Finite State Automata: Kashiram Pokharel Hcoe
Finite State Automata: Kashiram Pokharel Hcoe
Finite State Automata: Kashiram Pokharel Hcoe
• It is abstract models of machine that performs computations on an
input by moving through a series of state or configuration
• Different type of automata are
• Finite state automata
• Pushdown automata
• Linear bounded automata
• Turing machine.
Finite state machine
• Finite state machine is an abstract model of a machine with a primitive
internal memory.
• A finite state machine is defined as a system where energy, materials and
information are transformed, transmitted and used for performing some
functions without direct participation of man.
• E.g. automatic machine tools, automatic packing machines etc. The block
diagram of FSM can be shown below
Characteristics of FSM
• At each of the discrete instant of time t1, t2,……. tn, input values I1, I2 ……, In
each of which can take a finite no. of fixed values from the input alphabet Σ.
• O1, O2- - - - - On are the outputs of the model, each of which contain finite no
of fixed values from an output.
• At any instant of time the automatic can be in one of the state q1, q2 ….qn.
State Relation :
• The next state of an automatic at any6 intent of time is determined by the
present states and the present input.
Output Relation :
• Output is related to either state only or to both the input and the state.
• A finite state machine (FSM) is mathematically defined by
M={Q , Σ , O , δ , S0 ,G}
Q = finite non empty set of states,
Σ = finite non empty set of inputs symbol called input alphabets.
O = finite set of output symbol
δ = transition function that takes two argument as state, input and
returns an argument as state.
S0 Є Q is the initial state.
G = output relation that takes two arguments as state input and
returns two argument as output
FSM example: on-off switch
• A finite state machine (FSM) is mathematically defined by
M={Q , Σ , O , δ , S0 ,G}
Q = {on-off},
Σ = {press}
O= {fan-off , fan-on}
δ = transition function is defined as
{on, press}{fan-off}
{off, press}{fan-on}
q Є Q is the initial state.
F= output relation is defined as
{on, press}{off, fan-off}
{off, press}{ on, fan-on}
FSM :2- bit adder
Carry P Q Sum
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1
Type of FSM
Differentiate between FSM and FSA
?? ??
• Alphabet:
• An alphabet is a finite, nonempty set of input symbols. The alphabet of a
language is normally denoted by ∑
• example:
binary alphabet is ∑={0,1}
• String:
• Multiple occurrence of input symbol in any order taken from some given
alphabet. It is denoted by w
• A string or word over an alphabet ∑ is a finite sequence of concatenated
symbols of ∑
• 0110, 11, 001 are three strings over the binary alphabet { 0, 1 }
aab, abcb, b, cc are four strings over the alphabet { a, b, c }.
• Language
Collection of all possible string over some given alphabet.
It is denoted by L
Language L over the alphabet (∑ ) is the subset of ∑* . Any set of strings over an
alphabet ∑
i.e. any subset of ∑* will be called a language. Thus ∑* , ø and ∑ are languages.
For ∑= { 0, 1}
L= { x : x є { 0,1 } *| x is any positive number }
011011100 є L ,
1111 є L ,
1011011000 Є L
Finite State Automata:
• A finite state automata is a mathematical model used to determine
whether the string is accepted or rejected.
• Due to this reason it is called language recognizer.
Working principle
• FA always starts from its initial state
• FA takes input from the string one by one symbol from left to right
• Consuming one input symbol finite automata change its state according
to defined transition function and it continues until all symbol are
• After all input symbol are consumed by the automata it stops its work.
• If the automata halts at any of the final state then string is accepted
string otherwise non accepted.
Component of FSA
Input tape:
the input tape is divided into squares, each square containing a single symbol from
the input alphabet Σ.
Reading head:
the head examines only one square at a time and can move one square either to
the left or to the right.
Finite control:
the input to the finite control will be usually symbol under the R-head or the
present state of the machine say 'a' to give the following output.
A motion of R-head along the tape to the next square.
The next state of the finite automata is given by
Representation of FA
q0 q0 q1
*(q1) q1 q0
Type of FA
of DFA q3 q1 q2
= δ(q0, 0 1 0 1)
= δ(q2, 101)
= δ(q3, 0 1)
= δ(q1, 1)
= δ(q0, Є) = q0
M={Q , Σ , δ , q0 ,F}
A finite set of states Q.
A finite set of states of inputs symbols Σ.
A transition function that takes as arguments a state and an input
symbols & return a state. The transition function is denoted by δ. If q
is a state, and a is an input symbol then δ (q, a) in that state p such
that there is an arc labeled a from q to p. i.e. δ:QxΣ p(Q)
* :Q * -> 2Q
A start state, one of the states of Q.
A set of final or accepting states F. The set F is a subset of Q.
Conversion of NFA to DFA
• For every non-deterministic finite automaton there exist equivalent
deterministic finite automatons.
• Every state of a DFA will be represented by some sub set of a set of states
of NFA and therefore the transition of NFA to DFA is normally called a
subset construction.
Step: 1. Seek all the transitions from start state q0 for every symbol Σ.
If we get a set of states for same input then, consider that set a new
single state.
Step: 2. for new state check all the transition for every symbol in Σ.
Step: 3. Repeat step 2 till we are getting a new state. All those states
which consists at least one accepting state of given NFA will considered
as final states.
Here, the new state is {q0, q1} so we have to check all the transition of
{q0. q1} for every symbol in Σ.
Convert the following NFA to DFA
Q\Σ 0 1
q1 {q1} {q0,q1}
δ' ({q0, q1} ,0) = δ (q0, 0) U δ (q1, 0)
= {q0} U {q1}
{q0, q1} {q0, q1} {q0, q1} = {q0, q1} Old state
Differentiate between NFA and DFA
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Regular expression:-
• An expression that generates all the strings for finite automata is called
regular expression
• Regular expressions are useful for representing certain set of string s in an
algebraic manner.
• A regular expression can be recursively defined over Σ as follows
Any terminal symbol (Σ) ,empty string(Є), empty state(Ø) is regular
If R1 and R2 are regular expression then union of two R.E R1 and R2
written as R1 + R2 is also RE.
The concatenation of two R.E R1 and R2 written as R1.R2 is also R.E.
The iteration (or closure) of a R.E R, written as R* is also a R.E.
If R is R.E, then (R) is also a R.E.
(0+1)*={Є,0,1,00,11,10,01} i.e. Closure of union
(0.1)*={Є,01,0101,010101 … }
0*={Є,0,00,000,0000 ……}
0* +1* = {Є,0,00,000,1,11,111….} i.e union of closure.
11*={1,11,111,…} i.e. at least one 1 followed by any number of 1
L : {all the string over Σ={0,1}, starting with 1 and ending with 0}
Regular expression to finite automata
• Theorem:
Every regular expression R can be recognized by a transition
system i.e. for every string with the set R, there exists a path from
the initial state to a final state with path value w.
0.1 0+1 0*
A 0.1 C A 0+1 C
A 0 B 1 C A C
(0+1)* (00+11)* (0+1)*
(0+1)* (0+1)*
q0 q1 q2 qf
Create a state diagram for the following R.E
• 10+(0+11)0*1
• (ab+c*)*b
• a+bb+bab*a
• (a+a(b+aa)*b)*a(b+aa)*a
Construction of R.E. From DFA:
• Arden's Theorem:
• Let P and Q be two regular expressions over E. If P does not contain Є,
then the following form in R,
R = Q + RP
has a unique solution given by R = QP*
Construct a regular expression corresponding to the
following state diagram.
• Equations: 0 1
q1 = q1.0 + q3 0 + Є --------------(1)
q2 = q1.1 + q2.1 + q3.1 -----------(2) q1 1 q2
q3 = q2.0 ---------------------------(3)
From (2) and (3) we get - 0 1 0
q1 = q1 1 + q2 1 + (q2 0) 1
q1 = q1.0 + q3 0 + Є ----------(1)
q2 = q1.1 + q2.1 + q3.1 ----(2)
q3 = q2.0 ----------------- --(3)
• Grammar is defined as the set of rules defined to generate a string.
• grammar consists of one or more variables that represent classes of strings
• (i.e., languages)
• Eg. R.E =a(a*+b*)b
MA //it is null production needs to be removed
MB // it is null production needs to be removed
AaA/ Є
• A grammar is defined as G={v, Σ,R,S}
V= finite set of non-terminals
Σ= finite set of terminals
R= finite set of production rules
S=start symbol
Type of grammar
• Regular grammar
• Context free grammar
• Context sensitive grammar
• Unrestricted grammar
Then S SS
aS [S→a]
aaAS [S→ aAS]
aabaS [A→ba]
Aabaa [S→a]
Ambiguity in CFG:
• If there exist more than one leftmost derivation or more than one
rightmost derivation tree for the same string then the grammar is said
to be ambiguous grammar
Check whether the grammar G with production rules −
X → X+X | X*X |X| a
is ambiguous or not.?
• Let’s find out the derivation tree for the string "a+a*a". It has two
leftmost derivations.
X → X+X
→ a +X
→ a+ X*X
→ a+a*X
→ a+a*a
•X X*X
a+ X*X
As there are two parse trees for a single string "a+a*a", the grammar G
is ambiguous.
• Write a CFG for the regular expression r = 0*1(0+1)*
• To generate a grammar we divide the regular expression into 3 parts 0*, 1, (0 + 1)*
represented by 3 non-terminal symbols.
Let the CFG be G={V, Σ,R,S}
• Here, V = {S, A, B}
Σ= {0, 1}
And productions R are defined as
A 0A/ϵ
B 0B/1B/ϵ Let us test the grammar against an example : 001011
S => A1B
=> 0A1B
=> 0A1B
=> 00A1B
=> 0010B
=> 00101B
=> 001011
Write a CFG that generates all the signed integers