Guidelines For Exercise Prescription
Guidelines For Exercise Prescription
Guidelines For Exercise Prescription
♦ The prescribed amount of any type of exercise is based on intensity, duration, type and frequency.
♦ Goal with exercise prescription is to enable people to exercise safely, obtaining health and/or fitness
benefits which they will maintain throughout their lives.
Intensity of an exercise is the degree of difficulty experienced during the exercise.
ACSM (2000) General guidelines: Exercise should be prescribed at an intensity of
o Between 40 and 50% to 85% of Oxygen Uptake Reserve (VO2R) or Heart Rate Reserve(HRR),
o Between 55 and 65% to 90% of Maximum Heart Rate (HRmax).
VO2R= VO2MAX -Resting VO2,
HRR= maximum heart rate - resting heart rate.
Exercise intensity can also be prescribed in terms of RPE (rating of perceived exertion). Scales such as
the Borg can be used.
The Cardiorespiratory endurance(CR) phase usually includes 20 to 60 minutes of continuous or
intermittent activity
The ACSM position stand recommends a min of 20 min of CR exercise for improvement of aerobic
People training at low intensities should conduct exercise for longer period of time
For example : Exercising at 60% to 80% HRR or 77% to 90% HRMAX for 20-30min, excluding time
spent warming up and cooling down
3 to 5 days per week for 77% to 90% HRMAX
Functional capacities less than 3 METs :- 1 or 2 short sessions daily
Functional capacities more than 5 METs:- 3-5 sessions per week
FITT Principles
The overall training stimulus can be described in terms of Frequency (F), Intensity (I), Duration or
Time (T) and Type of exercise (T).
Recommended Frequency (F) of exercise is usually 3–5 days per week,
Intensity (I) is set at 50–85% of VO2 max or 60–90% of Maximal Heart Rate and
Time (T) of each exercise bout is 20–60 minutes.
Type (T) of activity should be aerobic in nature, involving large muscle groups, such as walking, brisk
walking, jogging, cycling or swimming.
Training volume for any given exercise is determined by multiplying the total number of sets, repetitions and
As volume increases intensity decreases
The following exercise training guidelines are recommended:
→ Choose a mode of exercise that is comfortable throughout the full pain free range of motion
→ Perform 8-10 separate exercises that train the major muscles of the hips, thigh, legs, back, chest,
shoulders, arm and abdomen
→ Perform one set of each exercise to the point of volitional fatigue for healthy individuals while
maintaining good form
→ Choose a range of repetitions between 3 and 20 that can be performed at a moderate repetition duration
→ Exercise each muscle group 2-3 nonconsecutive days per week and perform a different exercise for the
muscle group every 2 or 3 sessions
→ Adhere as closely as possible to specific techniques for performing a given exercise
→ Allow time between exercises to perform next exercises in proper form
→ For people with high cardiovascular risk or those with chronic disease terminate each exercise as
concentric portion of exercise becomes difficult (15 to 16 RPE)
→ Perform both lifting (concentric) and lowering (eccentric) portion of resistance exercise in a controlled
→ Maintain normal breathing pattern
→ If possible exercise with a training partner