Review of Bonds
Review of Bonds
Review of Bonds
Bond shall be deducted from the fair value or issue price of the bonds payable in measuring
initially the bonds payable.
However if the bonds are designated and accounted for if FV PL “ bond issue costs are treated
as expense immediately.
PFRS 9 provides that after initial recognition ,bonds payable shall be measured either
If the bonds are sold at face amount, the nominal rate and effective rate the same.
If the bonds are sold at a discount the effective is higher than nominal rate.
If the bonds are sold at a premium the effective is lower than nominal rate.
The annual amortization of premium or discount is the difference between effective interest
expense and nominal interest expense.
The interest expense is computed by multiplying the CA of the bonds payable at the beginning
of the year by the effective rate.
The nominal interest expense is computed by multiplying the Face Amount of the bonds
payable by the nominal rate.
The effective interest method provides for an increasing of discount amortization and increasing
amount of interest expense.
The effective interest method provides for an increasing amount premium amortization but a
decreasing amount of interest expense.