Letters To The Editor: Change in Empathy in Medical School
Letters To The Editor: Change in Empathy in Medical School
Letters To The Editor: Change in Empathy in Medical School
456 ª 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd and The Association for the Study of Medical Education;
MEDICAL EDUCATION 2018 52: 456–458
letters to the editor
4 Hojat M. Empathy in Health 6 Hojat M, Gonnella JS, Mangione S, Gonnella JS. The relationship
Professions Education and Patient Nasca TJ, Veloski JJ, Erdmann JB, between physician empathy and
Care. New York, NY: Springer Callahan CA, Magee M. Empathy in disease complications: an empirical
International Publishing 2016. medical students as related to study of primary care physicians
5 Reniers RL, Corcoran R, Drake R, academic performance, clinical and their diabetic patients in
Shryane NM, V€ ollm BA. The competence and gender. Med Educ Parma, Italy. Acad Med 2012;87
QCAE: a questionnaire of cognitive 2002;36 (6):522–7. (9):1243–9.
and affective empathy. J Pers Assess 7 Del Canale S, Louis DZ, Maio V,
2011;93 (1):84–95. Wang X, Rossi G, Hojat M,
In response to the letter by Hojat,1 empathy.5 Findings from our study programmes. Using unitary and
it is important to keep in mind demonstrate that empathy oversimplified measures will not
that psychological constructs, such improves, rather than declines, result in satisfactory explanations.
as empathy, are useful to describe suggesting that changes in
phenomenological experiences, empathy during medical school Because clinical empathy is so
but they are rarely unitary are more complex than initially valuable for both the patient and
structures. Instead, they are thought. Students appear to the physician, it seems more than
composed of processes and maintain a capacity for empathy, reasonable that the field would
representations that work together at least outside of the clinical welcome new findings, especially
to serve particular functions that context. The differences we when they are based upon the most
have evolved via natural observe in our study could be due accurate evidence-based models.
selection.2,3 Focusing on only one to the specificity of the Jefferson After all, no form of measurement
component or single measure Scale of Empathy (JSE) to clinical is infallible. The iterative dynamic
neglects this complexity, resulting contexts. However, our work process between theory
in oversimplifications and limited builds upon previous research development and empirical
explanatory power. Decomposing demonstrating that empathy as validation is fundamental to
psychological constructs into their measured by the JSE does not scientific understanding, and when
component processes that can correlate with observer-reported more powerful models or
then be mapped onto empathy,6 a factor that is pertinent explanations exist, there are very
neurobiological mechanisms, only to the physician–patient few valid reasons to not incorporate
results in more sophisticated relationship, and studies that have them. What is more, measures do
explanations.4 This is what our failed to find changes in empathy not possess explanatory power;
study did by using a variety of during medical school,7 pointing theories do. To advance this
assessments, both self-reports and again to a need within the field to process, theories and measures
behavioural measures, to gain a expand how empathy is must be recognised as separate
more accurate depiction of conceptualised and measured in entities, with neither being reified.
order to better understand the
influence of medical training and
Department of Psychology and Psychiatry, REFERENCES
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA practice on this complex
psychological phenomenon. If the
Correspondence: Jean Decety, Department of goal is to accurately understand 1 Hojat M. Change in empathy in
Psychology and Psychiatry, University of medical school. Med Educ 2018;52
Chicago, 5848 S. University avenue,
how and why empathy changes in
Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA. medical school, more complex,
2 Decety J. The neural pathways,
Tel: 773 834 3711; evidence-based models and development and functions of
E-mail: [email protected] measures of empathy are necessary empathy. Curr Opin Behav Sci
doi: 10.1111/medu.13506
to inform medical training 2015;3:1–6.
ª 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd and The Association for the Study of Medical Education; 457
MEDICAL EDUCATION 2018 52: 456–458
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