroyed.
Unreinforced, architectural masonry, such as the decorative oversized
piers at a sporting goods store main entrance, experienced failures
ranging from stepped cracks in the mortar joints to partial collapse.
Even though the tornado passed directly over Building B, destroying
75% of the roof and causing significant damage to the storefront and
soffit, the rear CMU wall of the building was undamaged (Figure 3,
top and bottom right). Unreinforced masonry column wraps at the
front of Building B experienced shear failures, some of which twisted
Figure 3. Building B overall damage; typical front column wrap shear failure in
at their base and translated laterally 2 to 3 inches (Figure 3, bottom
mortar joint (left); back wall of building undamaged (right). Aerial photo from 570
left) with mid-height torsional shear failures as well; others had more
Drone footage.
subtle shear stress failure limited to the mortar joints. Roof joist-to-
masonry wall connections remained intact. coefficients. This is a conservative and safe approach to design but may
be over-conservative for low-level tornadoes. ASCE 7-16 Commentary
recommendations are primarily based on physical laboratory testing
Designing Buildings for Tornadoes of simplified, scaled models, which could limit applicability for non-
Most engineers do not design buildings to withstand tornado wind rectangular geometries.
events without realizing that the wind speeds in lower level (EF-0 to
EF-2) tornadoes are comparable to Category 1 to 3 hurricanes. When
engineers do move beyond risk acceptance to design for tornadoes,
New Cross-Disciplinary Modeling Approach
a sacrificial building approach is often used, following FEMA and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a well-established numerical
NIST recommendations for designated safe rooms and using ASCE approach for fluid dynamics used extensively within aerospace and
7-16 Commentary, Section C26.14, to determine design pressure mechanical engineering, as well as meteorological fields. CFD has
M AY 2 0 2 0 15
by steel tube columns with masonry wraps spaced
at 17 feet on-center maximum. Parapet heights
vary from 2 feet to 9 feet on the sides and front of
the building. The building was modeled as a solid,
fixed mass with no openings or deformation capa-
bility. Structure deformation using FSI is outside
the scope of this preliminary model; however, a
deeper investigation is planned for the future. The
building model is then considered in the context
of a CFD model with an EF-2 tornado (tangential
speeds ~120 miles per hour) approaching Building
B at 40 miles per hour. Overall views from the
model, including the main view and blowups of
the windward/leeward views of the building, are
Figure 4. Building B subjected to simulated tornado (center); Blowup view of windward side (upper left); shown in Figure 4. The grey features in the flow
Blowup view of leeward side (upper right). highlight the tornado. Here the tornado itself, its
tentacles, and complicated wakes forming around
the building can all be observed. All surfaces are
colored by surface pressure, and lines on the main
plot indicate the local velocity direction on sur-
faces. With the model, loading details (from both
pressure and viscous shear forces) are evaluated on
each square inch of the building, providing highly
detailed loading information that can supplement
design. An animation of this model is available at Figure 5 illustrates the
loading character on the building at first tornado
contact. Note that the loads do not appear as pure
constant pressure loading. Instead, the loading is
complex and variable, with low pressures after each
corner leading to a “bottle opener” effect applied
Figure 5. Surface pressure contour plot of Building B at the first contact of a simulated tornado. to the roof, causing localized high pressures. This
is consistent with the pattern of soffit, roof, and
thrived on the recent trend in the expansion of computing power. column wrap damage observed on the real building after the real
CFD uses numerical methods to approximately solve the notoriously tornado. Building designs that can consider these complex loadings
difficult-to-solve Navier-Stokes equations, which reflect the govern- during atmospheric events, such as tornadoes, are where CFD and
ing equations of fluid dynamics: conservation of mass, energy, and FSI can enable next-generation, tornado-resistant designs.
momentum for each particle in a time-space computing domain.
Such solutions provide highly detailed flow-field information and New Tools for Designing
loading details associated with building shapes that can supplement
structural design. One interdisciplinary approach would be through for Tornadoes
coupling CFD to computational structural dynamics solvers yielding Current guidance for engineers to determine design tornado wind
a fully coupled fluid-structure interaction (FSI) solution. These CFD- pressures on buildings is based on tests of enclosed buildings with
based FSI methods describe an emerging engineering toolset that is regular geometries that do not include provisions for extended soffits or
finding applications in biological, marine, and aerospace engineering other irregular building configurations. CFD is a powerful, established
fields. They are even being utilized for atmospheric-scale engineering tool for non-building engineering disciplines that can model realistic,
objects, such as wind turbines and solar panels. These engineering translating tornadoes interacting with modeled buildings,
applications, considering FSI coupled to CFD as the approach, reduce opening the aperture for predicting tornado wind loads on
assumptions and can pinpoint failure modes; hence, enabling design buildings with complex, irregular geometry.■
improvements over to full-scale models as well as enabling the reduc-
tion of engineering factors of safety. The overall goal of these CFD
Heather Sustersic is a Project Engineer with Providence Engineering
models is to expand understanding of full-scale tornadoes, without
Corporation and former adjunct faculty member of the Architectural
building physical models.
Engineering Department at Penn State University. She currently serves
as a voting member of the TMS 402/602 Structural Members and
Preliminary Model and Observations Reinforcement and Connectors Subcommittees. ([email protected])
To demonstrate the feasibility of using CFD (in the context of the Michael Kinzel is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace
commercial tool Star-CCM+) in a structural engineering application, Engineering at the University of Central Florida. ([email protected])
the authors modeled Building B, a 70-foot-wide by 300-foot-total- David Malyszek is an undergraduate student in Aerospace Engineering at
length building, with a 155-degree elbow approximately at mid-length the University of Central Florida. ([email protected])
and a mean roof height of 18 feet. A front extended soffit is supported
16 STRUCTURE magazine
A Structure as an Electric Battery?
Concrete Block Serves as Electrical Batteries and Sensors
By Peter Roberts
18 STRUCTURE magazine
question was: could there be a tie that engaged with
the bricks in a similar way?
It is common for brick units to have a localized
depression (also known as a frog) in the top of the
brick to help with mortar bond. A modification of
the frog created a continual channel where a tie could
be placed. This would provide an internal surface
to which the tie could engage and achieve a much
higher load-carrying capacity as opposed to merely
placing the tie in a horizontal mortar bed joint.
The tie would consist of a threaded rod with a
square nut that sat in this channel. The brick tie
system adopted is shown in Figure 4.
The use of a threaded tie allowed it to be adjusted
in and out to suit the channel location, which varied Figure 3. Brick ties in compression when the wall leans in (left) and ties in tension when the wall leans out (right).
significantly as the façade contorted in plan.
This system was adopted for approximately 35% of the façade area. The final solution was a unique structural system developed in col-
The remaining 65% consisted primarily of walls with fewer eccentrici- laboration with AECOM Ltd, the façade structural engineer; ARUP,
ties. For these areas, a conventional style of masonry tie was adopted the structural engineers; Lendlease Ltd, the contractor; and Austral
since the imposed forces did not require the high tolerance provided Bricks, the brick manufacturer.
by the threaded type tie.
A critical aspect of the design was the vertical spacing of the ties. The
goal was to eliminate tension in the mortar joints due to the self-weight
The Brickwork
of the wall and thus align with a fundamental design philosophy that Gehry Partners specified an American manufactured brick with 22
masonry veneer is not intended to resist constant tensile forces, in custom shapes to create the unique brick façade. Many trials were
line with the Australian and International Standards. undertaken to match the brick, at UTS’s request, to manufacture
At maximum corbel, over one-third of the brick overhangs the brick an equivalent brick in Australia. Collaboration between the brick
below. If two bricks are laid on top of each other at this corbel without manufacturer and the project architects changed the brick to a stan-
any mortar, it is unstable and will collapse under its own weight. The dard Australian size (230 x 110 x 76mm), reducing the final number
stability of the brickwork relies on mortar to resist tension. By locating of custom brick shapes to five. Dry press brick manufacturing was
a tie at every course in these areas, this localized instability is addressed selected as that method produces solid bricks and intricate shapes. The
and the tension in the mortar is eliminated. The spacing was increased corbelled nature of the façade meant all brick surfaces needed “face”
to every 4th course where the corbel was less severe. finish, as they would all be visible.
The wall tie is fixed to the stud backup with a special assembly that There were 380,000 bricks with the 5 custom shapes produced
allows the tie to be adjusted during construction. The tie could be at Austral Bricks Bowral Dry Press Plant just south of Sydney. The
moved up and down and rotated relative to the sloping substrate. custom bricks include the centered channel, the offset channel, the
The tie could, therefore, be aligned to project horizontally into the K brick, the L brick (Figure 5), and a solid brick without a channel.
brick mortar joints. The K brick has an angled protrusion to create bends and shadowing
appearing as though it has been offset from the standard coursing.
The L brick is 5.5 inches (140mm) wide and installed at the shelf
Temporary Stability angles to reduce the size
The question of localized stability under self-weight highlighted of the control joint from
another challenge for the design team: the temporary stability of the 2 inches to 1 inch (50 to
wall during construction. 25mm) and improve the
An off-the-shelf brick tie system was used for early mock panels but appearance, with the extra
did not provide adequate temporary support of the bricks. They would width giving sufficient
not engage with the bricks until the mortar had hardened. In areas of bearing on the angle.
Figure 5. Left to right: centered rebate brick,
significant corbel, it was found that only a few brick courses could be laid
K brick, offset rebate brick, and L brick.
at a time before the wall began to collapse. The bricklayers were forced to Structural
wait until the mortar had begun to
set before proceeding. This not only Analysis
affected the efficiency of the bricklay- Detailed finite element
ers but also may have compromised analysis was carried out
the mortar bond. This highlighted to determine the force in
the requirement for a temporary the ties and stresses in the
restraint to the brickwork. masonry under various
To address this, an additional load cases (Figure 6). The
component was added to the values determined from
system in the form of a small analysis were later com- Figure 6. Finite element model of brickwork
square nut to be used in areas of pared to the capacities panel and associated steel substrate (left) and
high corbel. This can be seen in measured from laboratory wall stress contour output (right).
Figure 4. The custom brick tie system. Figure 4 on the inside brick edge. testing. continued on next page
M AY 2 0 2 0 19
There was a particular focus on the most intricate brickwork panels a wheelbarrow and a shovel
to identify critical areas and complex behavior. are used to measure out the
various mortar ingredients.
Brick cleaning posed
Laboratory Testing another challenge onsite, as
Throughout the design phase of the system, a series of laboratory tests were typical cleaning acids were
carried out to determine the performance and properties of the various not allowed on the project.
components. It was essential to demonstrate the structural adequacy of The suggestion to use a
this completely new system. The brick tie pullout capacity and mortar commercial vinegar solution
bond properties were key to confirming the adequacy of the system. was offered up from a retired
Two full-size mock panels were constructed to evaluate construc- bricklayer that had used this
tability and calibrate the analysis models (Figure 7 ). Strain gauges method before the introduc-
were fixed to the brick ties, and the panel was tested to failure using tion of hydrochloric acid. Figure 7. Full-size mockup panels before load testing.
horizontal and vertical hydraulic jacks. Through the application
of the latest design techniques, the design team pushed the boundar-
ies of what can be achieved with masonry, one of the oldest building
Construction materials still in use. The problem was broken down and rebuilt
The unique nature of the brickwork created many challenges on-site, from first principles. Unique and innovative engineering solutions
with bricklaying production as low as 50 bricks per man per day in allowed the reinvention of the masonry façade and the realization
very complex areas. of Frank Gehry’s vision.■
Ensuring consistency of the mortar was crucial. Oven-dried sand
was used to enable better control of the water content of the mix. The online version of this article contains additional
The sand/cement mix was prepared in premixed bags to reduce the graphics. Please visit
chance of error and inconsistency when mixing on-site.
Additives were also premixed in the water in an on-site reservoir to reduce
Cathy Inglis is General Manager Technical & Innovation, Brickworks.
variability between batches. This was trialed as part of mix design testing
([email protected])
to ensure the process did not adversely affect the mortar properties. The
brick packs were dipped in water for a specified time before laying to Jonathon Turley is a Senior Structural Engineer at Aurecon. He led the
reduce the suction and ensure that all bricks had the same water absorp- structural design of the Dr Chau Chak Wing Building facade at AECOM.
([email protected])
tion. This was in stark contrast to traditional brickwork construction where
20 STRUCTURE magazine
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A Massive Beam
Central Kitsap High School and Middle School Auditorium
By Casey Moore, E.I.T., and Thomas M. Corcoran, P.E., S.E.
Aerial view of Central Kitsap High School and Middle School project during construction Courtesy of Skanska USA.
22 STRUCTURE magazine
the flexural design into the deep beam code section when fixed-end
boundary conditions were applied, or to standard beam design when
viewed as a simple span beam. Flexural reinforcement was designed
for each case, but TMS 402, Section, required that the flexural
reinforcement be detailed such that the reinforcement was distributed
in the tension zones of the beam equal to half of the beam depth.
Although the required beam flexural reinforcement was determined,
it was not the controlling factor for the longitudinal reinforcement; the
out-of-plane load case would control. A vertical two-span condition
from the top of the proscenium opening to the top of the fly loft roof,
with mid support at the auditorium roof, was used to more accurately
analyze the internal forces of the wall and beam. An equivalent spring
reaction was placed at the top of the proscenium opening, with the
stiffness of the spring calculated from the stiffness of the horizontal Elevation of the CMS wall and beam during construction. Approximately 40 feet
span of the bottom 11 feet of the beam between the support piers. of 60 feet completed.
By using this method, the out-of-plane force against the wall at the
critical location at the bottom of the beam was reduced from 60 psf to
Construction Challenges
50 psf. Fixed-end boundary conditions with the 48-foot span between The primary challenge for the contractor in constructing this large
supports were then used to design the reinforcement required for the beam was providing adequate support while the masons were laying the
out-of-plane flexure. With consideration of the in-plane strength, blocks. With the orchestra pit located directly below the proscenium,
in-plane detailing, and out-of-plane strength requirements, the final an engineer working with the mason subcontractor designed a two-
design for the longitudinal reinforcing bars was U.S. #5 size at 8-inches level shoring system. Although the shoring was removed before the
on-center for the beam depth. erection of the steel began, it was designed to hold the full self-weight
Shear design of the beam closely followed the procedure laid out in of the beam, CMU wall above the beam, and steel roof framing. This
TMS 402, Section The nominal shear capacity of the beam gave the general contractor flexibility on the removal date once the
from the contributions of masonry shear strength and supplemental wall’s grout strengthened. Grout lifts of 5 feet 4 inches were used to
shear reinforcement was compared to the code maximum based on the minimize the number of lifts that were required to be poured.
beam’s shear-span ratio, Mu/(Vudv). U.S. #5 reinforcing bars at 8 inches
on-center along the beam were also used for the shear reinforcement of
the beam. The beam’s shear design resulted in a demand-capacity ratio
Creative Beam Design
of approximately 0.50, with the code-maximum shear capacity values The Central Kitsap High School and Middle School Replacement
as the controlling capacity. project was an extensive campus overhaul that brought the two schools
The TMS paper, The Size Effect in Reinforced Masonry, by S. Sarhat and into a single facility and provided amenities that would be accessible
E. Sherwood, was studied to determine how the size effect phenomena of to the community. The facility’s feature of the auditorium and the
a deep beam could affect the load-carrying capacity of the beam. As the architect’s desire to maintain the same material along the wall allowed
effective beam depth increases, cracks along the tension face of the beam CMU to be utilized to span across large openings rather than other
increase in width and spacing. This causes shear failure of the masonry at traditional building materials. The 48-foot-long CMU beam was a
lower shear stresses due to reduced mechanical interlocking of the aggre- unique design challenge for the engineering team, demanding creative
gate. It was discussed between engineering team members that, due to thinking and pushing the boundaries of beam design.■
the amount of longitudinal reinforcement and shear reinforcement along
the length of the beam, longitudinal cracks located in the tension face The online version of this article contains references.
would be kept relatively small and would not impact the shear strength Please visit
of the beam. Therefore, the size effect would be negligible.
Casey Moore is a Structural EIT at Integrus Architecture, P.S.,
an architectural and engineering firm with offices in Seattle and
Spokane, WA. He performed the design and detailing for the
masonry structure of the Central Kitsap school project.
Thomas M. Corcoran is a Structural Engineering Principal at Integrus
Architecture, P.S., and is the Engineer of Record for the Central
Kitsap school project. He is on several TMS subcommittees, serves
on TMS 402/602, and serves as a Zone 1 Representative to the
TMS Board of Directors.
Project Team
Owner: Central Kitsap School District, Silverdale, WA
Structural Engineers: Integrus Architecture, Seattle, WA
Architect: Integrus Architecture, Seattle, WA
General Contractor: Skanska USA, Seattle, WA
Mason: Keystone Masonry, Yelm, WA
Masonry Supplier: Mutual Materials, Bellevue, WA
Finished interior view of the auditorium and CMU wall.
M AY 2 0 2 0 23
structural SYSTEMS
Reinforced Masonry Shear Wall Systems
Seismic Design and Performance
By P. Benson Shing, Ph.D., Jianyu Cheng, and Andreas Koutras, Ph.D.
W hile they meet the safety requirement of building codes, special reinforced masonry wall systems designed according
to current codes and practice may not perform in the manner consistent with the design expectation in the event
of a major earthquake. This stems from the fact that seismic design provisions focus primarily on strength and reinforce-
ment details, without sufficient consideration of the actual behavior of a wall system under severe seismic actions. To have a
consistent level of safety and performance, a performance-based design approach may be followed to ensure that the struc-
tural system performs predictably. This article summarizes some recent research findings that may help this design process.
Shear walls are the main seismic force-resisting elements in a rein- One justification for this design approach is that the absence of the
forced masonry building. Depending on the aspect ratio, reinforcement coupling moments results in a lower lateral resistance of the walls, and
details, and loading and boundary conditions, masonry shear walls ignoring these effects would, therefore, produce a more conservative
can exhibit one of several, or a combination of, failure mechanisms design. However, this is true only if the resulting overstrength intro-
when subjected to in-plane lateral loading. Slender cantilever walls duced by the diaphragm coupling is high enough to compensate for the
are expected to have relatively ductile flexural behavior, while walls reduction in wall ductility should the wall become shear dominated.
with a low shear-span ratio (Mu /(Vu dv)) tend to exhibit brittle shear Despite the issues mentioned above, special reinforced masonry
behavior dominated by diagonal cracking. However, walls with very shear wall systems mostly meet the safety expectation of the codes
low shear-span ratios can develop base sliding in lieu of diagonal according to recent studies (Stavridis et al. 2016; FEMA 2020). This
cracking. The masonry building code, TMS 402-16 (TMS 2016), has can be attributed to the overstrength in a typical masonry building or
provisions for evaluating the strength of a reinforced masonry wall the presence of other gravity load-carrying elements in the structural
governed by each of these mechanisms, and reinforcing requirements system, which can enhance the displacement capacity of the system
intended to prevent brittle behavior. by providing an alternative load path.
For high seismic regions (Seismic Design Category D or above), Masonry buildings often have significantly more structural walls than
reinforced masonry walls must comply with the special wall require- what is needed to resist seismic actions because of their dual function as
ments. These require the shear capacity design to prohibit brittle architectural elements, such as exterior building envelopes and interior
shear behavior and impose an upper limit on the amount of verti- partitions. This is especially true for low-rise masonry buildings. The
cal reinforcement to ensure adequate flexural ductility if special unintended coupling action of the horizontal diaphragms is another
boundary element requirements are not met. However, despite the source of overstrength. This, however, depends on the out-of-plane
requirements mentioned above, a special wall designed according to bending stiffness of the diaphragms and the strength of the diaphragm-
current codes may not necessarily develop flexure-dominated behav- to-wall connectors. The study by Stavridis el al. (2016) has shown
ior. The wall may have failure governed by diagonal shear cracking that a wall system with horizontal diaphragms constructed of precast
when subjected to severe seismic actions. Perforated walls and walls hollow-core planks with cast-in-place concrete topping could have
in low-rise masonry buildings often have low shear-span ratios such an overstrength factor of 4. The high shear strength of the walls was
that their flexural resistance is much higher than the shear strength. mainly attributed to the horizontal reinforcement required to satisfy
Such design is permitted by the code as long as the shear strength of the prescriptive requirement of the code for special walls.
the wall component is at least 2.5 times the shear demand, Vu. Hence, Furthermore, studies have shown that a reinforced masonry build-
with the R factor equal to 5 and an expected overstrength factor of ing with shear-dominated walls can develop a displacement capacity
2.5, the shear strength of a special load-bearing reinforced masonry substantially higher than what has been observed in quasi-static
shear wall so designed can be lower than the shear demand of the tests conducted on planar wall segments. This can be attributed to
Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE), which is 1.5 times the the presence of wall flanges or gravity frames, which can carry the
intensity of the design earthquake. In that situation, diagonal shear additional gravity load after the webs of the walls have suffered severe
failure is likely to occur. shear failure, as discussed later in this article.
Another factor that makes reinforced masonry walls prone to develop-
ing shear-dominated behavior is the coupling effect of the horizontal
diaphragms in a building. The coupling moments exerted by the hori-
Performance Assessments
zontal diaphragms could significantly reduce the effective shear-span ASCE/SEI 41-17, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings,
ratio of a wall. This effect is often under-estimated or neglected in the standard for assessing the seismic performance of existing build-
masonry wall design primarily due to the lack of a reliable analytical ings, considers multiple performance levels, and permits nonlinear
method to capture the behavior of the diaphragms or the diaphragm- analysis procedures. However, it has the same drawback as the design
to-wall connections. As a result, the actual shear-span ratio of a wall codes for new buildings by focusing on the performance of structural
could be significantly lower than what has been assumed in design. components rather than that of the system. In the standard, reinforced
24 STRUCTURE magazine
masonry walls are classified as
either flexure controlled or
shear controlled. For nonlinear
static or dynamic analyses, it
specifies modeling parameters
to define the in-plane lateral
force versus displacement
backbone curves that repre-
sent the behavior of reinforced
masonry wall components.
The shape of the backbone
curve and the maximum
deformations permitted for a
wall component depend on the
expected failure mechanism,
and for the flexure-controlled Figure 1. Comparison of nonlinear backbone curves constructed with ASCE 41 and new parameters proposed by Cheng
mechanism, on-the-wall aspect and Shing (2018) to experimental data.
ratio, applied axial compres-
sion, and the total amount of reinforcement. Even though these in a substantial story-drift value that may not be practical with the
curves are intended for assessing the performance of existing build- stringent drift limits of ASCE/SEI 7-16, Minimum Design Loads for
ings, they may be adopted for the displacement-based design of new Buildings and Other Structures.
buildings or for evaluating the performance of a code-based design.
Nevertheless, the nonlinear modeling parameters in the standard have
not been updated for many years. Recent studies have shown that
Seismic Performance
these parameters tend to substantially under-estimate the displace- To investigate the displacement capacity of shear-dominated reinforced
ment capacity of a wall component or a wall system. masonry wall systems and the influence of wall flanges and planar
Based on quasi-static wall test data, Cheng and Shing (2018) have walls perpendicular to the direction of shaking (out-of-plane walls)
proposed a set of new modeling recommendations and parameters on the seismic performance of a wall system, shake-table tests were
for reinforced masonry walls. The study has shown that wall cracking conducted on two full-scale, single-story, fully grouted, reinforced
should be taken into consideration to estimate the elastic lateral stiff- masonry wall specimens to the verge of collapse. Each specimen
ness of a wall. The value given by the theoretical formula recommended had two T-walls as the seismic force-resisting elements and a stiff
in ASCE/SEI 41-17 based on an uncracked section can significantly concrete roof diaphragm. The second specimen had six additional
overestimate the stiffness observed in a wall test. Figure 1 compares planar walls perpendicular to the direction of shaking. The design
the backbone curves constructed with the modeling parameters conformed to the special wall requirements of TMS 402-16. Each
specified in ASCE/SEI 41-17, as well as those proposed in the study specimen was subjected to a sequence of earthquake ground motions
mentioned above, to the experimental data for a flexure-dominated with gradually increasing intensities. Specimen 2 on the shake table
planar wall and a shear-dominated one. is shown in Figure 2a.
While the proposed backbone curves provide a good correlation Figure 2b shows the base shear versus roof drift ratio curves obtained
with the wall test data, a recent study discussed below has shown that from the tests. The roof drift ratio is the roof displacement divided by
they would still under-estimate the displacement capacity of a wall the wall height of 235 mm (8 feet). The behavior of the T-walls was
system by a considerable amount. Furthermore, it should be noted initially dominated by flexure; shear deformation became significant
that, for the design of new reinforced masonry walls, the use of the when the roof drift ratio reached 1%. Failure was eventually dominated
stiffness formula proposed by Cheng and Shing (2018) could result by shear, as shown in Figure 3 (page 26 ). The maximum roof drift
Figure 2. Reinforced masonry wall system (Specimen 2) tested on the outdoor shake table at the University of California, San Diego.
M AY 2 0 2 0 25
Figure 3. Damage in the T-walls of Specimen 2 at different roof drift levels.
ratio reached was 13.4%. The structure did not collapse. At the end Figure 3 shows the damage states of the T-walls in Specimen 2 when
of the tests, the webs of the T-walls had lost a significant amount of the roof drift level reached 2%, 5%, and 10%, respectively. The
masonry due to spalling, and the residual roof drift was close to the damage was relatively moderate and appeared to be easily repairable at
maximum reached in the tests. At that stage, the roof weight was a 2% roof drift. At 5% roof drift, the webs of the T-walls had widely
essentially carried by the wall flanges as well as the out-of-plane walls. opened diagonal cracks but without significant masonry spalling. At
Figure 2b also shows the backbone curve constructed with the 10% roof drift, severe damage was incurred in the webs.
parameters recommended by Cheng and Shing (2018). In that cal-
culation, it was assumed that the lateral resistance was provided by
the T-walls only, and the shear strength of the T-walls was calculated
Recommendations for Design
with the formula given in TMS 402-16. The shear-span ratio (Mu/ A reinforced masonry wall system designed according to current code
(Vu dv)) of the T-walls was taken to be 0.86, assuming fixed-fixed end provisions could exhibit shear-dominated behavior in a significant
conditions because of the stiff roof diaphragm. It was assumed that seismic event. The displacement capacity and post-peak behavior of
the axial force in the T-walls was due to the gravity load only, with such a wall system depend on several factors, such as the presence
the axial force introduced by the horizontal load ignored. This is or absence of wall flanges or gravity frames, the P-Δ effect of the
a reasonable assumption because the increase of the axial force in gravity load, and the severity of wall damage induced in each of
one wall due to the coupling effect of the roof diagonal is offset by the two horizontal directions. If the flanges of the walls or walls in
a decrease in the other wall. It can be seen that the TMS formula one direction have not been severely damaged or gravity frames are
provides a good estimate. Most importantly, it can be observed that present in the building system, they can carry the additional gravity
the specimen exhibited a much higher displacement capacity and a load when the webs of the walls have suffered severe diagonal shear
gentler post-peak load degradation than the proposed backbone curve. failure. Such systems can sustain a much larger drift level than what
Similar observations were obtained for Specimen 1. has been observed from planar wall segment tests. However, damage
The higher displacement capacity and gentler load degradation to the walls can be severe when the story drift approaches 5% or
exhibited by the shake-table test specimens can be attributed to a more. To ensure safety and limit damage, it is essential to determine
couple of factors. One is the loading protocol. In quasi-static tests, the potential failure mechanism and the associate drift capacity.
wall segments were typically subjected to a large number of high- The possibility of shear-dominated wall behavior can be checked by
amplitude displacement cycles, which could be beyond what could either elastic analysis or limit analysis with the consideration of the
have been experienced in an earthquake. The second is the presence coupling moments of the horizontal diaphragms. If shear-dominated
of wall flanges and/or out-of-plane walls, which would carry the behavior is likely, sufficient shear reinforcement should be provided
vertical load after the webs had been severely damaged in the tests. in the walls to control the opening of diagonal cracks and provide
In quasi-static tests of planar wall segments, this alternative load path sufficient overstrength to limit the story drift to desired levels for both
did not exist. However, it should be pointed out that the displacement the design earthquake and the MCE. The sufficiency of the residual
capacity depends on the P-Δ effect of the gravity load as well as the wall strength to counteract the P-Δ effect should also be considered.
residual lateral resistance of the walls. The Limit Design Method in Appendix C of TMS 402-16 may also be
Furthermore, it should be noted that the shake-table tests reported used to design and reinforce special walls whose strengths are limited
here had only uni-axial ground motions. In an earthquake, a by shear. However, the deformation limits imposed by this method
building is subjected to forces in multiple axes. In that case, walls are very low compared to the test data discussed above.■
in different directions could suffer damage, and the displacement
capacity of the structure would depend on the degree of damage The online version of this article contains references.
in each direction. The damage would also depend on the presence Please visit
or absence of gravity columns that could carry additional gravity
load after the vertical load-carrying capacity of the walls has been
depleted. Further shake-table tests are needed to investigate the P. Benson Shing is a Professor of Structural Engineering at UC San Diego.
effect of bi-axial horizontal ground motions. However, a recent ([email protected])
numerical study using refined finite element models (Koutras Jianyu Cheng is a doctoral candidate and graduate student researcher in the
2019; FEMA 2020) has shown that reinforced masonry archetype Department of Structural Engineering at UC San Diego. ([email protected])
buildings with shear-dominated walls and steel gravity frames could Andreas Koutras is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Structural
develop story drift ratios exceeding 10 to 15% without collapsing Engineering at UC San Diego. ([email protected])
when subjected to bi-axial motions.
26 STRUCTURE magazine
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The Shape of Things to Come
The Use of Shape to Drive Innovation
By Mark Weber, AIA, Jim Kirk, P.E., S.E., and Jillian Weber, Ph.D.
28 STRUCTURE magazine
uses a stretcher as its workhorse, though with the web is recessed to a depth that forms
some distinct differences in the unit’s shape and usable horizontal chase ways. Reinforcing bars
speed of assembly. The form-related features of can be placed in these indentations, creating
this system, such as uniquely shaped webs and bond beams at any course of a structure. For
profiles, are found within that stretcher, pro- instance, the stretcher can be used to form
ducing a multi-functional unit with expanded lintels, eliminating the need for special lintel
utility. Thus, the stretcher block, because of its blocks and steel angles. This shape provides
shape, provides masons the ability to create a flexibility to reinforce a building in many
building in less time and with added flexibility. ways, as required by code or structural design.
Within this system, much thought has been While important, horizontal chase ways
given to how CMU’s shape affects the laying formed from recessed webs are not the only
of a base course; the result is a quick and more opportunity for reinforcement within this
precise process for masons. Creating a distinc- system design. When set in a running bond
tive, long-length leveling component addresses pattern, the stretcher units result in vertically
the need to level the first course of a structure aligned webs. These webs align from top to
accurately and quickly. Three stretchers are bottom, which is often not the case with tradi-
bonded together to form a single four-foot- tional CMU. They create continuous vertically
long unit. Threaded, mechanical levelers are stacked cores, enabling masons to install and
The placement of shear inserts add to the system’s ductility.
then placed in the bottom block recess at oppo- grout reinforcing bars for entire wall heights
site ends. This bottom recess is a shape design easily. Within this particular dry-stack blue- lends to a masonry system may prove espe-
that receives the levelers and then permits print, grout can be placed confidently in any of cially valuable to designers when seismic and
masons to swiftly and efficiently level the entire the cells because there is a clear path of travel. high wind areas demand special attention.
base course with the turn of a screwdriver. These vertically aligned webs also create a space
After a level and plumb base course is for a shimming device to be inserted. A curv-
established and grouted, rapid assembly of ing, inclined-plane shim can be placed in the
The Path Forward
a structure can begin. Lapping profiles on recess between the aligned webs and rotated The BlockUp system is a model for the shape
both the bed and head joints of the stretcher to move the height of the block above into features outlined here; these new block forms
make quick construction possible. Stretcher alignment. This adjustment, which is made produce innumerable benefits for masons and
units have a raised profile on the inner half within the flow of installation, assures that the the industry alike, which stem from the shape
of the face shell head that is received by the blocks are flush and level; this trues the block, of both individual units and the ways that
overlap from the block above. The overlap- preventing inaccuracies in later courses. they work together as a whole. Within this
ping contours self-align the blocks as they The ability to plan and control where grout model, a block’s shape is not different solely
are stacked. Installers can simply lay a block is placed during installation is significant. for the sake of standing apart from traditional
on the course below and slide it into place. Shouldered cells accept a grout stop, which CMU; it is purposeful. Form builds upon
The shape of the stretcher unit allows for in turn closes a vertical void and partitions and amplifies the positive characteristics of
reduced stress on the mason and much faster the block horizontally to limit the grout flow. the materials from which units are made.
installation. With a decrease in the time of Reinforcing bars can be placed horizontally Innovations in CMU’s shape should spur
construction, the cost of a true masonry wall in the recessed webs with grout confined to a conversation about how to derive utility
system is significantly improved due primarily only that course. Now greater flexibility exists. through form and reinvigorate the masonry
to utility derived from shape. If a mason is assembling an interior wall and industry, keeping concrete units relevant.
Lapping unit profiles not only serve to speed does not want the extra weight, cells can be Currently, masonry design codes refer to and
installation but also to improve weathering left without grout. provide values for systems that use mortar.
performance by pushing water away from the Finally, consideration of shape will help However, The Masonry Society (TMS) is
interior of the block. The stretcher’s lapping to address a common objection to concrete drafting guidelines for dry-stack masonry.
joints resist the intrusion of water and direct masonry – lack of ductility. In a time when This publication will provide guidance for the
it to the exterior, similar to traditional lapped hurricanes and earthquakes seem ever more strength values that building communities can
shingles. Mortar is porous, and it is generally frequent, using shape to adjust for strong apply to engineer reinforcing in walls. It will
accepted that water will penetrate a traditional forces has the potential to save money and normalize the values used for dry-stack masonry.
mortared wall. When that happens, myriad lives. An innovative metallic shear insert can Significantly, this illustrates that dry-stack is
steps are then taken to direct water back to provide added ductility to an inherently brit- becoming a more relevant part of the industry.
the outside of the unit. In this system, these tle structural system. This insert can be placed Dry-stack systems offer real value – flexibil-
reactive measures are rendered unnecessary. at horizontal joints throughout the structure. ity and speed of construction – and
Masons can then turn their focus to struc- Upon initial joint failure, the inserts act as should be a robust part of the building
tural reinforcement, as water penetration a network of ductile connections between industry, now and in the future.■
is a lesser concern. Stretcher units contain many smaller structural pieces. They hold the
Mark Weber is with Max Block Development
recessed webs, a component of the block’s masonry structure together while distributing
and is the original developer of the BlockUp
shape that broadens the modes by which energy throughout the wall. The inserts resist
dry-stack masonry system. ([email protected])
structures can be strengthened. Unless the shear forces that flow at each horizontal course
traditional unit is manufactured as a bond above the shear friction threshold. Combined Jim Kirk has been a Professional Structural
beam, the CMU web is flush with the top with vertical reinforcement, the shear inserts Engineer in Indiana for over thirty years.
of the face shells and needs to be cut out create a resilient structural matrix. The aggre- Jillian Weber has a Ph.D. in Literature.
to lay reinforcing bar. In this system logic, gation of strength and elasticity that the insert
M AY 2 0 2 0 29
business PRACTICES
Inviting and Keeping Women in Engineering
By Jennifer Anderson
30 STRUCTURE magazine M AY 2 0 2 0
National Council of Structural Engineers Associations
OSEA Participates in E-Week 2020: Bridge Breaking Competition
News from the National Council of Structural Engineers Associations
During E-Week, the Oklahoma Structural Engineers Association's Young Members Group had the opportunity
to volunteer during the Bridge Breaking Contest at the Science Museum of Oklahoma. Students competed
in three different categories: structural efficiency, load capacity, and aesthetics. The YMG judged the load
testing and aesthetics, but also had the opportunity, after bridge failure, to speak to students on the failure
mechanism of the design and explain how the bridge could be improved. Additionally, volunteers were able
to walk around and speak about what structural engineers do and why the profession is important to the
public. OSEA was able to participate in this great opportunity to educate young people and to encourage
them to learn more about the profession, thanks in part to the 2019 NCSEA grant they received.
May 26, 2020 Resilience and What it Means to the Structural Engineer
Kevin Moore, P.E., S.E., SECB, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc.
Courses award 1.5 hours of Diamond Review-approved continuing education after the completion of a quiz.
M AY 2 02 0 31
SEI Update News of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE
Advancing the Profession
SEI Online
Errata SEI Standards Supplements and Errata including ASCE 7. See
If you would like to submit errata, contact Jon Esslinger at [email protected].
32 STRUCTURE magazine
CASE in Point News of the Coalition of American Structural Engineers
Did you know?
CASE has tools to help firms deal with a wide variety of business scenarios. Whether your firm needs to establish new procedures or simply
update established programs, CASE has the tools you need!
If your firm needs to update its current Risk Management Program or establish a program within the firm, the following CASE docu-
ments can guide employees:
962-H: National Practice Guideline on Project and Business Risk Management Tool 2-4: Project Risk Management Plan
Tool 1-1: Create a Culture for Managing Risks and Preventing Claims Tool 3-1: A Risk Management Program Planning Structure
Tool 1-2: Developing a Culture of Quality Tool 3-4: Project Work Plan Templates
Tool 2-1: A Risk Evaluation Checklist Tool 5-6: Lesson Learned
F or the longest time, I avoided following to win projects. We should use that com- senior to choose civil engineering as their
other structural engineering firms on petition to make the structural engineering college major.
LinkedIn or liking their posts. As the President profession better, not just to win projects. Retention studies repeatedly find that, more
of the Structural Engineers Association of Let’s enjoy the challenge. than money or working conditions, people who
Colorado, I have seen the positive impact Demonstrating mutual respect not only stay with their jobs are motivated by feeling like
of what engineers can do when they come drives us to improve our profession, but it a part of something larger than themselves. By
together. But for some reason, I was still hesi- also improves the perception of our profession connecting to others within the community,
tant to celebrate the achievements of my peers in the public eye. Few members of the public we are not just elevating our practice; we are
publicly. Why? Mostly to avoid a percep- truly understand what we do. If you are like re-energizing ourselves and encouraging the
tion by my supervisors and coworkers that I me, when you first started your career, your bright young people who were drawn to our
was thinking about leaving my current firm. family and friends thought you were an archi- profession to stay in our profession.
Sitting at my desk a couple of months ago, How do we foster collaboration, encour-
on my first day back at work after attend- age mutual respect, and drive visibility?
ing the National Council for Structural
The more positive exposure we receive, Connect on LinkedIn with peers, not just
Engineers Associations (NCSEA) Summit, the more the public will understand clients. When a competitor posts a suc-
I quietly proclaimed, “This stops today!!” cess story, like or comment, or better yet,
No longer will I refrain from following the value that we provide. reach out a congratulatory hand. If you
or liking other firms for fear of how it do not have the bandwidth or expertise
might look. The week I spent in Anaheim, to handle a project, refer the client to a
CA, at the Summit was magical and not just tect. Even now, it is difficult to explain to the competitor you respect. Join one of your local
because I met Micky and Minnie. Witnessing average person what it is we do and how our structural engineering organizations; in addi-
the community of structural engineers at a profession protects life safety. We are only in tion to CEUs, you can grow a network of
national level was truly transformational. the news when a building or bridge collapses. peers, mentors, and, dare I say, friends that
We should see each other for what we are: a Greater positive exposure will pave our way to all share a common goal and inspire you to
community, not just competitors. Building a greater respect and perception in the public eye. contribute outside of deadlines. Volunteer at
community driven by mutual respect allows One of the issues preventing us from receiv- a local school to help kids get excited about
us to commend each other’s achievements and ing greater public exposure is that we, as the bones of the structure – let them see just
applauds a profession that brings excellent engineers, lean towards being introverts. I how cool our jobs really are.
value and expertise to the public. By celebrat- know it is not always true, but it is close. How will you explain to your employer why
ing each other more, we will pave the path for I always say the best way to tell if a person you are connected with your competitors
the public to celebrate us as well. is an engineer is if they are looking at their on LinkedIn and giving them kudos? Bring
The concept of mutual respect is best dem- shoes when they are talking to you. If they information back to your employer with fresh
onstrated after competitive sporting events. are a structural engineer, they will be look- ideas, code updates, resources, etc., and they
It is common for athletes to meet at midfield ing up at the structure above. Introverts do will soon see the value of being plugged into
and embrace each other, even to exchange not typically draw praise to themselves. They our professional community.
jerseys after competing at the highest levels. try and avoid attention. This is why we are Will everyone operate in good faith? Probably
One of my favorite parts of watching the not celebrated for the real value we provide not. But I have the impression that, in gen-
final round of PGA tournaments on a Sunday the public in our profession. What we do is eral, our profession is filled with good, ethical
afternoon is to see the other professional equally as amazing as what the architects do. people. Reach out – you just may be surprised.
golfers waiting just off the green on the final The public just does not know it yet. We need Challenge makes us better. Mutual respect
hole to congratulate the winner. Professional to ensure that the public sees us as a skilled and collaboration drive innovation. Increased
athletes compete at the highest levels on the profession, not as a commodity. visibility for our profession benefits all of us.
field, but they also celebrate each other after Since it can be difficult to praise ourselves, Make that LinkedIn connection; join that pro-
the competition is complete. They respect the we need to celebrate each other more. The fessional committee; volunteer at your local
hard work it takes to compete. They enjoy the more positive exposure we receive, the more school. You will be more fulfilled and, maybe
challenge of competition, and the challenge the public will understand the value that we someday, structural engineers will
makes them better. provide. When we work together, we have give firefighters and doctors a run
As engineers, we can also thrive on the more visibility. Celebrate each other!! for their money in the pre-K crowd.■
challenge. We should challenge each other When asking a preschooler what they want
to increase the quality of our product. With to be when they grow up, their response Chad S. Mitchell is an Associate at S.A. Miro,
higher quality comes higher value. There should not be firefighter or doctor, but a struc- Inc. in Denver, Colorado, and President of the
will always be a competitive side within our tural engineer. Well, we might not knock off Structural Engineers Association of Colorado
community. Whether it is new techniques or those lofty professions as top preschooler’s (SEAC). ([email protected])
high-quality service, we continually compete career goals, but we may inspire a high school
34 STRUCTURE magazine M AY 2 0 2 0
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MAY 2020
Bonus Content
Small Unmanned Aerial Systems
Assistance for Building Façade Assessment
By Peter M. Babaian, P.E., S.E., and Sean D. Gordon
Visual ground-based assessment may be a suitable technique for low- work. Before September 2016, operators performing commercial
rise buildings that do not feature significant articulation in the façade. work required a Section 333 exemption, which mandated posses-
Taller buildings result in a greater angle of incidence for ground-based sion of a pilot’s license. After September 2016, the FAA enacted
viewing or require the viewer to be further away from the building, Part 107. The necessary Part 107 certification is acquired by fee and
requiring visual aids such as binoculars. Distance and limited viewing examination. Upon completion, the certificate holder is authorized to
angles can make the detection of potential issues difficult. Low-rise perform work in Class G airspace, uncontrolled airspace outside the
buildings featuring significant articulation also may not be suitable controlled airspace of airports, and below controlled airspace where
for visual review. The articulation can hide significant deterioration commercial aircraft travel. Currently, the FAA requires recertification
that cannot be seen due to the angle of incidence, distance, or the every 24 months.
need to be above the item in question.
Hands-on inspection is the “gold standard” for detecting deteriora-
tion and potential hazards. Temporary access for inspection, such as
Operation Process
aerial lifts, suspended staging, or industrial rope access, is required. A Small Unmanned Aerial System (sUAS) operation can generally be
However, access methods have practical constraints and can be costly. broken down into four stages: establish the scope of survey, operation
Aerial lifts are an efficient and low-cost way to access building façades, planning, on-site operation, and postprocessing/data deliverable.
but require open, supportive, and level ground around the building, There are several items and steps to consider within these stages. The
and are limited in height. Suspended staging is generally not limited following is not a complete list. Operators may find some aspects to
by height or ground access, but can be costly to set up, requires tie- be more critical than others.
back anchors safety lines, and cannot cover a wide area very quickly.
Establish Scope of Drone Survey
Industrial rope access is also not generally limited by height or ground
space. Still, it requires more staff to cover the same amount of area For a successful drone survey, the survey team and drone operator
and more tieback anchor availability for safety lines. should understand the project, the survey goals, obstacles that may
Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS or Drone) technology affect the survey, and expected deliverables. Asking the right questions
offers a new means of efficiently documenting building façade con- can help the project team optimize the survey.
ditions with less time and cost, but with limitations that are specific The most crucial consideration when proposing a drone operation is
to the technology itself. Drone technology can be a suitable way to the airspace restrictions, if any, at the project site. The FAA provides
complement visual building façade condition assessments or as a tool an ArcGIS UAS Map that, when entering an address, will provide
for planning hands-on inspections by identifying areas of concern. the most current airspace restrictions, including maximum allowable
Equipment, such as an infrared camera, can be added to the drone altitude above ground level. If the project is within proximity to an
to obtain additional information during the façade survey. airport, some additional authorization may be required.
Operation Planning
FAA Regulation Operation planning begins once the goals of the façade assessment
All commercial drone operations are regulated by the Federal Aviation are established. During this stage, verify the scope and the agreed-
Administration (FAA) and require a certified operator to perform the upon final product. Once an operation date is finalized, there are a
STRUCTURE magazine
few essential factors to consider. It
is possible the height restriction at
the project site has changed, so make
sure to revisit the airspace restrictions
and be sure you still have the proper
authorizations in place. Verify that
there are no temporary flight restric-
tions (TFR) in place in the proposed
area of observation. TFRs will be put
in place during large public events
or VIP movements. TFRs are gener-
ally considered no-fly zones and will
require additional FAA approval.
Some municipalities may have their Figure 2. Drone image of the top of Bell Tower. Figure 3. Drone head-on close-up image of deteriorated masonry.
own ordinance, which may require
you to submit information about your operation. Be sure to confirm team either due to visibility or safety. Always be aware of the surround-
these restrictions by checking online or calling local law enforcement. ings, and do not get distracted. Remain confident in your abilities to
Several airports participate in LAANC (Low Altitude Authorization control situations. During takeoff and landing, always communicate
and Notification Capability), which allows for instant authorization with the team members so that they can help verify the area is clear of
assuming the flight will remain at or below the published altitude any pedestrians or other obstructions. Remember, safety is the priority.
limit in the FAA’s ArcGIS UAS Map. If operation at a higher alti- After the first flight, review the images with the project team to verify
tude than the published limit is required, you will need to submit a you are getting the desired results. Make sure to back up all data.
request through one of the LAANC providers, identifying the loca-
tion of your operation and why you are requesting to fly higher than
the posted maximum. Depending on the region, you should get a Once back in the office, the final step is to generate the agreed-upon
response back between two and seven days. If you need to operate in deliverable. Data backup and organization are critical. A detailed
an airspace that does not participate in LAANC, you will be required folder structure by building, elevation, or whatever other attribute
to submit an airspace authorization through the FAA’s Drone Zone is helpful. Consider keeping multiple copies of the unedited data.
portal. The response time for these will vary, so it is important to In its simplest form, the deliverable might consist of formatted and
submit this as soon as you know you need it to get approval before organized images. More detailed deliverables are also possible, includ-
your operation date. ing annotated photos, videos, imaging sequencing, or other data
The weather forecast for the upcoming operation is an important processing (e.g., if additional equipment, such as infrared cameras,
consideration. While a bright sunny day is nice and can be acceptable, is used). Understand the deliverable options and educate the client
data collection may be affected by excessive brightness. High winds, regarding options for report presentation. Use this information to
rain, or other precipitation will require rescheduling. An overcast day focus and optimize the report for its intended purpose.
can be best for photography, but keep in mind that heavy clouds can
affect the GPS signal.
It is best to make an initial site visit to identify obstructions and
Case Studies
drone takeoff and landing locations. If this is not feasible, best practice
Masonry Bell Tower
is to use available aerial imagery software to mark proposed takeoff
and landing areas, understanding these could change at the site. Be The masonry bell tower on a college campus exhibited signs of dete-
sure to consider areas that restrict operation around pedestrians and rioration of the spires at the top of the tower (Figure 1). The masonry
moving vehicles due to safety concerns. At the same time, be sure to bell tower has a church adjacent to its west elevation for approximately
mark potential obstructions to operation. 50% of the tower height. A one-story building connects to the bell
It is vital to have a checklist to ensure that you have everything you tower on the east elevation. The south elevation is located within a
need for a safe and successful operation. limited access courtyard. The north elevation was unencumbered by
other structures but had a sloped ground, making access via mobile
On-site Operation
lift impractical. Previously, the college accessed the bell tower exterior
The site visit date has arrived, and Mother Nature has provided appro- utilizing a crane basket, which cost $5,000 per day, plus mobilization.
priate weather. As an sUAS operator, the priority is always safety. The Interior access allowed for visual observations of the northeast and
first task when arriving on-site should be to walk around and verify southeast corner spires from small roofs behind the spires. However,
potential takeoff/landing locations. Take note of any obstructions, the northwest and southwest spires did not have access. Also, the entire
such as trees, overhead wires, high traffic areas, construction equip- bell tower above the spire level was inaccessible. Ground access for a
ment, and anything that may not have been obvious from the initial binocular survey was generally uninhibited but, due to the angle of
in-office planning. Be aware of nearby tall buildings and other objects incidence, it was not possible to see the tops of the step-backs up the
that could cause issues with GPS connectivity. Follow the preflight tower and the masonry spires on the west elevation.
checklist to minimize issues. Before takeoff, be sure visual observer(s) The college considered multiple options for temporary access, includ-
and all team members are clear on their tasks. ing crane basket, industrial rope access, drone access, and supported
Once airborne, keep the goals of the project in mind. If capturing scaffolding. They quickly ruled out the crane basket and supported
images manually as opposed to an automated flight path, consider scaffolding due to the cost. They also ruled out industrial rope access
focusing on areas that may otherwise be inaccessible to the project due to costs and safety concerns. Therefore, the façade assessment was
M AY 2 0 2 0 B O N U S C O N T E N T
Figure 4. Preprogrammed flight path for façade mapping. Figure 5. Infrared image of façade.
completed from the ground and utilized a drone to focus on areas scanning occurred after sunset and provided an overview of the over-
not visible from the ground. all thermal and air leakage performance of the buildings (Figure 5).
For this project, the weather was less than cooperative, with a clear Working on this campus was challenging and required significant
day forecast several days out, turning into a day with constant pre- coordination with the class schedule and the university safety office.
cipitation. As a result, it took two days to capture the information Knowing the class schedule is very helpful to maximize the time of
rather than a single day. This is something to consider when plan- the drone in the air, as well as knowing when it needs to be on the
ning a project; consider building in an extra day for contingency in ground during periods of substantial pedestrian activity. Also, notifi-
requesting authorization (e.g., local air traffic control, local officials, cation of building and grounds occupants is especially important, as
building users, etc.). Once airborne, the drone captured video and the drone flew outside the windows of professors’ offices, classrooms,
still images of areas not visible from the ground, and allowed for administrative offices, and performance spaces.
close-up, head-on photos in other areas (Figures 2 and 3). The drone The drone information helped supplement the visual assessment and
has some limitations. It cannot remove small falling hazards, such other evaluation work. More importantly, it allowed a visual review of
as loose mortar, cannot remove samples, and cannot sound masonry areas completely inaccessible using other methods. The university can
to detect delaminations. The drone typically cannot fly closer than now decide how soon to access these areas to address issues discovered
10 feet to the building due to the potential for a wind gust to carry by the drone observations.
it into the building.
Overall, using a drone allowed a more cost-effective and time-efficient
façade assessment that quickly identified potential hazards for the
college to evaluate and determine how best to address. Drones can be an incredibly useful and efficient tool with the poten-
tial to save both time and money. They provide a means of access
Supplemental Access
to obtain visual information rapidly and potentially more detailed,
The authors recently completed condition assessments on three when other means of access are too restrictive or costly. Also, drones
buildings on a university campus using aerial lifts and ground-based provide another cost-effective perspective to view the building
observations. A drone supplemented the survey for multiple reasons. façade even when façade access is possible. Like any new technol-
First, the time available with the aerial lift was limited, and there was ogy, education and understanding of limitations are imperative to
a need to focus on areas of significant distress. The drone was useful implement it effectively. Proper planning is necessary to obtain an
in determining whether areas of significant distress existed that were effective drone survey that adds to the understanding of the building
not visible from the ground. Second, despite having an aerial lift and façade. As a drone operator in the AEC industry, it is essential to
roof access, some areas of the building façades were still inaccessible remember that the primary goal is to enhance engineering work by
due to low roofs being in the way or an inability to get the aerial lift safely generating useful data that provides value. Being an integral
close enough to the building. The drone provided up-close views of member of the survey team is crucial to providing that value.■
these façades. Third, using a drone allowed for whole-building infrared
scans to determine whether air leakage or heat loss was potentially
occurring through the walls, windows, or roofs. And finally, the facil-
ity group wanted to employ new technology to evaluate its potential Peter M. Babaian is the Building Technology Division Head of SGH’s
application to the remaining buildings on campus. Chicago, Illinois office. ([email protected])
The drone captured video and still images of the building façades Sean D. Gordon introduced and manages SGH’s drone program from
and roofs. The drone was preprogrammed to photo map each building the Waltham, Massachusetts office, and is an FAA-licensed drone pilot.
first (Figure 4) and then free-flew to look at areas inaccessible from the ([email protected])
aerial lift and capture specific close-up, head-on images. The infrared
STRUCTURE magazine
education ISSUES
Industry Perspective on Masonry Education
By Heather A. Sustersic, P.E.
Figure 2. Respondent professional experience distribution. Figure 3. Graphic location of respondents’ projects.
STRUCTURE magazine
space within this article to address the many
generous comments received from survey
respondents. Below is the author’s ‘high-
light summary’ that encapsulates the most
common comments and respondent sugges-
tions, in condensed form:
System Behavior Figure 4. Overall rating of satisfaction with the level of masonry knowledge in graduating engineers.
Understanding masonry as a system of modu-
lar elements is most important, relating to
how masonry is similar to but also different
from other materials. Topics such as arching
action, thermal expansion, historical masonry
behavior (e.g., flying buttresses), the effect
of control joints on wall behavior and lat-
eral stiffness, veneer, wall systems, and how
masonry can work together with architec-
ture – not against it – should be included.
Teaching engineered masonry also reinforces
the fundamental engineering mechanics skills
that students need, without emphasis on pre-
scriptive code compliance.
“Passionate” is the best way to describe
respondent comments regarding constructa-
Figure 5. Satisfaction ratings by discipline.
bility. Engineers, especially new engineers,
need to understand how masonry systems While limited class time should be spent on
Detailing and Economy
are constructed to avoid costly schedule innovative technologies, graduating engineers
delays, increased labor costs, and increased Economy follows good detailing that may be expected to be more familiar with
material waste. The industry strongly rec- leads to constructible masonry solutions. newer technologies. They should be prepared
ommends hands-on field experience before Understanding the modularity of masonry to critically review and introduce innovative
designing, specifying, or detailing masonry and why it is selected as an economical mate- concepts to their more experienced colleagues.
systems. This would result in reduced field rial is vital. Physical limitations for placing
cutting of blocks, improved cell space for reinforcement, crack control with appropri-
grout consolidation at rebar laps, more ately detailed joints, familiarity with cast-in
Industry Wishes
constructible attachments, and reduced and post-installed anchors, and the effect of This survey revealed that the masonry
installation difficulty. air spaces in cavity walls on anchorage to industry would like to see graduating engi-
masonry is also essential. neers who: 1) have successfully completed
While engineers typically a course in masonry – with an emphasis
do not specify waterproof- on system behavior, constructability, and
ing, flashing, weeps, etc., detailing of masonry structures, 2) have
an understanding of these had hands-on experience with masonry
issues is essential to good installations, and 3) strategically leverage
detailing. masonry for economy and simplicity on
projects. Instructors are encouraged to
attend a Masonry Educators Workshop
Engineers need to stay (MEW) and contact The Masonry Society
abreast of new technolo- (TMS) for support as they develop masonry
gies and developments content for their courses.■
related to masonry; how-
ever, this was ranked less
Heather Sustersic is a Project Engineer with
important than the other
Providence Engineering Corporation and former
categories. Several respon-
adjunct faculty member of the Architectural
dents cited the use of the
Engineering Department at Penn State University.
ASTM C-90 minimum
She currently serves as a voting member of
f´m of 2,000 psi, instead
the TMS 402/602 Structural Members and
of the previous 1,500 psi,
Reinforcement and Connectors Subcommittees.
as an example of missed
([email protected])
Figure 6. Top rankings in order of importance. innovation opportunity.
M AY 2 0 2 0 B O N U S C O N T E N T