From Worry To Worship
From Worry To Worship
From Worry To Worship
During that year of loss and sickness, I wrestled Jesus tells us we will experience suffering. But
with God a lot. I literally screamed the question first, He promises us peace in Him. As I realized
into heaven. “WHY, LORD?” God was asking me to hand my why’s over to
Him, to trust Him with them, I found the bridge
Here’s the thing — my head knows this is a between my sufferings and Christ’s promised
fallen world. The sin born in the Garden of Eden peace.
brought death and sickness with it. On top of
that, as much as I wish it weren’t true, I’m not God is trustworthy and faithful in all things. I
perfect. We all mess up a lot. And Jesus tells us know everything I need to know right now,
in John 16:33 we will experience suffering. because I know Him. If He wants or needs me to
There I was in the thick of it. And I thought if I know more, I will. But when there is no answer
only knew why, I would feel so much better. If I to why, I need to stop and ask “who?” instead.
knew why, it would all make sense, and I would That question always has an answer: God. And
have some peace. He is good.
When the Weight of Anxiety
Won't Lift Sarah Marr If the God of the universe can create the birds to
“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky glide through the air in a choreographed dance, I
above proclaims his handiwork.” can trust that the God of the universe is
Psalm 19:1 (ESV) choreographing a dance with my life.
The air was beginning to turn brisk, leaves hinting I pulled into the junior high parking lot a little bit
of orange, yellow and red. I drove my routine lighter in my heart. My problems were not
route to the carpool line. My shoulders throbbed untangled. I still had pending questions. I still
from the tension of toting anxiety around like a wondered how God would come through. But the
weighty blanket. It had been a distressing season, tension of my anxiety broke for the afternoon as I
perhaps the most exhausting of my life. I couldn’t pondered the Master Choreographer’s handiwork
seem to unburden my heart from anxiety and in creation and handiwork in my own life.
worry over one of my children. Doctor’s visits,
unanswered questions, Googling for answers, Perhaps you are under anxiety’s weight today too.
whispering prayers for guidance, and wondering if Maybe you’re praying for answers, but the
we would find the help we needed preoccupied answers don’t seem to be coming. Maybe you’re
my mind most days. Every car ride where I was feeling hopeless for help and desperate for the
solo for a few minutes became a desperate prayer anxiety and stress to lift. You’ve tried to shake the
for God’s help and healing. tension off by simply blocking the anxiety out of
your mind, or you’ve tried searching the
I reached a standstill at the stoplight to prepare to internet for answers. Maybe you’ve run out
turn right. A cluster of blackbirds caught my eye of prayers to pray, or you’ve lost hope
as they danced in unison right, left, up and down. for a breakthrough.
As if they had rehearsed this dance oodles of
times, they lined themselves up perfectly side by When the weight of anxiety won’t lift, let the One
side and in one swift, fluid swoosh descended who choreographed creation into place lift your
from the air and onto the power line. I glanced up head. Look up and out and all around you and
in awe as they perched on the power line side by consider the artistry of God’s creation. Notice
side, a line of 20 or so of them, catching a breath the intricate handiwork of your Creator and allow
before their next choreographed flight. the wonder of His care in creation to settle your
anxiety. God is choreographing a miraculous
A flicker of hope stirred in my heart as I turned dance with your life, and you can trust Him to
right and remembered Psalm 19:1: “The heavens orchestrate every detail. You can let go of striving
declare the glory of God, and the sky above to figure out your next step and trust the One
proclaims his handiwork.” who wants to lead your life. Your heart can be free
from the burden of anxiety as you trust God with
the dance of your life.