CV Christantie Januari 2020
CV Christantie Januari 2020
CV Christantie Januari 2020
a. In 1994: Bachelor of Nursing (BN) from University of Indonesia
Research title: Caring for patients with breast cancer
b. In 2008: Master of Health science (M.Sc) majoring in Clinical Epidemiology and
Biostatistics from Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada
c. In 2015: Doctoral program (Ph.D), Radboud University Nijmegen Medical
Center, the Netherlands
Dissertation: The quality of palliative care for patient with cancer in Indonesia
2018 – now : C.E.O Lotus Care
2018 - now : Asesor LAM-PTKes
2017 – now : Member of Collegium in Oncology Nursing Indonesia
2017 – now : Team member of Palliative care in Dr Sardjito hospital and
Universitas Gadjah Mada hospital
2015 – now : Head of Medical Surgical Nursing Department
2015 – now : Board of editor JKKK ( Jurnal Keperawatan Klinik dan Komunitas)
2015 – 2018 : Director of Master in Nursing Program
2007-2009 : International collaboration affair
1997 - now : Lecturer at Department Medical Surgical Nursing, School of
Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Faculty of Medicine,
1994 - 2002 : Head Nurse at Surgical Ward at Sardjito Hospital,
1992 - 1994 : Nursing Staff in Sint Carolus Catholic Hospital, Jakarta
1. As a Consultant in Research and training center at STIKES Bani Saleh Bekasi
2. As a Member of International Small Working Group of Pressure Ulcer
Practice Guideline in Palliative care (2019)
3. As a Consultant in Developing Homecare and Wound clinic at UMP
Purwokerto (2019)
4. As a Consultant in Developing Palliative Care Unit at Elizabeth Hospital
Semarang (2018)
5. As a Consultant in Developing Palliative Care Unit at Charitas Hospital
Palembang (2017)
6. As a Consultant in Nursing Management of palliative patients at Murni
Teguh Hospital Medan (2016-2017)
Keperawatan) PSIK FKUGM
2005-2009 : Research coordinator at School of Nursing UGM
2001-2003 : Leader of Training of Trainers (clinical instructor) at School
of Nursing UGM
2001-now : Member of Indonesia National Nurse Association
2001-now : Committee member of Indonesian Ostomy Association (InOA)
2001-now : Member of Indonesian Cancer Association
2000-2009 : Member of Rotary Club International Distric 3400 ( as Past
President of RC. Yogyakarta Malioboro, Indonesia )
Palliative care, End of Life care, Cancer care, Patient-centred care, Quality of life,
Quality of care, Quality indicators, Wound care management, Long-term care,
Family caregivers, Dementia care
1. ERAS project – peri operative (2018-2019)
2. SENI project – cancer (2018-2019)
3. Massage therapy for cancer patients (2017-2018)
4. Demographic Characteristic and Clinical Profiles of Person with Dementia
and their family caregiver in Dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta in collaboration
with Neurology Department Dr. Sardjito hospital (2018 - now)
1. Factors influence the quality of sleep of patients with cancer (2018)
2. The quality of life of cancer patients with body image and sexual function
disorder (Manuscripts on process)
3. Research collaboration with Japan, Thailand, and Taiwan about Palliative care
education for undergraduate students (Manuscripts almost ready)
4. Factors influence Quality of Life of patients with Cancer Related Fatigue
(Manuscripts almost ready)
5. The effectiveness of selected music therapy (SELIMUT) to enhance quality of
life of patients with cancer (Manuscripts on process – one article published)
6. The Implementation of Palliative care in Dr Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta. (no
publication yet)
7. The Quality Of Palliative Care In Dr Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta. (Manuscripts
almost ready)
8. Patients and families perception about palliative care ( no publication yet)
9. Palliative care clinical Outcomes and quality of life of patients with cancer
10. Spiritual needs of patients with breast cancer (Manuscripts on process)
As a reviewer at some International Journals below:
1. Palliative Medicine Journal
2. Journal Pain and Symptom Management
3. European Journal Palliative Care
4. BMC Palliative care
5. International Journal Palliative Nursing
6. Health Policy and Technology Journal
7. Taibah University Journal
1. Teaching subjects for Bachelor degree: Nursing process, palliative care,
nursing care for patients with cancer, nursing care for patients with
fractures, colostomy care, Caring for patients with WSD/Chest tube, spiritual
2. Teaching subjects for Master Degree in Nursing: Palliative care, trends in
Medical Surgical Nursing, Patient-centered care, qualitative research,
Quantitative research, Evidenced Based Practice, Literature review, Caring
for terminally ill patients, Writing Publication, Wound Management
2018: As an External Examiner on Thesis defense in Chiba University Japan (6 July
2018: As an exchange lecturer at Master degree Nursing program in Chiba
University Japan (5 July 2018)
2016: As an exchange lecturer at Chiba University Japan with topic “ End of Life
care in Indonesia” (1-5 November 2016)
2007: as an exchange lecturer at Boras University Sweden with the topic “Caring for
patients with colostomy” (April 2007)
As a supervisor of some students:
1. 10 PhD students: UGM (7 students), Netherlands (2 student), Philippine (1
2. 9 Master Degree students & 2 Joint Degree students
3. 8 Bachelor Degree students
As an external examiner of some Master Degree Nursing Students:
1. University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia
2. Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
3. NCKU (National Cheng Kung University) Taiwan
Original papers
17. Effendy C, Vissers. K, Tejawinata S., Dealing with symptoms and issues of
hospitalized patients with cancer in Indonesia: the role of families, nurses, and
physicians. Pain Pract. 2015 Jun;15(5):441-6. doi: 10.1111/papr.12203.
18. Effendy C., Visser K, Woitha K, et al., Face-validation of quality indicators for the
organisation of palliative care in hospitals in Indonesia: a contribution to quality
improvement. Supportive Care in Cancer, 2014. 22(12):3301-10
19. Hapsari ED, Hartini S, Effendy C, Lusmilasari L, Hapsara S, Matsuo H, Takada S.
The children’s reaction and their caretakers’ condition after Yogyakarta
earthquake. Report of Research Center for Urban Safety and Security Kobe
University March 2008 No. 12, page 217-224
20. Effendy C. Quality of Life of Colorectal cancer patients post colostomy. Nursing
Science Journal: II,vol.2, May, 2007
4. Effendy C, Haryani H. Quality Of Life And Self-Efficacy Of Indonesian Cancer
Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy: Before And After Pro-Self Program. Oral
Presentation. ICN Conference. Seoul, South Korea, at 19-23 June 2015
5. Effendy C, Vissers K, Sunaryadi T, Vernooij-Dassen M., Engels Y. The Roles Of
Nurses And Families In Hospital Care For Patients With Cancer In Indonesia.Oral
Presentation. ICN Conference. Seoul, South Korea, at 19-23 June 2015
6. Effendy, C., Visser K, Woitha K, et al., Face-validation of quality indicators for
the organisation of palliative care in hospitals in Indonesia: a contribution to
quality improvement. Poster Presentation at EAPC conference at Lieda,
Spanyol, 2014
7. Effendy, C., Visser K, Setiyarini S. Family caregivers' involvement in caring
for a hospitalized patient with cancer and their quality of life in a country with
strong family bonds. Poster Presentation at EAPC conference Prague, 2013
8. Effendy C, Vissers K,Osse BHP, Sunaryadi T, Vernooij-Dassen M, Engels Y.
Comparison of problems and needs of patient with advanced cancer in
Indonesia and in the Netherlands. Oral presentation at EAPC Research Congress
2012, Trondheim, Norway
9. Effendy C, Vissers K,Osse BHP, Sunaryadi T, Vernooij-Dassen M, Engels Y.
Problems and needs of cancer patients in Indonesia. Proceeding of the Second
National Seminar Palliative Care, Yogyakarta, 6 August 2011
10. Kanbara S, Haryani, Effendy C, Aulawi K, Naruse F, Matsumoto K, Kajiwara N.
Spiritual belief, self regulation and emotional distress among diabetic patients
in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Proceeding of the Institute of Development Research
Activities Community Care, University of Hyogo, Japan, 7 September, 2010.
11. Kusumawati HI, Widyawati, Effendy C. Correlation between pain intensity and
Quality of Life of Cervical Carcinoma patients in Dr Sardjito hospital Yogyakarta.
Proceeding of The First National Seminar Palliative Care, Yogyakarta, 7 August
12. Effendy C, Puspita Z, Putu Oka Y. The correlation between Quality of Life and
Palliative Care Need in cancer patients at DrSardjito hospital Yogyakarta.
Proceeding of ‘Health and The Impact District of Global Warming’ International
Nursing Conference , Yogyakarta, 2009.
13. Hapsari ED, Hartini S, Effendy C, Lusmilasari L, Matsuo H, Takada S. The
Children's Reaction and Their Caretakers' Condition After Yogyakarta
Earthquake. Proceeding of the 16th World Congress on Disaster and
Emergency Medicine, Victoria, Canada, 12-15 May 2009.
14. Yohanes, Effendy C, Haryani. The Correlation between spiritual belief dan
emotional distress in diabetic patient in Yogyakarta. Proceeding of ‘Health and
The Impact District of Global Warming’ International Nursing Conference ,
Yogyakarta, 2009.
15. Effendy C. Characteristic of wound of patients with fractures 2 years after the
earth quake in Bantul, Yogyakarta. National Seminar and Workshop Community
Health Nursing in Yogyakarta, 27-28 February, 2008, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
16. Effendy C, Vissers K, Woitha K, van RietPaap J, Sunaryadi T, Vernooij-Dassen M,
Engels Y.A set of quality indicators for palliative care management in Indonesia
modelled on the Europall concept of quality indicators: a modified RAND Delphi
procedure. Poster presentation at NCEBP retreat 2012, Wageningen, the
17. Effendy C, Vissers K, Sunaryadi T, Vernooij-Dassen M,Engels Y. The roles of
nurses and families in hospital care for patients with cancer in Indonesia:
lessons learned from a country with an extended family structure - A cross
sectional study Poster presentation at EAPC congress 2013, Prague, Czech
18. Kristanti MS, Effendy C, Setiyarini S. Self care Training for family to enhance the
quality of life of palliative cancer patients. Poster presentation. Singapore 2013
19. Effendy C, Vernooij-DassenM., Sunaryadi T, Vissers K, Engels Y.Face-validation
of quality indicators for the organisation of palliative care in hospitals in
Indonesia: a contribution to quality improvement. Poster presentation EAPC
congress 2014. Lleida, Spain 5-7 June 2014
20. Effendy C, Vissers K, Sunaryadi T, Vernooij-Dassen M., Engels Y. Family
caregivers' involvement in caring for a hospitalized patient with cancer and
their quality of life in a country with strong family bonds. Oral Presentation.
EAPC RN. Amsterdam.2014.
patients’ Surakarta, 14 April 2019 organized by CV Khadeejah
12. A Trainer in Training of Qualitative research, Yogyakarta, 13-14 April 2019
organized by Lotus care Yogyakarta
13. As a speaker at workshop in Homecare for palliative patients, Purwokerto, 28-
29 March 2019 organized by UMP Purwokerto
14. As a trainer at Training of Qualitative research: Action Research approach,
Yogyakarta, UC hotel 16-17 March 2019 organized by Lotus Care Yogyakarta
15. As a speaker at ASEAN Stop Amputation, Surabaya, 2-3 March 2019
16. As a speaker at 2nd Palliative Care Update 2019. A Step toward better care for
cancer patients undergoing Chemotherapy. Samarinda, 16 February 2019.
Organized by STIKES Wiyata Husada Samarinda.
17. As a speaker at Nasional seminar” Peningkatan Kualitas hidup pasien melalui
perawatan paliatif secara holistic” Jakarta, 19 Januari 2019 organized by STIK
Sint Carolus Jakarta
18. As a trainer in ETNEP wound care course. Bogor, 18 January 2019. Organized by
WOCARE Indonesia
19. As a speaker at seminar “Palliative care for HIV/AIDS patients”. UNJANI
Yogyakarta, 11 November 2018
20. As a speaker at seminar “Tren Perawatan Paliatif sebagai Peluang Praktek
Keperawatan Mandiri”. Palembang 4 November 2018 organized by Universitas
21. As a speaker at seminar “Palliative care for patients with HIV/AIDS”, Kendari,
Sulteng, 13 October 2018 organized by STIKES Mandala Waluya
22. As a Guest Lecturer with the topic “ Concept of Medical Surgical Nursing “ at
STIKES Mandala Waluya, Kendari, 12 October 2018
23. As a keynote speaker at seminar “Trend issues in Palliative Wound care”,
Jakarta 29 September 2018 organized by DPD PPNI Jakarta Barat
24. As Guest Lecturer with the topic “Palliative care in Community” at UNJANI
Yogyakarta, 13 September 2018
25. As a trainer at chemotherapy course for healthcare provider, 27 July 2018,
Bethesda Hospital, Yogyakarta
26. As an invited speaker at the first International Ostomy Science (IOS)
conference, 13-15 July 2018, hotel Mercure Ancol, Jakarta organized by Wocare
27. As a speaker at Seminar Nasional “Peningkatan kualitas hidup survivors
kanker”, 8 July 2018. Hotel Gracia, Semarang.
28. As a speaker at course HELP 2nd series of Basic Medical Ethics, 30 June 2018,
Artotel hotel, Yogyakarta organized by Bioethic UGM
29. As a speaker at seminar Nasional management of patients with breast
cancer and cervical cancer, 13 May 2018, Yogyakarta
30. As a speaker seminar peran perawat paliatif dalam penerapan universal
Health coverage, 8 Mei 2018, RS Murni Teguh Medan
31. As a speaker International Oncology Nursing, Symposium and workshop,
20-21 April 2018, Hotel KIla Denpasar Bali
32. As an invited speaker at ACINE: Interdiciplanary team in palliative care
curriculum, 19 April 2018, Hotel Ambarukmo Yogyakarta
33. As a speaker seminar cancer care update, 7 april 2018, di RS Tugurejo
34. As a speaker seminar perawatan pasien dengan kemoterapi, 29 Maret 2018,
RS Harjolukito Yogyakarta
35. As a trainer pelatihan perawatan kemoterapi organized by HIMPONI 22-24
maret 2018, UC Hotel UGM, Yogyakarta
36. As a speaker at seminar nasional Trend dan Issue Palliative care di
Indonesia, 11 Maret 2018, Graha Sarjana lt 4 Universitas Sahid Surakarta
37. As a speaker at Seminar in Nursing “Integrated Palliative care in enhancing
quality of life of patients with cancer” 24 Februari 2018, Universitas Prima
Indonesia, Medan
38. As a speaker at seminar nasional" Enhancing quality of life for palliative
patients in hospital setting" organized AKPER WIDYA HUSADA, 2 februari 2018,
hotel siliwangi Semarang
39. As a speaker at National Seminar “Evidence Based Nursing Practice dalam
upaya meningkatkan QOL anak dengan kanker” Yogyakarta, RSUP Dr Sardjito
27 Januari 2018
40. As a speaker at Bedah Buku and Workshop Wound Management “Palliative
wound care” Yogyakarta, 17 Desember 2017
41. As a speaker at National Seminar “ Palliative care on Breast cancer sufferer”
Purwokerto, 10 Desember 2017
42. As a facilitator at workshop manuscripts writing for PhD candidate, UGM 27
November 2017
43. As a speaker at National Seminar “Patient centered care approach and
palliative care update ” Tangerang, 7 Oktober 2017
44. As a speaker at National seminar “Clinical Pathway to enhance professional
collaboration in hospital setting” Purwokerto, 30 September 2017
45. As a speaker at workshop “ research Methodology” Yogyakarta. 15-16
September 2017.
46. As a speaker at workshop “ Research Methodology” for Clinical Nurses.
Banyumas. August 30-31, 2017
47. As a speaker at Seminar and workshop national “Palliative and Holistic wound
healing session” InWCCA Yogyakarta, 23 July 2017
48. As a speaker at workshop palliative care update at Tugurejo hospital Semarang,
21 July 2017
49. As an invited speaker at 7th APETNA - Asian Pasific Enterostomal Therapy Nurse
Association Conference 2017, Bogor April,13-16, 2017
50. As a speaker at the seminar: "Implication of EBP in caring for patients with
cervical cancer " Temanggung, April 12, 2017
51. As a speaker at Seminar “ Cancer care update “ , Sukoharjo, March 25, 2017
52. As a speaker at seminar “ palliative care for elderly person” Balikpapan, March
12, 2017
53. As a speaker at the seminar: "Improving Quality of Life of Palliative Patients
with Chronic Renal Failure Undergoing Hemodialysis " Bengkulu, February 11,
54. As a speaker at the seminar: "Chronic care in nursing perspective: a synergistic
effort of research, learning and standards of care nursing care of chronic
diseases in order of clinical and community". Jember, December 17, 2016
Aceh, November 2008 (Collaboration between GMU and GITEC, Germany
79. As the teacher on training and accreditation guidance nosocomial infection
control on 16 s.d 28 April 2001 the organizers of Hospital Dr. Sardjito.
80. As a trainer at nursing management training on 18-20 June 2001 at Purworejo
81. As a trainer at the training of the nursing process and standards of nursing care
class I and II on 26 June to 8 July 2000 the organizers of the MOH.
82. As a trainer at the training committee nursing clinical guidance at PSIK 26 -27
July, 2000
83. As a trainer at nosocomial infection control training, Yogyakarta RS Dr Sardjito
21 August to 2 September 2000
84. As a speaker at Nursing Seminar "Monitoring fluid therapy and nursing care for
patients with fluids and nutrition problems" on August 28, 1999 organizers IDI-
PPNI Kebumen
85. As a trainer at the training of the nursing process and standards of nursing care
class I and II on 22 November to 4 December 1999 the organizers of the MOH.
86. As a speaker at nursing Seminar "The management of patients with diabetes
mellitus" at Panti Rapih hospital, Yogyakarta in May 1998